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Mark Bernardini

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Mark Bernardini is the recognized owner and founder of Push Agency, an industry leader for brand ambassadors, event talent and promotional modeling staff. Mark Bernardini has more than 20 years experience in marketing and promotions. He was responsible for driving consistent revenue growth and innovation for leading brand activation agency.

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Personal Selling: It involves personal contact between company and consumers, manager or company buyer. Selling takes place face-to-face or via telephone and also now online via video conferencing or text chat.

Advantage: In personal selling, big advantage is that the salesperson or company can change and/or adjust the message of their promotion or pitch an attempt to sell to get feedback from consumers. In an event that a consumer doesn't fully understand the original message, the salesperson can respond differently in order to address any of the questions or concerns of their customer.

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Direct Marketing: Involves sending mail directly to the customer. Direct mail is cheaper than traditional advertising; you can tailor your message, add more information and better target your market. Typically, Direct mail advertising should be; personal, creative, informal and selectively directed (not sent to everyone in a database).

Advantage: An advantage to direct marketing is that it is very quick and easy to produce. A company can prepare and mail a small promotion within days or weeks. Direct mail would be an effective method of testing new products and prices, seeking response from customers.

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Advertising: Non personnel, mostly paid promotions often using mass media to deliver the message. The variations of advertising include; TV, Newspaper, Magazine, Internet and Outdoor advertising (E.g. billboard, posters, buses, etc.)Advantage: A large advantage to advertising is that it alerts a large populous of consumers of the products that may or may not satisfy what the consumers is looking for and by doing so increases the customer traffic and allows a company to quickly determine who their target market is and what their looking for in their product.

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Public Relations: This type of promotion uses third-party sources and particularly the news media, to offer a favorable mention of the marketer's company or product without direct payment to the publisher of the information.Advantage: An advantage of using public relations as a form of promotion is that a well-structured campaign done by a large third-party source can result in the target market being exposed to a wealth of information that they may not receive from other forms of promotion.

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Sponsorship: Supporting an event, activity or organization by providing money or other resources that is of value to the sponsored event. This is usually in return for advertising space at the event or as a part of the publicity for the event. (E.g. TV/ Radio, Sports, Arts, Events, Charity/Causes.)Advantage: An advantage of sponsorship is the chance of getting free publicity in the form of other types of promotion.

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Sales Promotion: Involves the use of special short-term techniques, often in the form of incentives, to encourage customers to respond or undertake some activity. (E.g. Sales flyers/ price discounts, Coupons, Samples/giveaways, special events and point of sale)Advantage: As sales promotions are mostly announced to only last for short periods, customers may feel the need to disregard alternative brand's and are persuaded to act quickly in the purchasing of a product rather than later.

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Mark Bernardini is a passionate and driven team leader with a winning can do attitude and entrepreneurial spirit. He manages all phases of the consumer engagement campaign lifecycle: from sales strategy and partnership development, to event management and activation, social media integration and data capture.

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Mark Bernardini