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Marijuana Coffee

Who would have thought, marijuana coffee is now commercially available.

Of course you need to be in a state where selling cannabis and cannabis products is legal.

Think of marijuana coffee as a variant on liqueur coffee, something to relax you and something to pep you up in the same cup.

Fox News reports on marijuana-infused coffee pods.

Cannabis-infused coffee is now available in convenient single-use pods for those who want a little more buzz to their a.m. jolt.

Seattle-based Uncle Ike’s Pot Shop now sells pods of premium Catapult coffee at a steep $10 per pod. Each pod works in standard, single-serve coffee makers and contain 10 mg of THC, marijuana’s psychoactive ingredient. The shop previously sold loose grounds infused with marijuana but the pods are “quickly becoming big sellers,” said the shop.

“I liken it to a Red Bull and vodka,” Jennifer Lanzador, Uncle Ike’s sales manager, told Yahoo. “I had more energy, but I still had the relaxation you get from cannabis.”

Fairwinds Manufacturing, the Vancouver company that actually makes the pods for Uncle Ike’s, reported that the pods now account for 60 percent of company sales.

House of Jane in California has four types of cannabis K-cups: medium roast, dark roast, decaf and mocha café. It also sells marijuana infused coffees, teas and creamers-one of which recently won a best-edible award at one of the world’s largest medical marijuana trade shows HempCon.

It is also working on cannabis-infused “Frappuccino”-the drink will not be sold at Starbucks but the team hopes to capitalize on the popularity of the well-known creamy beverage during the hot summer months.

What will be next, Irish coffee in k-cups? Just make sure that it is organic!

Where Is Marijuana Coffee Legal?

The New Health Guide lists where marijuana is legal. The categories are as follows:

Light Green: State with legal medical cannabis

Medium Green: State with decriminalized cannabis possession laws

Dark Green: State with both medical and decriminalization laws

Purple: State with legalized cannabis

If you want marijuana coffee your best bets are Washington and Colorado.

In small quantities you might be able to get buy in the rest of the West Coast but you might want to ask your lawyer before bringing a case full of marijuana coffee K-cups across the border to neighboring states!

OK in LA

According to the LA Weekly it is 100 percent legal to buy weed-infused coffee in L.A.

The aroma hits you as soon as you pop open the black zip-top bag.

These are heirloom Ethiopian Yirgacheffe “Zero Defect” coffee beans — so-called because they’re triple-sorted until measured to have less than one defect per 300g. But after taking a huge whiff, all that comes to mind is Dude, this smells like super dank weed.

Kian Abedini, owner and roastmaster of L.A.-based coffee company Compelling & Rich, gives a knowing smirk. “You really get the cannabis notes when you brew a cup,” he explains. “Take a sip, breathe out and you can taste the skunkiness on your breath."

Weed and coffee, a combination sometimes called “the hippie speedball” or “‘spro and ‘dro,” have a long and stimulating history together. Not long after pot was legalized in Washington and Colorado, baristas were already hard at work finding ways to combine their love of beans with their love of bud, producing concoctions such as weed butter “bulletproof” coffee and THC-spiked cold brew.

On a trip to Denver for the Big Western Regional Coffee Championship last year, Abedini was hanging out with industry friends wondering why, among the existing weed-coffee products out there, none captured the actual taste of the combination. What if there was a way to flavor the beans with cannabis?

Who would have thought, marijuana coffee in the land of dreams?

Marijuana infused coffee beans…
