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a publication for the Socially and Spiritually Conscious Community

SPIRITTHE ARTofBONDINGRev. Danielle Marie Hewitt


EMBRACINGYour InnerCHILDRev. Basia Christ, PhD


GODis MySOURCERev. Annette Drake

OFFERINGSfrom the Eye of theCROWNila




Monique Hemingway



David Wells


Choury DeVelle

COLUMNSInside a Real Session: Sherry Hopson

Unity Church: Rev. Arlene Meyer

Highly Sensitive People: Rev. Johnnie UrbanPet Communicator: Kara Udziela

Creating a New You: Nancy Kimes Messages from Xenanthium: Hugh Campbell

Ancient Wisdom: MeritReikiSounds: Marcie Howard

Chiro Corner: Dr. Benjamin HorningDoctor Designed Wellness: Dr. Doug DiSiena

Transform Your Energy: Carol Leilani

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higher?If you answered "ABSOLUTELY!" ... register now for these unique UCC * classes with Rev. Danielle!

higher?Ready to take your spiritual practice higher?

"I AM"Mentorship Program Group Discussion Ongoing Wednesdays ,10 a.m. to 12 p.m. - $25 We will go deep into what has been keeping you from your destiny. If you need someone to help you fulfill your destiny, let Rev. Danielle be your guide.


"I AM" Mentorship: Channeling the MastersOngoing Wednesdays, 7 to 9 p.m. - $25 Learn how to connect with and receive messages from the Masters. (This is not a counseling class where you will be doing readings on others, but a pure personal growth class. )


24 Weeks: Spiritual Healing FundamentalsBeginning Saturday, March 19 (no meetings on 1st Saturdays) 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. - $44 This class is for beginning seekers and seasoned professionals. You will experience deep meditations, call in guides, guardian angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, deceased loved ones and other sentient beings of all dimensions to guide you on your spiritual journey.


16 Weeks: Conscious Anatomy, Medical Intuitive Certification CourseBeginning Saturday, March 19 (no meetings on 1st Saturdays) 1 to 4 p.m. - $44Learn about the 14 anatomy systems and the signature emotions are housed in each one. You will learn how to scan, heal and address the beliefs which cause the body to be in state of “dis-ease” and "dis-order." This class is life-changing!


To register for one ... or ALL ... of these classes,please contact Rev. Danielle at 949.244.1960, email revdanielle@ or call the Temple of Light at 949.333.1641.

* Use Your Patron Member Discount

How to Build an Empowered Healing Arts PracticeSunday, April 10 - 12 to 4 p.m. - $297Whether your healing arts practice is a hobby, part- or full-time, this course will get you started or enhance your existing practice. We will provide needed tools so you can bring your work to those who need you.


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SPIRITThe Art of Bonding and Why We Do It ................4By Rev. Danielle Marie HewittSpiritual Director and Founder of the Temple of Light Spiritual Community, Publisher of Radiance Magazine, and Mentor to Spiritual Leaders, Holistic and Healing Arts Practitioners

Experiencing Real Joy ...........................................8By Sanjay Aggarwal

Column: Inside a Real Session -Panic to Peace .....................................................10By Sherry Hopson

Embracing Your Inner Child .............................. 11By Rev. Basia Christ, PhD

The Surprising Reason BehindMy Child's Bad Behavior .................................... 12By Emily Rose

God is My Source - Of Course! .......................... 14By Rev. Annette Drake

Offerings from The Eye of the Crow ..................16By Nila Keith

Column: Unity Church - Spring is Upon Us .......17By Rev. Arlene

Column: Highly Sensitive People (HSP) -Seven Needs of Fulfillment for the HSP .......... 19By Rev. Johnnie Urban

Column: Pet Communicator -Your Pet Wants to Party. No, Really ..................21By Kara Udziela

TEMPLE OF LIGHTSpecial Events ....................................................22Workshops & Classes .......................................23 Resource Directory ............................................24

MINDColumn: Creating a New You -Feng Shui Your Life ............................................. 26By Nancy Kimes

Column: Messages from Xenanthium -The Coming Changes ......................................... 28By Hugh Campbell

Column: Ancient Wisdom for Today -Spring Unfolding: A New AstrologicalYearly Cycle ........................................................ 29By Merit

Listen to Your Inner Truth ...................................31By David Wells

Nemah Unlocks My Memory ............................. 33By Choury DeVelle

Column: ReikiSounds -Good Health is in Your Hands ........................... 35By Marcie Howard

BODYColumn: Chiro Corner - Headaches ........................................................... 36By Dr. Benjamin Horning

Mystical Musings - Finding Myself in the Rafters ....................................................37By Monique Hemingway

Column: Doctor Designed Wellness - A New Success Story ...........................................41By Dr. Doug DiSiena

Column: Transform Your Energy - Change Your Aura, Change Your Life ............... 42By Carol Leilani

ON THE COVERThe Art of Bonding

MAGAZINE STAFFPublished by Rev. Danielle Marie, Spiritual Director ofTemple of Light Spiritual Community

Editor-in-Chief, Creative Director, Executive Director Rev. Basia Christ, Ph.D.

Radiance is published by The Temple of Light Spiritual Community, 11 Goddard, Irvine, CA 92618.

Publisher’s Liability: Radiance does not warranty any advertised services or products. Opinions and factual statements expressed herein are the responsibility of the authors and not necessarily endorsed or verified by the magazine, nor do any advertisements necessarily constitute endorsement by the magazine, publishers, or editors.Radiance is a free publication that is available at various metaphysical stores, health food locations, vegetarian restaurants, yoga studios, spiritual centers, coffee stands, and libraries throughout Orange County. If you would like copies at your location or recommend a site, please email [email protected] or contact our office at (949) 333-1641. Office hours are from Tuesday to Saturday, 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.Go to to view current and past issues of Radiance and share your thoughts! Annual subscriptions are available for $25. To submit an article for review, please email Rev. Basia, Editor-in-Chief at [email protected].

Temple of Light higher? higher?Ready to take your spiritual practice higher?

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academic groups, sporting teams, pets, and whenever people spend time together and make strong connections. The bond is characterized by “emotions” such as “affection” and “trust.” Any two people who spend time together may form a bond. Bonding is a mutual, “interactive” process, but for some, because of less than ideal childhood circumstances or adult occurrences, may not experience these emotions.

How does bonding relate to our happiness as human beings and what happens when it’s absent or compromised?

Some people believe that achieving happiness is the purpose of life, yet the pursuit of happiness often leads to unhappiness. Why? Because happiness is actually a consequence of a different life purpose which is

By Rev. Danielle Marie HewittSpiritual Director and Founder of the Temple of Light Spiritual Community,

Publisher of Radiance Magazine, and Mentor to Spiritual Leaders, Holistic and Healing Arts Practitioners

When our boyfriends or husbands go on a fishing trip, camping weekend or a boys’ night out, we affectionately say they are engaging in some “male

bonding.” When we see a woman breast feeding her infant, we know it’s not only an act of perfect nutrition, but also an act of mother/child bonding.  I recently adopted two female kittens from a rescue shelter and heard myself telling a friend “I can’t wait to get them home and begin bonding with them.”  

Human bonding is a natural and necessary process to the development of close, “interpersonal relationships” and typically refers to the process of attachment which develops between romantic partners, family members, friends, social groups, spiritual/religious communities,

The Art of Bonding and Why We Do It


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the pursuit of evolving our souls in our ability to love ourselves first and then others.  It is not the act of a new car or job promotion which provides happiness, but rather being deeply happy within our souls which allows us to celebrate when good things happen and supports us when we have challenges. True happiness must rest on the platform of inner peace to have a lasting effect.

This state of true happiness coming from deep inner peace is not an act or experience.  It is at state of being derived from an accomplishment of creating personal intimacy and self-approval, which ultimately results in being happy as a normal state. Without personal intimacy and self-approval, momentary instances of happiness (a new car or dating relationship) are fleeting at best and we are without navigation tools to guide us when some unfortunate experience occurs (an injury or loss of a loved one).   Deep personal intimacy and self-approval is gained by a process called “inner bonding” or “personal bonding.” When this process is developed, we can easily bond with and love others. Bonding is an act of making strong, affection-based, trusting connections with others, but most importantly, the act of doing it with ourselves.  

When we bond with others easily and purposefully, it comes from having an ability to bond with our selves which provides the deep inner peace which results in ultimate steadfast happiness. Although healthy bonding with others is not the goal, but rather the goal’s outcome, examining externally with who, what, and how we bond, acts as a navigator on the journey of self-discovery.

Why make healthy bonds?   

Without healthy inner and outer bonding, we are vulnerable, pleasure seeking beings without a means with which to feel safe and connected.  In the absence of healthy bonding, we make bonds with people and things which are less than ideal.  People may have a job, be members of a team, be married with children, and belong to a church, but if they are emotionally disconnected to their inner self, they lack the ability to truly connect and only “go through the motions” with their surrounding community. They also usually

have some area in the lives where they form unhealthy bonds.  

Have you ever heard someone claim to “have it all” and not understand why they are so unhappy? When we simply go through the motions without truly connecting with others because of our inability to love ourselves, we reject and abandon ourselves, which is the underlying cause of most anxiety, depression, guilt, shame, and relationship problems.

When these feelings are present, our survival instincts kick in (because we must, as human beings, form some kind of bond with something) and the likelihood of us forming addictions increases dramatically.  (When we feel pain or emptiness because we feel disconnected, our survival instinct will form an unhealthy bond or addiction with something or someone for relief.)

Unhealthy bonding and addiction can arise in three different ways:

1.    If our disconnected feelings are translated internally to emotional pain, we may seek relief with alcohol, drugs, nicotine, food, or partake in excessive activities such as sex, spending, or gambling.

2.   If our disconnected feelings are translated internally to a lack of, we might pursue control through spending excessive time working, accumulating, and managing money. We may become a workaholic and/or have irrational fears and behaviors regarding the spending and hoarding of money (legally or illegally).

3.   If our disconnected feelings are translated internally to fears around relationships, we might pursue control over our loved ones and demand approval, attention, admiration, or acknowledgement. We may become codependent, dominating, deeply suspicious, or withdraw from relationships altogether and, in extreme cases, resort to violence.

All of the above are addictive behaviors which demonstrate a lack of healthy bonding. When we use the word “addiction,” most of us might think of drugs or alcohol, however, all of the above items provide either pleasure and/or a relief of emotional pain (numbness)

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which make us feel better, but not for long. Which means we must keep doing whatever we believe will bring us happiness or release over and over. Repetition is what creates addictions - the pursuit of something to keep us from pain and bring us pleasure. The problem is none of these pursuits bring deep, abiding happiness because their effects are always temporary and deceptive.

Whether someone has developed a chemical, monetary, or poor relationship bonding is not the most important issue to assess, but rather, how does it get better?  

To arrive at the answer, we simply determine the cause.  We are humans comprised of our mind, body and spirit.  When we are disconnected from Spirit, God, Source, Divine Creator, the mind and body are at risk to bond with something or someone else. Ongoing happiness results from choosing the spiritual path of kindness, compassion, understanding, and acceptance; it is not enough to express kindness and compassion toward others. Those who try the latter, end up feeling empty and angry when the deep happiness they desire eludes us. The path toward happiness starts with opening to discovering what is most loving and compassionate toward yourself as guided by Spirit.

If you want to experience true happiness, start a devoted Inner Bonding practice guided by a deep connection to Spirit through spiritual communities and a meditation practice. Pay attention to your feelings with a deep desire to learn what you are doing or not doing which is causing your pain and unhappiness.

Happiness will be the natural consequence of your willingness to take 100% responsibility for your feelings. When you determine what truly brings you joy and take action. When the mind, body and spirit connection strengthens, we experience self-love fostered through inner bonding.  As this process develops a foundation, look for external sources of bonding which create feelings of acceptance for you. As the soul bonds and connects to Source, the mind (our thoughts and feelings) feels safe and demonstrates a willingness and ability to connect with others (external bonding).

Although bonding with an individual, groups, or a pet shows we are complete with our inner bonding, we can use the external process to complete the internal process, or, in other words, put the cart before the horse as long as the real goal is understood.  

There are many forms of external bonding which can help the internal goal.  For example: male bonding (excludes females), female bonding (excludes males), peer bonding (friends and co-workers), community bonding (church, synagogue, spiritual communities), partner bonding (romantic, spouse, life partner), father bonding, mother bonding, sibling bonding, human to animal bonding, anonymous recovery groups, therapy groups, volunteer groups, sports teams, clubs, and other relationships which inspires deep personal trust and affection.  

Whether we start with forming a deep personal connection with Spirit, with our self, or with external group does not matter. The three elements can be done in any order or simultaneously with the goal of being to accomplish all three. Once we do, we are whole and complete with a foundation of inner peace and happiness which allows us to celebrate every joyous moment we witness whether it’s ours or someone else’s.  It provides us also with the foundation to navigate the ups and downs without losing our center.   


Rev. Danielle Marie is a Master TheaHealer® who practices a healing art primarily on ThetaHealing®, but with several personal additions and modifications. Her sessions are life-changing, creating shifts in her clients’ perceptions resulting in the most positive changes imaginable. Rev. Danielle Marie has been a student of metaphysics since 2002 and studied under several mentors, including Vianna Stibal an Dr. Doreen Virtue. As a metaphysical

minister, she believes in the innate intuitive ability gifted to each of us. Teaching this and witnessing healings has become her life’s work and passion. She believes we can live free from pain and suffering and be in a state of peace and joy. Contact Rev. Danielle by email at [email protected].

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Everything in this world is impermanent. A human being searching for permanent happiness in the world never, ever finds it. This is because he is searching for permanent

happiness in impermanent things. It is only through life’s pain and obstacles a human being realizes he has been searching for happiness in the wrong direction. He will realize the source of true happiness is within his own being. That one God is present as the inner soul in everyone in the same way and the same quality. This is why if we cannot see God in all, we cannot see God at all. The source of perennial joy is waiting to be discovered. The process of discovering the source of this true joy is the meditative process. The great sages and saints from time immemorial have discovered the art of diving deep within their own soul to experience

By Sanjay Aggarwal

E xperiencing Real Joy

the Divine Presence, the Divine Truth. 

Meditation is the process of discovering the true joy of the inner soul. It is the art of withdrawing the mind from the objective world and experiencing the inner soul as Divine Light, Divine Sound, and Divine Pulsation. Anyone who has tasted the inner joy of the soul even once can never forget the joy of it. In Sanskrit, this inner joy is called as “Ananda” which means ‘bliss’ in English. It is different from happiness. Happiness is a product of worldly enjoyment and followed by sadness. Ananda is eternal bliss. There is no opposite word for “bliss.” It is permanent in nature. Bliss removes all the exhaustion of worldly life and keeps one rejuvenated all the time. The joy of the soul brings the greatest joy no human tongue can describe. It bestows Omni vision or the power to see everything and everyone in one

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light. Such a person who has drowned himself in the inner bliss of the soul cannot help but love everyone unconditionally. There itself is the Truth. This Truth is the very nature of the Universe. It is called “Dharma.”

Dharma in Sanskrit has its roots in “dhr”’ meaning to “support.” The invisible Spirit is the support of the entire creation, the subtlest of the subtlest in the inner sky. It is imperishable and it is our very nature. To be immersed in this Dharma of God is to experience the unity which binds all of the diverse creation. To experience this unity in all diversity and see ourselves in everyone and everyone in our self is Dharma. 

Immersed in this Dharma of the Spirit, we are to do our karmas. We have to fulfill our duties and obligations to our family, to society, to our work, and to the world at large. To experience eternal calmness of the inner soul while doing our daily activities brings the greatest joy. This eternal calmness comes through regular daily, meditative practice and by inculcating the divine qualities of forgiveness, compassion and unconditional love for one and all. Then we will begin to live in

About the Bhrigu Meditation Center The art of withdrawing the mind and settling in the depths of the inner soul is taught at the Center by meditative techniques called as “Gita Divya Kriya Yoga.” Daily “satsang” is given from the ancient Hindu scriptures like the Shrimad Bhagwad,

Shrimad Bhagwad Gita, Mahabharat, Ramacharitmana’, Yog Darshan, and more. All are invited to come and benefit from these esoteric ancient meditative techniques taught by the great Sages and Saints from time immemorial and to listen to daily Satsang. Bhrigu Meditation Center, 26242 Dimension Drive, Suite 250, Lake Forest, CA 92630. Contact Sanjay Aggarwal by email: [email protected], by phone: (714) 615-9225, or visit their website at

harmony with the great eternal Spirit, to experience this unity which binds this diverse creation.

OM Tat Sat

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My greatest joy is seeing clients make breakthroughs and move forward in their life. I love the stories which come from our sessions. The following client experienced an incredible breakthrough:Fears and phobias can destroy normalcy in a person's life. My client I will call "Tom," suffered badly from many phobias. He could not go further than 50 feet from his home before having a panic attack and hyper ventilating. The attacks began when he was young, but worsened when his mother passed away and he was alone.  I located his emotional trigger points regarding subconscious memories from his birth of being strangled with the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck.  The doctors struggled to revive him.  His mother told him this story, but he didn't realize this story created his panic attacks. He was shocked when I discovered the link between his birth and the attacks.   There also were soul memories of being tortured as a war criminal from a past life which created fragmentations within the soul. This occurs when the soul goes through an emotional experience which it does not accept or allow the event.  A piece of the essence of the soul now exists from that time while the person exists now as well. This results in blockages, phobias, or at times, disease.    In Tom's past life, he provided transportation for people who were smuggling items through the country during WW II.  He was captured and tortured for information.  When he left a safe haven, it would bring back the memories of being tortured resulting in a panic attack. These experiences created a perception his world was not safe.   I cleared the soul fragments from his birth and the past life torture. Tom also had built up emotional responses to his environment his body interpreted as dangerous

and he put himself in a constant state of defensiveness affecting his immune system.  He was allergic to almost everything that was outside of his house. Guiding Tom through the realigning of his thoughts and responses to accepting the outside world as safe as well as clearing the meridian points affecting the immune system rid him of his allergies.  He finally felt peace and left home with a sense of security. The soul always has a purpose for our experiences, Tom's karmic lesson was to learn about having trust and faith with himself but others.  Understanding our soul memories and what we are reacting from aids in healing. Often our blockages are from traumas and illnesses of what we have no conscious memory, but our subconscious remembers.  

Sherry HopsonInside a SessionPanic to Peace

Sherry Hopson has over 25 years’ experience, Internationally Renowned Intuitive Author Speaker and Radio Personality. She spent the first 26 years of her business career in corporate America working her way up to running a successful national finance firm, she left her position to follow her passion as a spiritual counselor. She is a past life and energy expert, and known for her unique energy clearing techniques. Her specialty is working with a soul's progression of the emotional aspects of development from life time to life time and also the developmental process of the master soul groups. For more of Inside a Session, check out the newsletters at


BTRN & Journey into the Light


Listen Live on Mondays

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Rev. Basia Christ has a Ph.D. in Transformational Counseling and will earn a Masters Degree in Holistic Psychology (spring 2016). She has finally "stepped into her power" and is accepting clients who want to work one-on-one to heal their inner child. To schedule a 30-minute FREE consultation, please call 949.690.1257,

email [email protected], or visit

To register for "Embracing Your Inner Child" classes, please visit

By Rev. Basia Christ, PhD

Embracing Your Inner ChildI have been teaching a 26-week program (recently renamed "Embracing Your Inner Child") since October 5 on Monday nights. Some people have asked to view the class and not participate. I could tell by their demeanor they were not ready to share whatever it was which brought them.

As I tell everyone who attends, "You do not have to share, but if you do, know you are in a safe environment and everything is confidential."

What happens EVERY time is, after the group discussion and first writing exercise and, as we begin the second writing exercise, these people are writing profusely and then sharing.

What is even more wonderful is the light in their eyes as they create sometimes their first expressionistic piece of art. They carefully choose just the right colors from an array of crayons, pencils, and markers. They delight in adding sparkle and shiny colors to their projects with "glitter glue. They draw from their hearts knowing no one will judge them for the lack of skill as an artist. Their creations have been beautiful and insightful. Attendees going back to a time when they were children. They are embracing their inner child by reliving beautiful moments, not traumatic ones, with compassion as an adult for the child who suffered.

When Spirit challenged me (as It has many times with "why not you?") to conduct these classes based on the incredible women I interviewed for my book, From Ash to Flame: Women Rising, I was reluctant. It was a big commitment - 26 weeks of my life. I wondered if anyone would come. I wondered if anyone would pay $20 weekly to embrace their inner child and heal. I wondered if I would be effective teaching the life lessons these women taught me. I wondered....

I should know by now, Spirit does not give me anything I can't handle. I am grateful ...and blessed!

EMBRACE the child you were to LOVE the person you are.

OWN this child's experiences HONOR this child's feelings RELEASE this child's emotional

grief energy you are still carrying

For more information, please contact Rev. Basia at 949.690.1257, email [email protected] or visit h t t p : / / b a s i a c h r i s t . c o m / b l o g 1 /spiritual-counselor.

what to do with your past when it

won't go away...

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By Emily Rose


The Surprising Reason

Behind My Child's Bad BehaviorI will never forget the moment I learned I was finally pregnant because we had been trying to have a baby for years. It was a miracle!

A few months after baby Sean was born, my husband’s father, Robert, unexpectedly passed away. We were in shock, but the joy and love Sean provided, and the constant attention he required, helped distract us from the pain. We would cheer each other up by saying at least Robert was able to see and hold his long-awaited grandson. 

Sean was always a fussy baby. I didn’t sleep for the first few years because he would wake up crying every few hours. He didn’t want to play with his toys and often

seemed uninterested.

As he grew older, he had trouble connecting with other children. He wouldn’t want to talk to them and, when he did, he would end up fighting or pushing them. He was often unpleasant towards me and my husband. Our atmosphere at home gradually intensified because of Sean. My husband and I would often fight over the correct method of parenting to use.

I hoped that sending Sean to school would help improve his behavior. Unfortunately, teachers immediately complained he had difficulty paying attention in class, talked excessively, wouldn't follow instructions, had trouble sitting still, and was also aggressive towards other children.

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Wanda Pratnicka is a psychologist and parapsychologist with degrees from Institute of Economics and Culture in Moscow. As a renowned healer and exorcist, she has helped tens of thousands of people around the world for more than 45 years – without being there in person. She is the best-selling author of ”Possessed by Ghosts – Exorcisms in the XXI Century” and the series

“In the Wheel of Life – Vol. 1-3.” Her most recent book is “Know the Truth and Be Free.” She often discusses her work as a guest on national television. She resides in Gdansk, Poland. For more information about Wanda, please visit: www.

The school nurse advised me to talk to a psychiatrist and inquire about medications. I was heartbroken because I didn’t want my child to take any psychotropic drugs, but at the same time, I was exhausted of constantly struggling with him.

I never gave up on having a child despite doctors' negative prognosis so I decided I wouldn't give up on finding a healthy, holistic way of treating my child.

While searching for answers, I attended the Conscious Life Expo in Los Angeles where I met Wanda Pratnicka, psychologist, book author, and exorcist from Poland. I purchased her book, “Possessed by Ghosts - Exorcisms in 21st Century” and when I started to read it later that night, I couldn’t put it away.

She described similar cases to Sean’s and how the reason for these children’s naughty behavior was an entity attached to them. She also described many of my husband’s behavior tendencies, which included easily losing control over his emotions and outbursts of anger.

I contacted Wanda the next day and asked her to check whether Sean or my husband had any entities attached to them. She confirmed both of them did and, in Sean’s case, it was his grandfather, Robert.

She said she would lead them away, but I had to let go of my grudges towards Robert. I had to tell him he is not alive anymore to get him to transition to the other side and keep him from returning. I noticed changes in my husband a few days later. He seemed calmer and more peaceful. Sean, on the other hand, seemed to be on an emotional roller coaster. Some days he would surprise me with polite and loving behavior that I had never seen before and some days he was back to being the Sean that we had always known. I noticed that when the grandfather was back his negative behavior was back as well. After two months, the grandfather left and never returned. Sean's behavior suddenly changed and so did his appearance. His facial features have softened and his eyes have a warm look. Now he loves to hug and before I couldn't even touch him. I never knew my child could be such a funny, loving, and spontaneous human being. I'm sending a sincere thank you to Wanda Pratnicka for saving my family. 

• C h a n g e a b l e m o o d s , d e e p e m o t i o n a l p a i n• D e p r e s s i v e s t a t e s , a l i e n a t i o n• E a s i l y l o s i n g c o n t r o l o f y o u r e m o t i o n s• Fa l l i n g i n t o s t r o n g n e g a t i v e e m o t i o n s• We a k e n i n g o f y o u r b o d y a n d m i n d• S t a t e s o f p a n i c , a n x i e t y, a n g e r, r a g e e t c .• • F r e q u e n t h e a d a c h e s , a b d o m i n a l p a i n s• A d d i c t i o n s : a l c o h o l , d r u g s , f o o d , g a m b l i n g e t c .• S u i c i d a l t h o u g h t s , p e r s o n a l i t y d i s o r d e r s


Fo r o v e r 4 5 y e a r s s h e h a s h e l p e dt e n s o f t h o u s a n d s o f p e o p l e a r o u n d

t h e w o r l d - w i t h o u t b e i n g t h e r e i n p e r s o n .

Wanda Pratnick a’s O ff ice46-02 21st Street , PO BOX 1544

Long Is land Cit y, NY 11109Phone: 914-662-9763

w w w.WandaPratnick




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“There is a power for good in the universe greater than you and you can use it.”

- Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind

You can use this Universal Power by first recognizing there is a power greater than you. This comes sometimes as an epiphany, which is an experience of your connection to the Universe. A moment in which you feel at one with all that is. A moment which is a turning point because once you become aware this Universal Power is already within you, your life is never the same.

That is what happened to me in May of 1979 and

I will never forget it. A friend took me to hear Dr. Joseph Murphy of Divine Science, and, during his talk, everything within me and around me became filled with light and energy the likes I had never seen or felt before.

I understood there was an Infinite Mind available to me which had all the answers to all my questions and I could tap into this Mind at any time, anywhere, just by becoming still and opening my mind to let the information from the Infinite flow through me.

There was also a knowing within me I was destined to be a minister and deliver this message to as many people who would listen. Granted, it took until 1991 to

By Rev. Annette Drake

God is My Source ... of Course!


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become qualified to be that minister, but the Universe opened all the doors for me to get there.

When you set your intention, the Universe or Infinite Mind, rushes to support you in all your endeavors. It handles all the challenges on your path; financially, spiritually, and also making time elastic so it will stretch out before you and you can get everything done with ease.

I entered the theater where he was speaking lost and not knowing where I was going and came out found and glowing with the Light of the Divine.

This is how the Universe worked through me and it will work through you or anyone who understands it, exactly the same.

The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness.

- Lao Tzu

As Holmes said “There is a power for good in the universe greater than you…”.

To understand the greater power is a power for good will release you to greater growth than you have had before. This growth is the introduction of a higher dimension of consciousness into your awareness where peace is at your core. When you let loose of your preconceived ideas about God, you step into the Infinite.

The word God bothered me for years. When I was young, I was taught God was a man in a flowing white robe in the sky who kept track of me. If I was good, I would be rewarded; if I was bad, I would be punished.

I learned this wasn’t the only definition of God. The truth I found is God is not a man at all, but a benevolent, pervasive Power and Energy, a Presence for good in life.

The Universe isn’t out to get me or you. What a relief! I felt as if I had been released from years of the heavy burden of guilt I carried. Maybe you can experience the same relief by letting go of past burdens of guilt.

Step out of the darkness into the Light.

God is good, all the time!

If it takes time to use the word God in your vocabulary,

remember it took me nearly 10 years to get there and not cringe when I used it. Now, God is just one of the words I use to describe the Divine, Spirit, Infinite Intelligence, etc. No cringe, no fear.

“There is a power for good in the universe greater than you and you can use it.”

Know this, use this knowledge, and enjoy your life!

And so it is!

Rev. Annette has served as Senior Minister for the First Church of Religious Science (now the Center for Spiritual Living, Fullerton) for the past 20 years. In her years of service, she has taught classes, held seminars, counseled many clients and performed weddings and memorial services. “My years of service have been the most rewarding time of my life. I love inspiring people and lifting the spirits of those around me.” Her new slogan “New Day – New Way” says it all. Every day is a

chance to build a new inspired life, filled with love, harmony, peace, health, prosperity and all you desire.

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16 Radiance March/April 2016

Offerings from The Eye of the Crow: Life After Spirituality


Four and one-half decades of looking for truth.... looking to be the wisdom.....looking for  the right way, the right thinking, the right way to create, the right book, the right class,   the right, the right , the right........bored, tried, and weary....I stopped. I stopped trying, I stopped searching, I stopped believing in the outer path. I stopped telling myself somehow I knew, somehow there would be a place of rest. No path to follow, no metaphysical dogma to teach. I became EMPTY.

In this surrender, I experience the place, the frequency or calibration of non-movement, zero point. No need to create, no need to change anything, no desire to follow a path, but just to step through an occasional door and stand for awhile in awareness.

This was all captured in one moment the day I walked the labyrinth.

In the spiral I moved, one slow step at a time, attempting to feel how Spiritual I was, how devoted. I prayed. I visualized. I divested. When I got to the center, all I experienced was a few stones on the ground, a feather, and a piece of decaying fruit a few seekers before me had left.

My awareness went to..........I have arrived, this is the destination, how mundane, ordinary, rotting from over expectation.

The silence became deafening. The stillness was like standing in a void and everything outside of the void was animated.

No center to find, no local. Only the realization of the distorted construct of the intellect, simply food for thought, a banquet for our mental gluttony.

I am..... the simple dance of my essence in constant motion ..FULL  of no-thing. The exquisite meeting of the Self.   AHO!

Life born from silence, not from construct, is a game changer.

We take dominion over our minds simply by giving it a lesser position.

If, in one moment, for just a few moments all mental constructs returned to the silence ... what terrifying freedom!

The silence of lighting ignites the sound of thunder.

Stillness and silence in no way implies non-action.


O Mitakuye Oyasin (We are all Related)


Developing more than four decades, Nila has acquired a strong background in Esoteric Teachings, Metaphysics, Neuro-linguistic Programming, Tarot, and Quantum Physics. These multifaceted modalities have assisted her in creating a well rounded perspective of what is referred to as "Reality." Acquiring this extreme information is the basis for Nila's specialized, personal approach in reading Tarot Cards, which includes: Releasing core patterns of behavior, Relationships, Career Profiling, and more. Please call 714-881-6508 for a reading. New clients receive a discount!






339 EL Camino Real, Tustin, CA 92780

By Nila

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March/April 2016 Radiance 17

Springtime is a wonderment. Birds begin celebrating the warmer weather and longer days, the flowers are in full expression of themselves, and love is in the air. Spring is a time of renewal, a time of life.

However, we do not have to wait for a season, any season, to come upon us to remember how precious life is and to celebrate it. We have been given a gift – life! But tragically, we too often waste this gift. Instead of looking at all our blessings, we see only pain and suffering. Instead of seeing life all around us, we see only death and destruction.

But it is we, ourselves, who determine our own consciousness and thereby, our attitudes, our emotions, our thoughts, our lives. We can continue to see the negative OR we can embrace life in its fullest and appreciate all its gifts. We can understand that without rain, we would not have water to drink, our plants and trees die, and we begin to deplete one of our most precious elements. This is especially true here in Southern California where rainfall is so rare. How could anyone regret rainfall, yet many do. Good or bad, it is only our thinking which makes it so. This goes for everything in our lives.

For me, some of the most difficult times in my life have been the “jumping off” point, yet, in retrospect, these difficult times gave birth to some of my greatest gifts. Someone once said, “Pain is the touchstone of spiritual progress.” Expecting life to always be perfect is to open ourselves up to disappointment, discouragement, and resentments.

If we understand that to bloom and become all we were meant to me, a little rain must fall in our lives. For a

butterfly to become the beautiful graceful creature it is, it has to endure the pain of breaking out of its cocoon.

For a bird to fly, they are thrown out of the nest and although it might be a jolt, it is required for them to learn they have wings and can fly on their own.

Trees often go through a dormant time so they can bloom to their fullest when the sun once again becomes warm and supporting.

Often children experience hardships which are called “growing pains” as their bodies grow and develop to the next phase of their life.

So how do we handle the challenges in our lives which lead to growth and enlightenment?

One thing we can do is to first remember, “This, too, will pass.” Nothing lasts forever, no matter how uncomfortable it is. However, my favorite “go to” tool is to remember a time which was challenging and then the good which came from it. I have certain events in my life which were really difficult, but in time, I could see the good which arose from it. I tell myself whatever the current challenge is, good will come of it. I know this and affirm it because it has happened before and will, therefore, happen again.

A great mantra to help change your thinking is: “This, too, is good; this, too, is God; and this, too, is for me. I demand to see the blessing in it!”

Spring reminds us even things which appeared gone forever are reborn with new life, new energy, new colors, and new scents. We see the green buds on trees

Rev. Arlene MeyerUnity ChurchSpring is Upon Us ... A New Season Begins

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18 Radiance March/April 2016


Irvine, CA 92618

Sunday Service10:00 AM

Join us to hear a dynamic message which is practical, positive and relevant, enjoy uplifting contemporary music and meet other enthusiastic like-minded people.

Everyone is welcome!

Unity Telephone: 949.472.9230

Office Hours: 10 AM - 2

[email protected]

Temple of Light: 949.333.1641

Rev. Arlene Meyer is a Minister, Motivational Speaker, Life Consultant, Author and Healthy Lifestyle Coach. She has inspired and empowered people for 20+ years. She uses her life experiences of overcoming addiction, illness and debt to one of prosperity, wholeness, peace and health to guide individuals, couples, families and groups into transforming their lives to live life the way they would like. As a Life Consultant, Arlene encourages others to design and manifest a life that is in harmony with their Soul’s purpose. For over 10 years, she has worked with people seeking to start a new life, or a new chapter in their life, whether it is because of recovery, retirement, major life changes or just wanting to do something more with their lives. She has helped others build their dreams, accelerate their results, and create richer, more fulfilling lives. As a Lifestyle Coach, Arlene empowers others to live a life of health, wholeness, and wellness of body, mind and spirit. She helps others find a path for themselves of good eating, consistent exercise and overall well-being. She offers inspiring talks, workshops and transformation in-depth coaching programs that help others achieve new heights of health, success, meaning, and spiritual aliveness. Arlene is author of Seven Days to Becoming a Vegetarian, an easy-to-follow cookbook for people wanting to add healthy options to their diet.

Spiritwhich appeared to be dead and remember nature is always going through cycles and, as living beings, we, too, go through cycles.

Where are you in the cycle of life? If it is not where you would like to be, ask, “What can I do to break out of it?” The answer may be to spend more time in prayer or meditation, or to attend a class or workshop which awakens you, or to change your diet or exercise regime or maybe find a spiritual home to which you can be belong.

If you are looking for a spiritual home, I invite you to visit Unity of Orange County at The Temple of Light, 11 Goddard, Irvine. We are not so much a church as we are a Center for Spiritual Awakening.

We are an open community where everyone is welcome. Here you will find not only a place which will feed your soul, but also encourage you to become the wonderful being you were created to be.

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March/April 2016 Radiance 19

Last December I was sitting in my office reflecting on how can I serve at a deeper level in the New Year. I began to think deeply about what is it that we, HSPs really NEED? Not what we want but what we really need to have the fulfilled life we all desire?

I began typing everything that came to my mind and boiled it down to Seven absolute needs that HSPs must have in order to have a happy and fulfilled life.

These are from my own personal experiences, coaching experience and being with hundreds of Highly Sensitive People just like you or someone you know.

Rev. Johnnie Urban, SIThe Sensitive CoachSeven Needs of Fulfillment for the Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)

The First need is for Faith and Peace.

Not the spiritual kind, but the kind of faith and peace that allows us to know in our hearts and soul that everything will be all right. We want to feel safe and comfortable in our environment and with other people. HSPs tend to work hard at creating security by doing things that will cause us to feel grounded and somewhat predictable whether it is where we live or work.

The Second need is for Variety, Surprise and Challenges.

We all need variety and challenges that stretch us

emotionally and physically. We all love surprises as long they are the fun ones. Yet HSPs, in general, can easily be overwhelmed by an abundance of variety. It’s important to focus on what is familiar so that you can enjoy the variety.

The Third need is for Being Seen and Heard.

Not just listened to but really being heard and seen for who we really are in our soul. This goes beyond the surface of feeling significant and important.

Even though every person needs to feel important,

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20 Radiance March/April 2016

Rev. Johnnie Marie Urban is an Author, Speaker, Workshop facilitator. Founder of Wonderful Life Learning Co. a Christian based Life Success Coaching & Consulting Company specializing in teaching the Highly Sensitive People how to thrive in the chaotic world. This is where people come to uncover and explore what their HSP talents and abilities are so that you can have a fulfilled life without the worries of exhaustion and overwhelm.Certified Strategic Interventionist, Master Life & Business Success Coach, MNLP, MHt. MTT. Christian counselor, Wife, Mother, Grandma, friend and a Highly Sensitive Person.Her book, Stop The Madness is on [email protected]

Rev. Johnnie Marie Urban, SI

Author, Speaker, Workshop FacilitatorMaster Life & Businesss Success CoachMNLP, MHt, MTT, Christian Counselor

Wife, Mother, Grandma, Friend, & a Highly Sensitive Person

Teaching Highly Sensitive People How to Thrive in the Chaotic World

"Without Johnnie's help I don't know where my family would be right now. Her coaching is from the heart and gets results so we are able to be a happy family again. Thank you Johnnie" ! -Lynn K., Yorba Linda!

Phone and Skype Sessions714-403-9256

[email protected]“Stop The Madness” book on

“The Sensitive Coach”

Wonderful Life Learning Co.A Christian based Success Coaching

& Consulting Company

needed, wanted. HSPs are wired to think and feel deeper and longer so we need to deeply feel that someone really gets us.

We have feelings and thoughts of completeness when someone actually takes the time to understand, respect and not judge us for who we are.

The Fourth need is for the experience of Deep Loving and Connection.

Everyone needs connection with other human beings and everyone strives for and hopes for love. An emotionally healthy HSP that knows understands and accepts their natural abilities and traits will tap into them to create and appreciate deep connections and love with themselves and others. They will understand and acknowledge that there are many types of love and connection and will embrace each one as unique.

The Fifth need is for Expansion and Growth.

An HSP has a need to constantly develop emotionally, intellectually and spiritually just like every one else. The huge difference is that HSPs have the greater desire and ability to expand at a much deeper level. A much deeper need to self-developing, learning, and self-improvement. It is just the way our brains work.

The Sixth need is for Making a Difference – to go beyond our own needs and to give to others. We can’t help ourselves when it comes to making someone else happy and successful. An HSP deeply feels that life is incomplete without the sense that one is making a contribution to others or to a cause.

The Seventh need is Spirituality.

That there is something out there that is bigger than us that we can count on, tap into and know that where we end— it begins. To be able to deeply feel joy and peace easily even when our world is in chaos. The energy that an HSP deeply connects to has no real scientific explanation. Be it God, Jesus, Angels, Spirit Guides, Buddha. There are so many paths. We each find the ones right for us.

Celebrate Your Abilities. Honor Your Traits. Thrive In A Chaotic World.


[email protected]

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March/April 2016 Radiance 21

Kara UdzielaPet CommunicatorYour Pet Wants a Party. No, Really.

Let me unleash your pet’s voice using telepathy, EFT, chakra clearing and animal knowledge to help you

understand your pet and improve issues.

Book appointments at, join me on FB at,

or register for my class,

Sat. July 25 from 10:00 a.m to 1:00 p.m. In this class, you will talk to my animals who will LOVE

to teach you how to communicate. $20.00

Class held at Temple of Light, 11 Goddard, Irvine, CA

Do you remember when your pet was new and you rushed home to see her? You brushed her. You bought toys and treats, taught her tricks, took her on car rides and long walks, For some time, maybe many years, your life revolved around this family member. But sometimes, life gets busy,

we get rushed and Fido stays home.There is another reason we spend a less time with our senior pets. As they enter the twilight years, we are careful not to press them too hard to exercise a lot, or they may be ill and slowing down. A part of our heart clenches at the idea our dear friend may be hurting, or worse, may not be with us on the physical plane much longer. As a result, we may unknowingly keep a distance.Pets have a message for you. STOP! LISTEN. LOVE. Have a party. Celebrate the many years you have had together. I had the honor of talking to a big dog recently who considered the young man of his family his “bro,” (the dog’s words, not mine). He asked his bro to stay home and watch TV like they used to when he was a kid and the dog was a puppy. He also asked to wear hats. His surprised family laughed and said he did indeed have many hats.That night they had a family party, celebrated their dog, gave him lots of snuggles. He wore his bunny ears and was THRILLED. Was it a 7-mile walk? No…But it was a joy for everyone, and a memory that young man will have forever.As an animal communicator, more often than not, the older pets I speak with remind the family of letting little girls dress them in princess boas, getting a hamburger at the drive-thru, or trips to the beach. These may be things you have completely forgotten, but they are sparkly gems of memories for your pets.Please, take a moment, look at your animal companion and remember the times you laughed at how delighted

he or she was with an activity or loving attention. Find a way to revisit these experiences. Your dog, your cat, your bird, your horse, whatever your pet is, will know and will love you for the gesture.

Kara Udziela created Pet’s Eye View to help pets and their families create stronger bonds by using a mix of telepathic skills and deep animal knowledge. She is an animal communicator, EFT and Reiki practitioner. One of her horse clients just won Reserve Champion World Championships with Kara’s intuitive guidance. Do you have a problem with two animals that don’t get along or a question about an older animal or one who has passed? If you do, please contact me. At Pet’s Eye View, I unleash your animal’s voice and work with you on strengthening the bond you have with your special pet.

1st & 3rd Tuesdays

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Temple of Light

22 Radiance March/April 2016


Climbingthe Ladder

to Enlightenmentwith

Gary Renard and Cindy Lora-Renard Saturday, March 19

10 am to 5 pm

A New Universal LOVE

Galactivation Experiencewith Dr. Dream

and the ROSE Frequency2nd Saturdays

March 11, April 87-9 pm

$25No one turned awaydue to lack of funds

Japanese Matcha Tea Ceremony

with Evelyn Dao Sunday, April 17

11 am to 1 pmMore information to come

Have a special event, fundraiser, workshopyou wish to book with us?

Please call Rev. Danielle or Rev. Basia todayto get a quote today!

Dolphin Wisdom Summit

with Laurie ReyonSaturday, April 30

9:30 am to 6 pm$75 Pre-registration$90 Day of the Event

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March/April 2016 Radiance 23

c l a s s e s & w o r k s h o p s

SUNDAY Unity Church Rev. Arlene Meyer 10 am Donation 1st: Integrative Dance John Salat 2 pm $5 2nd: Learn to Meditate Kriya Yoga Tradition Susan Lape, PhD 6 pm $5

MONDAY Quantum Meditation Choury DeVelle 7 pm $10 Thriving not Surviving Elizabeth Hendershot 7 pm $10 Embracing Your Inner Child Rev. Basia Christ, PhD 7 pm $20

TUESDAY Max Meditation SystemTM Shauna Kossoff 7 pm $25 QiGong Adil Panton 7 pm $15 1st & 3rd: Animal Communication Kara Udziela 7 pm $20 2nd & 4th: Life Action Plan Margo Mateas 7 pm $25 2nd & 4th: OC Hawkins Group Raymond Lee 7 pm Donation 2nd & 4th: The Origins of Astrology: Deciphering the Zodiac Out of the New Testament Casey Gizzi 7 pm $15 2nd & 4th: Reiki & Angel Healing Circle Angela Culhane 6 pm $10

WEDNESDAY "I AM" Mentorship Group Meeting Rev. Danielle 10 am $25 Naam Movement & Meditation Josh & Lemia 6 pm Donation TaiChi for Better Living Ryan Lee 6 pm $15 Naam Yoga Lemia & Josh 6:30 pm $15 dropin/pkg available 1st & 3rd: Psychic Development Debra Hookey 7 pm $25 2nd & 4th: Mediumship Development Debra Hookey 7 pm $25 5th: Love Never Ends Debra Hookey 7 pm $25

THURSDAY "I AM" Mentorship Channeling the Masters Rev. Danielle 7 pm $25 2nd & 4th: Crystal Journeys Deborah Shea 7 pm $20 3rd: Dances of Self-reflection Jen Corimer & Meg Golden 6:30 pm $20 3rd: How to Consciously Create Your Future Gosia Lorenz 7 pm $25 3rd: Kwan Yin Reiki Circle Nancy Kimes 7 pm $15

FRIDAY 3rd: Sound Healing Seth Pincus 7 pm $15 SATURDAY New Earth Drumming Alejandro Tovares 10 am $15 2nd, 3rd & 4th: Spiritual Healing Fundamentals (beg. 3/19) Rev. Danielle 9 am $44 2nd, 3rd & 4th: Conscious Anatomy (beg. 3/19) Rev. Danielle 1 pm $44 2nd: Candle Magic 101 or Mojo Bag Making Allegra Garcia 9 am $25 (+$15 supplies) 3rd: Highly Sensitive People (HSP) Rev. Johnnie Urban 11 am $10 3rd: Crystal & Gemstone Jewelry Making Kathleen Abraham 9 am $25 (+$10 supplies)

Click here for March and April Calendars


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Temple of Light

24 Radiance March/April 2016

AYURVEDA HEALERS_________________Faiz Mashood, [email protected]

Teri [email protected]


ENERGY HEALERS____________________Hideko [email protected]

Marcie HowardReikiSounds"good health is in your hands"[email protected]

Abby [email protected]

Seth [email protected]

Deborah [email protected]

David Wells, [email protected]

FOOD - HEALTHY_SNACKS_____________

HOLISTIC HEALTH____________________Lemia Astarbardi & Joshua BowserRaMa Holistic Care

HYPNOTHERAPIST____________________Choury DeVelle, BSC, CHT, [email protected]/

MASSAGE THERAPIST________________Adil PantonHealing Arts Touch, Lake Forest

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March/April 2016 Radiance 25

MEDITATION___________________________Elzabeth [email protected]

Shauna Kossoff (951)[email protected]

MEDIUMS______________________________Debra [email protected]

SPIRITUAL CENTERS Temple of Light Spiritual CommunityLive Your RadianceRev. Danielle Marie Hewitt


SHAMANIC THERAPY________________Veronica TioichaShamanic Soul [email protected]

for the Socially and Spiritually Conscious ConsumerSPIRITUAL COUNSELORS_____________

Rev. Basia Christ, [email protected]: From Ash to Flame: Women Rising

Instructor: Embracing Your Inner Child

Rev. Danielle Marie

Shar Pirinia949.682.SHAR (7427)[email protected]

Want to be included in the May/June. Resource

Directory?Go to http://

and complete the online registration.

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26 Radiance March/April 2016

Nancy KimesCreating a New YouFeng Shui Your Life

Why is Feng Shui so important? Because it give you the basics of how energy flows and gives you a clear path and connection to the forces that can generate the manifestation of your desires. Ritualistically, it digs deep into your sub-conscious to help you clear away the cobwebs, the clutter that fills up your space and mind. It promotes a driving force to help you clean up your life, and loosens the heaviness surrounding your environment. If you are ready to take charge of your life and find out how or why you are sabotaging your plans and desires, Feng Shui will reveal key factors to help you be clear, focused and intentional. It puts you in the driver’s seat and brings you

to where you intended to go. You would not normally think of getting in your car with no destination in mind. It would be a waste of time and energy. With Feng Shui you are provided with a map and the tools to bring you along the journey of your intentions. Feng Shui helps you in all the major areas of your life. Once you re-kindle with the Spirit that flows through the energy of wind and water you will begin to understand its movement and the patterns in your life that ebb and flow. Feng Shui means “wind and water”. When you understand its energy and movement you will sense the waves that have had an effect on your emotions. As you observe your life from the past to your present

experiences and situations, you will see the repetitive patterns that shaped your thoughts and actions throughout your life. Isn’t it time to break the repetitive conditions that created unsatisfactory results?

Some find their soul mates early on while others need to experience several relationships before they find the right one. One key point would be to observe how you are treating yourself and what goes on in your mind when you are in a relationship. How do you feel about yourself? What do you find hard to trust or accept? Also look at other major areas like career. What are your thoughts or feelings on your life’s work? What are your thoughts regarding money? Embrace the idea that there is something special about you. You have many gifts that need to be recognized or unlocked. Perhaps you have great insights regarding nature or your passion for the care of animals. Perhaps you have an exceptional connection with guiding people to their destiny. Make a list of your talents and accomplishments. Acknowledge your potential!

Feng Shui will reveal what you need to do or change to bring harmony

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March/April 2016 Radiance 27

Nancy Kimes is a Feng Shui teacher and consultant. Her book “Feng Shui Journeys...”, published in 2009, will show you the dynamics, principles and psychology behind the purpose of Feng Shui. Direct and simple to practice, you will be able to confront change or challenges with confidence. Contact Nancy at: [email protected]

and peace in the areas that ache for it. The main key is that you need to create your life the way you want it to be. Taking charge of your life will set you free. Direct your life with courage and purpose. Look beyond yourself to your higher power and purpose. Open yourself to the knowledge and wisdom that makes sense of your life and will engage the empowerment needed to fulfill your dreams. As you discover the simplicity of Feng Shui it will help align you to what you are asking for.

For inquiries, call 714.739.5819.Give this as a gift ...

and buy a deck for yourself!

NEW! Chakra Insights Oracle Card Deck created by

Nancy Kimes This is a versatile 70-card oracle system you can use for yourself or as a divining tool for others.

Insightful messages guide you to bring alignment of the chakras and for your own divining. This deck can be used as a daily practice

and awareness.




Dr. Kayhan graduated from the University of Southern California and has more than 15 years of experience.

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Irvine, CA

Holistic Dentists deal with the mind, body, and spirit of their patients, not just their "teeth” based on the following:• Proper nutrition for the prevention and reversal of degenerative

dental disease• Avoidance and elimination of toxins from dental materials• Prevention and treatment of bite problems and physical

imbalance)• Prevention and treatment of gum disease at its biological basisDr. Kayhan uses a digital X-ray machine with 50% lower radiation

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28 Radiance March/April 2016

Hugh CampbellMessages from XenanthiumThe Coming Changes

Time for change and time to remember. Everything is moving forward as it should. Change is all there has ever been and humans tend to create drama over it instead of embracing the cycles which have been in motion forever. It is humanity’s deep seated insecurities which create the contrast to change. It is the lack of faith until remembrance which allows humanity to believe change is contrary to our growth. The energy of change is always love, although those in a state of blindness do not see it as such. Tremendous waves of love energy are coming through more and more portals which are opening. Many humans are receiving and channeling this energy to effect change around them. Others will pick up on this energy and it will help to push through the barriers of hate and unforgiveness. The power of love energy will break down barriers that were through to be impenetrable. All that has been built on hate and fear will melt away. Some will still chose contrast and drama to the end but their numbers will rapidly decrease as love energy takes hold and becomes seated on the planet. All those souls that have evolved through the contrasts on Earth will now see a new level of experience. Earth will still not be perfect but it will provide a higher spiritual contrast to accelerate finer understanding, growth and

love. Many soul groups have made similar journeys on similar planets in other galaxies. It is all part of the perfect plan to help each soul grow and discover their own Godness.

Hugh Campbell is an ex-Aerospace Engineer that evolved into an energy healer incorporating Pranic Healing, Crystal Healing, Healing perfumes, Chakra Healing Plates, Life and Soul Coaching and

Healing is a personal Journey. It requires different tools for different people.

I have integrated Resonant Testing™, Pranic

Healing, Chakra Plates, Life and Soul Coaching

and more to create the perfect program for you!

Hugh Campbell 714 782-7596 [email protected]

more. He is also a Teacher of Resonant Testing™ and other Spiritual Tools. He can be booked for individual or group classes and healings. For information, contact: [email protected](714) 782-7596Contact for a free monthly subscription to Healing News! A channeled writing from Xenanthanium is in each issue. Back issues are on the website! Channeled writings from Golden Arrow through Alexandra are also in the Newsletter!

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March/April 2016 Radiance 29

With great harmony and miraculous transformation, expressing the capable magnificence of nature, the yearly astrological cycle, ushered by spring, entails a balancing flow that shifts from one astrological sign to the next. The quality developed to perfection in one sign becomes an excess. To be balanced, it requires a new formulation as it releases previous energy and shifts into a new focus. As we welcome spring, let us follow this journey of the seasons, or seasoned developments, and explore these shifts.The beginning is in Aries, the spark which ignites the fire of self-identity, our first battle to be. It is expressed in an outward motion for the idea to become present in the physical world of manifestation, the aggressive, separating energy which allows the seed to burst through the soil and obstacles. Without hesitating to calculate the possibilities, in selfish, self-sacrifice, it moves towards the sunshine as a true warrior, with innocence and enthusiasm. As the plant breaks through, the forward impulse gives way to the consolidation we witness in Taurus, the stability and productivity of securing the immediate environment and the receptivity of claiming needed nourishment, while enjoying and securing the tangible beauties and pleasure. We establish the stable domain of what we can own and control with fixed determination.

MeritAncient Wisdom for TodaySpring Unfolding: A New Astrological Yearly Cycle

In Gemini, the quality of stability and security is transcended as we move from consolidation into branching. The fixed earthy energy shifts to dual air energy, the one becomes the two and multiplies, the focused will experiences the dance between contradictions. In the dance of the twins and the opposites, love is born. The butterfly mind of the waning spring gathers the essence from one fleeting idea to another, from one connection and communication to the next. Connections are built and lost. In the tangents and distractions, we encounter the shifting energies again. The last phase of spring shifts into summer in Cancer, where the moon gathers the emotional water energy and focuses it into building a secure and protected home, with sensitivity and intuitive atonement, like an artist holding inspiration of a creative idea, or a mother conceiving a child, to be nourished and protected. All its needs are met as it grows into a physical body through which the fleeting sensations initiate the new realities of the budding summer. The summer heightens, and the child, born in Leo, becomes one with the sunshine. What was hidden, intuited, and protected is announced like a star. The self is embraced as it showers its love upon the favored entourage of the king. The creative energy of the heart and playfulness dominate.

As before, excess breeds self-indulgence and performance obsessions seeking continuous approval, applause, and drama when endorsement is withheld.The sunshine heat, when it peaks, can burn and destroy. As it dried the watery intuitive sensitivity of the Cancer season before it, it gives way to the selfless working service and healing of Virgo, embodying the energy of the efficient transforming earth-mother who gives, but only in a qualified manner, attending to details, seeking to perfect, analyze, criticize, discriminate, and synthesize, so it can provide the best nourishment for body and soul. Discrimination turns into obsession; the mercurial nervous energy builds with endless analysis. The criticism breaks self and others who it intends to nourish. The perfecting selfless impulse turns into awkward shyness and inner guilt towards the fated imperfection of creations in the physical world, and ushers tremendous hesitation which dissipates the forward action and self expression. The excesses of Virgo are transcended in the Fall. The Libra scales initiate autumn and brings in balance the capacity to receive and give, to refine the pleasures of Taurus into a mental air quality which creates refined social arts and relationships as well as social impulse to connect and adhere to shared values, and the fairness of

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justice, where the beauty of Venus rules, yet stern Saturn exalts. Even the balancing act can become an extreme, falling for social conventions and superficial conduct, leading into an endless balancing of conflicting views or the severity of judgment. Scorpion intensity is introduced; superficial rules are betrayed. The psyche's depth is explored, relationships shift into a transformation. Death and rebirth are encountered; struggle prevails. Intensity is again transcended. In Sagittarius, we come out of the depth of the psychological waters and enjoy the mutable fire of our thoughts as they take us to further lands and expansions of our versions of truth and freedom, with optimism and magnanimity which invites good fortune and incurs losses arising from uncalculated risks of adventures, exaggerated expressions, and recklessness, relying on abundant possibilities. At a certain point, expansion wants to be contained and structured. The earthy Cardinal winter Capricorn sets the rules for the rise through social hierarchy of authority and the establishment and governing conventions. The direction shifts within as winter's dark, cold atmosphere dominates. We retreat to face the hardships and ascend with determination towards the light which will illuminate the coming seasons. The focus is on hard work, building solid foundations, and establishing structures. Again we shift. The ground is shaken by revolutionary liberating energetic waves which can be as destabilizing as earthquakes. The sudden, unexpected change is brought by the water bearer in Aquarius. The air energy is fixed

and strong, unsettling former conventions and collective rules. New information builds networks connecting humanity in a spirit of friendship, celebrating individuality and unique differences. The connectivity turns into impersonal coldness and individual expression is lost in an adaptation to fit in the different groups. We have gone far away from the connection of the heart of the Leo child. The technological rational and intelligent networks become a giant nervous system, always needing the pulse of the heart. The waters of Pisces introduce the ocean of consciousness in which individual identities merge in oneness; the selfless dream of an artist; the selfless heart of a mystic; the inspiring vision of a future realization; the suffering of a self sacrificing lover looking for the ultimate ideal. From Pisces arises again the initiating pulse for action. And so continues the cycle of evolution.As we contain the qualities of all these shifts and evolutions, our charts can indicate qualities we still need to perfect or balance, and transcend. The qualities of the previous and subsequent signs, which we can sometimes

be sensitive to, or irritated by, can indicate where we have moved too far from an excessive quality of a former sign and where we can be inspired by the following sign to transcend our excess. Our chart's planets point to the different aspects of the self, the signs reveal the nature of the evolutionary cycle, and the houses the specific areas in our lives in which they manifest. Awareness of these evolutionary processes of the psych can open new insights of empowering understanding. Identifying these traits in your chart is one way to explore the wealth of its powerful symbolism. So, connect deeper with the empowering symbolism of your chart, recognize and acknowledge the joy of the soul journey and your unique personal codes of expressing the universal truth and energetic patterns.

Contact Merit at Golden Light Inspiration: 949.445.2224 or email [email protected] for a consultation and indepth exploration. Astro Keys for empowering understanding of your unique energetic patterns and personal tools for inner alignment for subconscious motivation and opening to Higher Consciousness guidance. FREE: 15 minutes introductory Consultation. Sessions by Skype (Cleopatradreams), in person and by phone.

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March/April 2016 Radiance 31

So many times when we were growing up and finding our way, we may have done what was “expected” of us

based on our gender, socioeconomic status, or intelligence. Perhaps we listened to and were influenced by parents, family, friends, and society. Whether through personal fears or blindly allowing others to make choices, we follow the advice and step into that good job, meet and marry the wonderful spouse, raise

children, and believe we are “living the dream.”

Then, one day, our thoughts change and we question where we are in life. We think, “There must be more to life, this is not as good as it gets.” What used to work before, now feels restrictive and limiting.

What if we dared to manifest the life we really want? We may demand a life which is fulfilling, brings joy, contains a supportive network of community, and grows and changes

with us. Can we have this life? YES, we can! This life is not only for ourselves, but it also allows those around us to be inspired and do the same for themselves.

So how do you listen to your inner truth and create the life you really want? Allow me to share with you how I did it.

My parents were pharmacists and it’s not a coincidence I became one, too. I instinctively knew when I was

Listen to Your Inner TruthBy David Wells

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David Wells is a pharmacist and Ph.D. Toxicologist who heard his calling as an energy medicine healer and learned how to heal the body - not with drugs,

but with the movement of energy. He developed his talents by opening up intuitively and studying the modalities of Qi Gong, Reiki, chakra balancing, crystal and sound healing, essential oils, energy medicine, and Shamanic techniques. David is also an artist and uses his intuitive talents to channel healing energy into his artworks. Healing sessions are by appointment in Laguna Beach and Irvine. More information:

young I would detour from working in a drugstore and work in research. After pharmacy school, I earned a PhD in Toxicology. I joined 3M Company in Saint Paul, Minnesota as a scientist in drug metabolism and drug analysis. In subsequent years, I became a consultant to the drug industry, and managed drug safety and drug information.

While my expertise was developed in drugs, medicine, and dispensing prescriptions to people who were sick, my inner compass guided me to explore a different area – Energy Medicine. I learned about Chinese medicine which prevents disease from forming by keeping energy meridians open, the energetic chakra system, and Qi Gong to promote wellness. I was guided to the healing benefits of essential oils and sound, and trained in auras and hands-on healing. During a trip to Sedona, I was introduced to ancient Shamanic techniques for healing.

One weekend I was inspired at an art crawl, and my intuition reminded me of the artist and creative soul that I already am. Later I realized I was going to use art differently – channeling Spirit and bringing healing energy into my works. Like clockwork, I was guided to people who became my teachers, fellow students, and friends, and my spiritual community had been formed to support me on my new path.

Becoming a lightworker and being of service to the world to aid in healing others was my calling and I felt confident in this truth. However,

would my confidence stand the test of blind faith when it became clear I was to leave all I had known for 30 years and move across country to Laguna Beach, California? I learned to trust Divine Timing in all ways imaginable. I released resistance and embraced the direction my new life was taking.

Are you aware of your inner self and the truth of who you really are? Take the time to ask your Higher Self what you truly want and listen to the answer you receive. It takes courage and trust, but know you are fully supported to achieve and be all you desire.

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March/April 2016 Radiance 33

Nemah Unlocks My MemoryBy Choury DeVelle

After parking Lucky Limo 13 in the lot for the second time that night, I carefully placed the keys

in the night box, pulled my car out of the lot, locked the gate and headed home. My car was the only vehicle on Airport Boulevard.

"Alone, just like me." I mumbled to out loud. Even though I enjoyed being a bachelor, every now and then, I wished I had someone waiting for me at home, another person with whom I could share this incredible story. Well, I've got my mystical friend Nemah to ask about the events of this bizarre evening. I wonder what he'll have to say about it."

"My life has been so crazy at times." I mumbled on. "Even if I had a wife at home, she probably wouldn't believe this story. She'd probably

think I was making excuses for being with another woman. There was a time when that might have been true, but not anymore. Why is it so important for someone to believe me anyway? Maybe it wasn't a miracle. I guess stranger things have happened.  Still, how could those three one hundred dollar bills just sit there all night and not be picked up or blown away? It was as if they were invisible to everyone but me. Even stranger than that was my stubbornness to retrace every single step of the entire evening. Something inside of me knew they'd be there, otherwise I would never have taken the time to drive all the way back to Hollywood - that would have been crazy."

I knew intuitively this wasn't the first time a miracle had happened to me, but for some reason, I couldn't

remember the last.

It was chilly outside but I kept my window down as I drove south along the lonely street on the east end of the airport. It was that time between night and morning just before the rooster crows or dogs start barking, when something has to happen for the morning to begin. The flashing lights on the distant runways seemed to wave at me through the billowing morning mist while the dew on a patch of wild grass near the fence hailed the beginning of a new day. Speckled rays of light danced their way through layer after layer of heavy fog. I wanted to hold onto the moment, so I pulled over.

In spite of all of all of LA's traffic and industry pollution, my nose still managed to detect the fresh

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Is something holding you back from realizing your true potential? Fears can manifest into sickness, s e l f - s a b o t a g e , and violence if

you feel threatened What most people don't understand is these roadblocks to success are old beliefs based on lack and limitation buried deep within the subconscious mind. Most of the time, the victim doesn't know how or why those beliefs got started .Choury believes the quickest, most effective way is through hypnosis to access the subconscious mind and change the programming from fear, sickness, lack, and limitation to courage, health, abundance, and wealth which is quicker than standard psychotherapy. 714.624.1956; c h o u r y d @ y a h o o . c o m ; www.orangecounty/




This book continues the story where Choury’s last book, The Message, ended.

Email Choury at [email protected]. Give this as a gift ...

and buy a copy for yourself!

Available on


Buy your copy today!

fragrance of a new day coming from the wet ground between the fence and the gigantic concrete slab called LAX. There was something comforting about seeing life springing out of that tiny patch of dirt. It was as if the earth was letting me know that long after our airports, buildings, boardwalks and billboards are reduced to dust, the earth will find a way to grow grass again.

Standing at the end of the airport runway, with my fingers clutching the little square openings of the wire fence, I had what I've come to realize was an out-of-body experience.  Suddenly, the fence represented the present moment: millions and millions of little square openings through which all the events of my life could be seen. Every single window had a piece of me actively participating in the game show of life. Interestingly, all of the events appeared to be happening at the same time.

I felt a strong wind blowing through me and began to feel disoriented, as if my physical body was disintegrating. Suddenly, I was afraid to let go of the fence; it seemed to be my only grasp on reality which was rapidly slipping away. Out of nowhere, an old man appeared on the other side of the fence. His face was almost undistinguishable. He wore a pointed hat which covered most of his head. He had white hair, a long white beard, and he carried a staff which almost looked like the branch of a tree.

"Is that you, Nemah?" I whispered.

He didn't say a word; he simply held out his staff pointing to one of the little windows in the fence. I was almost afraid to look, but I had to see what he was pointing to so, still clinging to the fence, I turned my attention to the movie playing in the tiny window.

The memories came back with amazing clarity. The first of these memories took me back to my early twenties. I was traveling across the country with a small group of very talented entertainers, performing in a musical review. One of our musicians, a keyboard player, had to leave the show and we only had two weeks to find a replacement for him. The events that followed this search would change my life forever.

Excerpt from “Nemah" which follows Chapter 1 entitled: “A Miracle on Gower Street" published in the Nov/Dec. 2015 issue of Radiance. “Nemah” is available for purchase at Temple of Light's Holistic Healing Fair where Choury will be happy to sign it.

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March/April 2016 Radiance 35

Marcie HowardReikiSoundsGood Health is in Your Hands

We know ultimately our good health is up to us. We know to eat correctly and exercise. Some of us take allopathic medications at the suggestion of an MD for varying reasons or homeopathic or a holistic approach to work with our symptoms. We know much of our good health is dependent upon how we “treat” ourselves. What we eat and believe makes a difference, as do our thoughts. Think negatively, and you’ve got a self-fulfilling prophecy in the making. Think positively, you manifest what you envision. Reiki (Pronounced Ray-Key) is a Japanese technique used for stress reduction and relaxation which also promotes healing. The word Reiki comes from Japanese ideograms called Kanji, represented by two symbols, Rei and Ki. Rei is the upper character; Ki is the lower character. REI means “Spiritual Wisdom” which is present everywhere or universal; KI means “Life Energy” which connects all living things. Reiki is generally delivered by a system of laying-on-of-hands. Reiki is everywhere and when you’ve been attuned to those energies, the Reiki flows through your entire body. Not only do I deliver Reiki with my hands, I also deliver the Reiki through my voice, breath, and eyes. My senses are heightened as the energy flows through me. As I began to put together the marketing materials for my work, a website, a brochure, business cards, and a logo, I struggled with calling myself a “healer." How could

I live up to that expectation? Clients would be disappointed if I did not perform what might be looked at as “magic” and I would continually feel frustrated. So I hired a small business marketer to assist me with verbiage and materials. As I spoke to her about what I wanted to communicate, she came up with the tag-line: “Good Health is in Your Hands." It was a perfect description of what my work means to me. We are our own “healers." Everything you need, you have. At times, we need facilitators to connect us to ourselves, our wisdom, and inner truth. I am the facilitator who helps you find the pathway inside. I am the one who is willing to walk with you down the path and release you to yourself when the time is right. I am a ReikiSounds Practit ioner/T h e r a p i s t . Together, we will find your pathway to healing so you might be all of who you are – a healer. We are all healers, for good health is surely in our hands.

Marcie Howard is a certified Reiki Master and Sound Healer. She is located within the Temple of Light and available for private ReikiSounds sessions. Please visit her website at to learn more about her work and schedule an appointment. Marcie also teaches Reiki in small group environments and on an individual basis. Reiki I is offered every second Saturday morning at the Temple of Light from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Contact Marcie directly to reserve a space. Groups are kept small for optimum detail and attention. Only four members per class. Marcie can be reached @ 714-336-8122 or at [email protected].

Option #1:First session, only

$35 for a 90-minute session

Option #2:Thereafter, reduced one-at-a-time rate @ $50/session. (Regular


Option #3:Purchase three

90-minute sessions @ $120 – ($40/session)

Session Specials

Buy a friend a gift certificate, get the first session @ $35.


Meet Marcie at the Holistic Fair the first Saturday of every month at the Temple of Light to receive

a FREE 15-minute ReikiSounds session.

Reiki I Group Rate

$75/person. Second Saturday of the month from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Reiki II Group Rate

$75/person. Scheduled on an as

needed basis

Reiki III Master’s Class

Tutored on a one-on-one basis.

(Contact Marcie for details)

714.336.8122 / [email protected] /

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Headaches affect a large population in the United States and symptoms can range from uncomfortable to unbearable depending on the severity. The pain can be so bad it affects your ability to work and maintain relationships. Although some may be caused by high blood pressure, cancer, hormonal imbalances, caffeine withdrawals, illness, stress, blunt trauma, etc., based on my experience as a Chiropractor, the majority of headaches stem from three main causes: spinal and cranial misalignments, food sensitivities, and/or jaw problems. There are many over-the-counter medications which mask headaches, but if you forget to take them, you are out of luck. Being a slave to pain killers is not the best long term solution to this problem. By being proactive and following the upcoming advice you might be able to conquer or reduce your headaches.

Misalignments Many people experience relief or elimination of pain simply by getting your neck and cranial bones re-aligned by a Chiropractor. If your Chiropractor prescribes exercises, do them! Certain exercises help improve your spinal curves which will improve your alignment. Besides cervical adjustments, cranial treatments do wonders to help with headaches.

Food Sensitivities Food sensitivities are real and can trigger headaches and I have seen more cases of this than I ever would have imagined. Food sensitivities may be to foods which don’t seem obvious. Here’s a true life example: A patient of mine experienced migraines for five years. Coincidentally, she was taking fish oil at the same time because she heard about its benefits. It’s true, fish oil is great for a large percentage of people, unfortunately, she was not one of them. I recommended she substitute fish oil for flax seed oil. The results after making this simple switch --- no more migraines! Keep a food log to help you look for correlations between the foods you’re consuming and your headaches.

Jaw Problems Wear a mouth guard if you grind your teeth. Jaw clenching can cause headaches. You might not even be aware you are guilty of this. I recommend you see a dentist who could make a custom mouth guard for you. Take a proactive approach and see if these changes help with your headaches. If you want more information, check out my video on headaches at

"This article is intended for informational purposes only and is not meant to diagnose or treat any condition or disease."

Dr. Horning grew up in a holistic home. He studied at the University of Maryland and received the unique degree of Agriculture and Resource Economics. He received his Chiropractic Doctorate at Southern California University of Health Sciences.An eternal optimist, Dr. Horning cares about restoring health and allowing his patients to flourish in whatever goals they have.

Dr. Ben HorningChiro CornerHeadaches

Dr. Horning’s staff treats the whole body through Chiropractic,

Muscle Testing, and Nutrition. The focus is to heal your body using a natural, holistic approach.

The Chiropractic Office ofDr. Benjamin Horning

Contact us at 949.422.7698 [email protected].

25241 Paseo De Alicia #100, Laguna Hills, CA 92653

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March/April 2016 Radiance 37

It was a blistery day, condemned to my house complements of El Niño. Thoughts rang through my head of “What to do?” “What shall I do?” Aha, I’ll clean the garage! Yes, this was the answer. It was a long overdue dreaded, but necessary, task. Universe had kindly blessed me with free time, no commitments, and no excuses. It was a done deal.

I bravely pulled out the rickety ladder. Yep, may as well start at the top and work my way to the bottom. The rafters seemed like the obvious choice. Up I went; not really trusting the steps, but determined to make some headway. There, amongst the dust and cobwebs, laid my children’s old baby blankets. Such precious memories, gingerly packed in airtight bags, waiting for the day when my grandchildren would be born. “Certainly must keep those” I whispered to myself,” but probably don't need this box of broken Christmas lights.” Into the trash the remnants of Christmas past went. Their journey to a landfill was about to unfold at the weekly scheduled trash pick up.

Next was the box of unread books and novels which had been on my “Must Read” list for eternity. Yes, I had great intentions, but, unfortunately little time. I destined those to my donations pile for others to enjoy. Hours went by as I sorted and sifted through memories, junk, books, unfinished crafts, and useless stuff.

Growing exhausted, I was determined to finish what I had started. I hate to do anything half baked. I crawled on my knees into the dark musty corner and pulled out the last box, hidden far out of reach, begging to be discovered. Alone in the dark it had silently existed, waiting to be acknowledged, recognized, and validated. It was labeled “Monique’s Wild Clothes.” The air around

it was stagnant and suffocating. In this dormant region of the crawl space its existence had long been forgotten, covered with cobwebs and dust, no longer serving any purpose.

I threw it off the ledge and descended the ladder. I put the box in my bedroom to open after the kids went to bed. I sensed this box was for my eyes only; my Pandora's Box. What mysteries would it hold? What stories would it tell? What secrets would it whisper?

I did all my nightly routines. Finally, the kids were asleep, their minds untouched by adulthood, dreaming of cotton candy, unicorns, and all things wondrous and magical.

With so much to do, I forgot about THE BOX. Wearily, I crept upstairs to shower off the day’s accumulation of grime and grit. My body was longing for the treat of hot water and sudsy lather of my luxurious amber-scented soap. I opened my bedroom door, and looming there was…THE BOX. Monique’s Wild Clothes. THE BOX. It ever so cryptically called and beckoned to me. It desired to be opened, to spill its long held secrets.

The shower can wait. It was time. THE BOX …she was dusty, tattered, and timeworn. She served her purpose, but was rough around the edges. She had seen better days. She was bound tightly with never ending loops of packing tape; determined to keep her contents protected and sealed away.

I had to tear, cut, coax and manipulate the tape which imprisoned her for all these years. Finally, I was able to peel back her layers of confinement and set her free. I almost heard her sigh of blissful relief as I opened her lid. She was finally allowed to quench her thirst and drink in the fresh air she craved. All she held for decades was freed. Her innards hidden in darkness we're seeing the Light.

Giggles came over me as I took her belongings and laid them down. I discovered my old clothes from my Hollywood life, circa the early 90s. There were teeny tiny hot shorts, go-go boots, a neon pink vinyl hat with matching gloves, miniskirts, thigh highs, etc. All the things I wore unapologetically as a young, supple and wild thirty-something. In this box was my life before

Mystical Musings: Finding Myself in the Rafters

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By Monique Hemingway

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kids. Before crow’s feet and wrinkles. Before sagging breasts, hot flashes and painful bunions. Before sensible shoes and mom jeans purchased at Costco. Way before the 50 confining pounds I gained after five years of fertility hormone injections followed by back to back babies at the ages 42 and 43. I vaguely remembered her.

She identified herself simply as Monique. Not as a wife, not as a mother, not as an adult, not even as a grown up and all that means. She was uniquely Monique. That's all she needed to be. That is all she desired to be… nothing more, nothing less.

She was beautiful, free, and uninhibited. A wild woman living life on a whim, moment by moment, anticipating the next adventure. She relished in experiences yet untapped, awaiting to be discovered. She oozed her sexual magnetism and wasn't afraid to show it. Then it happened… she aged. She did what grown-ups do. She got married, had babies, bought a home with a mortgage and a car payment, too.

She lived in fear she couldn't keep up with what society dictated she be. So she gave in, broke down, and gave up. She slowly retreated into her emptiness, withering away in sadness. All her energy went towards convincing the world she was Ok, she was strong and able. Years of feeling underachieved, unworthy, and unnoticed mounted on her; those layers showed up as fat. She overcompensated and people pleased. She thought that would validate her worth and make her whole again. It didn’t.

Being fat, tired, and rundown became her norm. She convinced herself because she was 40 now, this is what happens. Isn't this what the media and magazines deemed: her beauty and

worth washed up and expired? And, she believed them. This is when she boxed up the Wild clothes and decided to “hang it up.” She accepted the impending doom of mundane middle age. She packed the clothes and into the rafters they went, to be forgotten. THE BOX too accepted its fate and settled into its lifeless reality.

Flash forward a decade later to where I began my story. As I laid out the hot shorts, I thought, “Do I dare try them on”? I quickly answered, “Why not? I’m the only one awake.” I had recently incinerated those 50 awful pounds through a fabulous weight-loss program. At 50 years old, I was feeling optimal again. I decide to go for it, not knowing what to expect.

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March 5, April 2, and May 7

For information,visit




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I stripped, trembling with anticipation and fear. I turned on music and picked up a black shiny, size 2 sequined little number. I took a deep breath as I shimmied them over my hips, not sure what to expect. The tears came streaming down my cheeks…they actually fit!

I was grateful for the weight loss, but more importantly grateful for the reclamation of myself. I looked hot as I strutted in front of the mirror – not like that thirty-something hot, but a radiant white hot! The sexy kind of hot one earns through the journey of time and experience. The reward of an inner glow from wisdom obtained and heartaches felt deeply; the alchemical mix of success and failures which transform the maiden into something altogether different. The undeniable exuberance of a woman who has stepped into her power and laid claim to all her glory. That was me! In those hot shorts at the age of 50… it was the Goddess recognizing herself. SHE was alive and well. And awake!

The epiphany was clear…I am and always have been … the Wild Woman. HER energy pulses through my very core. It is of what I am made. SHE is my essence, my birthright.

The cried as I became acutely aware THE BOX metaphorically represented me. How I had hid my contents away, sealed myself shut and shoved me in a dark corner to collect dust. My identity boxed in and suffocated. My Soul yearning to be set free, to breathe, to BE!

I wondered, “Why had I kept this box in the first place? Why didn't I throw the clothes away years ago?”

And the answer came. Somehow, even in my darkest of days, I intuitively knew I would one day wear those garments again. One day I would cherish them and what they represented for me. I would reclaim them and I would reclaim myself. That day was today…. the day I rescued me from the garage rafters.

Monique's psychic gifts have been a natural part of her life since birth. Always drawn to Metaphysical things she spent her whole life studying and learning new ways to expand her consciousness. Twenty years ago, she decided to follow her Soul's calling and began intensive training in many modalities of Spiritual healing and counseling. Monique is a highly trained

and Certified Clairvoyant, Psychic, Medium, Trance Channel, Reiki Master and Vibrational Energy Healer. In addition she is also a Health Coach, working with clients to reclaim their Dynamic Body and Optimal Health through nutrition and the connection of Mind, Body & Spirit.

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Dr. Doug DiSienaDoctor Designed WellnessA Real Success Story

Meet Kathleen and learn how Doctor Designed Wellness and Weight Loss helped changed her life.

I discovered Dr. DiSiena at the Temple of Light Holistic Healing Fair and attended his lecture. Afterwards, I spoke with Liz Herrera, his assistant, at their booth in the Fair and fell in love with her and her attitude. I made an appointment and knew I was taking the best first step to getting better. I had done Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, and various diet plans, but needed the support and accountability along with medical help. I liked the 16-week program with maintenance because it made more sense to me. I cut out foods which cause inflammation and cravings and began eating “real food” food along with the shake/ bar and supplements. It was the right time for me. I added up what I would spend in junk/fast food and it was equivalent to what I would spend on the program.After the first month, I had more energy, the sugar cravings had subsided, and I loved to cook the new recipes. The weight came off steadily, and I didn't feel like I was starving; on the contrary, I was eating whole food all the time. With the lab work, we found that my bones hurt because my Vitamin D levels were close to zero. After taking Vitamin D, my levels are now normal. My triglycerides had been high. By following the program, this number was cut in half and are in the low normal range. Before getting on the program, my blood pressure had begun to increase (thank goodness it had always been low) and is now back to what it was when I was a teenager! All my labs have dramatically changed for the better.I've lost weight and body fat, yes, but what I gained is self-esteem and a complete change in eating patterns. I don't snore and sleep better.(And now the tears fall) I'm so grateful for all the love and support from Dr. DiSiena, Alex, Liz and the entire staff. Alex was a wonderful support, keeping me on track, providing encouragement, recipes and her light. Liz, I

am grateful for her checking in on me after I began the program, and love keeping in touch with her. Dr. D, thank you for giving me my life back. I NEVER thought it would be possible to not want to eat all the cookies, cakes, or sugar around me. I have a bite or two on rare occasion - or ask "is it worth it?" My big vice is still coffee... but much less than I used to drink. Okay... still don't exercise, work in progress. At least I can go on a 3-mile walk and not be winded.I'm on maintenance now. What I learned has become a way of life. I don't want to go back or feel the way I did. People ask me how much I have lost or what my goal is. .I tell them my goal is my health; the weight will eventually settle where it is supposed to be. If you want to be healthy or make a change, just do it. Follow the simple instructions, make changes slowly, and ask for help. It can be done with a little work.

Dr. Douglas DiSiena is a 1984 Cum-Laude graduate of Cleveland Chiropractic College. He has received numerous post graduate degrees and certifications. After years of practice and applying clinical nutrition with over 350,000+ patient encounters, he is known as an expert in lifestyle nutrition. During 2015, he presented 40+ lectures on optimizing health and nutrition. He wrote the best seller, Possibility Living: Adding Years to Your Life and Life to Your Years.

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Everything is energy and there are many layers of energetic information before it becomes physical. For example, great psychics can see a new car or lover in your auric layers before it manifests into your physical reality, which is the body’s densest layer. The same is true with distress and disease. Your body is the final manifestation and it is one, great biofeedback machine. If you feel something is wrong, your body is telling you something is out of balance and for you to balance it.

This is how the aura/light body works. If you have distress, the used energy in your chakras (energy body light wheels which spin), don't release dirty energy well. This energy gets stuck and doesn't allow fresh energy in to replenish your body. The chakras spin both ways to release used up energy (sometimes grey, etc.) and absorb fresh energy.

If you have good flow, you have good health, etc. If you have stuck energy, and most people do, finding a good, skilled energy healer can clear this out and get the flow going. With this work, people can relax deeply and feel wonderful as they connect with themselves and a higher vibration, and feel deeply centered and refreshed. It's a great de-stressor.

Do you know the outer layers include the physical, mental, emotional, psychological, spiritual, and more? A skillful healer can begin to clear issues before they manifest in these layers and clear blockages happening in the actual energy centers. Emotional patterns create energetic patterns and chronic blocked energy may create disease in this area.

As a mentor and while serving in a clinic, I saw repeating patterns. The aura tells a story when you measure it. Each chakra corresponds to certain organs and different aspects of your life. A healer who can sense the energy input/output and the quality of energy, can tell if you have abundance problems or not, immune

Carol LeilaniTransform Your EnergyChange Your Aura ...Change Your Life

problems or not, clarity and focus, etc. Sometimes life throws you a curve ball and things get out of whack, but there is a solution and help, if you need it. When you get the energetic flow going and learn how to maintain it, life tends to change, sometimes dramatically.

Do you know patterns created by your subconscious can be altered with a skilled healer? For example, childhood patterns you no longer want to control your life can be past life encodements called “karmic seeds.” These seeds are like software which pulls in similar situations, like a continuous loop of the law of attraction, such as leaving one relationship only to get involved with someone who is the same type with a different name, but same dynamic. Pulling out the karmic seeds uninstalls the programs, freeing you to choose what you want in your life. It is liberating and amazingly transformational.

I've seen many transformations, some of which people would call miracles, happen. When the person is ready to let go of what isn't satisfying them, allow the energy of what will, and they have the assistance of a skillful, effective healer, the miraculous can happen.

Carol Leiliani is a multiple modality energy healer with many modalities in her"tool kit," a fluid intuitive, and dimensional healer. Her gift is tuning in to your HIGHER SELF and being informed by your higher self.

Change your energy ...change your life

Energy system clearings, and rebootsGet energy flowing and increase VITAL LIFE FORCE

Uninstall unwanted programs.Get calmed and centered

Feel greatImplant removals

Email [email protected] to schedule an appointment. (Website under construction).

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