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Page 1: March/April 2014

Temple Beth Torah Shalom March/April 2014 Issue

As we have entered into the last half of my tenure at Temple Beth Torah as your Interim Rabbi, I would like to share with you two separate items: a review of some recent films you might be interested in viewing, and a blessing I gave at a recent open Temple Board of Trustees meeting.

Item  #1:    A  Rabbi  Reviews  3  Recent  Films  on  the  Holocaust/World  War  II.  

         I  recently  saw  three  films  dealing  with  li3le-­‐known  topics  of  the  Holocaust/World  War  II  that  I  wanted  to  share  with  you.    One,  en@tled  A"ermath,  is  a  powerful  indictment  of  Polish-­‐Jewish  rela@ons  aCer  the  Nazis  took  over  Poland  from  their  former  allies,  the  Russians.    

The  other  two—one  a  documentary,  The  Rape  of  Europa,  and  the  other  a  fic@onalized  feature  film  based  on  an  historic  event,  The  Monuments  Men,  concern  the  Nazi  of  theC  of  European  art  from  Jews,  synagogues,  art  galleries,  churches  and  museums  in  Europe,  and  the  a3empts  at  the  recovery  of  that  art.  

         Poklosie  (2012),  or  A"ermath  (also  translated  from  the  Polish  as  “Consequences”),  directed  by  Wladyslaw  Pasikowski,  is  a  thriller  that  is  really  a  bombshell  aimed  at  the  heart  of  the  fantasy  perpetrated  upon  the  Polish  People  that  they  were  the  vic@ms,  and  never  the  perpetrators  of  murder,  during  the  Holocaust.    It  derives  its  fic@onal  story  based  on  real  events  from  an  equally  explosive  history  wri3en  by  Jan  T.  Gross,  Neighbors:  The  Destruc?on  of  the  Jewish  Community  in  Jedwabne,  Poland.    This  book  caused  the  Polish  government  to  ini@ate  a  tribunal  which  proved  the  factuality  of  Gross’  asser@ons  that  it  was  the  Poles  of  the  rural  town  of  Jedwabne  who  horrifically  murdered  their  Jewish  fellow-­‐townsmen,  women  and  children,  at  least  340  of  them,  all  on  one  day  and  night,  July  10,  1941.      

A"ermath  concerns  itself  solely  with  contemporary  Poles—there  are  no  Jewish  characters  in  the  film  and  no  flashback  images  of  historical  Holocaust  events.    Instead,  as  in  a  spy  novel,  the  viewer,  along  with  two  Polish  brothers  in  the  town,  precipitously  find  out,  one  step  at  a  @me,  first  how  the  town  used  Jewish  cemetery  monuments  for  repaving  a  road,  and  other  u@litarian  purposes.        Con@nued  on  pages  28  &  29  


Rabbi’s voice

Bimonthly Newsletter of Temple Beth Torah, Wellington, Florida


Rabbi Norman Klein

Page 2: March/April 2014

Temple Beth Torah Shalom March/April 2014 Issue

In the spring of 2000, I spent a few weeks in India with Vassar College’s Religion and International Studies Departments. Upon my return, my mother’s cleaning lady asked me what it was like to be surrounded by so many people who are abominations of God. Oh boy, I thought, this is going to be a rough conversation…and not even because it took place in Spanish! I told Sandra that I didn’t believe that was the case and that in no way would I even consider the possibility that one-billion human beings were abominations of God simply because they weren’t “people of the book.” (Not to mention the other billion living in China.)

Standing on one foot and in another language, I struggled to explain to her why I disagreed. I suggested to her that religion was like prescription glasses: if, in order to see God you need 20/20 vision, each one of us needs a different prescription to achieve that. For example, Chinese “religion” is not about belief in God, but rather a focus on philosophy and a way of life. Buddhism is more a state of being. Our

spiritual needs as humans differ based on our surrounding culture. Rabbi Pinsky often likened the many religious traditions to climbers taking different paths up a mountain. Absolutist thinking is against everything we stand for as Reform Jews. How arrogant for anyone to assume that there is only one way, one path, one prescription, and that we actually know that way. The Kabbalists, the Jewish mystics, taught that human beings are incapable of even contemplating the true essence of God. A favorite quote of mine by the father of quantum physics, Werner Heisenberg, speaks to me of the ineffability of God, even though it specifically addresses the mystery of the universe: “Not only is the Universe stranger than we think, it is stranger than we can think.” Even Pat Robertson is jumping on the evolutionist bandwagon, calling to Creationists “to be realistic that the [biblical] dating [of the planet] just doesn’t comport with anything that is found in science and you can’t just totally deny the geological formations that are out there.” Now, I’m a hippie at heart. I believe in peace and love. Can’t help but belt out The Youngbloods lyrics “Come on, people now, smile on your brother, everybody get together try to love one another right now!” Sadly, this is not the view of the majority of the world in which I find myself, even among Jews. In early February, Knesset member David Rotem was reported to say that Reform Jews are “not Jewish” but rather “another religion.” Is that how we love each other? Love is about respect, not who is right. Until we as human beings can see past language, belief, race and our own narcissistic arrogance, I think God waits patiently to show us the true beauty of the mysteries of our universe. !Wishing, hoping, waiting and praying for shalom always, !Cantor Carrie Barry !!


Cantor’s Voice

Cantor Carrie Barry

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Temple Beth Torah Shalom March/April 2014 Issue

The   lessons   of   Hachnasat   Orchim   (Welcoming   Guests)   once   again   took  center   stage   in   the  preschool.  We  par@cipated   in   the  month   long   traveling  Shabbat   Puppy   Program   from   the   Commission   for   Jewish   Educa@on   (CJE).    Mazel,  the  stuffed  replica  of  the  character  in  the  story,  provided  the  crea@ve  

star@ng   point   for   project   learning   in   the   classrooms.   The   children   transformed   drama@c   play   areas   into  veterinary  offices.    They  made  dog  houses,  doggy  beds,  and  even  a    paper  mache  playmate  for  Mazel.  Doing  so   brought   the   teachings   of   Tza’ar   Baalay   Chayim   (Compassion   to   animals)   into   the   forefront   of     learning.  Extending   the   learning,   we   hosted   local   veterinarian,   Dr.   Pinkwasser;   dog   trainer,   Shay  Maimoni;   and   very  special  guest  Jay  Ackerman  with  his  service  dog,  Julia.  Dona@ons  for  the  Peggy  Adams  Animal  Rescue  League  will  con@nue  throughout  the  school  year  as  an  ongoing  Tzedakah  project.  The  collec@on  basket  is   located  at  the  entry  to  the  school  wing  if  you  would  like  to  contribute.  

!!!Over  200  guests  were  welcomed  to  our  classrooms  for  everyone’s  favorite  program  of  the  

year  -­‐  Grandparents’/Special  Persons’  Day.  Research  tells  us  that  children  find  unique  acceptance  in  their  rela@onships  with  grandparents,  who  contribute  to  their  educa@on  and  personal  development  in  many  ways.  They're  role  models,  mentors  and  historians  -­‐-­‐  teaching  values,  ins@lling  religious  and  ethnic  heritage,  and  passing  on  family  tradi@ons,  L’dor  Vador.    Having  them  in  our  classrooms  is  the  highlight  of  the  school  year.    Watching  the  children  interact  with  their  grandparents  and  observing  the  love  and  pride  in  the  eyes  of  the  grandparents  as  they  watch  their  loved  ones  learn  is  truly  priceless.    

Con@nued  on  pages  26  &  27  !�3

Preschool Press

Sandy Wilensky

Important Dates to Remember

March 12 Purim Celebration March 17-21 Spring Recess Spring Intersession April 9 & 10 Passover Model Seders April 15 & 21 Passover 1st and 7th days – NO SCHOOL April 28 Parent-Teacher Conference – NO SCHOOL

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Temple Beth Torah Shalom March/April 2014 Issue

Why  Bother?  !While  brainstorming  with  my  7th  grade  co-­‐teacher,  Robyn  Fleming,  two  years  ago  in  planning  our  class  subjects,  we  were  trying  to  come  up  with  a  theme  for  the  year  that  we  could  @e  in  to  all  the  subject  areas  we  were  planning  on  teaching.  Robyn  came  up  with  this  fantas@c  phrase,  “Why  Bother?”  !It’s  so  important  to  us,  as  teachers,  to  be  sure  that  one  of  the  most  important  values  we  try  to  ins@ll  in  all  our  students  is  to  make  them  want  to  bother  to  be  Jewish.  We  want  our  children  to  be  proud  to  be  Jewish,  to  understand  the  prayers  they  recite  and  sing,  to  celebrate  holidays  that  have  meaning  (and  are  fun!),  to  establish  their  own  rela@onship  with  God,  and  to  learn  to  live  their  lives  in  an  ethical  manner.  !Even  though  this  phrase  is  the  theme  of  grade  7,  it’s  actually  part  of  the  en@re  philosophy  of  our  curriculum.  Every  parent  who  enrolls  their  child  in  our  school  may  do  so  for  many,  diversified  reasons.  However,  our  teachers  all  have  the  same  goals  they  want  to  achieve,  no  ma3er  what  grade  they  are  teaching  –  we  all  want  to  have  an  impact  on  each  student’s  resolve  to  be  proud  to  be  Jewish  and  take  this  responsibility  to  heart.  We  want  to  see  our  students  act  “Jewishly”  responsible  and  grow,  as  they  mature  and  have  new  Jewish  experiences.  We  also  stress,  as  you  can  see  if  you  look  at  the  posters  on  the  school  walls,  that  Temple  Beth  Torah  is  a  safe  environment  for  everyone  who  enters  –  we  are  a  “No  Bully  Zone!”  Our  6th  graders  will  be  par@cipa@ng  in  a  community  wide  Immigra@on  Experience  at  Temple  Beth  David  in  April.  Our  2nd  graders  fill  the  halls  with  sounds  of  learning  the  Havdalah  songs  and  performing  the  ceremony  each  week.  Some  of  our  classes  started  parsley  plants  during  Tu  B’Shvat,  hoping  that  they  will  be  able  to  use  this  parsley  at  their  Passover  Seders.  My  fiCh  grade  class  is  preparing  a  book  about  seeing  Israel  through  the  eyes  of  a  fiCh  grader.  We  are  twinned  with  a  5th  grade  class  in  Israel,  who  is  preparing  their  own  book  about  seeing  the  United  States  through  the  eyes  of  a  5  grader.  We  will  share  these  with  each  other  in  April.  Our  music  sessions  fill  the  sanctuary  with  ruach!  Cantor  Barry  is  teaching  trope  to  the  5th  and  6th  graders  –  it’s  nothing  less  than  awesome.  !I  know  that  some  students  look  at  religious  school  as  coming  to  an  end,  eventually,  as  they  progress  through  grade  7  to  Mitzvah  Corps  (grades  8  &  9)  and  then  onto  Confirma@on  (grade  10).  What  we  hope  they  realize  is  that  even  though  they  have  studied  the  por@ons  of  the  Torah  from  Kindergarten  through  Confirma@on,  each  year  the  meaning  and  applica@on  of  the  Parsha  builds  their  understanding  of  their  Judaism.  Each  song,  each  project,  each  prayer  they  learn,  the  Holocaust  stories  they  learn  about,  the  program  we  present  during  Purim  about  Students  Against  Destruc@ve  Decisions,  the  movie  about  bullying,  and  the  classroom  projects  and  family  educa@on  events……all  of  these  things  hopefully  contribute  to  why  each  student  should  bother  to  want  to  be  Jewish.  We  hope  they  realize  that  their  Jewish  educa@on  never  ends….we,  as  teachers,  have  only  given  them  a  base  on  which  to  expand  and  grow.  !Parents  –  please  ask  your  children  what  they  have  learned  in  religious  school  –  if  you  set  your  own  example  that  you  also  “bother”  to  be  proud  to  be  Jewish  and  prac@ce  your  Judaism,  we  will  then  have  created  a  wonderful  community  where  everyone  “bothers.”  !B’Shalom,  !Meredith  Hirschberg  Interim  Director  of  Educa@on    


Meredith Hirschberg

Religious School

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Temple Beth Torah Shalom March/April 2014 Issue

Dear friends, !Recently, I found myself in need of answers to a number of Jewish-themed questions. Our clergy are always wonderful resources, but, as it was late at night, I decided to look on the URJ website - and was fascinated with what I found there! As I began looking around, I stumbled upon unrelated information and became engrossed; when I eventually was aware of the time, over an hour had gone by. !The answer I was looking for had to do with affixing a mezuzah on an apartment door. One of the links I found on the URJ site is titled, "Keeping a Jewish Home." As I scrolled through various questions and answers, I saw, "Is it permissible for someone who is below average height to affix a mezuzah lower than the norm?" The answer is interesting - and, in case you don't know (I didn't), I won't give it away! To read the article, you can visit: ! !As I now have a daughter working for USAID (US Agency for International Development) in Washington, DC., I looked around the URJ website and found a section entitled "Jewish Views on International Concerns”: ! !And then I saw something else in a blog under the tab "Arts and Culture" - it caught my eye because it was a comment about a movie (Inside Llewyn Davis) that I had seen and loved: ! !Then I stumbled across a recipe section. I am always looking for good gluten-free recipes (for one of my friends). I was excited to see the recipe for Pumpkin Sufganiyot (jelly doughnuts). I made this recipe and it is delicious - and now I will make anything by Tina Wasserman! ! !And here are links to the Torah portion of the week and to sign up for 'Ten minutes of Torah Study': ! !So much information, so interesting and so much fun just wandering around. I hope you take some time and look around — I bet an hour will fly by for you, too. !Sara Marcus !


Message From the President

Sara Marcus

A publication of

Temple Beth Torah

900 Big Blue Trace Wellington, Florida 33414 !

TEL: 561-793-2700 FAX: 561-793-1072

E-MAIL: [email protected] WEB SITE: !

TEMPLE OFFICE HOURS: Monday – Thursday: 9AM – 5PM

Friday: 9AM – 4PM !RABBI

Norman Klein [email protected]

RABBI EMERITUS Stephen H. Pinsky

[email protected] CANTOR

Carrie F. Barry [email protected]


[email protected] VICE PRESIDENT

Cheryl Cordes Jeff Starkey

TREASURER Steven Warner

EDUCATION DIRECTOR Meredith Hirschberg

[email protected] PRESCHOOL DIRECTOR

Sandy Wilensky [email protected]




Andi Parker & Joy Pitterman [email protected]


EDITOR Phyllis Weinstein

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Temple Beth Torah Shalom March/April 2014 Issue

The TBT Social Justice Committee The Ochel L'chol (Food For All) Project !

Contribute $10 for a certificate like the one above. The money collected is used to buy Publix gift cards for members of our congregation and community who are in need to purchase food and prescription medicines. See our committee at every Oneg Shabbat on Fridays or inquire at the temple office. !!!


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Temple Beth Torah Shalom March/April 2014 Issue

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !Did you know, there is a tree to honor the children in our preschool, our religious school and our congregation? The children walk by it every time they enter the school wing of the temple. To recognize your child(ren) a teacher or friend, please complete the form below and leave it with the temple office. You may use up to three lines of text (twenty characters per line). The cost for each leaf on the Children’s Tree is $50.

Examples: !!!!!& Children’s Tree Name_______________________________________________________________________________ Inscription: Line one: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Line two: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Line three: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Amount Enclosed $_____________________

Temple Beth Torah ● 900 Big Blue Trace ● Wellington, Florida 33414 ● (561) 793-2700




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Temple Beth Torah Shalom March/April 2014 Issue


LUNCH & LEARN: 2013-2014

Lunch and Learn sessions will take place in the Library on the first Monday of the Month from noon – 1:30p.m. Attendees will bring their own lunch. Life Long Learning will provide coffee, tea, and cold water, desserts along with plates, cups, napkins, and cutlery.


!March 3 “A Rabbi Looks at the New Testament” taught by Rabbi Norman Klein.

Session #2

April 7 “A Rabbi Looks at the New Testament” taught by Rabbi Norman Klein. Session # 3

May 5 “The Jewish Character in Literature,” presented by Rabbi Norman Klein !SUNDAY MORNING ADULT CLASSES

Beginning September 29, 2013, two adult education courses will be taught in the Library on Sundays when the Religious School is in session: March 2, 30; April 6, 27; May 11, 18, 2014. !9:30 – 10:15 a.m. Everything You Wanted to Know about Judaism and Were Afraid to Ask: an introduction of Jewish Cultural Literacy. Open to Jews and non-Jews. Rabbi Norman Klein, Instructor Free 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Prayer Book Hebrew: For non-Hebrew readers and a refresher for those whose Hebrew is rusty. Book fee only. Marc Brawer, Instructor !


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Temple Beth Torah Shalom March/April 2014 Issue

Temple Beth Torah’s Mitzvah Showcase

Your One Stop Mitzvah

Planning Event

Sunday  April  6,  2014  at  Temple  Beth  Torah    

From  11:30  am-­‐2:30pm                                                                                                                                                        

We  have  gathered  the  top  Bar/Bat  Mitzvah/Wedding/Sweet  16    

party  vendors  for  you…  and  it’s  free!  

DJ’s  and  entertainers  

Party  Venues  

Photographers  &  Videographers  

Party  Planners  

Florists,  Invita@on  Services  &  GiC  Items  

Designer  Cakes,  Candy  Bars  

And  much  more!!  

Thousands  of  dollars  in  door  prizes!!!  


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Temple Beth Torah Shalom March/April 2014 Issue


Come see TBT’s greatest performers in

Temple Beth Torah’s Annual

Purim Spiel

“Les Miz—Les Megillah”

Written by Norman Roth

After the 7:00pm Megillah Reading

on Saturday evening, March 15

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Temple Beth Torah Shalom March/April 2014 Issue

!Mitzvah  Day  Blanket  Making  Project  

The  Mitzvah  of  Gimilut  Chasidim,    Deeds  of  Loving  Kindness  

 Our  next  Mitzvah  Day  Project   for  2014  will  be  making  no-­‐sew,   Ileece  blankets   for  our  high  school  graduates   to   take  with  them  when  they   leave  home  for  school,   the  military  or   work   upon   graduation.   Mitzvah   some   think   of   as   “a  good   deed”   when   in   fact   it   is   a   commandment,   which  obligates   Jews   to   respond.     Mitzvot   intertwine   ethical  

and   ritual   behavior,   tying   us   to   a   rich   and   beautiful  tradition,   as   well   as   to   a   Force   greater   than   ourselves.   Mitzvot  

connect  us  to  ourselves,  to  the  community  and  to  G-­‐d.    Join  us  in  this  Mitzvah  Project  as  we  come  together  as  a  temple  community  to  perform  this  deed  of  loving-­‐kindness  for  our  graduates.  !✡When:    Sunday,  March  30,  2014  

!✡Time:  9:00AM  until  Noon    

!✡Place:    Temple  Beth  Torah  Lobby      

!✡Skills  Needed:    Ability  to  cut  fabric  and/or  tie  a  knot.    

                     Adult  supervision  requested  for  children.  !

RSVP  to  the  temple  of*ice  or  email  Marcia  Weber  at  [email protected].  

Community  Service  hours  available  for  volunteers.  


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Temple Beth Torah Shalom March/April 2014 Issue

Community  Service  hours  available  for  volunteers  Youth  Committee  Presents  

Bagels and Board Games  

Grades K-5



__________________________________________________  !Sunday,  April  27,  2014        Bagels  and  Board  Games  !

Child(s)  Name__________________________________    Grade__________  Child(s)  Name__________________________________                Grade__________  Parent  or  Guardian  Name___________________________________________  Parent  Cell  Phone  #________________________________________________  Parent  Volunteer__________________________________________________  !Ques@ons?  Email  Alisa  Adler  at  [email protected]    


• Sunday April 27, 2014 • 11:30am-1:00pm • Bagel Lunch Cost $2 • RSVP by April 23, 2014


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Temple Beth Torah Shalom March/April 2014 Issue

Brotherhood Members & Fellow Congregants –

There are lots of amazing Brotherhood Events upcoming throughout the remainder of the Brotherhood Year (through June 2014). Events such as…..

• POKER NIGHT [Thursday February 27th @ Hurricane’s in the Strathmore Plaza. Go to to Register and Pay] **All Proceeds go to our College Scholarship Fund for our High School Seniors**

• MIAMI HEAT GAME [March 16th vs. Houston Rockets 3:30pm at the AAA Arena. Go to to Register and Pay]

• GOLF OUTING [April 27th @ Breakers West Go to to Register and Pay]

• MONTHLY MEETINGS @ 9am in the TBT Library [Free Bagels, OJ & Coffee] 03/09, 04/13 & 05/04 !

!NOTE - We need volunteers to be on our Golf Committee. This is our Top Fundraising Event of the year. Please E-Mail me at [email protected] and I will give you all of the information on how you can help. Much appreciated!

!!Warmest Regards,

Andrew S. Goldstein


(c) 561-312-4692

(e) [email protected]  



Andrew Goldstein

Page 17: March/April 2014

Temple Beth Torah Shalom March/April 2014 Issue

!Lindsay  Warner  2/1/14  !Jesse  Levy  2/8/14  !Felicia  Pina,  the  daughter  of  Toby  and  Lester  Pina,  will  be  called  to  the  Torah  as  a  Bat  Mitzvah  on  Saturday,  February  15,  2014.    Felicia  is  a  student  at  Polo  Park  Middle  School  and  has  been  a  member  of  Temple  Beth  Torah  since  Kindergarten.    Felicia  loves  music,  singing,  and  dancing.    She  has  spent  the  past  year  volunteering  in  the  6th  grade  Religious  School  class  teaching  along  with  her  favorite  teachers,  Mrs.  Tessler  and  Mrs.  Barr.    Felicia  will  be  joined  on  her  special  day  by  her  parents,  brother,  Marcus,  grandparents  and  cherished  rela@ves  and  friends  from  near  and  far.  !Katherine  Sokoloff  2/22/14  !Samuel Joseph Fleming, son of Robyn and Chris Fleming, will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on March 1st, 2014. Sam is a 7th grade student at Wellington Landings Middle School. He is also a Kung Fu student. Sam enjoys spending his time playing drums and video. He loves hanging out with his brother, Jake. He will be celebrating his special day with his parents, grandparents, brother, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends far and near. !Emily  Shecter  is  12  years  old  and  is  a  7th  grader  at  Emerald  Cove  Middle  School.  Emily  enjoys  singing,  ac@ng,  dancing,  musical  theater,  piano  and  basketball.    Emily  has  been  going  to  Temple  Beth  Torah  since  she  was  3  years  old  at  the  preschool.  Emily  is  excited  about  her  upcoming  bat  mitzvah  March  8,  2014  and  she  plans  to  con@nue  her  Jewish  Educa@on  aCer  her  bat  mitzvah  at  Temple  Beth  Torah.  Emily’s  family  is  greatly  looking  forward  to  Emily’s  bat  mitzvah  day  with  much  love  and  pride.    !MaAhew  Shears  3/15/14  !!Zachary Jacobson, is a 7th grade honors student at Bak Middle School of the Arts.In his spare time, Zac likes cooking, watching Jeopardy, playing video gamesand spending time with his parents, younger brother Ryan, and dog Brady.Zac loves being the "Social Director" of his friends, and often is the organizer of their activities.He also enjoys engaging in philosophical conversations, and is referred to as an "old soul".We love him and are very proud of him on the upcoming occasion of his bar mitzvah  !Jonah  Smith,  oldest  son  of  Jason  and  Sarah  Smith,  is  a  7th  grade  student  at  Wellington  Landings  Middle  School,  where  he  plays  the  tuba  and  competes  on  the  Academic  Games'  teams.    In  April,  he  will  travel  to  Tennessee  to  compete  in  the  Academic  Games  na@onal  compe@@on.    In  his  spare  @me,  he  enjoys  solving  the  Rubik's  Cube,  camping  with  the  Boy  Scouts,  and  listening  to  the  Beatles.      As  part  of  his  bar  mitzvah  project,  he  will  be  cuyng  his  long  hair  and  making  his  third  dona@on  to  Pantene's  charity,  Great  Lengths.    Jonah  looks  forward  to  sharing  this  special  day  with  his  siblings,  Asher,  Tobias,  and  Miriam,  and  his  family  and  friends  


Bar & Bat Mitzvah

February, March & April

Page 18: March/April 2014

Temple Beth Torah Shalom March/April 2014 Issue

!Adam  Joshua  Kratenstein,  the  son  of  Sherri  and  Marc  Kratenstein  and  the  brother  of  Blake,  will  be  called  to  the  Torah  on  April,  5th  2014.    Adam  is  a  7th  grade  honor  roll  student  at  Wellington  Landings  Middle  School.    He  enjoys  playing  baseball  and  roller  hockey,  and  has  been  involved  in  Wellington  Li3le  League  since  he  was  5.      Adam  is  a  big  sports  fan  and  roots  for  the  Miami  Marlins,  Florida  Panthers,  and  the  New  York  Jets.  Adam  will  be  celebra@ng  this  day  with  his  extended  family  and  friends. !Jill  Rooney  4/12/14  !Alexa  Grace  Dunn  Portnoy,  daughter  of  Eli  and  Heather  Portnoy,  will  be  called  to  the  Torah  as  a  Bat  Mitzvah  on  Saturday,  April  26th,  2014.  Alexa  is  in  7th  grade  at  Emerald  Cove  Middle  School.  She  enjoys  numerous  hobbies,  which  include    playing  the  flute,  reading,  running,  and  spending  @me  with  her  friends.  She  also  a3ends  Camp  Coleman  each  summer  and  calls  it  her  second  home.  Alexa  volunteers  for  A  Second  Chance  Puppies  and  Ki3ens  Rescue.  She  and  her  family  foster  rescued  dogs  in  their  home  un@l  they  find  their  forever  homes.  She  oCen  spends  her  weekends  at  adop@on  events  or  helping  new  incoming  transports  of  dogs  and  cats.  Alexa  would  love  for  the  Temple  Beth  Torah  families  that  are  looking  for  a  new  pet  to  consider  adop@on  first  or  open  their  homes  to  fostering  homeless  animals.  She  will  be  joined  on  her  special  day  by  her  parents,  her  brother  Isaac,  her  grandparents,  Ivan  and  Joyce  Portnoy,  Michael  and  Pa3y  Sullivan  and  Debbie  and  Rick  Adkins  as  well  as  many  other  beloved  family  and  friends.  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Page 19: March/April 2014

Temple Beth Torah Shalom March/April 2014 Issue

DATE       TIME       EVENT  Sat,  Mar  1,  2014     10:00am       Bar  Mitzvah  of  Sam  Fleming  -­‐  Sanctuary  Sun,  Mar  2,  2014     9:00am  -­‐  11:30am   Religious  School         9:15am  -­‐  10:15am   Adult  Educa@on  -­‐  Jewish  Literacy  -­‐  Library         9:15am  -­‐  11:00am   Youth  Commi3ee  -­‐  Conference  room         10:30am  -­‐  11:30am   Adult  Educa@on  -­‐  Prayer  Book  Hebrew  -­‐  Library         5:00pm  -­‐  8:00pm     7th  Grade         5:30pm  -­‐  8:00pm     Mitzvah  Corps  Mon,  Mar  3,  2014   12:00pm  -­‐  2:00pm   Life  Long  Learning  ME  33  -­‐  Library  Tue,  Mar  3,  2014     3:00pm  -­‐  7:15pm     Religious  School         7:00pm  -­‐  8:30pm     Confirma@on  -­‐  Library  Thu,  Mar  6,  2014     6:00pm  -­‐  8:00pm     PS  Advisory  Commi3ee  Fri,  Mar  7,  2014     7:30pm  -­‐  9:30pm     Shabbat  Services  Sat,  Mar  8,  2014     10:00am       Bat  mitzvah  of  Emily  Shecter  Sun,  Mar  9,  2014     9:00am  -­‐  11:00am   Brotherhood  Mee@ng  -­‐  Library         9:00am  -­‐  11:30am   RS  Purim  -­‐  Kitchen,  Social  Hall,  Sanctuary,  Main  Lobby         9:00am  -­‐  11:30am   Religious  School         10:30am  -­‐  11:00am   Sisterhood  Mee@ng  -­‐  Conference  Room         1:00pm  -­‐  4:00pm     Sisterhood  Card  Party  -­‐  Social  Hall  Tue,  Mar  11,  2014   3:00pm  -­‐  7:15pm     Religious  School         7:00pm  -­‐  8:30pm     Confirma@on  -­‐  Library         7:30pm  -­‐  9:30pm     Membership  Commi3ee  -­‐  Conference  Room  Wed,  Mar  12,  2014   12:15pm  -­‐  1:00pm   PS  Purim  Celebra@on         7:15pm  -­‐  9:15pm     RS  Commi3ee  Mee@ng  -­‐  Conference  Room  Fri,  Mar  14,  2014     7:30pm  -­‐  9:30pm     Shabbat  Services  Sat,  Mar  15,2014     10:00am       Bar  Mitzvah  of  Ma3hew  Shears         5:00pm  -­‐  6:30pm     Triangle  Dinner         7:00pm  -­‐  9:00pm     Megillah  Reading  and  Purim  Spiel  -­‐  Sanctuary  Sun,  Mar  16,  2014   All  Day       No  Religious  School  Mon,  Mar  17,  2014   All  Day       No  PS  -­‐  Spring  Recess  Tue,  Mar18,  2014     All  Day       No  Religious  School  Fri,  Mar  21,  2014     7:30pm  -­‐  9:30pm     Shabbat  Services  Sat,  Mar  22,  2014     10:00am       Bar  Mitzvah  of  Zachary  Jacobson  Sun,  Mar  23,  2014   All  Day       No  Religious  School         9:15am  -­‐  10:15am   Adult  Educa@on  -­‐  Jewish  Literacy  -­‐  Library         10:30am  -­‐  11:30am   Adult  Educa@on  -­‐  Prayer  Book  Hebrew  -­‐  Library  Mon,  Mar  24,  2014   All  Day       PS  -­‐  School  Resumes  Tue,  Mar  25,  2014   3:00pm  -­‐  7:15pm     Religious  School  Fri,  Mar  28,  2014     7:30pm  -­‐  9:30pm     Shabbat  Services  Sat,  Mar  29,  2014     10:00am       Bar  Mitzvah  of  Jonah  Smith  Sun,  Mar  30,  2014   9:00am  -­‐  11:30am   Religious  School  3rd-­‐5th  Grade  Family  Ed  Program  -­‐  Social  Hall         9:00am  -­‐  11:30am   Religious  School         5:00pm  -­‐  8:00pm     7th  Grade  


March Calendar

April Calendar

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Temple Beth Torah Shalom March/April 2014 Issue

DATE       TIME       EVENT  Tue,  Apr  1,  2014     3:00pm  –  7:15pm     Religious  School         7:00pm  –  8:30pm     Confirma@on  -­‐  library    Thu,  Apr  3,  2014     11:00am  –  12:30pm   Staff  Mee@ng  -­‐  Conference  Room    Fri,  Apr  4,  2014     7:30pm  –  9:00pm     Shabbat  Services    Sat,  Apr  5,  2014     10:00am       Bar  Mitzvah  of  Adam  Kratenstein    Sun,  Apr  6,  2014     9:00am  –  11:30am   Religious  School         9:00am  –  12:00pm   6th  Grade  Immigra@on  Day  Field  Trip         9:15am  –  10:15am   Adult  Educa@on  -­‐  Jewish  Literacy  -­‐  Library         9:15am  –  11:15am   Membership  Commi3ee  -­‐  Conference  Room         10:00am  –  2:00pm   Bar/Bat  Mitzvah  &  Wedding  Showcase  -­‐  Social  Hall  &  Lobby         10:30am  –  11:30am   Adult  Educa@on  -­‐  Prayer  Book  Hebrew  -­‐  Library         5:00pm  –  8:00pm     7th  Grade         5:30pm  –  8:00pm     Mitzvah  Corps    Mon,  Apr  7,  2014     12:00pm  –  2:00pm   Life  Long  Learning  ME  #4  -­‐  Library    Tue,  Apr  8,  2014     3:00pm  –  7:15pm     Religious  School         7:30pm  –  10:30pm   Sisterhood  Women's  Seder  -­‐  Social  Hall    Wed,  Apr  9,  2014     12:00pm  –  1:00pm    PS-­‐Passover  Model  Seder         7:15pm  –  9:15pm     RS  Commi3ee  Mee@ng  -­‐  Conference  Room    Fri,  Apr  11,  2014     7:30pm  –  9:00pm     Shabbat  Services    Sat,  Apr  12,  2014     8:00am  –  2:00pm     Bat  Mitzvah  of  Jill  Rooney    Sun,  Apr  13,  2014     9:00am  –  11:00am   Brotherhood  Mee@ng  -­‐  Library         9:00am  –  11:30am   Religious  School           9:15am  –  11:00am   Youth  Commi3ee  Mee@ng  -­‐  President's  Office         9:30am  –  11:00am   Sisterhood  Mee@ng  -­‐  Conference  Room         11:30am  –  1:00pm   Youth  Group  -­‐  Social  Hall    Mon,  Apr  14,  2014   1:00pm         PS-­‐  Passover  Dismissal    Tue,  Apr  15,  2014     All  day       No  PS  or  Religious  School  -­‐  1st  Day  of  Passover  Wed,  Apr  16,  2014   12:00pm  –  2:00pm   PS  Staff  Mee@ng  -­‐  Social  Hall         12:00pm     PS-­‐12pm  Dismissal    Thu,  Apr  17,  2014   12:00pm     PS-­‐12pm  Dismissal    Fri,  Apr  18,  2014     12:00pm     PS-­‐12pm  Dismissal         7:30pm  –  9:00pm     Shabbat  Services    Sat,  Apr  19,  2014     10:00am  –  11:00am   Shabbat  Morning  Service    Sun,  Apr  20,  2014     All  day       No  Religious  School    Mon,  Apr  21,  2014   All  day       PS-­‐No  School    Tue,  Apr  22,  2014     All  day       No  Religious  School    Thu,  Apr  24,  2014   6:30pm  –  8:30pm     Youth  Group  -­‐  Youth  Lounge    Fri,  Apr  25,  2014     7:30pm  –  9:00pm     Shabbat  Services    Sat,  Apr  26,  2014     8:00am         Bat  Mitzvah  of  Alexa  Portnoy  Sun,  Apr  27,  2014     All  day       Brotherhood  Golf  Tournament  -­‐  Breakers  West  Country  Club         9:00am  –  11:30am   Religious  School         9:15am  –  10:15am   Adult  Educa@on  -­‐  Jewish  Literacy  -­‐  Library         10:30am  –  11:30am   Adult  Educa@on  -­‐  Prayer  Book  Hebrew  -­‐  Library         11:30am  –  1pm     Youth  Commi3ee  -­‐  Social  Hall         5:00pm  –  8:00pm     7th  Grade  Mon,  Apr  28,  2014   11:30am  –  10:19am   Youth  Commi3ee  -­‐  Social  Hall         All  day       PS-­‐No  School  Parent/Teacher  Conferences  Tue,  Apr  29,  2014     3:00pm  –  7:15pm     Religious  School         7:00pm  –  8:30pm     Confirma@on  -­‐  library    


Page 21: March/April 2014

Temple Beth Torah Shalom March/April 2014 Issue

!DATE       TIME       EVENT  Fri,  May  2,  2014     7:30pm  –  9:00pm   Shabbat  Services  Sat,  May  3,  2014   10am       Bar  Mitzvah  of  Jacob  Smith  Sun,  May  4,  2014   9:00am  –  11:30am   Brotherhood  Mee@ng  -­‐  Library         9:00am  –  11:30am   RS  Last  Day  &  Open  House  -­‐  Kitchen,  Social  Hall,               Santuary,  Main  Lobby  &  Libray         5:00pm  –  8:00pm   7th  Grade         5:30pm  –  8:00pm   Mitzvah  Corps  Mon,  May  5,  2014   All  day        PS-­‐  Israel  Independence  Day  Celebra@on         12:00pm  –  1:00pm   Life  Long  Learning  -­‐  Library  Tue,  May  6,  2014   7:00pm  –  8:30pm   Confirma@on  -­‐  library  Fri,  May  9,  2014     5:30pm  –  6:00pm   Tot  Shabbat/Teacher  Apprecia@on         7:30pm  –  9:00pm   Shabbat  Services  -­‐  7th  Grade  Siyyum  Sat,  May  10,  2014   10:00am       Shabbat  Morning  Service  Sun,  May  11,  2014   9:15am  –  10:15am   Adult  Educa@on  Class  -­‐  Library  Wed,  May  14,  2014   7:15pm  –  9:15pm   RS  Commi3ee  Mee@ng  -­‐  Conference  Room  Fri,  May  16,  2014   7:30pm       Shabbat  Services    Sat,  May  17,  2014   10:00am     Bar  Mitzvah  of  Ryan  Shnider  Sun,  May  18,  2014   All  day        PS-­‐Character  Breakfast         9:15am  –  10:15am   Adult  Educa@on  Class  -­‐  Library         9:30am  –  11:00am   Sisterhood  Mee@ng  -­‐  Andi  Parker's  House         10:30am  –  11:30am   Adult  Edcua@on  -­‐  Prayer  Book  Hebrew  -­‐  Library  Tue,  May  20,  2014   7:00pm  –  8:30pm   Confirma@on  -­‐  library  Fri,  May  23,  2014   7:30pm       Shabbat  Services  Sat,  May  24,  2014   10:00am     Bat  Mitzvah  of  Elana  Groves  Mon,  May  26,  2014   All  day       PS-­‐No  School  Tue,  May  27,  2014   7:00pm  –  8:30pm   Confirma@on  -­‐  library         7:30pm  –  9:00pm   Board  Mee@ng  -­‐  Library  Thu,  May  29,  2014   All  day        PS-­‐Last  Day  Preschool         6:30pm  –  7:30pm    PS-­‐PreK  Gradua@on  Fri,  May  30,  2014   6:00pm  –  8:00am   Youth  Group  -­‐  Social  Hall  &  youth  Lounge         7:30pm  –  8:30pm   Shabbat  Services  Gradua@on  Shabbat/TiBToFTY                 Installa@on  Sat,  May  31,  2014   10am       B'nai  Mitzvah  of  Tayla  &  McKinley  Youngblood  ! !!!!!!!!!!!


May Calendar

Page 22: March/April 2014

Temple Beth Torah Shalom March/April 2014 Issue


February/March ! ! !!

Rabbi’s Discretionary

Fund In Honor Of

The 60th wedding anniversary of Betty

and Hank Brodie Rhoda & Sy Zenlea !

Rabbi Pinsky’s speedy recovery

Jane & Dr. Fred Shuster !

Ruthann Palmer’s speedy recovery Jane & Dr. Fred

Shuster !In Appreciation For The naming of Juliet

Cohen Josh, Jill, Jeffrey &

Juliet Cohen !In Memory Of

Paul T. Steinhaus Jennifer Goldstein !

Bernice Kahan Aaron Frankel

Jerry & Ellen Kahan !Charles Robins

Corinne Ingerman Jane & Dr. Fred

Shuster !Elise Nagler

Jane & Dr. Fred Shuster !

Cantor’s Discretionary

Fund In Honor Of

The speedy recovery of Don Revis

Cheryl & Michael Herrman !

The Bat Mitzvah of Sarah Barron

Judy & Ken Wolosoff !Dr. Joy Pitterman’s speedy recovery

Betty Breinin !In Appreciation For The help from Louis

Eisenberg Sylvia Skoller !In Memory Of Esther Ryen Max Ryen

Betty Breinin !Michael Plotnick

Eugen Batkin Naomi & Leon Fishler !

Iris Goldson The Goldson Family !

Richard Samuels Dr. Joy Pitterman Cheryl & Michael Herrman & Family

Lisa, Vince, Rachel & Brandon Gerardi Janice & Howard

Kaplan O-Town Sound Chorus !

Marvin Pitterman Anna S. Goldman Dr. Joy Pitterman !

Hilda Brody Carol & Dr. Elliott

Brody !Murray Weinstein

Julie Dimaiwat !Elise Nagler

Sheila Tenenblatt & Norman Samuels

Marcy Samuels !Rabbi Stephen

Pinsky Education Fund

In Honor Of Mary and Leonard

Cordes on their 67th wedding anniversary

Reva Cohen !Rabbi Stephen H.

Pinsky Gail Goldsmith &

Family !Thinking of Elise

Nagler Phyllis Weinstein !

The Bat Mitzvah of Lindsay Warner Phyllis Weinstein !

In Memory Of Dr. Eugene Simon

Carol S. Cohen !Sylvia and Saul

Musicus Ruthann & Michael

Palmer !Molly Jankowitz

Fred Kessler !Richard Samuels Phyllis Weinstein

Irene Warten Betsy & Albie Mark !

Icek Leucove Danielle Levinsohn !

Susan McComb Dr. Helen Garson !

Rabbi Stephen Pinsky

Endowment Fund

In Memory Of Herbert Cohen Tomeko Cohen !

Cantor Fenakel Religious School

In Memory Of Robin Duchon

Selma & Saul Goldman !Leonie Arguetty

Preschool Scholarship Fund

In Memory Of Ruth Berger Earl Pertnoy

Ellen & Steven Shapiro !Richard Samuels

Robyn & Ilan Hurvitz Lynne Lieberman !Youth Group

Fund In Memory Of Louis Cooper Fred Reiman !

The Golden family’s loved one

The Perlmutter Family !Iris Goldson

Wellington Senior Club Needlework Group Wellington Quilters

LA Fitness Swim Group !Howard Phillips

Fund for Social Justice

In Appreciation For The Temple’s kindness

Mindi & Larry Kalish !In Memory Of David Aldous Renita Reif !


Page 23: March/April 2014

Temple Beth Torah Shalom March/April 2014 Issue

Richard Samuels Sheila Phillips !

Saul Blecher Memorial

Education Fund In Honor Of

Irene Haas’ speedy recovery

Ruthe Blecher !In Appreciation For

The friendship of Anita Seltzer and Henry

Goldsmith Ruthe Blecher !In Memory Of Bess Blecher Molly Kling

Ruthe Blecher !Donald Bateman

Ruthe Blecher !Richard Samuels Roz & Morris Ball !Larry Bernstein Ruthe Blecher Dulcie Burns !

Charles Robins Ruthe Blecher !

Henry Goldsmith Ruthe Blecher !

Tzedakah Box Fund

In Memory Of Dora Shore

Selma Schwartz Richard Samuels

Roz & Karen Eismann Ruthe Blecher !

David Froehlich, brother in law of

Vera & Norm Turkowitz,

Merryl Turkowitz & Arthur Lichtman

Roz & Karen Eismann !Bill Bender

Caring Fund

In Memory Of Iris Goldson Dulcie Burns !

Richard Samuels Sabina & Mel Dener

Arline & Noel Shevack Ken & Phyllis Nola !

Norman Sisle Mitchell Sisle !

Charles Robins Arline & Noel Shevack !

Library Fund Doris & Karl Fishman !

In Memory Of Jonathan Kamens

Doris & Karl Fishman !Joseph Diamond

Doris & Karl Fishman !Charles Robins

Dulcie Burns !Prayer Book Fund

In Memory Of Richard Samuels

Bobbi & Dr. Ronald Ackerman & Family

Nancy Schwartz !Audio Fund In Memory Of Norma Abrams

Harold Fast Art Abrams !

Mortgage Fund In Memory Of

Richard Samuels The Family of Elayne

Conant Marcia & Scott Weber Susan & Reed Kellner Sara & Mitch Marcus &

family Jane & Dr. Fred

Shuster Ellie & Marty Shiffman Diann & Stuart Hack &

family Anne Hlasnicek

Corinne Ingerman Cheryl & Ian Cordes

Marie Korosec Claire & Myron Eichler

Ellen & Dr. Steven Miller

Lawrence Apple Angela Talbort Elva Aronstein

The Blakely, Fell & James Families

The Lower Family Barbara & William

Klineman Connie & Douglas

Williams The Barashick Family

Jean & Rabbi Alan Lettofsky

Mary & Murray Berkowitz

Bonnie, Doug & Benay Stein

Bea & Larry Axelrod Carol & William

Greenspan & Family Elaine Conant

Paula Goldman Anne Brenner Lee Berkman

Sue & Richard Lvengh Shirley Goodman

Fred Pearlman Sanford & Sally Ziff Art & Leslie Hirsch

The Greenspan Family Denise & Laura Geller Jean & Paul Barbieri !General Temple

Fund Dulcie Burns !In Honor Of

Barry Eckhaus’ birthday

Casey & Marilyn Neuman !

The speedy recovery of Irene Haas

Gloria Zakon !The speedy recovery of

Dr. Joy Pitterman Gloria Zakon !

In Memory Of Iris Goldson

Corinne Ingerman

Ruthe Blecher Harriet & Simon

Growick Rose Goldson

Eileen Hart !Sally Gurewitz Darin Gurewitz !

Donald Bateman Dulcie Burns !

Dr. Michael Huber, Tess and Abby Huber

Eve Rosen Debbie Dorfman Debbie Corwin Suzanne Bram Roni Maeroff

Vicki & Ross Cohen Alisa & Dr. David Adler Stacey & Howie Busch

Jody & Andy Bandremer

Marcia & Scott Weber !Barry Ort

Rhoda & Sy Zenlea !Anthony D’Amato

Lori Bilkis !Charles Robins

Dulcie Burns !Yahrzeit Fund

In Memory Of Sylvia Bonios Lynn Ferman !

Melvin Politzer Linda & Bennett

Politzer !Roslyn Duberstein

Joan Gaffin !Sylvia Lerner Lynn Ferman !Genia Schor

Joseph Schor !Mollie Politzer

Alisa & Dr. David Adler !Rose and Isaac



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Temple Beth Torah Shalom March/April 2014 Issue

Stephanie & Arthur Feldman !

Fanny Terr Ibby Lucas !

Rose Rakowitz Marvin Rockley !

Yetta and Samuel Pliskow

Morris Pliskow Mark Pliskow

Dora and Samuel Goldman

Abraham Goldman Janette Goldman !Aaron Franzblau Sarah Franzblau !

Phyllis Thal Mitch Thal !

Frances Spitzer Miriam Goldbetter !

Kurt Menkel Eileen Eckhaus !Rose Feldman Isaac Feldman

Judith & Roy Rosner !David Sager Cary Levy !

William Feinstein Cheryl & Neil

Feinstein !Jennie Oliner

Helen Gottesmann !Paul Krimko

Arline & Noel Shevack !

Dora Saldinger Michael Yasuna !

Rose Ball Roz & Morris Ball !

Minnie Dener Sabina & Mel Dener !

Hilton B. Waters Irving Rudnick

Selma Rudnick Waters !

Adolph Schachtel Norma Silverman !Samuel Shapiro

Julius Unger Roz Eismann !Shirley Hahn Stanley Hahn !Marcus Block

Jane & Fred Shuster !


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Temple Beth Torah Shalom March/April 2014 Issue

WELCOME to our NEW MEMBERS We welcome the following new members to our “Temple family”

and look forward to their participation in our services and activities. !

Cindi and David Taylor !!Mazel Tov to Our B’nai Mitzvah:

March Sam Fleming and his family Emily Shecter and her family

Matthew Shears and his family Zachary Jacobson and his family

Jonah Smith and his family !April

Adam Kratenstein and his family Jill Rooney and her family

Alexa Portnoy and her family !Special Simchas ~ Mazel Tov To:

!Jamie and Ashley Ackerman, Dr. Ronald and Bobbi Ackerman, and Harry Ackerman on the birth of

their son, grandson and great grandson, Jacob Asher Ackerman Larry and Margie Zauder and Sharon and Jeremy Zauder on the birth of their

grandson and son, Y’air Zauder, in Jerusalem, Israel !Get Well To:

!Carole Bergman, Betty Breinin, Amy Fisher, Marcia Friedman, Irene Haas,

Sheldon Nussbaum, Dr. Joy Pitterman, Shana Sasko, Phyllis Weinstein !Deepest Sympathy To: !

Dr. Jonathan Huber on the loss of his brother, Dr. Michael Huber, and his nieces, Tess and Abigail “Abby” Huber

Anne Waggoner on the loss of her father, Donald Bateman Debi Shapiro on the loss of her mother, Sara Martin

Marcy, Daniel and Patricia Samuels on the loss of their husband and father, Rick Samuels Ross, Mitchell and Gabriella Bernstein on the loss of their mother and grandmother, Vera Bernstein

Rosemond Hammond and Sara Marcus on the loss of their brother and uncle, Charles Robins Leon Nagler on the loss of his wife, Elise Nagler !!


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Temple Beth Torah Shalom March/April 2014 Issue

Our   special   thanks   to  Dan  Vinayi   of  Na3ve   Color  Nursery   for   the   dona@on   of   the   beau@ful  plants  which  adorned   the  breakfast   tables  prepared  by   the  VPO,  which  became  door  prizes   for  our  guests.  Dan  is  also  a  proud  grandparent  of  two  children  in  our  school  (Daniel  and  Maya  Goldberg).    

This   short,   but   busy  month  was   also   filled  with   lessons   in   dental   health,   culmina@ng   in   an  exci@ng  and  interac@ve  dental  health  program  presented  by  Dr.  Lisa  Feldman’s  educa@onal  staff.  The  children  especially  enjoyed  going  home  with  new  toothbrushes  to  reinforce  the  day’s  learning.       The  next  two  months  are  an  exci@ng  @me  in  the  school  as  we  prepare  for  our  Purim  parade  and   celebra@on.     That  event   is   complete  with   costumes,   groggers   and   freshly  baked  hamantashen.  Our   parents   are  welcomed   helping   hands   in   all   the   classrooms,   lovingly   assis@ng   the   children  with  their  costume  decora@ng  and  baking  hamantashen.  Since  they  had  such  a  good  @me  last  year,  parents  will  once  again  don  aprons  in  the  Temple  kitchen  for  a  hamantashen  bake  off  to  supplement  the  treats  made  by  by  the  children  for  our  Purim  celebra@on  on  March  12.    

ACer    Spring  Break  we  will  become  immersed  in  prepara@on  for  the  celebra@on  of  Passover.    From  decora@ng  matzah  covers  to  prac@cing  the  four  ques@ons,  the  rituals  of  Pesach  will  be  woven  into   school  ac@vi@es   to  enhance   the   family  holiday   table.  We  encourage  you   to  visit   the  preschool.  Watching  PreK  children  dancing  in  the  hallways  with  their  hand-­‐made  tambourines  and  two  year  olds  collec@ng  chametz   (play   food  version)   in  prepara@on   for   the  holiday   is   an   indelible  affirma@on   that  we,  as  a  synagogue,  are  fulfilling  the  mitzvot  accepted  by  Moses  on  the  mountain.     In  keeping  with  that  mission  to  “teach  thy  children”  and  our   long  standing  tradi@on,  on  April  9  &  10,  Rabbi  Klein  &  Cantor  Barry  will  officiate  at  our  model  Seders.  This  school  wide  event  is  organized  by  our  VPO,  led  by  Passover  commi3ee  co-­‐chairs,  Debbie  Avella  and  Debra  Barron,  as  well  as  our  many  parent  volunteers  and  the  preschool  staff.    

Passover  at  the  Preschool  would  not  be  complete  without  a  visit  from  the  MATZAH  FACTORY.    ACer  learning  about  how  their  ancestors  fled  from  Egypt  before  their  bread  had  @me  to  leaven,  our  Transi@on  2’s,  3’s  and  PreK  classes  will  wear  chefs’  hats,  knead  their  own  dough  and  prepare  individual  matzah  to  take  home  to  share  with  their  parents  and  siblings.  

Passover  introduces  the  spring  season,  and  our  outdoor  spaces  con@nue  to  excite  the  children  as  they  care  for,  observe,  smell  and  enjoy  the  vegetable,  herbs  and  floral  growth  in  the  gardens  they  have  planted  and  cul@vated  throughout  the  year.  For  Tu  B’Shevat,  the  children  planted  a  key  lime  tree  in  our  expanded  bu3erfly  garden.  They  are  already  watching  and  enjoying  the  growth  of  new  young  blossoms   and   emerging   fruit.   The   preschool   teaching   staff,   fresh   from   the   Commission   for   Jewish  Educa@on  (CJE)  Conference,  con@nue  to    collaborate  with  the  VPO  and  Preschool  Advisory  Commi3ee  for   long   term   planning   to   enhance   our   outdoor   spaces.  Whether   the   vegetables   and   herbs  are  used  for  a  preschool  s n a c k ,   a c @ v e   s c i e n c e   programming,  or  for  lessons  in  Ha’Akhalat   Re’evim   (feeding   the   hungry),   nature’s   outdoor  spaces   extend   learning   and   crea@vity   above   and   beyond  wh a t   e v e n   t h e   n ewe s t   technology  can  offer.    



Preschool Press

Sandy Wilensky, continued

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Temple Beth Torah Shalom March/April 2014 Issue

As   the   month   winds   down,   all   of   the   classes   will   con@nue   their   ac@ve   lessons   of     L’ovda  U’l’shomra  (to  work  and  keep  the  land)  as  we  recognize  Earth  Day  with  cleanup  and  recycling  efforts  in  and  around  the  school.  Our  partnership  with  the  Village  of  Wellington  will  also  enable  all  the  children  to  go  home  with  a  new  seedling  to  plant  in  their  own  backyards.                            

 Registra@on  for  Fall  classes  has  now  opened  to  the  general  community,  but  it  is  not  too  late  to   reserve   a   place   for   your   child   in   our   2014-­‐2015   programs.   Please   call   793-­‐2649   or   stop   by   the  preschool  office  for  more  informa@on,  to  schedule  a  tour  or  to  sit  in  on  a  class.      

!     Registra@on   for   our   “Summer  of   Fun”   Enrichment   Camp  begins   this  month.     Parents   can  

customize  a  camp  experience  by  choosing  2,  3  or  5  day  a  week  programs  for  either    full  or  half  days.    We  look  forward  to  enjoying  this  summer  with  children  from  ages  2  to  6  years  old,  who  par@cipate  in  many  fun  filled  ac@vi@es.    We  will  also  welcome  back  our  teens,  twelve  years  old  and  up,  who  earn  community   service   hours   for   their   par@cipa@on   in   our   CIT   program.   Please   contact   the   preschool  office,  793-­‐2649  for  more  informa@on.  There  are  limited  openings.             Shalom,      !

Sandy  Wilensky,  Director  !!!!!!!!


JEWISH RIGHT START PROGRAM FOR NEW PRESCHOOL FAMILIES New registrants for the 2014-2015 school year may be eligible for the Jewish Right Start Palm Beach incentive program. The Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County is again offering a one-time incentive grant (up to $1500) for you to CHOOSE a Jewish Early Childhood Center for your child for the 2014-2015 school year. WE are a participating early childhood center. Read about the specific eligibility requirements and see a list of participating schools at: Funds are limited, so don’t wait. Call the preschool office today for a tour! Please share this information with your friends. For more information about this opportunity, speak to me at the preschool office, 793.2649.

Preschool Press

Sandy Wilensky, continued

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Temple Beth Torah Shalom March/April 2014 Issue

Then they then learn, shockingly, that the entire town is hiding a frightening secret, that many of the townspeople are in possession of farms, houses and lands, still legally owned, arguably, by descendants of all the Jews of the town whom they or their parents butchered by beating and burning to death in one awful night. No character in the film ends up being a hero; each and every one is compromised, both the perpetrators and their descendants, and even the investigating brothers themselves, who find that their father was the leader of the mob, and that they themselves live on farmland owned by a murdered Jewish family. The final shocking act of the townspeople against one of the brothers I leave for your viewing. The film concludes with the recitation by young people on pilgrimage of Kaddish at the resurrected Jewish tombstones in the midst of a wheatfield, with the surviving brother lighting a memorial candle. Hopefully Aftermath will still be playing when you read this piece; otherwise, get it on DVD when it comes out; it is a “must see” film.!

       Sure  to  s@ll  be  at  the  movies  when  you  read  this  is  a  new  World  War  II  epic  en@tled  The  Monuments  Men  (2014),  directed,  starring,  and  screenplay  wri3en  by  George  Clooney.    If  a  movie  about  art  stolen  by  the  Nazi’s  from  Jewish  collectors  and  art  dealers,  as  well  as  from  major  European  museums,  can  be  cute  and  upbeat,  this  is  it.    Unfortunately,  though  I  am  sure  it  will  please  many  viewers  who  like  watching  famous  film  stars  perform,  I  walked  away  feeling  cheated,  because  so  much  was  missing  from  the  banal  screenplay  which  was  important  in  the  story  of  art  plundered  from  vic@ms  of  the  Holocaust  and  in  the  a3empted  subversion  of  European  culture  by  the  Nazis.  

My  recommenda@on  is  to  either  read  the  book  on  which  Clooney’s  movie  was  based,  Robert  Edsel’s  The  Monuments  Men:    Allied  Heroes,  Nazi  Thieves,  and  the  Greatest  Treasure  Hunt  in  History  (2010),  or  be3er  yet,  watch  a  feature  documentary  on  the  same  theme,  en@tled  The  Rape  of  Europa  (2007),  directed  by  Richard  Berge,  Bonni  Cohen,  and  Nicole  Newnham,  or  read  the  book  by  Lynn  H.  Nichols  on  which  the  documentary  was  based,  The  Rape  of  Europa:    The  Fate  of  Europe’s  Treasures  in  the  Third  Reich  and  The  Second  World  War  (1994).      What  makes  the  documentary  so  much  superior  to  Clooney’s  fic@onal  feature  is  the  detailed  presenta@on  of  the  moral  issues  s@ll  at  play.    For  instance,  it  is  only  recently  that  some  descendants  of  vic@ms  of  the  Holocaust  whose  art  was  stolen  by  the  Nazis,  was  recovered  through  court  order,  as  was,  for  example,  five  pain@ngs  by  Gustav  Klimt,  including  Portrait  of  Adele  Bloch-­‐Bauer  I.    The  Austrian  Na@onal  Gallery  in  Vienna,  which  lost  their  case  in  court,  was  forced  to  return  the  pai@ngs  to  the  possession  of  Bloch-­‐Bauer’s  heir,  Maria  Altmann  of  Los  Angeles.      So  many  thousands  of  great  pieces  of  art  are  s@ll  lost,  perhaps  forever,  as  the  result  of  Nazi  deprada@ons.    Seeing  this  documentary  presents  details  of  the  hideousness  of  war  which  we  have  seen  recur  recently  in  the  destruc@on  of  the  archeological  history  of  Iraq  and  Syria.    However,  for  we  Jews,  what  these  films  and  books  most  underscore,  is  the  loss  of  lives,  communi@es  and  culture  to  our  people,  from  which  we  are  s@ll  recovering.  


Rabbi’s voice

Rabbi Norman Klein, continued

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Temple Beth Torah Shalom March/April 2014 Issue

Item  #2:    A  Blessing  for  the  CongregaVon            

           At  a  recent  open  Board  mee@ng  I  shared  with  the  trustees  and  the  members  present  the  following  blessing:  

           TheTorah  por@on  T’tzaveh  in  the  book  of  Exodus  opens  with  a  commandment  to  create  the  ner  tamid,  the  regular  lamp  in  the  Temple  that  has  become  our  eternal  light  on  the  bima.      The  commandment  to  keep  this  light  burning  is  in  effect  a  symbol  of  the  unity  of  our  people,  as  well  as  a  reminder  of  the  partnership  of  the  human  and  the  divine.  

     Here  in  this  sanctuary,  before  the  Ark,  we  are  also  reminded  that  our  Torah  and  its  commandments  serve  the  same  purpose  as  the  ner  tamid,  to  ignite  within  us  the  desire  to  bring  human  beings  together  through  the  light  of  compassion  and  understanding.    The  Torah  is  the  flame  issuing  from  the  spark  of  God.    Human  beings  are  the  torch  that  draw  the  flame  from  Torah.    The  body  is  the  wick  and  the  soul  is  the  oil  of  the  ner  tamid.    Through  the  fusion  of  torch  and  flame,  this  whole  house  becomes  filled  with  light.  

May  we  tonight  for  this  important  gathering  always  be  mindful  that  where  we  sit,  in  front  of  the  ner  tamid  and  the  torah  contained  in  the  ark,  which  challenge  us  to  see  the  face  of  our  neighbor  as  our  brother,  and  the  face  of  God  in  everyone  who  sits  beside  us.  

       Help  us,  O  God  of  love,  to  let  Your  Presence  illumine  the  darkness,  and  your  nearness  be  our  comfort.    Let  us  learn  to  hear  in  the  voice  of  the  other  the  sincere  desire  to  come  close  to  God.    Eilu  v’eilu  divrei  Elohim.    Each  one  in  his  own  way  tries  to  speak  in  a  sincere  desire  to  promote  this  holy  congrega@on  

     Cheezku  v’imtzu  al  @ru…ki  Adonai  Elohecha  hu  holaych  eemach  lo  yarp’cha  v’lo  yaazvecha.  

Be  strong  and  have  courage,  fear  not…or  your  God  accompanies  you.    God  will  not  fail  you  or  forsake  you.  

           God's  love  for  us  finds  expression  in  the  love  of  human  beings.    It  is  our  affec@onate  worship  of  God  which  suffuses  our  community  with  meaning.      It  feels  good  to  give  assistance  to  other  people,  to  belong  to  a  group  of  people  who  share  a  history,  an  ethos,  and  a  vision  for  the  future.    Throughout  our  history  the  Jewish  people  the  world  over  have  expressed  their  closeness  with  God  through  deeds  of  holiness,  through  acts  of  loving-­‐kindness,  and  through  the  ongoing  study  of  the  progressive  history  of  our  rela@onship  with  God—Torah,  in  the  most  inclusive  sense  of  all  of  Jewish  literature.  

As we progress through these remaining months together, I hope to help our congregation and our Board engage in leadership training, in appreciative inquiry of Temple Beth Torah’s history and values, and in transitioning towards a new, permanent rabbi. B’Shalom, Rabbi Norman Mark Klein !


Rabbi Norman Klein, continued

Rabbi’s voice

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Temple Beth Torah Shalom March/April 2014 Issue




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Temple Beth Torah Shalom March/April 2014 Issue

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Page 32: March/April 2014

Temple Beth Torah Shalom March/April 2014 Issue

 Hello,  Sisterhood  Members  and  Congregants!  !The  Temple  Beth  Torah  Sisterhood  has  been  having  a  wonderful  year.  We’re  proud  of  our  many  accomplishments,  i.e.  giving  scholarships,  recognizing  Temple  employees  for  all  their  hard  work,  contributing  to  WRJ  YES  fund  [Youth,  Education  &  Service],  and  providing  Chanukah  gifts  to  all  the  preschool  and  religious  school  children.  !TBT Sisterhood has a book club which meets the second Tuesday of the month from November to April. We meet in the TBT conference room at 10:00 AM. In April we generally choose our books and presenters for the next season. Our March book selection is Once We Were Brothers, by Ronald Balson. Our April book selection is The Last Train to Istanbul, by Syse Kulin. !In  March  we  have  our  regular  board  meeting  the  second  Sunday  of  the  month,  March  9,  2013  at  9:30,  sisterhood  members  are  always  welcome!    After  our  meeting  we  will  be  setting  up  in  the  Temple  Social  Hall,  for  our  Spring  FUNdraiser  Luncheon,  a  BUNKO  Party!    Come  join  us  for  “Bunko  With  Your  Buddies,”  prizes  and  fun  to  be  had  by  all.    Donation  for  this  event  is  $18  Sisterhood  members  and  $20  non-­‐members.    Look  for  the  BUNKO  Xlyer  in  this  issue  of  the  Shalom. !Then,  on  Tuesday,  April  8  at  7:30  PM  Sisterhood  will  be  hosting  a  Women’s  Passover  Seder!    Bring  your  friends,  bring  your  favorite  Passover  dish  or  dessert,  bring  your  appetite  for  a  fun  and  delicious  evening.  Donation  to  attend  the  seder  is  $10  Sisterhood  members  and  $15  for  non-­‐members.    Check  out  the  Xlyer  in  this  issue  of  the  Shalom. !For  more  information  about  programming  or  if  you  would  like  to  help  with  BUNKO  or  the  Women’s  Seder  contact  Barbara  Barashick  [our  new  Vice  –President  of  programming]  at  561-­‐793-­‐2882  or  by  email  [email protected].    Thanks  Amy  Blumstein  for  your  time  as  programming  VP. !


Andi Parker and Joy Pitterman


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Temple Beth Torah Shalom March/April 2014 Issue

Our  April  monthly  board  meeting  will  be  held  Sunday,  April  13  at  9:30  AM  in  the  conference  room  at  Temple.    We’ll  have  a  lot  to  review  as  we  begin  planning  for  the  2014-­‐2015  calendar  year.    If  you  would  like  to  be  involved  in  planning  Sisterhood  events,  we’d  love  to  hear  from  you!        Also,  thank  you  for  all  of  your  support  of  the  Sisterhood  Judaica  Boutique,  let  us  know  if  we  can  help  you  with  that  special  gift.    If  you  are  interested  in  helping  in  our  Boutique  we’d  love  to  hear  from  you.    Thank  you  for  your  Mah  Jongg  card  orders.    The  order  has  been  placed  and  you’ll  be  receiving  your  card  directly  from  the  Mah  Jongg  League  by  mail  in  late  March  or  early  April.    !Thanks  for  taking  the  time  to  check  out  Temple  Beth  Torah  Sisterhood.    We  look  forward  to  seeing  you  at  one  of  our  events  in  the  future!  !Shalom  always,  Andi  Parker  and  Joy  Pitterman  Co-­‐Presidents  Temple  Beth  Torah  Sisterhood    

Did  you  know…….  That  Women  of  Reform  Judaism  during  the  depression,  when  URJ  had  no  money,  had  a  campaign  to  raise  enough  money  to  keep  the  Cincinnati  campus  open.    The  school  was  going  to  have  to  close  its  doors  to  future  Rabbi’s  and  Cantors  and  the  efforts  of  WRJ  prevented  that  from  happening.



Andi Parker and Joy Pitterman, continued

Women of Reformed Judaism

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Temple Beth Torah Shalom March/April 2014 Issue

Join Us As We Celebrate the Holiday of Purim



Temple Beth Torah’s Membership Committee

is organizing a Triangle Dinner before the Magilah Reading and Purim Spiel on

Saturday, March 15, 2014 starting at 5:30pm !It is tradition to have a Purim Seudah (feast) on Purim day, and is customary to serve

food at the Purim meal that has symbolic meaning that links to the Purim story.

Triangular-shaped food such as Pizza and hamantashen pastries are eaten in memory of Haman's three-cornered hat and more. !

Triangle Feast Time starts at 5:30pm and is followed by the Magilah reading and the Purim Spiel in the Sanctuary

Please RSVP Before March 12th to TBT Office

Payment must accompany reservation !Cost: $ 10.00 for Individuals (Adults) and $5.00 for Children $ 36.00 for a family of four (add $5.00 for each additional family member) !We will have a Costume contest with prizes for the winner! !Please make Checks payable to TBT Membership Committee and drop-off at the Temple office prior to March 12th. !Yes, I will attend Dinner prior to the Purim Spiel # of attending from my Family Adult ____ Children _____ First name__________ Last name___________ Please contact Lois in the office for CC Charges ____ or Cash ______


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Temple Beth Torah Shalom March/April 2014 Issue

!Do you have a Teen Graduating !High School or College in 2014?! !On  Friday,  May  30,  2014  at  7:30  PM  we  will  recognize  and  bless  our  graduates  during  Shabbat  Services.  The  Youth  Commi3ee  will  recognize  each  student  and  provide  a  giC  for  this  year’s  graduates.      Please  send  the  student’s  name  and  whether  they  are  gradua@ng  from  high  school  or  college  to  [email protected].  !


Page 36: March/April 2014

Temple Beth Torah Shalom March/April 2014 Issue

Caring  Commi3ee—Caring  about  our  Temple  family  

The  Caring  Commi3ee  supports  members  of  our  Temple  Beth  Torah  congrega@on  by  reaching  out  during  @mes  of  need  or  to  acknowledge  a  celebra@on  in  their  life.  Please  let  the  temple  office  know  if  you  or  someone  you  know  has  an  illness,  a  loss  of  a  loved  one  or  is  celebra@ng  a  special  event  such  as  a  birth  of  a  child,  wedding  etc.    As  a  commi3ee,  we  reach  out  by  sending  customized  cards  or  making  phone  calls.    During  the  @me  of  a  loss  of  a  loved  one,  we  typically  offer  a  meal  to  the  immediate  family  in  mourning  if  they  are  local.  In  addi@on,  we  provide  ongoing  support  through  the  year  around  different  holidays  by  purchasing  Publix  and/or  Target  giC  cards  for  several  temple  family  members  who  are  in  need.    It  some@mes  is  a  difficult  choice  for  individuals  to  make  on  purchasing  food  or  their  prescrip@ons.    We  maintain  the  privacy  of  the  families  at  all  @mes  and  typically  the  names  remain  anonymous.      

How  can  you  help?    If  you  are  interested  in  learning  more,  we  could  use  volunteers  to  help  our  commi3ee  with  driving,  purchasing  or  cooking  chicken  dinners  but  we  also  are  in  great  need  of  financial  dona@ons.  If  you  would  like  to  donate  money,  please  use  the  Temple  form  available  either  online  or  through  the  office  to  donate  to  the  Bill  Bender  Caring  Commi6ee.  These  dona@ons  are  being  used  for  our  Temple  Beth  Torah  families.  We  are  not  funded  through  temple  dues  but  through  dona@ons.  We  thank  everyone  who  has  been  dona@ng  to  Ochel  L’chol  at  Friday  and  Saturday  services  since  those  funds  are  used  to  help  us  out  with  suppor@ng  our  temple  families  in  need.    


Temple  Beth  Torah’s  Caring  Commi3ee  



Cindy Albers

Caring Committee

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Temple Beth Torah Shalom March/April 2014 Issue


9462.397.165 ta ettennA llac ofni roF900 Big Blue Trace | Wellington | [email protected]

PLAY & LEARN - A Parent/Child Interactive Program“It was easy for me to send my child to preschool because we did Play &

Learn together. She knew what to expect from a school setting, and I felt comfortable leaving her because she was happy.” ~ Alyssa




9 Weeks – April 2 to May 30 , 2013

MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS - 9:15-10:15AM (No classes – May 15 & 27 ) or


REGISTRATION FORM – PLAY & LEARN (4th Session – 2012/2013)CHILD’S NAME ______________________________________________ Birthdate________________________Sex __________

Mother’s Name ________________________________________________Father’s Name ________________________________

Home Address____________________________________________City _________________________ Zip_________________

Home Phone______________________Cell phone________________________Email __________________________________

Time & Days (check one): M/W - 9:15–10:15AM ___________________ T/TH - 9:15–10:15AM ______________________ Temple Member - Yes ___________ No ___________ Amount Enclosed $ _________________

Parent’s Signature ___________________________________________________________ Date ___________________

PAYMENT IN FULL DUE AT TIME OF REGISTRATION(All fees are non-refundable. No makeup classes available.)(Please make check payable to Temple Beth Torah)

Temple Members – M/W - $195.00 T/TH $234.00 Non-members – M/W - $210.00 T/TH - $252.00

Loving & Nurturing EnvironmentSecure Facility Preschool ReadinessSocialization for Caregiver & ChildArt Activities Storytime


Session IV 2013-1410 Weeks - March 24 to May 29, 2014

(No Classes Mon. 4/21, 5/26)

(No Class Tues. 4/15)



Page 38: March/April 2014

Temple Beth Torah Shalom March/April 2014 Issue

!Do you know and feel comfortable with MS/Publisher or Apple Pages? !!Would you like to volunteer for your temple to improve communications with the congregation?!!The Shalom is published bi-monthly, so help would be needed from the 5th to the 12th of February, April, June, August, October and December.!!Anyone interested, please contact Diane Marks at [email protected].!


Page 39: March/April 2014

Temple Beth Torah Shalom March/April 2014 Issue

!!!OF THE!!!!!

This is the second issue of the “hardcopy” Shalom. I hope you find it helpful in planning your next months’ temple activities.!!Printing and mailing costs were not included in this year’s temple budget, so, if you like having the Shalom mailed to your home, please consider making a donation to keep the printing and mailing going until the next budget starts. Just tell the office the donation is for the Shalom.!!A tremendous Thank You to all our advertisers. Please mention that you saw their ad in the Shalom when you frequent our advertisers. We can always use more if you have a business or can give us the name of someone we should call. !!B’shalom, Diane Marks


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Temple Beth Torah Shalom March/April 2014 Issue




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Temple Beth Torah!900 Big Blue Trace!

Wellington, Florida 33414!


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