Download pdf - March 4th 2013

Page 1: March 4th 2013


Aruban Male Beauty Shines!

This is where Aruba Party This is number48

. Event Photo’s

. Pharmacy on call

. Weather forecast

. Caribbean Recipe

Get to know Aruba music!



If your picture is NOT in our Party News Paper, your party was not hot enough for Aruba Party to be there!

Page 2: March 4th 2013

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*Be confident. Women love confidence. A confident man tells her that he is in charge of his world and capable of taking care of her. *Listen up. Women appreciate a good listener. Stare into her eyes and listen, really listen, to the things she says. *Express yourself. Women like their men to be expressive. "Strong and silent" is out of style. But don’t overdo it; let her talk too.

How To Make Her Fall For You! Are You Ready?

• Give concrete reasons. I am bad at this. So bad. I get so overly concerned with not hurting someone’s feelings that it becomes hard for me to be honest. When I get really nervous, I tend to lie. I have done this in the past. After the 11th time I said, “I have feelings for someone else” when there wasn’t really anyone else, I realized I needed more courage balls because lies and excuses are dumb. If given the chance to dump again (I hope I don’t get that chance), I will tell the complete honest truth without being cruel. Like you can leave out that part about you not loving the way he/she kisses. But otherwise, don’t sugarcoat shit. Don’t spend an hour telling him/her what a high-quality human being he is. No one gives a crap about that when they’re being dumped . They want it to be over a soon as possible. Avoid generic lines like, “It’s not you, it’s me” or “I’m not available right now.” Actually, I think stock breakup lines make you come off as more of a cad. Be kind, be specific and get to the point quickly. Example: “I have really enjoyed the time we’ve spent together, but I am looking for something serious and long-term and I don’t feel that I could see us spending our lives together because …

How To Dump Someone !

* Show your soft spot. Men who show their vulnerable side are attractive to women. But do not be needy. It is important to be in control; otherwise, you may scare her off. *Friends forever. Women love it when you take an interest in their friends, especially if you get along with them.

Page 3: March 4th 2013

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Page 4: March 4th 2013

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Time To Smile

Page 5: March 4th 2013

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Page 6: March 4th 2013

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Pharmacy On Call

Page 7: March 4th 2013

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6 Day Weather Forecast

Page 8: March 4th 2013

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Aruban ”Curry Chicken” Ingredients

2 lbs. mutton or chicken 1 clove of garlic 2 tomatoes 2 onions 1 stalk of scallion 1 hot pepper 3 tbs curry

Preparation Directions To make Curry Goat/Chicken: Cut up 2 lbs. mutton or chicken into small cubes. Place in a large bowl. Add 1 crushed clove of garlic, 2 tomatoes, 2 onions 1 stalk of scallion, 1 hot pepper chopped, then 3 tablespoons curry, salt and pepper to taste. Mix all together. Allow to rest for 1/2 hr. Separate meat from seasoning. Fry meat in 2 tablespoons of butter, 2 fluid oz. oil until brown. Add seasoning and 2-3 cups of water. Cover and simmer until tender. Serve with rice or roti (Indian flat bread).

Page 9: March 4th 2013

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Aruba is the Party Island

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Page 11: March 4th 2013

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Page 14: March 4th 2013

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Special Happy Birthday to:

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Page 16: March 4th 2013

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