
MARCH 3, 2011

Morning Turnout Fun

Oh no! Here comes Zip…that usually

means trouble for me.

Wow Dexter what a

beautiful March

morning and this hay is yummy.

Maybe if I go greet him Dexter, he will let you eat with us


Good morning loverboy!

…And now I have to bite you since you cheated on me this morning

with that ugly brown horse Dexter

Oh man, I think I’ll bite my own blanket instead of biting you back.

Uh, What are doing?

OK buddy, let me help you

bite it.

Biting my blanket of course.

No Zip, I want to pull it up like this and see if I can get it over my


Ok! Maybe if I pull on it too we can get that

over your head and off of you.

Uh, maybe I should just stand out here and hold it in my mouth

all day.

Luckily the two blondes gave up before they damaged the blanket or terrified Thunder by getting it stuck over his head…who knows what might have happened then!

OK, I’ll just watch

