Page 1: MARCH 26, 2014 Homework: Read pgs. 48-50, define highlighted terms from reading and pick two main ideas from each heading- leave spaces for additional

MARCH 26, 2014Homework: Read pgs. 48-50, define highlighted terms from reading and pick two main ideas from each heading- leave spaces for additional notes (on pg. 7 in N.B)…

Do Now: Write down homework: Open notebooks to pg. 5 and open textbooks to pg. 46.

Page 2: MARCH 26, 2014 Homework: Read pgs. 48-50, define highlighted terms from reading and pick two main ideas from each heading- leave spaces for additional

UNIVERSAL GRAVITATION -Acts everywhere in the universe, not just on Earth.

- Law of Universal Gravitation: the force

of gravity acts between all objects in

the universe.Any two objects in the universe, without exception, attract each other.

You are attracted to the Earth and the Earth is attracted to you

Page 3: MARCH 26, 2014 Homework: Read pgs. 48-50, define highlighted terms from reading and pick two main ideas from each heading- leave spaces for additional


•Mass and distance are the two factors that affect gravitational attraction between two objects.•Mass is the measure of the amount of matter in an object.• SI unit : kilograms (kg)•Mass and gravitational force: the more mass an object has, the greater its gravitational force.• If mass increases, the force of gravity increases• Ex: the sun’s mass is so great it exerts a large gravitational force on the planets.

Page 4: MARCH 26, 2014 Homework: Read pgs. 48-50, define highlighted terms from reading and pick two main ideas from each heading- leave spaces for additional
Page 5: MARCH 26, 2014 Homework: Read pgs. 48-50, define highlighted terms from reading and pick two main ideas from each heading- leave spaces for additional


• The farther apart two objects are the less gravitational force there is between them.

• If the distance between two objects increases, the force of gravity decreases

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•Weight is the measure of gravitational force on an object

-the force of gravity on a person or object at the surface of a planet

• It varies with the strength of gravitational force, mass does not.•Gravity pulls on mass. Your mass in kilograms (kg) multiplied by the force of gravity (9.8 m/s²) = your weight. (1 kg= 2.2 lbs)

Page 7: MARCH 26, 2014 Homework: Read pgs. 48-50, define highlighted terms from reading and pick two main ideas from each heading- leave spaces for additional

-What forces are acting on a sky diver, as they fall from the sky?

-Write a question you have about the forces that act on a falling object? ---Could there be anymore than what you have written?

Page 8: MARCH 26, 2014 Homework: Read pgs. 48-50, define highlighted terms from reading and pick two main ideas from each heading- leave spaces for additional

-What happens to the force of gravity between two objects when the distance decreases?

-What is the difference between mass and weight?-Why do you weigh less on the moon than you do on Earth?

Page 9: MARCH 26, 2014 Homework: Read pgs. 48-50, define highlighted terms from reading and pick two main ideas from each heading- leave spaces for additional

MARCH 27, 2014Homework: Section Assessment Questions: 2C, 3A, and 3B- on pg. 10 in your notebook

Do Now: Write down homework, Update T.O.C- pg8: Gravity and MotionPg. 9: Air Resistance activity Open notebook to page 7-

Page 10: MARCH 26, 2014 Homework: Read pgs. 48-50, define highlighted terms from reading and pick two main ideas from each heading- leave spaces for additional

~~~GRAVITY AND MOTION~~~•Gravity, the downward force that affects all objects, and air resistance, fluid friction, both affect motion.

**When you hold something then let go…•Gravity becomes the unbalanced force that causes the object to fall

• Is the ball falling faster when it leaves your hand or when it is justabout to hit the ground?

Page 11: MARCH 26, 2014 Homework: Read pgs. 48-50, define highlighted terms from reading and pick two main ideas from each heading- leave spaces for additional

GRAVITY CAUSES ACCELERATION•Acceleration means speeding up, slowing down, or changing direction.

Gravity Causes: --objects to accelerate; --an objects velocity (speed) to increase, when it has been dropped from any height

--an object to change direction, when it is thrown horizontally

Page 12: MARCH 26, 2014 Homework: Read pgs. 48-50, define highlighted terms from reading and pick two main ideas from each heading- leave spaces for additional


Projectile: An object that is thrown

Gravity acts the same on objects moving horizontally as it does for objects moving vertically.-Gravity eventually pulls horizontally moving objects downward, at the same rate as objects dropping vertically

Page 13: MARCH 26, 2014 Homework: Read pgs. 48-50, define highlighted terms from reading and pick two main ideas from each heading- leave spaces for additional


• Besides gravity, what force acts on falling objects?• Air resistance

•Why did it take the flat piece of notebook paper longer to reach the ground?• Because it has a larger surface area, so the force of air

resistance is greater.

Page 14: MARCH 26, 2014 Homework: Read pgs. 48-50, define highlighted terms from reading and pick two main ideas from each heading- leave spaces for additional

AIR RESISTANCE-•Air resistance is a type of fluid friction- that acts on a solid object moving through the air and in opposite direction of motion.-

It is an upward force exerted on falling objects

•Not the same for all objects• Falling objects with a greater surface area will have more air resistance. ex: a leaf falls more slowly than an acorn

Page 15: MARCH 26, 2014 Homework: Read pgs. 48-50, define highlighted terms from reading and pick two main ideas from each heading- leave spaces for additional


AIR RESISTANCE?• Because all objects freefall at the same rate 9.8 m/s²- no matter what their masses are.

•When dropped, two objects with different masses would hit the ground at the same time.

Page 16: MARCH 26, 2014 Homework: Read pgs. 48-50, define highlighted terms from reading and pick two main ideas from each heading- leave spaces for additional

FREE FALL• An object is in free fall when the only force acting on it is gravity.•When in free fall the object is accelerating---Why?• Because the force of gravity is an unbalanced force, which causes the object to accelerate

-All objects accelerate, because of gravity at a rate of 9.8 m/s---no matter what their masses are.

Page 17: MARCH 26, 2014 Homework: Read pgs. 48-50, define highlighted terms from reading and pick two main ideas from each heading- leave spaces for additional

TERMINAL VELOCITY• The greatest velocity a falling object reaches- when the force of air resistance equals the weight of the object.• Air resistance increases with Velocity• A falling object will eventually fall fast enough that the upward force-air resistance and downward force –gravity become equal.

(**REMEMBER**)When forces are balanced no acceleration the velocity (speed) remains constant (even).

Page 18: MARCH 26, 2014 Homework: Read pgs. 48-50, define highlighted terms from reading and pick two main ideas from each heading- leave spaces for additional


Projectile: An object that is thrown

Gravity acts the same on objects moving horizontally as it does for objects moving vertically.-Gravity eventually pulls horizontally moving objects downward, at the same rate as objects dropping vertically

Page 19: MARCH 26, 2014 Homework: Read pgs. 48-50, define highlighted terms from reading and pick two main ideas from each heading- leave spaces for additional

-What forces are acting on a sky diver, as they fall from the sky?

What does the skydiver experience during his fall to the Earth?

Page 20: MARCH 26, 2014 Homework: Read pgs. 48-50, define highlighted terms from reading and pick two main ideas from each heading- leave spaces for additional

MARCH 28, 2014

•Homework: Read pgs. 51-53: Review notes: and begin Force packet- pages 1-4 due for check in on Tuesday

•Do Now: Write down homework, put force packet away, Open notebooks to page. 10

• Today I will… create a diagram that demonstrates why objects accelerate during free fall…• Identify Newton’s 3 Laws of motion

Page 21: MARCH 26, 2014 Homework: Read pgs. 48-50, define highlighted terms from reading and pick two main ideas from each heading- leave spaces for additional

MARCH 28, 2014

•Homework: Read pgs. 51-53: Review notes: and begin Force packet- pages 1-4 due for check in on Tuesday

•Do Now: Write down homework, put force packet away, Open notebooks to page. 7/ 8

• Today I will… create a diagram that demonstrates why objects accelerate during free fall• Identify Newton’s 3 Laws of motion

Page 22: MARCH 26, 2014 Homework: Read pgs. 48-50, define highlighted terms from reading and pick two main ideas from each heading- leave spaces for additional

AIR RESISTANCE-•Air resistance is a type of fluid friction- that acts on a solid object moving through the air and in opposite direction of motion.-

It is an upward force exerted on falling objects

•Not the same for all objects• Falling objects with a greater surface area will have more air resistance. ex: a leaf falls more slowly than an acorn

Page 23: MARCH 26, 2014 Homework: Read pgs. 48-50, define highlighted terms from reading and pick two main ideas from each heading- leave spaces for additional


AIR RESISTANCE?• When dropped, two objects with different masses would hit the ground at the same time. • Because all objects freefall at

the same rate 9.8 m/s²- no matter what their masses are.

Page 24: MARCH 26, 2014 Homework: Read pgs. 48-50, define highlighted terms from reading and pick two main ideas from each heading- leave spaces for additional

FREE FALL• An object is in free fall when the only force acting on it is gravity.•When in free fall the object is accelerating---Why?• Because the force of gravity is an unbalanced force, which causes the object to accelerate

-All objects accelerate, because of gravity at a rate of 9.8 m/s---no matter what their masses are.

Page 25: MARCH 26, 2014 Homework: Read pgs. 48-50, define highlighted terms from reading and pick two main ideas from each heading- leave spaces for additional

TERMINAL VELOCITY• The greatest velocity a falling object reaches- when the force of air resistance equals the weight of the object.• Air resistance increases with Velocity• A falling object will eventually fall fast enough that the upward force-air resistance and downward force –gravity become equal.

(**REMEMBER**)When forces are balanced no acceleration the velocity (speed) remains constant (even).

Page 26: MARCH 26, 2014 Homework: Read pgs. 48-50, define highlighted terms from reading and pick two main ideas from each heading- leave spaces for additional

• 2C: How would your weight change on the surface of an Earth- Sized Planet whose mass was greater than Earth’s? Why?• Your weight would be greater because the gravitational force

is greater

• 3A.Why does an object accelerate when it falls toward the Earth’s surface?• Gravitational force causes the object to accelerate toward the Earth

• 3B: How does the mass of an object affect its acceleration during free fall?• An objects mass has no effect on its acceleration during free fall.

Page 27: MARCH 26, 2014 Homework: Read pgs. 48-50, define highlighted terms from reading and pick two main ideas from each heading- leave spaces for additional

• and Gravity & Friction

• school house rock

Page 28: MARCH 26, 2014 Homework: Read pgs. 48-50, define highlighted terms from reading and pick two main ideas from each heading- leave spaces for additional

-What forces are acting on a sky diver, as they fall from the sky?

What does the skydiver experience during his fall to the Earth?

Page 29: MARCH 26, 2014 Homework: Read pgs. 48-50, define highlighted terms from reading and pick two main ideas from each heading- leave spaces for additional

NEWTON’S BIG 3Newton’s Three Law’s of Motion:

1st: Law of Inertia, objects at rest will stay at rest, objects in motion will stay in motion

2nd: The force needed to move an object is equal to the product of that objects mass and Acceleration; F= m x a

3rd: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Page 30: MARCH 26, 2014 Homework: Read pgs. 48-50, define highlighted terms from reading and pick two main ideas from each heading- leave spaces for additional


• 1st: (Law of Inertia) Objects that are at rest, stay at rest. Objects that are in motion will stay in motion at constant velocity (speed) unless an unbalanced force acts on it, which accelerates the object.

• Inertia: the tendency to keep moving. It depends on the mass of the object. The more mass an object has the more inertia..

Page 31: MARCH 26, 2014 Homework: Read pgs. 48-50, define highlighted terms from reading and pick two main ideas from each heading- leave spaces for additional


• 2nd: The force needed to move an object is equal to the product of that objects mass and Acceleration; F= m x a

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• 3rd: For every action there is an equal and opposite reactions

Page 33: MARCH 26, 2014 Homework: Read pgs. 48-50, define highlighted terms from reading and pick two main ideas from each heading- leave spaces for additional

Projectile motion

How does gravity affect objects that are moving horizontally?

Page 34: MARCH 26, 2014 Homework: Read pgs. 48-50, define highlighted terms from reading and pick two main ideas from each heading- leave spaces for additional

• Is the ball falling faster when it leaves your hand or when it is justabout to hit the ground?

-When you throw a baseball, how can you tell that the force of gravity is acting on it?

• The ball eventually falls to the ground


It falls faster when it hits the ground

Page 35: MARCH 26, 2014 Homework: Read pgs. 48-50, define highlighted terms from reading and pick two main ideas from each heading- leave spaces for additional

What happens to the force of gravity between two objects when the distance decreases?

What is the difference between mass and weight?

-Why do you weigh less on the moon than you do on Earth?

Page 36: MARCH 26, 2014 Homework: Read pgs. 48-50, define highlighted terms from reading and pick two main ideas from each heading- leave spaces for additional

1) Is the object moving?

4) What would you have to do to break this force of friction?

2)What type of friction is this an example of?

3) What is the Net force of these forces?

Page 37: MARCH 26, 2014 Homework: Read pgs. 48-50, define highlighted terms from reading and pick two main ideas from each heading- leave spaces for additional

1) Label all the forces acting on the sky diver as she falls toward the Earth’s surface-

-Draw the arrows to show strength and direction of the forces and what forces those arrows represent.

2) Write if the forces are balanced or unbalanced and if unbalanced in what direction is the net force acting?

*Note:*Assume that picture B. is when terminal velocity has occurred.

3) For picture C. What force changes when a sky diver’s parachute opens? What forces stay the same?

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• Force can be in the negative direction when pointing to the left or downwards.

Page 39: MARCH 26, 2014 Homework: Read pgs. 48-50, define highlighted terms from reading and pick two main ideas from each heading- leave spaces for additional
Page 40: MARCH 26, 2014 Homework: Read pgs. 48-50, define highlighted terms from reading and pick two main ideas from each heading- leave spaces for additional
Page 41: MARCH 26, 2014 Homework: Read pgs. 48-50, define highlighted terms from reading and pick two main ideas from each heading- leave spaces for additional
Page 42: MARCH 26, 2014 Homework: Read pgs. 48-50, define highlighted terms from reading and pick two main ideas from each heading- leave spaces for additional
Page 43: MARCH 26, 2014 Homework: Read pgs. 48-50, define highlighted terms from reading and pick two main ideas from each heading- leave spaces for additional


Page 44: MARCH 26, 2014 Homework: Read pgs. 48-50, define highlighted terms from reading and pick two main ideas from each heading- leave spaces for additional
