
M.A.PCase Study – Scott Howell

In Partnership with

Case Study

• Scott suffers from Myotubular Myopathy, a rare condition that causes weakness and wasting of muscles, confining him to a wheelchair and leaving him unable to breathe unaided. Scott requires a ventilator and the assistance of a carer 24 hours a day.

• Building Components was commissioned jointly by Steve Johnston of Wirral Partnership Homes and Paul Rolfe of Wirral Council to supply suitable accommodation for four year old Scott Howell.

• Scott’s existing home was not suitable for conversion so an extension was proposed. Building Component’s proposal was a MAP (Modular Adaptation Pod) consisting of a bedroom and wet room. The bedroom design needed to accommodate all medical equipment Scott required, this included 30 electrical items all requiring designated power outlets.

Wet Room• The wet room was designed with a level access

shower which was capable of accommodating a 2.0m x 900mm shower trolley.


• The M.A.P is constructed from light weight steel to meet all current building regulations and is a structural entity, however in this instance the roof strength was increased to accommodate an electrical hoist. The hoist has a capacity of 300kg.


• The project under Building Components control split into three elements. Firstly, the internal modification to the property was undertaken by WPH due to their knowledge of the housing system. Secondly, the external groundwork and installation was carried out by BC. Thirdly, the manufacture of the M.A.P was carried out by the pod manufacturer.

• Work started on all three elements

simultaneously, TWO weeks after planning approval was given.

• All three elements were completed TWO weeks later. The installation then took place on the Monday of the third week.


• Scott was on site to see his present arrive on the back of an articulated lorry, wrapped in a big blue plastic bag. This was accompanied by an 80 tonne crane.

• The lift started at 10:45am and by 12:15pm the lights were on and hot water was flowing from the sink tap.

Completion• Scott moved in two days later after all of his medical equipment was

installed and tested.

The Client

ContactRay Philpin

37 Simpsons WalkHorsehay



07850 59382501952 504082

[email protected]
