
Many find it a powerful and significant path to make

ongoing formation in one’s life more real!

This Sharing Invites you to consider this request of the Society

–Its value?–How to do it?

Creating a Personal Project/Plan of Life

What Does it Involve?

In it we identify:– the most important roles, and

relationships in our lives– who I want to be, – what I want to do, – to whom and what do I want to give my

life,– the principles I want to anchor my life to, – the legacy I want to leave

Preliminary Questions ..

Is it worth it?

Why do it?

How will it help me?

Reflections from Scripture on a Plan

“Where there is no Vision - the People Perish”Proverbs 28

Jesus Personal Plan …

“The Spirit of the Lord has been given to me, for he has anointed me. He has sent me to bring the good news to the poor, to proclaim liberty to captives and to the blind new sight, to set the downtrodden free, to proclaim the Lord’s year of favour.” (Lk 4:16-22)

Don Bosco’s Plan of Life

His Dream at the Age of 9 and repeated a number of times through his life …

Is it of Value?

A vision without a task is but a dream.

A task without a vision is drudgery.

A vision with a task is the hope of the world.

How Can it Help?

We need to learn to set our course by the stars, not by the lights of every passing ship. Omar Nelson Bradley Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal. Pamela Vaull Starr

Is it Navel Gazing?

Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars. Casey Kasem

The Test that I have a Plan of Value;

When it excites you to do something,

When it gives you pleasure and a sense of satisfaction,

and when it fulfils your most important values. (Holpp and Kelly)

Images of a Plan

It's like deciding first which wall you want to lean your ladder of life against, and then beginning to climb.

Another Image

It can be a compass

a strong source of guidance amid the stormy seas and pressing, pulling currents of our lives.

Consider a Pilot Flying to a Destination

How often are they on course?

How do they manage to get to their destination?

Image of Our Lives Being Like a Tree


Tactics/ StrategiesGoals


(Ground level …)Values

Unconscious Programs

Using the Image of life as a Tree – What is the Plan?

The Plan is like a stake that keeps the tree

growing straight and in the healthiest way


Goal of the Plan

The plan is striving to help us live out what is most important to us .. in the most life giving manner.

How We Make This Real?

Or Plan

Exploring Ratio’s comments on the Personal Plan or Project of Life

69. – the ability to bring together one’s desires, energies and values in a personal project of life, in which one assumes responsibility for one’s growth and lives to the full the deepest motivations of one’s vocation.


209 –216. the plan is not so much a text to be put in to practice as an expression and instrument of a community that chooses to work together to help each confrere tread the path of his formation

Still More from the RATIO on the Plan

216. The Salesian accepts this responsibility (of personal formation) .. One of the practical ways in which he shows responsibility for his formation is by having a personal plan for his own life. In it he delineates the kind of Salesian he feels called to become and the way to achieve this, always of course in tune with Salesian values. From time to time, in dialogue with his Rector, he assesses the progress he has made in attaining his objectives.

4 Areas of the Ratio

Human formation:– Physical health: – Psychological balance: – Affective and sexual maturity: – Relational ability:

Spiritual Formation:

Intellectual Formation:

Youth Pastoral Ministry

2 Suggestions on How to Make the Plan Real?

Each person must find a path!!– 1. Adapting directly from the

Ratio Material– 2. Using Stephen Covey’s guide

– “Putting First Things First”

An Eg. Of Adapting from Ratio

Human Spiritual Intellectual Pastoral




An Eg. Of Adapting from Ratio

Human Spiritual Intellectual Pastoral

Now Living Paradoxes as => wholeness.

Physical health


-Depthing the 4 movements


Hobby interest of bridge.

Courage To Teach prgms for teachers.

5 Set a weight limit of 80 Kgs

Integrating Centering Prayer

Rector?Learning Spanish

Youth Leadership

Using Covey – 3 Complementary Paths.

Suggestion 1 - explore:

–What I would like to be;.–What I would like to do; –What I would like to have;

Suggestion 1 – an example.

What I would like to be; A Salesian priest who loves deeply, dreams, leads, teaches, lives vibrantly.

What I would like to do; Be a Salesian priest who touches peoples lives and helps God to be more present in their lives and the world.

What I would like to have; Deep friendships with people and God.

Suggestion No. 2 – explore:

Role: Tribute:

Suggestion No. 2 and example.

Role: Tribute:Priest of God

Priest who Loved

Priest who shared

Priest who taught

Suggestion No. 2 and example.

Role: Tribute:Priest of God He lived as a friend of

God, drawing life from God.

Priest who taught He knew his subjects well and taught with imagination and vision.

Suggestion No. 3 – explore.

Composing a personal plan.Go to their web site for some guidance of integrating, principles, values, etc into such a statement.

Suggestion No. 3 an example a)

To find happiness, fulfilment, and value in living I will:LEAD a life centered around the principles of growth, human dignity, integrity, and service.REMEMBER what's important in life is spiritual fulfilment, relationships, contribution, personal growth, and peace of mind.REVERE admirable characteristics in others, such as being committed, enthusiastic, caring, selfless, fun, and respectful, and attempt to implement similar characteristics in my own life.

Suggestion No. 3 example b)

My Personal Mission statement – (on handout). Written over a considerable period .. Approximately 6 months. Completed in Aug 95,

fine-tunned March 98,

Again in May 99,

Covey’s Suggestions for Living These …

Constant review and use!! That is the Rub!!Covey offers a way to apply this weekly I would see this as the next step in the process of making this practical and useable in ones life.

Has this been worth it?

If you can say “Yes” to the following:This plan excites me to do something, It gives me pleasure and a sense of satisfaction, and it guides me to fulfil and live my most important values.(Adapted from Holpp and Kelly)
