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Mansfield and District U3ANewsletter

Christmas Lunch: Pages 3 and 4_____________________________

Established 1999HMRC Charity Registration No.: XT30525

December 2013Website:


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Welcome from your chairmanSO HERE IT IS – no doubt we are all rushing about shopping and organising our Christmas Festiv-ities, only to say “I am not going to do this next year”, but nevertheless we do!

We had a very successful Christmas Lunch on Monday, 2 December, when nearly 100 membersattended, and our thanks go to Norma Shillinglaw for her work in yet again organising this for us.John Sellers entertained us with Christmas Carols and popular, seasonal songs – thank you John –it does make an enjoyable finale to the lunch. (See pages 3 & 4).

A party of members then left for the Thursford Show on Wednesday, 4 December, and, as usual, allwere thrilled by this spectacular event – not to be missed at least once in a lifetime. (See page 9).

Margaret Burlinson works hard to ensure that this is a successful 3-day break, filling the days withother interesting places and pictures are available on the website.

2014 sees Mansfield U3A’s Fifteenth Anniversary Year and we have the Anniversary Ball scheduledfor 20 May 2014 at the John Fretwell Centre. Final details will be announced later, but tickets shouldbe on sale at the 21 January meeting. If you have not already done so, remember to put your namedown. To add to the Members’ Meeting on 20 May 2014, we also have Barbara Lewis, the NationalChairman of the U3A, who will be our speaker.

A Picnic in the Park is also being arranged, following last year’s successful one – watch for furtherdetails later.

Next year also sees the 100th Anniversary of 'The Great War' – the First World War -- and ourSpeaker Finder, Marilyn Dibble, has arranged for Danny Wells to speak to us in April regarding“Shattered Illusions” and relate some works of the First World War soldier poets.

We have a full programme for most of the year, with very interesting speakers! I do not know whereshe finds them – but very well done!

Finally, the Committee wish you all a Very Happy Christmas and, most importantly, a Healthy andProsperous New Year.Glenis Carr






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In this issuePage 2 Welcome.Page 3 Quiz Night. Book Table. Holiday Updates. Recent Events (Christmas Lunch)Page 4 Christmas Lunch Photo-spread.Page 5 - 8 Interest Groups meetings diary.

Page 8 Recent Events (Singing for Fun Christmas Concert).Page 9 Groups News (Holiday in Thursford).Page 10 Groups News (Luncheon Club and Digital World).Page 11 Member's Contribution ('I Remember The Cheese Of My Childhood').Page 12 Dates for your diary and Notices.


Annual Fun Quiz NightSaturday 22nd February 2014 at Queen Elizabeth’s Academy, 6.30 pm.Come along to our annual fun quiz night and you may win a cash prize! Organise yourself a team,(maximum 8 players per team) or just come along and join a team on the night.

Cost £7.00 to include buffet supper, but bring your own drinks and glasses.Pauline Boucher – 01623 644798, [email protected]______________________________________________________________________________

Book tableSALE of books in November raised £44.00 exactly. Thanks to all helpers and customers.

Remember, any unwanted books you get for Christmas can be recycled in January to help keepyour subs low!Lilian Whitehead.______________________________________________________________________________

Holiday updatesWARNER'S THORESBY, 4 nights (Jan 27th to Jan 31st 2014). Singles: £233: sharing: £193pp.Please contact me via telephone (626991) to join the 'no obligation' waiting list.Terry Whitehead

LAKESIDE HOLIDAY VILLAGE, Hayling Island (23rd - 27th June 2014) £299, no S. Supplement.(This holiday is now fully booked.)

THE ALGARVE, PORTUGAL, 18th - 25th Sept. 2014, H. board. This holiday is now full but awaiting list is open. We will now be flying with Monarch at a new cost of £819, inc. 3 ½ days excur-sions, since Jet 2 increased their price to an unacceptable amount. (Deposits have now been paidand the price is now fixed.)Margaret Burlinson More details here ...

______________________________________________________________________________Recent Events

Christmas LunchNORMA Shillinglaw and all the Oakham Suite staff well-deserved the thanks and applause theyreceived after lunch on 2nd December. The main hall was packed with members, old and new, whoquickly got into the Christmas spirit, beers, wines or whatever took their fancy before highly profes-sional service of a well-chosen festive menu.

Presentation and service were first class.David Ling Photos overleaf with more here ...

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Key to Meetings details:THIS TABLE SHOWS THE DAY of the month, time and frequency using the first two letters of theday, followed by numbers 1 - 5 to represent the week number. The final letter M (or F, W or V) indic-ates that the group meets monthly, fortnightly or at variable intervals.

So 'Tu2, 2.30 - V M' would mean a group meeting on the 2nd Tuesday at 2.30pm Monthly but withVariable finish times.

The main Mansfield and District U3A meetings are on the 3rd Tuesday of each month (except Augustand December) at the Oakham Suite, 155 Nottingham Road, Mansfield from 10 am - 12.30 pm.

All members are invited to contact the relevant Group Leader if they would like to participate in anyinterest group or attend an event. NB: * indicates a waiting list.

Interest Group Meetings Meeting Places Leader/Contact

Antiques & Collect-ables

Tu 2, 10 - 12 M Stanhope Centre, Bridge Street,Mansfield

Pat Blackwell01623 481745

Next Meetings: Next Meetings: Jan 14th – Treen (small wooden items); Feb11th – TBA

Art We3, 10 - 12 M Big Barn Lane Methodist Church, Mansfield

Linda Spray 01623 795176

Next Meetings: Dec 18th – Working with landscapes; Jan 21st;

Art Appreciation Mo1, 2.00 - 4.00 M Baptist Church, Rosemary St.Mansfield

Pauline Boucher01623 644798

Next Meeting: Dec Jan 6th – TBA

Beginners' Bridge(With Ashfield U3A)

Mo, Various 6.30 - 9.00

Enviro Centre, Derby Rd College,Mansfield

Maxine Rose/Glenis Carr 01623 459081/627735

Next Meetings: Jan 20th; Feb 3rd; Feb 17th; March 3rd(Also Acol sessions at the Mechanics Institute – Th, 10 - 12.30 W)

Bowls Tu, 2.30 - 4.00 W Lammas Sports Centre, Sutton

Don Wright01623 628946

Next Meetings: Jan 7th, then weekly until March 15th

Caravan & M'home Rally

Various Various Terry Lammas01623 471963

Next Meetings: June 1st to 29th – France. See web page for more details.

Chat and Stitch Mo3, 2.00 - 4.00 M St John's Centre, Mansfield

Doreen Storer01623 407731

Next Meeting: Jan 20th; Feb 17th

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Interest Group Meetings Meeting Place Leader/Contact

Current Affairs Tu2, 2.00 - 4.00 M St John's Centre, Mansfield

Norma Shillinglaw01623 466934

Next Meetings: Dec – No Meeting; Jan 14th; Feb 11th; March 11th

Digital World Fri 2 & 4, 2.00 - 4.00 2/M

Stanton Hill Baptist Church, Albert St. Skegby

David Ling01623 822994

Next Meetings: January 10th & 24th

Family History Tu4, 10.00 - 12.00 M St John's Centre, Mansfield

Max Clarke01623 621744

Next Meetings: Jan 28th

Film Studies * We1, 1.30 - V M Joy's home Joy Crowe01623 645400

Next Meetings: TBA

Garden Visits During the Summer Various Janet Whitlam01623 635607

Next Visits: February 24th – Hodsock Priory – Coach / private tour / snack for £26. Book early; June 12th – Harlow Carr

Gardening Tu1, 10.00 - 12.00 M St Peter's Centre, Mansfield

Avril McGee01623 452688

Next Meetings: Winter break till March 2014

Heartstart Mo4, 1.00 – 3.00 ** NB change

William Kaye Hall, Ladybrook Lane

Linda Leivers 01623 471963

Next Meetings: January 27th; February 24th; March 24th

Holidays (Home & Abroad)

Various TBA Margaret Burlinson01623 632538

Next holidays: Monday 27th to Friday 31st January – Warner's Thoresby Hall (Contact Terry Whitehead on 01623 626991); June – Warner's, Hayling Island *; Sept 18th - 25th – Portugal

Local History Fri1, 10.00 - 12.00 M Bridge Street Meth-odist Church

Bob & Sue Longden01623 486903

Next Meetings: No meeting in Jan; Feb 7th – Archaeology of Sherwood Forest with Andy Gaunt

Luncheon Club Th after 3rd Tu, 12.00 - 2.00 M

Various David Ling01623 822994

Next Meetings: Jan. 23rd – 281, Nottingham Road Mansfield.

Movement to Music (New)

W, 10.30 - 11.30 W St Peter's Church Hall Linda Leivers 01623 471963

Next Meetings: Weekly on Wednesdays from Jan 8th.

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Interest Group Meetings Meeting Place Leader/Contact

Music Groups

Classical Music 2 Mo4, 2.00 - 4.00 M Members' homes Peter Hart01623 620940

Next Meetings: Jan 27th – Vaughan-Williams with Peter Crabbe; 24th Feb – Sonatas with Sheila

Music 2 * Mo4, 2.00 - 4.30 M Members' homes Eric Prescott 01623 631160

Next Meeting: Jan 27th; Feb 24th

Popular Music Appreciation *

Tu4, 2.00 - 4.00 M St John's School, Mansfield

Peter Haynes 01623 610886

Next Meetings: Jan 28th; Feb 25th

Pudding Club * Tu1, 4.00 - 6.00 M Members' homes Sylvia Slack 01623 633981

Next Meetings: TBA

Reading 1 Th3, 2.00 - 4.00 M Peter Dawson's home Peter Dawson 01623 882191

Next Meetings: Jan 23rd; Feb 20th

Reading 2 Tu3, 2.00 - 4.00 M Ravenshead Library Joan Hufton01623 557488

Next Meetings: Dec 18th (Fuddle, 12.00); Jan 21st; Feb 18th

Science & Technical Tu1, 1.30 - 3.30 M Stanton Hill Baptist Church, Skegby

Ian Boucher01623 644798

Next Meetings: Jan 7th - TBA

Scrabble * Mo2, 2.00 - 4 .00 M Brenda Thurkettle's home

Brenda Thurkettle01623 628136

Next Meetings: TBA

Singing for Fun Thur2 & 4, 6.30 – 8.30 Methodist Church, Chesterfield Road

June Fell 01623 623547

Next Meeting: Jan 9th – fortnightly from then on. Bring ideas and music you'd like to sing. The church is just up from QE Academy on the other side of the road. Plenty of parking on side road.

Tai Chi Mo, 9.30 - 10.30 W St John's Centre,Mansfield

Cliff Laycock01623 481985

Next Meetings: Weekly from Monday Jan 6th

Theatre Visits Various Various Sheila Whalley 01623 453908

Next Meetings: Wed Jan 8th – Jack and the Beanstalk (N'ham Playhouse) at 2.30Wed Feb 12th – Singing in The Rain (Theatre Royal) matinee.

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Interest Group Meetings Meeting Place Leader/Contact

Walking Groups

Hikers (all-day, 6 - 8 miles)

Th1 & Mo3, 9.30 - V 2/M

Tesco car park, off Oak Tree Lane

Peter Thurkettle 01623 628136

Next Meetings: Jan 3rd – Chatsworth; Jan 20th – Glapwell & Hills Town; Feb 7th –Whaley & UpperLangwith Valleys; Feb 18th – Roche Abbey

Shufflers(short & gentle)

V Lunchtimes Various Sylvia Slack 01623 633981

Next Meeting: TBA

Strollers(a leisurely 2 miles)

We2, 10.30 - V M Various Barbara Massey / Marion Thornton 01623 628357 / 01623 651528

Next Meetings: Jan 8th – King's Mill Res. (park in Morrison's); Feb 12th - Burnt Stump Park

Walkers (an easy 4 - 5 miles)

We4, 10.30 – V M Various Joy & Nick Crowe01623 645400

Next Meetings: Jan 22nd – Strawberry Hill Woods and Rainworth; Feb 26th – Thieves Wood

Wine Appreciation 2* We3, 7.30 - V M Members' homes Mike Allen01623 653345

Next Meetings: Jan 15th – South African Reds with Bob & Sue; Feb 19th – Spanish Whites (Mike's)

Wine Appreciation 3*

Tu4, 7.30 - V M Members' homes Graham Allin01623 473662

Next Meetings: Jan 21st – Entre-Deux-Mers with Ian & Pauline; Feb 25th – Italian Reds with Graham & Eileen

Writing for Pleasure * Mo2, 2.00 - 4.00 M The Stanhope Centre Mansfield.

Sue Ford / Hilary Miller 01623 844286 / 620067

Next Meetings: Jan 13th ; Feb 10th

Recent Events (Cont. from page 3)Singing for funTHE MANSFIELD U3A Singing for Fun Choir, together with Ladies' choir, Bellisima, entertained alarge audience at St Lawrence’s Church on Sunday December 8th. In turn, each choir sang carolsand Christmas songs under the direction of Suzy Fell, who also sang a solo and a duet with herfriend Grace. John Sellers accompanied the choirs on piano and played a solo himself.

Our U3A choir, has developed really well since it started – practice has led to greater confidenceand to a cleaner and tighter sound. More difficult music was performed and the choir compared wellwith the more experienced Bellisima whose complex harmonies were a joy. It was noticeable thatthe men sang with greater vigour and tone, although it would help if there were more of them!Suzy’s solo (by Reger) and duet (Franck) were most professional and together with John’s glitteringsolo, provided variety.

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The concert was enthusiastically received by the large audience, who joined in for a song and acarol. At the end, mince pies and a drink were served – gratefully received by all. In spite of thedefunct heating, everyone enjoyed the concert, and our best wishes go to Suzy who will now go on‘leave of absence’ awaiting her new child. Ann Irons (of Cantamus) has stepped in and both choirswill rehearse together for the time being.

Another concert and another success for the choir.Mike Allen______________________________________________________________________________

Groups News

HolidaysTHE THURSFORD Christmas Spectacular fromDecember 4th to 6th was our first venture onholiday with Margaret and it fully lived-up our everyexpectation. Well organised but with flexibility.

Our coach collected us all from Walkden Street forour journey to Norwich with the able assistance ofPeter our very helpful and entertaining driver fromJohnson's Tours. How can you not be impressed bya driver who not only provides hot drinks, but adds alittle festive toddy to warm the heart?

We were met with pre-ordered lunch to fortify us forevening entertainment in Thursford.

To call it a Spectacular is an understatement, butbeyond that is hard to describe it to anyone whowasn't there. The grounds are full of mature trees alllit in white and red and the air is filled with carols.

The show was a true Christmas treat and tribute toChristmas in every sense. At times the stage andauditorium held over 100 dancers, musicians,including pipers and a choir. It celebrated theseason from carols to Broadway.

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The next day took us to a Christmas Tree Festival in Fakenham, on the days the worst sea surgeand storms shook the country and Norfolk especially. Almost one hundred trees had been decor-ated for individual charities in the parish church. It was a stunning sight that regularly raises much-needed funds for the local community. We left the church at the moment the wind and tide was at itshighest, nearly getting blown over by the force of it.

The weather didn’t deter us from going to Holt for some festive shopping in a store much likeAladdin’s cave. I don’t think anyone came out empty handed.

On our final day we stopped-off for a few hours in the historic and picturesque town of Stamford forlunch in any one of the many splendid restaurants.

A lot was crammed into just a few day's break, but you could not fail to be in festive mood by theend of it.

My thanks to Margaret and her helpers for arranging such a wonderful break; we will be sure to lookcarefully at her next ventures and would recommend them to anyone.Linda Leivers More photos here ...

Luncheon ClubWE brought the 2013 season to a close in traditional French manner at Launay's in Edwinstowe,where Alain Launay and his expert kitchen team reinforced their reputation as one of the best formiles around.

Five courses of French classics were on offer to cater equally for the indulgent for whom theChristmas season cannot begin without oysters and those who preferred a lighter lunch of simplerfare cooked beautifully and served immaculately by Alison and her front of house team.

(One couple relaxed so much that they got half way home before they saved their blushes -- andeveryone else's – by returning to settle their bill!)

Roll-on next year for a repeat.

Our New Year lunch will see a return to 281 on Nottingham Rd on January 23rd, where Brian andBarbara Harvey are sure to repeat their success of 2013. Bookings will close at the Januarymeeting for an attractive menu priced at £10.95 for 2 courses and £14.95 for 3, includingcoffee. (Please pre-book by email to [email protected] if you can to avoid the queue).David Ling Photos here ...

Digital WorldOUR first meeting of the New Year will be on 10th January when we look forward to welcomingmembers who'd like to make better use of their cameras. New members will be especially welcomeas we'll start the season by trying to show how the right choice of settings and simple editing canmake all the difference between a picture and a simple snap.

Please bring your camera and any photos you'd like to show us or want help with – and yourcheque book, as we're following other interest groups by switching to quarterly subscriptions. (£12per 6 sessions; cheques payable to Mansfield and District U3A.)

Members of any local U3A are welcome but please bring your membership card to your firstmeeting so that we can check that you are covered by U3A insurance.

It doesn't matter if you just use a simple point-and-shoot or a complex DSLR, we'll try to help. Soplease come along to Stanton Hill Baptist Church at 2.00 on any 2nd or 4th Friday. David Ling (01623 822994)

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I REMEMBER THE CHEESE OF MY CHILDHOODAnd the bread that we cut with a knife,

When the children helped with the housework,And the men went to work not the wife.

The cheese never needed a fridge,And the bread was so crusty and hot,The children were seldom unhappy

And the wife was content with her lot.

I remember the milk from the bottle,With the yummy cream on the top,

Our dinner came hot from the oven,And not from the fridge in the shop.

The kids were a lot more contented,They didn't need money for kicks,

Just a game with their mates in the road,And sometimes the Saturday flicks.

I remember the shop on the corner,Where a pen'orth of sweets was soldDo you think I'm a bit too nostalgic?

Or is it . . . . I'm just getting old?

I remember the 'loo' was the lav,And the bogy man came in the night,

It wasn't the least bit funnyGoing 'out back' with no light.

The interesting items we perused,From the newspapers cut into squares,

And hung on a peg in the loo,It took little to keep us amused.

The clothes were boiled in the copper,With plenty of rich foamy suds

But the ironing seemed never endingAs Mum pressed everyone's 'duds'.

I remember the slap on my backside,And the taste of soap if I swore

Anorexia and diets weren't heard ofAnd we hadn't much choice what we wore.

Do you think that bruised our ego?Or our initiative was destroyed?

We ate what was put on the tableAnd I think life was better enjoyed.

A member's contribution

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Carole Justice: It is with deep regret that we have learned that Carole passed-away on 4thDecember after a short illness. She served as Secretary, Minutes Secretary and on behalf ofseveral interest groups.

Service at 11am on Thursday 19 December in the Thoresby Chapel of Mansfield Crematorium.Family flowers only. A collection will be taken by the funeral directors for Cancer Research. Refresh-ments afterwards at The Rushley.

______________________________________________________________________________Speakers' CornerTHERE will be no speaker in January as our meeting on the 21st is our annual Members' Day,when members entertain the meeting in various ways.______________________________________________________________________________Minutes SecretaryDue to unforeseen circumstances, a vacancy has arisen on the Committee for a Minutes Secretaryso please contact the Chairman if you could help. There's a description of the duties on the notice-board.______________________________________________________________________________Dates for your diary (Check the website for more information and updates.)Sat. 22nd Feb. 2014: FUN QUIZ NIGHT at Queen Elizabeth's Academy. 6.30. Tickets (£7.00 inc.refreshments but bring your own drinks and glasses) on sale at the November meeting._________________________________________________________________________

Event and Visit PaymentsMEMBERS are reminded that deposits and payments for events and visits organised by MansfieldU3A and its interest groups are non-refundable, but places so reserved may be offered to others.______________________________________________________________________________Changes of address, etc.PLEASE contact the membership secretary, Avril McGee (01623 452688), if you've changed youraddress, phone number or email since joining Mansfield U3A so that she can update our records.______________________________________________________________________________DisclaimerTHE VIEWS expressed here are those of the contributors, only, and do not necessarily reflect thoseof the editor, the committee of Mansfield U3A or the Third Age Trust. Nor can any responsibility beaccepted for members' announcements or any errors that may occur.______________________________________________________________________________Next IssuePLEASE SEND contributions for the January issue to [email protected], or intypescript, to the editor as soon as you can and by 1st January at the latest. Thanks!______________________________________________________________________________

Editor: David Ling (01623 822994)

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