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  • 8/18/2019 MANPADS Info Kit





  • 8/18/2019 MANPADS Info Kit


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    National Security Section

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    Department of Foreign Aairs and Trade

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     #ohn $c%&en !rescent

    "arton A!T '(() A*STRA+IA

    Revised #uly ('',

    (MANPADS) Man-Portable Air Defence Systems 2

  • 8/18/2019 MANPADS Info Kit



    A Guide to MANPADS 4

     Typical $AN-ADS !omposition .

    United Ntion! Gene"! A##e$%!& Re#o!ution# '

    *nited Nations eneral Assembly /*NA0 Resolution .121'3 -revention of the illicit transfer


    and unauthori4ed access to and use of man5portable air defence systems

    *nited Nations eneral Assembly /*NA0 Resolution 6(27'3 -revention of the illicit transfer and


    unauthori4ed access to and use of man5portable air defence systems

    A#i-Pi Eono$i Coo*e"tion (APEC) De!"tion# on MANPADS (+,,-+,,.)


    (''8 5 "ang9o9 +eaders Declaration )8

    (''7 5 Santiago +eaders Declaration )8

    (''. 5 "usan +eaders Declaration )7

    0##en" A""n1e$ent (0A) /.

    %lements for %ective +egislation on Arms "ro9ering; (''8 ).

    %lements for %

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    $an5portable air defence systems /$AN-ADS0; commonly described as shoulder5>red anti5

    aircraft missiles; are short range surface5to5air missiles that can be carried and >red by a single

    individual or carried by several individuals and >red by more than one person acting as a cre&3

    $AN-ADS >red by an individual can be easily carried in; for ered3 Ho&ever; R-s are designed primarily to be used against ground targets and

    are usually ineective against aircraft that are in Eight3 Some R- attac9s on lo&5Eying aircraft

    have been mista9en for $AN-ADS attac9s3

    (MANPADS) Man-Portable Air Defence Systems 4

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    (MANPADS) Man-Portable Air Defence Systems 5

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    (MANPADS) Man-Portable Air Defence Systems 6

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    (MANPADS) Man-Portable Air Defence Systems 7

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    (MANPADS) Man-Portable Air Defence Systems 8

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    Sourced from the ocial &ebsite of the *nited Nations; &&&3un3org


    A2R%S2.121'Distr: eneral

    )= December (''7Fi5t&-nint6 #e##ionAgenda item 6.

    Re#o!ution do*ted %& t6e Gene"! A##e$%!&[on the report of the First Committee (A/59/459)]

    .'7',8 P"e3ention o5 t6e i!!iit t"n#5e" nd unut6o"ied e## to nd u#e o5 $n-*o"t%!e i" de5ene #te$#

    The General Assembly,

    Reallin! its resolutions .,27( and .,2.7 of , December (''8 and .,2(7) of (8 December (''8;

    Reo!ni"in! that disarmament; arms control and non5proliferation are essential for themaintenance of international peace and security;

     A#no$le%!in! the authori4ed trade in man5portable air defence systems bet&een overnmentsand the legitimate right of overnments to possess such &eapons in the interests of theirnational security;

    Reo!ni"in! the threat posed to civil aviation; peace9eeping; crisis management and security bythe illicit transfer and unauthori4ed access to and use of man5portable air defence systems;

    Ta#in! into ao&nt  that man5portable air defence systems are easily carried; concealed; >redand; in certain circumstances; obtained;

    Reo!ni"in! that eective control over man5portable air defence systems acuires specialimportance in the conteed international >ght against global terrorism;

    Con'ine% of the importance of eective national control of transfers of man portable airdefence systems and the safe and eective management of stoc9piles of such &eapons;

    elomin! the ongoing eorts of various international and regional forums to enhance transportsecurity and to strengthen management of man5portable air defence systems stoc9piles in orderto prevent the illicit transfer and unauthori4ed access to and use of such &eapons;

    otin! the importance of information edence and security among States and to prevent the illicittrade in and unauthori4ed access to such &eapons;

    )3 *mphasi"es the importance of the full implementation of the -rogramme of Action to -revent;!ombat and %radicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and +ight eapons in All Its Aspects;adopted by the *nited Nations !onference on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and +ight eaponsin All Its Aspects?

    (3 +r!es $ember States to support current international; regional and national eorts to combatand prevent the illicit transfer of man5portable air defence systems and unauthori4ed access toand use of such &eapons?

    83 tresses the importance of eective and comprehensive national controls on the production;stoc9piling; transfer and bro9ering of man5portable air defence systems to prevent the illicittrade in and unauthori4ed access to and use of such &eapons?

    73 *no&ra!es $ember States to enact or improve legislation; regulations; procedures andstoc9pile management practices to e

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    portable air defence systems so as to prevent the illicit transfer and unauthori4ed access to anduse of such &eapons?

    .3 Also eno&ra!es $ember States to enact or improve legislation; regulations and procedures toban the transfer of man5portable air defence systems to non5State end5users and to ensure thatsuch &eapons are e

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    A2R%S26(27'Distr: eneral

    )' #anuary ('',Si9t&-#eond #e##ion

    Agenda item 1,

    Re#o!ution Ado*ted %& t6e Gene"! A##e$%!& [on the report of the First Committee (A/.0/97)]

    :+74,8 P"e3ention o5 t6e i!!iit t"n#5e" nd unut6o"ied e## to nd u#e o5 $n-*o"t%!e i" de5ene #te$#

    The General Assembly,

    Reallin! its resolutions .,27( and .,2.7 of , December (''8; .,2(7) of (8 December (''8;.121' of 8 December (''7; 6'2== of , December (''. and 6'2(,, of , September (''6; and itsdecision 6'2.)1 of , December (''.;

    Reo!ni"in! that disarmament; arms control and non5proliferation are essential for themaintenance of international peace and security;

     A#no$le%!in! the authori4ed trade in man5portable air defence systems bet&eenovernments;

     A#no$le%!in! also the legitimate right of overnments to manufacture; import; eght against global terrorism;

    Con'ine% of the importance of eective national control of transfers of man5portable airdefence systems and their training and instruction materials and of the safe and eectivemanagement of stoc9piles of such &eapons;

     A#no$le%!in! the role of the unauthori4ed transfer of relevant materials and information inassisting the illicit manufacture and illicit transfer of man5portable air defence systems andrelated components;

    elomin! the ongoing eorts of; and noting declarations by; various international and regionalforums to enhance transport security and to strengthen management of man5portable airdefence systems stoc9piles in order to prevent the illicit transfer and unauthori4ed access to and

    use of such &eapons

    otin! the importance of information edence and security among States and to prevent the illicittrade in and unauthori4ed access to such &eapons;

     A#no$le%!in! the considerable eorts of some $ember States to collect; secure and destroyvoluntarily those man5portable air defence systems declared to be surplus by the competentnational authority;

    )3 *mphasi"es the importance of the full implementation of the -rogramme of Action to -revent;!ombat and %radicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and +ight eapons in All Its Aspects;adopted by the *nited Nations !onference on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and +ight eaponsin All Its Aspects?)

    (3 +r!es $ember States to support current international; regional and national eorts to combatand prevent the illicit transfer of man5portable air defence systems and unauthori4ed access toand use of such &eapons?

    (MANPADS) Man-Portable Air Defence Systems !!

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    83 tresses the importance of eective and comprehensive national controls on the production;stoc9piling; transfer and bro9ering of man5portable air defence systems to prevent the illicittrade in and unauthori4ed access to and use of such &eapons; their components and trainingand instruction materials?

    73 *no&ra!es $ember States to enact or improve legislation; regulations; procedures and

    stoc9pile management practices and to assist other States; at their reuest; to e

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    Sourced from the ocial &ebsite of the Asia -aci>c %conomic !ooperation; &&&3apec3org


    +8 En6nin1 ;u$n Seu"it&


    e therefore committed at "ang9o9 to ta9e all essential actions to:


    !onfront other direct threats to the security of our region3

    e pledged to discuss at each +eadersB $eeting our progress to&ard these securitycommitments; and to ta9e speci>c actions in pursuit of them3

    e agreed this year to:

    Strengthen our Goint eorts to curb terrorist threats against mass transportation and confront thethreat posed by terroristsB acuisition and use of $an5-ortable Air Defense Systems /$AN-ADS0against international aviation by committing to: adopt strict domestic e

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     The +eadersB Declaration noted the +eadersB >[e] $elome%=the re%&tion of airport'&lnerability to 8an:ortable Air -efense ystem (8A:A-)=?  and also endorsed in full the$inisterial #oint Statement released at the )=th A-%! $inisterial $eeting; &hich referredspeci>cally to airport $AN-ADS vulnerability assessments /$JAs0:

    8inisters &n%ersore% the e;orts to miti!ate the threat of 8an:ortable Air -efense ystems(8A:A-) to i'il a'iation an% $elome% the a!reement by all A:*C eonomies to &n%erta#e a8A:A- @&lnerability Assessment at international airports by the en% of 011.< 8iti!atin! thethreat of 8A:A- atta#s an% enhanin! the se&rity of i'il a'iation in A:*C $o&l% ens&re theontin&e% o$ of people an% ser'ies for b&siness an% to&rism<


    -eli'ery of 8A:A- Component :o#et G&i%es by the +nite% tates to all A:*C eonomies toassist the %etetion an% pre'ention of 8A:A- sm&!!lin!B 

     #####################################################################  Reproduced with the permission of the APEC Secretariat.

     Information taken from the APEC website. For the full papers, please visit www.apec.or 



    (MANPADS) Man-Portable Air Defence Systems !4

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    Sourced from the ocial &ebsite of the assenaar Arrangement; &&&3&assenaar3org


     The -articipating States of the assenaar Arrangement; &ith reference to the Initial %lementsand -articipating StatesB ful>lment of the obGectives and intentions of the assenaarArrangement; in particular the obGectives

    greater responsibility in transfers of conventional arms:

    the prevention of destabilising accumulations of conventional arms?

    the need to prevent the acuisition of conventional arms by terrorist groups and

    organisations; as &ell as by individual terrorists?

    earin! in min% the @Statement of *nderstanding on Arms "ro9erage; the @"est -racticeuidelines for %

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    2) Records should be 9ept of individuals and companies &hich have obtained a licence inaccordance &ith paragraph )3 -articipating States may in addition establish a register ofbro9ers3

    80 Adeuate penalty provisions and administrative measures; i3e3 involving criminal sanctions;should be established in order to ensure that controls of arms bro9ering are eectively


    70 In addition; -articipating States &ill enhance co5operation and transparency through:

    a0 e

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    SYSTEMS (MANPADS)% 2003 (AMENDED 2007)

    Recognising the threats posed by unauthorised proliferation and use of $an5-ortable Air DefenceSystems; especially to civil aviation; peace59eeping; crisis management and anti5terroristoperations; -articipating States arm that they apply strict national controls on the ered by asingle individual? and

    b0 other surface5to5air missile systems designed to be operated and >red by more thanone individual acting as a cre& and portable by several individuals3

    )3( National e

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    •  The recipient governments ability and &illingness to protect against

    unauthorised re5transfers; loss; theft and diversion? and

    •  The adeuacy and eectiveness of the physical security arrangements of therecipient government for the protection of military property; facilities; holdings;and inventories3

    83, -rior to authorising $AN-ADS e

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    83)' -articipating States &ill; &hen and as appropriate; assist recipient governments notcapable of e

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     The follo&ing list of @best practices for eective e

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    ).3 !onsistent &ith national la&s; policies and regulations and on a mutually5agreed basis;including international agreements for legal and customs assistance; governments may; asappropriate; share information bilaterally on persons and companies considered to present ahigh ris9 of diversion3 %cations? andb3 Information about e

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    Sourced from the ocial &ebsite of the ,; &&&3g,3fr


    e; the , +eaders; are determined to strengthen our Goint eorts to curb terrorist threatsagainst mass transportation3 e shall continue to implement the Action -lan &e agreed atMananas9is to ensure safe; secure; ecient and reliable transportation &orld5&ide3 e havemade important progress in implementing the plan and also have ta9en a number of ne&measures3 The scope of our endeavours in this >eld covers >ve areas:

    )3 $AN-ADS(3 Air transport83 -eople73 !ontainer security.3 Sea transport

    /8 Cont"o! o5 MANPADS

    )3)3 At the "irmingham Summit in )11,; &e recognised the threat posed to civil aviation by thecriminal use of $an5-ortable Air Defence Systems /$AN-ADS0 and called for further &or9 to bedone to address this problem3 At Mananas9is; &e agreed to promote transport security in thelight of the terrorist attac9s of )) September ('')3

    )3(3 Today; at %vian; &e reiterate our deep concern about the threat posed to civil aviation by$AN-ADS; especially in the hands of terrorists or States that harbour them3

    )383 $AN-ADS are surface5to5air missile systems specially designed to be carried and >red by asingle individual3 $AN-ADS are portable and easily concealed; yet capable of potentially

    catastrophic destruction3 e are therefore implementing national measures to combat suchillegal use of $AN-ADS; and &ill encourage other States to do so as &ell3

    )373 iven the increasing number of $AN-ADS in &orld5&ide circulation; &e commit ourselves toreducing their proliferation and call upon all countries to strengthen control of their $AN-ADSstoc9piles3

    )3.3 In the frame&or9 of the assenaar Arrangement; L%lements for the %

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    )3= e agree to eable seafarer identity document at the International+abour Crganisation /I+C0 and are &or9ing together to&ards agreeing on seafarers and port&or9ers security reuirements compatible &ith trade facilitation at the International $aritimeCrganisation /I$C0 and the I+C3

    838 e are &or9ing together to accelerate the use of the Goint orld !ustoms Crganisation/!C0 2 I!AC 2 International Air Transport Association /IATA0 guidelines as a global standard for

    advance passenger information; and &ill &or9 to ensure that other necessary reuirements forpassenger information are developed to a global standard3

    48 Contine" #eu"it&

    73)3 e are &or9ing together to reinforce container security arrangements generally and todevelop speci>cally; &ithin the !C; Goint standards and guidelines for electronic transmissionof customs data for cargo and a standardised set of data elements to identify high5ris9 cargo3 eare also &or9ing together at the same time to combine security needs &ith trade facilitation3

    73( Cur active support of pilot proGects that model an integrated container security regimecontributed to the rapid e

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    .8 Se t"n#*o"t

    .3)3 At Mananas9is; &e agreed to support in the I$C amendments to the International!onvention for the Safety of +ife at Sea that reuire mandatory ship security plans; on5boardship security ocers; mandatory port facility security plans and port facility securityassessments for relevant ports serving ships engaged on international voyages; to be includedduring the development of an International Ship and -ort Facility Security !ode by #uly (''73

    .3(3 In December (''(; the I$C adopted these amendments &hich also provide for the >tting ofAutomatic Identi>cation Systems on ships by 8) December (''73 e support theimplementation of measures in this sphere as agreed at our (''( Summit3

    (MANPADS) Man-Portable Air Defence Systems 24

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    Sourced from the ocial &ebsite of the Crgani4ation for Security and !ooperation in %urope;&&&3osce3org

     This anne< &as drafted by the governments of ermany; *nited States of America; !anada;France; *nited Mingdom; Italy; Russian Federation; S&eden; and Tur9ey

    (MANPADS) Man-Portable Air Defence Systems 25

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    I8 Int"odution

    /8 Ai$

    $an5-ortable Air Defence Systems /$AN-ADS0reuire special attention and consideration in

    vie& of the devastating loss of life andpotential eect on the civil aviation industrythat a single $AN-ADS attac9 could cause3 Theaim of this best practice guide is to providebest practice guidance on stoc9pilemanagement and security for $AN-ADSincluding: a0 surface5to5air missile systemsdesigned to be man5portable and carried and>red by a single individual? andb0 other surface5to5air missile systemsdesigned to be operated and >red by morethan one individual acting as a cre& andportable by several individuals3

    +8 So*e

     This best practice guide covers rules andprocedures applying to $AN-ADS;encompassing both the complete $AN-ADSsystems; light &eapons elements /i3e3 grip5stoc9; etc0 and ammunition elements /i3e3missiles03

     They are recommended for complete $AN-ADSere con>guration; and for Gointlystored or transported $AN-ADS launcher tubesand2or grip stoc9s and the ere con>guration3

     These best practices are also broadly

    applicable to other man5portable missile androc9et systems in similar con>gurations asoutlined above; such as man5portable anti5tan9missile systems3

    8 Re5e"ene#

    A list of references can be found at the end ofthis document3

    II8 P"oedu"e#

    /8 P6i! Seu"it& Me#u"e# 5o"MANPADS Sto>*i!in1

    ) T6e **"o*"ite 6"te"i#ti# o5#to>*i!e !otion

    here the design of $AN-ADS permits;missiles and >ring mechanisms /gripstoc9s0should be stored in separate storehouses andin locations suciently separate so that apenetration of the security of one site &ill notplace the second site at ris93

    $AN-ADS should be stored in the most secureaccommodation; providing the higheststandards of physical security3 $AN-ADSmissiles should be stored in permanentstructures; preferably in concrete ammunition

    store5houses euipped &ith adeuate securitydoors; secured &ith at least t&o separate loc9sat each door /9ey control see belo&03 Firing

    mechanisms should be stored under physicalsecurity measures; &hich meet at least thereuirements for SA+3

     The perimeter of $AN-ADS storage sitesshould have clear 4ones; fences and internal

    and e

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    the physical security measures3 The facilityintrusion detection system should include pointsensors on doors and other apertures allo&ingaccess by intruders; and interior motion orvibration sensors3

    All alarm signals should sound at a central

    control or monitoring station from &hich aresponse force can be dispatched3 hen a$AN-ADS storage facility is located outside amilitary installation; arrangements should bemade to connect to local la& enforcement orcommercial security services from &hichimmediate response to activated alarms can bedirected3Alarm transmission lines should either haveline security /electronically monitored to detectevidence of tampering or attemptedcompromise0 or include t&o independentmeans of alarm signal transmission3 Any visiblelines should be regularly inspected fortampering3 Alarm systems should also be

    tested regularly3

     The intrusion detection alarm system; facilityphysical security measures and >rst respondersecurity forces should be integrated so that; ifan intrusion is detected and the alarm istransmitted; the physical security measures&ould delay any intruders and prevent accessto stored $AN-ADS long enough for securityforces to respond to the intrusion3

    Storage areas should have a primary andbac9up means of communications that permitnoti>cation of emergency conditions3 Thebac9up system should be dierent from the


     The communication system should be testeddaily3 Radio could be one of the modes ofcommunication3Storehouses not being under permanenttechnical surveillance should be permanentlyguarded3

    Ammunition storehouses; &hich have adefective intruder detection system or none atall; should be chec9ed by guards at irregularintervals not e

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    henever a 9ey is issued or returned; thefollo&ing items of information should berecorded in &riting: the date and time &henthe 9ey is issued or returned? the 9eys serialnumber? the signature of the person issuing orreturning the 9ey? the name and signature ofthe recipient3

    All documents in &hich the issuance and returnof 9eys is recorded should be 9ept for a periodof at least one year after the last entry hasbeen made3

    At prescribed intervals; typically every si<months; the responsible ocer of the storagefacility concerned should chec9 if the 9eys tothe $AN-ADS storehouses are still complete3

     The date and result of this chec9 should berecorded in a security logboo9; &hich shouldperiodically be enal destination; &ith no delays orstop5overs in transit locations3 Items moved bya unit or organi4ation transportation should be

    placed in the custody of a commissionedocer; &arrant ocer; senior non5commissioned ocer; or civilian of euivalentran93

    A minimum of t&o personnel should bereuired if access to the $AN-ADS is necessaryduring transport3

    %ach container should be chec9ed; tamper5detectable sealed; and loc9ed by t&o agents of the shipper /in each others presence0 beforedelivery to the carrier3 This t&o5personintegrity should be reuired at each trans5shipment point and terminal &henever the

    shipment loses its original identity /e3g3; &hent&o or more shipments are consolidated intoanother container for further movement or ifrepac9ing is reuired03

    In the case of $AN-ADS shipments over &ater;prior to the voyage a &ritten sto& plan shouldbe provided to the ships captain detailing thelocation of the arms; ammunition; ande

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    surveillance by government personnel; ifavailable; or by national cre&5memberspending reloading3

    48 In3ento"& $n1e$ent nd ountin1ont"o! *"oedu"e#

    ) Mn1e$ent nd #te$

    A strong system of positive controls andaccountability; from the lo&est to the highestlevel should be put into place3 rittenveri>cation should be provided on the receiptof $AN-ADS3 Diligent record 9eeping isreuired for securing stoc9piles; ensuringcontrol; and providing safety surveillance3

     Training and stang should be carefullymanaged to ensure dependable funding andpersonnel support to ensure accountability3Inventory should be by serial number of >ringmechanisms and missiles; &ith &ritten records

    including serial numbers maintained3

    -rocedures should be put into place thatensure regular reporting of missiles and roc9etsissued for training? missiles and roc9etsreturned une

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