Page 1: Manas and the Magic Scooter - Gayatri Gopal

Manas and the Magic Scooter

Gayatri GopalApril 2014

Page 2: Manas and the Magic Scooter - Gayatri Gopal

Have you ever wondered how rivers are formed? Or what our Earth looks like from the Moon? Or what’s really hiding beyond the clouds?

Let me tell you a story. A story of a young boy named Manas. He lived in a tiny village nestled in the heart of Tinsukia, Assam.

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Manas had a secret power. He could create wondrous things. He could do anything his heart desired. He could be anyone he wanted.

Everything with his mind and his amazing imagination. All he had to do was close his eyes, smile and his worlds came alive.

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His favorite thing in the whole wide world was his scooter. His grandmother gifted it to him on his seventh birthday.

He would ride it everyday. But it was no ordinary scooter. It was magical and could take Manas anywhere he wished to go.

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Manas used his magic scooter to create winding paths. Rain water would fill them to form streams and rivers. In fact, this is how the mighty Brahmaputra was formed, he told me once.

Manas looked up to the sky next and closed his eyes. He began to rise up and float. Everything around him started to get smaller and smaller.

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He was flying high in the sky like an Eagle. Turning, twisting and twirling any which way he wanted. He could touch the white fluffy clouds with his feathery fingers.

Manas wondered what was above the clouds. What enchanting worlds lay beyond them?

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Manas soared higher and higher above the clouds. So high he could see the mountain tops now. The continents and oceans looked so beautiful from up there.

Earth was smiling at him looking happy and hopeful. He waved back at Earth.

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Manas finally saw the Moon and many stars. They were the ones hiding beyond the clouds. Manas felt it was a lot of work to be shining and twinkling throughout the night.

“Yes indeed”, replied the Moon and the stars. Manas enjoyed talking to them but had to bid farewell for it was time to go now.

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Manas had gone as high as possible. As far as he could go. He dived back down towards his village.

On his way home, Manas spotted his little brother Manoj. Delighted to see him, he zipped at lightening speed on his magic scooter.

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Manas loved to share his worlds with Manoj. There were endless possibilities Manas would say. He promised Manoj lots of fantasy and excitement .

What followed were always fun-filled journeys with Manas and Manoj riding together on their magic scooter.

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I wonder where those two are off to now. Another adventure perhaps, maybe exploring the depths of the oceans. They might even meet some incredible sea creatures along the way.

Let’s wait and watch. Until next time, happy exploring!