
White Paper Version 1 (May 7 2013)

Managing Big Data for the Intelligence Community


White Paper

Table of Contents

Chattering Predators..................................................................................................................................................................................

Moving at the Speed of War: Defeating the Data Volume Problem............................................................................................................

Analytics for the IC: An Architectural Concept.............................................................................................................................................

Functional Review: How it All Fits Together.................................................................................................................................................

The Question of Integration...........................................................................................................................................................................








White Paper

Military and civilian intelligence organizations pioneered methodologies for storing, retrieving, analyzing and exploiting large and disparate data sets. These data sets were often huge (for the times), geographically dispersed, subject to extraordinary security measures and comprised of a widely diverse set of data types. Today, these conditions are the norm in the world of commercial big data. Driven by promises of a high return on investment (ROI), widespread adoption, other indirect benefits or some combination of the three, the global information technology industry has evolved powerful tools for the storage, management and analysis of what has come to be known as “Big Data.”

Unfortunately, much of the rapid development in Big Data analytics has left the intelligence community (IC) behind. Far from being an example of an acquisitions failure, the reasons behind the IC’s technological conservatism are entirely rational and responsible. Government is not in the business of making a profit, and is therefore less concerned with ROI than with total cost of ownership (TCO) over time. Additionally, the IC already possesses effective tools, developed over many years and at great expense, to handle data ingestion, transport, storage, analysis and exploitation. Recent events, however, have forced IC executives and CIOs to re-examine roadmaps for existing tools. The remainder of this paper explores the big data challenges facing the IC and offers a strawman solution architecture based on modern, open source data management and analytics tools.

Chattering PredatorsThe world prior to September 11, 2001 was well defined from an intelligence perspective. The United States was the dominant global military power, oil prices were stable and potentially hostile actors were largely confined to known nation states including North Korea, Libya and Iraq (with the odd narcotics trafficker thrown in for good measure). China was still essentially landlocked from a military perspective and appeared to be more interested in growing her economic power than challenging the United States and the world. Post-Cold War Russia was in the throes of an economic slump and, despite occasional bluster and saber rattling, was not in a position to exert strong influence on the global stage. Given American ascendancy at the time, acquisitions organizations logically assumed that the existing collection and analysis tools were, and had been, sufficient.

All of that changed on September 11, 2001. Intelligence collection mechanisms premised on targeting (at least somewhat) rational national entities and their conventional military organizations were too few and far between to address an exponentially larger number of non-state actors. In addition to the sheer volume of target organizations, there were stark differences between the way conventional forces were organized and the non-state actors’ operational paradigm. As a result, many existing systems and methodologies were found to be inefficient, taxed beyond their planned capacities or simply inappropriate for the task at hand.

Solutions, however, were not far away. Beginning in the mid-1980s, the United States military began fielding unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). First fielded on a relatively modest scale, UAVs were deployed by the US Navy, Marine Corps and Army. Initially deployed on battleships to provide gunnery spotting for 16” fire, the UAVs missions rapidly evolved to include reconnaissance and surveillance. By the end of the first decade of the 21st century, the US military would field tens of thousands of UAVs, ranging from six inch “micro air vehicles” (MAV) to the three foot long RQ-11B Raven, the ubiquitous MQ-1 Predator and MQ-9 Reaper aircraft, each larger than a private corporate jet, and the RQ-4 Global Hawk, which is comparable in size to a medium-range airliner.

While Predator and Reaper aircraft have garnered the lion’s share of media attention due to their high profile use as weapons platforms, the UAVs primary purpose remains reconnaissance and surveillance. Even the most modest UAV platforms are capable of relaying still imagery and real-time full motion video of the battlespace using imaging technologies such as electro-optical (EO) and forward looking infrared (FLIR). Larger platforms, like Predator, may add synthetic aperture radar (SAR) to their sensor packages. As a result of mating these sensor technologies with UAV flight platforms, there has never been greater battlespace situational awareness in history. The non-state actors lack of a targetable infrastructure had previously rendered them immune to traditional warfighting methodologies. The proliferation of UAVs gave battlefield commanders the ability to conduct long duration surveillance of specific locations, structures or individuals. There is literally no place left to hide.


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As this paper is being written, there are literally thousands of remotely piloted and autonomous aircraft aloft over Afghanistan. Each aircraft’s sensors collect immense amounts of data. And the amount of data collected is increasing at a prodigious rate. In 2009, American UAVs generated 24 years’ worth of video surveillance. By 2011, the amount of video data collected per year had jumped to 720 years. This geometric progression, which eclipses Moore’s Law as applied to the world’s data, is in no small part due to the rapid evolution of surveillance and reconnaissance sensors. The US Air Force’s Gorgon Stare, for example, is a persistent wide area aerial surveillance system (WAAS) fielded in early 2011, which mounts nine high resolution video cameras in a spherical array. The cameras provide continuous coverage of areas the size of a city and can transmit up to 65 different images to different users on the ground.

Video and imagery surveillance data is not the only data type that has significantly increased in volume. Recognizing that hostile non-state actors relied heavily on email, cell phones and social media to coordinate and conduct their operations, the United States began to field new systems designed to collect vast amounts of signals intelligence (SIGINT). SIGINT comprises two disciplines: the interception of signals between people, which is called communications intelligence (COMINT) and the interception of electronic signals not directly used in communication (e.g., radar transmissions), which is called electronic intelligence (ELINT).

These new SIGINT systems operate against hostile non-state actors from all four domains (land, air, sea and space) with capabilities ranging from traffic analysis (i.e., the volume of intercepted communications) to detailed analysis of decrypted voice and data communications. In that capacity, they collect and analyze signals across a broad spectrum. The latest version of the US Army’s AN/MLQ-40(V)4 “Prophet” system, for example, has the capability to detect, monitor, identify and selectively exploit radio frequency (RF) signals (including cell phone origin signals) for situational awareness information twenty-four hours a day. It can also send the exploited information to units across the battlefield using organic communications capabilities. Prophet has been credited with being the decisive factor in battles across Iraq and Afghanistan.

The Prophet system has an airborne collection variant which greatly increases the amount of data collected. However, it is far from the only airborne SIGINT asset. Typical of the Army’s airborne collection assets is the RC-12X Guardrail aircraft. Guardrail is a highly modernized Beechcraft C-12 Huron aircraft developed by Northrop Grumman. It mounts the Advanced Signals Intelligence Payload (ASIP), which also serves aboard Air Force manned U-2 and unmanned Global Hawk aircraft. ASIP systems ingest and process huge amounts of signals data. Some of this data is instantly processed to provide precision threat identification and location information, which is immediately transmitted to ground combat organizations. The data is also downloaded upon landing for further exploitation by analysts.

Moving at the Speed of War: Defeating the Data Volume Problem

As can be seen, the IC has largely solved issues associated with intelligence collection. Unfortunately, greatly improved collection capabilities created a downstream problem for the analyst community tasked with deriving actionable meaning from the amassed data. Commenting on the issue, former vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General James Cartwright noted “Today an analyst sits there and stares at Death TV for hours on end, trying to find the single target or see something move. It’s just a waste of manpower.” Cartwright’s larger point is extremely well taken. The current toolsets used by analysts are time and labor intensive and are often limited with respect to the source materials to which they had access. As a result, the generation of useful intelligence from the collected data is often both arduous and delayed. The challenge, as Cartwright put it, is to get the intelligence process to move at the “speed of war.”

There’s more to the challenge, however. Battlefield intelligence is about empowering edge organizations through rapidly shared situational awareness. The most perfect set of collection and analysis tools fails if the information derived from the collected data is not transformed into actionable knowledge in the warfighter’s hands. Put another way; it doesn’t matter if the analyst at a Prophet or Guardrail ground station is aware that a highly sought Very Bad Guy (VBG) is just around the corner from a patrolling infantry


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company. It only matters if that knowledge is conveyed to the infantry company commander in a timely manner and in a form in which it can be readily applied.

Deriving and sharing knowledge at the speed of war demands proliferation of both intelligence information and systems that process and manage the information to the lowest operational echelons. However, this goal has proven elusive for a number of reasons:

• Difficulties in sharing intelligence data across system, organizational or service boundaries;• The acquisition costs associated with specialized information processing tools;• The need for specialized hardware to accommodate the information processing; and• The perceived burden to line combat units of associated with managing specialized equipment or


In other words, while there is broad agreement that both intelligence activities and information should be democratized, with siloed intelligence support activities being more broadly distributed across a flatter organizational landscape, there are concerns as to how to achieve those goals. Significant efforts, many of which have borne fruit, have already been made to address these concerns. One example is the Defense Intelligence Information Enterprise (DI2E). DI2E is a common, cross-agency and cross-services environment that’s designed to allow users to access intelligence resources from across the IC spectrum. DI2E’s core requirement is to integrate systems, information, teams and tools that were formerly disconnected in a manner that is secure and offers round the clock, global availability.

DI2E is intended to fill three basic needs: a common technology base to unite disparate applications and systems, a compliance testing framework for different intelligence applications and tools and a virtual storefront that will make it easier for users to discover and download useful intelligence-oriented applications.

While it addresses the data sharing issue, DI2E does not, unfortunately, directly respond to General Cartwright’s observation about DeathTV. Just because the analyst has assured access to more data doesn’t necessarily mean that the efficiency with which the analyst produces actionable knowledge has been improved. What the analyst requires is an automated means to apply business rules describing events, persons and concepts of interest to the mass of available data. Fortunately for the IC, industry has been grappling with many of the same problems. These have been addressed through the employment of event processing and analytics frameworks that leverage commodity hardware and open source tools.


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Analytics for the IC: An Architectural Concept

On the face of it, the problem is relatively easy to describe. There is relatively finite number of intelligence data sources. Data from these sources must be extracted, transformed and then loaded into an analytics engine for both storage and analysis. The relevant results of the analysis must then be provided to the analyst’s tools in the most efficient manner possible.

Figure , Intelligence Analytics Architectural Concept

As can be seen in Figure , above, there are a number of components required to produce the data movement and processing necessary to feed and execute the automated analytics cycle. These components fall into three categories:

• Collection and Ingestion;• Enterprise SOA Platform; and• Operational Data Storage and Management.

A brief explanation of each category and component is helpful in navigating the architecture.

a. Collection and Ingestion

The United States fields the most impressive array of technical intelligence collection assets that the world has ever seen. Most, if not all of these assets have dedicated ground stations where the data is initially analyzed, sorted, collated and either stored or sent to an organizational data center. These storage sites house a wealth of intelligence information. However, in order for this information to be of use to the warfighter, it must either be extracted from the asset-specific (or organization specific) storage and either transformed for submission to an analysis engine or streamed by an agent program to an event processing engine.


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i. Data Service or API

Data services operate on known data structures with the goal of exposing stored data as readily manipulated XML. By doing so, they ensure loose coupling and provide data consuming components in an easily ingestible format.

Application Programming Interfaces (API) are used to provide controlled access to organizational assets such as data or capability. They are essentially specialized web services developed and promulgated by asset owners and used by potential consumers. Typical use cases include mobile apps that access APIs to provide content to a smartphone.

ii. Complex Event Processing Engine

Event processing engines are analytical tools that enable the derivation of relevant data from extremely large volumes of real-time data. These event processors listen to event streams and detect patterns based on predefined rules in near-real time. They do not store all the events. (Event storage for later exploitation is the province of business activity monitors.) There are three basic models:

• Simple event processors, which implement simple filters (“Does this communications intercept contain the word attack?”)

• Event stream processors (ESP), which aggregate and join multiple event streams; and

• Complex event processors, which process multiple event streams to identify meaningful patterns using complex conditions and temporal windows (“There has been a cell phone call that used the word attack AND there has been a cell phone call that mentions a specific road junction AND there is an image that shows digging near the road junction AND there is tagged video that shows hostile forces caching rocket propelled grenades (RPG) near the road junction”). Complex event processors (CEP) are designed to process tens of thousands (or more) events per second with a latency of milliseconds or less.

The data streams that feed complex event processors are often generated by means of dedicated agent programs that operate in conjunction with the asset specific storage mechanisms.

b. Enterprise SOA Platform

Core enterprise capabilities are provided by the enterprise SOA platform. Typical components include:

• An enterprise service bus (ESB) that provides data transport, transformation and mediation capabilities;

• An elastic load balancer (ELB) that ensures that the overall system maintains specified reliability and availability service level agreements (SLA);

• A message broker that provides support for loosely coupled, asynchronous communications between system components;


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• An identity and access management (IdAM) component that manages user accounts, authentication and provides the ability to exercise fine grained access control at the data element level; and

• A registry where artifacts including access control policies can be stored, validated and retrieved.

Additional components may be found, such as tools to manage business processes and business rule sets.

c. Operational Data Storage and Management

The components in this category perform analytics on the large data sets delivered by the collection and ingestion components through the enterprise SOA platform, yielding actionable intelligence that is consumed by both the analyst and warfighting communities. The category’s core is an analytics engine that harnesses state of the art, open source big data tools that provide storage, enable distributed processing and allow for normalization, summarization, query and analysis. The resulting processed data is stored and can either be queried by existing analyst tool sets or delivered to user-definable dashboards.

i. Replicated, Distributed Intelligence Database

Collected and ingested intelligence data is stored natively, within the analytics engine. Reflecting the often disconnected and always unpredictable nature of tactical operations, the storage mechanisms must be fault tolerant and independent. Under ideal circumstances, each software/hardware deployment would include multiple, computationally independent nodes to store and process data. Alternately, lightweight edge nodes may require a more traditional storage system.

The notional architecture supports both command and edge nodes. A command node is expected to have space and power sufficient to support multi-device computing clusters. For distributed storage across the command node’s computing cluster(s), the notional architecture relies on the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). Hadoop, a product managed by the Apache Software Foundation, is a framework designed to support data intensive distributed applications.

HDFS is designed to reap maximum utility from clusters of inexpensive commodity hardware. It does so by implementing a master/slave architecture that stores data on the processing nodes (following the assumption being that “moving computation is easier than moving data”). It is designed to detect and quickly and automatically recover from faults in any of the storage processing nodes, thus maintaining a very high level of availability for both data and the system as a whole. HDFS provides for very high levels of throughput between nodes in a single cluster. Additionally, HDFS is designed to reliably store very large files across machines in a large cluster by storing files as a series of blocks across multiple machines. All nodes within a cluster need not be local to participate in the replication scheme.

This is due to features inherent in the HDFS design. To minimize global bandwidth consumption and read latency, HDFS tries to satisfy a read request from a data replica that is closest to the reader. If a replica exists on the same rack as the reading computer, then that


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replica is preferred to satisfy the read request. For a HDFS cluster spanning multiple data centers, a replica that is resident in the local data center is preferred over any remote replica.replica is preferred to satisfy the read request. For a HDFS cluster spanning multiple data centers, a replica that is resident in the local data center is preferred over any remote replica.

This functionality supports the implementation of a centrally planned replication scheme that supports multiple echelons (e.g., from unified combatant command to division).

Edge nodes are found closer to the forward edge of the battle area (FEBA), in direct support of maneuver (i.e., ground combat) units. They are usually mounted and feature a much lighter weight hardware configuration that will not, typically, have access to clustered processors. As a result, they employ a more traditional database storage mechanism. One database tool well suited to the needs of an intelligence edge node mentioning is Accumulo.

Accumulo is an open source NoSQL database originally developed at the National Security Agency (NSA). Unlike many of the NoSQL databases currently available, Accumulo supports a wide array of enterprise level features. Like many popular NoSQL databases, Accumulo handles high volumes and large varieties of data at a rapid processing velocity, offers the ability to process both analytical and transactional work while scaling efficiently to thousands of nodes and petabytes of data. However, what sets Accumulo apart is that it was engineered with cell-level security.

Cell level security is the ability to assign access permissions down to individual table cells within the database, thus allowing administrators to extend the use of a given database across the enterprise while remaining in compliance with applicable privacy and security laws, regulations, policies and guidance (LRPG).

The following scenario illustrates the value of cell-level security in the intelligence context:An intelligence support organization receives imagery data classified at the Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information (TS/SCI) level. The TS/SCI classification is due to “sources and methods” data contained in the overall image record; that is the nature of the platform that obtained the imagery, and details about the platform are found in the imagery metadata. The imagery is important to the maneuver brigade being supported by the intelligence organization. However, the brigade’s lower echelon units operate only at the Secret classification.

Without cell-level security capabilities, getting the imagery to the maneuver units would require manual sanitization and transfer prior to transmission. This is, at best, a time consuming task that risks the imagery becoming operationally stale before it is transmitted. As a result of the conflation of the imagery and sensitive metadata, the imagery might not be transmittable at all.

With cell-level security, it is feasible (current information assurance (IA) and security rules notwithstanding) for maneuver users to access the database directly, and all the tables within, but with certain specified cells encrypted. Soldiers in the maneuver brigade would be allowed to mine the imagery data stored in the NoSQL database with the exception of the restricted metadata, which would essentially not exist for them. Accumulo’s cell-level security would allow more users access to the database, theoretically resulting in faster analysis and more rapid decision cycle times. In this manner, cell-level security provides part of the answer to the cross-domain security puzzle.


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ii. Intelligence and Operational Analytics

Intelligence data that is collected but not analyzed isn’t of much use. As noted above, the efficiency of modern collection mechanisms and the sheer volume of data collected often frustrate timely analysis. It is necessary, therefore, to automate the analysis process to the maximum extent possible. Fortunately there are a number of enterprise grade open-source components that help with the automation process.

Complementing its distributed file system, Hadoop offers a capability called MapReduce. MapReduce is a framework for the parallel processing of large datasets using a cluster of computers. It works by creating a “master” node and a number of “worker” nodes. During the “map” step, the master takes the input (such as a data set), and divides it into smaller subsets and distributes these subsets to worker nodes. The workers process the smaller problems and pass the results back to the master. During the “reduce” step, the master assembles all the answers to the sub-problems in a manner that provides the answer to the original larger problem.

MapReduce’s advantages, like those of HDFS, really come into play at an intelligence command node, where clusters of commodity computers can be assembled to maximize the parallel processing benefits. That being said, Hadoop’s MapReduce architecture does not restrict it to a clustered deployment, and it can readily be used at Edge nodes. It is often used to normalize data from disparate sources so that the data can later be analyzed efficiently.

Working hand in hand with MapReduce during the analysis process is Apache Hive. Hive is a data warehouse system for Hadoop that facilitates easy data summarization, ad-hoc queries, and the analysis of large datasets stored in Hadoop compatible file systems and databases. It can also be used to schedule and manage data manipulation tasks in Hadoop. Hive provides a mechanism to project structure onto and query the data using a SQL-like language called HiveQL. Through HiveQL, Hive also supports traditional map/reduce programming.

Both MapReduce and Hive are flexible and adaptable, and support custom data analysis and querying. As a result, normalization and storage are just the beginning. Organizationally specialized processing can be implemented. For example, missile defense organizations may desire to store only information about mobile surface to surface missile launchers out of the flood of data. MapReduce and Hive can be readily programmed to support this sort of capability. For example, the data might be tagged

iii. Operational Data Retrieval

Once the data has been retrieved and normalized, it is written to a single, normalized data set stored in a secure database (i.e., Accumulo). This data set can then be accessed by analysts through the standard set of analysis tools as well as specialized statistical engines (e.g., R) and spatial data engines (SDE) or geospatial information systems (GIS). Architecturally, it is important to ensure that the analysis tools are not tightly architecturally coupled directly to the database structure. Doing so significantly increases total cost of ownership (TCO) as any modifications to either the analysis toolset or the database will require corresponding changes to the other component.


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The necessary architectural separation or “loose coupling” is achieved through the use of a service oriented data access mechanism. This mechanism provides and manages data services that expose information stored in the database as XML that is readily consumed by the analysis tools. As a result, changes to either the database or any of the analysis tools require modification only to specific data services, eliminating the need for extensive updates and changes to the rest of the system. It’s worth noting that the savings extend beyond software development labor costs: By limiting the scope of necessary modifications, a significantly smaller certification and accreditation (C&A) effort is required, which in turn lowers TCO.

Functional Review: How it All Fits Together

With an understanding of the discrete functionalities involved, a brief review of the sequence of data flows and manipulations is useful:

1. Data is collected and stored locally by collection systems that include UAVs and other platforms. This data may include both imagery (full motion and still) and text files.

2. Text-based information is ingested by means of dedicated APIs or data services.

3. Imagery is fed by means of agent programs into a complex event processing engine that has been programmed to look for certain patterns of interest. The patterns for which it is programmed reflect the organization’s operational concerns and can be updated as necessary. Only imagery conforming to the search patterns is retained.

4. The ingested data (text and imagery) is transported, in a manner compliant with organizational access control policies, via the enterprise SOA platform to a first stage instance of the replicated intelligence database (HDFS or Accumulo).

5. The data is normalized through a series of MapReduce iterations (managed by Hive).

6. Hive queries and stores the normalized data a second stage instance of the replicated intelligence database.

7. The data is exposed to intelligence analysis tools as XML by data services.


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The Question of Integration

As can be inferred from the above discussion, the issue facing acquisition professionals charged with developing automated “Big Data” handling systems for the IC and military intelligence organizations is less about understanding overall requirements than about acquiring the systems in a timely and cost effective manner. Fortunately, most, if not all of the functionality required can be obtained through commercial open source software products. By eliminating license acquisition costs, these open source products substantially reduce TCO. Additionally, as the products are generally pre-existing, thus reducing the effort needed to develop capabilities, overall acquisition timelines are reduced.

It is useful at this point to dispel misconceptions about the commercial nature of open source software. Both US federal law (41 USC 403) and enabling regulations (the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) and Defense Federal Acquisition Regulations (DFAR)) specify a definition of commercial items that clearly encompasses open source software:

The term “commercial item” means any of the following (as per 41 USC 403 (12)):

(A) Any item, other than real property, that is of a type customarily used by the general public or by nongovernmental entities for purposes other than governmental purposes, and that -

• has been sold, leased, or licensed to the general public; or• has been offered for sale, lease, or license to the general public.

(B) Any item that evolved from an item described in subparagraph (A) through advances in technology or performance and that is not yet available in the commercial marketplace, but will be available in the commercial marketplace in time to satisfy the delivery requirements under a Federal Government solicitation.

(B) Any item that, but for –

• modifications of a type customarily available in the commercial marketplace, or• minor modifications made to meet Federal Government requirements, would satisfy the criteria

in subparagraph (A) or (B).

This definition and its applicability to the defense community (and by extension, the IC) was confirmed by the “Clarifying Guidance Regarding Open Source Software” issued by the US Department of Defense (DoD) on October 16, 2009.

A brief analysis of the capabilities required, and whether they are supported by open source products is shown in the table below:


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Required Capability Supported by OSS?

Example Product Remarks

Ingestion data service Yes WSO2 Data Services Server

Ingestion API Yes WSO2 API Manager API Manager does not generate APIs, it governs API lifecycle manage-ment and deployment.

Imagery Ingestion Yes WSO2 Complex Event Pro-cessor

Transport, Transform, Mediation

Yes WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus

Runtime Governance Yes WSO2 Elastic Load Bal-ancer

Asynchronous Mes-saging and Compo-nent Loose Coupling

Yes WSO2 Message Broker

Security and Access Control

Yes WSO2 Identity Server

Access Control Policy Management

Yes WSO2 Governance Registry

Data Storage and Analytics

• Data Storage• Data Normaliza-

tion• Query Manage-


Yes WSO2 Business Activity Monitor

• HDFS• MapReduce• Cassandra • Accumulo • Hive

The current version of the Business Activity Monitor uses Cassan-dra, a NoSQL database. Upcoming versions will support Accumulo and HDFS.

Data Retrieval Management

Yes WSO2 Data Services Server

Table , Open Source Software Support by Capability

As can be seen, the entire Big Data analytics architecture can be supported by open source products.

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Advances in intelligence collection tools and techniques have resulted in an embarrassment of operational data riches. Analysts must now derive meaning from huge bodies of data within an operationally relevant timeline. Fortunately, advances made by industry with respect to Big Data can be leveraged by government acquisition managers, providing ready-made and well vetted solutions that can be customized for IC use. Most, if not all of the software products required to support such solutions are available as open source implementations, reducing both TCO and time to initial operational capability. Additionally, US law and enabling regulations support the use of open source products within a US government context.

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