
Managers as Strategic


By : Disha Bedi

What is Strategic Communication?

Infusing communications efforts with an agenda and a master plan

The Basic Idea of Strategic Communication

Strategic communications fuses the “pushing” and the “delivering.”

Being strategic means •Communicating the best message through the right channels•measured against well-considered organizational and communications specific goals.

Barriers to Effective Communication

Benefits of Managers as Effective Communicators

Top 10 Questions that every communicator needs to ask himself

What does success look like? Why this, why now? What are the project or corporate objectives? What are the communications objectives? What are the main risks and opportunities? Who are the key audiences and why are they important? How can effective communications help advance the project or corporate objectives? Thinking back about past communications activities, what worked and what didn’t? Why? What are the project management parameters (time, budget and human resources)? If we could change just one thing, what should it be?

The Seven Principles of Strategic Organizational Communications

Organizational Communication is a management process. Organizational Communication is a change agent. The primary responsibility for internal communication lies with all managers and supervisors. Communication is a social process. To be understood, communication must be grounded in the interests and language of the

receiver. To be noticed, communication must be compelling and continuous. To be influential, communication must be credible.

Steps to Become a Good Strategic Communicator

4 Step Model for Managers to be Strategic Communicators

Measuring Manager’s Communication Skills

So Are You An Effective Communicator?

If I don't understand something, I tend to keep this to myself and figure it out later. I use email to communicate complex issues with people. It's quick and efficient. I can tend to say what I think, without worrying about how the other person perceives

it. I assume that we'll be able to work it out later. When I finish writing a report, memo, or email, I scan it quickly for typos and so forth,

and then send it off right away. I use diagrams and charts to help express my ideas.
