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Prepared by


Alpsencer ÖZDEMİR

Muhammed Orhan KEÇECİ



The Most Interesting


Halicephalobus Mephisto

Halicephalobus mephisto is a species of nematode.

It was discovered by geoscientists Gaetan Borgonie

and Tullis Onstott in 2011. It was discovered in

deep rock fracture water in gold mines in South Af-

rica about 1 km under the surface of the Earth.

High temperature, low oxygen and permanent dark-

ness are no problem for this species of nematode.



Golden Lion Tamarian


The family of Golden Lion Ta-

marin is Callitrichidae. They

live in the tropical rain fo-

rests in South America. They

are only 20 to 36 cm tall but

not including tail. They weigh

less than 900gr. They have

got sharp, curved claws on

their toes for gripping tree

trunks and branches. They

have got silky fur, particu-

larly at the shoulders. They

live in family groups. They

eat insects, small vertebra-

tes and fruits.

Gray Whale

The family of Gray Whale is Eschrichtiidae. They

live in eastern North Pacific (North American and

Asian). Their lenght is 14.9 metres and they weigh

30 tons. They live about 50-70 years. This mammal

descended from filter-feeding whales that develo-

ped at the beginning of the Oligocene, over 30 mil-

lion years ago. The gray whale is traditionally placed

as the only living species in its genus and family.

Komodo Dragon

Komodo Dragons live in the Indonesian islands.

They grow about 3 metres length and 100 kilos we-

ight. The Komodo Dragon is the largest living land

lizard. Komodo Dragons are both runners and swim-

mers. They have about 60 razor sharp teeth. Their

saliva contains poisonous bacteria. When they bite

their preys, their poison doesn’t kill the prey imme-

diately but within 2-3 days. animals/reptiles/?


Morpho Butterfly

Blue Morpho Butterfly is a species of arthro-

poda. It is one of over 80 species of butterf-

lies in the genus. They are found mostly in So-

uth and Central America and Mexico. Its

wingspan is between 7.5 cm and 20 cm. The

name Morpho, meaning changed or modified, is

also an epithet of Aphrodite and Venus.


Cockatoos are large members of the parrot fa-

mily. They are native in Australia and New Gui-

nea. There are several species. They may be a

mix of white, grey, black, rose-pink or red, but

the best known is the sulphur-crested cockatoo.

They are strong birds and use their beaks to

help them to climb. Their height can be about

one metre.


Their family is Myrmecobiidae. They are mar-

supial anteaters. They live in the wild only in a

small area in the southwest corner of Australia.

They have stripes on their bodies and tapering

head. The gentle and squirrel-like numbat grows

up to 10 inches (25 cm) long.

African Civet

The habitat of African Civet is the Africa conti-

nent and especially Sub-Saharan Africa. They li-

ve along riverside and they are capable swim-

mers. They often spend their time hunting and

resting in the trees as well as on the ground.

They grow about 70 centemetres length and aro-

und 4.5 kilos weight. The average life span af

them is 15-20 years. African Civet has a special

musk which is produced by glands close to its

reproductive organs. The most well-known parfu-

mes in the world has the musk of African Civet.

Aye Aye

Aye aye is a lemur. It has rodent teeth. It is the

largest nocturnal primate in the world. It has got a

thin and long middle finger. It has got a different

method of finding food. It finds the food in the ho-

les of trees.To find the grubs through the holes, it

uses its long and thin middle finger. It grows about

2.5 kilos weight and 35 centimetres height. Its life

span is between 10 and 23 years.



The family of Jerboa is Dipodidae. They

live in Northern Africa and Asia east to

northern China and Manchuria. It’s cal-

led Arabic Rabbit. They generally live in

hot deserts. They look like kangroos.

They have similarities with kangroos.

They have got long hind legs, short fore-

legs and a long tail. They move by hop-

ping and their tails help them balance

their bodies.

They can run about 25 ki-

lometres per hour. Most

species of them eat

plants but some species

eat beetles and insects.

King Crab

The family of King Crab

is Lithodidae.They live in

Bering Sea, Aleutian Is-

lands and St. Lawrence

Island in Pasific Ocean.

The red king crab, Paralithodes camtschaticus, is a

very large species. Their width can be 28 cm and

their leg span can be 1.8 m. Their diet consists of

sea stars, urchins, clams, barnacles, and other bent-

hic invertebrates.

King crabs are com-

mercially caught re-

cently so they’re in


Tasmanıan Devil

The family of Tasma-

nian devil is dasyuridae.

They grow about 6-8 ki-

los weight and 57-65

centimetres height.

Their favourite food is


Their habitat is fo-

rest underbrush. They

generally live 5-8 ye-

ars.They live in Aust-

ralian island.

Although the Tasma-

nian devil's closest

relative is a kangaroo,

the Tasmanian devil

has the appearance of

a wild dog.

Flashlight Fish


The family of Flashlight Fish is Anomalopidae.

They are nocturnal fish and live Indo-Pacific Oc-

ean. They have got bioluminescent organs under

its eyes. With these organs they attract their

preys and evade their predators. Flashlight fish

live in caves and crevices by day and rise to

depths of 3-20 meters at night to feed. They

are about 14 cm long.


The family of Angler is lophiidae.They live in the

Mediterranean Sea, the Marmara Sea, the Ae-

gean Sea, Black Sea in Turkey and in the Atlas

Ocean. In the depth of sea they hunt small fis-

hes by giving light in dark. Their body is flat and

they have a big head and a big mouth.

They have thorns on their back. One of the thorns

is longer than the others. At the top of this thorn

they have bacterias which give light. They use that

like a line. So they attract their preys with the

light and eat. They grow between 40 and 60 cm.

Anglers are very delicious.