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  • TecnoVISION

    November 2012First editionLanguage: English

    DLX Supervisor2.1

  • Confidentiality:

    the user should hold the information contained in this manual as strictly confidential, and should not use it for other purposes than simple consultation for the display management and maintenance.

    Any abuse shall be punished by law.

    The information in this manual is subject to changes without notice.

  • 30. IndexDLX Supervisor 2.1 - Technical manual

    1. DLX Supervisor 2.1 ............................................................................................. 7

    Introduction .............................................................................................................. 7Synoptic ................................................................................................................... 8

    Brightness ...................................................................................................................9Time Table .................................................................................................................10Auto (probe) ..............................................................................................................11Auto + Time Table .....................................................................................................12

    Power .................................................................................................................... 14Swithc ON/OFF display .............................................................................................15Test result ..................................................................................................................15Max Temp..................................................................................................................15Brightness .................................................................................................................15

    Test ........................................................................................................................ 16Temperature .......................................................................................................... 17Lux configuration ................................................................................................... 18

    Auto ...........................................................................................................................18T-Table ......................................................................................................................18

  • 4DLX Supervisor 2.1 - Technical manual


    0.2 Reviews summary

    Revision Date Notes

    1 21/09/12 Start up

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  • 6DLX Supervisor 2.1 - Technical manual

  • 7DLX Supervisor 2.1 - Technical manual


    Every time the application starts, the GTVID device (GL-DVI or DLX PRO) and the Supervisor are detected.The software manages the display brightness and other devices like the environ-mental brightness and temperature probes etc(if this kind of probes are in the screen forniture).

    1. DLX Supervisor 2.1

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    DLX Supervisor 2.1 - Technical manual


    The main window is shown below:

    - 01 Instant screen brightness value (0-255). - 02 Temperature detected by one of the temperature probes located inside

    the display; - 03 test result of the led part of the screen; - 04 Electrical power status of the screen;









    1. DLX Supervisor 2.1


    Brightness value and working mode (in this example Auto) of the screen brightness: - 01 Applied brightness value (0-255). - 02 Manual brightness value (using its cursor); - 03 Brightness setted by the filled time table; - 04 Brightness setted using the environmental brightness probe; - 05 Brightness setting that takes into account both the Time Table settings,

    and those of the Auto Table. - 06 Brightness graphic; - 07 Button to fill the Time Table amd Auto (probe) tables; NOTE If there is

    no brightness sensor, the table Light Probe Table, is not editable. - 08 Brightness sensor: measured value (probe value) and the value given

    by the curve (see below);

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    DLX Supervisor 2.1 - Technical manual

    Time Table

    Fill the time table of the screen variation brightness like the example below. To delete a value, press Delete of the desired time.

    The brightness page is as shown below La pagina del Brightness viene visualizzata come segue (the green dot means the current screen brightness):

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    1. DLX Supervisor 2.1

    Auto (probe)

    The variation in the brightness of the screen is handled automatically according to the ambient light; an ambient light sensor measures the amount of incident light and varies the brightness of the screen. As a factory setting, a low brightness value envi-ronment is a low value of screen brightness. This correspondence can be changed by the user using the table below in the Light Probe Table field.By inserting a probe readout value and a corresponding value of brightness you can vary the response that would otherwise be linear. The example below shows the case of linear response, i.e. the luminosity applied is equal to the value read by the sensor.

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    DLX Supervisor 2.1 - Technical manual

    Auto + Time Table

    This mode of brightness variation is the combination of the timetable and the values measured by the probe. Applied to the screen brightness will be the lower value between the two resulting brightness.

    Example 1Consider the window below where you have created the tables of hourly variation of brightness (Time Table) and the response curve of Light Probe probe Table (this curve is the DEFAULT).

    Depending on the settings, the resulting brightness is visible in the main window. As you can see, the probe value is LESS than the one defined for the current time slot. The value applied to the screen brightness is then defined by the probe (the example is 30)

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    1. DLX Supervisor 2.1

    Esempio 2In this case the values of both the Time Table and the Light Probe Table are unchan-ged, but the environmental brightness detected by the probe is increased (probe value 183). In this case the brightness as it applies to the screen is the one defined by schedule (time table 170 value). Note that the red dot 09 (brightness of the screen defined by the brightness sensor) is not applied because it is higher than the value of brightness of the table.

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    DLX Supervisor 2.1 - Technical manual


    The main window is as follow:

    - 01 System sinoptic; - 02 ON/OFF push buttons of the LED part of the whole screen;

    The synoptic shows schematically the screen system and the devices that the super-visor supervises. The green colour on every device, means that it is normally wor-king.

    IG1 Failure: If the braker IG1 switches off, is reported on the synoptic display is not powered (red display); at the same time as this incident, is sent to alarm SMS with GSM modem if present (see SMS alerts on MODEM documentation)

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    1. DLX Supervisor 2.1

    Swithc ON/OFF display

    Push buttons to switch ON/OFF the LED part of the screen. The synoptic of the screen shows that the K1 contactor disconnects and the LED part of the screen is in RED colour.

    Test result

    Window to display the LED boards and test drivers in your system (see below for the Test).

    Max Temp

    Maximum temperature value measured by the temperature probes installed in the system.


    Value and operating mode (in this example Auto) of the display brightness set in the system.

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    DLX Supervisor 2.1 - Technical manual


    Page to run the test on the boards and LED driver

    - 01 Button Run Test, it runs the test on the screen; - 02 Button Create (password protected), create a file that will be used as a

    reference whenever the test will be run; every difference between the test file is stored and the test run is defined as an error to the operator.

    - 03 Time Table, setting the starting test (you can choose a specific time every day or every hour of every day);

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    1. DLX Supervisor 2.1


    Page that displays the measured temperature for each sensor in the system (in this example there are two probes); the maximum measured temperature is displayed in the Synoptic page.

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    DLX Supervisor 2.1 - Technical manual

    Lux configuration

    The window allows the operator to configure how to mamage the brightness varia-tion of the screen:

    - Auto 01: it enable the ambient light sensor that adjusts the brightness of the screen to ambient lighting conditions;

    - Manual 02: brightness of the screen user defined by intervening directly on the adjacent cursor;

    - T-table 03: enables the hourly variation of brightness; - Lux value 04: current brightness value set on the screen.


    Type the on and off time of the screen, press Set to store values. The screen bright-ness is managed (during operating hours) from the ambient light sensor.


    Fill in the timetable as the example below; the software allows a maximum of 6 values. To delete a value, select the adjacent box and press Delete.

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    1. DLX Supervisor 2.1

  • TecnoVISION S.p.A.

    Via Archimede Nr 18 - 20090 Buccinasco (Milano) Italyphone. +39 02 45 77 161 ra.fax. +39 02 45 77 16 80 e-mail. [email protected].

  • 1. DLX Supervisor 2.1IntroductionSynopticBrightnessTime TableAuto (probe)Auto + Time Table

    PowerSwithc ON/OFF displayTest resultMax TempBrightness

    TestTemperatureLux configurationAutoT-Table