Download pdf - Mallory French Portfolio

  • PORTFOLIOMallory French

  • CONTACTMallory French

    403 Ameswood DrRound Rock, Texas


    [email protected]

  • TABLE OF CONTENTS3. Flier5. Logos7. Business Card9. Letterhead11. Web Page13. Brochure15. Montage17. Imaging19. Event Ad

  • FLIERDESCRIPTION: Promotional flier providing information about a graduate leadership conference.

    PROGRAMS: Adobe InDesign

    DATE: May 10, 2015

    COURSE: Comm 130, Visual Media

    INSTRUCTOR: Stucki


    PROCESS:First I drew up four sketches for design ideas I had. After I chose the one that I liked best, I began to put it together in InDesign. Using the initial sketch, I created the basic outline/layout. As I began to build it and put the flier together, I made changes to the original ideas. I used a large block of color in the form of a gray box for the title. I think this draws in the eye to the title immediately.

  • LOGOSDESCRIPTION: Logo for Mylissa Hoover Photography

    PROGRAMS: Adobe Illustrator

    DATE: June 7th, 2015

    COURSE: Comm 130, Visual Media

    INSTRUCTOR: Stucki


    PROCESS: This logo and variations of the logo design were done using Adobe Illustrator.The basis of the logo (the circle) was done using the circle tool in Illustrator. Using the text tool I made the lettering. I then added the lines for design using the pen tool.

  • DESCRIPTION: Business card designed using a personally created logo.

    PROGRAMS: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign

    DATE: June 13, 2015

    COURSE: Comm 130, Visual Media

    INSTRUCTOR: Stucki


    PROCESS: I first created the logo in Adobe Illustrator. I then used that logo for my designs. I created the business card in Adobe InDesign.


  • LETTERHEADDESCRIPTION: Letterhead designed using a personally created logo.

    PROGRAMS: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign

    DATE: June 13, 2015

    COURSE: Comm 130, Visual Media

    INSTRUCTOR: Stucki


    PROCESS: I first created the logo in Adobe Illustrator. I then used that logo for my designs. I created the letter head in Adobe InDesign.

  • WEB PAGEDESCRIPTION: A web page designed to showcase a personally created logo.

    PROGRAMS: Adobe Illustrator, CSS

    DATE: June 28, 2015

    COURSE: Comm 130, Visual Media

    INSTRUCTOR: Stucki


    PROCESS: After opening up the initial html and css documents, I began to change the codes to better fit my own design. First, I put in my own information in the headings and paragraphs. I then added the logo using the image tag. Next, I went in and changed the colors for the page. I first changed the text colors all to black using the color code. I then used the eyedropper tool in photoshop to match the colors from my logo to the colors I used in the page design. I found the color codes in photoshop and then added them into the code css.

  • BROCHUREDESCRIPTION: Offset folding brochure

    PROGRAMS: Adobe InDesign

    DATE: July 12, 2015

    COURSE: Comm 130, Visual Media

    INSTRUCTOR: Stucki


    PROCESS: I began the design process by first narrowing down the information required for the brochure. I made a rough draft design of the flyers layout in InDesign. I then wrote out the body copy for the information that would be on the brochure. After doing that, I picked the images which I wanted to include in the brochure design and saved them. For the images, I used Photoshop to enhance and resize them for the brochure. After placing the background image into my InDesign project, I began to place the images. Following that, I inserted the text into the brochure. I set the text settings, including the size, font and color. The logo used in the brochure was created in Adobe Illustrator. I used the pen tool and text tool to create the logo. I then transferred the logo to the InDesign brochure project. The logo is used twice in the design.

  • MONTAGEDESCRIPTION: An inspirational montage made by the blending of two or more images, and the use of typography

    PROGRAMS: Photoshop

    DATE: May 31, 2015

    COURSE: Comm 130, Visual Media

    INSTRUCTOR: Stucki


    PROCESS: Using Photoshop I used photo for the background and then blended the second image (the hands coming together to form a heart) onto that original photo. I used the eraser and brush tools to do this and changed the opacity of the hand image to blend better over the photo background. I then added text with contrasting fonts and placed them how I liked into the design.

  • IMAGINGDESCRIPTION: Using photography and photo editing skills, create a design for a company that properly conveys their message to the audience.

    PROGRAMS: Adobe Photoshop

    DATE: May 24, 2015

    COURSE: Comm 130, Visual Media

    INSTRUCTOR: Stucki


    PROCESS: For this project I used solely Photoshop. I kept it pretty simple with the tools I used because I am still learning about the program. In the design I didnt want to take too much away from the photo but also knew that the words needed to be a focal point. My first draft I was told that the words and the rectangles behind them were harsh against the picture. To fix this, I played around with the opacity of the different rectangles and changed some to be more vibrant and some to be more softened.