Download ppt - Maling Atm


    In our first slide you see an individual who apparently is making a bank transaction at the ATM.

    Pada slide ini anda lihat seseorang seolah-olah bertransaksi di ATM.

    [email protected]

  • What he really is doing is placing a trap in the ATM machine to capture the next user card.

    Sebenarnya dia memasang jebakan pada mesin ATM untuk menangkap mangsa (pengguna ATM berikutnya).

    Placing the trap(MEMASANG JEBAKAN)[email protected]

  • Lookout Warning(Teman Pembantu)Altering the ATMs is a risky business, these individuals work in teams. The lookout warns of any possible eye witnesses / or of the next potential victim.

    Karena kejahatan ATM ini penuh risiko, orang ini kerja bareng temannya (tim). Tugas si teman mengamati situasi di luar (siapa tahu ada yg lihat) sekalian menunggu mangsa berikutnya.

    [email protected]

  • The Victim(MANGSA)Here we see the next client using the ATM, after the trap has been set. He inserts his card and begins his transaction.

    Sekarang kita lihat seorang nasabah menggunakan ATM, setelah jebakan terpasang. Dia memasukkan kartunya dan mulai bertransaksi.

    [email protected]

  • Springing the TRAP(JEBAKAN BEKERJA)The ATM card is confiscated, and the customer is confused, asking himself, Why has my card been confiscated? However, here we see the cavalry coming to help, (HELP?).

    Kartu ATMnya nyangkut dan nasabah tersebut kebingungan, Lho, kok kartu ATM gue nyangkut ya ?EngIngEng dewa penolong datang (Nolong atau Nodong ?)[email protected]

  • Honest,Samaritan Offering HELP(Si CULUN MINTA TOLONG)Here we see the thief pretending to help. What he is really doing is trying to gain the chumps PIN, now that he has captured his card.

    Tengoklah si Maling pura-pura menolong. Sebetulnya dia ngintip nomor PINnya. (karena dia sudah mendapatkan kartunya).

    [email protected]

  • Gaining access to the PIN(Mendapat Akses PIN)The good Samaritan convinces the chump He can recover the card, if he presses his PIN at the same time the Samaritan press cancel and enter.

    Si Culun diyakinkan oleh si Dogol bahwa dia dapat mengeluarkan kartunya, jika dia yang menekan PINnya bersamaan dengan Si Culun menekan CANCEL & [email protected]

  • Situation Hopeless, They Leave(SITUASI TIADA HASIL, MEREKA CABUT)After several attempts the chumpis convinced his card has been confiscated. The chump and the Samaritan leave the ATM.

    Setelah berulang kali mencoba,si Dogol meyakinkan bahwa kartunya tetap nyangkut. Si Dogol dan Si Culun meninggalkan ATM. [email protected]

  • Recovering the CARD(MENGELUARKAN KARTU)Satisfied the area is clear, the thief returns to recover the confiscated card from his trap. He not only has the card, he also has the PIN the chump provided unknowingly.

    Saat situasi aman, Si Maling kembali ke ATM untuk mengeluarkan kartu dari jebakan. Dia bukan saja memiliki kartu tapi juga nomor PINnya tanpa diketahui si pemilik.

    [email protected]

  • The Escape(MERAT/MINGGAT)In possession of the card and the PIN he leaves the ATM with $4000 from the CHUMPSaccount.

    Karena sudah punya kartu dan nomor PINnya, santai saja dia meninggalkan ATM dengan US$4.000 tunai di [email protected]

  • THE TRAP(JEBAKAN)The trap is made up of XRAY film, which is the preferred material by thieves; Simply because of the black color which is similar in appearance to the slot on the card reader.

    Jebakannya terbuat dari film XRAY (rontgent), bahan yang paling disukai para maling; Sebabnya sederhana, warnanya hitam serupa dengan lubang atau celah Card [email protected]

  • Placing the TRAP(PEMASANGAN JEBAKAN)The trap is then inserted into the ATM slot. Care is taken not to insert the entire film into the slot, the ends are folded and contain glue strips for better adhesion to the inner and outer surface of the slots.

    Jebakannya dimasukkan ke dalam celah ATM. Untuk menjaga supaya film itu tak masuk semua, ujungnya dilipat dan diberi isolasi bolak-balik serta dilekatkan pada bagian luar celah (Card reader)[email protected]

  • INVISIBLE (TAK KASAT MATA)Once the ends are firmly glued and fixed to the slot, it is almost impossible to detect by unsuspecting clients.

    Jika ujung film yang telah diberi isolasi ditekan pada permukaan celah, hampir tak mungkin terdeteksi oleh [email protected]

  • How is your card confiscated?(Kok kartunya bisa Nyangkut Sih ?)Slits are cut into both sides of the trap, This prevents your card being returned prior to completing your transaction.

    Pada kedua sisi film ditoreh sedikit dan diplintir. Inilah yang mencegah kartu anda ke luar lagi setelah melakukan [email protected]

  • Retrieval of Confiscated card.(Mendapatkan kembali kartu yang Nyangkut)As soon as the Chump is gone, and they have your PIN , The thief can remove the glued trap, by grasping the folded tips, he simply pulls the trap out that has retained your card..

    Segera setelah si Maling mendapatkan PINnya. Si Maling melepas lipatan film di mulut celah Card reader dan menarik film yang telah ada [email protected]

  • RECOMENDATIONS.(SARAN-SARAN)1.-Once your card has been confiscated, observe the ATM slot and the card reader for any signs of tampering. Should you see the film tips glued to the slot, unglue, pull the trap out and recover your card.2.- Report IMMEDIATELY to the BanK.

    1. Saat kartu anda nyangkut, perhatikan sekitar celah Card reader ATM mungkin ada tanda-tanda dirusak. Begitu anda temukan lembaran film mencurigakan segera kelupas dan tarik untuk mengeluarkan kartunya.2. SEGERA lapor ke [email protected]

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