  • 7/27/2019 Malcolm Rifkind_ There is NO DOUBT Reports Using Snowden Information Played Into Terrorists' Hands _ 1Mail Onl


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  • 7/27/2019 Malcolm Rifkind_ There is NO DOUBT Reports Using Snowden Information Played Into Terrorists' Hands _ 1Mail Onl



    Now hang on Mr Mail, don't trip up on your own testicles over this. What is it that your s tand for, as s tated in your editorial

    column? We, the people want to know, and you had better have a convincing explanation. I know it is difficult when The

    Telegraph skewers the politicians and now The Guardian has skewered the creeps, but there is still much work for a top

    sel ling newspaper to do without being bitchy towards a lefty paper that got the story. If your people don't think it is

    newsworthy to know that our lives are an open secret to the NSA et al. then at least tell us which of your people believe

    that, so we can ignore them.

    - S. Wells, London, 20/8/2013 23:44

    Click to rate Rating 575

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    We are a free society for jus t a little longer, pretty soon the police wil l use pressure points to attack peaceful

    demonstrators who might just object to joint government and oil companies drilling into the earths core with water, sand

    and sulfuric acid. Oh wait!! We are not all in this together, that is just make believe. I have certainly woken up and have

    been able to smell the coffee for quite a while. Being aware is far important than being asleep in front of the televis ion

    and believing in the "Program" We program computers remember!

    - Gary, Leeds, United Kingdom, 20/8/2013 23:54

    Click to rate Rating 369

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    Theresa May said police acting in national security interests..........Not rocket science knowing police were acting in the

    governments interest.

    - chasdavy, ilford, United Kingdom, 20/8/2013 23:55

    Click to rate Rating 948

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    This government has lost all credibi lity. I thought Cameron was a workmanlike half decent PM but no - he's jus t a rubbish

    version of Blair. This government has acted odd lately with its divisive billboards, rhetoric and being handcuffed to

    American secret service. Lib Dems gone all quiet too. Labour will s urely take the reigns if the Conservatives carry on

    acting like they're laying the foundations of a police state.

    - dave dave, london, United Kingdom, 21/8/2013 0:24

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    If it's lawful to detail someone for 9 hours simply because he has information that "could help terrorists", then the law isridiculous . A copy of the London A-Z "could help terrorists".

    - gnorn, England, 21/8/2013 0:43

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    - John Thompson, Leicester, United Kingdom, 21/8/2013 2:37

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    Section 7 can only be used to detain persons concerned with the following in regards to proscribed organisations .
  • 7/27/2019 Malcolm Rifkind_ There is NO DOUBT Reports Using Snowden Information Played Into Terrorists' Hands _ 1Mail Onl


    Membership, Support, Fund raising, Money laundering, Weapons training, Directing terrorist organisation, Terrorist

    finance: jurisdiction. If a person does not fall into this category, then it is a case of "deprivation of liberty" which in more

    common terms is kidnapping. So, would Mr Cameron and Mrs May please explain why they did not report a kidnapping

    attempt to the Metropolitan Police? As the head of state, this is a serious matter.

    - Tim Bates, London, 21/8/2013 2:51

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    And all these years I thought it was only those that were guilty of something that might want to destroy evidence that

    might implicate them.I guess when you have national security to hide behind you are free to create all sorts of rules to do

    whatever you want, whenever you want and how ever you want and without accountability you can be sure you can be

    sure you will always be innocent of everything.And I thought national security was to protect the citizens of a country but

    when these s ame citizens are treated as if they were all gui lty I guess you settle that paranoid problem as well.

    - Yemil, CB, 21/8/2013 2:51

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    Why does this Government keep the Guardian alive by spending millions of s on advertising employment pos itions in

    it's pages . It's circulation is relatively poor against all other newspapers and would not survive except it's advertising

    rates are cheaper than all the others.

    - royporter, Jomtien Thai and Woodford Grn, 21/8/2013 3:16

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    This jus t shows the paranoia that governments have about been exposed for all the double s tandards they employ every

    day, what a terrible world we live in!

    - Graham, Sheffield, 21/8/2013 7:31

    Click to rate Rating 988

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    an abuse of power, an abuse of anti-Terror laws, who says iranda had CIA documents ....oh the government, like a

    government said Iraq had weapons of mass destruction this Episode shames Britain ,Britain is the poodle of the USA

    - frosch, frankfurt, 21/8/2013 7:34

    Click to rate Rating 548

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    Was this info really sensitive.Or was it pertaining to some people's sex lives.Hmmmmmmm.

    - stormin, Malacca, 21/8/2013 7:44

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    A highly sens itive date (in your home page headline)? Is this the one between Miranda and Greenwald? Or one to beeaten after lunch? Or do the DM headline writers get it wrong yet again?

    - Garyessex, Colchester, United Kingdom, 21/8/2013 7:51

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    Theresa May has gone down in my opinion of her. I thought that she was one of our better politicians, only to find out that

    when it comes to the crunch, she is as happy as the rest to pretend that it is all for our benefit. What did the ordinary

    people of Britain do to be punished with such a bunch of hypocrites, their is MORAL vacuum in government.

    - howmad, kakan, 21/8/2013 7:59

    Click to rate Rating 59

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    Heil Cameron!

    - Jonathan E., London, 21/8/2013 8:00

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    so what was in this document that even Cameron said had to be got rid of?

    - Millymollymandy73, Hants, United Kingdom, 21/8/2013 8:03

    Click to rate Rating 428

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    "Home Secretary Theresa May said police acting in national security interests">>>Come of it Theresa, the police acted in

    saving "someone" well deserved embarassment.

    - angryanderson, Wherever, 21/8/2013 8:14

    Click to rate Rating 464

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    We are living through dark times. WW2 was supposed to have been a war to end all wars. There will never be peace on

    earth while we have greed for money and power,and no integrity.So sad.!

    - Julia, Herts UK, 21/8/2013 8:18

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    They look like Communists.

    - Gladiatrix, Londinium, United Kingdom, 21/8/2013 8:26

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    Perhaps the highly class ified information he was carrying pertained to what Obama gets up to on the 19th hole. Or that

    the mandarins here have changed the flavour of their tea bags. Futile idiots.

    - DESSIPUERA, RULED BY SPIVS- FOOLS -LIARS, United Kingdom, 21/8/2013 8:31

    Click to rate Rating 14

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    Ahhh Theres a May 'thinks the police were right'.. perhaps becaus e Cameron and his cronies were behind the decis ion..
  • 7/27/2019 Malcolm Rifkind_ There is NO DOUBT Reports Using Snowden Information Played Into Terrorists' Hands _ 1Mail Onl


    Can anyone real ly believe that "Number 10 were kept informed" without having influence on what actually occured? ..or

    that cameron wasn't just playing poodle to the good 'ol US of A?!! This is blatant, bullying and intimidation of the press by

    a government/establishm ent that are still under fire from Snowden's revelations that they have given free access to the

    US intelligence agencies to any and all communications here in the UK. Whatever happened to data protection

    legis lation and the right to privacy? ..What a hypocritical joke! How we like to fool ourselves that we live in a free country

    and a democracy?!! I despair!!

    - Proper Gander, Oxford, United Kingdom, 21/8/2013 8:32

    Click to rate Rating 62

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    Snowden, Miranda and Greenwald are all i rrespons ible, anything for the s tory, they don't care if peoples lives are put at


    - Samantha, Brisbane, 21/8/2013 8:35

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    2010 wasn't an election it was a coup.

    - Kevin, Newcastle, 21/8/2013 8:38

    Click to rate Rating 69

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    control control control if we didnt know it then we should all WAKE UP and sm ell the coffee a.s.a.p

    - DENBO, manchester, United Kingdom, 21/8/2013 8:38

    Click to rate Rating 22

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    control control control if we didnt know it then we should all WAKE UP and sm ell the coffee a.s.a.p

    - DENBO, manchester, United Kingdom, 21/8/2013 8:39

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    I hope they read him his Miranda rights!

    - Try this at home, London, 21/8/2013 8:40

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    NOTICE To All Readers. The Government is monitoring all your internet traffic, emails, texts and telephone

    conversations. I know how I feel about it. What about you?

    - Patrick, Belfast, 21/8/2013 8:41

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    I wonder jus t how many copies there are out there stashed around the world. I'm sure they only got what was on the

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    - brian, Blandford, 21/8/2013 8:42

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    Modern Britain, where politicians and police detain anyone for any reason. how would they feel if their children were

    arrested and detained in a country for no reason other than abuse of law , people who vote for these liars are voting away

    the freedoms that we once took for granted and denying their children of their rights.

    -jtr, manches ter, 21/8/2013 8:43

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    When they mean state secrets, they mean tory policy secrets. This computer was destroyed to protect the tory party, be in

    no doubt about that.

    - thommo, solihul l, 21/8/2013 8:43

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    The UK has been a ploice state for a very long time with the illusion of freedom. All that has changed is that it is just a

    little bit more obvious that we are living in a police state.

    - IG, London, 21/8/2013 8:43

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    They look like Communists. - Gladiatrix, Londinium, United Kingdom, 21/8/2013 8:26**********You can tell a Communis tjus t by looking at them? Joe McCarthy would have loved to have you on his side.

    - Patrick, Belfast, 21/8/2013 8:44

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    Why is the Prime Minister afraid? Maybe he has got something that he doesn't want the public to know that UK making

    secret ILLEGAL Agreements with USA about the way they SPY on us .

    - toni, Epson, 21/8/2013 8:49

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    Our government is just full of idiots that like to do acts of power every now and again jus t boosts their egos a bit. Let's

    face it Cameron, may and many others are just jokes . This man wasn't a risk to Britain at all, yet the open door policy is

    letting plenty in that are a risk to the British people.

    - stan, Uk, 21/8/2013 8:49

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    The difficulty for western governments is convincing us that we are free while all the time tapping our phones , reading

    our mail and monitoring our movements. The reason they are panicking about the Snowdon case is that it has the

    potential to blow this illus ion of freedom and show that the NSA and GCHQ (their branch office in the UK), working hand
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    in glove with Google, facebook etc are really no different than the old East German STASI.

    - Robert, Manchester, 21/8/2013 8:51

    Click to rate Rating 88

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    A guardian reporter and his Brazilian boyfriend , where's Richard littlejohn when you need him !!

    - dave123, corn town, 21/8/2013 8:52

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    who does scameron think he is,has the clown forgot he doesnt own this country or the people,sack him,

    - dave, grims by, United Kingdom, 21/8/2013 8:56

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    "NOTICE To All Readers. The Government is monitoring all your internet traffic, emails , texts and telephone

    conversations. I know how I feel about it. What about you? - Patrick , Belfast,"........WELL IF THEY ARE THEN THEN AT


    - Old Rog, In the shed....still, 21/8/2013 8:56

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    Cameron yet again getting involved in m atters he has not got a clue about - What a plonker he is ! The only real terror inthe UK is a man called David Cameron. A danger to everyone!

    - michaelhessey, Derby, United Kingdom , 21/8/2013 8:58

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    Is CaMoron interfering with the free press! Now we really need to know what is going on! I doubt that the Guardian would

    be so irresponsible as to publish something that would really put lives at risk.

    - Nini, London, United Kingdom, 21/8/2013 8:58

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    One suspects that there is no such animal as an "honest politician"

    - John, Wolverhampton, United Kingdom, 21/8/2013 9:00

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    Funny how lefties are all backing Miranda and the Guardian on this iss ue when in those countries that they think are

    Utopia (run by communis t and left wing governments) draconian interference in peoples lives is the norm. Hypocrisy

    comes to mind.

    - Bazzer69, Walton on Sea, United Kingdom, 21/8/2013 9:00
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    Click to rate Rating 29

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    Snowden is a spy and traitor, he is pass ing on secrets, he should be s topped, he should be tracked down and his

    associates should be prevented from passing on secrets and prosecuted for assis ting offender. He should be

    prosecuted himself. Nothing wrong with this that I can see.

    - Paul, Walsall, United Kingdom, 21/8/2013 9:00

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    people need to get a grip here a bit, whilst we all get carried away with the freedom of the data and our rights blah blah

    blah. i want to remind you all of an old WW2 saying loose l ips s ink ships!! this information could serious ly undermine our

    countries security and give vital information to our enemies. the general public shouldnt know everything about secret

    services or govmnt info as if it is out in the public domain it can be easily accessed by anyone...

    - mrwulf, cornwall, United Kingdom, 21/8/2013 9:02

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    What are you afraid of Dave? That we will realise that government is monitoring all our e-mails , tapping our phones,

    reading our text? TOO LATE. We know you are spying on us in a way that the STASI could only dream about. I would be

    amazed if even these comments are not tracked and monitored.

    - Robert, Manchester, 21/8/2013 9:03

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    We depend on these people to protect us. Actually they havnt done too bad so far so leave them alone to get on with it

    - Bill, Bude, United Kingdom, 21/8/2013 9:03

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    Cameron and his not so s ecret Police at it again! Vote democracy and UKIP!

    - GeeBeenotEU, Essex UK, 21/8/2013 9:03

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    They look like Com munists. - Gladiatrix, Londinium, United Kingdom, 21/08/2013 07:26 I think you will find the actions of

    camerons gang are more like COMMUNISTS! By treating our FREE press like s tate owned press !

    - steve, liverpool merseyside, 21/8/2013 9:04

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    The coalition came to office promising to rowback and repeal the Blair/Brown police state...seems that's been

    conveniently forgotten. All over Europe the lights are going out on individual freedom and free speech.

    - FrenchNewsonlin, France, France, 21/8/2013 9:05
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    Rusbridger has been supporting this Coalition government, so it's rather ironic that he is complaining about their

    methods. He is so far up Calamity Clegg's backside it would need an enema to remove him.

    - Fleur, Halifax, United Kingdom , 21/8/2013 9:07

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    How do they that the material was n't copied onto memory sticks for backup and hidden away?

    - Sapper764, Epsom, United Kingdom, 21/8/2013 9:07

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    "A guardian reporter and his Brazilian boyfriend"? - dave123 , corn town, Who does this reporter think he is, PeterMandelson?

    - Calgacus99, Ayr, 21/8/2013 9:07

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    Cameron is looking more like that supreme conman Blair as each day passes . Cameron would be wise not to respond

    to the US tune each time the US clicks their fingers.

    - mangus, knaresborough, 21/8/2013 9:11

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    More proof that this government headed by an idiot and his idiots are telling l ies about this-CAMERON you will be found

    out - ya only covering ya own asses and that of the Americans- IT IS NOTHING BUT AN ABUSE OF POWER!!

    - cajun1, london, United Kingdom, 21/8/2013 9:14

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    There have been more free press journalis ts arrested in this country over the last 18 months than have been detained in

    Iran. This country has more CCTV cameras per head than any other country in the EU, Russia and America, your emails

    and phone calls are monitored by GCHQ and WE are SUPPOSED to be a free country with a democracy mus t go the

    stas i are at my door

    - overweight but happy, basildon, 21/8/2013 9:25

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    And it is crass s tupidity to think that those drives haven't been cloned to 'the cloud' to multiple thumb drives, to distant

    private servers, to hundreds of micro-SD cards, etc etc.,,, are the UK spooks so terminally stupid to think that killing a s et

    of disks in a Grauniad basement is going to get the toothpaste back in the tube? They need to remember that Snowden

    was a profess ional at their job he was a sysadmin with access to their systems. Before he even left NSA there would

    have been encrypted copies of the information all over the world in various places that might autobroadcast if he fails to
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    log on to somewhere once a month. So not only does this show how authoritarian the UK government has become - but

    also how s tupid it has become.

    - Ian W, Reading, 21/8/2013 9:29

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    I dont know what all the furore is about - mos t sens ible people can read into what all the files are about. Throughout the

    world including the U.S., the UK are known to be the mos t secretive nation on the planet. Just two simple examples: -

    The Chilcot report has still not been published into the goings of the Tony Blair inner caucus and the Iraq war in which

    British troops los t their lives. Britain still refuse to publis h the papers on why Rudolf Hess who flew to Britain in 1940, and

    was a prisoner of the British in the UK until 1947 and a prisoner of the British, the U.S., Russ ia and France in Spandau

    Prison until his death 40 years later while the British were on Spandau duty.

    - Banner B, Alicante, 21/8/2013 9:30

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    What does middle England feel like being governed by a totalitarian state?

    - StevieH1970, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 21/8/2013 9:31

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    They are terrified of the people finding out their immoral and quite likely illegal activities

    - birdjaguar, London, United Kingdom, 21/8/2013 9:31

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    We are seeing a deliberate erosion of our hard won freedoms and rights all under the guise of protecting us from

    terrorism. I still maintain that the greatest threat to the UK population comes from within the palace of Westmins ter.

    - Mark R, COVENTRY, United Kingdom, 21/8/2013 9:40

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    It would be unfortunate if the public were to perceive the Guardian as a fifth column in the country.

    - Blank, Ruthin, United Kingdom, 21/8/2013 9:42

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    It would be unfortunate if the public were to perceive the Guardian as a fifth column in the country.

    - Blank, Ruthin, United Kingdom, 21/8/2013 9:42

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    I look forward to the lies and propaganda, the spin about protecting our freedom, as Scameron s trips it naked and

    sacrifices it on his altar of corporate power, greed and profit. Didn't expect it to start with a news paper, truth to tell I
  • 7/27/2019 Malcolm Rifkind_ There is NO DOUBT Reports Using Snowden Information Played Into Terrorists' Hands _ 1Mail Onl


    thought you would round up all of us loose canons, the inconvenient writers and bloggers , the annoying mosquitoes in

    your clois tered world of privilege, arrogance, wealth and presumption of self worth.

    - Gaz Hat, Durham, 21/8/2013 9:46

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    I dont know what all the furore is about - mos t sens ible people can read into what all the files are about. Throughout the

    world including the U.S., the UK are known to be the mos t secretive nation on the planet. Just two simple examples: -

    The Chilcot report has still not been published into the going on of the Tony Blair inner caucus and the Iraq war in which

    British troops los t their lives. Britain still refuse to publis h the papers on why Rudolf Hess who flew to Britain in 1940, and

    was a prisoner of the British in the UK until 1947 and a prisoner of the British, the U.S., Russ ia and France in Spandau

    Prison until his death 40 years later while the British were on Spandau duty

    - Banner B, Alicante, 21/8/2013 9:47

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    It happens not only in Britain. The reasons governments in Europe cutting constantly off individual freedom andresponsibility piece by piece are terrorism, health danger and the overriding political correctness. However, in their

    minds it's politicly completely correct laying constantly the ground for more terrorism and for less individual respons ibili ty.

    All in the name of protection. That's not different to any dictatorship. In the las t step they might abol ish all kinds of

    eclections. It's s imply to dangerous that politicly incorrect parties win.

    - EG, Bremen, Germany, 21/8/2013 9:48

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    At last! The Dictatorship publicly ACTS like a Dictatorship. NOW IS WHEN THE PUBLIC SHOULD REALLY START TOWORRY!

    - Herbert Newman, London, 21/8/2013 9:54

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    camerons gestapo

    - sirjohn, leicester, United Kingdom, 21/8/2013 9:59

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    Last year there was a meeting of all heads of governments , all kings and queens, all the financial experts, health experts

    and scientists. There was general agreement that all countries could s top their wars, there was enough money, food

    and natural resources on and in the earth to ensure no one was poor or hungry for the next 1000 years and all people

    could be happy and prosper. Unfortunatley O'Bama and Cameron scuppered the plan moaning 'wheres the profit in


    - Des, Slough, United Kingdom, 21/8/2013 9:59

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    Our only hope that these clowns who are in government, lose next election. But I'm not sure that new set of clowns will be

    much better either. God help us .
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    - cherry, london, United Kingdom, 21/8/2013 10:03

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    We depend on these people to protect us. Actually they havnt done too bad so far so leave them alone to get on with it -

    Bill, Bude, United Kingdom, 21/8/2013 15:03 Have a good think about what good the 'intelligence s ervices' have done.

    They lied about the capability of the Russ ian military throughout the cold war so they could carry on producing and sel ling

    weapons . They were wrong on Vietnam, Cambodia, Korean war, WMD's in Iraq, and where Bin Laden was. They mis sed911 and the London bombings and the Boston bombings, Madrid bombings etc. I really get the feeling the security

    services are the ones putting peoples l ives in danger as they lie to get into wars for profit, under orders from the

    American and British puppets in charge at the time.

    - Des, Slough, United Kingdom, 21/8/2013 10:06

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    I really think that many of these reporters are such a self righteous lot, of course there is an intelligence communi ty and

    of course they have secrets and secret ways of observing us - its in the title!!!!!! I think Snowden Greenwald and

    Rusbridger are a dis loyal and treacherous lot.... and should ceretainly be censured and Snowden jailed

    - expat47, singapore, 21/8/2013 10:08

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    Overweight but happy. I agreed then laughed at the comment; I imagine some cloned spook; not realis ing he is a pawn

    of political and corporate greed; reading your comment and without thinking or questioning his own thoughts or actions;

    not realising it could be his mother or brother; reporting the comment to his superior; who in the same clone like manner

    reports it up the chain; until it reaches M.. who reads its decides i t is no threat to his reputation or wealth; and smiles

    wryly how easy it is to control fools ; and remain a class based society. Even Stalin would be proud of today's Americaand Britain's version of Democracy.

    - fedupgeordie, Newcastle, 21/8/2013 10:08

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    The Guardian newspaper is a vociferously left wing news paper. It is allied to the Labour pary and the BBC that

    disproportionately interviews its reporters. Why should a news company, regardless of its obvious political adgenda, be

    allowed to traffic and disclose information that is collected in an effort to protect the public?

    - waguitarman, Nottingham, 21/8/2013 10:08

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    Its in someone's interest but not the publics. This is now a police state, governments demanding newspapers destroy

    evidence??? Stinks and this government with it,all bent as 9 bob notes.

    - bobinky, Leicester, 21/8/2013 10:09

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    If Governments around the world were really acting in their respective national interest, then why would they all be so

    afraid of releasing such information? We are not all stupid. The more Governments want to hide, then the greater the

    chance something illegal, certainly amoral, is actually occurring.
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    - Paul the Prophet, Solihull, 21/8/2013 10:09

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    Bloody idiot like that british prime minister thinks that because its country has got nuclear weapons , others should be

    afraid of him. That's why he opens his big mouth. What about democracy and freedom of ........ ????

    - badin, Montpelier, 21/8/2013 10:18

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    A police stae would be a great Idea also everybody should have to carry I D cards with finger prints like other European

    countries. and iris recognition and everybody should have to give DNA. People would be much safer all crimes would be

    solved.Cameras should be everywhere old peoples homes childrens homes.

    - Johnathon, marbella, 21/8/2013 10:23

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    Welcome to Cameron's Britain.

    - The Truth, London, 21/8/2013 10:23

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    you mean fall into the hands of the public and maybe find out what the tories are really up to and what they are really

    like,that is m ore like it.

    - cocotkd, glasgow, United Kingdom, 21/8/2013 10:24

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    Good old Dave doing his Masters bidding, i.e. USA.

    - SwanseaJack, Swansea, 21/8/2013 10:26

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    Who cares about this? Get over it. we have to deal with poss ible threats in a tough manner. He was only kept for

    questioning. What is the big deal?

    - Doug, Worldwide, 21/8/2013 10:32

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    So , exactly who is giving Cameron his orders ? He is certainly doing as he is told , like a good little puppet .

    - Billy Middle England, Solihull, United Kingdom, 21/8/2013 10:32

    Click to rate Rating 41
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    So it was Cameron who ordered the destruction of hard drives. Now we all know how bad his unders tanding of

    technology is. Even the spooks thought it was funny. So now we wait for the information bomb to go off and we all find out

    what it is they don't want us to Know. I personally think it has more to do with commercial espionage on behalf of US and

    UK companies by the NSA and GCHQ. Whatever it is Snowden has let loose is going to be embarras sing for them and

    could be a history changer.

    - Patrick, Leitrim Ireland, 21/8/2013 10:33

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    UK authorities have no jurisdiction over the USA, if the guy was carrying secret CIA files that's none of the UK's business

    and we have no power to s top and search, interrogate the guy over this matter; it's for the USA to allege the guy has

    committed a crime and to extradite him. We need to stop acting like poodles of the USA.

    - MstBaster, London, 21/8/2013 10:35

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    Goodness me Cameron, you do like to kiss O'Barmy's butt don't you and even send your Cabinet Secretary to do your

    dirty work for you. Just what are you frightened of little man?

    - Mowdiwarp, Huddersfield, United Kingdom, 21/8/2013 10:39

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    Or, "heaven forbid", the British publ ic might find out what their Government has been up to.

    - dww25, Norwich, 21/8/2013 10:41

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    Crikey anyone would have though he had details of offshore banking the way the establishm ent reacts.

    - Bill, Winchester, 21/8/2013 10:48

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    Lets get this s traight. Ed Snowden blows the whistle on the American government for stealing internet communications

    on all internet users , YOU!! Gathering information on your bank accounts etc etc, (so don't be surprised if you wake up

    one morning and find your bank account has been cleaned out). Cameron is now desperate to destroy this information

    because he is obvious ly involved in s upplying your data to the Americans, and he is under their orders to destroy it.. This

    is absolute proof that Cameron does not represent the British people, he is a traitor..

    - C J Ireland, Ireland, 21/8/2013 10:53

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    there you go, if anyone doubted it, it's now confirmed we live in a police state !

    - hetchins, Glos., 21/8/2013 10:54
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    Cameron was too busy "chillaxing" in Cornwall.

    - Watt Tyler, Eton, United Kingdom, 21/8/2013 11:01

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    This whole fiasco is a prime example of a government acting "beyond authority" As the revelations regarding highly

    dubious activities being conducted in the so-called "war on terror" continue, the government wil l persist in making more

    bizarre decisions none of which will be bas ed on the rule of law. Our politicians are beginning to look isolated on the

    world s tage, and are in grave danger of becoming a diplomatic laughing s tock. It does not matter which political party is

    in power, the shift in public consciousness brought about by the endless revelations of financial impropriety and public

    sector mismanagement etc means that the status quo of British politics is no longer an option.

    -Activisor, Cardigan, 21/8/2013 11:06

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    How embarrassing ! Must Cameron always be Obama's lap dog. ? Obama calls, Cameron comes running ! Here Dave,

    Dave, come to uncle Barack ! Good boy , not sit ! Stay ---! Weak and disgusting behavior !

    - Ruckus, over here, United Kingdom, 21/8/2013 11:06

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    Looking at the comments on here about this s tory either someone has hi jacked the Guardian web site and sent them allto the DM, or the BBC (the Guardian on Air) has told al l it s laves to come here and green arrow all the pos ts by the los t

    Guardian readers, or shock horror all the DM readers has some sort of brain slug paras ite.

    - Opine, Rams gate - England, United States Minor Outlying Is lands, 21/8/2013 11:07

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    Early election?

    - Ralph, Exeter, 21/8/2013 11:12

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    Next up - running Magna Carta through a shredder.

    -Aynsley, Palm Springs, 21/8/2013 11:12

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    'I think Mr Rusbridger and the article he wrote yesterday about the destruction of his hard dis c is on relatively weak

    ground. He clearly did not dispute that he had no legal right to poss ess the files or the documents that were being

    discussed.'*****But likewise the Govt had no legal right to threaten Mr Rusbridger, nor did it have any legal authority to

    destroy this material without a Court Order. If DC is the driving force behind this chain of events the Old Bill s hould be
  • 7/27/2019 Malcolm Rifkind_ There is NO DOUBT Reports Using Snowden Information Played Into Terrorists' Hands _ 1Mail Onl


    investigating him , and his cohorts, for conspiracy to commit a crime.***** Finally, what was the point, there must be

    multiple copies secreted all over the place, including copies available to the Grauniad.

    - GW ex-pat, Copenhagen, United Kingdom, 21/8/2013 11:13

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    He had top secret material and should be put behind bars

    - Johnathon, marbella, 21/8/2013 11:15

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    Well now we know, as we move towards a pol ice state the DM are ready to act as a mouthpiece for the secret state.


    - pacart, belfast, 21/8/2013 11:15

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    GCHQ must be working overtime at the moment, none of the comments that I tried to post over 2 hours ago have

    appeared yet and some from yesterday have still not appeared either.

    - Rhegis, anytown, United Kingdom, 21/8/2013 11:19

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    Whatever the outcome of this case remember it was Labour when they said they were going to modernise the country

    introduced the 'soft authoritarian state'. It was Labour who first passed laws that eroded civil liberties eg such as what

    you can say and can not say, admittedly the Conservatives are carrying on where Labour left off.

    - Toodle Pip, Newham, United Kingdom, 21/8/2013 11:21

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  • 7/27/2019 Malcolm Rifkind_ There is NO DOUBT Reports Using Snowden Information Played Into Terrorists' Hands _ 1Mail Onl
