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Malcolm J. Beynon

Cardiff Business School

[email protected]

Fuzzy and Dempster-Shafer Theory based Techniques in Finance, Management and


Page 2: Malcolm J. Beynon

Uncertain Reasoning• Uncertain Reasoning (Soft Computing)

“the process of analyzing problems utilizing evidence from unreliable, ambiguous and incomplete data sources”

• Associated methodologies (include)

Fuzzy Set Theory (Zadeh, 1965)Dempster-Shafer Theory (Dempster, 1967; Shafer, 1976)

Rough Set Theory (Pawlak, 1981)

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Talk Direction• Rough Set Theory (Briefly)

VPRS – Competition Commission

• Fuzzy Set TheoryFuzzy Queuing Fuzzy Ecological Footprint

Fuzzy Decision Trees – Strategic Management

Antonym-based Fuzzy Hyper-Resolution (AFHR)

• Dempster-Shafer TheoryExample Connection with AFHR

Classification and Ranking Belief Simplex (CaRBS)

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Rough Set Theory (RST)• Rough Set Theory (RST)

Based on indiscernibility relation

Objects classified with certainty

• Variable Precision Rough Sets (VPRS)Objects classified with at least certainty

• Dominance Based Rough Set Approach (DBRSA) Based on dominance relation

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X1 = {o1}, X2 = {o2, o5, o7}, X3 = {o3}, X4 = {o4} and X5 = {o6}

YM = {o1, o2, o3} and YF = {o4, o5, o6, o7}

Beynon (2001) Reducts within the Variable Precision Rough Set Model: A Further Investigation, EJOR

objs c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 d1

o1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M

o2 1 0 1 0 1 1 M

o3 0 0 1 1 0 0 M

o4 1 1 1 0 0 1 F

o5 1 0 1 0 1 1 F

o6 0 0 0 1 1 0 F

o7 1 0 1 0 1 1 F

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X1 = {o1}, X2 = {o2, o5, o7}, X3 = {o3}, X4 = {o4} and X5 = {o6}

YM = {o1, o2, o3} and YF = {o4, o5, o6, o7}

Beynon (2001) Reducts within the Variable Precision Rough Set Model: A Further Investigation, EJOR

objs c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 d1

o1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M

o2 1 0 1 0 1 1 M

o3 0 0 1 1 0 0 M

o4 1 1 1 0 0 1 F

o5 1 0 1 0 1 1 F

o6 0 0 0 1 1 0 F

o7 1 0 1 0 1 1 F

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Beynon (2001) Reducts within the Variable Precision Rough Set Model: A Further Investigation, EJOR

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R1: If c4 = 0 and c5 = 0 then d1 = F , S = 1 C = 1 P = 1

R2: If c5 = 1 then d1 = F , S = 5 C = 3 P = 0.6

R3: If c4 = 1 then d1 = M , S = 1 C = 1 P = 1Beynon (2001) Reducts within the Variable Precision Rough Set Model: A Further Investigation, EJOR

objs c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 d1

o1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M

o2 1 0 1 0 1 1 M

o3 0 0 1 1 0 0 M

o4 1 1 1 0 0 1 F

o5 1 0 1 0 1 1 F

o6 0 0 0 1 1 0 F

o7 1 0 1 0 1 1 F

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VPRS Competition Commission

• Findings of the monopolies and mergers commission (competition commission).

• Whether an industry was found to be acting against the public interest.

• No precedent or case law allowed for within the deliberations of the MMC.


MMC by the findings adversein results case theif1Remedy

Beynon and Driffield (2005) An Illustration of VPRS Theory: An Analysis of the Findings of the UK Monopolies and Mergers Commission, C&OR

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Beynon and Driffield (2005) An Illustration of VPRS Theory: An Analysis of the Findings of the UK Monopolies and Mergers Commission, C&OR

VPRS Competition Commission

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VPRS Rules

Beynon and Driffield (2005) An Illustration of VPRS Theory: An Analysis of the Findings of the UK Monopolies and Mergers Commission, C&OR

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Fuzzy Set Theory• Its introduction enabled the practical analysis of

problems with non-random imprecision

• Well known techniques which have been developed in a fuzzy environment, include:

Fuzzy Queuing Fuzzy Decision Trees

Fuzzy Regression Fuzzy Clustering

Fuzzy Ranking

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• Triangular and piecewise membership functions

• Series of membership functions (linguistic terms) – forming linguistic variable

Fuzzy Set Theory

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• Membership function and Inverse

• Graphical Representation

Fuzzy Set Theory (Example)




)( 2


A xx






)( 2


1A αα



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• Fuzzy Statistical Analysis




1L d))()(()(M̂




1U d))()((


1)( VAR


Carlsson and Fuller (2001) On possibilistic mean value and variance of fuzzy numbers, FSS

Fuzzy Set Theory (Example)

333.2)(M̂ 125.1)( VAR

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Fuzzy Queuing (Example)• A fuzzy queuing model with priority discipline (2) 1/


~MM i

Arrival rate = [26, 30, 32] ~

Service rate = [38, 40, 45] ~



= [15, 20, 22] = [2.5, 3, 5]

Costs of waiting (2 groups)

Pardo and Fuente (2007) Optimizing a priority-discipline queueing model using fuzzy set theory, CaMwA

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Fuzzy Queuing (Example)• A fuzzy queuing model with priority discipline 1/


~MM i

Arrival rate = [26, 30, 32] ~ Service rate = [38, 40, 45] ~




~ 12211 WWCCC


Pardo and Fuente (2007) Optimizing a priority-discipline queueing model using fuzzy set theory, CaMwA

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Fuzzy Queuing (Example)

C1,L C1,U



Pardo and Fuente (2007) Optimizing a priority-discipline queueing model using fuzzy set theory, CaMwA

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Fuzzy Queuing (Example)• Fuzzy Statistical Analysis



11 d))()(()(M̂ U,L, CCC





1 d))()(()( L,U, CCCVAR


Carlsson and Fuller (2001) On possibilistic mean value and variance of fuzzy numbers, FSS

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Fuzzy Ecological Footprint


Footprint provides estimate of the demands on global bio-capacity and the supply of that bio-capacity.

Bicknell et al. (1998) New methodology for the ecological footprint with an application to the New Zealand economy, EE

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Fuzzy Ecological Footprint

Transactions matrix for three sector economy $m except Land input

Agric Manuf Serv FD Exports Total OutputAgriculture 45 15 8 55 25 148

Manufacturing 23 30 42 25 20 140Services 15 25 10 40 5 95

Value added 45 55 30 20Imports 20 15 5 10

Total inputs 148 140 95Land input (ha) 14000 2000 100


Footprint provides estimate of the demands on global bio-capacity and the supply of that bio-capacity.

Reference population is a nation, but can be applied to individual industries and organizations

Bicknell et al. (1998) New methodology for the ecological footprint with an application to the New Zealand economy, EE

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Fuzzy Ecological FootprintA =











li,j = 0 ui,j = 2mi,j







)( AI

Beynon and Munday (2008) Considering the Effects of Imprecision and Uncertainty in Ecological Footprint Estimation: An Approach in a Fuzzy Environment, EE

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Fuzzy Ecological Footprint

Beynon and Munday (2008) Considering the Effects of Imprecision and Uncertainty in Ecological Footprint Estimation: An Approach in a Fuzzy Environment, EE

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Likelihood of Strategic Stance of State ‘Long Term Care Systems’ Using 13 Experts Assignment

Analyzing Public Service Strategy

Fuzzy Decision Trees

[0.000, 0.154, 0.846]

Kitchener and Beynon (2008) Analysing Public Service Strategy: A Fuzzy Decision Tree Approach, BAM

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Fuzzification of State Characteristics I

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State KY MNChar Value Fuzzy Values Term Value Fuzzy Values Term

C1 2 [0.788, 0.212, 0.000] Low 7 [0.000, 0.000, 1.000] High

C2 6 [0.000, 1.000, 0.000] Medium 5 [0.762, 0.238, 0.000] Low

C3 10 [0.966, 0.034, 0.000] Low 45 [0.000, 0.880, 0.120] MediumC4 7.5 [0.143, 0.857, 0.000] Medium 33.1 [0.847, 0.153, 0.000] LowC5 11.7 [0.179, 0.821, 0.000] Medium 11.1 [0.589, 0.411, 0.000] Low

C6 17.76 [0.000, 0.000, 1.000] High 10.52 [1.000, 0.000, 0.000] Low

C7 18587 [1.000, 0.000, 0.000] Low 25579 [0.000, 0.151, 0.849] HighC8 5.89 [0.000, 0.823, 0.177] Medium 6.76 [0.000, 0.500, 0.500] Medium/High

Stance [0.000, 0.154, 0.846] Reactor [0.923, 0.077, 0.000] Prospector

Fuzzification of State Characteristics II

Kitchener and Beynon (2008) Analysing Public Service Strategy: A Fuzzy Decision Tree Approach, BAM

Yuan and Shaw (1995) Induction of fuzzy decision trees, FSS

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Constructed Fuzzy Decision Tree

Kitchener and Beynon (2008) Analysing Public Service Strategy: A Fuzzy Decision Tree Approach, BAM

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Example Decision RulesR4: “If C1 is Low and C7 is Medium then LTC

Strategic Stance of a state is Prospector (0.248), Defender (0.907) and Reactor (0.571)”

R4: “If a state LTC system has a low number of innovative home care programs & medium state wealth then its LTC Strategic Stance is Prospector (0.248), Defender (0.907) and Reactor (0.571)”

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Fuzzy Resolution Principle• Antonym-based fuzzy hyper-resolution (AFHR)

Kim et al. (2000) A new fuzzy resolution principle based on the antonym, FSS

The meaningless range is a special set, unknown, that is not true and also that is not false. This range should not be considered in reasoning.

Negation Small Not-small

Antonym Small Large

Fuzzy logic is divided into fuzzy valued logic and fuzzy linguistic valued logic.

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Fuzzy Resolution Principle• Examples of AFHR

Kim et al. (2000) A new fuzzy resolution principle based on the antonym, FSS

The meaningless range is a special set, unknown, that is not true and also that is not false. This range should not be considered in reasoning.

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• Methodology associated with uncertain reasoning

• Considered a generalisation of the Bayesian formulisation

• Obtaining degrees of belief for one question from subjective probabilities describing the evidence from others.

• Described in terms of mass values (belief), bodies of evidence and frames of discernment

Dempster-Shafer Theory

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Mr Jones killed by assassin, = {Peter, Paul, Mary}

W1; 80% sure it was a man, body of evidence (BOE), m1(), has m1({Peter, Paul}) = 0.8. Remaining value to ignorance, m1({Peter, Paul, Mary}) = 0.2

W2; 60% sure Peter on a plane, so BOE m2(), m2({Paul, Mary}) = 0.6, m2({Peter, Paul, Mary}) = 0.4

Combining evidence, create a BOE m3();

m3({Paul}) = 0.48, m3({Peter, Paul}) = 0.32, m3({Paul, Mary}) = 0.12, m3({Peter, Paul, Mary}) = 0.08

DST (Example)

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Mr Jones killed by assassin, = {Peter, Paul, Mary}

W1; 80% sure it was a man, body of evidence (BOE), m1(), has m1({Peter, Paul}) = 0.8. Remaining value to ignorance, m1({Peter, Paul, Mary}) = 0.2

W2; 60% sure Peter on a plane, so BOE m2(), m2({Paul, Mary}) = 0.6, m2({Peter, Paul, Mary}) = 0.4

Combining evidence, create a BOE m3();

m3({Paul}) = 0.48, m3({Peter, Paul}) = 0.32, m3({Paul, Mary}) = 0.12, m3({Peter, Paul, Mary}) = 0.08

DST (Example)

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Mr Jones killed by assassin, = {Peter, Paul, Mary}

W1; 80% sure it was a man, body of evidence (BOE), m1(), has m1({Peter, Paul}) = 0.8. Remaining value to ignorance, m1({Peter, Paul, Mary}) = 0.2

W2; 60% sure Peter on a plane, so BOE m2(), m2({Paul, Mary}) = 0.6, m2({Peter, Paul, Mary}) = 0.4

Combining evidence, create a BOE m3();

m3({Paul}) = 0.48, m3({Peter, Paul}) = 0.32, m3({Paul, Mary}) = 0.12, m3({Peter, Paul, Mary}) = 0.08

DST (Example)

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Kim et al. (2000) A new fuzzy resolution principle based on the antonym, FSS

The meaningless range is a special set, unknown, that is not true and also that is not false. This range should not be considered in reasoning.

Paradis and Willners (2006) Antonymy and negation - The boundedness hypothesis, Journal of Pragmatics

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Safranek et al. (1990) Evidence Accumulation Using Binary Frames of Discernment for Verification Vision, IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation






















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Classification and Ranking Belief Simplex (CaRBS)

• CaRBS introduced in Beynon (2005)– Operates using DST– Binary classification, discerning objects (and evidence)

between a hypothesis ({x}), not-hypothesis ({¬x}) and ignorance ({x, ¬x})

– RCaRBS to replicate regression analysis– CaRBS with Missing Values– FCaRBS moving towards fuzzy CaRBS

Beynon (2005) A Novel Technique of Object Ranking and Classification under Ignorance: An Application to the Corporate Failure Risk Problem, EJOR

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Stages of CaRBS (Graphical)

)( ii vke 1


Beynon (2005) A Novel Technique of Object Ranking and Classification under Ignorance: An Application to the Corporate Failure Risk Problem, EJOR

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Classification with CaRBS

Beynon (2005) A Novel Technique of Object Ranking and Classification under Ignorance: An Application to the Corporate Failure Risk Problem, EJOR

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Classification with CaRBS

Beynon (2005) A Novel Approach to the Credit Rating Problem: Object Classification Under Ignorance, IJISAFM

Beynon (2005) A Novel Technique of Object Ranking and Classification under Ignorance: An Application to the Corporate Failure Risk Problem, EJOR

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Objective Functions with CaRBS

Beynon (2005) A Novel Approach to the Credit Rating Problem: Object Classification Under Ignorance, IJISAFM

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Objective Functions with CaRBS



¬x x

¬x x


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Objective Functions with CaRBS



¬x x

¬x x

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Ranking Results with CaRBS

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Osteoarthritic Knee Analysis

Experiments to Measure Gait

Beynon et al. (2006) Classification of Osteoarthritic and Normal Knee Functionusing Three Dimensional Motion Analysis and the DST, IEEE TSMC

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Osteoarthritic Knee Analysis

Evaluation of Gait Characteristic Values

Beynon et al. (2006) Classification of Osteoarthritic and Normal Knee Functionusing Three Dimensional Motion Analysis and the DST, IEEE TSMC

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Osteoarthritic Knee Analysis

Classification of OA and NL subjects

Jones et al. (2006) A novel approach to the exposition of the temporal development of post-op osteoarthritic knee subjects, JoB

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Osteoarthritic Knee Analysis

Progress of Total Knee Replacement Patients

Jones et al. (2006) A novel approach to the exposition of the temporal development of post-op osteoarthritic knee subjects, JoB

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RCaRBS (Graphical)

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RCaRBS (Graphical)

Figure 6. Simplex plot based representation of final respondent BOEs, and subsequent mappings, using configuration of RCaRBS system

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CaRBS (Missing)• CaRBS allows analysis of Incomplete Data Sets – Retaining the Missing Values

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Conclusions• Fuzzy Set Theory (FST)

– Existing techniques developed using FST– Techniques still need to be developed using FST

• Dempster-Shafer Theory (DST)– Less used in developing existing techniques (??)

• Soft Computing
