Page 1: Malabsorption Regional Ileitis, Ileal Resection, and

Bile Salt Malabsorption in Regional Ileitis,

Ileal Resection, and Mannitol-Induced Diarrhea


From the Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Medicine, University ofColorado Medical Center, Denver, Colorado

A B S T R A C T Fecal bile salt excretion was stud-ied in healthy volunteers, patients with regionalileitis, and patients with ileal resection. 10 ,uc ofcarboxyl-14C-cholic acid was given orally. Stoolsand urine were collected daily for 5-10 days, thebile salts extracted, and the radioactivity assayed.Urinary excretion was negligible. All patients withileal resection excreted bile salts in the feces sig-nificantly faster than controls, and five of the sixexcreted 50%o of the radioactivity within 24 hr.Their mean intestinal transit time was 5.6 hr com-pared to 26 hr for the controls. Two of the threepatients with regional ileitis excreted bile saltsalmost as rapidly as patients with ileal resection.Vitamin B12 absorption was also defective in thosepatients, but the intestinal transit time was notdecreased.

To study the effect of rapid intestinal transiton bile salt excretion, four of the control subjectswere given orally 1200 ml of 10% mannitol for 7days, and the labeled cholic acid excretion ratewas again studied. The mean intestinal transittime was markedly shortened, mild steatorrheadeveloped, and the fecal bile salt excretion rateincreased slightly.

It is concluded that ileal resection and ilealdisease are major factors and rapid intestinal

This work was presented in part at the Annual Meetingof the American Gastroenterological Association, Gastro-enterological Research Forum, Colorado Springs, Colo.,25 May 1967, and abstracted in Gastroenterology. 1967.52: 1139.

Address requests for reprints to Dr. Fred Kern, Jr.,University of Colorado Medical Center, 4200 E. NinthAvenue, Denver, Colo. 80220.

Received for publication 31 August 1967 and in revisedform 11 October 1967.

transit is a minor factor in causing excessive fecalbile salt loss. The relevance of bile salt wastage tolipid malabsorption is unknown because of in-sufficient information about compensatory jej unalabsorption, maximum rate of hepatic bile salt syn-thesis, and the minimum necessary intraluminalconcentration of conjugated bile salt.


In man and experimental animals, bile salts are ac-tively absorbed from the ileum (1-3). return tothe liver via the portal circulation, and are reex-creted in the bile in combination with newly syn-thesized bile salts from the liver. The total bilesalt pool circulates prol)al)ly about six timnes eachday (4). Ileal reabsorption and recirculation,rather than hepatic synthesis, is the major factorin maintaining the bile salt pool in normal mnan.Normal ileal absorption of bile salts is so efficientthat less than 5%, of the bile salt pool is lost in thefeces per cycle.

Increased fecal loss of bile salts in several l)a-tients with ileal resection has recentlyI been re-ported (5-7). Austad et al. showed aln increasedrate of loss in a single patient with radiation ileitis(8). Wehave extended these observations to studyfecal bile salt loss in additional patients with ilealresection, in patients with regional ileitis. and innormal subjects in whom rapid intestinal transitwas produced by the oral administration of apoorly absorbed sugar.

METHODSSeven healthy volunteers, three patients with regionalenteritis, and six patients with ileal resection were in-vestigated. The normal subjects were four male medical

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students and three young women. In all three patientswith regional enteritis, the disease was limited to thedistal ileum; the diagnosis was confirmed by laparotomyin each patient. One patient underwent ileal resectionafter the study, and the ileum showed histologic featurestypical of regional enteritis. The patients with ileal re-section were studied 4 months to 5 yr after surgery.The ileum had been resected in five patients because ofsmall bowel obstruction and in one patient because ofinfarction. The ileocecal valve and at least 2 ft of distalileum were removed in each patient.

All patients were hospitalized on the clinical researchward; control subjects were studied as outpatients. Rou-tine laboratory studies, d-xylose absorption, 72 hr fecalfat excretion, serum carotene concentration, and intestinaltransit time, measured by the dye, brilliant-blue withcarboxymethycellulose (9), were determined in all sub-jects and patients before study. Radiographic examina-tion of the small intestine, quantitative bacteriologic cul-ture of jejunal contents, Schilling test (10), and smallbowel mucosal biopsy were obtained in patients withileitis and ileal resection.

10 ,Ac of carboxyl-"4C-cholic acid (Nuclear-ChicagoCorporation, Des Plaines, Ill.), 12.2 ,uc//Amole in 1 ml of95% ethanol in a large gelatin capsule, was given bymouth before breakfast followed by 600 mg of dessicatedox bile (Armour Pharmaceutical Co., Chicago, Ill., NF)and 240 ml of milk and cream. Stools and urine were col-lected in 24-hr aliquots for a 7-10 day period and werefrozen immediately. Labeled cholic acid was given in-travenously to several patients in separate experiments.The route of administration of the bile salt did not affectits rate of fecal excretion.

Bile salts were extracted from the urine by the methodof Weiner et al. (11), and the radioactivity was assayedin a liquid scintillation spectrometer as described below.

Fecal bile salts were extracted by a modification of themethod of Grundy et al. (12). Stools were thawed, di-luted with water, and homogenized with a paint canshaker. 2 g of the homogenate was added to 40 ml of 2 NNaOHin 90%o ethanol and heated to 121'C at 16 psi for90 min. After cooling, the mixture was acidified to pH 2and shaken with 75 ml of chloroform: methanol (2:1).The chloroform phase was separated, and the aqueousphase washed twice with 50 ml of chloroform. The pooledchloroform extract was reduced to dryness in a rotaryevaporator, and the residue was redissolved in 95%ethanol. An aliquot was placed in a counting vial anddryed under nitrogen. 15 ml of Bray's solution (13) wasadded to the counting vial, and the radioactivity was quan-titated in a liquid scintillation spectrometer. At the be-ginning of each extraction, a known amount of labeledcholic acid was added to a duplicate stool sample as aninternal standard, and the same extraction procedure wasfollowed. The recovery of the added cholic acid con-sistently ranged from 97 to 100%o, confirming the efficiencyof the extraction.

To evaluate the effect of rapid intestinal transit onbile salt absorption, four of the control subjects were ad-mitted to the research ward for further study. Diarrhea

and rapid intestinal transit were induced by the oral ad-ministration of 1200 ml of 10% mannitol daily for 7 days(14). Each day, 400 ml of the mannitol solution was takenapproximately 1 hr after every meal. This regimen pro-duced four to six liquid bowel movements per day. Afterdiarrhea had been established for 1-2 days, the bile saltexcretion study was repeated. 10 ,uc of cholic acid wasgiven orally to each subject, the stools and urine werecollected, and the bile salt radioactivity was determinedas described above. Fecal fat excretion was measuredthroughout the experimental period, and intestinal transittime was determined frequently. Two subjects had mildlower abdominal cramping discomfort, but all of themmaintained moderate physical activity and ate normaldiets containing 100 g of fat per day.

A simplified single-compartment kinetic model was as-sumed for data analysis (15, 16). This model l)redicts alog-linear excretion pattern described by y = e"b, wherey = 1 - F, F = cumulative fraction of administered bilesalt excreted, b = decay constant, and t = time in days.

The decay constant, b, was calculated for each data setby the method of least squares using an IBM 7044 digitalcomputer. In accordance with the prediction of the model,the data could best be described by a single exponentialfunction as confirmed by standard regression techniques.The standard errors of the estimates show that the de-cay constants were determined with precision (Table I).The group means of the decay constants were coml)aredby analysis of variances.


The results are summarized in Tables I and II andFig. 1. Typical examples of the bile salt excretiondata are shown in Fig. 2.

Controls. Laboratory studies were normal inthe seven volunteers. Mean transit time was 26 hrfrom mouth to anus, and mean fecal fat was 3.5g/24 hr (normal < 5.0 g/24 hr). Control sub-jects excreted labeled bile salt more slowly thandid any of the study groups; the mean decayconstant was 0.126 days-'. The time for one-halfof the labeled bile salt to be excreted varied from3.2 to 6.4 days, which is somewhat longer thannoted by other investigators (8, 16) who mea-sured the daily decrease in concentration of labeledbile salt in duodenal content, rather than fecalexcretion of bile salt. The longer transit time mightbe explained by the assumption of two sub-pools ofbile salts, a large and rapidly circulating pool inthe small intestine, and a small, sluggish pool inthe colon (17). Calculation of bile salt turnoverrate from duodenal concentrations might reflectprimarily the rapidly circulating pool, whereasmeasurement of bile salt fecal excretion reflectshoth pools. The relatively lengthy mouth to anus

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Normal Controls, Mannitol-Induced Diarrhea,Ileitis and Ileal Resection

Transit Fecal Fecal Cholic acid-14CPatient time fat wt decay constant SE*

hr g/24 hr g/24 hr days-'

30 4.2 1033.5 85

26 1.4 922.9 175

23 2.6 11222 3.1 134

3.4 127


Mean 25 3.1 118 0.1276

Mannitol-induced diarrheaC. D. 4.5-6 14.8B. S. 5 4.4H. I. 2.5-6 6.1R. B. 2.5-6 7.6




Mean 4.6 8.3 1053 0.2526$

cretion compared to normal control subjects(P < 0.001). The decay constants were 0.505 and0.599 days-', but only one of these two patientshad steatorrhea (17.5 g/day). The third patient(S. M.), who had minimal involvement of theterminal ileum, had a normal Schilling test and anormal rate of bile salt excretion (0.1585 days-').This patient had no steatorhrea or other evidenceof malabsorption, but because of "skip areas" ofdisease in the small bowel, the mouth to anustransit time was shortened to 8-9.5 hr.

Heal resection. Jejunal mucosal biopsy wasnormal in each patient. Jejunal cultures, 15 cm be-yond the ligament of Treitz, grew less than 100,-000 organisms/ml in each patient. Absorption of57CO-labeled vitamin B12 with intrinsic factor wasabnormally low in five of six patients, and serumcarotene was below 75 Ig/10O ml in these five pa-tients. Watery diarrhea was characteristic of thisgroup. The mean daily fecal weight was 1291 g,mean fecal fat 32.7 g, and mean transit time 5.6 hr.The longest intestinal transit time was 8 hr.

IleitisJ. C.D. W.S.M. 8.

hleal resectionE. H.V. C.E. W.V. IJL. C. IE. B. I

18 3.5 297 0.505226 17.5 625 0.5992,.5-9 2.8 260 0.1585

5.5 214 484-5 555.5 216.5 418 10.5




Mean 5.6 32.7 1291 1.4293§

* Standard error of the estimate of the decay constant.t Differs from controls, P < 0.01.§ Differs from controls, P < 0.001.

transit time in control subjects supports this hy-pothesis. During most of the 26 hr of intestinaltransit, intestinal content, including bile salt, isretained in the colon.

Regional ileitis. In all three patients the jeju-nal mucosal biopsy and d-xylose excretion were

normal, and jejunal contents aspirated 10-15 cm

distal to the ligament of Treitz were sterile. Intwo patients there was decreased absorption of57CO-labeled vitamin B12 with intrinsic factor, anda significant increase in the rate of bile salt ex-




9- .5, .

Cholic acid-"CDecay constant D

FIGURE 1 Comparison of the effect of mannitol-induceddiarrhea (cross-hatched bar) with ileal resection (clearbar) on fecal weight (A), fecal fat (B), mouth to anustransit time (C) and cholic acid-"C decay constant (D).

Bile Salt Malabsorption 263

ControlC. D.J. S.B. S.S. R.H. I.R. B.B. R.

Page 4: Malabsorption Regional Ileitis, Ileal Resection, and

TABLE I IStudies in Patients with Ileitis and Real Resection

Serum Serum Serum Serum d-Xylose SchillingPatient triglyceride* cholesterol$ calcium§ carotenell excretion¶ test with I.F.**

mg/IOO ml mg/IOO ml mg/100 ml mg/100 ml g/5 hr %/24 hrI leitis

J. C. 179 9.6 92 4.1 10D. NV. 120 110 9.3 27 2.6 6S. M. 161 254 10.0 103 2.3 6.9

1leal resectionE. H. 56 65 4.4-9 20 2.0 3.1V. C. 59 122 8.7 10 3.0 3.7E. XV. 67 148 8.8 12 1.7 4.2V. B. 59 72 9.2 120 5.0l . C. 10( 71 10.0 55 4.6 5.8V. l. 83 138 8.9 55 5.0 4.5

* Nornial 70-140 mg/100 ml.Normal 180-250 mg/100 ml.

§ Normal 9-10.5 mg/100 ml.Normal 75-200,Ug.

¶ Normal 5 g.** Schilling test with intrinsic factor-normal; 7%excretion in 24 hr.


. b = 0.152


= 0.352



* H.I. - MANNITOL FIGURE 2 The decrease of radioactivityremaining in the body after oral adminis-tration of carboxyl-"C-cholic acid in rep-

resentative experiments. The solid linesrepresent computed values and b repre-

sents the decay constant.1 2 3 4 5

DAYS6 7 8 9

264 W. E. Meihoff and F. Kern, Jr.







1% 0.1






b = 1.008

Page 5: Malabsorption Regional Ileitis, Ileal Resection, and

All patients excreted the labeled bile salt rapidly.The mean decay constant, 1.43 days-1, was muchgreater in this group than in the control group(P < 0.001). There was poor correlation of de-cay constant with length of resection, steatorrhea,and transit time (Table I). For example, patientE. H. had the largest resection, the smallest de-cay constant, and only 21 g of fecal fat/24 hr.Patient E. B. had a small resection, a decay con-stant of 2.5 days-l, and 10.5 g of fecal fat/24 hr.Five of the six patients excreted 50%o or more ofthe labeled bile salt within 24 hr, a finding whichis in agreement with the observations of others(15).

Mannitol-induced diarrhea. Marked alterationsoccurred in the four normal volunteers during theperiod of mannitol-induced diarrhea. Transittime decreased from a mean of 26 hr before thestudy to 4.6 hr during the period of diarrhea.Fecal fat excretion increased from a mean of 2.9to 8.3 g/24 hr. Fecal fat did not increase progres-sively during mannitol administration. The dailyfecal volumes were similar to those of the ileal re-section group. The rate of fecal bile salt loss wassignificantly increased from a control mean of0.126 to a mean of 0.253 days-1 during mannitoladministration (P < 0.01). The effects of man-nitol and ileal resection are compared in Fig. 1.

Because of the rapid mouth to anus transit time,it was assumed that transit through the ileum wasalso decreased. This assumption was confirmed bythe administration of 400 ml of 10%o mannitol totwo patients with an ileostomy. Mouth to ileostomytransit time, measured with brilliant-blue dye, de-creased from a control of 3.5 and 4.5 hr to 0.75and 1.0 hr, respectively.


Although previous workers had suggested that theileum was the major site of bile salt absorption(1, 18), Lack and Weiner conclusively demon-strated that active bile salt transport was limitedto the ileum (19). The studies reported here con-firm that resection or disease of the distal ileumis associated with increased fecal bile salt loss.Two of three patients with ileitis excreted bile saltsnearly as rapidly as did patients with ileal resec-tion. The third patient, with a normal Schillingtest and no steatorrhea, excreted bile salts at anormal rate. Although the extent of ileal disease

or resection is important, the functioning ilealsurface area is only one of several important fac-tors in bile salt loss and the associated steatorrhea.The relationship of small bowel transit time to ab-sorption of fat, protein, and carbohydrates has notbeen thoroughly studied. Stahlgren in 1958 pro-duced diarrhea, steatorrhea, and weight loss indogs with ileal resection (20). The surgical place-ment of a short antiperistaltic segment to delaysmall bowel transit eliminated diarrhea, producedweight gain, and diminished steatorrhea. De-creased d-xylose absorption in postgastrectomymalabsorption and the carcinoid syndrome hasbeen attributed to rapid intestinal transit (21).Rapid perfusion of the human jejunum with ad-xylose solution decreases the rate of its absorption(22).

In our study the oral administration of 10%omannitol to normal subjects decreased small boweltransit time and increased the rate of bile saltexcretion. It is important to note, as emphasizedin Fig. 1, that rapid transit alone was not a majorcause of either rapid bile salt excretion or steator-rhea in these normal subjects. The transit timesand fecal volumes produced by mannitol were es-sentially the same as those accompanying ileal re-section, but the defects in bile salt and fat absorp-tion were not nearly as great as those occurringwith ileal resection. The mean bile salt decay con-stant in the patients with ileal resection was 11times the control, while in the subjects with man-nitol-induced diarrhea it was only twice the con-trol. It is therefore clear that the amount of healthyileal mucosa present is the most important factorin bile salt absorption.

Mannitol is poorly absorbed from the gastroin-estinal tract. Diarrhea is produced by the osmoticeffect of the unabsorbed sugar. Hindle and Codeshowed that only about 20%o of an administereddose is absorbed by the rat intestine in a 1 hr pe-riod (23), but there have been no similar studiesin man. Recent evidence suggests that hypertonicmannitol placed in isolated rat jejunal loops canproduce structural damage to the epithelial celland decrease glucose absorption (24). In our sub-jects the mannitol was probably isotonic, or nearlyisotonic, when it left the stomach, but the possi-bility of hypertonic ileal content, due to bacterialdecomposition of the sugar and damage to theileal mucosa, cannot definitely be excluded. Since

Bile Salt Malabsorption 265

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the rate of fecal fat and bile salt excretion did notincrease progressively during the period of manni-tol administration, it is more likely that rapid tran-sit alone was the major cause of both fat and bilesalt malabsorption. The dilution of the bile salt ina large volume in the ileal lumen and hence itsrelative unavailability to the mucosa probablyadded to the effect of rapid transit. Although thesteatorrhea probably resulted from rapid passageof triglycerides through the intestine, there is apossibility that bile salt depletion played some role.

Conjugated bile salts have important functionsin the digestion and absorption of lipids, functionswhich have recently been reviewed (25, 26).These bile salts stimulate hydrolysis of triglycerideby pancreatic lipase, and they maintain the re-sultant fatty acid and monoglyceride in micellarsolution, which is necessary for absorption. Theintracellular conversion of absorbed lipids to tri-glycerides and their excretion in chylomicrons mayalso be stimulated by the presence of bile salts(27), but this hypothesis has been seriously ques-tioned (28). The absorption of cholesterol and vi-tamin A depends upon adequate bile salt concen-tration (29, 30).

Despite these important actions, the practicalsignificance of excessive bile salt loss in patientswith ileal resection or disease is not known at thistime. Impaired absorption of fats occurs in bothexperimental animals and patients with externalbiliary fistulae. Fat malabsorption, however, isoften less striking than anticipated (31). To as-sess the significance of interruption of the entero-hepatic bile salt cycle, both the capacity of thenormal liver to synthesize bile salts in response toexcess bile salt excretion and the minimal effectivebile salt pool must be known. It has been estimatedthat the bile fistula rat can increase the rate ofbile salt synthesis about 10 times (32), but suchinformation is not available for man. Austad et al.reported a decrease in size of the taurocholatepool in their patient with ileal resection, but theydid not measure the other bile salts (8).

Active ileal transport of bile salts is not the onlymechanism by which bile salts are returned to theenterohepatic circulation. Significant absorptionof unconjugated bile acids by passive diffusionoccurs in the rat (33) and human jejunum (34).Hislop et al. found that glycine conjugates canalso be absorbed by the human jejunum, probably

by diffusion (34). It is possible that diffusion ofboth conjugated and unconjugated bile salts acrossjejunal mucosa is greater than normal in patientswith ileal disease or resection for two reasons:(a) there might be a compensatory increase insynthesis of the more easily absorbed glycine con-jugates; and (b) in many patients with resectionof the ileum and the ileocecal valve there is freeaccess of bacteria to the proximal small intestine.Since some bacteria can deconjugate bile salts(35), the prompt jejunal absorption of the freebile salts and their return to the liver could con-tribute toward maintaining a normal bile salt pool.Furthermore, the number of absorptive cells in thehuman jejunum can increase after ileal resection(36), which might lead to a proportionate in-crease in jejunal absorption.

The critical intraluminal bile salt concentrationnecessary for adequate fat absorption has not beenestablished. In two patients with ileal resection,Hofmann and Grundy, and Hardison and Rosen-berg found a decrease in the micellar phase of je-junal lipids, which returned toward normal afterthe administration of bile salts (5, 6). These im-portant measurements are needed in many patientsto assess the actual importance of fecal bile saltloss in the malabsorption of triglycerides and otherlipids.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTThe expert technical assistance of Miss Beverly Hope isgratefully acknowledged.

This work was supported by a grant from the MilheimFoundation of Denver, Colo., U. S. Public Health ServiceTraining Grant in Gastroenterology, AM 5122, and theNational Institutes of Health Clinical Research Unit ofthe University of Colorado (FR 00051).

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