Page 1: Making project management indispensable for business results® · How many meetings, documents, procedures do we need

PMI - Pune-Deccan India Chapter On Target Newsletter 1st Quarter -2011

Making project management indispensable for business results®

Page 2: Making project management indispensable for business results® · How many meetings, documents, procedures do we need

PMI - Pune-Deccan India Chapter On Target Newsletter 1st Quarter -2011

PMI - Pune-Deccan India Chapter © 2011 Page 2 of 32

In this Issue

"Developers prefer to use agile methods. Managers prefer to use heavy methods."

President's Message

From the Editor's Desk


PMI News

Feedbacks on the Newsletter

Making Chapter News

Product analysis

Management Story

Event calendar


Test Your Knowledge


Articles in this Issue

Just Enough, Just In Time, or Sometimes Just Because

by Jesse Fewell, CST, PMP

The Trouble with Continuous Multi-tasking, and How to Avoid It

By Gary Hamilton, Jeff Hodgkinson, & Gareth Byatt

Mind mapping Technique for Learning on the Fly

By Niranjan Mirasdar, PMP

Soft Skills : People Management

By Mr.Kartik A.Thakkar (PMP, ITIL, CSSGB, APICS-BSCM)

They do not know!

By Vikas Dikshit

PMI PUNE Deccan India Chapter - Our various Program & Product Offerings

Product Analysis - Agile Project Management tool - Accept 360

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2010 Board of Directors President's Message


Girish Kelkar

[email protected]


Shantanu Bhamare, PMP®

[email protected]

Secretary General

Col. Samuel Dhar, PMP®

[email protected]

Marketing & Communications Director

Shyam S Bhavsar, PMP®

[email protected]

Treasurer / Finance Director

Sangita Zaparde, PMP®

[email protected]

Programs Director

Himanshu Warudkar, PMP ®

[email protected]

Development Director

Girish Kadam, PMP®

[email protected]

Academic Interface Director

Jay Dholakia, PMP®

[email protected]

PMI National Congress Director

[email protected]

Corporate Relations Director

Harish Honwad, PMP®

[email protected]

Greetings to all the members & their families!

I would like to thank all of you for your active support in the past and look forward to continued support & contributions from all members of the chapter. I am confident that together all of us will achieve our set goals - both short terms and long term!!

The Year 10-11 brings to all of us new opportunities and new challenges .Today customers will be asking - ―How to deliver correctly, quickly and repeatedly?‖. PMI has started an Agile COP in tune with industry sentiments and the chapter is fortunate to have a dedicated team working with Jesse Fewell .

Tough times come and go. I have seen many such occasions. The challenge is to see what we learn from this and steer clear of the impediments. . THINK! What is important is whether we are all alert and agile see this for ourselves.

New and innovative Project management techniques need to be deployed to reduce the uncertainty in delivery, execution and implementation. This is why the chapter has launched Niche programs for PMs


1. Wisdom of Sages


3. Gyan Lahiri

4. Smart Student

5. The Secret of the Curu

And the team is working to bring in more value added programs to you the members and your colleagues and now to your children also. So please take full advantage of these well renowned programs.

I would like to appeal to all the members that together let us make ―10-11‖ a memorable year for PMI Pune Deccan India chapter!!

All the best for 2011

Girish Kelkar

Request Your Participation From the Editor's Desk

Technical Articles or other material related to Project Management for future issues of On Target.

Become a member of Pune-Deccan India Chapter

Registered PMI Pune-Deccan India members (paid $10), would get this Newsletter FREE, whereas Non registered PMI Pune-Deccan India member can subscribe to On Target Newsletter by paying Rs. 100/- Annually

As usual this issue is full of information and knowledge based articles dedicated to Agile project management.

We are constantly striving to ensure you maximize the takeaways through the various articles and papers submitted to the chapter.

We are also reaching out to international PMI chapters and Team India members for knowledge sharing through this magazine .

Being a Certified Scrum Master myself do value the need for agility in our programs and projects.

Hope you enjoy reading this issue and benefit from it.

Your comments and feedback are most welcome.

Ronald N Naik

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Article 1

Just Enough, Just In Time, or Sometimes Just Because Jesse Fewell, CST, PMP

Over the last several months, I have found myself answer the same similar questions from project managers: How much

up-front planning should we do? How many people should we hire? How many meetings, documents, procedures do we need to be successful? I call these the "how much" questions. No matter what field, no matter what project, we all face the "how much" questions over and over.

I first heard the Three Golden Rules from Mike Griffiths, one of the earliest council members of the PMI Agile Community

of Practice. In early 2009, the council was struggling with very heavy document that PMI required to launch the Community. After much debate over the document, Mike interrupted with a seminal insight in agile efficiency,

"When it comes to documents, I coach my teams to generate just enough, just in time, and occasionally just because. I

think this document fits the last category. Our client has asked us for this document, and even if we consider it excessive, the

community will simply never get launched unless we use it."

Golden Rule #1: Just Enough. This is the first level of efficiency. Only do enough prep work or support work to achieve the primary goal of delivering business value. The problem is that we so easily intertwine the prep/support work with the bottom line

deliverable we’re paid to generate. With that confusion, comes the temptation to more and more prep/support work:

Yes we need a project roadmap, but rather than spending the time to build a year-long plan at the man-hour level, we’re going to provide just enough detail to communicate a vision to stakeholders.

Yes, our IT staff needs some technical direction, but rather than waiting to architect every layer of every interface of

every system up front, we’re going to provide just enough architecture direction to get started. Yes, we need to pass the certification and accreditation audit, but rather than defensively avalanching them with

paperwork, we’re going to collaborate with the auditors, to deliver just enough documentation to satisfy them.

Golden Rule #2: Just In Time. This is the second level of efficiency. You could be crafting lightweight documents, lightweight architecture, lightweight processes, and still be doing all that lightweight work way too prematurely:

Yes, it could be that we’ll need that architecture component, but let’s invest the time to implement it only when we know

for sure we’ll need it. Yes, we’ll need a detailed action plan for next year’s project phase, but let’s spend the time for that detailed plan when

we get to that phase. Yes, we’ll need to generate a some documentation, but let’s wait until we get the documentation requirements before we

waste our time on writeups that aren’t needed.

Golden Rule #3: Just Because. With the first two guidelines nudging us in the direction of efficiency, this is the constraint that keeps us grounded in reality:

I know the 40-page template violates “just enough documentation”, but we’re going to use it, just because we won’t get

sign off without it. I know forecasting the full project cost up front violates “just in time planning”, but we’re going to do it, just because we

won’t get funding without it.

I know triple-entering our hours into the timesheet system violates “just enough admin”, but we’re going to do, just because we won’t get paid if we don’t.

The next time you’re faced with a dilemma over “how much” of something you should do, use these three rules to generate an agile response

Jesse Fewell, CST, PMP, Ripple Rock, Managing Director - India.

Jesse is a writer, speaker, trainer, innovative leader in the business of technology management. In

addition to speaking for Agile, Scrum, and PMI conferences, he has collected a broad array of

experiences in several sectors such as National Security, Aerospace, GIS, Stock Multimedia, Telecom,

and Hospitality. Recently, he founded the PMI Agile Community of Practice, PMI's component

dedicated to Agile Project Management. A graduate of Johns Hopkins University, he is a certified

Project Management Professional (PMP®) and a Certified Scrum Trainer (CST).

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Article 2 – Chapter collaboration with PMI Phoenix Chapter

The Trouble with Continuous Multi-tasking, and How to Avoid It By Gary Hamilton, Jeff Hodgkinson, & Gareth Byatt

―To do two things at once is to do neither‖ - Publilius Syrus,

Picture the following scenario: you have gone into a ―quiet room‖ such as your office or den to write a long-term program or project plan that you have been meaning to get to for several weeks. The plan requires your full concentration, and it has taken

you say three plus weeks to get to because of short-term issues and urgent requests from others that have continually taken priority.

‗Today‘ is the first day you have managed to budget or decided to set aside time to work on it. You are fifteen minutes into your task, but you find yourself struggling to concentrate on it. Your mind wanders. Then you see an email come into the Inbox on

your computer and also your mobile device, which you have put on the desk in full view – both flash at you with the new

message alert. Without thinking twice, you open the email, digest its contents and click Reply. Upon finishing your response, you check something loosely related to it that you were working on last week…and in the space of twenty minutes you are

disconnected mentally from writing the plan you set yourself the task of completing today… does scenario this seem all to familiar?

Take a moment to consider how much of your time at work you spend responding to ad-hoc tasks while having multiple tasks in

progress at once, and compare this to the time you spend on what you consider to be your most important tasks. Does the balance of what you do match up with how you want it to be?

It is arguably true that we are all faced with more and more pressures to multi-task, particularly given the ease today with which we can be contacted, and with which we can contact others. Tackling several tasks in parallel can give us a feeling of high

productivity (after all, it means we are achieving several things simultaneously, right?), but if we continually multi-task we may end up lacking the appropriate level of focus on the ―must do‖ or important tasks we need to complete, and we may find it

difficult to concentrate fully on these specific tasks when we need to.

The more tasks we undertake simultaneously, the more we increase our cognitive workload as those tasks vie for our concentration. If we get ourselves into a loop of continuous multi-tasking, we run the risk of paying ―continuous partial

attention‖ to the activities we undertake (because we have many things milling around in our mind). In fact the numerous switching from small task to task, then refocusing on larger tasks again can cause un-factored delays to your overall


It is true that 90% of a Project Manager‘s job is communication, and project management requires us to wear many different hats, but that is not saying that we need to continually multi-task.

Much research exists into efficient ways of working. We do not propose to discuss such theory in this article; rather we wish to highlight some of the challenges of multi-tasking too much.

Here are a few suggestions to consider if you are faced with the challenge of ―continuous multi-tasking‖:

Before you start work each day, think about what your known ―must do‖ and important tasks are, and set yourself a

goal to achieve them – whilst accepting that you won‘t always be able to do everything, because unplanned things may

arise that you urgently need to respond to, or other factors may impede your progress in your ―target tasks‖ causing

you to refocus on others. Don‘t confuse what‘s important or a ―must do‖ with what‘s urgent, however.

As you think about your tasks, take a few minutes to analyze and categorize your daily task list into A, B, and C


o ‗A‘s are your ‗must do – critical‘ tasks that you know about, or potentially that crop up during the day. These

need focus ahead of the B‘s.

o ‗B‘s are your ‗should do - important‘ tasks. What you don‘t complete today might become the A‘s tomorrow.

o ‗C‘ are the ‗nice to do – beneficial‘ tasks that can hold off a while, or that you can work on when the A‘s and B‘s

are done or progressed as far as they can be.

When you know you need to focus on something important, block out time in your diary (calendar) and if necessary let

people who work with you know that you will be working on it (you may want to let certain people know how to contact

you in an emergency or if something comes up that is urgent to respond to, and to leave this particular

―communications channel‖ open to them).

Try switching off your electronic and phone messaging tools when you work on important tasks (or keep one

―emergency channel or tone‖ available for the few people who you will allow to contact you).

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Turn off or set you status as ―Offline‖ or ―Do not Disturb‖ on your instant messaging application so others are not likely

to ―ping‖ you.

If you are in a room, hang a ‗Do Not Disturb‘ or ‗Priority Interrupts Only‘ sign outside. Or a ‗Post-It‘ note will do fine. If

you are home and the family is there, would you consider wearing your office badge around the house which signifies

you‘re ‗working‘ and invisible for the moment? You never know, it might keep you in a ―work‖ frame of mind.

When you have a complex or detailed task to undertake, know that it can take a while to get into the right frame of

mind, so allow yourself time to ―get into it‖. Try not to resist the temptation to veer off to ―check new emails‖ and the

like. If you have too, close Outlook or other email and take the phone off the hook.

Remember that you choose the attention you give to any given task.

In conclusion, the challenge of multi-tasking is ever-present today. How we choose to allocate time to our tasks determines

what we are able to get done. Striking the right balance between multi-tasking and focusing on singular, important tasks that we want to complete is a challenge for us all.

We hope that reading this short article has not distracted you from something you were working on…!





Their Plans,

And Their Roles

Gareth Byatt, Gary Hamilton, and Jeff Hodgkinson are experienced PMO, program, and

project managers who developed a mutual friendship by realizing they shared a common

passion to help others and share knowledge about PMO, portfolio, program and project management (collectively termed PM below). In February 2010 they decided to collaborate

on a five (5) year goal to write 100 PM subject articles (pro bono) for publication in any/all PM subject websites, newsletters, and professional magazines / journals. They have been

translated into Arabic, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Russian and published on websites in Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, New Zealand, Poland, Russia, UK, and the USA. Their

mission is to help expand good program and project management practices by promoting the

PM profession, to be a positive influence to the PM Community, and in earnest hope readers can gain benefit from the advice of their 60+ years of combined experience and expertise

(and the expertise of co-authors who write with them on certain articles and subjects). Although all three are well credentialed, together they have the distinction in particular of

being 3 of only 25 worldwide that hold the Project Management Institute‘s PMP®, PgMP®,

and PMI-RMP®. Credentials. Gary and Jeff have all five (5) of the PMI ‗family of credentials‘.

Along with writing articles, each also champions a role in the overall writing program

collaboration process:

→ Gareth manages all requests for additional guest author collaborations

→ Gary manages the article development tracking and readership metrics

→ Jeff manages the article distribution and new readership demographics

Each can be contacted for advice, coaching, collaboration, and speaking individually as noted

in their bios or as a team at: [email protected]

Gareth Byatt is Head of the Group IT Portfolio Management Office for Lend Lease Corporation. Gareth has worked in several countries and lives in Sydney, Australia. Gareth has 14+ years of project, program, and portfolio management experience in IT and construction. He can be contacted through LinkedIn.

Gareth holds numerous degrees, certifications, and credentials in program and project management as follows: an MBA from one of the world‘s leading education establishments, a 1st-class undergraduate management degree, and the PMP®, PgMP®, PMI-RMP®, & PRINCE2 professional certifications. Gareth is also the APAC Region Director for the PMI‘s PMO Community of Practice and chairs several peer networking groups. He is a Director of the PMI Sydney Chapter for 2011.

He has presented on PMOs and program and project management at international conferences in the UK, Australia, & Asia including PMI APAC in 2010. Email Gareth: [email protected]

Gary Hamilton is the Manager of the PMO and Governance within Bank of America‘s Learning and Leadership Development Products organization. Gary lives in Bristol, Tennessee, USA and works out of Charlotte, North Carolina. He has 14+ years of project and program management experience in IT,

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Jeff Hodgkinson is a 31 year veteran of Intel Corporation, where he continues on a progressive career as a program/project manager. He is the most experienced Intel MAPP (Make A Project Plan) Day Facilitator at Intel with over 150 facilitation events to his credit. Jeff is an IT@Intel Expert and blogs on Intel‘s Community for IT Professionals for Program/Project Management subjects and interests. Jeff received the 2010 PMI (Project Mgmt Institute) Distinguished Contribution Award for his support of the Project Management profession from the Project Management Institute. Jeff was also the 2nd place finalist for the 2009 Kerzner International Project Manager of the Year Award TM. He lives in Mesa, Arizona, USA and volunteers as the Associate Vice President for Credentials & Certifications for the Phoenix PMI Chapter. Because of his contributions to helping people achieve their goals, he is the third (3rd) most recommended person on LinkedIn with 525+ recommendations, and is ranked in the Top 75 (currently 60th) most networked LinkedIn person. He gladly accepts all connection invite requests from PM practitioners at: Jeff holds numerous certifications and credentials in program and project management, which are as follows: CCS, CDT, CPC™, CIPM™, CPPM–Level 10, CDRP, CSQE, IPMA-B®, ITIL-F, MPM™, PME™, PMOC, PMP®, PgMP®, PMI-RMP®, PMI-SP®, CAPM®, PMW, and SSGB (Six Sigma Green Belt). He is an expert at program and project management principles and best

Note from the Editor:

We are also reaching out to international PMI chapters and Team India members for knowledge

sharing through this magazine . This article is a case in point of knowledge share

between international PMI chapters (with PMI Phoenix Chapter and PMI Pune Deccan India chapter)

finance, and human resources.

Gary volunteers as the VP of Professional Development for the PMI East Tennessee chapter. Gary has won several internal awards for results achieved from projects and programs he managed as well as being named one of the Business Journal‘s Top 40 Professionals in 2007. He can be contacted through


Gary holds numerous degrees and certifications in IT, management, and project management and they include: an advanced MBA degree in finance, and has the PgMP®, PMP®, PMI-RMP®, PMI-SP® , CAPM®, ITIL-F, MCTS, MCITP, and SSGB professional certifications. Gary also is a 2009 Presidents‘ Volunteer Award recipient for his charitable work with local fire services and professional groups. Email Gary: [email protected]

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Article 3

Mind mapping Technique for Learning on the Fly Niranjan Mirasdar, PMP

In 21st century we live in a Knowledge Society and need a lot of Learning, unlearning and relearning simultaneously. The globally recognized competency dictionary lists 67 competencies required to fulfill any profession, any job in the world. We the

Knowledge workers are under severe pressure to increase our ―Learning on the Fly‖ competency( most important of the 67).The volume of information we need to process is increasing at an exponential rate, so it is very important to optimize. Our brain has

huge potential to learn. Brain can adapt very easily to new environments by learning and can deal with information that is noisy,

inconsistent, vague, or probabilistic. We are still using the age old Learning ways and face challenges in data processing even though we have a very capable brain. To solve these problems there is a requirement for a technique which can efficiently use

different objects for Learning. Objects useful for Learning include words, images, colors, space, branching ,hierarchy ,tree structure etc.

A ideal technique should have a component for sorting and storing patterns. The proposed technique should have a

sufficiently large accuracy rate to be implemented in real life scenarios and a standard algorithm as template with flexibility to adopt

as per problem to be solved. Intelligence is defined as the super power ability of mind to take decisions. It is dynamic in nature and has no limitation to solve various problems linear or non-linear in nature. The main motivation of this article to find a ―intelligent‖

Technique of Learning on the fly(with context capturing). There is a huge set of techniques available for Learning. Bloom‘s taxonomy is a standard framework for levels and methods of learning.

Inspired by the structure of the human brain, Mind maps are designed to capture information efficiently,with precision. Mind mapping is Ideal solution as it is simple to understand, apply and reapply technique. It can be compared to 80,20 rule or Deming

Wheel or Ishikawa diagram. All these tools are simple , generic and have a wide variety of applications.― Choice of proper kernel ‖ is recognized as an open topic for optimization research. Hence a discovery of Image and Text specific Kernel which is called as the

central image in MM terminology reduces the search space for the human mind. Between 20 to30% Branch headings should be in IMAGE/WIMAGE( Words as image) form. An image speaks for thousand words or more and expresses/captures huge essence of the

matter. It is fundamental language of thinking before ideas take shape of symbols in human Language. This hardware or brain

friendly means of info processing increases the retention, throughput and innovation by our mind(necktop).

Mind mapping component useful for various levels of learning as per Bloom’s Taxonomy

Sr no Assessment types

Mind map

application Bloom's verbs

Level1 Knowledge

Laws of MM Count, Define, Describe, Draw, Find, Identify, Label, List, Match,

Name, Quote, Recall, Recite, Sequence, Tell, Write

Level2 Comprehension

Key words, copy MM

Conclude, Demonstrate, Discuss, Explain, Generalize, Identify, Illustrate, Interpret, Paraphrase, Predict, Report, Restate, Review,

Summarize, Tell

Level3 Application

Colors Apply, Change, Choose, Compute, Dramatize, Interview, Prepare,

Produce, Role-play, Select, Show, Transfer, Use

Level4 Analysis

Branching, compare with table, text


Analyze, Characterize, Classify, Compare, Contrast, Debate, Deduce, Diagram, Differentiate, Discriminate, Distinguish, Examine,

Outline, Relate, Research, Separate,

Level 5 Synthesis

Gestalt of Mindmap


Compose, Construct, Create, Design, Develop, Integrate, Invent,

Make, Organize, Perform, Plan, Produce, Propose, Rewrite

Level6 Evaluation

Gestalt of Mindmap


Appraise, Argue, Assess, Choose, Conclude, Critic, Decide, Evaluate,

Judge, Justify, Predict, Prioritize, Prove, Rank, Rate, Select,

How to draw a Mind map? The Algorithm

Step 1. Start at the centre of a horizontal Blank paper

Step 2 Draw a central image related to the problem under consideration. Step 3 Use tree structure and branching for a improvised classification technique

Step 4. Use WIMAGES, KEYwords on the branch‘s for efficient capturing /classification of ideas generated. Step 5. Branching should be from Thick to thin as per weighting of priority/impact.

Step 6. Use at least 3 colors to keep the mind interested and stimulated in the process. This helps in increasing ………accuracy, speed and generation of new ideas towards solutioning.

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The sample mind map show cases application areas of Mind mapping. Brain storming, presentation, visualization,

visualization , managing priorities, teaching ,memorizing ,teaching and organizing, brainstorming


Based on the above discussion it can be concluded that Mind map technique with its six step algorithm significantly improves the Learning process especially on the fly. The conscious use of this technique is recommended from the age of 5 years. It is equally

useful in adult learning especially for those with lesser attention span and less time to spare on learning a particular domain quickly.

It is useful for Learning at all six levels of Blooms Taxonomy as per the reference table.

Links to further info 1.Niranjan‘s Sample Session:

2. Tony Buzan on Project Management/Mind mapping


Blooms Taxonomy wikipedia

Classification state of art method :Website of Prof A k Jain and IITb website

Prof Catarina Silva University of Coimbra ,Portugal.

Prof. Bernardete Ribeiro University of Coimbra, Portugal.

Niranjan Mirasdar email : nmirasdar@


About the author : Niranjan Mirasdar conducts PMP ++ workshops, he is Worlds First and Only PMP Trainer with International Certifications in

Quality (CSTE - QAI), Mind Mapping (BLI-Tony Buzan),PMP/PMI .He has over 15 years of varied experience and has completed crucial Learning Projects in fortune 500 companies. He believes in Edutainment (Education + Entertainment).Has conducted

session's on a wide variety of topics from Artificial Intelligence to Advance Test Case Design and systematic Innovation tools TRIZ ,

graphical Learning to Unusual Sources of Learning. He has specially designed PMBOK content in a ―brain friendly‖ format for enjoyable, quicker, internalized PM Learning

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Article 4

Soft Skills : People Management Mr.Kartik A.Thakkar (PMP, ITIL, CSSGB, APICS-BSCM)


As a project manager you are ultimately responsible to deliver the project successfully. To deliver projects successfully, it is very

important that people management is practiced and followed systematically. Fig 1 depicts key aspects of People Management discipline thereby facilitating as an enabler to project success.

Following are the areas in people management discipline that would act as an enabler to project success:

i. Setting goals and objectives:

Set Objectives: Make sure that you set a vision and mission for the project. Ensure that every person on the project

understands these goals. It is important to reinforce this at frequent intervals and revisit them to ensure that they remain

relevant to the project. Define Roles: Clearly define the various roles of the people working on the project, and never have any hidden

agenda/roles chalked out for a smaller group. Explain roles even for non-billable/shadow members of your team. Discuss

the responsibilities of the role with the person to ensure that there is consensus and a common understanding.

ii. Managing expectations:

Listen: Make sure that you understand and give attention to the aspirations of each member of your team. Every person

makes a difference to the project, and giving personal attention to each one of them makes them feel wanted and

attended to, improves their confidence levels, and helps you to understand their capabilities so that you can utilize them better on the project.

Appraise periodically: Keep a catalogue of employee performance/improvements over a period of time, and have

periodic meetings to appraise them about it. When you give individuals a detailed and periodic appraisal they get

recognized or corrected, and in turn become more productive in the project. Give opportunities, take chances. Ensure that individuals entering the project get to learn something new before

moving out of the project. Make them learn new things, provide them with new opportunities, and see that they get

benefited by being part of the project. Ensure learning. Make sure people learn from their experiences. Always provide a knowledge/learning dimension to the

work they do. This will motivate people to do better.

iii. Motivation:

Appreciate performance: Have regular team meetings; recognize and appreciate people during these meetings.

Give visibility: Give team members exposure to the top management and customers. Remember, your growth is linked

with theirs. Recognize success: Never wait for a mail from a customer in order to reward a person. A job well-done internally should

also earn a reward. Remember, the team members success is the project‘s success—and ultimately your success.

iv. Communication process:

Encourage an open culture: Have an open culture in the project. Sit with an open door and encourage members to drop

by anytime and talk to you. Make yourself available at all times. Be honest: Always be honest and transparent in your communication. This will go a long way in developing team spirit.

Interact regularly: Have occasional informal sessions with your team members. This improves the interaction with your

team; they become open while discussing issues with you.

Flat reporting hierarchy: Ensure that the reporting hierarchy is as flat as possible.

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v. Work environment:

Give importance to teamwork. While there are different styles of encouraging teamwork and collaboration, have your

own style of promoting teamwork.

Create a stimulating environment. Promote knowledge-sharing and innovation. Apart from increasing the level of

awareness across the team, it will fire up high-energy individuals.


1. Human Resource Management at Work: people management and development– Mick Marchington, Adrian Wilkinson. 2. Hard Facts Dangerous Half truths and Total Nonsense – Jeffery Pfeffer, Robert I. Sutton.

Figure 1: Key aspects of People Management discipline thereby facilitating as an enabler to project success is depicted below:

About the author :

Mr. Kartik Thakkar (PMP, ITIL, CSSGB,APICS-BSCM) is ‗Senior Manager-Global Application Management‘ in Business Solution Consulting practice of ‗Siemens Information Systems Limited‘. He has publications in various Journals and Conferences. He has got

rich experience of 15 years in Business Consulting Solutions for various industry verticals working with Automotive and Retail companies. He can be reached at [email protected].

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Article 5

They do not know! Vikas Dikshit

What they do not know? They do not know how to motivate! And this is the finding of years and years of observing others and

observing myself.

Well, motivate whom, you may ask. Motivating your child if you are a parent, motivating your spouse if you are married, motivating

an employee if you are a businessman, motivating a customer if you are a salesman, motivating a subordinate if you are a manager, motivating a student if you are a teacher and above all… motivating yourself no matter who you are!

Yes, almost none of them know how to motivate effectively others and self. And without this skill to motivate, our life is significantly

impoverished. What is sadly notable is that parents, managers, teachers etc. generally have not addressed this issue.

Last week I met parents of a ten year old boy. Father wants the boy to play a certain musical instrument that he himself wanted to

play but did not. His music teacher reportedly says, the boy has magical fingers when he plays the instrument. But the boy does not want to learn to play this! And the father is sad because of this. I quickly created rapport with the child. Child confided to me that he

does not want to play that instrument. In my next meeting with all of them, the son visibly winced when the father mentioned the instrument. Some further questions revealed that this music teacher takes a wooden pencil and hits the boy‘s knuckles when a

mistake occurs. I immediately knew why the son does not want to play that instrument. I suggested they stop the music tuition. And

they did that!

Mother wants the son to do well in studies and is worried that his performance in school has gone down in last year and a half. Obviously she has tried and did not succeed. I use the rapport I have with the son. Quickly did mountain exercise and praised the

child. I taught him Anchor dance, which he thoroughly enjoyed, and I praised him once again. I told him how intelligent and brilliant

he is!

Today, barely five days after I met the boy for the first time, his mother called me to tell progress. She was very happy to note, without any prompting, the son, on his own accord, did his studies, insisted that he will not take help of his mother unless he asks

for it, and did most of the mathematic sums on his own. He also did the mountain and the anchor dance on his own. And he continues to do studies and pleasantly surprise his parents! He even painted a picture to show me.

The points I want to highlight here- · That music teacher may be good at playing the instrument. But sure enough he is de-motivating the student by hitting his

knuckles. Very soon the student is lost and there is no one to motivate even if he wants to! (This actually happened now!) · Parents do not know why their son was not motivated to learn the instrument.

· Mother does not know how to motivate her son to do and like studies.

· The teacher and the parents may hit, shout or do such other things and think they are doing all that for the good of the child, but what good does it do if they do not get the desired result?

They do not know how to motivate! Teachers, parents, managers, husbands, wives, businessmen… almost none of them know how to motivate.

And yet it is so simple and easy thing to do for an NLP and Huna practitioner.

About the Author

Vikas Dikshit Author of this article is a corporate trainer, an NLP Master Practitioner & Huna Expert. He has conducted several trainings for PMI,

Corporate clients, Schools and Colleges and parents.

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PMI PUNE Deccan India Chapter Our various Program & Product Offerings


For details on any of these Product / Program Offerings Please Contact

Executive | +91 9922909060 | E: [email protected] | Web :

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For details on any of these Product / Program Offerings

Please Contact Executive | +91 9922909060 | E: [email protected] | Web :

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For details on any of these Product / Program Offerings

Please Contact Executive | +91 9922909060 | E: [email protected] | Web :

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For details on any of these Product / Program Offerings

Please Contact Executive | +91 9922909060 | E: [email protected] | Web :

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Updates from PMI

Please Visit the PMI website to understand the New Policies and New Structure

For additional queries, please contact [email protected] | Web: | Yahoo Group:

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The PMI Agile Community of Practice focuses on delivering knowledge and providing a forum for virtual networking for

stakeholders interested in, working in, or impacted by developments in the collection of good practices, principles, and techniques in Agile approaches to project management. Specifically, we plan to explore the relationship of Agile principles and practices to

those of PMI, and how they may differ from or complement the teachings within the PMBOK® Guide. Members of the PMI Agile Community of Practice will:

Understand what Agile is and what it is not

o Learn about the Agile Manifesto and its associated principles and values

o Learn about common misconceptions about Agile

o Learn about the different Agile frameworks, practices and tools

o Learn about the benefits of Agile

o Learn about the (new) roles and responsibilities of each Agile team member

Develop a shared lexicon via a mapping of PMI terminology to Agile terminology

Meet others who are using Agile

o Network

o Share lessons learned, approaches, and techniques

Expand the knowledge base of Agile project management principles and practices

Provide outreach to the non-PM focused Agile community in order to provide them with tools and techniques that will

enable them to manage their work better and ideally, find their way towards the good practices that members of this

group are working to promote

Provide novice Agile project managers a new set of techniques and tools to use on their real world projects in addition to

their traditional PMBOK® Guide based techniques

About ISEC ( India scrum enthusiastic community)

Aims and Objectives :

Aim and Objectives under which association is established is as under:

A) To promote and nurture, the use of Agile process methodologies among IT professionals in India.

B) To foster the growth of knowledge in and supporting areas of Agile Processes.

C) To promote and support research in Project Management methods based on Agile principles.

D) To organize, seminars, lectures and events based to promote collaboration and usage in the field of Agile Methods.

Agile/Scrum Linked in groups in Pune:

Agile Pune :

Certified Scrum Masters Pune :

PMI Agile Community of Practice

Join Agile COP:

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PMI is launching an Agile Certification

If you have questions that cannot be answered by the information on,

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Feedback on the Newsletter

Please send your valuable feedback to Editorial Team to:

[email protected] or [email protected]

Making chapter news

Gyan Lahiri event in Pune

Thanks to our Colleagues from PMI Hyderabad Pearl City Chapter With their support we have introduced their Famed , PMI recognized

Competency Building Student leadership program

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More about the PMP Exam

The course is aimed at facilitating the complete and comprehensive studies necessary for appearing for and clearing the Project Management Professional (PMP(r)) examination. The course brings in the complete detailed understanding of Project Management Body of Knowledge, *4th

Edition-PMBOK(r)* while providing an opportunity of answering over 200 practice exam questions from recognized material. Although this course is designed and developed keeping in mind PMP(r) examination preparation, the discussions triggered and effectively facilitated by the facilitator leads to insight of many real life scenarios. The best way to get the 35 hrs training is register for the PMP training course conducted by PMI Pune-Deccan India Chapter itself. It is the most cost effective and training conducted by professionals from Industry working on live projects.Comparison between CAPM and PMP Certifications :

CAPM / PMP Certification Path: 1) Become PMI ($129 = $119 Membership Fee + $10 Application Fee) & Chapter Member ($10) Initial Certification Fee – non-member of PMI ($555.00) Initial Certification Fee – member of PMI in good standing ($405.00) As a new PMI member, you will pay $129.00 (made up of $119.00 PMI membership and $10.00 "New Member Application Fee"). You will also pay $10.00 to belong to a PMI Pune-Deccan India Chapter. Now, the PMP exam costs $555.00 if you are not a member and $405.00 if you are a member. The difference is $150.00 which right there covers your membership expense. So if you are member you are going to pay $405 for exam fee and $139 for becoming PMI & Chapter member it comes to total $544 as opposed to $555 for non members. Still you save $11. Now begin to factor in the free publications, discounts on courses, and books and so on for being a member. There is no question that being a member of PMI BEFORE you take the exam is all advantage and no disadvantage.

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2) Attend CAPM / PMP Preparatory Workshop of the Chapter. Being chapter member you will get Rs. 1000/- discount on the workshop. Workshop fee for non-members is Rs 14,000/- For Members it is Rs. 13,000/- 3) Fill Exam Form Online at immediately after PMP Preparatory Workshop 4) Start self-study. It's recommended that do study at-least for 2 months. Every day study for min 2 hours. Read PMBOK & Rita Mulcahy's Book at-least 2-3 times. 5) You get eligibility letter from PMI within 6-8 weeks after filling the exam form. It's valid for 1 year. 6) Schedule exam online (you will get URL for the same in eligibility letter which you get from PMI), immediately after getting Eligibility Letter from PMI, you may not get date of same month or next month. 7) Give Exam and Pass with flying colors! Learning Objectives: The course will enable participants to – · Understand the complete picture of PMBOK(r) · Understand the 5 process groups and 9 knowledge areas as described in the PMBOK (r)

· Understand inputs, outputs, tools & techniques essential for each of the Project management processes described in PMBOK(r) · Learn the effective approach to confidently appearing for the examination · Gain a solid confidence of undertaking the examination Knowledge Areas: Scope, Time, Cost, Quality, HR, Communication, Risk, Procurement & Integration Process Group: Initiating, Planning, Executing, Controlling, & Closing. Participants' profile: · Participants should have project management background or at least have worked in project environment. · The course demands clear focus and commitment from the participants to study and take up the examination. · Participants are expected to duly complete their class-work, homework, class assignments, etc. Participants would be benefited if they are the members of PMI(r). The membership can be obtained on The membership enables the participants to receive the PMBOK(r) free (soft copy)

In 2009-2010 year we have conducted 7 PMP training workshops & 151 professionals have participated in these workshops. In 2010-2011 year till date we have conducted 7 PMP training workshops & 105 professionals have participated in these workshops. These include workshops that were arranged by chapter & open for professionals to participate & corporate training For registration: Please write to [email protected]; [email protected] with a CC to [email protected] The course details can be found at:

Feel free to contact our executives us for dates & any clarification.

Executive | +91 9922909060 | E: [email protected] | Web :

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Product Analysis Agile Project Management tool Accept 360

Accept360 Execution Features and Benefits

The Accept360 Execution module supports the full range of Agile methodologies, including Scrum, Feature-Driven Development, Agile Unified Process, Extreme Programming, and more. It also supports planning methodologies like Stage-Gate™ and PRTM, and even lets you create a hybrid system that draws the best features from multiple methodologies.

The Accept360 Execution module allows you to generate product ideas and priorities from across your ecosystem – including crowdsourcing from customers and other stakeholders. Importantly, it gives you traceability back to the source, so that any user story can be understood in its full richness and intent, not abstracted beyond usefulness with countless retellings.

The purpose of Agile, after all, is agility. The challenge is, if implemented incorrectly or used with the wrong tool, it can actually slow you down – causing developers to burn precious time they simply can‘t waste. The Accept360 Execution module was developed around how Agile teams work.

Here are some of the key features and capabilities of the Accept360 Execution Module:

• Creating a requirement backlog

• Stack ranking the backlog

• Decomposing requirements into work items

• Creating sprints

• Assigning work items to sprints

• Tracking the status of work items and sprints

• Reporting on sprints and projects using

• Burndown and velocity reports

• Rolling up the status of work items to their parent requirements

In addition, the Accept360 Execution module offers role-based dashboards for real-time visibility and control, illuminating issues early in the process to drive down risk and improve product/market alignment.

Creating Product Backlogs for Agile Projects

The first step in agile project management is creating a product backlog of all the user stories for the product. The backlog is created in the Roadmaps module as a child of the Roadmap element using a release type element that has no dates set. Once the product backlog is created the user stories can be stack ranked.

Team Resources and Capacity Planning

Teams have a set of members, one of whom is usually the scrum master for the team, and one of whom is the product owner. The remaining members (also called resources) are developers, testers, and so on---the people who implement the user stories and requirements. With Accept360 Execution, you can easily import your existing teams into Accept. Team members can specify their availability for the current sprint, and use the calculated capacity to provision the sprint with the right amount of work. A resource may be 100% allocated to the sprint if he or she is only working with that team, or may have a lower allocation due to being on multiple teams or going on vacation or to a training.

Planning a Sprint

A release is broken into time chunks, called sprints. Sprint duration is typically 14 days, but can be any length that your company chooses. All features and functionality committed to for the sprint must be complete--that is, developed, tested, documented, and (theoretically) ready for delivery. With Accept360 Execution you can:

• Assign User Stories to Teams

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• Estimate User Stories

• View the Team Sprint Backlog

• Rank the Team Backlog

• Create Sprints

• Assign Work Items to Sprints

• Synchronize Sprints

• Assign Team Resources to Tasks

Agile Task Board

Accept360 Requirements provides a task board- a simple "sticky notes" interface - to simplify sprint planning, sprint management, and daily stand up meetings. The Agile Task Board is arranged by user story and task status. Each task on the Task Board displays the name of the task, the task owner, and the estimated hours to complete the task.

Daily Scrum Activities

The task board supports the daily scrum stand up meeting. Using the task board, the team members or the scrum master team members or the scrum master can update task status, update the hours burndown, reassign tasks to other team members, and create additional tasks as needed. Task status can be changed by simply dragging a task from one status to another. The task board also provides access to the team's burndown report, and it's easy to "click through" the task board to Accept's rich user interface if anyone wants to see more detailed data or trace back to the market drivers for a particular user story.

Sprint Planning Activities

The agile task board can also be used for the sprint planning meeting. In the sprint meeting the team uses the Task Board to create tasks for user stories, enter points for user stories, estimate completion time, and assign tasks to team members.


Agile methodology was originally created for use by small teams, working together in a single location. By its very nature, Agile development can break down when used across multiple distributed teams, or on projects with long development cycles. Yet even in these more challenging situations, the Accept360 Execution module delivers visibility, traceability, quality, and accountability – the central concepts of Agile practice – and helps keep Agile projects on track

According to a leading storage and systems management solutions provider, Accept360 Execution helped them with faster time to release by over 35%. The initiative supporting the big release involved over 300 engineers and multiple global teams with the goal to reduce time to release. Accept360 helped with program management of the entire initiative equivalent to 3600 man months release efforts resulting in a significant decrease of release time from 6 months to 2 months. In addition, they used Accept360 to link and track market requirements to team story and user levels benefiting from a single platform with strategic and detailed views as required.

The beauty of Accept360 Execution is that it gives product managers and product owners what they need to do their own jobs better – and natively translates the project into the language with the details and justification that developers need to do their best work. Scrum team leads can monitor development progress within and across iterations, while developers can view the source and market need of the features they‘re building, if they require keener insight. So your Agile projects actually result in greater agility.

As the one system of record for your backlog, the Accept360 Execution module provides clarity and process visibility, keeping your sprint running at full speed. And as the timebox burns down, Agile teams can make informed tradeoff decisions that deliver the best strategic outcome.

Accept360 Execution assures that each sprint delivers its greatest potential to your customers. It brings Agile teams to a new level of productivity, making engineering‘s job easier. It improves delivery predictability for management. And it enhances the way product management and engineering collaborate.

For More details please visit :

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From PMI Headquarters Chapter Events

Current PMI Standards Program Products :

Use of Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) for organizational effectiveness

NLP® (Neuro Linguistic Programming) is the art and technology of achieving personal, professional and

corporate excellence. NLP enables you to understand and change the way you think, feel and behave. It helps

you to choose what to do, and be what you want to be. It is a Methodology based on the fact that behavior has

a structure, and that structure can be modeled, learned, taught and changed i.e. re-programmed.

Special features of these techniques are that they

Align thinking and behavior patterns to meet goals and objectives in a seamless manner.

Help to achieve a wide variety of outcomes such as motivation, creativity, emotional management, new

skill development, team synergy, health, belief change and more.

Acknowledge uniqueness of individuals and change behaviors in ways most appropriate to them.

Cause changes without stress. Within a relatively short period this person can start experiencing

personal power and euphoria.

Monthly Seminars conducted by the Pune-Deccan India Chapter


Monthly seminars are FREE FOR ALL / NO Entry FEE; one does not have to be Pune - Deccan Chapter member to attend this seminar. All our seminars are on second Saturday of each month for everyone's information.

Practicing PMPs can earn 1 to 2 PDUs (Professional Development Units) by attending this seminar.

Non paid members may subscribe to On Target Newsletter by paying marginal amount of Rs. 100/- Annually. All payments must be paid in advance. Checks payable to: "PMI Pune-Deccan India Chapter", Payable at: Pune, India. You may bring the cheque on seminar day and handover to Sangeeta Zaparde (Finance Director) OR Omkar Gurjar (Marketing & Communications Director). Please write your Name, email ID & Date of Subscription backside of the check.

To subscribe to PMI Pune-Deccan India Chapter:

Visit and click on - Join this group! Button.

Send an email to [email protected] with the following information: Name, Personal Email, Home Phone, Mobile No, Company Name, Work Email, Work Phone, Designation, PMI Member (paid membership fees), and Pune - Deccan Chapter Member (paid $10)?

Chapter website:

Have You Renewed Your Membership?

Complete the membership application at:

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Next PMP workshop by Pune Chapter - March 2011

Register now. .....Limited Seats left

Hi PMP Aspirants,

PMI Pune Chapter is happy to announce its next PMP Training Program in Pune.

This course is aimed at facilitating the complete and comprehensive studies necessary for appearing for and clearing the Project Management Professional (PMP(r)) examination. The course brings in the complete detailed understanding of Project Management Body of Knowledge, 4th Edition - (PMBOK(r) while providing an opportunity of answering over 200 practice exam questions from recognized material.

Although this course is designed and developed keeping in mind PMP(r) examination preparation, the discussions triggered and effectively facilitated by the facilitator leads to insight of many real life scenarios.

Learning Objectives

The course will enable participants to -

Understand the complete picture of PMBOK(r)

Understand the 5 process groups and 9 knowledge areas as described in the PMBOK (r)

Understand inputs, outputs, tools & techniques essential for each of the Project management processes described in PMBOK(r)

Learn the effective approach to confidently appearing for the examination

Gain a solid confidence of undertaking the examination

Knowledge Areas: Scope, Time, Cost, Quality, HR, Communication, Risk, Procurement & Integration

Process Group: Initiating, Planning, Executing, Controlling, & Closing.

Participants' Profile

Participants should have project management background or at least have worked in project environment.

The course demands clear focus and commitment from the participants to study and take up the examination.

Participants are expected to duly complete their class-work, homework, class assignments, etc.

Participants would be benefited if they are the members of PMI(r). The membership can be obtained on The membership enables the participants to receive the PMBOK(r) free (soft copy).

Kit for Participants

A scale down version of training slides used by the faculty

Questions & Answers on each knowledge area

Certificate of participation 35 hrs. PMP Examination needs participants to have undergone training programs of 35 hrs of training program. Candidates can claim this course for this pre-requisite.


We have scheduled our next PMP Training Program in Pune as follows -

Dates - Two Weekends

Time - 8:00 am to 18:00 pm

Fees - Rs. 14,000/- (NO additional taxes) It includes a) Training Kit, b) Lunch, Tea / Coffee for all 4 days.

For group of 3+ persons: Rs. 13,500/- each

For Chapter Paid Members: Rs. 13,000/- each (can't be clubbed with group discount)

Venue - A suitable venue (Hotel) will be finalized. We are still working on it & will be communicated to all.

Registration Process

Please send us following information.


Residence Address:

Residence Phone:

Cell Phone:

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Business email ID:

Organization Name :

Organization Address :

PMI Membership No :

Also attach a scanned copy of your cheque toward payment. We will either collect a check or you can handover check to us on the first day of the training. Check should be drawn in favor of "PMI Pune-Deccan India Chapter".

Please contact our office for dates and registration details.

Executive | +91 9922909060

For registration: Please write to [email protected]; [email protected] with a CC to [email protected]

The payment has to be made in cash/cheque.

The course details can be found at:

Take a break!!

Iterative and Truly Incremental!

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PMI Pune Deccan India Chapter – Yahoo Group

Welcome to join the official yahoo group of "PMI Pune-Deccan India Chapter (C307)" affiliated to PMI, USA. FASTEST growing Chapter in Asia Region and now The Winner of 2007 PMI® Component Award for Component of the Year (Chapter Category II) in the world. We believe that for INDIA TO PROGRESS it has to implement PROJECTS Effectively. We need to adopt best global practices in the field of Project Management. The Chapter organizes seminars once in a month to facilitate knowledge sharing amongst project management professionals. Working towards various workshops and events. Chapter also publishes Newsletter Quarterly. We look forward to Sponsoring and Partnering with us to take the Chapter forward. Please feel to write to us at: 1) President: Girish Kelkar: [email protected] 2) Vice-President: Shantanu Bhamare, PMP: [email protected] 3) For Advertisement/Communication: Marketing & Communications Director Shyam Bhavsar, PMP: [email protected] 4) For Memberships: Shantanu Bhamare, PMP & Shyam Bhavsar, PMP: [email protected] 5) For Seminar/Events: Program Director: Himanshu Warudkar, PMP: [email protected] 6) For PMP/CAPM Certification: Development Director: Girish Kadam, PMP: [email protected] 7) For Academic Association/Partnership: Academic Interface Director: Jay Dholakia, PMP: [email protected] 8) For Finance Related: Treasurer / Finance Director: Sangita Zaparde, PMP: [email protected] 9) For Administrative Queries: Secretary General : Col. Samuel Dhar, PMP : [email protected] 11) For General Information Mail to : [email protected] or [email protected]

12) For Corporate Relations/Sponsorship: Corporate Relations Director: Harish Honwad, PMP: [email protected] 13) For PMI National Congress: PMI National Congress Director: Narendra Kumar Verma, PMP: [email protected] 14) For Reporting website errors : Ronald N Naik / Ganesh Watve PMP: [email protected] Please note this group will use only for communicating to the members about various events, meeting schedules... of the PMI Pune-Deccan India Chapter. As a member of this group you will receive periodic updates from "PMI Pune-Deccan India Chapter". But you will not be able to post messages to other members or use the yahoo group as a discussion forum. We have created Database for Members Information, please go ahead and enter your information it's under Database-->Members_Info.

1. Name 2. Personal Email 3. Home Phone 4. Mobile No 5. Company Name 6. Work Email 7. Work Phone 8. Designation 9. PMI Member ? 10. Deccan Chapter Member ?

IMPORTANT : In order to "Sign In" you need yahoo id, otherwise you will see all links disabled. So if you have not used yahoo id for subscription then send me your yahoo id so that I will add it in member list. Group home page : Group Email Addresses : Post message: [email protected] Subscribe: [email protected] Unsubscribe: [email protected] List owner: [email protected] Thanks & Regards, Shyam Bhavsar, PMP Marketing & Communications Director PMI Pune-Deccan India Chapter Email : [email protected]

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We need Volunteers to work in Various Core Teams

Why volunteer for the PMI Pune - Deccan India Chapter?

Opportunity to influence the direction of the chapter, and possibly the global organization

Gain a greater understanding of the Project Management Institute

Meet project management practitioners from multiple organizations

Advance your career!

New Friends and Colleagues!

Earn PDU's by Volunteering 1) Finance Team

To help mobilize funds for Chapter activities

Creation of balance sheet and other financial documents as required by government bodies and auditors.

Keeping track of cash inflows and outflows.

Making chapter financially strong

Getting sponsorship for chapter

Bank account maintenance 2) Programs Team

To Provide high quality, professional programs / events / seminars

To Arrange for suitable facilities, registration desk, speaker, special equipment, speaker handouts, speaker gratuity, evaluations, and other activities necessary for a successful meeting

Finding out eminent speakers and convincing them to deliver seminars at chapter events

Sending PDU's letter to attendees of various events

Coming up with various programs for chapter for better networking & collaboration

3) Marketing & Communications Team

Marketing of chapter events & awareness creation locally & internationally

Managing internal & external communications & also Working with Press / Media

Sending chapter updates to Asia e-Link Newsletter & PMI Today

Chapter Yahoo Group management

To work on Chapter Publications such as Quarterly Newsletter, Chapter Brochure, various events Brochures

Chapter website development

Chapter membership management

Maintaining Chapter Flash Movie

4) Development Team

To Promote professional development among chapter members

To Develop plans for and coordinate the chapter‘s external educational activities which may include PMP study groups, seminars, workshops, courses, professional development days and other educational activities

To Oversee the re-certification program and its activities 5) Corporate Relations Team

To Promote professional development among various corporate / sectors

To become interface between various corporate / sectors and chapter.

To promote chapter events / seminars / workshops / projects in various corporate / sectors.

To get Sponsors / Partners from various corporate / sectors

If you are interested, please send an email to Shantanu Bhamare, PMP - Vice President on [email protected]

or Ronald N Naik on [email protected]

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Reach Key Professionals in Project Management by advertising in On Target

Type One Issue Four Issues (One Year)

Business Card/3 Line Classified Ad (2‖ h x 3.5‖w) $30.00 / Rs. 1200 $100.00 / Rs. 4,000

¼ Page (4.5‖h x 3.5‖w) $60.00 / Rs. 2400 $210.00 / Rs. 8,400

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PMI Pune-Deccan India Chapter’s On Target Quarterly Newsletter

The Marketing & Communications Director, PMI Pune-Deccan India Chapter, as a benefit to its membership, publishes "On Target" Quarterly Newsletter and is not responsible for unsolicited / copyright material. Views expressed in the Articles are that of Individuals and in no way express views of the Chapter / Editorial Board. PMI Pune-Deccan India Chapter does not endorse or recommend specific products, vendors, or services that advertise. Editorial Board reserves the rights to edit submissions for clarity & style.

Editorial Team

Shyam Bhavsar, PMP®

[email protected]


Udayan Belsare PMP®

Ronald N Naik PMP®

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© 2011 Project Management Institute, Pune-Deccan India Chapter, All rights reserved.

―PMI‖ and PMI Logo are service and trademarks registered in the US and other nations; ―PMP‖ and the PMP logo are certification marks registered in the US and other nations.

Page 32: Making project management indispensable for business results® · How many meetings, documents, procedures do we need

PMI - Pune-Deccan India Chapter On Target Newsletter 1st Quarter -2011

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-: From :-

Project Management Institute - Pune-Deccan India Chapter

15, Sthairya Society, Near Nav Sahyadri Post Office, Behind Tol Hospital, Karvenagar, Pune, Maharashtra, Pin: 411 052, India.

Telephone: +91- 9922909060

E-mail: [email protected]







