
Making Holy Week Baskets with Your Children By Jody Capehart

Easter is the most important celebration of our faith; it is the very

essence of what makes us Christian. Therefore, it is important that we find meaningful ways to celebrate its significance with our children in order to build a deeper level of understanding as they mature in their walk with the Lord. When my children were young in the early 80’s we began making “Holy Week Baskets” at home to celebrate Easter. I began to gather items that represented events from Holy Week. As we added an item, we would talk about it, look up the scriptures and weave them together into the rich timeline tapestry of Holy Week. I noticed how my children’s interest and knowledge grew and deepened as they became engaged in this interactive learning process.

So, as head of school, I decided we would make Holy Week Baskets at school. Later as minister to children at our church, we made them at church. My children became my “Happy Helpers” and for the month before Holy Week, we would gather the items, organize them, sort jelly beans by colors for the Jelly Bean Prayer and prepare items so hundreds of children could create Holy Week Baskets. Palm Sunday would find us taking around wagons overflowing with items for little fingers to touch, and later teach others about Holy Week. It became our Easter tradition…as a family…in our school…and in our church. I saw children, parents and teachers get excited each year and ask “Are we going to make Holy Week Baskets this year?” I began to teach about them at school and church conferences. I wrote about them in my book Cherishing and Challenging Your Children—20 years ago! It seems like only yesterday. Now I am doing them with my grandchildren.

One day a number of years later I saw the Resurrection Eggs in the Christian Book Store and realized this concept is so similar. All truth is God’s truth. The idea is for children to learn the lessons of Easter by touching and interacting with the items. You may purchase a set of the Resurrection Eggs in your local Christian Book Store, or you may create Holy Week Baskets as I have done for nearly 30 years with children. Here are some of the items we put in our Holy Week Baskets. I would vary them depending upon the ages of my children. For example, I would not put in a nail for younger children. I would add more items each year as they got older and their ability to understand abstract concepts grew, such as the curtain in the temple torn in half. When children get to about age 9 or 10, the enthusiasm they had in previous years may turn to “Do I have to make a Holy Week Basket again this year?” Before you let it be a knife to your heart, realize that this is part of growing up. I respond with “I would love for you to be my helper. You are so good at creating and explaining the importance of the Holy Week Baskets. I need you to show the ‘little ones’ how to make them and what each item represents.” They love “being in charge” and this gets you through this transition time. Plus, there is no better way to learn anything than to teach it! Your children’s understanding continues to grow as the Holy Spirit works in their hearts through their words and actions when they help teach the little ones. Everyone is blessed. The answer to the question “Well, I already have one from last year. Why am I making another one?” Answer: “I am so glad you asked that question. This one can be for you to give to someone who doesn’t know Jesus. When you give it to them, you can tell them the story of Easter.” Thus, your Holy Week Basket becomes an excellent evangelism tool! They also make lovely centerpieces for you to give to Grandparents and other people in your family, especially those who may not know the Lord. I can’t tell you how many times my children had the opportunity to explain each item in the basket, much to the amazement of adults who had no idea what the Resurrection was all about. Some thought Easter was just about bunnies, and if they did know about Jesus, they didn’t understand the depth and glory of the Resurrection story. There is no better way to share the Gospel than through this Holy Week Basket!

Jelly Bean PrayerRed is for the blood He gave

Green is for the grass He made

Yellow is for the sun so bright

Black is for the dark of night.

Blue is for the sky He made,

White is for the grace He gave.

Purple is for His hours of sorrow

Pink is for our new tomorrow.

A bag full of jellybeans colorful and sweet

Is a prayer and a promise and a child’s treat.

May our risen Lord bless you this Easter and always.

OK, so what’s in the Holy Week Basket…here are some suggestions. Again, select the ones that are age appropriate and add items each year as your children grow in the Lord.

As you take each item out, teach your children about the significance of each one. Look up the scripture together as a family or in your classroom. If you put them in a basket, add lots of grass and they make a lovely as well as meaningful centerpiece. Items may include:

• donkey and/or palm branch to represent Palm Sunday • 1" piece of towel: washing of feet; symbol of

service • unleavened bread and communion cup: to

represent the Passover and Last Supper • silver coins to represent Judas’s betrayal

(I used play money from the Dollar Store) • cross: made with popsicle sticks • nail: {only with older children please} • rock: placed over the tomb where Jesus was

buried • scroll with a mini-gospel such as 1 Corinthians

15: 3-4, or John 3:16 (type the verse, copy, cut into strips, glue popsicle sticks on either side, roll each side to the center and you have a scroll)

• 2" black cloth: world turned dark when Jesus was on the cross • 2" purple cloth: temple curtain torn in half when Jesus died • 2" linen cloth: shroud to wrap Jesus’ body • grass: New life when you believe in Jesus • cotton ball: Jesus will return through the clouds to gather all

those who believe in Him (share the Gospel!) • Jelly Bean Prayer (I put the jelly beans in a baggie with a copy of the prayer) The Jelly

Bean Prayer can be downloaded from my website under “articles”.

I wrote a booklet that goes in the basket. You may copy and fold it to put in the baskets to help the parents understand the significance of the items. It also provides scripture references for the items in the Holy Week Baskets. It can also be downloaded from my website under “articles”.

Bonus! When the children get to 3rd grade, I encourage them to read one of the GOSPEL accounts of Holy Week each year. For example: 3rd Grade: Matthew 4th Grade: Mark 5th Grade: Luke 6th Grade: John If you have my book, Cherishing and Challenging Children, you can find these ideas and more on pages 144-45, first published in 1990 with Scripture Press. Activities to challenge older children:

1. Create a timeline of all the items in their Holy Week basket with corresponding scriptures from each of the gospels.

2. Add items to represent each day of Holy Week. For example, what did Jesus do each day during that week? We tend to know what happened on Sunday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday. But often the extraordinary teaching that occurred on Monday and Tuesday gets eclipsed by the profound events of the rest of the week. What was happening on Wednesday? Let your children be “Bible Detectives” and find out! Have the children put items in their baskets as symbols from those teachings. For example:

Monday: What could they put in their baskets to represent Jesus’ teaching about the Barren Fig Tree (Mark 11)? Or, what happened when Jesus went to the Temple? Tuesday: The Gospels are filled with the amazing teachings of Jesus from Tuesday. Wednesday: What happened? Check the Gospels!

Parents and teachers, may I encourage you to take time to find an activity that teaches the profound message of Easter and one you can build upon each year as your children grow older. You may want to bring out your Holy Week Basket from the previous year and review it with your children. A word to the wise: children love repetition when they are young. As they get older, they may begin to become cynical and say "I already know that..." and not want to participate. Remember, this is a good time to invite them to be the helper and/or leader with the younger siblings or students. Or if they are the youngest, I simply say that since the truth of this activity is so important to our faith, it is worth hearing it again. You may suggest that we might learn something new this year as we explore it together. I know I do each time I read the gospels! These meaningful memories become beautiful threads in the tapestry of our children's spiritual hearts. These windows of opportunities are worth every minute of the investment of our time and energy, as they reap rich dividends… for eternity.
