Download pptx - Making Games in JavaScript

  • 1. Making Games in JavaScript Sam Cartwright Game Programming Instructor Academy of Interactive Entertainment, Sydney
  • 2. Welcome
  • 3. Who am I?
  • 4. Who are you?
  • 5. Topics JavaScript HTML The DOM Rendering Main Loop Animation User Input
  • 6. What is JavaScript?
  • 7. Why HTML5?(making games is hard)
  • 8. Fast Iteration
  • 9. Scripts are data
  • 10. What Type of Games?
  • 11. HTMLbolditalics
  • 12. How do we run code? { printf(hello world);} alert("Hello World");
  • 13. DOMDocument Object Model
  • 14. HTML DOM Tree
  • 15. Rendering
  • 16.
  • 17. 2D Contextvar canvas = document.getElementById("gameCanvas");var context = canvas.getContext("2d");var width = canvas.width;var height = canvas.height;
  • 18. window.setInterval(funciton, delay) window.setInterval(drawFrame(), 1000/30);
  • 19. window.onload = function(){ context.beginPath(); var canvas = document.getElementById(game); context.arc(0.5 * width, ball * height, var context = canvas.getContext(2d); width * radius, 0, Math.PI*2); var width = canvas.width; context.closePath(); var height = canvas.height; context.fill(); var ball = 0.1; var radius = 0.1; context.fillRect(0, wall * height, width, var wall = 0.9; (1-wall) * height); var velocity = 0; }, 1000 * dt);} var dt = 1.0/30.0; var scale = 0.005; window.setInterval(function(){ canvas.width = canvas.width; var gravity = 9.8; velocity = velocity + gravity * dt * scale; ball = ball + velocity; if( (ball + radius) > wall ){ ball = wall - radius; velocity = -velocity; }
  • 20. drawImagevar image = document.createElement("img");image.src = "grass.png";image.onload = function(){drawFrame(context);};function drawFrame(c){ // clear the background with black c.fillStyle = "#000"; c.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); c.drawImage(image, 100, 100);}
  • 21. Tiled Backgroundvar background = new Array(15); function drawFrame(c){ c.fillStyle = "#000";for(var y=0;y