Page 1: Making a Living. I. Lead-in Questions 1.What is the passage mainly about? 2.What does he do for a living? 3.Why does Bill Porter think it worthwhile

Making a Living

Page 2: Making a Living. I. Lead-in Questions 1.What is the passage mainly about? 2.What does he do for a living? 3.Why does Bill Porter think it worthwhile

I. Lead-in Questions

Page 3: Making a Living. I. Lead-in Questions 1.What is the passage mainly about? 2.What does he do for a living? 3.Why does Bill Porter think it worthwhile

1.What is the passage mainly about?1.What is the passage mainly about?2.What does he do for a living?2.What does he do for a living?3.Why does Bill Porter think it 3.Why does Bill Porter think it

worthwhile to work hard day after worthwhile to work hard day after day?day?

Page 4: Making a Living. I. Lead-in Questions 1.What is the passage mainly about? 2.What does he do for a living? 3.Why does Bill Porter think it worthwhile

II. Cultural Notes

1 .Salesmanship

1 .Salesmanship

2.Consumer Promotion 2.Consumer Promotion

Page 5: Making a Living. I. Lead-in Questions 1.What is the passage mainly about? 2.What does he do for a living? 3.Why does Bill Porter think it worthwhile

1 .Salesmanship : Sales promotion is an element of the marketing process that can close the sale of goods or services to a potential customer by providing the incentive to make a positive purchasing decision. Sales promotion, advertising, and salesmanship are the major techniques used in merchandising products to the public. Salesmanship often takes the form of a face-to-face encounter between the buyer and seller;

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the presentation is set up to convince customers that the product on sale is essential to their satisfaction. The lack of personal feedback between buyer and seller is sometimes considered a drawback of the advertising approach. Selling by telephone, although it is significantly less effective than personal selling, is still considered an important method of merchandising. In the 1980s, growing promotional technique involved in-home shopping programs using cable television

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channels. In recent years with the help of the Internet  online shopping is becoming popular.The traveling salesman appeared late in the 19th century both in Europe and in the US. The early itinerant peddler carried his goods on his back or on his horse, working his way from a port city through the hinterlands. With the coming of the railroad and the assurance given to sellers by new credit-reporting systems, salesmen with their sample cases moved across

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the land. Persuasive skill was less important in

those days of unsatisfied demand, and orders were readily forthcoming. By 1900, however, with the increasing supply of manufactured good, buyers became more discriminating in their purchases. Greater attention was given to training the sales force and to providing buyer incentives. The growth of industrialization and urban living led to the development of merchandising as a major business endeavor. The use of sales promotion practices

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experienced steady growth in the 20th century.

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2.Consumer Promotion:

Consumer promotions encompass a wide variety of techniques, including sampling of goods or services, store redeemable “money-off” coupons to encourage the trial of products, special price-reduced packages, mail-in premium merchandise offers, cash or coupon refunds by mail, special product packaging, contests, and sweepstakes. During recessionary

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periods, when the demand for consumer expendable dollars becomes more competitive, there is greater participation in refund, coupon, and premium offers. More than half the households in the US. take advantage of some sales promotion offers each year. Sales promotion, now fully recognized as a vital element in the marketing mix, has become a multibillion dollar industry. In recent years, sales promotion expenditures have exceeded

money spent on advertising and there are

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strong indications that this pattern of growth

will continue to maintain its economic edge.

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III. Language Points

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1. linger vi. spend a long time doing sth.; stay for a long time, esp. because one does not want to leave 磨蹭;留恋徘徊 1)The charm of her voice lingered in my ears. 她那美妙的声音在我耳边回响。 2) He lingered about the school.


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2.scarn.1 A mark left on the skin after a surface

injury or wound has healed.伤疤:表皮的损伤或创伤治愈后,在皮肤上留

下的疤痕The operation left a terrible scar.手术后留下了一道伤疤。2 ) The scar flawed her skin.


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2 . A lingering sign of damage or injury, either mental or physical 创伤:精神或肉体上的创伤或受伤而造成的持久表现

1) nightmares, anxiety, and other enduring scars of wartime experiences.

恶梦、焦灼和因战争经历所造成其他持久性创伤 .there is always a grief in her heart that has left a scar.


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vt. to mark with a scar 使有疤痕1 ) His face was badly scarred after the car accident.这次车祸后他的脸上留下了很深的伤疤。2 ) The cut will scar his face. 这个伤口会在他脸上留下疤痕。vi. to form a scar: 结疤The pustule healed and scarred. 脓包愈合并结疤了。delicate skin scars easily.


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3. betray vt.1to not be loyal to you country or a person who thinks you love or support them, often by doing something harmful such as helping their enemies 出卖 , 背叛 

1)betray one's country 背叛祖国

2)betrayed Christ to the Romans 将耶稣出卖给罗马人

3)He was accused of betraying his country during the war.他因在战争中背叛祖国而遭谴责。

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2To be false or disloyal to: 背信或不忠实,泄露;

1)betrayed their cause 不忠实他们的事业;

2)betray one's better nature 背离善良本性

3)betray a secret 泄露秘密

4)The officer betrayed the secret to his friends.那军官把秘密向朋友泄露了。

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3To make known unintentionally: 无意识地暴露:

1)Her hollow laugh betrayed her contempt for the idea.


2)Her face betrayed her nervousness. 她的面部表情显露出她很紧张。

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4. transfervt. 1 To convey or cause to pass from one place, person,

or thing to another. 转移:传递或使从一个地方、人或事物移到另一地方、人或事物

1)He transferred the money from the box to his pocket.他把钱从箱子拿出来放到了口袋里。

2 ) The company has transferred its main office from New York to Chicago.


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vi.1 To move oneself from one location or job to another.调动:使自己调换地方工作

1 ) They transferred him from New York to a new post in Washington.


2)He has been transferred to the Sales department.他被调到销售部。

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5. lean a. 1 Not fleshy or fat; thin 消瘦的没有肉或脂肪的;瘦的1 ) The wayfarer was lean and keen-featured, and somewhat bowed at the shoulders 这位跋涉者身体瘦削而精干,双肩微微耸起。2 ) A lean and hungry cat came to our door. 一只饥饿的瘦猫走到我家门口。2.Not productive or prosperous; meager 收益差的不生产或不繁荣的;贫瘠的1 ) lean years 歉收的年月2 ) it is surprising that they got a good harvest on the lean land.令人惊讶的是他们在这块贫瘠的土地上获得了大丰收。

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3. Thrifty in management; economical: 节约的,在管理中节俭的;节约的

1 ) Company leaders know their industries must be lean to survive.

公司首脑们知道他们必须节俭才能维持事业 .

2)These requirements should focus on lean manufacturing principles and the link to the effectiveness of the quality management system.


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vi.1 To bend or slant away from the vertical 斜从垂直的位置弯曲或倾斜

1)lean backwards 向后倾斜2)lean out of the window 伸出窗外

To incline the weight of the body so as to be supported: 靠,倚倾斜身体的重量以便获得支撑

1)leaning against the railing. 倚在栏杆上2)lean upon one’s elbows 倚在两肘上

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3To rely for assistance or support: 依靠依靠以获取帮助或支持1 ) Lean on me for help. 依赖我的帮助2 ) lean on a friend’s advice 依赖朋友的忠告

4 to have a tendency or preference: 倾向,喜好有…的趋向或喜好1) a government that leans toward fascism. 有法西斯主义倾向的政府2 ) Do some oriental philosophies lean towards fatalism? 有些东方哲学倾向于宿命论吗?

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6. pledgen. 1 A solemn binding promise to do, give, or refrain from doing something: 诺言,誓言:答应做,给予或避免不做某事的庄重有约束力的允诺:1 ) signed a pledge never to reveal the secret 签署决不泄露秘密的诺言;2 ) a pledge of money to a charity 捐钱给慈善事业的诺言3 ) I give you this ring as a pledge ( =sign ) of my everlasting love for you. 我把这只戒指给你作为永远爱你的信物 .2 Something given or held as security to guarantee payment of a debt or fulfillment of an obligation; the condition of something thus given or held 抵押物 抵押1 ) in pledge 作为抵押2 ) put an article in pledge 以物品作担保

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3 ) a loan that required a pledge of property 需要用财产作质押品的贷款 v.1 To offer or guarantee by a solemn binding promise: 许诺:用庄重有约束力的诺言提出或保证:1 ) pledge loyalty to a nation 向国家许诺忠心2 ) We’ve pledged ourselves to fight for justice. 我们以发誓为正义而战 .2 To bind or secure by or as if by a pledge: 用…担保1 ) pledged themselves to the cause 用他们自己为诉因担保2 ) I pledged my word (of honor) that I would never again get into debt.我以我的名誉担保我今后不会再欠债。

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3 To deposit as security; pawn 抵押 , 作为担保存放;抵押1 ) I pledge my watch.我抵押了我的手表。 2 ) he pledged his house to pay the debt.他抵押了他的住房去还债。 7. retailn. The sale of goods or commodities in small quantities directly to consumers. 零售:直接以小数量售给顾客的货物或商品1)a small retail business 小额零售生意2)sell goods by retail 零售商品at retail 零售 , 以零售价3)He buys at wholesale and sells at retail.他批发买进然后零售卖出。

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adj. Of, relating to, or engaged in the sale of goods or commodities at retail. 零售的:货物和商品零售的、与之有关的或从事零售的1 ) in retail quantities 以零售数量2 ) at a retail price 以零售价格3 ) retail dealers 零售商 v.1To sell in small quantities directly to consumers. 零售:以小数量直接售给顾客1 ) to retail tobacco零售烟叶(常与 at, of 连用)以零售价卖2 ) These shoes retail at $ $ 10.这鞋零售价每双 10 美元。 。

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8. strain vt.1To pull, draw, or stretch tight: 拉紧,拽紧或扯紧:1 ) strained the sheets over the bed 拉紧床上的被单2 ) They strained the wire between the two posts.在两端把绳子拉紧。2To exert or tax to the utmost: 尽量使力:最大限度地施加或给予重担:1 ) straining our ears to hear. 伸长了耳朵去听2 ) to strain one's eye 竭尽全力看3To injure or impair by overuse or overexertion; wrench:扭伤:因使用过度或过量施加而受伤或受损;拧伤:

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1 ) strain a muscle 扭伤肌肉2 ) I strained my back when I lifted the box. 我抬箱子的时候扭了背。4 To stretch or force beyond the proper or legitimate limit: 歪曲:延伸或强迫超过了合适的或合法的限度:1 ) strain a point 歪曲事实2 ) it is useless to strain the fact.再去歪曲事实已经没有什么用处了。5 To embrace or clasp tightly; hug. 紧抱,紧握1 ) She strained the boy to her bosom. 她把孩子紧紧搂在怀里。2 ) the little girl strained her lovely doll.小女孩紧紧地抱住了她的娃娃。

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vi. 1 To make violent or steady efforts; strive hard:不懈:做出极大的或稳定的努力;努力奋斗:1 ) straining to reach the finish line 努力到达终点2 ) They are straining to succeed in their work. 。他们在不懈努力地完成工作。

2 To pull forcibly or violently: 硬拉:用力地或猛烈地拉:1 ) The dog strained at its leash 狗猛拉拴它的绳2 ) straining a rope to a breaking point把绳子拉到快断的地步。

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n. 1 the act of straining , the state of being strained. 拉紧:拉紧的行为 紧张状态:被拉紧的状态1 ) The rope broke under the strain. 绳子被拉断了。2 ) stress state and strain state 应力状态和应变状态2 A great or excessive pressure, demand, or stress on one's body, mind, or resources:压力:对于某人身体,精神或智力的极大的或过度的压力、要求或负担:1 ) the strain of managing both a family and a career. 既要持家又要照顾好工作的巨大负担2 ) Do you suffer from the strain of modern life 你苦于现代生活的紧张吗?

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3 The tone, tenor, or substance of a verbal utterance or of a particular action or behavior:语调、作风:说话或某一特殊行动或行为的口气、声调或内容:

1 ) spoke in a passionate strain. 以一种动感情的声调说2 ) a strain of zealous idealism 一副狂热的理想主义的口吻 3 ) in a dismal strain 以一种忧郁的语调

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9.register vt. be recognized or noted mentally; record a name, an event, etc. for official purposes 被注意到;登记

1)He registered the birth of his child. 他登记了孩子的出生日。2)You must register before you can vote.你在投票前必先登记。

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2To set down in writing; record:记录:写下;记下(机器)显示,记录1)The machine registered how fast we were going. 这台机器指示出我们进行得有多快。2)It is for the historian to discover and register what actually happened发现和记下发生的真实事件是历史学家的任务 .3 to show emotion on one’s face 现出,露出(表情)1)Her face registered anxiety.她脸上现出焦虑的表情。2)He registered irrepressible joy.他流露出压抑不住的喜悦。

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n.record or list 记录,登记薄

1 ) a register of births and deaths出生和死亡记录2 ) The teacher kept a register of the names of the children.这个老师保留了一份孩子们的名册。

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10. profitable adj. 1) Yielding profit; advantageous or lucrative 有利可图的:产生利润的;有利的或赚钱的 1 ) The deal was quite profitable.这比生意会赚很多钱。2 ) This is highly profitable business.这是一本万利的生意。2 useful ,beneficial 有用的,有益的1 ) I don’t think it’s very profitable.我认为这没什么用。2 ) We had a profitable talk.我们进行了一次有益的谈话。

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派生词Profit:n. 1 an advantageous gain or return; benefit.得益:得利或回报;收益 益处,1)I have read it to my profit. 我读了它大有收益。2) This article yields us great profit.这货物对我们产生很大的利益。2The return received on a business undertaking after all operating expenses have been met. 利润:一笔生意中除去所有的运作费用后所得的回报1)This new invention will bring you great profits like a goldmine.

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这项新发明会像一座金矿一样给你们带来利润。2) I can't undertake that you will make a profit.我不能保证你会获利。

11.apply for : make a formal request for 申请1) I’ll apply for the job today.今天我会申请这份工作。2 ) According to the school regulations students will have to apply for permission to study abroad.根据学校的规定,又能留学打算的学生需征得学校的同意。

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12. be laid up with : stay in bed, be unable to work,etc.(因…)卧床休息 ;无法工作

1 ) Our math teacher has been laid up in bed with acute flu for a week.我们的数学老师不得不因急性感冒在家卧床休息一周。2)I have to be laid up with at home because of the operation.我不得不因为手术在家休息。

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13. go off : ( of electric power, a light, etc.) stop functioning or operating 停止, 熄灭

1 ) All the lights suddenly went off and the stadium was plunged into darkness.突然,运动场里的灯光全部都熄灭了,整个运动场陷入了黑暗中。2 ) I didn’t sleep well last night as all the heating went off.昨晚我并没有睡好,因为所有的供暖都停了。

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14.kick up :(cause to )rise踢起, 扬起

1 ) The horses kicked up a cloud of dust.马扬起了一团灰尘。2 ) The boys kicked up the leaves that lay thick upon the ground with the coming of autumn.男孩子们扬起了堆在地上的厚厚的秋天的落叶。

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15. off balance: in an unsteady position or about to fall 不平衡 1 ) The motor cycle knocked him off balance and he fell down on the ground.摩托车撞得他使他失去了平衡摔倒在地。2 ) The sudden pull threw me off balance.这突然的一推使我失去了平衡。

Page 46: Making a Living. I. Lead-in Questions 1.What is the passage mainly about? 2.What does he do for a living? 3.Why does Bill Porter think it worthwhile one’s feet no longer standing 躺着 ,坐着1)After the operation the old man had to stay off his feet.手术后,这个老人不得不躺着。2 ) The doctor checked his left foot carefully and said he would have to stay off his feet for about two weeks.医生仔细地检查了他的左脚,并说他不得不卧床休息两周。

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17.gain on : come closer to, esp. a rival or sth. pursued 逼近 1 ) Hurry up—they are gaining on us.快点,他们追上我们了。2 ) She was gaining on her opponents throughout the race, but only overtook them at the very end.整个比赛过程中,她始终是跟在对手后面跑,但在临近终点处她超过了她们。

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IV. Comprehension IV. Comprehension


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1. Text Organization 1. Text Organization

Parts ParagraphsTime of the Day Bill’s Activities

1 Paras 1-7 early morning

preparation for the day’s work

2 Paras 8-25 mid-morning

on his way to work

3 Paras 26-62 day door-to-door selling

4 Paras 63-84 evening paper work

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2. Main Idea2. Main Idea


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The text tells us Bill Porter, a crippled salesman’s story. To be a salesman, he endures more pains than general people can. However, in the end, he succeeds in making a living as a door-to-door salesman. The author describes Bill’s experience in details on a stormy day: after a long and miserable journey, he only sells one laundry soap, and in the evening what is waiting foe him in his house is just solitude and loneliness. It is the life that a salesman, Bill Porter, lives.

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3. 3. Paraphase Paraphase .

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1. He could linger under the covers, ... He could stay in bed for a longer time,…

2.But his dead mother’s challenge echoes in his soul. So too, do the voices of those who believed him stupid, incapable of living independently.

But his dead mother’s encouragement will appear in his mind. also the voices of those people who thought of him stupid and not able to live independently.

Page 54: Making a Living. I. Lead-in Questions 1.What is the passage mainly about? 2.What does he do for a living? 3.Why does Bill Porter think it worthwhile

3. And his enemies---a crippled body that betrays him and a changing world that no longer needs him ---are gaining on him.

His disabled body that was loyal to him was the enemy to his life. The developing world made his useless in the society. And all this were coming closer to him and threatening him.

4.On the 7:45bus that stops across the street, he leaves his briefcase next to the driver and finds a seat in the middle of a pack of bored teenagers.

On the 7:45bus that stops on the opposite side of the street, he leaves his briefcase next to the driver and finds a seat in the middle of a group of teenagers who feel very bored.

Page 55: Making a Living. I. Lead-in Questions 1.What is the passage mainly about? 2.What does he do for a living? 3.Why does Bill Porter think it worthwhile

5. They don’t realize Porter’s afraid someone will steal his briefcase, with the glasses, brochures, order forms and clip- on tie that he needs to survive.

They don’t know that Porter is afraid that somebody will steal the things he needs to live on, including his briefcase, the glasses, brochures, order forms and a tie that he can fasten with a clip.

6.His mother explained how the delivery had been difficult, how the doctor had used an instrument that crushed a section of his brain and caused cerebral palsy, a disorder of the nervous system that affects his speech, hands and walk.

His mother explained how the process of his birth had been difficult, how the doctor had used an instrument that damaged a part of his brain and caused cerebral palsy, a disorder of the nervous system that affects his speech, hands and walk.

Page 56: Making a Living. I. Lead-in Questions 1.What is the passage mainly about? 2.What does he do for a living? 3.Why does Bill Porter think it worthwhile

7. His mind was trapped in a body that didn’t work.

His mind could not work normally because of his disabled body that didn’t work as normally as others.

8. Then the word “no” does not register. At that time, it seems that Porter could not hear

the word “no”. 9.He is a weary man who knows his days—no

matter what his intentions—are numbered. He is very tired and he knows he may not live for

a long time, no matter he is willing or not.

Page 57: Making a Living. I. Lead-in Questions 1.What is the passage mainly about? 2.What does he do for a living? 3.Why does Bill Porter think it worthwhile

4. Grammar 4. Grammar  .

Page 58: Making a Living. I. Lead-in Questions 1.What is the passage mainly about? 2.What does he do for a living? 3.Why does Bill Porter think it worthwhile

Appositive phrase: is a type of noun phrase that follows the noun or pronoun it modifies and amplifies or restricts its meaning. The sentence in our text “.his mother explained how the delivery had been difficult, how the doctor had used an instrument that crushed a section of his brain and caused cerebral palsy, a disorder of the nervous system that affects his speech, hands and walk." the italic part in this sentence is an appositive phrase. Appositive phrases are similar to relative clauses; to avoid wordiness, relative clauses can often be reduced to appositive phrases.

Page 59: Making a Living. I. Lead-in Questions 1.What is the passage mainly about? 2.What does he do for a living? 3.Why does Bill Porter think it worthwhile

5. 5.  Rhetorical Device Rhetorical Device     .

Page 60: Making a Living. I. Lead-in Questions 1.What is the passage mainly about? 2.What does he do for a living? 3.Why does Bill Porter think it worthwhile

1. Hyperbaton: it means "separation of words which belong together, often to emphasize the first of the separated words or to create a certain image". the sentence in our text” but his dead mother’s challenge echoes in his soul. So too, do the voices of those who believed him stupid, incapable of living independently.” just utilizes this kind of rhetorical device.

2.Personification: a figure of speech in which a thing, quality or idea is represented as a person, it can make the sentence more vivid. For example, the sentence in our text “ headaches are constant visitors”, here the word “headache” is personified into a visitor, which sounds more vivid.

3.Metaphor: implied comparison achieved through a figurative use of words; the word is used not in its literal sense, but in one analogous to it. The sentence “he smells blood” in our text just has the implication that Bill is like a beast waiting to hunt its prey.

Page 61: Making a Living. I. Lead-in Questions 1.What is the passage mainly about? 2.What does he do for a living? 3.Why does Bill Porter think it worthwhile

  6. Writing Technique6. Writing Technique      


Page 62: Making a Living. I. Lead-in Questions 1.What is the passage mainly about? 2.What does he do for a living? 3.Why does Bill Porter think it worthwhile

This article first appeared in a newspaper; therefore it carries many characteristics of journalistic writing.

First al all, a journalist tires to be objective in reporting. As a result, third-person narrative is usually preferred over first-person narrative. Moreover, the journalist would not make any comments to reveal his/her feelings, but simply give the facts.

Secondly, an eye-catching beginning helps lure readers to linger more on the story out of an overwhelming number of stories offered by the day’s newspaper. For example, at the beginning of this story, we learn that it takes out physically deformed hero great efforts to get up so as to do something important, yet what is this something? We are kept in suspense until the fourth paragraph.

Page 63: Making a Living. I. Lead-in Questions 1.What is the passage mainly about? 2.What does he do for a living? 3.Why does Bill Porter think it worthwhile

Thirdly, the vocabulary is simple, the sentences and paragraphs short, sometimes elliptical (see after-text exercise on ellipsis.) when needs (for emphasis, to list a series of rapidly conducted activities, etc.) arise, aparagraph is as short as one sentence.

Lastly, conversations can be transcribed word for word if they illustrate the theme, like the one in the text between Bill Porter and his indecisive female customer.

Page 64: Making a Living. I. Lead-in Questions 1.What is the passage mainly about? 2.What does he do for a living? 3.Why does Bill Porter think it worthwhile

V. Post-reading Discussions

Page 65: Making a Living. I. Lead-in Questions 1.What is the passage mainly about? 2.What does he do for a living? 3.Why does Bill Porter think it worthwhile

1.what can you learn from the passage?1.what can you learn from the passage?2.would you rather have a low paid job that is interesting or 2.would you rather have a low paid job that is interesting or a well paid job that is boring? Why? a well paid job that is boring? Why?3.what is your plan after you leave school?3.what is your plan after you leave school?

Page 66: Making a Living. I. Lead-in Questions 1.What is the passage mainly about? 2.What does he do for a living? 3.Why does Bill Porter think it worthwhile