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Page 1: Maine


By: Kaitlyn

Page 2: Maine





Maine is in the Northeastern corner of the U.S.A. Near by is a town called Eastport that lies farther east than any U. S town or city. Maine is the largest of the New England states in the area and has a BEAUTIFUL view of the Atlantic Ocean, cozy light houses, quiet fishing villages, nice sandy beaches, thousands of islands of shore, and the Acidia National Park also they are some of the many wonders of Maine. Forest cover up to 90% of Maine. I WANT TO GO TO MAINE!!

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INDUSTRIES AND RECOURSES Major industries are agriculture(mostly potatoes), shipbuilding, and fishing, but are not the only ones very major. Footwear, machinery, electronics, and tourism follow. Recourses are eggs, salmon, cattle, hogs, sheep and turkeys but like industries the aren’t the only ones. Crops are another part of their recourses potatoes, corn, hay, oats, grains, peas, dry beans, apples, broccoli, and (finally) many different berries. Those are a lot!!!!

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WHAT REPRESENTS MAINE?!The state bird is a Black –Capped Chickadee. Also the state insect is a honey bee. Next is the state cat that looks like my cat ( not any more because we had to shave her) The Maine-Coon Cat. Moose are the animal of Maine. YUMM!.. BLUEBERRIES are the state berries. The state land lock is salmon and the state herb is a Wintergreen. Last but not least the state fossil is 6 FEET TALL! That’s taller than I am!

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In the winter time it is an average of 11f . The summer is usually 78.9f.

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