Download pptx - Main task


Main Task Progression– EvidenceFront CoverStep-by-step

Initially I added my models and I added in my tile so that I could get the basic layout of how I wanted my front cover for my music magazine.

Here I added a cover line story with a picture that corresponds with the story. The other thing that I have added is the social media links the QR barcode is made so that it will go to a personal blog.

Here Is my final version of my front over page for the music magazine it has 2 cover story lines, it also ha a strap line on the top. After getting many feedback I had to change a few things to make it look professional.

Here Is my final version of my front over page for the music magazine it has 2 cover story lines, it also ha a strap line on the top. After getting many feedback I had to change a few things to make it look professional.

Main Task Progression– EvidenceContents


Initially I had to think where I would place my model on the page, I then also thought where I should put the title so that they both fit together.

After I had figured out the position of the model I then started to add in the titles of the page and the sections on the page. I also add a white box so that I could add a photo on top of it.

After that I started to add my title for every page, after this I then started to explain a little statement about what is in each section. I then added the editor details.

This is my final version of the contents page for my music magazine. After getting feedback from peers I have had to change a few things I had to change the size of the model and the size of the titles so that everything fits together and all works.

Main Task Progression– EvidenceDouble Page Spread


Initially I just wanted to find out how I would place my close up shot on the double page spread and how big that I should make the picture.

Once I worked this out I then had the basis of my double page spread, I then started to add my logo and I started to add the name of the people from the interview, this left me with space on the right hand side which allowed me to enter the text from which I got from the interview.

This is final version for my double page spread I evenly spread out my text so that the text looks professional. I made the questions in one color and the answers in another. Both the picture and the text link together and looks very neat and professional.

This is final version for my double page spread I evenly spread out my text so that the text looks professional. I made the questions in one color and the answers in another. Both the picture and the text link together and looks very neat and professional.