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Estefany Pérez 11 Valery Gutiérrez 10

Azucena Hernández 09 Jennifer González 07

Paula Gómez 06

Dania Banegas 03

Religions: Buddhism, Taoism, Islam,

Catholicism, Christianity.

The traditional Chinese family has a hierarchical order with

the man as the head of the family tagged with the

responsibility for earning the bread of his family.

The roles adopted by the members of the family in Chinese

society have been greatly influenced by religion.

Evenings and weekends are free to explore cultural and

natural attractions around the host community.

Chinese youth will spend their leisure time going to karaoke,

shopping in the city, or eating on the streets with friends.

The workday in the industry is from Monday to Monday.

Begins at 8 A.M. ending at 23 or 24 hours depending on

each company.

The days of rest per month are scarce: may be the last shift

of the Sunday or twice a month, in addition to full week in the New Year, week of the worker (1 May).

Legislative power is vested in both the government and parliament.

Takes place in a framework of a semi-presidential representative democratic republic, whereby the President is head of state and the Premier (President of the Executive Yuan) is head of government, and of a dominant party system.

Executive power is exercised by the government.

Catholicism, Protestant, Christianity, Eastern Orthodox and many more.

In rural Guatemala, it is not unusual for women to have as many as 10 children, beginning in their teens and continuing into their 40s. That can take a big physical a big physical and inside problems in mothers. In Guatemala it is quite common to have an extend family.

Soccer, although is more than a passion

than a pastime. Baseball is becoming

more popular all the time.

Family gatherings and visits.

Gardening and fruit raising.

Music and dancing. Festivals and

parades also go to a parties etc.

The production of branded clothing for export to the U.S.


Executive power is exercised by the government.

Legislative power is vested in both the government and the Congress of the Republic.

The judiciary is independent of the executive and the legislature.

Christianism, Muslim, Hindu, Jew, Sikh, Buddhist.

The family in Britain is changing. The once typical British family headed by two parents has undergone substantial changes during the twentieth century.

In particular there has been a rise in the number of single-person households.

An Euro stat survey, the EU's statistical office,

discovered that people in Britain spend about

45% of their free time watching television, 24%

of their free time socializing, 22-23% on sport

and hobbies, and 10% on other activities.

Other popular leisure activities are listening to

the radio, listening to pre-recorded.

The administration of London is made up of two levels: strategic city-wide and a local.

The city administration is coordinated by the Greater London Authority (GLA) and the local administration is managed by another 33 smaller authorities.

In London the Work Foundation is part of Lancaster University – an alliance that enables both Partner benefits.

Working in partnership with The Work Foundation brings lasting benefits to your company, while also helping to influence the future of work for the benefit of the individual employee, firms and the UK's future economic prosperity.

United States is officially a state, the First Amendment guarantees the free exercise of religion and forbids the establishment of any religious governance.

The adults in the United States identify themselves as Christians.

A families are purely affective united by bonds rather than blood or legal. Among these households are households headed by members who maintain stable non-marital conjugal relations, with or without children. The International Family Day is celebrated on 15 mayo.3 The family is considered the foundation of society.

America is about creating jobs unconventional to the large number of unemployed.

Most factories to process labor intensive are locating in China or somewhere in Asia with salaries below $ 10.

Other companies with vision completely wrong, try to reduce its workforce.

Moreover, production technologies without employees, computers, horizontal structures, increases productivity and the machines that do the work routine mechanical or workers, are causing many jobs prove unnecessary.

Legislative branch: Its function is to create federal law, make declarations of war, approve treaties, administer public funds and has the power of impeachment.

Executive: The president is the commander in chief of the military, can veto bills before they become law officers and appoints the members of the Cabinet.

Judiciary: The Supreme Court and lower federal courts, whose judges are appointed by the president with Senate approval, interpret laws and suppress those considered unconstitutional.

You have the possibility to try many sports during your year in the USA, for instance American football, baseball, basketball, swimming, golf, tennis and skiing. After school you will meet your coach and team mates for a couple of hours' training.

The schools in the USA offer considerably more spare time activities than most European do.

The predominant religion is Roman

Catholic Christianity, but also tolerate

different Protestant denominations such

as Protestants, Adventists, Jehovah's

Witnesses, Methodists, Presbyterians, etc.

Parallel Santeria, or Regla de Ocha, is

established as a recognized religion.

The population of Cuba has very complex origins and intermarriage between diverse groups is general.

The Institute for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies at the University of Miami says that 62% is black, whereas statistics from the Cuban census state that 65.05% of the population was white in 2002.

Estimates of the percentage of people of African descent in the Cuban population vary enormously, ranging from 33.9 per cent to 62 per cent

By 2006, public sector employment was

78% and private sector 22%, compared to

91.8% to 8.2% in 1981.

The Cuban government sets most prices

and rations goods.

Any firm wishing to hire a Cuban must pay

the Cuban government, which in turn will

pay the employee in Cuban pesos.

Cuban music is very rich and is the most commonly known expression of culture.

The central form of this music is son, which has been the basis of many other musical styles like salsa, rumba and mambo and an upbeat derivation of the rumba, the cha-cha-cha.

Rumba music originated in early Afro-Cuban culture.

The Supreme Court of Cuba serves as the nation's highest judicial branch of government.

Cuba's national legislature, the National Assembly of People's Power is the supreme organ of power.

The assembly meets twice a year; between sessions legislative power is held by the 31 member Council of Ministers.

All Cuban citizens over 16 who have not been convicted of a criminal offense can vote.


As you can see, the work between these countries are several

differences, for example in China the workday in some industries is from

Monday to Monday but in USA labor schedule it’s usually from Monday to

Friday. But in Guatemala almost people work at manufacturer

company developed branded clothing for export to the USA, also in

some places of Guatemala they work in agriculture and export products to

over the world. In Cuba the government sets most prices and

rations goods because they have a political system on the contrary in

London the Work Foundation is part of Lancaster University – an alliance that enables both Partner benefits. Working

in partnership with The Work Foundation brings lasting benefits to your company, while also helping to influence the future of work for the benefit of the individual employee, firms and the UK's future economic



The lifes of the families in every country are different. The traditional

Chinese family has a hierarchical order with the man as the head of

the family tagged with the responsibility for bringing the bread

for his family. In rural Guatemala, it is not unusual for women have a lot of children, beginning in their teenage and continuing into their 40 years.

That can take a big physical toll on mothers. In Guatemala it is quite

common to have an extend family. The family in Britain is changing.

Typical British family headed by two parents has undergone substantial

changes during the twentieth century. In USA Families are purely affective united by bonds rather

than blood or legal. Among headed by members who maintain stable

non-marital conjugal relations, with or without children. The population of Cuba has very complex origins

and intermarriage relationships between diverse groups is general. There is disagreement about racial


Spare Time

Nowadays people have a lot of work but in their spare time people enjoy and spend at with their family.The people in the

spare time they like make sport, such as

soccer because soccer is the most popular sport in many countries. Some

countries prefer dancing, going to

karaokes, shopping in the city, or eating

outside or junk food with friends

Main religions

There are some countries that have their own religions and have

different beliefs. Also have in common the Christian religion. But

others have different ways of serving their God. The clothing

and praise showed God respect. In different countries every person

has the right to choose their religion and their beliefs. To love and respect God in all places

they have to do.


The most countries’ politics are democratic, in some cases China

turns communist, but predominates democratic. There are powers that makes it work in

perfects conditions. Also the Executive Power is exercised by

the government. For example, the administration of London is made

up of two levels: strategic city-wide and a local. But London is not only a democratic country, also is heading by a monarchy, namely, directed by Catholic Kings. Some purposes of the

government are to create federal laws, makes declarations of war

and also pace, etc.

Alan works in the claims department of a major hospital. Paperwork on a recent admission shows that a traumatic mugging caused the patient to require an adjustment in the medication she is prescribed to control anxiety and mood swings. Alan is struck by the patient’s unusual last name and upon checking her employment information realizes she is one of his daughter’s grade school teachers. Alan’s daughter seems very happy in her school and he cannot violate patient confidentiality by informing the school of a teacher’s mental illness but he is not comfortable with a potentially unstable person in a position of influence and supervision over his eight year old daughter. Can Alan reconcile these issues in an ethical manner?


He does not want that his daughter received

classes with a teacher’s mental illness for the

influence that will occur. The solution should be

that Alan’s daughter go to another school, because he is worried and he only want to protect

her, and he cannot provide confidential

information to the school.


Alan have to set the problem with the authority

explaining that there is a teacher mental illness teaching in such school, because maybe will

occur an unwanted problem.


Alan can provide this information to the Director of

the school to keep welfare of the students.

Because the Law permit to give information

authorized by the commissioner for protecting



Alan should resign his job, and he would go to the school to let it know the illness of the patient in

confidential way.


Taking into account the law this solution will be

supported because at the end of each contract,

there will usually be a confidentiality clause that all

the information is confidential doesn’t matter what

kind information it is because the misplacement of

it will be punishable by law.
