Transcript Page 1

Extended Edition Page 2

Introduction You might not realize it, but the maid of honor—or even a bridesmaid—can play an important role in a wedding ceremony. Next to the bride and the groom (and possibly their parents), everyone is looking at you and paying attention to what you do. In fact, it has become common for the maid of honor and even bridesmaids to give speeches at weddings. And if you find yourself in this position, then you must make an effort to prepare, so that you can do an excellent job on your friend’s special day. Now, when it comes to the maid of honor ‘s speech or to a bridesmaid’s speech, there are a couple of things to keep in mind. The first is that you will typically be giving a toast, rather than delivering a speech (in contrast to what the father of the bride and the best man will do). The next thing to keep in mind is that your speech should be focused on your friend entirely. Just as the best man will focus the bulk of his speech on the groom, you will need to provide a toast that is fitting for the bride. Not surprisingly, it can be a challenging endeavor to write a maid of honor or bridesmaid’s speech. And that is exactly why I have written this guide for people like you. In the remaining sections, I will provide exact templates for maid of honor and bridesmaid’s speeches. All you need to do is alter the templates to make them fit your particular situation. Once you have done that, delivering a good speech is a simple matter of practicing what you have until you feel comfortable with it. You may even want to hold a champagne flute in your hand as you say it; and you may even want to practice saying it in front of others. When it comes to delivering the maid of honor or bridesmaid’s speech, you have a number of options in terms of the mood and tone that you can adopt. For instance, you could craft a sentimental speech that is intended to elicit emotion. Or you could create a humorous tone that fosters light-heartedness and levity. We will consider a number of the possibilities that you have in the templates given below.

With all of this said, let’s get into the templates. Page 3

Maid of Honor Speech -Sentimental Toast Let me first say that it’s an honor to have the opportunity to give a toast for my friend of [number of years you have been friends with bride], [name of bride]. She is truly an amazing person and I couldn’t be happier that she found such a great match; and that they’re tying the knot today. For those of you who don’t know me well, you might wonder how [name of bride and I] became friends initially. Well, the answer to that question is actually quite funny. You see, [tell charming anecdote about how you and the bride became friends]. Yes, it’s funny, but that’s how we met. And ever since, we’ve been close friends. Now, how about [name of groom]? Isn’t he wonderful? Isn’t he handsome, charming, and witty? Yes, he is all of these things; and that is exactly what made me so jealous when [name of bride] met him. Not only was I jealous that she had found a truly meaningful relationship, but I was worried that I would get pushed out! That’s always how these things seem to work: the girl falls in love with the guy and slowly falls out of touch with her friends. As [name of bride] told me more and more about this guy she met and was dating, I became more and more sure that this would eventually happen. But to my surprise, it didn’t. Instead, I made another great friend, [name of groom], who is truly an amazing match for my best friend. And that’s when I stopped being jealous and started being happy for my old friend and my new friend. You guys are truly meant for each other; and I love you both. Now, let’s lift up our glasses and toast. To the happiness of the bride and groom. Cheers! Page 4

Maid of Honor Speech -Sentimental Toast Let me first thank everyone for attending. I know both the bride and the groom are honored to have all of the most important people in their lives here with them today. And even if they don’t get the chance to tell you all that individually, they mean it. Most of you probably don’t know this, but I first met [name of bride] in [year you two met]. It seems like a long time ago now, but I can still remember the day clearly. [Tell an anecdote about how you met the bride. Keep it brief, but make it charming and include some details]. It’s truly amazing that after all of these years. After middle school, high school, college, and now our adult lives, we have remained close friends. I can remember [name of bride] still [give anecdote about something you remember about the bride when she was young]. When [name of bride] first told me about [name of groom], I wasn’t sure how to react. He sounded great initially, but sometimes the worst guys do. They have a way of laying it on thick early and then leaving fast. But not [name of groom]. Over time, the things that [name of bride] said about [name of groom] just got better and better. In fact, after only weeks from the day I first heard about him, I could tell that he was for real. I could tell that he wasn’t an undercover bad guy, but was truly someone who could made [name of bride] happy for the rest of their lives. So I held my breath and waited. I hoped everything would work out. And what I witnessed was breath-taking. Over the course of months and years, their relationship blossomed into mature, caring, and loving relationship. I knew that it would only be a matter of time before they finally tied the knot. And here I am today giving the toast. I love you both. Now, let’s all lift our glasses for the bride and groom. To their everlasting happiness and love for each other. Cheers! Page 5

Maid of Honor Speech -Sentimental Toast Before I get started, I want to say something on behalf of the bride, who asked me to say this earlier: all of the bridesmaids and groomsmen look stunning tonight. And the bride wants you to know that she has happy that you all were able to be here tonight to share this moment with her and her husband. Now, let me tell you a little bit about my friends, [names of bride and groom]. Some of you may not know this, but they met when [Tell story about how the bride and group met. Keep it detailed, but brief. Some people may not know this, so it will make a good anecdote]. After a matter of months, it was clear that they were in love; and I had no doubt in my mind that they’d end up married. And here they are today—doing just that. But before we toast, let me tell you a little more about my friend, [name of bride]. She wasn’t always in a loving, devoted relationship like the one you see now. In fact, I can remember when [Tell embarrassing story about the bride before she met the groom, but keep it appropriate]. Yes, I guess a lot of things have changed. But one thing I’m confident will not change is the love that these two share for each other. I have had the privilege of witnessing them grow close for more than [amount of years you have known bride], and let me tell you: they’re truly meant for each other. To the bride and groom: may your love grow stronger over time. May you have many years together. And may you never forget why you fell in love. Cheers! Page 6

Maid of Honor Speech -Sentimental/Funny Toast What’s so great about marriage? That’s what [name of the bride] always used to ask me. She didn’t see why getting married was a good idea. After a while, relationships get old and boring and musty. And men stop caring. That’s what she told me, anyway. Deep down, though, I knew she didn’t think that was true. I knew that she was hoping for the right guy; and that it would just be a matter of time before she found him. And then that day came. It was the day she met [name of groom]. It all started out normally. She went about her gloomy business without ever realizing that that day was the day she would meet her husband. And then [Tell funny story about how the two met]. When she called me that night, I could tell that she didn’t just initiate another relationship that was destined for the incinerator. For the first time in a long time, I could tell that she was hopeful. I could tell she had met someone who truly meant a lot to her. So I gave it some time. I waited to see how things would pan out. Would she fall for him? Or would things fall apart? To keep a long story short, here we are today. Over the years, their relationship grew, became robust, and matured. They fell in love; and she gave up her cynicism about relationships. And I couldn’t be happier for my best friend and her new hubby. Let’s all raise a glass to them. May you be happy and maintain your steadfast love for each other for all the days of your lives. Cheers! Page 7

Maid of Honor Speech -Funny Toast Let me start by thanking everyone for coming out here tonight. On behalf of the bride and groom—who have both encouraged me to say this—it is great to have you all here. It is amazing that you all drove such long distances and some even flew. I expect that many you plan to recoup some of those travel expenses through the open bar, but even so, thank you for being here. Now, to the bride, my best friend of [number of years you have known bride]. We first met when were only in [grade you were in when you met bride], but since then, we’ve grown up together. We’ve been study buddies, partners in crime, listeners, talkers, and, yes, let’s face it—gossipers. We’ve shared secrets, and even though we promised each other we wouldn’t tell anyone else, we did. Wait. Maybe that was just me. Sorry. Anyway, you know I love you. And you know that I wouldn’t accept anything less for you than the best. And that’s exactly why I tried to cry out at the ceremony when the [minister/priest] asked if anyone had any objections. By your bridesmaids gagged me. You truly choose them well. In all seriousness, [groom’s name], is a great guy. Before you two met, I was really starting to worry that you would grow into an old maid who never got the change to experience true love, but when you met [groom’s name], that all came to an end. I knew immediately that you two were in love; and it was something that would last. Things don’t always work out as we wish they would, so I held my tongue. I waited and I hoped that everything would work out. And it did. You and this wonderful guy are getting married today. And here I am, toasting you as the maid of honor. Well, I won’t say anything more. I love you two and I hope that your marriage grows stronger each year. May you love grow boundlessly and may you come to know and understand each other better with every passing day. Cheers! Page 8

Maid of Honor Speech -Funny Toast When [name of bride] picked me to be her maid of honor, she probably thought about how we grew up together. How we attended grade school together, studied and played together in middle school, experienced and survived teenage drama together in high school, and maintained a strong and lasting friendship throughout college and throughout our adult lives. Yes, [name of bride] must have thought that I would have more charming anecdotes about her than anyone else she knew. And she was right. What she didn’t realize is that I have also presided over her most embarrassing moments, including the ones she probably doesn’t want me to announce in front of all of her family members and friends. Well, too bad. You should have done a better job with the maid of honor screening process. So what should you know about [bride’s name]? Let’s start with one embarrassing tale [Tell embarrassing, but endearing and appropriate, story about the bride before she met her husband]. But in all seriousness, I’m thrilled to be here tonight and to have the chance to toast this woman, my best friend and the owner of a beautiful new husband. You’re the best friend a person could ever hope for. I’m truly lucky to have you. But more importantly, you and [groom] are lucky to have each other. As [bride’s name]’s best friend, I watched this relationship grow from its early stages into a beautiful, fully-blossomed, and mature union between two individuals. I’m happy to finally be here today, watching them tie the knot and make a life-long commitment to each other. May you to remain happy and healthy—and may your love for each other grow without bound. To the bride and the groom. Cheers! Page 9

Bridesmaid Speech -Funny Toast I was told that anyone can deliver a toast tonight, so that’s exactly what I’m going to do. But before I do that, I want to voice my concern about the maid of honor selection process. I’m still not sure how I wasn’t picked, since I am clearly [name of bride]’s best friend. The process must have been rigged; and I can only hope this matter will be investigated. But in all seriousness, I’m just happy to be here today and to be in the wedding party. I love you both, [bride’s name and groom’s name]. And I hope the two of you have a long, loving, and health marriage for years to come. To the bride and groom. Cheers! Bridesmaid Speech -Funny Toast Some say that love isn’t everything, but without love, everything is nothing. I think that’s a stupid cliché, but it sure makes for a nice ice-breaker when you need to deliver a toast. [Bride’s name], I love you and I’m glad you asked me to be a bridesmaid. Being the maid of honor would have been too much of a strain on my schedule, so I’m glad you were able to understand why I had to decline; and instead appointed your second best friend, [name of maid of honor]. I’m joking of course. But I’m not trying to be funny when I say this: you and [groom’s name] were meant for each other. I knew this when you two first starting seeing each other; and it just became clearer and clearer over time. You are two of a kind; and there is simply no better match for you guys other than each other. Congratulations again. I love you both. To your health and to a long, loving marriage. Cheers! Page 10

Bridesmaid Speech -Sentimental Toast Has anyone ever seen such a lovely bride? I’m going to try not to get emotional, but it is hard not to when my best friend is finally tying the knot with such a wonderful man. I still remember when you first told me about [groom’s name]. My thought was this: men come and go. Who knows if this will last or not, but for now, he seems to be making her very happy. After the weeks and months passed and the relationship held strong, I knew this wasn’t just another boyfriend. I knew this wasn’t just a fling. This was a solid, lasting relationship. A match between two people who truly loved each other; and who very well may spend the rest of their lives together. And, now, here I am today, witnessing the final step. The biggest commitment two individuals could make to each other. My best friend and this man—who has transformed her life for the better in so many ways—are finally getting married. I love you both and hope that you have a long and happy marriage. To the bride and groom. Cheers! Bridesmaid Speech -Sentimental Toast On behalf of the bride, I would like to thank you all for coming out here tonight. I know she didn’t get to say it, but she asked me to tell you all when I toasted. So thank you. I remember when I first learned about [groom’s name]. [Bride] wouldn’t stop babbling about him. She told me how handsome he was, how intelligent he was, how wonderful it was to talk to him and to hold hands with him. If there’s such a thing, it really was love at first sight. Not long after they met, they knew they were right for each other. And I knew they were right for each other, too. I couldn’t be happier to be here tonight to witness their marriage. They deserve it. They deserve to be together forever. They’re the perfect matches for each other. With that said, let’s raise a glass to the bride and groom. To [names of bride and groom], may you always be healthy and happy, may your love for each other endure hardships over the years, and may you grow closer over time. Cheers! Page 11

Maid of Honor Speech -Life Long Friends Good evening, friends and family of _______________ and _____________________. What a beautiful reception for a gorgeous couple! I am pleased to be able to share some memories of my friend, __________________________, with you tonight. In case it wasn’t obvious, I am _______________ maid of honor. We have known each other since elementary school when big hair was the fashion and bodysuits were all the rage. Thank goodness we no longer succumb to bad fashion trends. ____________ and I have been through a lot together. Sometimes our relationship was like a candy store, sweet and bubbly. But as we got older and our personalities started to conflict, we were known to battle against each other quite brutally. I remember the time I attached a sign to ______________’s back that said “Pull my tale.” She had an irresistibly long ponytail when we were in 8th grade, I couldn’t resist. I thought it was funny. She thought smacking me in the head with her notebook was funnier. But as best friends often do, we learned a lot from each other. First, I learned you should always tell your best friend if you are going to use them as an excuse for staying out late at night with a boy. That way when the best friend’s mom calls to talk to her daughter, you are not a deer caught in the headlights wondering how to explain why you have no idea where her daughter is. Sorry, Mrs. ______________ for putting you through such hell. Lesson Number Two – Never like the same boy. Never. Enough said. Lesson Number Three – Good friends are invaluable. Over the 20 years that we have been friends there have been numerous acquaintances that have stumbled in and out of our lives. We have had good times with these friends, but a true friend is the one that you will still be hashing out memories with when you are living in the same nursing home. Lastly, the biggest lesson that _______________ has taught me is that it is okay to open up your heart to love. I remember the first time that ______________ kissed ______________. She was a wreck of over-the-top emotion. Having had my heart broken a few times, I didn’t get what all the fuss was about. Love was fleeting. But ________________ insisted that I stop being so pessimistic. True love existed. And here we are today witnessing the love between ________________ and ________________. When _______________ and _________________ started getting serious, I was jealous of him for taking my friend away from me. But I forgive you, ___________________. True friendship can withstand bad hairstyles, petty disagreements and even husbands. You make _________________ the happiest girl in the world. May your adoration for each other never cease to grow. Congratulations, you two! We love you so very much! Page 12

Maid of Honor Speech -Memories Welcome everyone to the marriage extravaganza of ______________ and __________________. Who agrees that the ceremony was fantastic? ____________________ looks priceless in her gown and even ___________________ cleaned-up nicely in that dapper tux. Well done! As I stood beside _________________ during today’s ceremony, I had a difficult time concentrating on the nuptials. I know I was suppose to be present, in the moment, mindful of my duties as maid of honor; keeping track of her train, providing tissues when the tears became a hindrance, calling a taxi if she decided to run for it at the last moment. So much responsibility was resting on my shoulders and still my mind kept wandering to years ago when ___________________ and I were little girls playing wedding day with Barbie and Ken. __________________________ you always envisioned how awesomely wonderful this day would be. Remember when we were teenagers? You would stand in front of the newsstand and drool over the bridal magazines telling me every single detail of how your wedding would be planned. You knew exactly how your wedding, your life would transpire. I remember the day you met ____________________. Your spirit glowed brighter from the moment he said hello. After only a couple dates, you finally bought one of those bridal magazines. I scolded you for being too presumptuous. Who realizes that soon they have met their soul mate. You did. You bought that magazine that day and told me, without a doubt, you were convinced _________________ was The One. You were right. Best friends are always there for each other and marriage will not change that fact. I will always be here for you. Never more than a phone call away. While tonight may end, I hope that the party will continue throughout the rest of your lives together. May your marriage be a never-ending fiesta filled with bright colored streamers and an endless array of brilliance. May your love color the world and encourage all of those around you to want to experience a love as bold as the love you two have for each other. May your love be an example to friends and family to show them what it means for two people to truly love one another completely. Embrace this day and know that all of your dreams have come true! May you spend the rest of your days realizing more dreams and achieving them together. Friends and family, raise your glasses and let’s toast ______________ and ________________ wishing them a lifetime of happiness together. Page 13

Maid of Honor Speech -Silly Hello, everyone! My name is ____________ and I am the maid of honor. I still can’t help giggling when I say those words. Maybe I shouldn’t have stopped by the open bar before the reception officially got started. Seriously, those words - maid of honor - it makes me sound like royalty when all I am is the luckiest girl in the world to have a friend who thinks so highly of me. It is my honor to be able to be here tonight and to share my feelings about my dear friend, ________________. First, I have to compliment _____________ on her gown. You look like a princess! I know that I was with you for every fitting and this is the same gown, but it is so different seeing wear it at the altar and in this reception hall than in dressing area at the Bridal Boutique. I hope ______________ knows how lucky a man he is tonight. When contemplating what I was going to say tonight, I figured I should include some marital advice. Advice like: Never go to bed angry. Make him talk about his feelings over and over and over until he

crumbles from exhaustion and admits you were right from the very beginning. A new pair of shoes is always a necessary expense. An designer bag usually is, too. Do not tell your wife you will “baby-sit” the children or can look forward to many nights

free of potential baby-making fun. Always ask for directions. It doesn’t make you weak, but driving around in circles for two

hours does make you look stupid. But this advice seems trite. And what experience do I have with marriage? I don’t even own a dog. I have heard that marriage is a roller coaster ride. Hang on for dear life! But I think that marriage should be a thrill ride. Who would want a life that lacked adventure? No one wants to envision fighting with their spouse, but making up can be earth-shattering, tremendous. Again, I apologize. Too much pre-reception champagne. I am not worried about ______________ and _______________. These two were meant for this marriage stuff. They are both a couple of old-souls who have built a sturdy foundation from the start of their relationship. I admire them to the highest degree possible. In addition, I aspire to be them. I seek to find that one special person to grow old with and share a cute trendy, nickname like Bennifer or Bradgelina. But for now I will settle for quietly envying my best friend and her groom. Let’s quickly toast the new couple so we can enjoy an entire evening of open bar! Cheers! Page 14

Maid of Honor Speech -Sisters You were born 2 years, 4 months and 5 days after me. For 2 years, 4 months and 5 days, I had Mom and Dad all to myself. Sharing was not a word I had to learn for almost three years. And then one day Mom had this huge stomach and the next she had this little tiny baby that seemed to pop out of nowhere. That baby was you and you changed my life forever. I would be lying if I said I never tried to lock you in a closet or steal your teddy bear. It would be wrong of me not to admit to cutting your Barbie’s silky, blonde hair and insisting a horrible disease had made it fall out. And while we are being honest, I must confess that the boy from your 10th grade, fifth period class did think you were cute. I was too jealous to tell you the truth and admit he liked your more than he liked me. Throughout our lives I may not have always been the best sister I could have been to you, but I am thrilled that you gave me the opportunity to be the best maid of honor. You have always been a social butterfly with a posse of friends surrounding your every move. You could have picked anybody to stand beside you today as your maid of honor, but you chose me. Your engagement has given us the opportunity to get closer as sisters, as grown women. No longer are we conniving teenagers content with sabotaging each other. Since you accepted _________________ proposal it seems as if we have found a common ground that we are comfortable standing on together. A new chapter is our lives. _____________ is a great guy. I have seen the way he looks at you when you are not aware that he is watching you. His love for you is genuine. Although, as children and teenagers, I took great joy in teasing you, I would never steer you wrong about the man you love. I am here to look for you. It is my job as your big sister to protect you. That is why I can stand here today, in front of all of your friends and family and without any hesitation affirm that you have done it, Little Bug. You have found what so many of us are searching for every single minute, of every single day. You have found true love. Throughout the years, we have been each other’s adversary and champion. We have been friends and we have been the greatest of enemies. Remember those vicious pillow fights? We have been a lot of things to each other, but throughout it all we have been sisters. I love you, Sis, more than you will ever believe. Never forget that when you need a friend or a confidant you can give me a call, send me a text, hire an airplane and write your message in the sky. No matter how you reach me, I will be there for you in a heartbeat. Page 15

I am honored to have the privilege to congratulate you and _____________! May your love for each other shine as brightly tomorrow as it does today. Page 16

Maid of Honor Speech -Thankful A wedding day is a day that we celebrate and give thanks. It is much like Thanksgiving, but without a turkey and your Grandmother’s left-over fruit salad from the previous Thanksgiving. A wedding is much more delightful experience. Since I have declared weddings are a time to be thankful, I would like to share with you a few things that I am thankful for on this day. I am thankful for my friendship with __________________ , my best friend. A girlish term of recognition, I know. However, __________________ and I have shared countless memories, secrets, desires and fears over the years that there doesn’t seem a better way to describe our friendship. We are nothing less than best friends. I am thankful that the universe brought ______________ and _____________ together. Since ____________________ was a little girl she dreamed of meeting her Prince Charming. I am thankful he existed and that fairy tales do come true. I am thankful that ____________ and ________________ have an abundance of friends and family who were able to be here today to share this special day. I am thankful that _______________ chose me as her maid of honor. Not only does this signify the depth of our friendship, but it also means I get to be at the front of the buffet line. Lastly, I am thankful that the bridesmaids’ gowns were not hideous and I will not have to beg a homeless person to take it from me tomorrow. Thank you ______________ for being my best friend. I wish you all the happiness in your marriage. I love you and thank you for allowing me the privilege to be your maid of honor. Before I hand the microphone away, I want to offer a blessing. This is a Mayan wedding verse that has a special meaning for ___________ and I. When we were little girls we watched Days of our Lives. Yes, I wonder, too why our parents allowed us to watch some questionable shows. But, anyhow, this Mayan wedding verse was featured the show. Even as a little girl, _____________ thought the words were beautiful. So, I will close this evening by sharing this verse with you:

I know not if the voice of man can reach to the sky, I know not if the god's will hear if I pray,

I know not if the gifts I have will all be granted, I know not what will come to pass in future days, But I hope only good will come from my love to you. Page 17

Maid of Honor Speech -Sentimental Hello to all of you! I am <name of the maid of honor>, the bride’s sister and best friend rolled into one. I have been given the great privilege and honor to be her maid of honor in this momentous occasion. That is why; I would like to thank her first of all. <Name of the bride> has always been there for me since we were children. She always solved all of my troubles. I used to do the same for her of course, but most often, it’s the other way around. She is more than a sister to me; she is my friend, teacher and sometimes even parent. Growing up, we were always left alone together when our parents used to go to work. I guess that’s why, we were so close. That is also the reason why I felt so happy for her when she told me that she was going to get married. I admit that I was a bit sad at first, but since I know her husband, I knew in my heart that he would be good for her. He would be able to make her the happiest woman to live on earth. <Name of the bride>, I would like to tell you that I love you and that you deserve all the happiness that comes your way. I may not always be the perfect sister, but I want to tell you that no matter what happens to our family, I will always be by your side. I also pray that you will be able to become a wife that your husband deserves. Always remember to put god at the center of your relationship and then everything else will fall into place. I've always believed in destiny and the moment I saw both of you together, I knew deep in my heart that you were destined to be together. <Name of the groom>, welcome to our family. Please take care of my sister. Let me tell you about women. Ultimately, no matter how independent we may seem to be, but we all want to be loved. By keeping this thing in your mind, you will always have fire burning in your hearts for each other. For now, I leave you with this thought. Loving someone means taking him as he/she is. God bless you both and enjoy the rest of the evening. Page 18

Maid of Honor Speech -Sentimental Good evening everyone, I am <name of the maid of honor>, the bride’s best friend. First of all, I would like to thank <name of the bride> and her family for allowing me to attend this special event. <Name of the bride> and I have been best friends since elementary school. We always did everything together, and that’s why; at first, I was a bit sad about her upcoming wedding. But, now I am really happy for her. To be a maid of honor is a great privilege. It gives me an opportunity to help her prepare for her wedding and let me tell you, this is the most grandiose wedding I have ever been to. She deserves nothing less. <Name of the bride> is a respectable woman with good values and a strong character. I am so glad to be her friend. Sis, I will always be there for you, no matter what happens. If you will need someone to talk to aside from your husband of course, you know where to call me. I will never forget the times when you helped me. You never left my side and made me realize that I had a sister in you. Your parents are lucky to have you as a daughter. <Name of the groom>, you are the love of her life. I know that you will take care of my best friend. Do not be just her husband, be her friend, her father, her brother and everything else that she will need you to be. Remember that marriage is about sharing what you have with one another, sticking with each other through different trials and tribulations that may come your way. I pray for nothing but your happiness and many children of course (Laughter). Before I forget, I am expecting you to invite me to your child’s baptism and every other occasion that he or she may have in the future. I remember that <name of the bride> and I had this pact- to always be there for each other and to make sure that one has the others back whenever there’s any trouble. I promise you my friend that the pact still holds true and will hold true till my last breath. You will always be a sister to me and that will never change. I am so happy that I was able to get a wonderful woman, a good friend and a loving sister. You are a special person who deserves to have special things in her life. I love you very much and I always will. Thank you again everybody and enjoy the rest of the evening. Page 19

Maid of Honor Speech -Sentimental A pleasant evening to all of you! Some of you may not know me….. so, let me introduce myself. My name is <name of the maid of honor>. I am the best friend of the bride. I am so glad to be here today, and I thank her and her husband for inviting me on this special occasion. When she first told me that she is going to get married, I was surprised because I never thought that she would allow herself to be tied down to one person. I’ve always known her as a type of girl that would be on the go. She would not let anyone stop her from doing anything that she wants to do. But after knowing that she is going to be committed, I felt so happy because she deserves to be happy. She has always been there for her friends and her family. She never thinks of herself first. This is why; I know that she will be a good wife and mother to her future kids. <Name of the bride>, I would like to tell you that I love you very much and I pray that you will continue to find happiness in your life. Always remember that I will be here to cheer you on, no matter what happens. You will always been my best friend. If you will need any advice, I would gladly try to help you. I do have nieces and nephews, whom I take care of everyday, so I think I have enough experience in child rearing. (Laughter) <Name of the groom>, thank you for making my friend so happy. I had never seen her face light up whenever anyone else is near. You are the only one that makes her courageous enough to do things that she has never tried before. I know that we haven't known each other for very long, but I feel that I know you well enough to see that you are good for my friend. I hope that your marriage will last for a very long time. One thing that you should know about <name of the bride> is that she is very affectionate towards the people she loves. I would like to give you one advice that try to be each other’s best friend. Remember that open communication is one of the major points that will make a marriage work. So…… for now, I bid you farewell. May God bless your marriage with as many children as you possibly can have. (Laughter) Enjoy the rest of the evening everyone! Page 20

Maid Of Honor Speech -Friends Forever Good afternoon to each and every one. Before I go any further, let me just thank two of the most important people in my life, (looks at the bride and groom) <name of the bride> and <name of the groom>, for inviting me to participate on their special day. My name is <Maid of honor’s name>, and I am the maid of honor. You know what? It took me about a week to prepare this speech. Since, I am not a very good writer, so it was really hard for me to find the words to describe how I feel about these two. I guess, it’s safe to say that I’m happy for my friends of course. Both of them, especially <name of the bride> had been waiting for this wonderful day to come. I still remember the day when they met. Looking back, I think I was the one who brought them together in the first place. But honestly, it was not intentional at all. <Name of the groom> and I were college friends and were both teaching at the university during that time. <Name of the bride> was a friend of mine from <Name of the place>. She was working as a bank teller and often visited me every weekend to spend some time together. One weekend, I decided to have a night out with some of my co-lecturers including <Name of the groom>. Luckily, <name of the bride> wanted to get out as well. Usually, I would not go out with my co-workers when <name of the bride> visited, but since it was her birthday that time, I decided to make it sort of like a surprise party. I immediately called my friends and asked them if it was fine for <name of the bride> to join us for the night. To make the long story short, they agreed and we met at a cafe nearby. I introduced <name of the bride> to all of my co-workers and they were very happy to see her- including <name of the groom>. We had a great impromptu party that night, and my friend was very happy although she was a bit hesitant at first. From that night on, I never saw them apart from each other. It was like they were meant to be together. At first, <name of the bride> would ask me questions about this man. (Looks at the groom) Of course being the good friend that I am, I would gladly answer. I told her how sweet and affectionate <name of the groom> was to his friends, that he is a loving son and brother. I was proven right of course. <Name of the bride> told me once that he was even better than I described. He would always check up on her to see if she was all right. He would also bring her to her favorite diner during lunch break at the bank. And here's more, he did not only court her, he also got into her family's good graces. He would always visit her at their house after university and bring flowers- I guess he was trying to impress them (Laughs). I was not really surprised when they finally got together. She was clearly smitten by him right from the start and vice versa. Page 21

And finally after three years, here we are celebrating this wonderful occasion. (Laughs) I just wanted you to know that I am very happy for you girl! You deserve all the happiness that you have right now. I can’t wish you anything more! So to the newlyweds, I hope that you experience what it is like to have everything you can ever wish for. May you have all the blessings that God can give you and your family. Don't forget to make me the godmother of your children! Have a blast. Page 22

Maid Of Honor Speech –Sentimental A pleasant evening to all of you! It is my pleasure to be invited to such a wonderful occasion in my friend’s life. <Name of the bride> and I have been friends since elementary school and we have been through everything together. This is why; I am so happy to be here today. Let me tell you a little bit more about <Name of the bride>, as I said earlier that she is my best friend since elementary school. She has always been there for me not only as a friend, but as my family. She knows all my secrets as much as I know all of hers. However, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but this is not about her secrets. This is about how lucky her husband is to have her as a wife. <Name of the groom>, let me tell you that you have chosen well. <Name of the bride> is the most wonderful woman that you can ever get. She is kind, considerate and generous. This girl has always been compassionate towards others and never let anyone suffer on her account. This is why; I know that she will be a good mother. She deserves all the happiness that can come her way. <Name of the groom>, treat her with love and respect, as she will also do for you. (Smile) Remember, I will keep my eye on you. If she ever calls and cries, I swear, I don’t care what the reason is, I will hunt you down!!! (Laughter) <Name of the bride>, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for being my friend. I know that you will always be there for me whenever I will need you. And as your sister, I will always do the same for you. If you need anyone to talk to besides your husband, I am just a phone call away. To your parents, I would like to say thank you for allowing me to be your daughter’s friend. You all have been like my second family and I appreciate each and every one of you. I hope that you’ll still allow me to be the part of your family even though <name of the bride> may be away for a while. <Name of the groom> as I said, you are a very lucky man. I hope that you will make your wife happy in all the years of your marriage. I also hope and pray that you will have many children. (Laughter) What more can I say? I am just so honoured to be here. I promise to invite you to my own wedding very soon. Remember to always keep God in the centre of your relationship. If you will do this, you will never go wrong. Again, thank you and God bless you all. I hope that you enjoy the rest of the evening! Page 23

Maid Of Honor Speech -Funny My name is (maid of honor’s name) and I am (bride’s name)’s maid of honor for those of you who do not know me. For all of those single guys out there, I am the MAID of honor which means I am single, so come find me later. When (bride’s name) and (groom’s name) got engaged she called me hysterically excited. I was very excited for her too, but I was a little nervous because I realized the super organized, chaotic, and slightly OCD bride was about to hit the streets. I was preparing myself for world war III with the dress fittings or to be escorted out of a store when she was trying to register, but luckily I was wrong and none of that was an issue. First I will address (groom’s name), (groom’s name) when I first met you, I was not exactly sure what to make of you. Yes I know you are aesthetically pleasing. You are the mysterious tall, dark, and handsome. But I was not quite sure what to think of the large amounts of cologne you splashed on yourself that day. However, I decided to give you a shot and now I am glad that I did. (Bride’s name loves you) and you fit into this family quite well. I mean every family does need a black sheep so I thank you for taking over that spot for me. Now I do have a requirement of you for this marriage. You have to love (bride’s name) as much as all of us in her family love her. Now if this should ever become a problem I want you to envision all of the overly protective men in our family. In fact can I have them all stand up please (literally have them stand). Keep them all in mind in case you ever try to pull something. Some of them are pretty buff too. However, I also know in my mind I know this should not be an issue. (Bride’s name) oh the memories we have had. I am just truly glad you have moved on from geeks to this nerd. I know you love him and don’t worry I do too, I just like harassing you about things as well. I hope you know just hope you know how much I love and care about you, I am thankful to be a part of your life and I am glad to have you in mine. I know that just like any relationship, you and (groom’s name) will have some ups and more than likely some downs. I know that you are a big girl now and can handle yourself, but I did slip some shot gun shells in your overnight bag, just in case he decides to get unruly. The both of you make an amazing couple. I am so glad that you all finally decided to get married, I could barely handle the anticipation anymore. I was beginning to wonder who had the commitment issue (bride’s name) or (groom’s name). Regardless, let’s raise our glasses in honor of the both of them and their new life together. May you have many years of bliss. Page 24

Maid Of Honor Speech -Sentimental I am so proud of you for so many reasons (bride's name). I could not have imagined having a better big sister. You have always been larger than life to me. I always wanted to be just like you, little do you know not much has changed. I still strive to be like you, yes I am a unique individual but you sure do seem to be happy all of the time which tells me you are doing something right.

You have always been smart, beautiful, and caring. You were much more than that though. (Bride's name) you have always been my protector. You have always wanted to shield me from bad situations. You were always there to catch me even before I would fall. I do not know how you have always been so perfect.

I know you have spent your whole life dreaming and searching for mister right. I do not think either of us could have imagined how blessed you would have been. As much as you have always stepped up to be the best big sister, I am glad you are getting everything you deserve. You deserve to be loved and protected. You have spent your entire life trying to guard, shield , and protect me and everyone else from harm. Now you have a man that can do that for you.

(Bride's name) I know that some people here do not know you as well as I know you. They have no idea just how wise you are. You and (groom's name) have so much to look forward to in life and I know that one of the best things in life that you will be is a mother. You are kind, patient, and compassionate and I am already looking forward to that day. Rewind back to the here and now. You are going to be a great wife. I am glad that you found a man that has not tried to change you one bit. I think it is important that a couple merges together and makes each other better while still allowing for each individual to be strong and themselves. You two have managed to do that, I am glad that you will grow together now.

(Groom's name) I know a lot of speeches focus on telling the groom how lucky he is to have such a remarkable bride. While that is beyond being true, I want to say how amazing I think you are as well. In order to have captured (bride's name)'s heart, you have to be nothing short of extraordinary. I am so glad that anybody that comes into contact with you and (bride's name) will be blessed. Hopefully everyone here has or will get the chance to know you like I have for (how long maid of honor has known groom). For when they have, they will realize that one of the neatest and most genuine guys got snatched up for good today.

So here is a toast to the bride and groom, to a couple who inspires because they are nothing less than amazing. Here is to a long and loving future filled with family and happiness. Here is to them growing old together and having fun getting to know each other deeper every day. Here is to the best sister and new brother I could have ever asked for. I love you both dearly! Page 25

Maid Of Honor Speech -Funny Well here we are, standing here celebrating the most perfect couple anyone could have imagined. I am glad to be the best friend of someone so perfect, and let me tell you getting ready today was even more difficult than normal. It is usually difficult to keep up, but seeing as she is the most beautiful bride I have ever seen, I had even more competition than normal. I have been never been married so I know it is difficult for me to give any advice on this matter. So I turned to (funny soap opera or television show that you watch) for some advice on what not to do in a relationship. I am sure this will be far less annoying to you than any other piece of advice. Everyone seems to be telling you all what to do, that just is not my style. The first piece of advice, do not, I repeat do not tape over your wedding video (groom’s name). They have these things called TiVo now. I am pretty sure you can resist the urge to tape the game over an old school DVD. However, I am throwing that out there for your safety. The second piece of advice is this; never buy her appliances as a major gift. This includes but is not limited to treadmills, blenders, grills, or anything else that would constitute a large appliance. No, she does not want a grill, that is your dream. No she does not want a treadmill, stop telling her she is anything less than perfect. In fact the more that I think about it you should also steer clear of buying her anything that she would ever go buy for herself. I am thinking you should just stick with fine jewelry and wine. Who could argue with those things (groom’s name)? The last piece of advice I think I will share for the evening to you (groom’s name) is never ever compare her to an old flame. This includes but is not limited to comments having to deal with she did this better or that dress reminds me of my old girlfriend. Let me clear something up for you right here and right now this is almost as bad as giving her a treadmill for her birthday. She is prettier than anyone you have dated before, she is smarter, and she certainly does not need a treadmill near as badly. (Bride’s name) I hope I laid down some nice ground rules for your new husband. Let me know if he breaks those, I know where you all live. Anyway, I want to thank you for letting me be a part of your day. Also, I want to thank you for picking out these bridesmaids dresses. No they are not the prettiest dresses I have ever worn. But, at least you did not try and shove it down my throat that I can just shorten it and wear it again. I am thankful to be your friend and I know this marriage will work well. I know I joke around a lot but both of you are very important to me. Thanks for being the great couple that you are. Here is to the coolest bride and groom I know! Page 26

Maid of Honor Speech -Funny I will be happy to tell anyone and everyone about how amazing I feel today. Today I get to wear a brand new dress, get my hair done, and finally scout out some potential mates that are ready for a setting like today’s setting. Yes, men of the world, I am single, I want a nice commitment, come find me later. Now to what all of this is really about. This is all really about (groom’s name) and (bride’s name). Now having said that, I am going to have to tell some stories to make this a little more personal for (bride’s name) and (groom’s name). I do not know much about (groom’s name) outside of his wild (high school or college) years. There was the time he decided to stand beneath the window of the house and blare music from a boom box, no wait that was not (groom’s name) I saw that in a movie. Ok well there was the time that he ran the entire length of America to find (bride’s name), no I think I got that idea from Forrest Gump. Well there was that one time that he asked her to marry him. Yes, I am not making that one up. That really happened. I do not mean to brag, but I am really good at telling that story. You see all of us knew it was coming. We all knew that it would not be long before (groom’s name) asked (bride’s name) to marry him. The only thing we did not know was just how sneaky he would be about the situation. (Make sure and tell how the groom asked the bride to marry him). When she came back from her time with (groom’s name) before I even saw the giant rock on her hand I knew that he had asked. Her hand, I mean face was glowing it was shiny and perfect, once again gentleman I have marriage on the mind. Just remember Tiffany and Co. or the answer is no. Anyway back to the bride and groom. Ever since that very moment I knew that their life together would be perfect. I know through this entire process that being perfect is very stressful. (Bride’s name) is a perfectionist, more than that though she is perfect. You see I saw how much planning and details went in to making today wonderful. They obviously did a good job, don’t all of you think they did a good job? Here is a cheer to the perfect couple, on their perfect day. May they have a perfect life together starting today. Let this include a perfect house, perfect children, and eventually maybe they will have a perfectly fun time hanging out just the two of them again. Page 27

Maid Of Honor Speech -Sentimental It does not feel like too long ago I was meeting my best friend for the very first time. I cannot believe that was (years bride and maid of honor have known each other) years ago (bride’s name). Ever since then we have been attached at the hip. There have not been many moments that we have not been experiencing life together. Therefore, I kind of know what it is like to go through life with (bride’s name). She has a positive outlook on life, always loving and looking for the good in absolutely everything. (Bride’s name) I know that your journey in life does not end here, it is just beginning. I know you will keep your zeal and curiosity, from now on you are going on this journey with (groom’s name). It would be easy for me to be sad in the fact that you are moving on to bigger and more important things in life, but I know this is not the end of your friendship. I know this will make bonds stronger. Marriage is a beautiful tool that is meant to bring out the best in people. Not that I do not already think that you are the best, but I know that (groom’s name) will make you happier than you have ever been or could ever have imagined you would be. (Bride’s name) promise me that you will let him lots and lots of guy nights. It is important that he gets away with his friends. Well, selfishly I just figure anytime there is guys’ night girl night must be a must at that point too. Just do not want to miss out on still (fun thing bride and maid of honor do together) or miss out on (another fun thing that bride and maid of honor do together). (Groom’s name) take good care of her. She loves you and is entrusting her life to you. Do not take this lightly. You are now the head of the household. You must protect her and I hope it never comes to that. However, I know that if it does you love (bride’s name) more than enough to lay down your life for her. To me that is a definition of a real man. A warrior for things he loves. Thank you for loving my best friend like that. (Groom’s name) and (bride’s name), what an inspiration you are to all who meet you. You are both individually two of the sweetest people that I know, which must mean together you become even sweeter. I cannot wait to see the amount of lives that are changed because of you both. I am expecting big things from this relationship. That is not meant to bring pressure, but meant to tell you both how highly I regard you. Here is a toast to the bride and groom. May they continue to bless those around them. I hope in return they are blessed and loved by many. May their journey through life be well worth the ups and downs now that they have each other. Page 28

Maid of Honor Speech -Happiness Friends and family, it is so nice to meet you this evening. My name is ___________ and I am the maid of honor. As the maid of honor, I have the responsibility of saying a few words that only begin to describe the bride and groom because for me to properly describe their awesomeness we would be here for an eternity. So, I am going to try very hard to keep my speech short and sweet. I would like to start by reciting a quote by Robert G. Ingersoll. This quote is about happiness which I think you will all strongly agree is appropriate for our festivities tonight. The quote goes like this, “The time to be happy is now, the place to be happy is here.” Who dares to disagree with this quote? Anyone sitting among us tonight, witnessing the glow of love surrounding these love-struck newlyweds would be remiss to disagree. I have been to many weddings and the love stories are never the same, this wedding is no exception. The only exception is that the bride is one of my very best friends in the entire world. Therefore, that makes her story exceptional to me. ___________ and __________ met in an ordinary way – at a bar. For many single people meeting someone in a bar is usually a bad omen, an immediate sign that the relationship will not make it past the bouncer at the front door. However, fate or destiny had different plans and felt that there was nothing wrong with bringing them together at the local watering hole. __________ told me she couldn’t understand a word that came out of ________’s mouth that night. The music was too loud to hear, the lights to dim to even attempt to read lips. She recounted to me the next day that she had resigned herself to just smiling and nodding enjoying the happiness of the now. “I just wanted to keep gazing at his splendid green eyes. It didn’t matter that I didn’t know what he was saying.” When last call threatened to end their non-verbal first meeting, _________ was sad that the night was ending and that she would never see him again. That is when ________ borrowed a pen from the bartender, scribbled his name and number on an ordinary napkin and proceeded to craft a beautiful flower out of that napkin gently wrapping his name and number inside. That first meeting led to this night. On your table this evening you will find your napkin was expertly folded into an exquisite flower. The inside of the flower has this date and the bride’s and groom’s names embroidered so that you will always know where you were the night that you heard this story about a simple paper napkin that blossomed into the love of a lifetime. Like I mentioned at the beginning of this speech, all stories are unique, but I truly believe this love story is exceptional. ___________ and _____________ may the rest of your life continue to be exceptional! Page 29

Maid of Honor Speech -Old Friends Welcome, everyone! This is quite intimidating standing in front of so many expectant faces, waiting to hear me say something fascinating. Wow, the pressures of being the maid of honor! I thought that the hardest part of this evening would be trying to squeeze into this gown that I tried on for the last time two months ago. I sincerely underestimated the power of a microphone and how it can make me squirm. Doesn’t ________________ look exquisite this evening? She has the easiest job in the world today. She gets to marry the man of her dreams, wear a gorgeous fairytale dress and eat cake with her hands. No one can deny the luxury of her situation. ______________ and I met when we were twelve years old. I was the new kid in school with enormous glasses that magnified my eyes a trillion times. I hadn’t developed any kind of fashion sense. I still thought wearing my brother’s old high school sweatshirts and a pair of cut-off jeans was dressing up. When __________ first spoke to me in the cafeteria, I was shy and scared. She was so perky, her red hair in Pippi Longstocking braids and a variety of equally perky friends surrounding her. I prepared myself for whatever new kid initiation they had planned. Instead, she merely said, “Hi! Do you want to eat with us?” That is what I love most about my best friend, her compassion and acceptance of people. She will always be the first person to greet you and the last person around to make sure you make it home okay. She never stops thinking about other people, to the degree that I sometimes fear she doesn’t worry enough about herself. In fact, I can guarantee that each of you here tonight will be graced with her presence. She would chastise herself for being an ungrateful bride if she didn’t have a meaningful conversation with each one of you this evening. Unfortunately, the reason I was a new kid in school is also the reason I left that school at the end of the same year. My parents were in the military and we were relocated constantly. However, ____________ and I built a lasting friendship that year that withstood years and miles apart. We shared with each other every aspect of our lives. We celebrated our high school graduations with a road trip to Ft. Lauderdale. However, out of respect to our parents and to preserve our dignity, I will not share details with you tonight. We shared horror stories of blind dates and dull college lectures. And now, tonight, we are together again celebrating her marriage to ________________. If I had been blessed with a sister, or if I could have traded in one of my brothers, I would have wanted her to be just like you. _______________, I am so happy for you and _______________. I know that you will have a magnificent life together, go on countless adventures together and create a beautiful family together. I wish you each the very best that life has to offer. Congratulations! Page 30

Maid of Honor Speech -Excited Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to welcome you tonight to the celebration, honoring the new Mr. and Mrs. __________________. There is only one requirement of your presence this evening and that condition is to have fun! Toss your worries out the door; they are not needed here tonight. Let’s rejoice, eat delicious food, drink fruity cocktails and dance well into the wee hours of the night. As maid of honor, I have the privilege of toasting ________________ and __________________. In preparing my speech tonight, I realized after the first draft, that my speech contained the word “excitement” more times than the current number of children that Bob and Amy Duggar have conceived. I decided to peruse the thesaurus and see what other words I could use to precisely express my joy at this event. Here is what I came up with. . . I am thrilled that _________________ asked me to be her maid of honor. ___________ has a circle of friends so large that she could fill Dodger Stadium two times and she still would not have enough space to hold all of her closest friends. So, when she asked me to be her maid of honor, I was speechless. After all, I was already going to be her sister-in-law since she was marrying my brother. I figured it must have been out of a sense of obligation that she had asked. I didn’t realize just how close we had become. How I began to think of her like a sister more than simply my brother’s fiancé. Speaking of my brother, I have another opportunity to use a word that shows the growth of my newfound vocabulary. Now, that _______________ is married. My parents and I are ecstatic that ________________ will no longer be cluttering up the spare bedroom. My dad is the most eager for these nuptials because now he will have room to house his train sets. My mom is unsure if she won in this situation, except she did gain an exceptional daughter-in-law which makes her delighted. The truth is, as the maid of honor and sister-in-law; I have the unique opportunity to welcome you to our family. You are an amazing woman. In the short span of three years you have made my brother happier than a bird with a French fry. I am in awe of how my little brother, who has always had more than his fair share of boyish charms, is a man when he is around you. He wants to love you and protect you until the end of his days. Yes, I know. It will get to be an annoyance, but just remember that he means well. So, ladies and gentlemen, tonight my family is excited, thrilled, delighted, exhilarated and overjoyed that you, _________________ are joining our family. Your carefree spirit, your compassionate personality and your infectious smile is exactly what makes you perfect for my brother and for us! Welcome to the family, _______________. Everyone raise your glasses to toast this gorgeous, newly married couple! Page 31

Maid of Honor Speech -Sister Good evening, everybody! Welcome to our party! I am so excited to have the chance to stand here this evening and brag about the bride and groom. For those of you who do not know me, my name is _______________. The lovely bride is my big sister. I can hardly contain my enthusiasm, so please excuse me if I break out into a horrible fit of the giggles. I am going to try really hard not to embarrass my big sister tonight, but I am the little sister which means, traditionally, it is my duty to embarrass her just a little. Today my heart is exploding with joy! Why? Because I have never seen my sister happier than she is today. This morning when we were at the chapel, waiting in the vestibule, it was me who was pacing back and forth like a nervous chicken. Not ____________. My sister was utterly ready to walk down the aisle. No second thoughts. No jitters. She stood in the vestibule, calmly staring at the double, wooden doors waiting for the ushers to open them and present her to her groom. Speaking of ______________, I couldn’t be happier with my sister’s choice for her new husband, my new brother-in-law. He is so handsome and dotes on my sister like she is the most magnificent person in the entire universe. That being said, I have a bit of a confession to make. Sometimes when I watch ___________ interacting with my sister, hanging on her every word, I experience a twinge of jealousy. I wonder if I will ever find someone who loves me as much as he loves my sister. But I then I think about how much of a grouch she can be in the morning and the way she snarls before she has had her morning coffee and my jealousy transforms into pity. Good luck with taming the morning monster, ______________! Sorry, sis, I couldn’t avoid embarrassing you just a little. But, all joking aside, I am immensely happy for you. You have been an amazing big sister. I have looked up to you since we were little girls spending our summers dipping our toes in the ocean at Grandma’s beach house. Do you remember the time we fell asleep on the shore, exhausted from wave jumping? Our faces were so badly sunburned that it hurt to even smile, but we couldn’t help to laugh each time we looked in the mirror and saw phantom sunglasses that were no longer on our faces.; a painful, but happy memory. Today isn’t just about reminiscing, but creating new memories as you and ____________ begin your new life together as husband and wife. May you both cherish your days together and continue to strengthen the love that you feel for each other. May your home be blessed with happiness, laughter and love! You are the best big sister a girl could ask for. I love you to the moon and back. Let’s raise our glasses and toast the newly married, Mr. and Mrs. ____________! Page 32

Maid of Honor Speech -Older Sister I have been anxiously waiting for this day for the past four years! I don’t want to say “I told you so,” but . . . well, I kind of told you so. First, let me begin by saying hello to all of you who are politely smiling at me, up here at the podium, wondering who this rambling girl might be. My name is ______________ and I am the bride’s older sister. My sister has always been a free spirit. I cannot tell you how many hearts she has broken. Mom and I would deposit a penny into a mason jar each time another boyfriend was sent packing. We stopped keeping track when the jar started to overflow with pennies. I don’t want any of you to get the wrong idea about ______________. Many of these broken hearts were schoolyard crushes, although the older boys didn’t have too many more chances to win my sister’s continual attention. Not to inflate my little sister’s ego too much tonight, but I have to speak the truth. __________ is an angel. She has always attracted good fortune. People are drawn to her. The way she laughs is infectious. The sound bounces off your skin, tickling you, and you have no other option but to fall into a fit of giggles yourself. When my sister first introduced me to ______________, I knew immediately that he was the one. She waved my premonitions off and told me to stop being so predestined. The relationship was barely three hours old as we sat together in a booth at the local diner on a double-date; my sister was not one to rush into a serious relationship. Regardless of her dismissal of my apparent older sister knowledge, I held on tight to my assessment of her future with this man. The entire night I ignored my own date and watched the way she smiled when ____________ spoke. She listened intently to everything he said. Her chin rested on her wrist, she leaned in close as if the slightest distance between them would prevent her from hearing what he was saying. I was completely entranced by their magic. Needless to say, I didn’t pay my date much attention that evening and I never heard from him again. No matter. The best part of that night was that I told my sister she was going to marry that man and now tonight I get to tell her, “I told you so!” Now, I have to address my new brother–in–law. My sister has always been a cheerful person. She will probably never have a frown line on her face. But since you have come into her life, she seems to walk on water. You make my sister happier than any of those boys that filled up our mason jar. The love that you show my sister is immeasurable. We couldn’t be happier to have you officially become part of the family today. I ask everyone here today to please take a moment to raise your glass and toast this marvelous couple. May God bless them today and every day of their lives with nothing but good fortune and happiness! Page 33

Conclusion In this guide, I’ve provided you with templates for all possible bridesmaid and maid of honor toasts. It doesn’t matter whether you are planning something big, formal, early in the day or whether you are planning to stand up near the end of the ceremony and informally say something. You now have something for all of these occasions. Before you settle on a template and use it to construct your wedding toast, spend some time figuring out which one will be a best match for the bride-to-be. Will it be a funny toast? Will it be a sentimental toast? Will it be one that includes funny anecdotes? Or will it be serious, heart-felt, and tear-jerking? These are all things to consider when selecting your speech. Also, I can never say this enough: once you select a template, customize it. Make it your own. Make it feel like you feel about the bride and about her husband-to-be. You should never leave it feeling generic. Finally, practice makes perfect. Just because you were able to save some time by using a template doesn’t mean that you should try to save more time by not rehearsing. The essence of giving a good speech or toast often boils down to rehearsal. So make sure you do this; and your speech should be a hit.
