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Why do we need trainings on the topics like this?

1. The world is changing very fast – The business and product life cycle is decreasing.

2. Speed of knowledge is increasing3. The customer is changing – the confidence of

next gen is higher than us and we will not be able to deal with them or satisfy them if we will not change

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Why God Created Man?

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Man is a king created by the god

And you have a choice either to live the life of small ant or a lion

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The most powerful gift to man is “INTELLECT”

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What difference have you created in this world?

What have we done with all this power?

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• Thomas Alva Edison• Bill Gates• Mahatma Gandhi • Mother Teresa etc.

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Mahatma Gandhi

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Mother Teresa

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Bill Gates

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Thomas Alva Edison

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Why the above mentioned people and many more has achieved what you

and I could not?

• Did they had something extra in them?• “No” – they had the same qualities and equal

talent as we have, but they develop those talents, qualities and skills further and used it in their daily life.

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Always keep the spiritual power on your side

• No matter how confident we are, • No matter how successful we become, • No matter how powerful we feel, there is

something bigger than us. • To develop to our full level of confidence we

must tap into that which is larger than we are.

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7 characteristics of unstoppable and confident people

Unstoppable people:1. Devote themselves to their true purpose2. Follow their heart’s passion3.Believe in themselves and their ideas4.Prepare for challenges5. Ask for help and build support team6. Seek creative solutions7.Persevere, no matter what the challenges.

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All these qualities can be learned and developed by anyone with the WILL

TO DO so.

Life is very simple, if we don’t complicate it

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Power of Purpose

Terry fox and Legson Kayira

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“Everyone dies, but not Everyone really lives.”

A research reveals that 94% people say they had no definite purpose for

their lives.

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How I Want To Be Remembered?

By my:FamilyFriends

Children Spouse

Community Society Country

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“Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men’s blood ….. Make big plans ….

Aim high in hope and work.”

- Daniel Burnham, Chicago Architect And Planner.

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Life is too short to spend it on anything less than meaningful activities.

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Passion – the unlimited fire within

Fransisco Bucio

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When purpose ignites the spirit, it generates an inexhaustible fire that

burns in the heart of every unstoppable person. That fire is


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When you meet people who have passion; you would see passion in

their eyes, hear it in their voices, and feel it in their presence.

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“The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire.”

- Marshall Foch.

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“When you are passionate. You’re focused, purposeful, and

determined, without even having to try, your body, mind,

and spirit are all working in unison towards the same goal.”Marcia Wieder, Author – ‘Making Your Dreams

Come True.’

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To live without passion is to live without fully

experiencing the life.

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How to develop the passion?

• When you choose goals and activities that align with your purpose and support your natural strengths and loves, passion will automatically follow.

• You’ll begin to view each day through wide-open eyes filled with expectation, wonder and joy.

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Mohamad Ali


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“I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was. Don’t tell me I

can’t do something. Don’t tell me it’s impossible. Don’t tell me I am not the

greatest. I’m the double greatest.”- Muhammad Ali, Professional Boxer

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Successful people believed steadfastly in their dreams, even when no one else did.

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With a believing state of mind, you can transform your purpose and goals into

physical realities.

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Mahatma Gandhi “I claim to be no more than a

average man with below average capabilities. I have not the shadow of a doubt that any man or woman

can achieve what I have if he or she would put forth the same

effort to cultivate the same hope and faith.”

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What you don’t know, won’t hurt you

• Mark sheppard, president of texas instrument, explained his triumph in the 1970s over the industry giants like GE and RCA. “those companies knew all the things that weren’t possible, but we didn’t. we were stupid.”

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We are our worst enemies since we ‘Know’ what our limitations are.

Unstoppable people are capable of ignoring their own internal self-talk and function on a higher plane of optimism. They do not know their

limitations and therefore they have none.

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“You can do anything you want to do in life, if you have a fierce belief in

yourself, a strong will, a big heart, and some role models to inspire you.”

- Tyrone Mugsy, ‘In The Land of Giants’

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“As long as you believe in yourself and your own vision, you have something.

When you give up that, you are personally bankrupt.”

- Olivia Goldsmith

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Mary Kay Ash’s mascot for her cosmetics company is a bumblebee. “because of its tiny wings and heavy

body, aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn’t be able to fly. But the

bumblebee doesn’t know that, so it flies anyway.”

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Mary Kay Ash

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Succumbing to the negatives is a mental suicide

• Negativity works like poison in the bloodstream: if you give into its power, it will weaken your confidence and kill your dream. You goals are simply too important to let that happen!

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Repeat daily: god is with me, god is helping me, god is guiding me.

Acknowledge that god is with you and nothing can defeat you. Believe that

you receive power from your creator. This will increase your belief in

yourself and help you to develop self confidence

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Some expert advices• No one will buy a tape player that

doesn’t record. – to Akio Morita when he proposed a walkman.

• Personal computers are a hobbyist fad. – Prediction Of IBM, INTEL, HP, Atari, And Countless Other Companies.

• A global 24 hours news network will never work. – Advice of experts to ted turner’s CNN proposal.

• It’s a huge risk, and it will never fly. – Experts Advice To Bill Lear’s Jet.

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Preparation – sign of commitment

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• The unstoppable people who have achieved success in life had PLANNED, RESEARCHED, SOUGHT ADVICE, COLLECTED INFORMATION, DEVELOPED THE SKILLS, AND PREPARED THEMSELVES THOROUGHOULY for the fulfillment of their dreams. By the time opportunity arrived, they were ready.

• Sam Walton• The Olympic swimming gold medals

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“I don’t know if anybody really skyrockets to success. I think hat success is a process. And I believe that my first Easter speech, at the age of three and

half, was the beginning. And that every speech, every other book I read, every

other time I spoke in public, was a building block….. I think luck is

preparation meeting opportunity. ”

– Oprah Winfrey.

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“I hated every minute of the training, but I said, don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of

your life as a champion.” - Muhammad Ali.

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Ask the importance of preparation and commitment to these people

• Doctor’s• Engineers• Ustad zakir husain• Amitabh• Lata mangeshkar• Hema malini

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Team – guarantees the success

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• “You can make it, but it’s easier if you don’t have to do it alone.” – Betty Ford.

• “You can’t do it yourself. Don’t be afraid to rely on others to help you accomplish your goals.”

– Oprah Winfrey

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Building your team

• Behind every great achiever is another achiever. No one attains greatness by themselves.

• Other unstoppable people are your greatest resource of all. All you need to do is seek out and ask for help. They will seldom refuse.

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Pole vaulter Bob Richards was struggling to break the world record of

Dutch Warmerdam’s. he tried all he could and finally he asked Dutch

himself and he trained him for 3 days correcting his mistakes.

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1. Create a gallery of unstoppable role models.

2. Identify 3 to 4 key of them who resemble with your goals.

3. Learn as much as you can about what kept them going when times grew tough and how they overcame those challenges and achieved their goals.

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• Find pictures of them and put it on place where you relax and spend some time for reflection.

• When you feel discouraged or morally down look at their pictures. Draw strength from their spirit. Remind yourself that if they prevailed, you too can.

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There is a saying that anyone is only six people from the president. You

know someone who knows someone who knows someone…… right up to the president office. And if you are

only six people away from the president, you’re only six people away

from anyone you want to meet.

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When it comes to teamwork, the math you learned in school doesn’t apply. One plus one equals far more than two. And one plus any number can

equal unstoppable results.

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“Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.”

- Michael Jordon

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“The truth is that the average ‘bottom-of-the-ladder’ person is potentially as

creative as the top executive who sits in the big office. The problem is that the person on the bottom of the ladder doesn’t trust his own brilliance and

doesn’t, therefore, believe in his own ideas.”

– Dr. Robert H. Schuller.

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Tapping your creativity

• The unstoppable people became the superb pilot of their own destinies; they perpetually modified their courses, adjusted their instruments to suit the changing weather patterns, and responded to every challenge with flexible, creative attitude that assured their success.

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Step 1. Develop Your Own Inborn Creativity

• Your mind functions like a muscle. When you don’t use it, it loses it’s ability to perform. To become an unstoppable problem solver, you must regularly exercise your brain, just as you exercise your body.

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Exercising your mind might require spending less time in front of

television set and more time thinking, creating, and brainstorming with others on how you can identify a

solution of your challenges.

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One exercise for brain: write one of your problem or challenge on top of

the paper and write ten possible solution under it. Repeat it everyday,

it will make your mind sharp and keep it active.

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How to develop it?

• Be peaceful• Be happy• Learn very hard• Have deep knowledge about your work and

the changing world• Forgive and forget• Stay away from negative and stressful people.

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• The USA pen v/s Russia’s ?• Scanner v/s ?• The diabetes management• The Nano car.• Brahmin restaurant• A taxi driver - example

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Perseverance “Guarantees your success”

Tom Monaghan - The multimillionaire founder of Domino's Pizza

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I feel all these setbacks were tools for me to learn from. I used them as

stepping stones and didn’t see them as failures. A failure is when you stop

trying, and I never did that.”

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The Dominos Story• Brother skipped from the partnership• Partner over spended• Fire caused complete loss• Expanded and the franchisees but it didn’t

work• Gave power of business to banks – and

worked as a employee for 200$ per week

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The Dominos Story• Franchisees filed anti trust case• IPR case by dominos sugar

Build the most successful and largest home delivery pizza business in the world

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Bill Porter

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For Bill working was very important for 2 reasons:

1. To earn his own living – to be self reliant2. To prove himself a contributing member of

the human society• When the world focused on what he can’t do

– he focused on what he could do.

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His physical challenge

• Takes 3 hrs to change his clothes• Works for 14 hours• Shoe laces are tied by the polisher• Button and tie is corrected by the restaurant

owner nearby• Wakes up at 4.45 am in morning

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His physical challenge

• Irwin Jacobs CEO of Watkins said – “bill represents the possibilities of what a life can be if a person has a goal in mind, then puts his or her heart, soul, and mind into meeting that goal.”

• Bill says: “Never give up until you achieve it”

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If you incorporate only perseverance and none of the other characteristics,

your journey toward your goal will certainly be slower and longer, but you will still have a solid chance of

arriving there.

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“If I were asked to give what I consider the single most useful bit of advice for all humanity it would be this: expect

trouble as an inevitable part of life and when it comes, hold your head high, look it squarely in the eye and say, I will be bigger than you. You cannot

defeat me.” – Ann Landers.

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“Never, never, never quit.” – Winston Churchil.

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“Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we


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“Many people dream of success. To me, success can be achieved only through

repeated failure and introspection. In fact, success represents the 1 percent of your work that results from 99 percent that is

called failure.” – Soichiro Honda

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“it took me fifteen years to discover that I had no talent for writing, but I couldn’t give it up because by then I was too famous.” – Robert Benchley

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Step 1. focus on your goals

• Keep a constant reminder of your goal• Arrange your house in a manner; which

reminds you of your goal.• Write it on every possible places so that you

don’t lose your focus.• Put it on the screen saver of your computer.• Sir Isaac Newton was asked how he

discovered the law of gravity and he replied, “by thinking about it all the time.”

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One strong message this SEMINAR gives is; pursue your dream with confidence and never, never, never quit. If you don’t give up you simply cannot fail.

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