
Magnets & ElectricityVocabulary Magnet Circuits Electricity Grab Bag

Q $100

Q $200

Q $300

Q $400

Q $500

Q $100 Q $100Q $100 Q $100

Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200

Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300

Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400

Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500

Final Jeopardy

$100 Question from Vocabulary

What is the action of coming together when two objects have the

same charge?

$200 Answer from Vocabulary


$200 Question from Vocabulary

What is the action of moving apart when two objects have different


$100 Answer from Vocabulary


$300 Question from Vocabulary

What occurs when positive and negative charges are no longer


$300 Answer from Vocabulary

Static Electricity

$400 Question from Vocabulary

A force that acts on moving electric charge and magnetic materials that are near a magnet.

$400 Answer from Vocabulary


$500 Question from Vocabulary

What is it called when a material does not allow electric charges to flow

through it easily?

$500 Answer from Vocabulary


$100 Question from Magnets

Where is the magnetic field the strongest?

$100 Answer from Magnets

The magnet’s ends or poles

$200 Question from Magnets

What are patterns that show a magnets field?

$200 Answer from Magnets

Lines of Force

$300 Question from Magnets

What is an object that attracts, or pulls on,

certain materials, mainly iron?

$300 Answer from Magnets

A Magnet

$400 Question from Magnets

What is a magnet’s property that attracts certain materials like


$400 Answer from Magnets


$500 Question from Magnets

What is the magnetic rock found naturally in or at the Earth’s


$500 Answer from Magnets


$100 Question from Circuits

What is a device that opens or closes a


$100 Answer from Circuits

A Switch

$200 Question from Circuits

What is an electric circuit in which the

parts are connected in a single path?

$200 Answer from Circuits

A Series Circuit

$300 Question from Circuits

What is a long, thin wire made of metal tungsten?

$300 Answer from Circuits


$400 Question from Circuits

What is an electric current that has more

than one path to follow?

$400 Answer from Circuits

A Parallel Circuit

$500 Question from Circuits

What causes the electric charges to flow in a


$500 Answer from Circuits

An Energy Source

$100 Question from Electricity

What is an electric charge in motion?

$100 Answer from Electricity

An Electric Current

$200 Question from Electricity

What is the space around electrically charged objects?

$200 Answer from Electricity

An Electric Field

$300 Question from ElectricityWhich circuit would not

stop the path of electric charges when a light bulb burns out?

$300 Answer from Electricity

A Parallel Circuit

$400 Question from ElectricityWhat is a magnet made when electric charges

that move through a coil of wire wrapped around an iron core, or center?

$400 Answer from Electricity


$500 Question from Electricity

What is a path in which negative charges can flow?

$500 Answer from Electricity

Electric Current

$100 Question from Grab Bag

What is a material that does not allows electricity to move easily through it?

$100 Answer from Grab Bag


$200 Question from Grab Bag

What is a tool with a magnetized needle free

to turn?

$200 Answer from Grab Bag

A compass

$300 Question from Grab Bag

What is a material that allows

electricity to move easily through it?

$300 Answer from Grab Bag


$400 Question from Grab Bag

TRUE or FALSE:If you break a magnet in

half, one piece is the north-seeking pole and the other

piece is a south-seeking pole.

$400 Answer from Grab Bag


$500 Question from Grab Bag

How can you make an electromagnet

stronger? (2 ways)

$500 Answer from Grab Bag

More Coils and

A Larger Core

Final JeopardyName three materials that will attract a magnet and

are conductors of electricity?

Final Jeopardy Answer


Paper Clip
