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Greetings and a warm welcome to our very first issue of MAGMA!

We couldn’t be more excited to have made it to this point. Please take some time to get to know the layout of our magazine. You will notice the six categories of articles. As a special edition we have a

message from our Director, which you can see in the next page. Do take some time to read this on-line magazine. You may want to

sit and read the whole thing at once, or come back to this issue

several times to digest the articles more slowly.

We are honored to share the work of so many committed and

thoughtful people for their contribution. Feel free to leave your

comments on the articles and we also look forward you all to

contribute your talents in form of writings that can be added in any

of the coming months.

You can mail us at [email protected] Subject as: MAGMA

We appreciate your support and are so happy to have you as a

reader of MAGMA.

With warmest thanks,


Snapshot From the Directors Desk -P2

Food for Thought- P3

Biz Quiz-P4

Health & Wealth-P5 Thirukural & Management - P6

Office Roundup-P7 Superior Voice -P8, 9 Birthday Wishes -P10 Tagaus! - P 11 7th Anniversary Photos- P12&13

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Today (05/09/2014) we complete 7 years of service in India, yet another milestone.

I start writing this article by taking this opportunity to thank all our employees and the executive management Mr. Scott R Stenclik and Christopher Delaney for having the trust and faith in us. It gives me a great feeling when I look back the road we have travelled and where we are today and where we will be in the next few years. It has been a wonderful journey of growth, learning, teamwork, experience, faith and trust. I would like to thank all my managers and coworkers who have been a part of this wonderful journey.

In 2007 when we started the Indian operations we had one process with close to 25 employees and today we have grown to strength of 85+ employees with different processes supporting all aspects of the business. Today I am proud to say that we are one of the very important branches of our parent company and second largest branch globally. Superior’s vision is to “Go beyond” in all aspects of the business and the services provided to its client’s and more employees centered. Superior provides a great environment for young minds and believes in building and shaping career for each and every employee. This is one of our core values. Let us work together and grow together. Proud to be a part of the “Superior Group” family.

From the Directors Desk

Navin Gautham P

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Food for Thought!

Always Bring Your Own Sunshine...

I was cycling and noticed a person in front of me,

about 1/4 of Km. I could tell he was cycling a little slower than me and decided to try to catch him. I had about a km to go on the road before turning off.

So I started cycling faster and faster and every

block, I was gaining on him just a little bit. After just a few minutes I was only about 100 yards behind him, so I really picked up the pace and pushed

myself. You would have thought I was cycling in the last leg of London Olympic triathlon.

Finally, I caught up with him and passed him by. On the inside I felt so good. “I beat him" of course, but he didn't even know we were racing.

After I passed him, I realized that I had been so focused on competing against him that I had missed my turn, had gone nearly six blocks past it and had to turn around and go all back.

Isn't that what happens in life when we focus on competing with co-workers, neighbors, friends, family, trying to outdo them or trying to prove that we are more successful or more important? We spend our time and energy running after them and we miss out on our own paths to our destinies.


The problem with unhealthy competition is that it’s a never-ending cycle. There will always be somebody ahead of you, someone with better

job, nicer car, more money in the bank, more education, a prettier wife, a more handsome husband, better behaved children, etc.

Take what Life has given you, the height, weight

& personality. Dress well & wear it proudly! You'll be blessed by it. Stay focused and lives a healthy life. There's no competition in DESTINY.

Run your own RACE and wish others WELL!!!

Wherever You Go, No Matter What The Weather, Always Bring Your Own Sunshine...

Source: LINKED IN Content Compiled by: Irfan Khan. S

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1. Marvel Entertainment, an American entertainment company known for its comic

books and Hungama TV, a TV channel for kids based out of Mumbai are both owned

by the same parent company. Which company?

2. With which company would you associate the slogans – “We fix Sunday dinner seven

nights a week” and “Follow your taste”? The company is operated by the same group

that owns Pizza Hut and Taco Bell?

3. Walt Brothers are known for______?

4. Who developed Yahoo?

5. Who is the first female chair of SBI in its 206 years of operations?

6. Which Country has Highest Currency Value?

7. Which Indian e-commerce company acquired Fitiquette, a developer of virtual fitting

room technology in 2013?

8. Who was the first Indian to win an individual medal in Olympics?

9. Who was the first Indian to reach the semifinal in Wimbledon Tennis Championship?

Note: You can forward your answers to [email protected]

Compiled by: Dulal Saha Emil Emerson

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Source: Internet Content Compiled by: Geetha

Showering may clean our exterior, but your body needs cleaning on the inside, too. Start your day with a cup of warm water into which you squeeze half a lemon, and this will act surprisingly well on your health. Since ancient times, even when we did not know the benefits of lemon, it was used on a daily basis. And once you figure its magic “potion” affects you will never start your day without it again.

It is known that vitamin C acts strongly in the battle against aging and free radicals. Both outer and inner lemon substances clean the skin amazingly. Make a habit to drink lemon water in the morning and this will help your skin to shine.

Hot lemon water reduces stomach acidity and accelerates the work of the digestive system. This simple drink stimulates the bowel, and the hot water relaxes the muscles, which reduces bloating and digestive disorders.

Potassium makes the heart healthy and the brain active. It is a powerful ally in the regulation of blood pressure and reduces the risk of getting a cold. In addition to the valuable minerals, lime contains vitamin C, one of the most important substances for strengthening the immune system, and its deficiency causes fatigue, anemia, nervousness, nausea, and depression.

The liver is an organ that filters everything that enters the body. By consuming unhealthy food and being influenced by numerous vices, we reduce the organ’s function and we burden it heavily. Hot lemon water helps cleanse the liver and stimulates its work, which encourages fat loss.

After a restful night of sleep, the body is dehydrated and needs to make up for the fluid that is lost through sweating and breathing. A cup of hot water with lemon will help you start the day refreshed and hydrated.

The peel contains important ingredients such as vitamin C, A, beta-carotene, calcium, magnesium and potassium. Grate and freeze crust, and sprinkle it over salads, soups, fish, meat, or add it to hot tea. Every morning before you drink or eat something else, drink a glass of warm water with squeezed

lemon juice, and a month later you will notice a positive effect in your entire body .

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Source: Thirukural Content Compiled by: Prabakaran M

குறள் 389 செவிகைப்பச் செொற்சபொறுக்கும் பண்புகை வவந்தன் ைவிகைக்ைீழ்த் தங்கு முலகு

Couplet 389

The king of worth, who can words bitter to his ear endure, Beneath the shadow of his power the world abides secure

This “THIRUKURAL” talks about one of the attributes of a King. If a king who can patiently listen to his subject’s criticism, even though it is bitter to his ears. This very virtue of the king

will make his subjects to accept his rule. Management Implication:

We can relate this attribute of a king as described in the “THIRUKURAL” to a Leader/Manager. The Leader / Manager who can patiently listen to the criticism of his

subordinates without forming any biases. The subordinates would like to be in his/her team. As we are in the age, where the attrition rates are very high. If a Leader / Manger could cultivate this attribute of “Active Listening”. It is rest assured the attrition rate in his/her team

would be minimal if not zero.

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A beautiful presentation on UFO (unidentified flying object) using PPT slides and amazing

pictures of implants of Alien penetration in earth.

Reader’s club is a new initiative from management towards shaping the minds of employee to reading habitation. This club has started on Friday 22nd August 2014 with over 20 attendees on the first session that went well with interesting and exciting stuff

presented by few employees. We would like to give you a snapshot of the session.



Book Name : Oath of the Vayuputras Series Name : The Shiva Trilogy Type of Literature : Mythological Fiction

Author : Amit Tripathi.


A quick information on QR (QUICK RESPONSE) codes and its application was

presented by Joseph Victor.

Compiled by: Victor

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Pranesh: If you’d summarize About Our Company & Its Progress till date, what would you share?

Saravanan: Superior Group is just like a home away from home. Clearly, teamwork and an encouraging, friendly workplace environment contributed to the success of the company, as

evidenced by the scale up of team size to 130 nos. from 20 nos. in the recent 7 years. One of the main reasons I’m attracted to our company is because of the obvious willingness to

create a quality work-life balance for the employees through human connection rather than just creating a business relationship.

Pranesh: Share your known Generic Milestones achieved by our company so far. Saravanan: Superior Group has a long-standing reputation (positioning 33 with revenue of

$400 Millions) for providing high-quality staffing services across U.S, competing with top leading companies and recently in India, as well as retained all employees even at the time of recession & non-performance. I find this admirable, and would appreciate the opportunity to

be part of the vibrant team.

Pranesh: How our Company’s Environment & Culture formed & how you oversee it to


Saravanan: Superior Group acquired Summit HR in the year Sept 2008 with a mixed work environment & culture, which was reformed & redefined. As an extension, the expansions of the workspace mainly rely on the benefits, employee programs, training & development for

new hires/interpersonal skills/performers to go up the ladder/non-performers to scale up to the expectation of the organizational goals.

"Superior Voice"

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Pranesh: If you could choose your Age Forever, what age would you choose and why?

Saravanan: Hmm! 40 is a fantastic age! Childhood too many restrictions and no focus, Teens 20's too many uncertainties and no real

commitments, 30's too many difficult decisions to make. But at the age of 40, we are spot on financially solvent and know exactly what we want from life/love/money and during the 40's what we need is realistically achievable.

Pranesh: If you were to create a Slogan for your Life, what would it be?

Saravanan: Good or bad, all experiences shape you.

Pranesh: What Item / Thing that you don't have already, would you most like to own? Saravanan: Health & Wealth

Interview by: Pranesh

Pranesh: What does Go Beyond mean to you?

Saravanan: See Unseen Pranesh: If you could replay / re-live a Fun (or deep or big) Moment in our company, what

would you choose? Saravanan:

Professionally: I wish to be a part of my team PST, supporting Marc Agresta & Shawn Lutz along with my team members.

Personally: I wish to travel all the places we tripped as a group during my tenure at Superior Group.

Pranesh: If you could Live anywhere on this Planet, and take everything that you love with you, where would you choose to live?

Saravanan: I prefer to be at Home with no access to phone line.

Pranesh: An Interesting Fact about you that is unknown to us? Saravanan: I speak, mostly when I am spoken to and that doesn’t mean that I don’t want/like

to speak. Just that I don’t intentionally create a situation to pick a conversation. I still believe that I am more talkative for the known crowd .

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Indukala, Sai, Vidya, Raja Sekar, John, Beulit, Dinesh, Irfan,

Teja, Uday, Thomas, Sathis, Parameswari.

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Sunil Kumar J & Anand Narasihman.


Dulal, Palpandi, Pranesh, Prakash, Emil, Vivek, Emmanuel, Geetha, Vinoth, Irfan, Sailes.

: Rajesh & Surendhar.

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