Page 1: Magical Music in The Mountains by Audrey Tolliver





Page 2: Magical Music in The Mountains by Audrey Tolliver


r vou don't knowrhe

much aDUut

TJTEP Drnner Theatet

or anythlng about tt aL

ott tt.'"n t's time Vo]l

i""* t* t travel back

:'^"rces' when theater

'-:' " :;. i'" n

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nrd tn" '4"' of tt'?11

Til:: l';:'T,T'1 :: :#l:: *il;lIhe show was a sellout!^.-nnd

show, "Jesus

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rhu'^op"';il; ;" a sr'drt

pg1-3r€rLV on "o'u,"^"onnlv drrner lheatet

;il: Jn T:: ::xi**ruJ':: j:l

staff of emptoY""" '

rhe perro mine ^"' .t^""j:",ir:;r'i:t;:,i,,.n t.. musical,rva^s

o,j'i,l nono,"o nr"t,

::?";' ;:,';" ffi i* :i:"1 1''l?,;dr Lr'" ' rrnT wlote a l'

:JTfl :" :: ;;l ::fll j%T;.:b ow- awav ou 't":^,;:;';rcr rhan(rns hrm

',.],'lT::J"I:;;"";" deve'o'ed a 'ons

:'*;;"#il'i:'diiat arfordable

t'* ^:;'-t:"1 #.J"::: ;:;

nolrced t^at tt" f-- .,,otV rrsed oa'roo'r

rneare, would o" l: ';;:;" aa p.osrar,s

,r rhe siJdent u"u."^^ dr l)-Ea gave

aro srudenl ot' "^ti^- ,o stage rrei' trrst a^d 'l --v o,l I^.""r uno the Amdzrng

rnus ca whrch *u]^^"1] *, ,,"n by Tim Fice

Techn cotor ,'"''l :"^; rote rn the pasl ano

1I-r Ice olaYs a ''' **;uffi*,,

Page 3: Magical Music in The Mountains by Audrey Tolliver

a s$ff \dfi{,s* *, ,

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ffifl ;l rith - /! /.w @ u ftlf$ j :

J.g " "^o'n' '"-1'', :"rl';.,:,i,l"T.:ro-cr rh'ough onon"-^'1" ,-r"e ri-e tale'reo

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.. cr rh'ough pnorru "" -^ see ti-e tale'ted

i."r"rl''''"o uD- t "".I:"" .u,."r'"r,,to ls of Et Paso Pertornt


be 'nvolved - '

-'^;., Wre^ aLrdrlionjn9

r*rt;;'#it*#"#:+:::"J::",J," ::: : ii:l -H 11". lI :

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couple wee't ot 't^.^"^,r.ator Parricta A'r

tf,e .nusrc w th rustu I ^",s me^.or zeO tne

,'lu"n' " o": l:"^:;i".,

'-n ,,"""' * "stage drroctot '": ,-; se,ves as 6 'u-n n!

rhe cast ''" *''

^::: tno,eographe, L isa

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Fehearsals ''" I " ",^

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16g rxa9lc

All n'e'".rbers l] ."" .r, ,r, rs comoleled

once the rurr ur I "

.i"*f uta "PlPPlN

Page 4: Magical Music in The Mountains by Audrey Tolliver

