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Page 1: Magazine PP
Page 2: Magazine PP
Page 3: Magazine PP
Isabella Shorter
Page 4: Magazine PP
Page 5: Magazine PP
Page 6: Magazine PP

Headline: The headline is right in the middle of the magazine tall, bold, and large text indicating the name has a importance. Also makes it easier for the reader to understand who the magazine is featuring in the issue.

Masthead: The title of the magazine is behind the main image indicating that the magazine is popular. However the title is also in bold and in large text as well as right in the middle of the magazine to capture the readers attention.Main image: The image is a medium

shot giving the audience a sense of understanding of who is being photographed. The main image is dark creating a sense of mystery, making the reader want to question what the persons secrets are.

Coverline: in contrast with the black background to capture the audience attention. Also in capital letters to underline the importance.

Quotes: to pull the attentions of the reader and get the audience more interested into reading the magazine

Bright and important colours used to highlight and bring out the importance and influence the readers more to purchase the magazine

Classic Rock:• Published by: TeamRock• Total circulation(December 2012): 56,714• Frequency


The colour scheme is mainly black, white and pink. This gives the reader a sense of mystery, therefore getting the reader more interested in to see what is so dark and mysterious about the person in the main image

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Guns N’ Roses are the main cover story and the most famous so are therefore given the biggest image on the page.

The page itself is shaped into a CD form. Creating more of a rock and music feeling for the reader.

The main colour that remains consistent throughout the magazine is red. This colour is used for the page numbers and to highlight particular guides. This makes it easier for the readers to locate the main story they would be looking for.

With The use of the white background and black bold lettering the readers are able to immediately locate where the story the would read is.

Because most images are dark and mysterious the editors used bold white lettering for the headers for individual stories to pop out, because white is a symbol of heaven the readers could feel as if the story is ‘out of this world’.

There's a long shot of Zakk Wylde showing a serious face staring directly into the camera. This shows that the magazine is more of a serious matter then gossip.

Most shots on the contents page are a medium shot, as the magazine is just introducing the artists to the readers.

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There Is no particular pose with the artists however they are all staring straight into the camera reinforcing the idea of “Fiends” written in the title, to the readers. This is effective as this reader feels apart of this rebellious reunion therefore making the reader even more interested.

With the white background and black writing, this pops out to the reader more and making it more structured and pleasing to the readers eye.

The main heading is larger to the rest of the text indicating that these are the most important words to come across to the readers.

With a large introduction letter and quotation marks this immediately captures the readers attention to see what the band has said in the article.

The article itself is only 2 columns indicating that the band isn’t massively famous as if it were there would be more word count. And because the main image is dominating this could indicate to the reader that the magazine is reintroducing the band to the public.

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Medium long shot, Because this is a ‘special collectors edition’ the audience would expect the main image to be solely focused on one person.

The lighting used is Three point lighting to get full definition of Steve Vai, Who if not known, with the lighting used would come across to the reader as well put together. It would also in a way suggest to the reader to what type of music Vai plays, which is more of a mellow rock.

The colour scheme is mainly using 3 colours on this page which is Brown, Black, and white. However the magazine has put Blue for the use of colour with the artists name. Again suggesting that the music the artist makes is more mellow and ‘cool’ as this is what is associated with the colour blue.

The main title is Large and behind the main image suggesting that the magazine is already well known so therefore doesn't need to advertise their brand name more than other unknown magazines.

The way the artist is posing looks as if he is hiding something, as he isn’t looking directly at the camera and the arm across the body and also with the sunglasses hiding the artist face. This would make the audience more interested in reading the magazine.

Unlike the normal monthly magazines, because this is a special edition there will be little to no advertisement which makes the magazine more of a ‘special’ collector, it also comes across to the audience as more of one to one connection with the artist itself.

Prop: The instrument is seen therefore giving the audience/reader a insight on the type of music the artist plays.

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Masthead: The masthead is yellow which immediately captures the audience eye, but its also shown as cracked so this could come across to the readers as it’s a ‘reckless’ magazine which would mostly likely appear to a certain part of audience.

Main image: medium close up of the main artist allowing the reader to be introduced to who the main artist is, The artist is also seen as smiley, therefore coming across to the readers as a fun and carefree magazine instead of serious.

Pull Quote: intriguing the reader more to see the article on the featured artist.

No direct information given to the reader therefore creating more of an interest on the article its about. Bright and Bold text making it more visible and showing some importance to the reader.

Kerrang:• Founder: Alan Lewis• Total circulation(June-Dec 2015): 24,207• Frequency: Weekly• Publisher: Bauer Media


Well Known artist used on the front cover of the magazine to gain a insight of what's on the content list. ‘Twenty One Pilots’ is in white to stand out to the reader, The artist are a well known pop rock group and is represented in the image by wearing red and black, The white bold writing could show the contrast of the bands purity.

Sub Image: to attract target audiences, but also used to show the reader the particular style the magazine is. Dark lighting used to create a mysterious setting.

Medium close up on a well known artist, This would capture the readers attention as they would recognize the artist face. With the use of a medium close up and Bold black writing contrasting the yellow background, This would capture the eyes of targeted audience.

Individual red box to pull the readers attention, also to give the reader a insight on what is in the magazine.

Colour Scheme: Main colours used are Red, Black, and yellow, these colours are usually represented as danger colours, This would then fit with the theme of Rock and roll which would attract a targeted audience. The colours used are also eye popping which could capture the eye of other audiences.

Buzzword: to capture the audience attention

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Colour Scheme used represents danger which would attract the specific targeted audience.

Main title: Bold, White which immediately captures the readers eye, Making it easier for the reader to locate what part of the magazine they are on. The small doodles used could continue the idea of a ‘dangerous’ magazine But can also give the idea of a simple and distracting or creative magazine as doodles are usually associated with bored students in class or creative artists.

Well known Band logo used to capture the readers attention to the main cover story, The main image could have been put in Black and White to continue the idea of a ‘dangerous’ magazine.

Informal language used directed to the readers making the magazine come across as more playful and fun, Also there is a small preview of exactly what is in the magazine so the audience know what to expect to be in the magazine. With the small paragraph written by the Deputy Editor this could seem as if the magazine are on more of a personal level and the reader may feel as if the magazine is on a one to one bases and are more connected to the audience, which could potentially increase sales.

With the white background this could show the contrast of the bands representation. Which would appeal to the reader as the target audience would want to understand why the magazine is showing a contrast of the band and the background of the magazine.

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Background is dark creating a mysterious feeling. However there is a window with bright direct sunlight behind the main images appearing to the reader as if they are heaven like.

No exact pose within the band creating more of a comfortable and relaxed feel for the reader making the magazine more inviting.

Three Colum article, This would suggest that the band are new rising stars so therefore enlarging the main image so the audience can be introduced to the reader.

No major props used making the main image, creating more of a comfortable setting for the reader.

Cover line: This is bright and stands out to the reader , encouraging the audience to read ‘The Big Story’

The main image is a medium long shot so the reader can see the pose and the costumes that the band is wearing.

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Constant repetition of the main title, With correlation to the main image the use of the repetition of the main title could come across to the reader as if the magazine is part of the audience.

The main image is a medium close up on the main artists, creating a sense of belonging with the reader. The lighting used is high key lighting making it easier for the reader to see what is happening in the image.

Fonts used, there are two main fonts used

Layout: There is no main structure for the magazines front cover. However the main titles have been placed within the crowd giving the reader a feeling as if being apart of the crowd.

Founder: Theodore InghamPublisher: Time Inc. UKTotal Circulation: 308,606 (Jan – Jun 2016)Frequency: Weekly

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Continuation of the use of repetition of the main title This would then continue the idea of being part of the ‘crowd’ from the cover page.

Main image is using natural lighting enforcing the idea of a magazine that’s the same as the reader. This helps increase the sales of the magazine as then the readers would feel more connected with the magazine. The main image is full of colour therefore coming across as more cheerful towards the audience. The image itself is a medium long shot therefore allowing the reader to see the costume and pose of the both the protagonists.

Advertisement put at the bottom of the page to grab target audiences attention. The use of the advertisement also helps the readers to understand the type of magazine that should be expected.

Large introduction letters used to capture the readers attention. This would then make the reader feel more welcome to the magazine.

With the use of a introduction letter written by the editor creates, allows the reader to connect with the magazine, also allows the reader to understand what is expected from the magazine.

Colour Scheme: The colour scheme throughout this page is mainly pink. This is reinforced through the repetitive use of the main title which is pink, but also seen through the protagonists costumes which appear to have a pink in each one, its also reinforced through the actual word use of ‘pink’ in the contents. And the numbers that are written in pink.

The positioning of the protagonists are shown to the readers as

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Sub images used to inform and allow the readers to understand what the main article is about, Also to give an insight of what is happening. Blue paint pattern to show the readers a relaxed environment as blue is usually associated with a ‘cool’ or ‘relaxed’ feelings.

Yellow text box to drag the readers attention and highlight the main or important part of the main article.

Three columns used, This shows the importance of the main article also with the lack of a main image this could indicate to the reader that the article is about multiple things.

Much like the yellow text box the red text box cuts the article allowing the reader to have a brake, but its also used to capture the readers attention and direct the focus to the possible ‘important part’

Introduction letters purposely made bold and larger then other text to capture the readers attention. Its also used to cut up the main article to make it easier for the reader to ‘parts’ of the main article.

With the use of the bold red colour, depending on the article it could represent the idea of danger or love.

The image is a long shot, showing the whole body allowing the reader to see the possible props or costumes used. In the image there are two main protagonists. Both in a casual pose creating a relaxed feeling coming across to the readers. Layout: The layout of

the double page spread is based on more of a article style, this could be directed towards a targeted audience which can suggest immediately that this is based on a popular artist

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Main image: The main image is a medium close up of the artist Kate Bush. This would allow the audience to understand who the main focus will be in the magazine, also allows the audience to understand the type of music the magazine is focused on. Kate Bush is seen staring directly into the camera giving the reader a understanding that the artist has nothing to hide, However with the artist hair in water it creates a mysterious feeling which contrasts with the pose of the artist leaving the reader puzzled and more interested to understanding who the main image is about.

Freebie: This could appeal to a particular target audience that specifically buys magazines for freebies.

Buzzword: Captures the audiences attention.

Masthead: the masthead has a modern style coming across to the reader as an upbeat magazine.

Give the audience an insight of the magazines contents. But also to grab the target audience attention.

Main title: Blue outline to contrast with water background but also conveys to the reader as a relaxed colour but at the same time capturing the audiences attention.

Sub title: gives an insight on what the main cover story is about, this would pull the audiences attention into wanting to read the ”full story”

Insight of the contents of the magazine, attracting targeted audience.

Colour Scheme: there are mainly three colours used throughout the cover page, Blue, Black, and white. These colours are usually associated with a relaxed tone which could indicate the reader the type of music the main artist makes.

Sub Image: used to attract the readers and show what is expected inside the magazine.

Founder: Paul Du Noyer Publisher: Bauer Media Group Total circulation(June 2013) : 79,345Frequency: Monthly

Page 17: Magazine PP

Quote: Pulls the readers attention giving an insight on what the magazine is focusing on for the main cover story.

Main image: The main image is a medium shot of the artist, this allows the audience to view the costume and location on where the artist is set this giving a introduction the readers. The image is in black and white which could convey the type of music this particular artist plays which could be more of a rock genre.

Colour Scheme: The colour scheme used for the contents page is mainly red, black, white. The use of these colours can convey the

Breaking the colour scheme to captures the readers attention. This could also easily indicate to the audience a change or different theme compared to the magazine.

With the medium close ups of the ‘contributors’ this could draw of a close atmosphere between the audience and the magazine.

Main title: Bold, White, shadowed. This makes the title standout to the reader therefore making it easer for the reader where on the magazine they are.

The positioning of the protagonists is mainly seen in the middle of the image. Coming across to the readers as being the centre of the readers attention.

The lighting used is purely concert based which can give the audience a feel of belonging in the event helping the audience connect more to the magazine.

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The use of red text pops out to the reader making the writing stand out, therefore highlighting the importance of the text.

Introduction letter is deliberately made extra large to capture the audience attention. But also used to break up the bigger paragraphs to make it easier for specific audiences.

Vinyl used to give the magazine an ‘edged’ look, but also with a relatively old fashioned look the magazine could indicate to the reader what type of artist is featured on the double page spread. Quote: breaks the length of the double page spread, also shows the reader the part of the artist the magazine wants to put across to the audience.

Structure: The structure of the double page is organized and there aren't many ‘distractions’ this could give the audience a sense of what the particular artist is like.

Images: The images chosen are relaxed and mainly medium shots which allows the audience to understand what the artist is like. Each photo is in a different format, studio shot, natural, posed. This allows the audience to get every aspect of the featured artist.

Language: The language used is more formal than the rest of the magazine again suggesting the seriousness of the artist, but also the seriousness of the article.
