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Page 1: Magazine ideology

Magazine ideology

What information did i find out from my market research?

I found out useful information from my results. The main audience for my magazine is males

between the ages of 15 and 19 who are studying in London. I also found out other information

such as interest of artist which I can include in my magazine. The responses gave me a outline

of how grimes up should be produced.

Is there a niche in the market for my product?

I think there is a niche for my product as there is no other magazine exactly like grime up, giving

more information on the English rap scene and targeting a young teen audience.

How will my magazine differ from those out their?

I believe that my magazine will be unique shining more light on to the English rap and grime

scene by introducing new artist and well known artist alike. Furthermore Not many magazines

concentrate specifically on this genre so with grimes up I’m trying to give a better

understanding of English rap and grime.

Which magazines are inspiration and why?

Two magazines that inspired me are RWD and American hip hop magazine Vibe. RWD is a great

example to follow as it concentrates on the UK talent and gives an insight into artist lives. The

magazine is also very exciting and interesting which mine aims to be. Vibe inspires because

although it’s not UK based it gives a run down on its genre and updates the reader with

celebrity’s lives and events.

What is the message and purpose behind the magazine?

The purpose of my magazine is to bring out the English rap and grime scene and to bring out a

magazine that specifically fits the genre. The message is in the name “ grimes up” as in grime is

going up as well as rap and more people are becoming interested in the genre and are wanting

to know more.

Page 2: Magazine ideology


my magazine grimes up is aimed at a young audience mainly male but some female, between the ages

of 15 and 19 living in the united kingdom. The reason i decided to choose this as my target audience is

because firstly there are hardly any magazines focused on the English rap and grime scene for this age

range. Also looking at my survey young people are interested in rap artist and want to know more which

gives a niche for my magazine. i decided on the name grimes up as grime and English rap is becoming

popular again and so grime is going up. It’s also a play on the word times up.

There are two main magazines that inspired me, RWD and vibe. Both magazines have similarities to

what I want my magazine to become. Firstly RWD is an example of a magazine that focuses on UK talent

and gives information on UK artist. The magazine is very successful and hopefully my magazine can be

similar but for a younger audience and focusing mainly on the grime and rap scene. Vibe is an American

magazine yet its popularity and style as magazine make it one to imitate. They focus on American artist,

including rappers and have a unique style of giving information. My magazine will have similarities but

will be different in the fact that is stays on the subject of English rap and reaches out to specific target


My magazine is important to be sold as it will be an answer for young people so interested in this

subject of grime and English rap, but lacking the information and detail. Hopefully it will also help create

and give hope to young English talent and there are many aspiring rappers in the UK, so it is likely to be
