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Page 1: Magazine evaluation q4 & 5

What would the target

audience for your magazine


Page 2: Magazine evaluation q4 & 5

Gender/SexMy magazine is not specifically aimed at any sex in particular – however I would like to break the convention that music magazines are typically just a male thing as other alternative music magazines such as Kerrang are aimed more at males. Therefore I have included feature artists with females included in the band so that this would entice more females to buy my magazine as the idea that alternative music is not just a male dominated thing. However I have also aimed my magazine at males by including males on the front cover and darker colours like red and black so that the magazine has a gender neutral feel to it.

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AgeI have aimed my magazine at a younger audience – specifically 15-25 year olds. I have done this because there are not many music magazines that are aimed specifically for young people of both genders therefore I saw a market gap. I have also done this by using short, to the point text so that younger audiences can keep their interest held and the magazine will appeal to them more as they can take in only the information that they want to as my pages are not cluttered and any large texts are broken down into chunks that are easy to digest.

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My magazine was not intentionally aimed at a particular ethnicity, however on reflection looking through my magazine it features no other ethnicity but white people, therefore this may lead to my magazine appealing more to white teenagers rather than a broad range of teenagers. If I could do my magazine again I would be more racially diverse to show that my magazine is aimed at anyone that appreciates music not just one particular race, however I am hoping that this will not be much of an issue.

My magazine is aimed at working to middle class teenagers as the magazine is modern and fairly low in price at just £2.60 which is lower than most other music magazines which tend to be priced around the £4 mark. Therefore it is accessible to anybody. I did this intentionally as I thought if I priced it highly then it would automatically rule out people that could not afford to spend a lot of money on just a magazine if they are being paid under 18 wages or surviving on pocket money and I wanted my magazine to reach a wide audience of teenagers, not just those that come from a wealthier household.

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What steps did you take during the construction

of your magazine to ensure your target

audience would take an interest?

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To begin with I asked lots of questions about what my audience expect and want from an alternative music magazine so that I would know what to include before I started. I asked an audience of predominantly teenagers so that my survey opinion would be relevant to my target audience.

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The feedback I got helped make my decision to include:

- Interviews with artists

- Black and red or blue and white colours

- Clear majority would expect to pay around £2-£4

- People would want freebees from a music magazine heavily centred around a gig or live music experience

- All of the people I surveyed also said that they choose

to listen to their music with earphones, which means that my target audience would be largely technology based and would be likely to be in touch with Social Media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, so my music magazine would have to be up to date and modern to appeal to a younger audience

- The most popular of the artists I plan to present in my magazine was by far Arctic Monkeys

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I also made sure I included typical attractions of other music magazines to draw in readers such as:

Editorial Letter Articles About Famous Alternative Bands

Informal/Colloquial Language

I included a letter because it is a typical feature in a magazine and it makes the reader feel as though they are being addressed directly and makes them feel included and part of the magazine

I included famous alternative music bands that proved the most popular in my survey to appeal to the alternative audience

I used an informal and laid back language in my letter as my target audience is young so I wanted it to come across as laid back and not too serious so that they feel like the magazine is on their level of understanding and speaks to them directly and is aimed at them specifically