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Page 1: Magazine Cover Analysis

Magazine Cover


Kyanna Sutton

Page 2: Magazine Cover Analysis

The masthead on the magazine is a very bold and memorable logo. It stands out boldly with the black

background, and red letters. The white surrounding the logo makes it really

stand out which is really effective as it is on the third left which stands out

when in a shop.

The main image I find it really interesting. They have used what

looks like a tear down the middle of the page between the two people. This is really effective as the main article is ‘War on emo’ which this then shows the conflict between two things like


The main article has been placed boldly across the centre of the magazine. It follows the theme

similarly of the masthead as it is using the white and red once again except in


The cover lines aren’t used very much on the magazine, but once again cold/contrasting colouring has been used for them with the yellow and white again. I can notice that they have

chosen to choose the simple colour of white which helps outline and make

everything stand out a lot more. Which they would be aiming to do to catch

more reader’s interests.

My overall impressions on this magazine front cover are that I

feel it is a pretty good magazine. I feel they could

have been more experimental with the fonts, or used more than one basic font. I think their colouring used was

although very basic, simple, I feel it was really effective to

attract more people to look and read into it.

The expressions on the people’s faces on the main image represents the main

article as their faces look as if they are calling out to people, to fight or go to battle. They have to the posture that they

look like they are sending people off to battle, like they

are pointing in the direction in which they want them to go.

This magazine would really appeal to the target audience

they want as the colours stand out, and also they have used, well known and popular; cover lines, articles and people on the main image. Although

there not being much on the third left, if in a shop, the

bright, bold colours on the masthead would really stand

out and catch the reader’s eye.

Page 3: Magazine Cover Analysis

The masthead on the magazine is set across the top of the magazine. They have used a pretty cool font for this, as it looks like an average font but has slanted corners at the ends. I like how they have added the cracks on it as it follows the

theme of the magazine. I like how they have put the word ‘metal’ in

the ‘H’ as it is a really cool, different idea. Plus it would stand out more

when set in shops.

The main image is really interesting. You can blatantly tell they have

used photoshop on this image as they have used the look of him

breaking glass with his fist and it shattering all around him. This image also really goes with the

theme of the magazine. They have blended what looks like the other band members into the shards of

glass which is really cool and effective.

There is no main article, the only thing close is the skyline which includes

bands names which are included in the magazine. But there is a really good font use on this as they haven’t stuck

with simple ideas.

The main colouring they have used is red, white and black. Which all stand out next to each other but also work together/go well at the

same time. They have used pale/grey tones in the background

on the glass and other peoples faces. This is really effective as it

stands out in an odd sense that you are used to seeing magazines being quite bright and bold to catch your


My overall impressions on this magazine front cover are that it is a really

interesting magazine to look at. I like how they have given it a

comic/superhero look. The layout of the magazine is poster format. Which for

this is really effective and really stands out and gets the interest of a wider

range of people, with different musical tastes.

This magazine would really appeal to people of a wide age range, from

teenagers to adults. It seems so be more appealing to people of the more

rocker/biker status. But with all the different edits they use on their covers, it catches the eye of a lot more than just

one stereotyped group.

The overall expression/emotion I get from this is a mix from anger, excitement

but I also get a sense that they are trying to create a sense of a youthful or

rebellious look. I feel the pale/grey complexions in the backing really work well as it makes the main person in the

image stand out. Also about the masthead and all information at the top,

it makes the bold/bright colours jump out at you.

Page 4: Magazine Cover Analysis

The masthead on the magazine is pretty simply in terms of editing. They have coloured it a sort of lime green and put a drop shadow behind the


The main image is really interesting and took my interest. It has been edited by photo quite a bit as you can see they

have flattened the image to make it look as if it is a card-board cut-out. They have used curves or lightened the image to create the whiter/brighter

looks to them. Also there seems to be a slight faded outline/glow around them

which is very slight to be seen.

The main article is about the band Muse. They have kept the font similar to the masthead, They seem to have

added a scratched effect to it.

The cover lines are all placed on the third left of the magazine. They have

kept the colour scheme of yellows and whites. They have also used the same

typography as being used on the magazine. They also have cover lines on the right hand side of the magazine

with images to make it look more appealing to buyers.

My overall impressions on this magazine front cover are that it is

quite an interesting front cover. They have made use of Photoshop

and also been experimental with typography and text effects. I like

how they have kept the main image very simple and also think it is really effective them flattening the image as it gives you something new to

look at and it shows the magazine’s individuality.

The expressions on the people’s faces are quite straight and simple but looking into it more, they have a

solemn/proud look. As the main article is about them having a new

album they have been made to look new/fresh and it makes them more

powerful with the glow and lightened image.

This magazine would really appeal to the target audience of teenagers and/or young adults. As it has a lot going on to satisfy different people

plus it hasn’t gone overboard to just reach out to one age range.

They also have an offer on something set to the third left so it will show when sat in shops as this is what sticks out

when sat in shop floors.

They have a skyline on this magazine which is the first I have used on this presentation. They

have used the idea of having a free CD once again appealing to more

readers as it is a special offer. Also they have more information about bands and stuff going on. With this they have once again used similar

typography as well as the text effects of being scratched.