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Holly Peacock

Page 2: Magazine Conventions

What you get on front covers

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Cover Line

Secondary Lead


Graphic Feature or Puff

Selling Line or Banner


Feature Article Photo



Menu Strip

Bar Code

Date Line



Caption7. Web-links?


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- The masthead is quite bold and it usually follows the colour scheme of red. It stands out against the background image and is in capital letters which makes it eye catching to the public. This makes it a recognisable logo which people will remember after seeing it. It’s usually placed behind the cover image, but is still noticeable. Sometimes, the masthead changes style/colour depending on the cover image. Moreover, the mast head is the 3rd biggest thing on the cover of the magazine, after the cover and headline. This shows it’s importance on the magazine, as its reflecting the magazine brand etc.

- The meaning that is added with the interaction between anchorage and photos is that it gives you extra information. It informs the readers a bit more on what the issue is mainly about and makes the story more interesting, and shows what the image is showing. Moreover, it shows what kind of magazine it is and what it’s main focuses are.

- The lifestyles hinted from the taglines, language and kickers in general is that it is a laid back magazine for ‘cool’ people. It shows that the people who generally like this magazine, are not that formal. The language used sometimes includes swear words and other language, suggesting that it’s a magazine for generally older, middle class people. The music also reflects this kind of lifestyle, hence why the magazine follows a similar route.

- I believe that the most important thing on the cover is the main feature image. This is because, usually people will buy a magazine if it has an interesting image. They

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see the image first. If it has a cover which appeals to people, then people who usually don’t buy the magazine may buy it. Moreover, the cover image reflects what is going to be inside the magazine. So instantly, you know if you will want to read this magazine or not. I believe this is vital, as if people judged the magazine not on the cover, then they may get mislead by the magazine and be uninterested. - The tone of language used on the magazine is quite direct and abrupt. It shows that the magazine is ‘loud’ and wants to catch your attention. Moreover, from the language you can get quite a sarcastic feel, as if the magazine isn’t all that serious about things. Words such as ‘monster’ is used to catch people’s attention as it is different from normal magazines. It appeals to people as it shows that the interview will be interesting and the magazine can get away with using this kind of language. Once again, the swear words can also show that it’s not very serious and formal again. It’s more laid back and can say pretty much what it wants to say.

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How front covers are conceived and laid out

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Direct mode of address can appear ‘in yer face’, serious, warm…

Indirect mode of address can be mysterious, lively, sombre…

Creates a wacky, fun image, sharing an identity with the reader that offers the ‘independence’ of indie music.

Enigma – what are they getting up to now?

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COLOUR - Is a colour scheme used? Is it the same with every issue or switch according to the images? Is there a pattern as to where colour is used? Does colour have its own meaning?

FONTS - Roughly how many different fonts (not sizes) are used? Can you link the same fonts with the same conventions?

STYLE - What look and feel is created? How much does the cover image contribute to this? What photographic techniques are used? Describe the mode of address and overall look e.g. invitational, mysterious etc. Is a theme used e.g. futuristic? Does an enigma prompt the reader to ask questions?

USE OF SPACE - How has the rule of thirds been used? Does the left-third dominate? Is the use of space typical e.g. masthead top-left, headline sitting at the bottom of the mid-third etc.? Is it spread out, blocky, chaotic? Is there any dead space or white space?

CONCLUDE – Why do you think it is designed as it is? Does it reinforce or challenge the typical conventions? Is it: poster-style, busy , loud, inyerface, smooth, slick, stylish, fun etc.?

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- For NME magazine, there seems to be a general colour scheme for each issue, with other colours added depending on the cover image. The general colour scheme is usually red, yellow, white and black. These are colours which all stand out as they are bold and bright, catching peoples eyes when they see it. They all contrast from the background making it look very vibrant and interesting. The red colour is almost always used on the masthead on the magazine. This shows that when you associate the colour red with the magazine, you usually think of the masthead straight away, due to the repetitive colour used for it. However, sometimes the masthead changes colour depending on the cover image, if it’s a special issue or the image is actually red itself etc. Sometimes, if the image has a red tone to it, then the masthead sometimes has a black ‘stroke’ around it to make it stand out against it. This makes it bolder meaning that you still notice it despite similar colours. NME has been known to recently change the masthead to colours such as blue and yellow. Although they are different from the usual colour used, they still do follow the general colour scheme for the magazine. Furthermore, the colour white is usually used for captions and kickers. This is because it stands out against the background and the cover image. It is usually a bolder colour such as yellow or once again red which is used for a headline. So the white colour tones it down but also stands out at the same time.

- Roughly, there is usually 3 different fonts used throughout the magazine. The masthead has a font which is big, narrow and bold. It appears to be in capital letters to contrast from all the other things on the magazine. Moreover, the headline also seems to follow a similar route as it also is in capital letters, which is big and bold. Also, the kickers seem to have the same font too. This is because these are all key features on the cover and they need to stand out the most to get people’s attention. The secondary lead and plug have the same font for most issues. Its usually quite fancy and different from the rest of the theme of the magazine.

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- The style of the magazine is very much reflected via the cover image.