Download pdf - Madvert feedback

Page 1: Madvert feedback

DRAFT 1 - “the fade is too much of a

contrast to the pink”

“there is too many fonts making it unattractive to look at”

“lack of convergence”

“needs a record label”

DRAFT 2 - “The white makes it appear plain, boring and simple

and looks unprofessional and is not eye-catching”

“the convergence is unevenly separated which is visually unappealing”

“the font is hard to see and does not conform to the pop genre”

“perhaps add in a box”

DRAFT 3- “it shouts out a very young target audience and screams pop

genre, this is not conforming to the urban pop genre”

“experiment with gold fonts as it is more conventional”

“Try moving the artists name to the centre as it will be more effective in drawing in the audience.”

“the bubble font reminds me of graffiti and looks

childish – for a younger audience”

“go back to using a dark background as it will draw in a

wider audience at the bottom”

DRAFT 4 - This is much better it has a lot more impact and draws in the


I have gathered feedback from various people including my teacher on my drafts and added to

this word as I created my draft to show the process in editing in the feedback I have been given.
