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Macbeth Summary :)

Emily Yacobian


English 11


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Introduction to Macbeth.

The first act set everything in motion. The three witches or (weird sisters) are introduced. The witches stated, these very important lines. “ All hail Macbeth ! Hail to thee, Thane of Glamis. All hail Macbeth ! Hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor. All hail Macbeth ! That shalt be king hereafter ! “ (Shakespeare Pg 17) That simple yet deadly quote, set the future of the book. The third witch, said one last very important quote to Banquo. That quote was “ Thou shalt get king, though thou be none ! “ ( Shakespeare Pg 19). Banquo is Macbeth's good friend, who always stands by his side.

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The evil plan ...● Macbeth continues to think about

what the witches have said. He decides to write it down. Lady Macbeth, is Macbeth's power hungry wife. Macbeth says nothing to his wife about his experience with the witches. His wife learns about the prediction, that her husband will be the Thane of Cawdor. Lady Macbeth, decides to take destiny into her own hands and kill the reigning Thane of Cawdor. Lady Macbeth talks her husband into KILLING, the Thane of Cawdor. She assures him everything will be okay with this line. “ But screw your courage to it's sticking place and we will not fail” (Shakespeare Pg 43).

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Thane of Cawdor : Duncan● Duncan, is currently the Thane of

Cawdor. He has been invited to the Macbeth's home. Little does he know, it's the last time he will be seen alive. Duncan has two children, one is named Malcolm and the other is Donalbain.

● The plan has been set in place, Duncan is in Macbeth's home asleep. Lady Macbeth, waits for Macbeth's move in murdering Duncan. Macbeth has a moment to ponder the dagger, that he will use and exactly will he do ...

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It was done ! ● Macbeth, has done it. He stabbed

Duncan to death, while he lay sleeping in his bed. Astonished Macbeth forgot the plan and took the evidence (the dagger) with him. Macbeth was very slow and unresponsive to his wife. Angry Lady Macbeth, took the dagger back in the room and covered Duncan's gaurds with his blood.

● Duncan's murdered body was found by Macduff. He stated this line, “ o horror, horror, horror! Tongue nor heart cannot conceive thee or name thee!( Shakespere Pg 65). Macbeth insisted, that the guards killed Duncan. Macbeths good friend Banquo, does not believe this story. Malcolm and his sibling Donalbain flee the country

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The lie about Duncan's death● Macbeth, decides to take the glory

and say that HE killed Duncan's guards out of anger. This shows him to be a hero and thus as planned, he becomes Thane of Cawdor.

● Not everything went the way he planned. Macbeth and his good friend Banquo's relationship is strained. Now, Macbeth's greed and power has gotten to his head. He wants ensure, that he will always be on top. He does not want absolutely anyone, to get in his way. Macbeth invites Banquo to a fancy dinner that Banquo agrees he will attend, after he finishes horse riding. Macbeth does something drastic.. again..

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Banquo's, a dead man as well● Remember the quote about Banquo's

sons being thanes?. Well, our dear friend Macbeth remembers that quote too. He is deeply afraid that his friend Banquo's children, will reign above him. He decides to brainwash, three people into killing Banquo and his son Fleance. Macbeth sends out the men to kill them, while they are riding their horses. As Banquo dies ,he yells out “ O treachery ! Fly good Fleance. fly,fly,fly ! Thou mayst revenge - O slave ! (Shakespeare 101). The assains have failed, Banquo is dead but Fleance is still alive. The news returns back to Macbeth and something even crazier happens.

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Dinner table hell ● The news of Banquo's death, should

bring happiness right ? Unfortunately it did not. The murderers inform Macbeth that Banquo is dead. By stating “ Safe in a ditch he bides, with twenty trenched gashes on his head, The least a death to nature” (Shakespeare Pg 101). Macbeth at this point seems to be going insane. Even though he knows that Banquo is dead, at the fancy dinner table he SEES Banquo. No one is aware of his death yet. Macbeth seems to see Banquo's “ghost'. He makes a complete fool of himself at the table, stating a bunch of nonsense. This confuses his guests, so his angry wife boots them all out.

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What's next to come?

● At the end of act three, Macduff and a secret lord plan to take down Macbeth. Macduff does not believe that Malcolm and Donalbain have killed their father. They want and need to stop his crazy reign. I agree and belive this needs to stop. Macbeth is acting like an absolute mad man. Macbeth can't simply murder everyone that gets in his way, especially a young boy. I cant wait to see whats in store next act..

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Character profiles & their part : ● Lady Macbeth :

● Wife of Macbeth. It was her idea, to put everything in motion. Lady Macbeth, put the idea in Macbeth's head that HE NEEDED to kill Duncan.

● Duncan :

● Duncan is the former Thane of Cawdor. He was brutally murdered by Macbeth. Macbeth's wife “forced” him to kill Duncan.

● Macbeth :

● Former Thane of Glamis, he just became the Thane of Cawdor. He killed Duncan and hired people to kill his good friend Banquo. It seems, that he is going a bit crazy.

● Banquo :

● Banquo used to be Macbeth's best friend. He was murdered by three men, that Macbeth hired He has a son named Fleance that saw his murderer. His son Fleance is still alive.

● Weird sisters :

● Their also know as the “witches”. They have set the prophesy’s and set the wheels in motion. If it wasn't for them, no one would have died. Unintentionally they set up Duncan's death.

● Malcolm :

● Malcolm is Duncan's son. He fled to England after his fathers death. He wants to make sure justice is served.

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Pictures of the characters :

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Thank you :) !

● Thank you for watching the video. I hope this gave you a better understanding, of whats going on and who the characters are.

● The pictures end, match up to each character in the previous slide.

