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Nº M40000-4100-110-CAL-0001For 


Prepared by

CEJV – Casale EPCM Jo!" Ve!"#$e AMEC - %l#o$ 

 Approved by

Discipline Leader: Pierre Lacombe (PL)

Functional Leader: Pierre Lacombe (PL)

Project Engineer: Juan Pablo Klimpel (JPK)

 Area anager!Process anager: "oberto Aburto ("A)

Engineering anager: #arlos $arvae% (#$&)

Project anager EP: Paul c"ae (P)

#lient: ()

Re&' Da"e P#$(ose o) Re&so! P$e(a$e* C+e,e* A(($o&e* A Dec ' '*++ #EJ, Engineering #lose-.ut / PL PL






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+3* 4$5".D6#54.$ 0

'3* 7#.PE0

03* "EFE"E$#E7 8

93* 76A" 8

83* DE,EL.PE$5 1


5able 9-+: 7ummary o; Average 7ulp<ide .re Processing #osts = by #ost 5ype2

5able 9-': 7ummary o; Average 7ulp<ide .re Processing #osts = by #ost Area

5able 9-0: early 7ulp<ide .re Plant .perating #ost >5able 8-+: #ross 7ection o; Labour ont<ly 7alaries (Fully ?urdened) +*

5able 8-': 7ite-7peci;ic Electricity Pricing and .;;-7ite 5ransmission Losses ++

5able 8-0: $ameplate-7peci;ic .n-7ite 5rans;ormation @ 5ransmission Losses ++

5able 8-9: Electrical otor E;;iciency 5able +'

5able 8-8: Flotation Plant anpoer #osts ?reaBdon +0

5able 8-2: #rus<er and &rinding ill Liner and edia #osts +9

5able 8-: Abrasion 4ndices and ine "eserve Proportions per "ocB 5ype +8

5able 8->: Abrasion 4ndices and Poer 4ntensity per &rinding 7tage +8

5able 8-1: 7ulp<ide .re "eagent #osts +>

5able 8-+*: 7ulp<ide .re Processing Electrical Loads and #osts by .perations Area '*

5able 8-++: Parameters Applied ;or aintenance aterial #osts Derivation ''

5able 8-+': 7ummary o; Fres< Cater Distribution Processing #osts = by #ost 5ype '85able 8-+0: Fres< Cater Distribution 7ystem = Distribution o; Direct #osts over L. '2

5able 8-+9: 7ummary o; Lime 7laBing 7ystem Processing #osts = by #ost 5ype '2

5able 8-+8: Lime 7laBing 7ystem = Distribution o; #osts over L. '2

5able 8-+2: 7A"5 #ircuit = Distribution o; #osts over L. (be;ore $a#$ credits) '

5able 8-+: #osts and #redits "elated to #4L 6se o; 7A"5 #ircuit '>

5able 8-+>: &old "ecovery #ircuits #osts = Distribution o; #osts over L. '>

5able 8-+1: #osts "elated to #4L #ircuit 6se o; AD"!EC!"e;ining #ircuits '>


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5<is document details t<e inputs and assumptions used to derive t<e processingoperating costs (.PE) ;or t<e sulp<ide ore o; t<e #erro #asale Project as presented

to ## ;or updating t<e ;inancial model <ic< along it< t<e revised capital costs

(#APE) estimate issued in ay '*++3

7ince t<e costs ;or t<ese circuits are s<ared at t<e onset beteen t<e processing o; 

oide (by <eap leac<ing) and sulp<ide ore (t<roug< leac<ing o; t<e ;lotation cleaner 

tails ;or recovery o; precious metals) t<e costs are presented on a yearly basis as ell

as on an average basis3

5<e average overall operating cost ;or t<e #erro #asale property is 67G311!t o; 

sulp<ide ore3 5<ese costs are representative o; H+-'*++ pricing in 6nites 7tates o;  America dollars (67G)3 5<e average costs relate to t<e processing o; sulp<ide ore

(and <ere applicable because o; cost s<aring ;or oide ore as ell) at t<e yearly

nominal t<roug<put and average ;eed grades3

5<e ec<ange rate used ;or t<e operating costs as 98 #<ilean Peso to 67 dollars

(#LP:67G)3 5<e bulB o; t<e operating costs eposed to ;oreign currency corresponds

to t<e labour costs3 7ome consumables are also costed in #LP namely t<e lime since

it is a local supply3


.perating cost estimates ;or t<e ay '*++ revision o; ##I Financial odel ere

developed to a target accuracy o; -8 to +* generally based on ;irst-principles

assessment and parallel it< Bnon operations3 $eit<er escalation nor contingency

<ave been applied3 .perating costs ere derived as applicable ;or t<e ;irst uarter o; 

'*++ by applying t<e ;olloing to t<e production ;orecast:

• mobile euipment <ourly operating costs

• labour reuirements

• ages and salaries

• grinding steel consumption adjusted to rocB type abrasion indices per empirical

euations• reagent consumptions per testorB or stoic<iometric relations<ips3

5<e processing ;acilitiesI costs are including t<e ;olloing aspects:

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• consumables (reagents poer lubricants ;uel grinding media comminution

euipment liners ;ilter clot<es) ;or t<e sulp<ide ore processing plant (e3g3


• manpoer ;or suc< plant ;or operation maintenance supervision and tec<nical


• maintenance parts and contractors

5<e costs speci;ically eclude any distribution o; general and administrative (&@A)

costs besides any direct burden to t<e base ages o; personnel and a cost

alloance to cover concentratorIs o;;ice and "@D epenses3

#osts ;or some areas outside o; t<e p<ysical con;ine o; t<e processing plant are also

included in t<e reported total alt<oug< not prepared nor revieed by Process3 5<ese

include t<e ;olloing aspects:

• port ;acilities costs eclusive o; concentrate loading sampling and assaying

costs (as arBeting costs)

• Piedra Pome% ;res< ater ell ;ield and ;res< ater pipeline operations (data

provided by ?rass-5ec<int)

• delivery o; concentrate ;rom concentrator to port ;acilities via pipeline (data

provided by ?rass-5ec<int)

• process ater recovery ;rom tailings pond (data provided by Arcadis)

• operation o; t<e reverse osmosis plant (C5P) at mine site and at port site (dataprovided by AE# #ade)

• operation o; regenerative poer plant on ;res< ater pipeline (data provided by

 AE# #ade)

5rans;ers o; costs ;rom circuits s<ared it< oide processing are included in t<e

sulp<ide ore processing costs3 5<ese s<ared costs include t<e operation o; t<e

 AD"!EC!gold re;ining and 7A"5 circuits3 5<e total costs related to t<ese circuits and

t<e distribution made to t<e sulp<ide ore processing ;acilities are detailed in document


7ome costs incurred it<in ;acilities operated by t<e ;lotation processing plant butused by ot<er customers are distributed bacB to t<e end consumers3 5<ese include:

• assaying costs (s<ared it< t<e mine and geology department as ell as it<some gold recovery circuits)

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• cyanide destruction costs (s<ared it< t<e 7A"5 circuit)

• t<e preparation o; milB o; lime in a centrali%ed location at t<e ;lotation plant (usedon t<e leac< pad and in t<e s<ared AD" circuit)

• ;res< ater system (used by mine ;or dust abatement and &@A ;or camps andpotable ater supply)3

5<e apportioning o; t<e total costs ;or eac< o; t<ese s<ared ;acilities is based on t<e

most appropriate parameter to use in eac< case:

• ;or t<e AD" operation t<e tonnes o; loaded carbon processed ;rom t<e #4L and

#4# circuit are used

• ;or t<e 7A"5 circuit t<e copper load contributed ;rom eac< o; t<e #4L tailings andbleed ;rom t<e barren leac< solution ;rom t<e <eap leac< pad is used

• ;or cyanide destruction t<e proportional load o; cyanide sent to t<e circuit ;rom t<e

7A"5 circuit and t<e #4L circuit is used

• ;or ;res< ater based on average consumption per end users


+3 eras odel EPCM Model (May-05-11).fmd 

'3 #onsumables pricingM ?arricB 5oronto Procurement

03 obile euipment <ourly costsM ?arricB 7antiago ining Department

93 ine Plan spreads<eet CC_2011_MinePlan_CEJV_04-Mar-11 

83 7preads<eet EPCM-Plan! "PE# $a!a %&ee! 'ev. $.ls ;or calculation o; metal


23 9****-9+0*-++*-#AL-***+ = &old Plant!7A"5 .perating #osts


.perating costs ;or t<e processing plant ere establis<ed using reagent consumptions

indicated by testorB <ere available reagent pricing data supplied by ## design

in;ormation and suppliersI uotes3 ?enc<marBing against similar operations as used

;or comparison3

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5<e overall estimated costs are presented in 5able 9-+ per cost type and in 5able 9-'

per processing area3 5<roug<put t<is document <ere process operating costs are

noted in 67G!t processed t<ese costs relate to dry tonnes o; sulp<ide ore milled3 5<ere;erenced mine plan per Appendi A is calling ;or +*+838 t o; ore to be processed3

5<e costs re;lect s<aring o; some costs it< t<e oide ore processing by <eap leac<ing

(/L) in particular t<ose related to t<e operation o; t<e AD" gold re;inery and 7A"5

circuits3 .nce t<e /L operations ;inis< t<e ;ull amount o; t<e ;ied costs ;or t<e

circuits previously s<ared it< t<e oide ore processing reports to t<e ;lotation plant3

early ;luctuations are due to t<e variability o; average grades ore <ardness and

composite abrasion inde <ic< ill in;luence product volumes grinding poer dra

and grinding media and liner ear rates in a non-linear ;as<ion3

Ta3le 4-1 S#55a$6 o) A&e$a7e S#l(+*e O$e P$o,ess!7 Cos"s – 36 Cos" T6(e

I"e5 LOM US8M US89" ($o,esse*: o) "o"al

($o,ess!7 ,os"s

Liners 0'3* *3022 939

&rinding 7teel 18*3+ *3102 ++30

"eagents ++'831 +3+*1 +039

Fuel +31 *3*+> *3'

.t<er #onsumables +3 *3**' -

Poer 990'3' 93028 8'32

Labour 9223' *3981 838

#ontractors - etallurgy ++83' *3++0 +39aintenance 7pares @ aterials

- obile Euipment 0*3* *3*'1 *39

- Process Euipment >8932 *3>9' +*3+

Leases on obile Euipment 32 *3** *3+

.t<er #osts (non-itemi%ed ;orpipelines port ater treatment)

8132 *3*81 *3

S#3-To"al ;<4' ;'0= 100


- #$ recovered ;rom 7A"5 (''83*) (*3''')

- Fres< ater pipelinepoer 

(1'3+) (*3*1+)

To"al ;'11>'1 ?'@@

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Ta3le 4- S#55a$6 o) A&e$a7e S#l(+*e O$e P$o,ess!7 Cos"s – 36 Cos" A$ea

P$o,ess!7 A$ea LOM US8M US89" ($o,esse*

: o) "o"al

($o,ess!7 ,os"sPrimary #rus<ing '9'31 *3'01 '31

7econdary #rus<ing 8*+3* *3910 831

5ertiary #rus<ing ++1'32 +3+9 +93+

&rinding 099031 0301+ 9*3>

Flotation +'213* +3'8* +83*

Deatering @ Port '1131 *3'18 032

#arbon-in-Leac< (#4L) 1>03> *3121 ++3

5ailings 7torage Facility (57F) +023> *3+08 +32

Cater 5reatment at ine 7ite 923+ *3*98 *38

Cater 5reatment at Port 23 *3** *3+

.ver<eads 0+*38 *30*2 03

S#3-To"al ;<4' ;'0= 100

#redits (#$ ;rom 7A"5 poer;rom ;res< ater pipeline)

(0+3+) (*30+0)

To"al ;<11>'1 ?'@@

5<e costs incurred prior to t<e beginning o; t<e concentrator operations in H+ o; ear 

9 <ave been de;ined in ##Is ;inancial model as representing .nerIs costs3 5<e

total costs incurred be;ore t<is moment (it< ear + o; t<e L. calendar re;lecting t<e

beginning o; mining activities) totalling 67G '132 <ave t<us been trans;erred out o; 

t<e processing costs3 5<is e;;ectively reduces t<e reported L. unit cost ;or t<esulp<ide ore by 67G*3**0!t ;rom t<e 67G311'!t s<o in 5able 9-+ and 5able 9-'3

4n 5able 9-+ and 5able 9-' t<e trans;erred allocations ;or use o; common circuits suc<

as gold stripping circuit (AD") gold re;inery 7A"5 circuit and ;res< ater supply are

distributed under t<e various items ;or t<e sulp<ide processing plant3 4n 5able 9-' t<e

portion o; t<e costs ;or common use it< t<e /L ;acilities o; t<e AD" re;inery and

7A"5 circuits as ell as all o; t<ose related to t<e cyanide destruction circuit appear 

under t<e #4L area3

5<e credits are s<on on separate lines but it< t<e cyanide recovered ;rom t<e 7A"5

circuit really reducing t<e net costs o; operating t<e #4L circuit <ile t<e poer generation credit ;rom use o; ;res< ater is delegated to t<e ;lotation circuit3

5<e .t<er #osts item in 5able 9-+ includes items suc< as ;res< ater and

concentrate pipeline operations (as costed by ?rass-5ec<int) ater treatment plants

by reverse osmosis at mine site and port3 A value o; 67G*3'''!t o; t<e total credits o; 

67G*30+0!t represents t<e cyanide recovered t<roug< t<e use o; t<e 7A"5 circuit3

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5<e balance stems ;rom t<e generation o; electricity by t<e turbine installed in t<e

;res< ater pipeline3

.ver<eads include t<e supervisory and tec<nical personnel salaries not dedicated to a

speci;ic operating area o;;ice epenses as ell as general ependitures suc< as

researc< and development ("@D)3

5able 9-0 re;lects t<e yearly processing costs projected ;rom t<e detailed eras model3

Ta3le 4- 2ea$l6 S#l(+*e O$e Pla!" O(e$a"!7 Cos"

 2ea$ S#l(+*e O$e

P$o,ess!7 Cos" US89"B9 = H+ ++3++

9 = H' >31'9 = H0 >3

9 = H9 >3+

8 >3'*

2 319


> >3**

1 311

+* >3*'

++ 310

+' 3>>

+0 3>8+9 3>0

+8 3>*

+2 3>'

+ 3>+

+> 31

+1 3>*

'* 3>

'+ >3+1

5<e ;olloing sections describe t<e met<odology used to estimate eac< processingcost item and t<e underlying assumptions3 Appendi & is presenting various detailedcost tables per area etracted ;rom t<e detailed eras model3

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='1 /ass o) Es"5a"e.perating cost estimates ;or t<e '*++ ;inancial model revision ere developed to a

target accuracy o; -8 to +* based on ;irst-principles assessment and Bnon

operations3 $eit<er escalation nor contingency <ave been applied3 .perating costs

ere derived as applicable ;or t<e ;irst uarter o; '*++ by applying t<e ;olloing to t<e

production ;orecast:

• mobile euipment productivities and euipment!circuit availabilities

• labour reuirements

• ages and salaries

• reagent consumptions per testorB or stoic<iometric relations<ips3

5<e overall operating costs structure as establis<ed in a eras-based model3 5<e

model allos advanced auditing capabilities tracBing t<e sources o; t<e data used to

derive t<e operating costs as ell as sorting t<ese by type and area3 7tatistics o; 

consumption o; t<e major consumables per period are also available as an output3

5<e processing costs ere developed ;rom t<e detailed mine plan and calculated

metal production sc<edule (see Appendi A) based on recovery projections

establis<ed per rocB type and variable it< <ead grades3 5<e main metallurgical

parameters are s<on in Appendi ?3

7upport labour it<in t<e processing operations as determined by engineering using

estimates o; activities3 5<e operating costs ;or ancillary mobile euipment include

suc< items as poer or ;uel tires lubricants and spare parts3

Process euipment costs are based on installed poer it< individual load ;actors

assigned to re;lect utili%ation rate as indicated by t<e euipment list3

aintenance costs ;or ancillary euipment are based on estimated euipment <ours

<ourly euipment operating rates estimates o; mec<anical availabilities and

maintenance labour intensities ;or eac< ;leet type as determined by ##Is ining

personnel3 5<ese ;actors ere adjusted over t<e li;e o; t<e euipment to re;lect t<eage o; t<e units3

For t<e processing plant euipment maintenance parts and materials are ;actored as

a ;raction o; t<e capital costs related to t<e purc<ase o; euipment (mec<anical

electrical instrumentation piping cabling cable and piping supports lig<t steel and

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building all s<ells)3 Eceptions are made o; t<e comminution circuits ;or <ic< t<e

yearly sum budgeted ;or maintenance as derived ;rom ;irst principles and ;or t<e

comminution euipment liners <ic< ere costed on t<e basis o; anticipatedreplacement ;reuency eig<t o; lining sets and steel price3

&@A costs are ecluded ;rom t<e scope o; t<is estimate3

='1'1 a7es a!* Sala$es

Cage and salary guidance as obtained by ## ;rom a #<ilean consultant using a

;irst uarter '**1 job classi;ications and rates survey3 5<e survey as conducted

across several current #<ilean mining operations3 ## indicated t<at t<e same rates

could be maintained ;or t<is cost estimating eercise it< an update to t<e .nersI

currency ec<ange rate guidance ;or .PE estimate ;rom #<ilean Pesos to 6373dollars (#LP98!67G+) and using t<e 8t< percentile o; t<e ;ully burdened peaB L.

rates as salaries3 Data ;rom t<e survey provided ;ully-loaded rates built up ;rom ;ive

di;;erent levels3 Cit<in eac< salary level t<ere are several rate categories all o; <ic<

include bonuses <ealt< insurance and pension alloance3

5<e ;ully-loaded rates ere increased ;urt<er to ;ully-burdened rates by adding

company salary burdens including some #<ilean-speci;ic statutory additions

severance and disability payments3

7ample salaries are provided in 5able 8-+3

Ta3le =-4 C$oss Se,"o! o) La3o#$ Mo!"+l6 Sala$es %#ll6 /#$*e!e*B

Pos"o!%#ll6 /#$*e!e* Mo!"+l6 Sala$es CLP8B

P=0 P>0 P?=

Process anager +*1+2'92 ++*8*891 +++>9>8+

Plant 7uperintendent 232981>' '*'20* 81'

aintenance 7uperintendent 2>0**8 *92*01 0*1*0

7enior etallurgist 921>2*0 8+*9*'2 88*1991

Plant 7upervisor 0898'9' 02>+1+* 0>+>81

anagement 7ecretary '*9'+1 '+>*190 '0+12>1

Primary #rus<er .perator +>12*8 '+*+802 '0*2115ailings 7ystem .perator ++28 +>82>0> +1181++

Celder +>882*0 '*+'08 '+21+++

&eneral Labourer +'8>0'' +0909'1 +9'>802

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='1' o$ S,+e*#les

5<e orB sc<edule assumes mine production and processing ;acilities ill operate

'9 <!d d!B 028 d!a3 .perations and mining personnel ill orB to +'-<our s<i;ts3

/ourly (non-eempt) personnel orB a -days-in!-days-out rotation3 7alaried

(eempt) personnel ill orB a +' <!d s<i;t on an >-days-in!2-days-out rotation3

anagement personnel (general supervisor level and up) ill orB day s<i;ts on a 9-

days-in!0-days-out rotation it< rotating eeBend coverage3 5ec<nical support sta;; 

ill orB t<e day s<i;t only ;olloing a rotational roster3

='1' Ele,"$,"6 Cos"s

5<e unit price ;or electricity provided by ## as used to develop t<e poer cost ;or t<e process euipment3 5<ree prices are applicable plus t<ree levels o; o;;-site

transmission losses as s<on in 5able 8-'3

Ta3le =-= S"e-S(e,), Ele,"$,"6 P$,!7 a!* O))-S"e T$a!s5sso! Losses

S"eEle,"$,"6 Cos"


O))-S"e T$a!s5sso!Losses

: o) (oe$ ,o!s#5e*B

#erro #asale ine 7ite 11 +39*

Piedra PNme% Cell Field ++8 +30

Port 7ite +8' *31'

,arious levels o; on-site trans;ormation and transmission losses are applicable

depending on t<e voltage o; t<e motor di;;erentiated by t<e nameplate capacity in

5able 8-03

Ta3le =-> Na5e(la"e-S(e,), O!-S"e T$a!s)o$5a"o! T$a!s5sso! Losses

S"e Mo"o$ Na5e(la"e BO!-S"e T$a!s5sso! a!* T$a!s)o$5a"o!

Losses : o) (oe$ ,o!s#5e*B

#erro #asale ine7ite

O +28 *382

+28 - O 9*** *391

9*** *3'

Piedra PNme% CellsField

O +28 *311

+28 - O 9*** *312

9*** *30

Port 7iteO +28 *3*2

+28 - O 9*** *3*0

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5<e sulp<ide processing plantIs electrical costs are based on t<e detailed euipment

list3 Assignment o; operating load per item it< consideration ;or calculated average

demand versus installed poer base ;or crus<ers mills pumps and conveyor motorsincluding circuit utili%ation provided t<e average total mec<anical demand3 5o t<is

value t<e motor electrical e;;iciency ;actor (per motor si%e ;rom 5able 8-9) o;;-site

transmission losses (;rom 5able 8-') and on-site losses (;rom 5able 8-0) ere added to

derive a net payable consumption3 5<ese data are provided in t<e mec<anical

euipment list in Appendi D3 5<e resulting poer costs are based on t<e average ore

<ardness ;eed grades and nominal plant t<roug<put3

Ta3le =-? Ele,"$,al Mo"o$ E)),e!,6 Ta3le

Mo"o$ Na5e(la"eB


Q9** 13*O9** = Q++* 123*

O++* = Q88 183*

O88 = Q98 193*

O98 = Q0* 103*

O0* = Q'' 1'3*

O'' = Q+8 1+3*

O+8 = Q++ 1*3*

O++ = Q38 >13*

O38 = Q838 >3*

O838 = Q9 >23*

O9 = Q'3' >03*

O'3' = Q+38 >3*

O+38 = Q*388 93*

*388 +3*

=' %lo"a"o! Pla!" Pe$so!!el

5<e salary levels ;or sta;; operations and maintenance personnel are based on

in;ormation provided by ##3 5<e individual ;ully-burdened ages ere derived ;rom

t<e classi;ication system provided by ##3

5<e total number o; sta;; is comparable to levels at similar large scale porp<yryoperations in #<ile it< adjustments ;or t<e plant con;iguration and t<e <ig< altitude at

#erro #asale3

5<e operations cres ill provide '9! coverage3 aintenance cres ill orB on day

s<i;t only ecept ;or a cre o; one supervisor it< ;our millrig<ts and ;our <elpers

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assigned on a rotation basis on nig<t s<i;t duty ;or plant emergencies covering bot<

t<e concentrator and gold plant3

7ome o; t<e personnel assigned to duties suc< as reagent preparation tailings

disc<arge to t<e pond and janitorial duties ill orB a 9-days-on!9-days-o;; sc<edule3

5<e number o; people in t<e maintenance department is consistent it< an operating

p<ilosop<y t<at plans to use contractors ;or t<e majority o; t<e repetitive major 

maintenance tasBs3 5<ese ill generally be per;ormed <en t<e plant is s<ut don ;or 

planned maintenance3

 A breaBdon o; t<e number o; persons covering t<e various processing department

;unctions and related operating costs is provided in 5able 8-83

Ta3le =-; %lo"a"o! Pla!" Ma!(oe$ Cos"s /$ea*o!

A$eaN#53e$ o) E5(lo6ees

anagement @ Administration '

.perations +9*

Pipelines '0

5ailings 7torage Facility +*

Cater 5reatment Plant 9

aintenance - mill 57F port +'1

etallurgy '8

 Assay laboratory 09

S#3-To"al ??

=' Co!s#5a3les

5<e price o; consumables as provided by ## (see Appendi E) or obtained ;rom

euipment bids recent uotes or ot<er #<ilean projects3 Pricing is based on

delivered product at site3 C<ere reuired t<e base price is increased by a

transportation c<arge euivalent to 67G0*3**!t3 $o import duties ere applied as it

as assumed t<at all items ill enter t<e country duty ;ree ;rom countries t<at <ave

;ree trade agreements it< #<ile3

5<e epected consumption is derived ;rom testorB data interpretation based on

establis<ed empirical euations or benc<marBing3

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=''1 Co55!#"o! EF#(5e!" ea$ S"eel

5<e ear steel costs associated it< t<e crus<ing grinding regrinding and limepreparation duties are s<on in 5able 8-23

5<e lime slaBer ear steel costs are net o; t<e credits received ;rom t<e /L operations

amounting to 67G*3**0!t o; sulp<ide ore over t<e L.3

Ta3le =-@ C$#s+e$ a!* G$!*!7 Mll L!e$ a!* Me*a Cos"s

I"e5P#$,+ase P$,e


79"U!" Cos"



Primary crus<er 9881 038 *3*+2

7econdary crus<er 9+1+ +93 *3*2'5ertiary crus<er na na *3+>1+

?all mill '2>9 0+ *3*>'

"egrind mill '32>9 239 *3*+

Lime slaBer '02 *309 *3**+

G$!*!7 Me*a

?all mill +*80 >2* *31*2

"egrind mill ++0> ''38 *3*'2

Lime slaBer ++0> 831 *3**

S#3-To"al 1'0=

#redits (;rom /L = limeslaBing)


To"al 1'0

  $otes: + ?ased on roll li;e o; 9>** <ours +3+> Euro per roll pair and 67G+:*39 Euro3

Crusher Liners

5<e crus<er liner ear rates ere derived by considering t<e ;reuency o; replacement

;or t<e liner parts ;or t<e gyratory and secondary crus<ers and t<e estimated eig<t o; 

t<e liner pieces3

5<e primary crus<er ear rate is based on replacing t<e concave and spider liners +38

times per year and replacing t<e mantle liners ;our times per year3 For ear rate

calculations ;or t<e secondary crus<ers one replacement every si eeBs isprogrammed ;or bot< t<e bol and mantle liners3

For t<e /P&" roll ear t<e interpretation o; t<e testorB data obtained by t<e

potential euipment vendor led to projecting a li;e o; 2>8* <ours3 5<is is based on

loer moisture content and a loer circulating load around t<e units t<an t<at

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anticipated ;or t<e scaled-up circuit o; #erro #asale3 5<ere;ore a;ter revieing

benc<marBing data a more conservative estimate o; 9>** <ours as used to

evaluate t<e liner costs3

Grinding Media and Liners

5<e grinding ball ear rates ere derived using t<e empirical ?ond euations

presented in Euations R8-+S3

?all and vertical mill media ear TBg!BC<U V *3+81 W (Ai = *3*+8)X REuation 8-+S

5<e ear rate euation reuires t<e abrasion inde (Ai) o; t<e materials being

processed3 5<ese ere obtained ;rom testorB per;ormed on rocB type composite

samples and are s<on in 5able 8- along it< t<e proportions o; t<e di;;erent rocB

types in t<e mine plan3

Ta3le =-10 A3$aso! I!*,es a!* M!e Rese$&e P$o(o$"o!s (e$ Ro, T6(e

Ro, T6(e A : o) M!e Rese$&es

&ranodioritic Porp<yry = &"D *390'2 +3'

Dioritic Porp<yry 7ulp<ide= DP *3'>89 '>3'

icrodiorite ?reccia = D? (sul andmi)

*308* +03+

,olcanic "ocBs = ,#&L,7 *3''8*+ 9+39

Ceig<ted Average *3'18+ -

$ote: +  Ai ;or ,#&L and ,7 actually measured on a volcanic breccia sample

5<e resulting ear rates obtained ;rom Euation R8-+S epressed in eig<t o; abraded

material per unit o; energy input (Bg!BC<) ere t<en multiplied by t<e energy intensity

(in BC<!t) reuired to per;orm eac< o; t<e grinding duties3 5<is provided a unit steel

consumption (epressed in g!t o; ;eed to t<e milling stage)3 5<e parameters ;or eac<

grinding stage are s<on in 5able 8->3

Ta3le =-11 A3$aso! I!*,es a!* Poe$ I!"e!s"6 (e$ G$!*!7 S"a7e

G$!*!7 S"a7e APoe$ I!"e!s"66

+9" o) )ee* "o 5llB

Primary ?all ill *3'18+ +'399

"egrind ill*3+8*'

83>Lime Preparation ill *3*8*0 398

$ote: +  Ai is t<e eig<ted value ;or t<e mine plan ore composition'  ?enc<marBed ;rom similar duty at ot<er copper porp<yry plants0  Average value ;or nine limestone processors as reported by ?ond it< 0* discount ;or use

o; a ,ertiill

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9  Poer intensity ;rom ?ond euation ;or target grind si%e o; +'* Ym it< 8 reduction ;or micro-

cracBing ;rom /P&" pre-treatment: trans;er si%e ;rom et screening at a cut si%e o; +* mm o;

39 mm obtained ;rom simulations38  Poer input based on indicated average limestone ?Ci o; +*32 BC<!t P>* o; 98 Zm and 0*

poer discount ;or use o; ,ertiill32  Poer intensity epressed be;ore drive train transmission losses3

 A credit o; 0* <as been applied against t<e ball consumption estimated using t<e

?ond euations ;or t<e use o; ;orged media in t<e plant instead o; t<e loer uality

cast type ;rom <ic< t<e ?ond empirical euations ere derived3 5<e indicated pricing

and ear rate ;or t<e ball mill media accounts ;or a maBe-up c<arge comprising to-

t<irds 1* mm diameter balls and one-t<ird 2* mm diameter balls3 ?ot< t<e regrind

mills and lime slaBer ill maBe use o; '* mm diameter balls3

5<e ball mill liner consumption derivation assumes a ;ull mill reline every +9 mont<s;rom benc<marBing o; large-diameter ball mills it< $i-/ard liners3 5<is euates to a

consumption o; 0+ g!t3

For t<e regrind ball mills t<e replacement sc<edule as also used to derive liner 

costs3 5<is is based on a replacement ;reuency o; once per 0* mont<s3 4n t<is case

t<e Ai o; t<e material ;eeding t<e regrinding stage is unBnon and t<e empirical

euation cannot be applied3

5<e regrind mill ill be rubber-lined3 5<e unit cost (67G!t) ;or t<e consumed liners

ould liBely be euivalent to t<at ;or steel liners t<e loer consumption it< rubber 

ould be ;ully compensated by t<e <ig<er purc<ase price3 5<e bene;its o; using

rubber are longer li;e easier <andling during relining and loer noise level in t<e


5<e liner consumption estimated ;or t<e lime slaBing duty using a ,ertiill is based on

t<e results ;rom t<e empirical euation (Euation R8-+S)3 5<e poer intensity (BC<!t)

used re;lects t<e <ig<er e;;iciency o; t<e ,ertiill set at * o; t<at o; an euivalent

ball mill3 5<e latter value is used to estimate t<e actual consumption rate o; balls and

liners3 5<is approac< results in an estimated consumption in line it< t<at indicated by

t<e liner c<ange ;reuency indicated by benc<marBing:

• .ne complete replacement o; all liners and scre liners per year 

• .ne complete replacement o; t<e scre liners only per year 

• 5o additional replacement o; t<e digging <eel (bottom scre liner) per year3

?udget uotes obtained ;rom comminution euipment bidders or ;rom ##Is .nersI

price guidance <en available ere used to calculate t<e grinding steel unit prices3

#onversion to tonnes o; mill ;eed ;or t<e regrind duty and t<e lime preparation mills

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as made based on t<e mass balance at t<e average ;eed grade ;or t<e regrind mill

and at lime consumptions o; +32' Bg!t o; ;lotation plant mill ;eed (combined ;lotation

#4L cyanide destruction circuits and allocated costs ;rom 7A"5 and gold recoverycircuits) and '3>+ Bg!t o; oide ore3 5<e consumption ;igures assume a uicBlime

supply it< 2 available #a. as indicated by data provided by ?arricBIs purc<asing


='' Rea7e!"s

5<e reagent consumptions associated it< t<e ;lotation circuit are based on t<e

testorB program completed at t<e &@5 and 7&7 laboratories in '**> including t<e

pilot plant trials at 7&7 and consideration o; t<e additional orB completed at 7&7 in


"eagent use ;or t<e #4L circuit as derived ;rom testorB completed by 7&7 in '**13

Flocculant consumptions ere estimated ;rom t<icBening tests completed by .utotec

on pilot plant samples provided ;rom t<e 7&7 LaBe;ield testorB in '**>3 5<e use o; 

#ibaIs agna;loc 08+ ;or all t<e plant-site reuirements is epected <ile t<e

consumption at t<e port site ill be covered by t<e slig<tly more e;;ective agna;loc

002 or t<eir euivalent ;rom anot<er provider3

5<e reagent consumptions ;or t<e cyanide destruction circuit are based on testorB

data obtained ;rom 7&7 orB in '**1 on #4L tailings3 5<e additional ;lo treated

t<roug< cyanide destruction ;rom t<e 7A"5 circuit neutrali%ation residue is minimal (interms o; overall cyanide load) and similar stoic<iometric reuirements ere used as ;or 

t<e #4L slurry3 5<e stoic<iometric proportion o; sulp<ur present in sulp<ur dioide used

in t<e cyanide destruction circuit as converted into consumption o; elemental sulp<ur 

(t<e reagent used to prepare t<e sulp<ur dioide solution) it< a conversion e;;iciency

o; >*3

5<e antiscalant addition rate is based on providing a concentration o; 8 ppm to t<e

process ater stream3 5<is is in t<e mid-range o; normal reuirements to so;ten

industrial ater according to t<e supplierIs tec<nical data s<eet3 5<e consumption is

based on a volume o; treated ater o; 81+ L!s (t<e average volume o; ;res< ater 

introduced into t<e circuit)3

5<e detailed reagent pricing consumptions and costs are s<on in 5able 8-13 5<e

data include t<e trans;erred costs o; reagents used ;or t<e s<ared operation o; t<e

 AD" and 7A"5 circuits it< t<e /L ;acilities3 5<ese circuit operations are detailed in

document 9****-9+0*-++*-#AL-***+3 5<e data do not include t<e reagents used in

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t<e ater treatment plants3 5<ese are appearing as [ot<er costs in 5able 9-+ as non-

itemi%ed cost components3

5able 8-1 re;lects t<e adjustment beteen t<e available #a. content o; t<e <ydrated

lime used in t<e testorB and t<at available to ## (at 2)3 5<ere is no credit

applied to t<e epected lime consumption ;rom <aving a large ;raction o; t<e process

ater recirculated (;rom t<icBener over;los) it< residual alBaline bu;;ering potential3

Ta3le =-1 S#l(+*e O$e Rea7e!" Cos"s



US89" ! 7$a5s ''' 79" 89"

%lo"a"o! C$,#" (e$ " o) (la!" )ee*

Lime +2838 >00 >00 *3+0>Primary collector (PA) '** 0* 0* *3*>+

7econdary collector (A09) '8** 0* 0* *3*8

et<yl 4sobutyl #arbinol(4?#)

'>28 +* +* *3*'

  (e$ " o) $o#7+e$ ,o!,'#arboy-et<yl-#ellulose 1* +** +* *3*++

CIL C$,#" 

(e$ " o) )lo"a"o! ,lea!e$ "al!7s 

Lime +2838 +2+* +88 *3*'2

#yanide '0*1 +82> +8+ *309>

 Activated carbon '+** '* +31 *3**9

5rans;er ;rom 7A"5 *3+1>5rans;er ;rom AD" *3*'1

Dea"e$!7 C$,#"s (e$ " o) ,o!,' o$ "al!7sFlocculant agna;loc 08+(concentrate at site)

0'** '* *3+ *3***

Flocculant agna;loc 002(concentrate at port)

0*1* +8 *3+ *3***

Flocculant agna;loc 08+(cleaner tailings)

0'** 98 932 *3*+0

Flocculant agna;loc 08+(roug<er tailings)

0'** 00 '1 *3*19

C6a!*e Des"$#,"o! (e$ " o) )lo"a"o! ,lea!e$ "al!7s7ulp<ur dioide (aselemental sulp<ur)

+9* '+'* '*+ *3*0

Lime +2838 +2** +8+ *3*'8

a"e$ T$ea"5e!" (e$ 53 o) )$es+ a"e$ Antiscalant ''** 8 +39 *3**0

To"al 1'10@

5<e net cyanide consumption associated it< t<e #4L circuit a;ter t<e credit ;or 

cyanide recovered it<in t<e 7A"5 circuit (s<on as a separate line item in 5able 9-+)

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amounts to almost +3* Bg $a#$!t o; ;lotation cleaner tailings leac<ed vs3 t<e gross

consumption o; +38 Bg!t indicated in 5able 8-13 5<is credit amounting to 67G*3'''!t

decreases t<e total net cost o; t<e reagents used to process t<e sulp<ide ore to67G*3>>!t o; plant ;eed3

='' %#el Cos"s

 A ;uel price as diesel o; 67G*3>!L delivered on site is used3 5<e total usage ;or t<e

mobile euipment ;leet assigned to t<e concentrator ;acilities or s<ared it< ot<er 

users and ;or priming o; ;res< ater booster pump stations represents a cost o; 


=''4 Assa6!7 S#((les

5<e assaying supplies cost as estimated based on t<e orB load epected in t<e

assay laboratory it< an average unit cost per sample assayed o; 67G'31*3

 A daily load o; 0> samples as estimated3 5<is total is divided beteen t<e ;olloing

di;;erent clients:

• assaying o; production <ole drill cuttings grab samples ;or grade control and

geological samples ('8 samples)

• metallurgical accounting sampling (+* samples)

• on-stream analy%er calibration samples (+8 samples)

• metallurgical development orB samples eit<er ;rom plant surveys or ;romlaboratory scale testorB conducted in t<e metallurgical laboratory at site (8*samples)

• 7A"5 per;ormance samples (> samples)

•  AD" per;ormance samples (+* samples)

• Environmental control samples (8 samples)

.; t<e daily total o; 0> samples >* samples per day are t<ere;ore allocated to t<e

process plant reuirements and a ;urt<er +> are s<ared beteen /L and concentrator 

to ;ollo on t<e per;ormance o; t<e gold plant (+* samples) and 7A"5 circuit (>


5<ose received ;rom t<e geological and mining groups are included in t<e total assay

supply cost o; 67G*3*01!t but are t<e source o; a credit to t<e concentrator o; 

67G*3*'!t ;or assay supplies and t<e s<are o; t<e <ourly personnel salaries and

poer costs attributed bacB to t<ese departments3

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=''= %lo"a"o! Pla!" a!* A!,lla$6 Poe$ Co!s#5("o! Cos"s

5<e estimate o; installed poer actual operated loads and resulting cost byoperations area is s<on in 5able 8-+*3

Ta3le =-1 S#l(+*e O$e P$o,ess!7 Ele,"$,al Loa*s a!* Cos"s 36 O(e$a"o!s A$ea

Pla!" A$eaO(e$a"e*Loa* B

Ne" Loa*%a,"o$ 

Co!s#5e*Me,+a!,alLoa* B

U!" Cos"US89"B

Primary #rus<ing and .re"eclaim

++19 23 >+*8 *3+98

7econdary #rus<ing +908 839 +908 *3'2+

5ertiary #rus<ing 8*109 >3+ 01+ *300

&rinding ++100+ 1931 ++0'0> '3++0

Flotation and "egrinding '10*+ '32 '+'20 *30>*

.n-7ite #oncentrateDeatering

++9 8039 2+ *3**+

#oncentrate PipelineDeatering (port site) andLoading

020> 2238 '9+1 *3*2*

"eagent preparation +'2> 231 >2* *3*+8

#4L #ircuit 838'9 3> 9'1> *3*>

#$ Destruction +0+2 >031 ++*9 *3*'*

5ailings <andling '>>1 8130 ++9 *3*0+

"eclaim Cater 7ystem '> 223* 9>*+ *3*>2

Fres< Cater 7ystem '*'1> 2039 +'>' *3002

Cater treatment Plant at 7ite 1*8 283+ 8>1 *3*++

Plant 7ervices (aterdistribution air)

92>' >832 9**2 *3*'

 Assay Laboratory 0'' >'3> +11 *3**0

#leaner 5ailings Pond"eclaim Cater 

00* >'3> '0 *3**8

Cater 5reatment Plant at Port 0>+ 83* '>8 *3**0

To"al 9 A&e$a7e ?@<=1? ;'4: 0<1? 4'=

 7<ared credit ;or poer generated ;rom t<e;res< ater pipeline


#redit ;or s<ared use o; assay lab ;res<ater pipeline ;rom mine /LM ;rom l imeslaBing ;or /L


5rans;er ;or s<are o; AD"!7A"5 circuitsoperation *3*89

To"al 4'?4

5<e total cost o; 67G93'9!t s<on in 5able 8-+* is to be compared it< t<e value o;

67G93028!t indicated in 5able 9-+ and to <ic< t<e credit o; 67G*3*1+!t ;or poer

generation by t<e ater pipeline is to be subtracted3

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=''> %lo"a"o! Pla!" Ma!"e!a!,e S#((les Ma"e$als Cos"s

Maintenance Materials and Equipment Spares

5<e calculation o; t<e spare parts cost is based on a yearly amount derived using t<e

#APE cost base represented by all process related euipment piping electrical and

instrumentation <ardare cabling pipe and cable trays lig<t structural steel and all

cladding o; buildings ;or eac< process area3

5<e amounts ;or t<e comminution circuits ere derived ;rom a ;irst-principles approac<

<ere individual pieces o; euipment ere analy%ed ;or t<e type o; replacement or 

repairs reuired t<e ;reuency and t<e cost o; eac< repair in parts and materials3

ost major spare parts ere costed ;rom t<e pricing indicated in t<e budgetary

euipment bids received3 Additional contacts it< some vendors ere made to

complete t<e list o; parts reuired3

For t<e rest o; t<e plant areas a percentage as applied against t<e capital cost base

o; t<e euipment in eac< area3 5<e percentages vary beteen t<e various plant areas

re;lecting t<e type o; duty represented3

5able 8-++ indicates t<e parameters and t<e #APE per area3 5rans;er o; credits ;or 

s<ared use o; t<e ;res< ater distribution system and lime preparation system as ell

as allocated costs ;rom use o; t<e AD" and 7A"5 circuits are accounted3 5<e

resulting unit cost ;rom applying t<e data in 5able 8-++ is a maintenance spares and

materials cost o; 67G*3>9!t3 5<is total ecludes spare parts ;or mobile euipment

maintenance reported separately (67G*3*'1!t) and related costs ;or pipeline andpoer generation turbine s<on under .t<er #osts in 5able 9-+ (67G*3*81!t)3

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 Ta3le =-14 Pa$a5e"e$s A((le* )o$ Ma!"e!a!,e Ma"e$al Cos"s De$&a"o!

A$ea Rele&a!" CAPEX 8B US89"

Primary #rus<ing 0*>1910

*3*8+#oarse .re /andling +2228>'9

.re "eclaim +8>01'

7econdary #rus<ing ++1>19129 *3++2

5ertiary #rus<ing +818''180 *3+>

&rinding ++*9+'+2 *3'91

Flotation @ "egrinding 1192'1*1 *3++8

Deatering +'8291 *3*+0

Port Facilities (!o C5P) '11*191 *3*9*

"eagent Preparation 2>'8*11 *3**'

#4L '*8>'21 *3*9

#$ Destruction >811*1 *3**0

5ailings /andling ++''80*2 *3**8

"eclaim Cater '2+2221 *3**+

Fres< ater >0*88' *3**2

C5P (ine 7ite @ Port) ++019'> *3**8

Plant 7ervices3 01'*9++ -

To"al ?@?<0<?1 0';@

less credits (;res< ater l ime prep3) (*3**+)

allocated (AD" 7A"5) *3**9

To"al OPEX 0';4

Mobile Equipment Maintenance Costs

5<e costs ;or spare parts tires and lubricants to operate t<e ;leet o; mobile euipment

assigned to t<e mill as establis<ed as an <ourly cost based on benc<marBed data

it< utili%ation rates assigned to establis< actual ;uel consumption3 Eac< euipment

type is costed per t<e detailed cost s<eets developed per euipment type3

5<e age o; an operator ;rom t<e sur;ace cre ;or operation o; t<e maintenance crane

or t<e do%er on t<e coarse ore stocBpile <en reuired and t<e age o; a boom trucBoperator ;rom t<e maintenance cre eternal to t<e mill maintenance group ere

added to t<e processing costs as c<arges trans;erred ;rom t<ese departments3 Drivers

;or t<e personnel buses commuting beteen t<e mine and camp sites as ell as t<e

maintenance personnel assigned to maintain t<e buses also appear in t<e processing


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5<e resulting mobile euipment maintenance cost estimate s<on in 5able 9-+ is

67G*3*'1!t inclusive o; t<e AD" and 7A"5 circuit costs allocated to t<e concentrator3

Maintenance Contractors

 A series o; repetitive maintenance tasBs ill be per;ormed during planned s<utdons

o; one grinding line or mill3 7ince t<ese are regular but in;reuent occurrences t<is

orB ill be assigned to contractors instead o; increasing t<e si%e o; t<e permanent

mill maintenance cre3

CorB <ours ;or contractors <ave been added into eac< sc<eduled s<ut-don period to

carry out major repair orB euipment rebuilds and structural repairs3 5<e tasBs are

analy%ed in 5able 8-+' it< estimates o; ;reuency cre si%e and tasB duration to

derive a total yearly cost3 A mobili%ation!demobili%ation alloance o; ;our <ours per trip

as built in alt<oug< it ould liBely be re;lected by <ig<er <ourly rates c<arged by t<e

contractor instead o; being an actual payment ;or <ours spent in transit3

 A cost o; 67G+13'*!< ;or t<e millrig<ts and <elpers (provided by contractors) <as

been estimated ;rom ##Is age rates it< adjustments to t<e bene;its and t<e

addition o; pro;it3 7upervisors ere assigned a rate tice t<e rate ;or t<e cre


5rips by euipment vendor tec<nical representatives ere also included in t<is cost

category at 67G+'*3**!< (a miture o; local and out o; country support)3 A

mobili%ation!demobili%ation alloance o; +' <ours per trip as built in3 5ravel costs

are included in t<e administrative cost alloance3

5<e total ;or contracted maintenance is '999++ <ours per year or over ++ man-


5<e breaBdon o; activities to be completed by or it< t<e assistance o; maintenance

contractors is s<on in Appendi /3 4t is estimated t<at a peaB cre o; almost '*0

persons can be epected on site <en simultaneous manpoer-intensive tasBs are

being undertaBen during partial or complete plant s<utdons3

5<e resulting contractual maintenance costs o; 67G*3**8!t are included in [.t<er 

#osts\ in 5able 9-+3 5<e above total does not include t<e costs ;or t<e concentrateand ;res< ater pipeline maintenance <ic< are included under t<e yearly operating

costs o; t<ese ;acilities and appear as ell under t<e <eading [.t<er #osts\ in 5able 9-


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=''? a"e$ T$ea"5e!" Cos"s

 An average ater treatment plant (C5P) cost o; 67G+30 per year <as beenestimated ;or t<e treatment o; an average o; +'* L!s o; Piedra PNme% ater o; <ic<

t<e reverse osmosis (".) permeate ill be released at t<e cut-o;; all marBing t<e

property aters<ed boundary and donstream aterays3 Cit< t<e variable yearly

;lorates indicated by t<e site ater balance accounting ;or variation in epected

aters<ed ater supply t<ese costs translate into a unit cost o; 67G*3*98!t o; sulp<ide

ore processed as s<on in t<e overvie in 5able 9-'3

5<e overall C5P costs are included in t<e sulp<ide plant processing costs divided

beteen manpoer reuirements electrical load reagents and maintenance spares

(including replacement o; t<e ". membranes every ;our years)3

 Anot<er C5P is located at t<e port site treating t<e surplus process ater generated

;rom deatering t<e concentrate3 5<e reverse osmosis (".) plant is designed to

<andle up to 838 L!s o; ater at a cost o; 67G*3'+>!m 0  treated3 5<is is euivalent to

*3** G!t as reported in 5able 9-'3 5<ese costs are added to t<e sulp<ide ore

processing costs3

=''; P(el!es

5<e detailed operating costs provided by ?rass-5ec<int <ave been divided into

manpoer and electrical costs3 5<ese elements are s<on in t<e tables above eit<er 

as part o; t<e ;res< ater system or t<e port and deatering ;or t<e concentratepipeline3 5<e balance o; t<e reuirements related to maintenance spares and

materials as ell as rig<t o; ay payments is s<on in 5able 9-+ as [.t<er #osts\3

5<ese residual costs ;or t<e concentrate pipeline amount to 67G28****!yr3 5<e costs

associated it< t<e ;res< ater pipeline add 67G+30!yr3 5<ese give a total unit cost

o; 67G*3*02!t o; sulp<ide ore processed3

=''@ O"+e$ Cos"s

 Anot<er cost item appearing in t<e [.t<er #osts\ item o; 5able 9-+ is an alloance o; 

67G8*****!yr ;or metallurgical and maintenance researc< and development ("@D)

programs3 5<is is ;or covering t<e costs o; projects per;ormed by or in cooperation

it< outside eperts3 5<is alloance adds less t<an 67G*3***8!t to t<e overall

processing plant costs3

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=''10 S+a$e* %a,l"es Cos"s

Fresh Water Distribution

5<e ;res< ater distribution system includes t<e poer and maintenance costs

associated it< t<e ell pumps booster pump stations and pipeline3 anpoer costs

and t<e total o; ot<er costs are split beteen t<e ;lotation plant t<e /L ;acilities and

t<e mine it< t<e >2 L!s consumed by t<e ater treatment plant included in t<e

;lotation plant costs3

5<e cost trans;erred to t<e mine and /L is based on t<e direct consumptions o; +13'

L!s and + L!s respectively ;rom an average total ;res< ater usage o; +2 L!s3 5<e

volume o; ;res< ater ;or t<e /L is mostly ater used ;or reagent preparation3 5<e

bulB o; t<e ater consumed ;or <eap irrigation is reclaimed ater ;rom t<e cleaner 

tailings pond once t<e ;lotation plant is in operation3 Cater use ;or t<e preparation o; 

s<ared circuits suc< as AD" and 7A"5 are c<arged to t<e ;lotation plant because o; 

t<e limited volumes3

5able 8-+' gives a breaBdon o; t<e overall operating costs associated it< t<e ;res<

ater distribution system3

Ta3le =-1= S#55a$6 o) %$es+ a"e$ Ds"$3#"o! P$o,ess!7 Cos"s – 36 Cos" T6(e

I"e5 US8

Direct-/ire anpoer +890

Poer 00*9+Fuel '+28

aintenance Parts @ 7upplies 8+1*

Property Epenses (rig<t-o;-ay( +'2>

S#3-To"al ?4<>=

#redits ;or poer generation (191*+)

To"al ?@<?4B

5able 8-+' indicates t<at t<e ;res< ater distribution system costs over t<e L. ;or 

all t<e identi;ied users total 67G093 5<is amount is t<en receiving a credit o; 

67G1931 ;or t<e electrical poer generation enabled t<roug< operating a turbine ont<e last portion o; t<e ater pipeline3

5able 8-+0 is indicative o; <o t<ese costs are distributed amongst t<e main


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Ta3le =-1> %$es+ a"e$ Ds"$3#"o! S6s"e5 – Ds"$3#"o! o) D$e," Cos"s o&e$ LOM

Use$ : o) To"al Cos"7ulp<ide Processing Plant 1*3>ine 93*/L 83'To"al 100'0

#redits ;or t<e poer generated ;rom t<e ;res< ater pipeline are assigned to t<e

sulp<ide processing plant and /L in t<eir respective proportions3

Lime Preparation Systems

5<e milB-o;- lime is prepared in a slaBing system providing t<is reagent to t<e ;lotation

plant and <eap leac<ing ;acilities3 5<e costs are included in t<e sulp<ide processingplant costs as manpoer electrical loads maintenance parts and liner and grinding

media as used in t<e lime slaBing mill3 5able 8-+9 provides a breaBdon o; t<e lime

preparation costs beteen users3 .ver t<e L. t<ese costs total 67G0'383

Ta3le =-1? S#55a$6 o) L5e Sla!7 S6s"e5 P$o,ess!7 Cos"s – 36 Cos" T6(e

I"e5 US8

Direct-/ire anpoer >>'9

Poer +88>1

.perating #onsumables

- Liners 10+

- &rinding balls 2>'1

aintenance Parts @ 7upplies 0*8

To"al <4??

Ta3le =-1; L5e Sla!7 S6s"e5 – Ds"$3#"o! o) Cos"s o&e$ LOM

Use$ : o) To"al Cos"Flotation #ircuit 903'#4L #ircuit 31#$ Destruction #ircuit 327A"5 #ircuit '83'

/L +23+To"al 100'0

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SA! Circuit 

5<e total 7A"5 circuit operating costs are applied proportionally to t<e copper metalloads provided ;rom eit<er t<e #4# or t<e #4L circuit according to t<e mass balances

;or t<e ;lotation plant and leac< pad <ere consideration ;or grade variability and

dissolution rates ;or t<e copper values present is made3

5able 8-+2 establis<es t<e 7A"5 cost distribution over t<e L. beteen t<e sulp<ide

(#4L circuit) and oide (/L) ore processing ;acilities3 5<e L. cost to operate t<e

7A"5 circuit is 67G'293+ be;ore recovered cyanide credits3

Ta3le =-1@ SART C$,#" – Ds"$3#"o! o) Cos"s o&e$ LOM 3e)o$e NaCN ,$e*"sB

Use$ : o) To"al

Cos"#4L 1938/L 838

To"al 100'0

Despite t<at t<e #4L circuit is absorbing 1938 o; t<e 7A"5 circuit operating costs

over L. it is receiving only 30 o; t<e overall $a#$ credits o; 67G'1+

accumulated over t<e same period3 5<is is re;lecting t<e di;;erential dissolved copper 

content solution volume and #$ad concentrations ;ound in t<e di;;erent streams sent

to t<e 7A"5 circuit ;rom eit<er t<e oide or sulp<ide processing circuits3 4n particular

t<e losses o; dissolved cupro-cyanates in t<e under;lo o; t<e #4L post-leac< t<icBener 

contributes to t<is imbalance despite a <ig<er epected copper dissolution it<in t<e#4L circuit t<an on t<e leac< pad3

5<e copper units recovered it<in t<e 7A"5 circuit are not s<on as a credit against

t<e processing costs but as additional pay-metal production above t<at ;rom t<e

copper concentrate obtained by ;lotation3 /oever cyanide recovered it<in t<e

7A"5 circuit is treated as a credit against cost3 5<e copper recovery ;rom 7A"5 as

set at 18 and cyanide recovery at >38 based on testorB data3

5<e unit costs and production levels establis<ed ;or t<e L. average ;eed grades are

s<on in 5able 8-+3 .verall t<ere is a net credit o; 67G*3'1+!t o; sulp<ide ore ;or 

using t<e 7A"5 circuit in addition to t<e value o; t<e copper produced3

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 Ta3le =-0 Cos"s a!* C$e*"s Rela"e* "o CIL Use o) SART C$,#"

Cos"9C$e*" I"e5 U!" Ra"e





#ost = 7A"5 ;or copper recovery 67G93>'!lb #u 8+38 lb #u *3'92

#redit = #$ ;rom cupro-cyanate

dissociation in 7A"5+3*> Bg $a#$!Bg #u+ 199' t $a#$ (*30+0)

$ote: + ?ased on stoic<iometric ratio o; '30+ Bg $a#$!Bg o; #u reduced by #$Is 7A"5 recovery o; 1*

Gold eco"ery Plant 

6nit costs ;or operating t<e carbon stripping and regeneration circuit (AD") gold

electroinning (EC) and re;ining are applied to t<e loaded carbon c<arges per 

epected loading it<in t<e #4L and #4# circuits and according to t<e indicated

production rate per period per t<e mass balances ;or t<e ;lotation plant and leac< pad3

5able 8-+> illustrates t<e gold recovery circuits cost distribution over t<e L. beteen

t<e sulp<ide (#4L circuit) and oide (/L) ore processing ;acilities ;rom t<e overall

operating costs o; 67G+0+3 3

Ta3le =-1 Gol* Re,o&e$6 C$,#"s Cos"s – Ds"$3#"o! o) Cos"s o&e$ LOM

Use$ : o) To"al

Cos"#4L >038/L +238

To"al 100'0

5<e unit costs and production levels establis<ed ;or t<e L. average ;eed grades are

s<on in 5able 8-+13

Ta3le =- Cos"s Rela"e* "o CIL C$,#" Use o) ADR9E9Re)!!7 C$,#"s

U!" Ra"eLOM Gol*P$o*#,"o!

US89" s#l(+*e

8139 67G!o% 8380' Bg Au *3+*>

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