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M C20stmDD0 W W 3 W 7 N cs-

* NE'



Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 (Public Law 93 438), and Title 10, fg Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter I, Parts 30,31,32,33,34,35,40 and 70, and in reliance on statements and representation.; p!g heretofore made by the hcensee, a license is hereby issued authorizing the licensee to receive, acquire, possess, and transfer byproduct, g-


'N source, and special nuclear material designated below; to use such material for the purpose (s) and at the place (s) designated below; to 5:R deliver or transfer such material to persons authorized to receive it in accordance with the regulations of the applicable Part(s). This $U license shall be deemed to contain the conditions specified in Section 183 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and is 1N

f)subject to all applicable rules, regulations and orders of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission now or hereafter in effect and to any

| conditions specified below.g


I o8 1. 06-28068-01 iIGZA/ Heller 3 Li""5' ""*b''

I meu

(V'I"b2. 955 Connecticut Avenue 7 i /e

| Bridgeport, Connecticut 4EP 8t* , August 31, 1992g s (f 5. Docket or 9s 3

Reference No. 030-30105g' 6. Byproduct, source, and/or


E p 7. Chemical and/or physical O 8. Maximum amount that licenseeN special nuclear material form . rnay possess at any one time -


# (q 's&, g3x X / ' ,under thislicense

M y~ v ';

| diSealed sources jf A. exceed 10$ (Troxler"Dwg. tNo[M 1A. Cesium 137 4"I

W Q 7A-102112): ! )i:~

millicuries per sourceg ,


g p A B.tSealed -netstron-sources" B. Nottto exceed 50B. Americium 241

'{Troxler. pwghpo@ yg[^JW vg' mijlicuriespersourcej ,d, ; A-102451) ( ..

| () N& &, ; ( { ( $% , U ' N |

g 9. Authorized use p' p'j s c ' gg,, g* j, |$ v u /4 / c Q, 4 t I

$aA. and B. For use in Troxlec@mdel 3400 s lqjehsurfacilioisture gauges.N

,+ ,q1 1


y v . ,y

g 10. Licensed material may be used at GZA/ Heller,4955 Connecticut Avenue, Bridgeport, y;W Connecticut and at temporary job sites of'the licensee anywhere in the United States |a where the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission maintains jurisdiction for regulating l



| the use of licensed material.

| 11. Licensed material shall be used by, or under the supervision and in.the physical l ;

! presence of, individuals who have satisfactorily completed and manufacturer's I

i training and have been instructed in the licensee's operating and emergency |1 procedures. Copies of the certificate of training for each user shall bc j j4 maintained by the licensee. j


g|13. A(1)Anysealedsource(s)ordetectorcell(s)specifiedinItem(s)7.A.and7.B.(l

shall be tested for leakage and/or contamination at intervals not to3

i exceed 6 months. Any source or detector cell received from another j$ person which is not accompanied by a certificate indicating that a test '

4 was performed within 6 months before the transfer shall not be put into| use until tested.


, l~

8801060035 070007 {. os$sNN1w-.- ,,~ -._h hh fPDR I

. - _ . - . . . . . . . - _ _ ,

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.__ ,_____________ ______.__________ ___________._mgerumsnA U.S. NU R RE!ULATcRY COMMISSION w

PAGE OF PAGESLicennumber




(13. continued) CONDITIONS

(2) Notwithstanding the periodic leak test required by this condition, anylicensed sealed source or detector cell is exempt from such leak tests 3

when the source or detector cell contains 100 microcuries or less of beta '

; and/or gamma emitting material or 10 microcuries or less of alpha emittingmaterial.

B. Any sealed source or detector cell in storage and not being used need'

not be tested. When the source or detector cell is removed from storage

for use or transfer to anotlper{per{o,n{1g(tjall be tested before use or'


( ), Q'- / * ,transfer. ,f/,

Q4C. The test shall be capable of detecting the presencekf 0.005 microcurie

of radioactive material on the test sample. If the test reveals thepresence of 0.005 microcurie or more of removable contamination, the'


I source or detector < cell shall be removed from service 'and, decontaminated,repaired, or/ disposed of .in accordance with Commission regulations. A

report shalbbe filedWithin 5 days of theAte'the leak test result isknown with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory, Commission, Regio 6 I, ATTN: Chief,NuclearMaterialsSafety.andSafeguardsBranch',i631ParkAvenue,Kingof 1

Prussia, Pennsylvania 'd9406.' The; report 'shall- specify the~ source involved,the test results, and corrective'actionrtden.- Records ofaleak test

|. results shal1 be kept-in~ units,0f micro &uries"and shall be maintained fore

inspection'bytheCommission.;|Recordstmaybedisposedof:following i

|Commissionipspectionf.; ,, f

D. The licensee is auth6[ized to" collect leak-test samples for analysis by TroxlerElectronic Laboratories, Inc. or tests'foreleakage and/or contamination shall|

| | be performed by persons specifically dicedsed by the" Commission or an Agreement| State to perform suct) services. ' O' ,Q

' ,> y16. Except as specifically pro"vided otherwise in this licsnse, the licensee shall

conduct its program in accordance with,the. statements, representations, and 1

procedures contained in the documents including any enclosures, listed below. !The Nuclear Regulatory Commission's regulations shall govern unless thestatements, representations and procedures in the licensee's applicationand correspondence are more restrictive than the regulations.

A. Application dated June 8, 1987 a


For the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionOriginal Signed By :

Date n7 AUG 1987 sy ==a n~onNuclear Materials Safety andSafeguards Branch, Region IKing of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406
