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Abuse of Abuse of PowerPower

The Story of The Story of the the

Aboriginal Aboriginal PeoplePeople

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IntroductionIntroduction The situation of the Australian Aboriginal people illustrates a The situation of the Australian Aboriginal people illustrates a

great abuse of power by the Australian government, Captain great abuse of power by the Australian government, Captain James Cook, the British government, the people arriving to James Cook, the British government, the people arriving to Australia during the period of Colonization. When Europeans Australia during the period of Colonization. When Europeans arrived in Australia the Aboriginal people suffered in a variety arrived in Australia the Aboriginal people suffered in a variety of ways including strict rules and regulations that took away of ways including strict rules and regulations that took away their rights, lead to death and a feeling of misplacement. As a their rights, lead to death and a feeling of misplacement. As a result of this the population of Aboriginal people dramatically result of this the population of Aboriginal people dramatically decreased and the remaining Aboriginal people suffering the decreased and the remaining Aboriginal people suffering the consequences of the arrival of the Europeans, especially the consequences of the arrival of the Europeans, especially the British. The topic of the Aboriginal people clearly shows British. The topic of the Aboriginal people clearly shows abuse because when the Europeans came to Australia, they abuse because when the Europeans came to Australia, they used the fact that they had more power to their advantage used the fact that they had more power to their advantage and did not take in to consideration the needs and life of the and did not take in to consideration the needs and life of the Aboriginal people. They used their power to manipulate and Aboriginal people. They used their power to manipulate and harm the Aboriginal people. Some Aboriginal people tried to harm the Aboriginal people. Some Aboriginal people tried to stop the abuse but with no rights, being out-numbered and stop the abuse but with no rights, being out-numbered and less technologically advanced their attempts were less technologically advanced their attempts were unsuccessful. unsuccessful.

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Cook and ColonizationCook and Colonization

Event and ActionsEvent and Actions In 1770 Captain James Cook landed in Botany In 1770 Captain James Cook landed in Botany

Bay and claimed Australia for the Europeans Bay and claimed Australia for the Europeans regardless of the fact that there were already regardless of the fact that there were already people living in Australia. At this time Britain people living in Australia. At this time Britain was under a policy of “terra nullis”. The policy was under a policy of “terra nullis”. The policy meant that if land was not being farmed or meant that if land was not being farmed or developed in some way it could be used and developed in some way it could be used and claimed for settlement. Therefore Captain claimed for settlement. Therefore Captain James Cook was able abuse his power to claim James Cook was able abuse his power to claim Australia when he was aware that the Australia when he was aware that the aboriginal people were already living there. aboriginal people were already living there. Colonization soon followed Cook’s sighting of Colonization soon followed Cook’s sighting of Australia. Australia.

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View PointsView Points Both the British and the Aboriginals saw and experienced live Both the British and the Aboriginals saw and experienced live

differently and did not view land in the same way. The British differently and did not view land in the same way. The British saw it as something to farm when the Aboriginals used the saw it as something to farm when the Aboriginals used the land’s natural circle to live off. The British felt because they had land’s natural circle to live off. The British felt because they had more power over the Aboriginal people they could exploit them more power over the Aboriginal people they could exploit them to benefit themselves. At the time of the abuse of power (1770-to benefit themselves. At the time of the abuse of power (1770-1969) the European settlers did not see the Aboriginals as 1969) the European settlers did not see the Aboriginals as humans.humans.

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How the Aboriginal people fought How the Aboriginal people fought back at the abuseback at the abuse

ActionsActions During the time of colonization some During the time of colonization some

Aboriginal people attempted to fight Aboriginal people attempted to fight back. But their efforts were hopeless, back. But their efforts were hopeless, the arriving European settlers were the arriving European settlers were armed with guns and swords, the armed with guns and swords, the Aboriginal people only had ‘nulla Aboriginal people only had ‘nulla nullas’ which were wooden weapons nullas’ which were wooden weapons that came in many different shapes that came in many different shapes and sizes. In many cases before the and sizes. In many cases before the Aboriginal people could reach the Aboriginal people could reach the Europeans they had already been Europeans they had already been shot. An estimated 20,000 Aboriginal shot. An estimated 20,000 Aboriginal people died because of the conflict people died because of the conflict between the Aboriginal people and between the Aboriginal people and the non-Aboriginal people, of that the non-Aboriginal people, of that 20,000, 18,000 were Aboriginal 20,000, 18,000 were Aboriginal people. people.

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Short term outcomesShort term outcomes Long term outcomesLong term outcomes When the Europeans arrived in Australia they When the Europeans arrived in Australia they

brought with them foreign diseases, which without brought with them foreign diseases, which without any immunity the Aboriginal people could not any immunity the Aboriginal people could not fight the diseases and many died.fight the diseases and many died.

The Aboriginal people were treated like animals The Aboriginal people were treated like animals and hunted for sport by the arriving Europeans and hunted for sport by the arriving Europeans because their was no law protecting the Aboriginal because their was no law protecting the Aboriginal people and they could be killed without reason in people and they could be killed without reason in the early years of Colonization.the early years of Colonization.

Disease had an effect on generations to come.Disease had an effect on generations to come. Europeans changed the circle in which the Europeans changed the circle in which the

Aboriginal people got their food from. Europeans Aboriginal people got their food from. Europeans took away the little food the Aboriginal people took away the little food the Aboriginal people learned to survive on before the food was ready. learned to survive on before the food was ready. For thousands of years Aboriginal people had For thousands of years Aboriginal people had relied on the plant and agriculture to survive. They relied on the plant and agriculture to survive. They had only taken what they needed at the right time had only taken what they needed at the right time of the year to not be wasteful. By the Europeans of the year to not be wasteful. By the Europeans who arrived in Australia took to much food before who arrived in Australia took to much food before the food was ready to eat, therefore there was not the food was ready to eat, therefore there was not enough for the Aboriginal people to eat, many enough for the Aboriginal people to eat, many died from starvation.died from starvation.

The land that the Aboriginal people lived and The land that the Aboriginal people lived and survived on was taken away from them to be survived on was taken away from them to be formed on and have homes for the Europeans.formed on and have homes for the Europeans.

Discrimination against Aboriginal peopleDiscrimination against Aboriginal people Many people died during the conflict between the Many people died during the conflict between the

Aboriginal people and the settlers.Aboriginal people and the settlers.

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The Removal of The Removal of Aboriginal Aboriginal childrenchildren Event and ActionsEvent and Actions

One of the most disturbing ways in which the One of the most disturbing ways in which the arriving Europeans and the Australian arriving Europeans and the Australian government abused their power was the government abused their power was the removal of the Aboriginal children from their removal of the Aboriginal children from their families. This was partly so horrific because it families. This was partly so horrific because it continued until the late 1960’s. continued until the late 1960’s.

Between approximately 1900 to (officially) Between approximately 1900 to (officially) 1969 various policies made Aboriginal children 1969 various policies made Aboriginal children wards of state and denying the rights for their wards of state and denying the rights for their parents to raise them or to have any contact parents to raise them or to have any contact with them. This happened to Aboriginal with them. This happened to Aboriginal children of mixed descendents called half-children of mixed descendents called half-casts. Full blooded Aboriginal children were casts. Full blooded Aboriginal children were allowed to remain in reserves with their allowed to remain in reserves with their families. The children were taken into special families. The children were taken into special orphanages and some were adopted into orphanages and some were adopted into families. families.

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View PointsView Points The settlers wanted to The settlers wanted to

remove the half castes remove the half castes (half Aboriginal, have (half Aboriginal, have European) from their European) from their families in order to families in order to assimilate the Aboriginal assimilate the Aboriginal race and force them to race and force them to adopt European ways. adopt European ways. They wanted to eliminate They wanted to eliminate to blood line of the to blood line of the Aboriginal people as they Aboriginal people as they did not see them as an did not see them as an inferior race. inferior race.

The Aboriginal felt powerless over the state and were The Aboriginal felt powerless over the state and were forced to give up their children against their will. The forced to give up their children against their will. The children that were taken felt they lost their culture and children that were taken felt they lost their culture and identity. “… I can’t even talk my own language identity. “… I can’t even talk my own language …”(Muhammad Mckee, 1st Stolen Generation)…”(Muhammad Mckee, 1st Stolen Generation)

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Short term outcomes Long term outcomes Resentment and feelings of grief towards the

government. Taught to feel ashamed of their background. Made to feel displaced, they don’t belong to

white culture or Aboriginal culture. Grief of parents is almost as if they have died;

they can’t see them and even if they came back they would find it very difficult to fit back into that way of life.

Resentment and feelings of grief towards the government.

The children grow up into adulthood not knowing their heritage and culture.

Language becomes less known Made to feel displaced, they don’t belong to

white culture or Aboriginal culture. The trauma of being treated harshly and many

were abused.“We … were all in some form, shape or form, been

abused by the so called cottage parents and … we still … a lot of us carry that scar today …” (Lizzie Moseley, 3rd Generation).

It has been shown that children taken away from their families are more likely to suffer from depression, suicide, alcohol and drug abuse

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ReservesReserves Events and ActionsEvents and Actions

Between 1886-1911 the government abused their power by Between 1886-1911 the government abused their power by introducing laws to restrict the movement of the Aboriginal introducing laws to restrict the movement of the Aboriginal people and control every aspect of their lives including where people and control every aspect of their lives including where they could work and who they could marry. These Reserves they could work and who they could marry. These Reserves were small and were put in place so the Aboriginal people had were small and were put in place so the Aboriginal people had to be dependent on the government. The residents of the to be dependent on the government. The residents of the reserves lived in poor make-shift homes. The people in the reserves lived in poor make-shift homes. The people in the reserves either worked in sheep and cattle stations, if they reserves either worked in sheep and cattle stations, if they were not working the lived on government rations. Some were not working the lived on government rations. Some reserves were institutionalize with schools and health care, reserves were institutionalize with schools and health care, while other reserves did not have these advantages.while other reserves did not have these advantages.

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View PointsView Points The government wanted to have complete The government wanted to have complete

control and dominate the Aboriginal people’s control and dominate the Aboriginal people’s lives to ‘protect them’ They thought of them lives to ‘protect them’ They thought of them as an inconvenience and felt the need to as an inconvenience and felt the need to isolated from the non-Aboriginal people.isolated from the non-Aboriginal people.

The Aboriginal people felt frustrated by the The Aboriginal people felt frustrated by the government and trapped. They were forced government and trapped. They were forced to live their lives by what the government to live their lives by what the government wanted and felt they had no choices.wanted and felt they had no choices.

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Short term Short term OutcomesOutcomes

Long term Long term OutcomesOutcomes

Lack of Lack of control over control over own life; no own life; no autonomy.autonomy.

Lack of good Lack of good education education and health and health carecare..

Lack of Lack of experience experience because because separated separated from society.from society.

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Voting rightsVoting rights Events and ActionsEvents and Actions

The events leading up to the full voting rights of the The events leading up to the full voting rights of the Aboriginal people was complicated and many people Aboriginal people was complicated and many people wrongly regarded 1967 as the year the Aboriginal people wrongly regarded 1967 as the year the Aboriginal people gained gained Constutional change on this issueConstutional change on this issue. In the 1850’s . In the 1850’s some states allowed all men over 21 to vote and that some states allowed all men over 21 to vote and that included the Aboriginal men, but this was unknown to included the Aboriginal men, but this was unknown to most people and therefore very few Aboriginal men most people and therefore very few Aboriginal men voted. The commonwealth franchise act 1902 excluded voted. The commonwealth franchise act 1902 excluded the Aboriginal people. But loop holes allowed previously the Aboriginal people. But loop holes allowed previously voting Aboriginal males to vote anyway. In the 1940’s voting Aboriginal males to vote anyway. In the 1940’s further rights in favor of the Aboriginal people were not further rights in favor of the Aboriginal people were not published, this is a clear abuse and violation of published, this is a clear abuse and violation of democratic rights allowing all people to have the right to democratic rights allowing all people to have the right to vote, as a result the Aboriginal people were made vote, as a result the Aboriginal people were made unaware of their rights.unaware of their rights. The government abused their The government abused their power by disinfranchising the Aborignal percentage of power by disinfranchising the Aborignal percentage of the population. The vote was given to all Aborignal the population. The vote was given to all Aborignal people by the Menzies Liberal and Country Party people by the Menzies Liberal and Country Party government in 1962, the other states soon followed and government in 1962, the other states soon followed and every state by 1967 had given all Aborignal people the every state by 1967 had given all Aborignal people the right to vote.right to vote.

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View pointsView points

The government felt the Aborignal people The government felt the Aborignal people of Austrlia were 2nd class citizens and of Austrlia were 2nd class citizens and weren’t entitled to the same rights as white weren’t entitled to the same rights as white people. The felt white people should be able people. The felt white people should be able to decide the government because they felt to decide the government because they felt the Aborignal people were not equals. the Aborignal people were not equals.

The Aborignal people felt they had no The Aborignal people felt they had no rights and could not do anything to make rights and could not do anything to make their situation better. their situation better.

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Short term Outcomes Long term Outcomes

Lack of representation in government therefore Aborignal interests and needs not meet

Polticial frustration: Lost faith in the government

The government was not even attempting to meet the Aborignal’s specfic needs because they didn’t matter to the government as they were not voting. This caused a cycle of poverty.

The non-Aborignal people felt superiority over the Aborginal people as they had more rights than them.

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Poverty cylePoverty cyle The abuse of The abuse of

power by the power by the Australian Australian government government resulted in a resulted in a cycle of poverty. cycle of poverty. One of the One of the effects of effects of poverty is a poverty is a higher birth rate higher birth rate but a decrease but a decrease in life in life expectancy, as expectancy, as shown in the shown in the diagram in the diagram in the right hand right hand corner. corner.

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Short term and Long term Short term and Long term outcomes on the worldoutcomes on the worldShort term outcomesShort term outcomes Long term outcomesLong term outcomes

At the time of the Europeans At the time of the Europeans settling in Australia, some settling in Australia, some Europeans did not settle Austrlia Europeans did not settle Austrlia because of the unrest between the because of the unrest between the Aboriginal people and the Aboriginal people and the Europeans.Europeans.

It gives examples of how to/ how It gives examples of how to/ how not to (however the countries not to (however the countries interrupted it) deal with the abuse interrupted it) deal with the abuse of their own indigenous people. of their own indigenous people. E.g NZ, Canada.E.g NZ, Canada.

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Australian map

Where the abuse happened

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Captain James Cook landed in Australia and claimed the land for Britain. 1770

Government creates laws putting Aboriginal in reserves in order to control the Aboriginal people


1893 New Zealand women got the vote

1900 Half-cast children are taken with force from their parents to

1679 French revolution

1812 Napoleons retreat from Moscow

1914 1st World War begins

1918 1st World War ends

1941 Pearl harbor was bombed, America entered the war

1967 Aboriginal people gained the right to vote in all of Australia

1970 Beatles split up

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ConclusionConclusionThe abuse of power started from the time of The abuse of power started from the time of

colonization to very recent times and was colonization to very recent times and was done by a number of different parities and done by a number of different parities and people; Captain James Cook, the British people; Captain James Cook, the British government, the people arriving to government, the people arriving to Australia during the period of Australia during the period of Colonization, the Australian government Colonization, the Australian government and many Austrians in general. This and many Austrians in general. This affected Aboriginal people in numerous affected Aboriginal people in numerous ways, ways that can still be felt in ways, ways that can still be felt in Australia today.Australia today.
