Page 1: l(t ths Original and Genuine Hicks' CAPUDINE 23/Rome NY Daily Sentinel...picture theaters ana Nervousness disappear and normal 1 Monday schools conditions


A « , e CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm

i* quickly absorbed. Givei Riiiet at One*.

I t cleanses, soothes, heads and protects the diseased mem-brane resulting from Catarrh and drives away a Cold in the Head quickly. Be. I I l U C r U C D •tores the Senses of i l H ¥ I • » * • » • • Taate and ftcnell Full size 60 cU., utDrug-

S'sta or by mail. la liquid form, 71 cents. y Brothers, 5t> W i o n btreit, New York.


Arizona Executive Attends El Paso Statehood Celebration

Children Barred From Churches and Theaters Bacause •>* Ojphtherta.


Light Touch Monarch FOR ONE MONTH

$ 15.00 WILL RENT A

Light Touch Monarch FOR SIX MONTHS

Monarch machines may be pur­chased on the Monthly Payment Plan. A post card will bring full information.


1 M a n n Bu i ld ing , UT1CA, N. Y. Both P h o n e s 1214

21 A still more ; tins! diphtheria the city Ijoard at i,turea were tak-

Shekel i/cuuetf! EFIMHIC -fnn)U**WMt

l ( t ths Original and Genuine


The Food-drink for All Ages. For Infanta, Invalids, and Grow ing children. Pure Nutrition, up build m g the whole body. Invigorates the nursing mother and the aged. Rich milk, malted grain, in powder form. A quick lunch prepared in a minute. Take no substitute. Askfor HORLICK'S.

Not In Any Milk Trust

Indianapolis, Oct rigorous campaign baa been started b; beelta when 1.2."»b eu from the throw w;ii-hers In th« | rdara issued forbiii

of children to movi' i beaten, churches i today and Sunday

The order relate of children from will lie enforced to

Iff Your Head Aohes You should Take) the Sura Remedy

Hicks' CAPUDINE There's a cause for every headache —

C a p u d i n e reaches that cause quickly, whether it be heat, eold, gripp, or stomach troubles—and cures, even though

of children aud I tt be sick or nervous headache. lie schooll and C a p u d i n e is the surest remedy fcr

Dg the admission Colds and Gripp. Feverishness, Aches picture theaters a n a Nervousness disappear and normal

1 Monday schools conditions are restored. C a p u d i n e is liquid—easy and ple&sa&t

(O take—acta immediately. 10c, 2Se a*d SO* at drug stores. to the exclusion

ubllc gatherings P letter.


At Wheel of Speed Boat Dixie Which Killed Harold Bell.


Governors of Arizona and New Mexico at El Paso Fair.

El Paso. Tex., Oct. 21. Among guests at El Paso's celebration in honor of Arizona and Xew Mexico's admission to statehood are Governor Colquitt of Texas, Governor Sloan of Arizona and Governor Mill^ <if New Mexico.

I Miring luncheon to the live visiting governors from Texas , New Mexico, Arizona, Honors and ch ihuahua . Gov­ernor Colquitt -of Texas proposed that the governors wire President Taft an

. Indorsement of bis administration, re

tlcclnc Liynt is Unsurpassed •«»««•* ©f poHttca or sectionalism. : The message was unanimously agreed | to. The governor put the proposition i following •! toast by Mr. MofJurry of I the chamber of commerce to President i Taft.

A conference of the governors rela­tive to.extradition mat te rs will bo held

I while they are here.



British Companies Try Out New Type of Loccrot iv t .

London, Oct. 21 The London and Northwestern railwnr is experiment­ing with e»*H"trlc locomotive* generat­ing their own power

Electricity will l>e generated by a dynamo driven by a petrol engine. Experiment* have made with electr which the dynanv

previously been locomotives in

was driven bv a steam turbine, but the type proved un­satisfactory in the matter of economy of working.

Photo by American Press.Association.


Property of Sculpto Goes to His Third Wife.

New York. Oct. 21. The Jury before Just ice Platzek of the supreme court w h k h has been hearing for over two weeks the contest of the,wil l of John Q. A. Ward, the * ulptor, brought by bis sister Eleanor of I ' r l * n a , O., on the ground that Ward's th i rd wife used undue lnflnen> e fo induce him to leave her his estate <>f $100,000, brought in a verdict uphold:ng the will in ev­ery respect.


G. A. Lawyer of Water town Among Those Selected by Conservation


Albany, Oct. 21,—The codification of laws relating to lands and forests and to fish and game, to be reported to the Legislature by January 15 is one of the duties imposed upon the Sta te Conservation Commission. The commission has appointed the follow­ing to act with Its counsel, C.V.S. Williams, in redrafting these laws; fish and game, George A. Lawyer of Water town; Marshall McLean of New York and John B. Burnham of Essex. Mr. Burnham was formerly deputy conservation commissioner and has volunteered his i*ervice without com­pensation. The other two will re­ceive $25 per diem each, with neces­sary actual expenses.

Land and forests—Mayor R. M. Cox of Middletown and John H. Burke of Ballston a t $25 per diem each and necessary actual expenses.


Kill - Celba. Honduras, stating tha t Lot Thomlinson, an American, was killed last Monday In a revolver fizht with a native, which also resulted in the

Thomlinson was

ft 1=̂ l(» e a ^ v a i o H f ,

as an illurninant, and parlors, dining roomsj sitting; rooms and "my lady's cnarnber" aye apt to be in semi-dark-ness 'when n o t so l ighted. We can furnish all- sor ts of o r n a t e fixtures, do t h e wiring and flood your home with a softs br i l l ian t ti^ht. See us, o r - h a v e us see yeuiabeut - i t .

WESLEY KIMBALL 126 N. W a s h i n g t o n M.

British Steamship Captain Permits Chinese to Land.

w»B\sBWsmsB*m&m£K&^KsWKK&K*l*t arrival of a telegram from Wncross, ninety miles from here, advising that two Chinamen who deserted ns mem­bers of the crow of the British steam­ship T."*d t 'urzon were under arrest there saved Captain Jumes I'. Barker, uiHstfr of the vessel, from ttrrost on the charge n* bringing Chinamen Into th i s country nqd permitt ing them to

Burnham's Speed Boat Dixie IV ed Spectator.

Buffalo, Oct. 21. - In a decision hand­ed down by Justice Toms at the In-ipiest into the death of Harold Bell of I death of the nativ.-'bis city Frederick K. Burnham, mil- J once a Texas ranger bona ire yachtsman of New York, is held responsible for the death of the boy.

Burnham is the owner of the famous speed power boat Dixie IV. While giving exhibitions of speed with the | boat on the Niagara river, Sept. 16, j Mr. Burnham evidently lost control ! and the craft swerved and dashed Into a crowd of spectators on the i bank, among whom was Harold Bell, who was so severely injured that he ! died shortly after the accident.


Secretary of War Has Been Inspect­ing the Army Posts.

San Antonio, Tex.. Oct. 21.—Secre­tary of War H. L. Stimson and Major General Leonard Wood completed their tour of military posts in the southwest yesterday with an inspec-

Both Killed In Duel. „ tion of Port Sam Houston and left New Orleans, p i t 21. - A special dls- j late last night for Washington. Cap-

patch has been received here from I tain Frank R. McCoy, aide to General Wood also is a member of the party.

The secretary and chief of staff skirted practically the ent i re Mexican border. Conditions were found to be quiet.

The disbanding of the army camp here in the near future is anticipated.



Observations of thf States weather bureau


i United taken at

8 p. in. yesterdav follow: Temp.

New York . . . . 50 Albany . . . . . . . . ti<) Atlantic Oltyr'.*. ' f.o Boston . . . M l ' . , 1 ,.11 Buffalo . . . *rn. „,JilJ Chicago . .<w\.; SO st. Louis .':. .1 . ' . -is

, New Orleans . . 72 Washington .^ . 02

— ! 1— a s i

Weather . Misty Cloudy Rain Cloudy Clear ! Rain Cloudy Clear Cloudy


John Schwarzkopf Did Not Deny He Kept Client's Funds.

New York. <kf, 21.-—.John Schwnrz-escape. The telegram came at a hear- j kopf, until 1001 a clerk in the district lug by a l-nited States commissioner I a t torney 's office, biter an associate in and a few moments before a deputy j the law office of Colonel Asa L. Bird marshal was to take Captain Barker | Gardner and rn 1003 a member of the into , i (inn of Kursman, Little & Schwarz-

There ate three Chirmmen missing > Uopf, was disbarred by the appellate I a B l l i e r e§uft o ^ ^ l h g TO feed fifty from the Hliiji's crew ..f thirteen, and > division1 of the supreme court because i d p l l a r s i n fre*%/r£en bills to a horse

Furniture, Stoves and Upholstering!pff,,rf'4 *» m,w hpln» m a d p tn finrl f h e ' he retained suoo cotiected for a client ! nnd notified the client tha t he had

s not al- ! n o t collected the money.


Then Willfanv Hobson Was Fined for Hi».Thoughtfulness.

Cfi icago .Oct , 2i.—William Hobson was fined one 'Cellar yes terday by Judge Walker "b¥ ttle'.MifhiVinal • Court

War Sounds Recall for Italy's Repre­sentative at Chicago.

Chicago, Oct. 21.—Chevalier Guide Sabetta, Italian consular agent at Chi­cago for the last five years, has been recalled by his government a s a re­sult of the diplomatic exigencies en­gendered by hostilities between Italy and Turkey. He expects to be as­signed to a consular post adjacent to Constantinople.

It is said that acting consul at Phil­adelphia will assume charge here.

Chevalier Sabetta was for many years a resident of North Africa.

S A N G E R F I E L D .

We Are Always Ahead on showing advanced ideas in Wall Paper

Decorations. We are now selling

1912 Wall Papers Our collection is very large. The new treat­ments are running to the Cut Out Borders and Cretonnes Materials to Match. In fact, most all the new ideas have Borders for season 1912.

Come in and Let Us Show You Something Up-to-Date

Why buy the Old Fashioned Papers when you can get the New Things for less money?

Sturtevant-Wilson Co. No Man is Stronger

Than His Stomach A strong man is strong all over. N o man can be strong who is suffering from weak stomach with its consequent indigestion, or from some other disease of the stomach and its associated organs, which im* pairs digestion and nutrition. For when the stomach is weak or diseased there is a loss of the nutrition contained in food, which is the source of all physical strength. When a man " doesn't feel just r ight," when he doesn't sleep well, has an uncomfortable feelin' in the stomach after eating, is languid, nervous, irritable and despond-en ' , be is -losing the nutrition needed to make strength.

Such a man should use Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It cures diseases of the stomach and other oriians of df&estion and nutrition. It enriches the blood, \ invigorates the liver, strengthens the kidneys, nourlshea the nerves, and so GIVES HEALTH 3XD STRENGTH TO THE WHOLE BODY.

You can' t afford to accept a secret nostrum as a substitute tor this non« alcoholic medicine OF KNOWN COMPOSITION, not even though the urgent dealer may thereby make a little bigger profit. Ingredients printed on wrapper.

H O T E L S .


You will make no mistake, but m a k e money, if you buy furniture here . We hsve a splendid assortment , every pteca fresh fro,T> the factory. »nd we are offering tnese at prices that we are sure arc in accordance with the purse Bf any one contempla ;ing purcrm«inQ furniture.

Persona! attention given to repair-ng and packing of furniture.

A L B E R T K A U F M A N 1 2 8 N . J a m e s S t r e e t


third one. The master of any vesye

lowed t>t briny; Chinamen Info the I'nlfed Srates or land them. If they a r e allowed t*> do so the master lsa

guilty of a misdemeanor, which la punishable by a fine of from $500 to $1,000. Captain Barker contends that In complying with' the ordinances of the city, which expressly s t ipulate t ha t all men aboard vessels tie forced to sleep ashore during certain seasons of the vear. left htirt no al ternat ive

Schwarzkopf did not deny the charge, but s: id his troubles were due to his efforts to pay off the indebted­ness of bis law firm.

hitched to a truck, "It was this way, your honor," ex­

plained Hobson. "I drew $50 from the bank to buy clothes and invested some in drinks, f used to be a cab driver and I met a horse that viad once saved my life by refusing to let me drive him off the Clark street bridge on a dark and stormy night

The Watervifle Telephone Situation— Matrimonial.

Waterville, .Oct. 21.—The Bell Tele­phone Company has notified i t s local and long distance subscribers in this village tha t after October 26 the local office will be discontinued and they will leave the field ent i re ly to the Wa terville Telephone Company. The lat­ter company has agreed to develop the terri tory and to render adequate service to all. It was formerly an in­dependent company but is now said to be owned b y t h e Bell people. The Bell

3^ FAMOUS MANY YEARS _ IX A s the Centre for the Most Exclusive £ p5 of Gotham's Visitors d

COMFORTABLY and LUXURIOUSLY APPOINTED' Ji to meet the demand of the fastidious or democratic visitor

offering, at moderate rates, the comfort, elegance and entertainment demanded by connois­

seurs as the best in Hotel-life.




o o M





H O O * A N D 3 A T H / J#5(J



11th St & University Placa ' # * • Block from Broadway Tw» Biocil* rr*m Wuryam>•<*'•

NJtW YORK CITY Situate* close to the Whole­

sale aad Retail Districts, he tha Heart «if ttjewCHy and to • qulat n>Bld*rittat i»««hbcrhooa. •0 Ml«'!f6» tmrn OUaaa Doeka. I I Minute* frer-i Ftura. station. . _<& ** Mtn. from Grwn4 Camral sta. I j l j

5 Klnataa from M «,d^ tuontl Sialism,

Thts Hpt#t *ha» ba*B rteaea. nu«J. rafamuhad «hmufh-wit. and ea» * • compared feworabir •«& aoylnl t**a.

Aecaastbta to ilia doetea of sfl tm> POltant *»**nishtp lint*, r»llroad atavttona, theatre*, shop*, ate,, aa well aa the bnarnasa distneta.

100 Rooms, 200 Baths Rates $1.00 Per Day TKe rattaarsn* la noiabta far tta axcCiiftBca and verj atcderaia

and that »1IK* he the <ify ';iw io ashore with ittaj excepting for the port a tion of tin* hack fo the veasci

wan complying with -eniifng his coolies ils he Is not Ilnble •xpense of the trans-mpij when caught


New Haven Po'ice C i irt Acta In Riot

New Hnvcn, Conn., <», s $£, ]\ t \ Bradbury mul H. \. Phefps. freshmen In the Sbefleld S •icuttti ^ h t o i . were tiiie'd'So 'iir.d i'psts i". the pofkc ftboft here for I'Mi'i•••liin'ion in »'IP rtot over the hnmlttu of niili'o.ol hrid-jfes over the Sheffield cflinpus » week nee h\ the Sheffield freshnipii. The third fresh m.iti arrested, Hnrrl* H Potter, was discharged, Several plassmatea of Brndbur> snd rbel|>s fe^t filed that neither had anything whatever to do with setting fire to thp bridge, but were simply looking on at the fun. Potter, the fir^f man grabbed by the police, testified thai one policeman said So the other, "Wall, we've got to get more th:m o»e. take the nearest," and then they leaned out of the wngon and grabbed rheips and Hradhnry.

The entire frewhman class has l>een put orj |.r, • hv i»nnn Chittenden as n result of f)ia frncas.

Americans and Canadiana Near End of Long Taak.

Ot tawa, Oct. 21.— (rood progress is being made on the joint American and Canadian survey of the Alaskan boundary from a line along the one hundred and first meridian from Mount St. Kilns to the Arctic oeofin.

Two hundred men with ninety horses are cutt ing paths twenty feet wide through and put t ing up bronze monu­ments at average distances of three miles apart .

The survey is costing the two gov eminent* jointly about $2.0i*»,000. The work baa been going on for the psst fourteen years , but will be completed next year.


Brooklyn Navy Yard Busy Preparing For Nava! Parade.

New York, Oct, 21 at the I f«ke p m in the coming great review on the North river are being equipped with ele t r i ! wires for the illumina­tion on the nights of (Vf ftfj and HI,

While this work -was In progress on the battleship Florida a blaze started on the after deek through defective in sulation, litit it was suppressed In a few minutes and the damage was trifling.

"I felt so had- io r that poor o l d j r o m P a n y h a s had but small local pat-horse that I hurs t i n t o t ea rs , hauled ronage but the toll office has done a the rest of the ffrft out of my pocket good business. It was In charge of and offered It to him." Miss Lucy Clarke and Miss Nett ie

"All r igtn," saidj Judge Wralker. T'll fine you one dollar, for lieing drunk."

Centrally located, near all railway terminals, theatres, shopping cen­tres and commercial districts,-

Public Dining Room

New Grill Alter Dinner

Lonnge. Bar

Templeton. The Watervi l le Company i expects to greatly increase the office j and make the extensions necessary

Sleeps 46 Hours. I to meet the new business. Watertown. Oct, 21.—Eugene Piche.l Mr. Leahy, the local Western L'nion barber, wlt'r, a*ahop at the eornerj operator, has also received notice that

High and Factors' s t ree t s , has his office will be removed to tha t of

'Under management that has long catered to the demands of dis­criminating visitors.

Royal Suites

Rooms Single or En Suite with or without bath

Private Dining Saloon for Ladies


m the ,Waterville Telephone Company, where he will continue in charge of

awaken,ed after a ^leep of forty-eight hours. His condition is nor porious. A few nights a g o . h e suffered from ; that branch nose bleed to such .an extent tha t a: The marriage of Miss Margaret doctor was required, J Downey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

i h e hemorrhage was stopped o n r y ! p n t r i r k H Downev of Svracuse, for-to oegin later on. and at that t ime m „ r ] y o f t n i s p | » ^ a n d j j Coollcan Pkfee dropped off Into his long slum- o f t h H t d t y t o o k p l a c e l n S t L u c y . g

" p 1 , [Church there on Wednesday. The sroom Is one of the firm of the Cooli-can Taxicab Company. The bride la well known here where she spent her childhood and has frequently visited Hinee,

Aaron Williams is exhibiting a stalk of corn that grew in his garden on Bacon street which is nine feet long. One of the ears measured 12 inches

= »


,-ork oc. 2i AH the warships Sometimes Three Fingers Without '-••-»-kiyn navy yard which will * " / ' " v ' " " ^ o

Nails at One Time. Began 2o Years Ago, No Permanent Cure. Began to Use Cuticura Soap and "Ointment. In a Short Time Nails Were Weil, Na Further Trouble,

R O O M ! I I " ! • »

A N » I t T H

—»*= ̂

Christmas i

Photographs!! You need them anyway, ,. Some wise ones come a long way to get

Brainerd's i$0 N. Washington Street,


Brainerd Photo Co.


Baachy and St, Hanry Appsar at Fris-b e Bf!r»fit Meet.

Washington, n, t JJ postmaster Geaera! lib hcoek has atithoflaed the postmaster at Ho bester to roilecl and di . , \ i>r iiKiil by Hcr.ijilane a t t h e avla-tl>n mre t .-< i r i t i ende t i pa rk today , A

War Declared Catarrh Germs Must Be Conquered

or Health Will Be Destroyed. If you have ca ta r rh you must van­

quish an army of pers is tent , destruc­tive microbes before you can get rid

»ora v\ I. IS * sled on u.l Ihe Batl Is COlatCled and

t r a ; o , . rtetj sfit-r '!>»> plan r*M"cntIy carrle«l oul ;:f the aviation meet on Long i.-.p.m! iind s< Ljoate

The meet hi given n* a benefit for the fttBiily of the into .Tohn J . Frlshle. • Rochester arlafor. who loat his life r * w « l y while givinit pshlbiil.m fligbta at Norton, Kan. Ttlail carrying flights are Ivelng gtren by Lincoln P.eachy and R, C. Bt. Henry.

we'll choose your war and an nth Hate

germs right

Th(» b*>at plftslw A pf«cp of flann«>, S naTflp«ri^d wtth Ghaj'nt.tB'iaiu a, l.jnii.ierit ' and bound an avmr lb* »ff*e!»d parta is I aup^rior la « pi*#f#i *«iJ cAata eniy tm« j tenth aa muea. Fee a«4* W Jkouthtoa - , ,* , ' £>ru* Co. w ta • o dock tonight*


><»i night as weapons, declare this, army of ca now*

Stomach doaing won't kill them; nei ther » i l ! Sprays o r douches.

HYOMF.l. a pleasant , ant tspetic . germ destroying a;r breathed over the ent ire membra''** will pit? ca tar rh germs on! <>f buidnes* Jn gbort o^rder,

HYOMK1 fprononnce it I l i g h o n i c ) hi guaranteed by Rrouahtoa Drug Co fo end ca ta r rh , as thma, bronchitis, i ouRhs. coids and cr rup , or money back. If you own a Utile HYtlMKI i;*rd rubber pocket inhaler you CRTI get a separa te hot t leofHYOMKI for only M cents. If ymi haven ' t 'An Iti-haler huy « e o m p l « # outfit thai only c ^ U | l / n t .

l^a^t chance ^ before ten

" I hav* sulT***<l [painful f.nrrer "»i--mv lif*-. 1 perhaps t i ' i bore • ICIII*1

i 11 * , i l r u f I , i i

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- » fro«n the same trouhl'' at interest rwiod 8 of

• ;m« of Its occurr-'nee. ,-*>*r!» tieo, after trving .nut e<"ti:;-, helped, I • PR* rlhe for m-v hut it ,,r tuerr that ni> naiU

The i'lttatmr n om ami it the basr of the • ' '• "

was ivi Palcf':l tliat 1 r to in<bi«'c aup ui etlon. SfscharR 1 : s«-'llin« :il t ! ' next period of v not more than a week These (reunoit inflam-

• ie '. >-< of the r .11 't later, I beaan aciin - .mi' tmubie. Af.ilii I •• e, nmona tii^m a pre-:or of a frl-'nd of nur,''. ,1 a i • " • ible. . • for a time but It (are, uov' trk •! i pi -•• ••• , i • l . ' • t h H * - a e

fpnf-h: di !-<>'! *kia t- 1

1 . • i . . bin I r..:• • , • •

til© h.!*^ Of t.i*- Tilt ' .' .„ u <>'.:,:. :•• 1 !e a* I ..,<! it bu: a t.-\ «, s» -,• better, . i •: in a i

• ' i ,* N • . ; . . • ' . ' ' * • ^

scam t1:,"- • v •>• • il ihat I used in •:

Mr*. 1. J H rt K»' -1910. (hi Sep' 31 M.-«.

e e tia'l no further r«tura my tinrer n*i' •

i Hat merit sold ttireuftha •., pet!. - ! • -:x A t he-r,.

• 1 e)k j

Vienna. McConnellsvIUe, Oct. 21.—The W.R.

C. ladies were enter ta ined by Mrs. E. J. t 'nderhil l at her home in this vil­lage on Thursday. She was assisted

j by Mrs. Blanche Murphy, A bountiful dinner was served after which Mrs. Edith Ward, president of the club. g*v« to each lady present a card bear­ing the title, "A Romance of a Shirt Waist,"' and they were requested to

' fill the blank places with something pertaining to a shirt waist . The r^ad-

j ing of the cards caused a great deal of amusement. Mrs, Theodore Chres-

! tien filled her card the nearest right j and Mrs, Fidelia Quance the far thest I from right. After t he reading the j meeting was opened in the usual or-\ der and the business of the club was ! t ransacted. Mrs. Emma Tut t le and

Mrs. Emma Chrestien were guests, i The ladies returned to Camden via the j Lehigh. All voted Mr. and Mrs. t 'n-i derhill royal enter ta iners .

You're Bilious! You know the symptoms—a splitting headache, sallow complexion, coated tongue, dizziness and constipated bowels. Never mind what brought on this condition, go to your druggist and get a box of

.Schenck's M a n d r a k e Pi l ls Take a dose to-night. To-morrow you will fee! like another person.

of H H M * r i f m a " y ° U * F R ^ E S A n P L E i f y°" " n d us the name DR. J. H. SCHENCK & SON, Philadelphia, Pa.

Complete Line Engineering Equipment Belting, Boiler Tubes, Packings, Steam Goods,

Boiler Repairing, Steam Fitting.'


She'd Keep It Dark. Gerald If I were to kl«s you would

fou fell your mother? Geroldine—I'm no bureau of pub­

licity.—New York Press.

Laat ehauee *o o clock tonight.

Promised New Lackawanna Stat ion. Syracuse, Oct, 21.—The Delaware,

.jiekawanna & Western Railroad will build a new passenger station in Syr. a ruse next year.

This announcement was made ypg-•erday by the president of the rail­road. William H . Truesdale, during an official visit to Syracuse

Oswego's Night School. Oswego. Oct. 21.—Ttsat a night

school will be conducted for foreign >y thf Department of Education'

this fall and winter WR« assured when Ovaf thirty Poles appeared before Su­perintendent Richards at th# City Hall

register before tea and informed hftn tha t they de«lr*d 1 to learn to read and write English.

Oeadly Effect. Teacher - H o w will they use alrshfpa

to war. .Tlramy? J immy-Induce the enemy to go up

to *em, ma'am,—Puck.

A Great Advantage to Wofkma Men J. A M*pt#, 12J I

vi l le , O , says : "FtN f rom weak k 1:>%* ;-• ter trtniW* i ;»., , Ptlts and then wotidei fan taking tt** tn j ; i . i a3 gwod raau.'H u> a; My backaeHe left me btistneas, e»pie««m.«n, pr»a' advantage M, anil n •• -; il and tk it mipery I" :« vn-w & *fc«re it used to h-Kidn^v p-lla


out mjr

I a


»ve cur#d me and I my highest pnua*.'' Broughion Drug

t« i s i

Kelley & Schneible DEALERS IN

Lehigh Portland Cement Akron Sewer Pipe, Tolmage

Drain TUe, Fire Clay Chimney Pipe and


Coal and Wood 1— eU»pcr S t .

t Wimma Caught Them. "*are yoi cryiog for, chlldrenr*

"we've j w ' K t w i a pot of mam­ma « raapbetry .inm."

•wh: gfl ,.„n-Vp n I I m ttotBBch

*• 'lie-s. I snj .^f lBj-

-N on the contrary." - FUegenda blatter.

Oa> R*gister hefore t « o'eloek I i*f~ - 4 W

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
