Page 1: Lt-Gen Kyaw Win inspects Mongphyat- Mongyaung road section in … · 2008-06-17 · Health Dr Mya Oo, Director-General of Fire Services Department U Myint Tun and Deputy Director-Greneral

Established 1914

Volume XVI, Number 58 12th Waxing of Nayon 1370 ME Sunday, 15 June, 2008

* Stability of the State, community peaceand tranquillity, prevalence of law andorder

* National reconsolidation* Emergence of a new enduring State Con-

stitution* Building of a new modern developed nation

in accord with the new State Constitution

* Development of agriculture as the base and all-round develop-ment of other sectors of the economy as well

* Proper evolution of the market-oriented economicsystem

* Development of the economy inviting participation in termsof technical know-how and investments from sources insidethe country and abroad

* The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept in thehands of the State and the national peoples

* Uplift of the morale and morality of theentire nation

* Uplift of national prestige and integrity andpreservation and safeguarding of culturalheritage and national character

* Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit* Uplift of health, fitness and education

standards of the entire nation

Four political objectives Four economic objectives Four social objectives

NAY PYI TAW, 14June— Member of theState Peace and Develop-ment Council Lt-GenKyaw Win of the Minis-try of Defence togetherwith Chairman of ShanState (East) PDC Com-mander of Triangle Re-gion Command Maj-GenMin Aung Hlaing and de-partmental officialslooked into upgrading ofMongphyat-Mongyaungroad section in a motor-cade and road works be-ing carried out at Mile postNo. 12 on Mongphyat-Mongyaung road with theuse of heavy machineryyesterday.

Next, Lt-Gen KyawWin and party inspectedWampha Bridge inWampha Village.

Lt-Gen Kyaw Winand party proceeded toMile post No. 32 whereShan State (East)Suprintending EngineerU Thaung Htay reportedon progress in construc-tion of the road section.The Commander made asupplementary report andLt-Gen Kyaw Win gavenecessary instructions.

Next, Lt-Gen KyawWin proceeded to

Lt-Gen Kyaw Win inspects Mongphyat-Mongyaung road section in Shan State (East)

Mongyaung and met withdepartmental officials andtownselders at Bala MinHtin Hall.

He heard reports onextended cultivation of ed-ible oil crops, harvesting ofsummer paddy, cultivationof mosoon paddy, suffi-ciency of rice and oil in theregion, cultivation of cof-fee, tea, pepper, rubber andphysic nut presented byChairman of TownshipPDC U Htay Win.

After hearing thereports, Lt-Gen KyawWin said that departmen-tal officials and local peo-

ple are to make efforts fordevelopment of Mong-yaung Township, that ag-

ricultural works are to beextended to cover dam-ages of crops due to the

storm, that local nationalpeople are to strive fordevelopment of the nation,

understanding the good-will of the Government.

(See page 8)

Power-tillers seen on arrival at Bogale Township.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 14 June —There were loss and damages in Ayeyawady and Yangon Divisions due tothe severe cyclonic storm, Nargis. Wellwishers may donate cash and kind to the storm victims through thedonation centre of Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Sub-committee of the National Disaster PreparednessCentral Committee and the respective District and Township Peace and Development Councils in States andDivisions.

Cash donations can be made in person to Col Hla Thien Swe, Deputy Minister for Finance andRevenue, at No 16/A on Sethmu Road in Yankin Township (telephone: 09-8600109), U Maung Maung Win,Vice-Governor of the Central Bank of Myanmar (telephone: 09-8600102), Director U Maung Maung,(telephone 01-543757) and Deputy Director U Kyaw Win Tin (telephone: 01-543765).

Wellwishers may donate relief items to U Than Oo (Director-General of Relief and ResettlementDepartment, Trade Warehouse, No 3 Ward, near Kyaikwaing Pagoda in Mayangon Township (telephone:09-8600025, 09-8600526 or 09-8600701) and U Aung Tun Khaing (Acting Director-General of SocialWelfare Department (telephone: 09-8600702, Fire Services Department (Head Office), near Tooth RelicPagoda in Mayangon Township.—MNA

Cash and kind donation accepted



If a donation is not initiated or followed by the three kinds of goodwill, itwill not yield much benefit to the donors as the saying that goes, “Oneliquidates his own benevolence by a mere committance of undeserving act”.And it will be an ordinary donation.

May yougain more


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2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 15 June, 2008

PERSPECTIVES* Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views* Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation* Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State* Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy

People’s DesireSunday, 15 June, 2008

South-West monsoon has enteredMyanmar and it is a sign of the arrival of therainy season. In May, storms occurred in thenation together with heavy rains, so floodsare likely to occur in the rainy season as aresult.

There used to be heavy rains inMyanmar in June and July, and the peopleare to exercise a constant vigilance againstfloods triggered by swelling rivers, creeksand streams in the coastal regions andnorthern part of Myanmar with torrentialrains.

Hpa-an, Toungoo, Madauk, Homalin,Mawlaik, Kalewa, Katha, NyaungU, Minbu,Hinthada, Myitnge and Bago which are withinreach of waters flowing from Thanlwin,Sittoung, Chindwin, Ayeyawady, Myitnge andBago rivers are to take preventive measuresagainst floods in the rainy season.

Particularly, people who reside in townsand villages in the coastal regions and on thebanks of rivers and creeks need to watch themark of rising water level daily.

In the meantime, authorities concernedare to form rescue teams and health careorganizations in towns, wards and villagesand to carry out tasks for strengthening damsand embankments along rivers andstockpiling sand bags in advance without fail.

As natural disasters may occur at anytime the entire people are to follow thewarnings and reminders of the Meteorologyand Hydrology Department and to takepreventive measures against possible naturaldisaster together with local authorities. Onlythen, will the prevention of loss of propertyand lives caused by natural disasters bepossible.

Take preventivemeasures against floods

YANGON, 14June—Member of

SWRR Minister Maj-Gen Maung Maung Swereceives ASEAN Secretary-General

National DisasterPreparedness Central

Committee Minister forSocial Welfare, Relief and

Resettlement Maj-GenMaung Maung Swereceived ASEANSecretary-General DrSurin Pitsuwan at FireServices Department(Head Office) inMayangon Township herethis morning.

They discussedmatters relating torehabilitation andreconstruction tasks instorm-affected regions.

Also present wereDeputy Minister forHealth Dr Mya Oo,Director-General of FireServices Department UMyint Tun and DeputyDirector-Greneral ofSocial WelfareDepartment U Aung TunKhaing.—MNA

YANGON, 14 June —Chairman of FinancialSub-committee DeputyMinister for Finance andRevenue Col Hla TheinSwe accepted K 1,290,000and US$ 10,000 donatedby wellwishers fromabroad and at home tostorm victims at CentralBank of Myanmar(Yangon Branch) inYankin Township, here,today. —MNA

Financial Sub-committee Chairmanaccepts cash donations

YANGON, 14 June—International communityare contributing relief supplies to storm-affectedregions.

Three IL-76 flights and one AN-12 flight carrying60.18 tons of tents, 17 life-boats, IT accessories, emptybottles, medicines, bulbs, plastics, dried fruit, juicesand anti dote to venom donated by Thailand-basedWFP, four C-130 aircraft carrying 21.69 tons of tents,purified drinking water, buckets and nylon stringsdonated by the USA and AN-12 aircraft carrying 19tons of tarpaulins donated by Switzerland-based

More aid from abroad arriveDoctors Without Borders arrived at YangonInternational Airport today.—MNA

Minister Maj-Gen Maung Maung Swe receives ASEAN Secretary-General Dr Surin Pitsuwan.—SOCIAL WELFARE

Deputy Minister ColHla Thein Swe

accepts cash donationfrom donors.—MNA

In memory of late U Ohn Myint (JuniorOfficer of the Ministry of Education) (Nay

Pyi Taw) of Botahtaung Township, Yangon,family of Daw Kyin Mya donated K 150,000to Hninzigon Home for the Aged through a

responsible person of the Home recently.—H

All this needs to be known* Do not be frightened whenever

intimidated* Do not be bolstered whenever

flattered* Do not be softened whenever


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Page 3: Lt-Gen Kyaw Win inspects Mongphyat- Mongyaung road section in … · 2008-06-17 · Health Dr Mya Oo, Director-General of Fire Services Department U Myint Tun and Deputy Director-Greneral

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 15 June, 2008 3

The Washington, DC, Metro subway system sits in near total darkness after apower outage struck much of the downtown area at the McPherson Squarestation. A power outage on Friday caused a blackout in parts of downtown

Washington, including the White House, leaving thousands without electricity andcausing major subway delays, the uti lity compan said.—INTERNET

Al-Sadr: New force to fight US in Iraq

Magnitude of Japan earthquake revised up to 7.2TOKYO, 14 June — The Japan Meteorological Agency revised the magnitude of the earthquake

which jolted wide areas of northeastern Japan Saturday morning up to 7.2 from the original 7.0.

Protesters beef up ralliesin S Korea

SEOUL, 14 June —SouthKorea - Thousands of SouthKoreans kept up theirprotests yesterday againstthe government’s plan toresume US beef imports asthe country’s trade ministerdeparted for Washington inan attempt to appeasedemonstrators’ demands.

Meanwhile, truckerswent on strike to protestfuel prices in a freshchallenge for President LeeMyung-bak’s young

government.In the latest of the anti-

government rallies that haveechoed through the streetsof the capital for more thana month, about 10,000demonstrators gatheredyesterday in front of Seoul’sCity Hall, police said.

Many carried candles atthe protest, whichcoincided with theanniversary of the deathsof two schoolgirls in a 2002accident involving a US

military vehicle. Thatevent became a flashpointfor anti-American protestsbacked by liberalpoliticians in a presidentialelection year, helping themmaintain the presidency bypromising not to kowtowto Washington. Lee’sagreement to resume USbeef imports in April aheadof a summit with PresidentBush was viewed by criticsas caving in to Americandemands.—Internet

Iran rejects any halt ofnuclear enrichment

Rainstorms kill 12, affectmillions in southern China

BAGHDAD, 14 June —Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr is establishing a newfighting force to battle US-led troops in Iraq, he saidin a letter read in Iraqimosques Friday.

Al-Sadr’s letter saidthat “the resistance will beexclusively conducted byonly one group. This newgroup will be defined soonby me.”

Al-Sadr's militia, theMehdi Army, has a strongand ubiquitous presence inShiite cities, towns andneighborhoods.

Sources familiar withal-Sadr said they believehe’s trying to embracewhat the US calls “SpecialGroups” —Iran-backedShiite militants, includingrogue Mehdi Armymembers, who have been

fighting US-led troopsdespite a ceasefire that thecleric declared in August.

The mainstream MehdiArmy has operated underthe ceasefire, whichdramatically reducedviolence in Iraq. Duringthat time, however, therehas been fighting betweenUS and Iraqi troops andmembers of the MehdiArmy, with many of thebattles this spring in thesouthern city of Basra andBaghdad’s Sadr Cityneighborhood.—Internet

Vehicles are submerged on the inundated XihuanRoad, at Liuzhou City, southwest China's GuangxiZhuang Autonomous Region, 12 June, 2008. —XINHUA

The 08:43 am (2343GMT) quake, whoseepicenter was about 8 kmunder ground in southernIwate Prefecture, haskilled two and injuredmore than 100 people asof 02:00 pm local time,Japanese media reported.

TV footage showedthat the quakeengendered severallandslides and thecollapse of a bridge inKurihara city of MiyagiPrefecture, south of IwatePrefecture. The earthcaved in a mountainousregion, destroying roads.In several places, roadswere broken or buried.

Kyodo News said threeworkers are missing in alandslide, and abus wasburied in another,trapping 17 people.

A series of minor andmoderate aftershocks

aggravated the damages,local reports said.

About 150 disasterrelief teams from theGround Self-DefenceForce and more than adozen from otherprefectures were dis-patched to the strickenareas.

Train services on mostsections of the TohokuShinkansen Line weresuspended shortly after thequake, but have beenresumed. Meanwhile, allexpressways in MiyagiPrefecture have beenclosed.

Japanese Chief CabinetSecretary NobutakaMachimura said at a pressconference in the morningthat blackout affectedabout 29,000 householdsin Iwate and Miyagiprefectures.

National broadcaster

NHK quoted authoritiesas saying that two nuclearpower plants inFukushima Prefecturewere not affected. Thequake, which engenderedno tsunami warning, could

A stone collapsed gateway to a Shinto shrine in

Ichinoseki. A powerful earthquake struck northern

Japan on Saturday, killing three people, injuring

more than 100 more and trapping guests at a

hot-spring resort buried by a landslide. INTERNET

be felt in almost all areasof the northeastern partof the Honshu Island,including Tokyo, andsome part of HokkaidoPrefecture.


����TEHERAN, 14 June —Iran’s governmentspokesman GholamHossein Elham said onSaturday that the countrywill reject any nucleardeal offered by majorworld powers thatdemands a suspension ofits uranium enrichment,the official IRNA newsagency reported.����“Iran’s stance is clear.The precondition of a haltand suspension of nuclearactivities cannot bebrought up,” Elham said,

as European Union (EU)foreign policy chief JavierSolana is in Tehran onSaturday to present a newoffer over Iran’s disputednuclear programme.����“If it exists (a demandfor a suspension ofenrichment), it cannot beconsidered at all...if theissue of suspension isrelied upon, the (nuclear)issue will not change,” saidElham.����Iran will make itsdecision on the package“after a precise ex-

amination,” he added.����Solana arrived inTehran late on Friday fortalks aimed at solving Iran’sstandoff with the West overits nuclear programme.Representatives of five ofthe six main powers —Britain, China, France,Germany and Russia—willalso take part in the talks.The United States is absentfrom the talks because ithas no diplomatic relationswith Tehran since Iran’s1979 Islamic revolution.


BEIJING, 14 June — Adozen people were killedand millions were affectedas rainstorms continued tolash south China over thepast two days, localauthorities said on Friday.

Torrential rains alsodestroyed more than 10,000houses, disrupted traffic andcaused landslides in theprovinces of Jiangxi,Hunan, Hubei and Anhui,Guangdong, as well asGuangxi Zhuang Auto-nomous Region.

Precipitation exceeded300 mm in several countiesand 250 mm in more than

20 during the last two daysin Guangxi and Hunan.

Five people were killedin landslides and housecollapses in Guangxi. Morethan 1.58 million wereaffected as of Fridaymorning. About 40 trainswere delayed on Friday dueto rain in Guangxi. Trainshad to go slowly alongmajor sections of track inLiuzhou, Guilin andHechi.

Wuzhou, a city nearGuangxi's border withGuangdong Province, wasravaged by the worstflooding in 100 years in2005. —Internet

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4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 15 June, 2008

US midwest flooding forcesevacuations, shutdowns

Four killed, over 20wounded

in Gaza house blast GAZA, 14 June — At least four Palestinians were

killed and more than 20 wounded Thursday afternoonin a house explosion in northern Gaza Strip, paramedicsand witnesses said.

Some of the witnesses said that an Israeli F16 warplanedropped a bomb on a three-storey house which belongsto a senior Hamas militant in Beit Lahiya town. IslamicHamas movement also said the blast was caused byIsraeli aircraft which targeted one of its members.

Other people said the house was badly destroyeddue to the blast that occurred inside, adding that someof the casualties were bystanders hit while walking onthe street. At least five of the wounded people were incritical condition, according to sources at Kamal Adwanhospital. —MNA/Xinhua

Obama fights McCain over taxes

Teheran denounces Bush’swar threat against Iran

The emergency entrance to Mercy Medical Centeris seen under water on 13 June, 2008, in Cedar

Rapids, Iowa. Rising water from the Cedar Riverforced the evacuation of the downtown hospital onFriday after residents of more than 3,000 homes

fled for higher ground.—INTERNET

DES MOINES (Iowa),14June — Flooding riversacross Iowa forcedresidents to evacuate,closed businesses,wrecked stores and shutdown highways and bargetraffic, authorities said onThursday.

Iowa Governor ChetCulver said storm andwater damage toinfrastructure will be inthe hundreds of millionsof dollars, as dozens ofbridges have beendamaged or destroyed.Nine rivers were at or nearrecord levels, he said.More rain has beenforecast for the comingdays.

“It hits everything.Colleges are shut down,

stores, it’s devastating,”said Lisa Fox, vicepresident of the IowaAssociation of Businessand Industry.

“Cedar Rapids iscompletely shut down,”

she said of Iowa’s second-largest city, where dozensof city blocks were floodedand a rail bridge collapsed.“It’s going to be a long-term recovery”.


TEHERAN, 14 June —Iranian Foreign Ministryspokesman Mohammad-Ali Hosseini said onThursday that the one-sided and stubbornapproach of the USpresident on Iran’s legalrights would not make anychange in Iran’s peacefulnuclear activities.

According to a ForeignMinistry Press release,Hosseini said that recentirresponsible remarks madeby US President George WBush is the continuation ofprovocative policies

adopted by the newconservatives in the USAdministration who try tomake baseless allegationsabout the peaceful natureof Iran’s nuclear activities.The failed policies of theBush Administration wouldonly serve to consolidatethe Iranian people's unityand resolve to defend theirlegal rights, he said, urgingAmerican officials toobserve internationalregulations and avoidisolation in the world.

Iranian officials haveproven their good-will,

said Hosseini referring toIran’s package of proposalson the nuclear issue, addingthat the best way to reach amutual agreement is torecognize the legal rightsof the Iranian nation.

Speaking at a joint Pressconference with GermanChancellor Angela Merkelon Wednesday, Bushreiterated the possibility ofa military strike to thwartIran's presumed nuclearweapons ambitions, thoughhe also repeated that hefavored a diplomaticsolution. — MNA/Xinhua

KAUKAUNA�(Wisconsin),14 June — Democraticpresidential hopefulBarack Obama onThursday accused

Republican John McCainof mischaracterizing histax plan and said mostAmericans would not seetaxes go up.

Obama, an Illinoissenator, has drawn heavyfire from rival ArizonaSenator McCain this weekon the issue of taxes, withthe Republican repeatedlyaccusing Obama ofseeking the largest increasesince World War II.

“It’s just not true,”Obama said at a town hallmeeting in rainyWisconsin, telling a crowd

inside a high schoolgymnasium thatRepublicans havewrongly subjected him tocharges of being a “tax-and-spend liberal”.

Obama, visiting aMidwestern state likelyto be a battleground inthe race to the Novemberpresidential election, isenjoying a modest bumpin public opinion polls inthe days since dispatchingrival Hillary Clintonfrom the Democraticnominating contest.


Students fromHallahan Catholic

Girls’ High School takepart in a decades oldtradition of jumping

into the SwannMemorial Fountain, at

Logan Square, inPhiladelphia on their

last day of their schoolyear in Philadelphia,

on 13 June, 2008.INTERNET

A staff member shows an emerald on display to the public in Hong Kong,southern China, on 13 June, 2008. This 536-kg emerald, which is 125 cm in

length, 55 cm in height and 78 cm in depth, is believed to be one of the largestand heaviest emeralds in the world.— XINHUA

Vietnam to host biggest int’lgong culture festival

HANOI, 14 June —Vietnam will organize aninternational gong culturefestival, the biggest of itskind, next March with theexpected participation of

artists from its regions andfive regional countries,according to a local cultureagency on Thursday.

The festival, to be heldin the central highlands

province of Gia Lai, willattract gong artists fromVietnamese localities,mostly central highlandprovinces, Laos, Cam-bodia, Thailand, China andJapan, said the VietnamInstitute of Culture andArts under the Ministry ofCulture, Sports andTourism.

On the sidelines of thefestival, an internationalworkshop about pre-serving the gong culturein Vietnam’s centralhighlands region, and aphoto exhibition will heheld.

The United NationsEducational, Scientific andCultural Organization in2005 recognizedVietnam’s gong culture asa masterpiece of oral andintangible heritage ofhumanity.—MNA/Xinhua

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 15 June, 2008 5

Fed says US economy“generally weak”

NY police consider givingall officers stun guns

NEW YORK, 14 June — The New York PoliceDepartment is considering giving stun guns to officerswho walk the city's streets, a police spokesman said onWednesday, prompting calls for restraint from ahuman rights group.

Spokesman Paul Browne said police supervisorsstarted carrying a compact version of the stun gun,which incapacitates people with a 50,000-volt jolt ofelectricity, last week.

He said Police Commissioner Ray Kelly wouldlikely make a decision about whether to issue allpolice with Taser stun guns within weeks. He said thedevices already on the streets will be used “againstpersons who are actively, physically resisting”, butwhere deadly force is not needed.

Stun guns have been used by New York City policesince 1984, but were kept in vehicles as they were toobulky and heavy to be carried by officers, Brownesaid. — MNA/Reuters

S Korean investors to buildskyscraper in Phnom Penh

Sixty hurt inRussia trainderailment MOSCOW, 14 June —

Sixty people were injuredwhen a train derailed nearRussia’s border with Chinaon Thursday, Russianmedia reported.

“According to our latestfigures, 60 people havebeen injured in the accident,six of them critically,” RIAnews agency quoted anEmergencies Ministryspokesman as saying.

Russian state televisionshowed piles of debris atthe scene of the derailmentin the Amur region andambulances heading to thesite. The cause of thederailment was unknown,officials said.

Russian news agenciesreported that VladimirYakunin, head of state-owned Russian Railways,was flying to the scene tooversee the clean-upoperation.—MNA/Reuters

Turkey to rebuild Afghanmilitary high school

KABUL, 14 June — Turkey on Wednesday said itwould offer 10 million US dollars to rebuildAfghanistan's only military high school in the capitalcity Kabul.

Chief of Logistic Staff of Turkish Army MehmetErten made this announcement at a ceremony heldhere for the laying down of the foundation of theschool. The Turkish dignitary said the 10 million USdollar project would cover the restoration andreconstruction of the buildings and facilities as wellas meeting all requirements of the school and cadetsincluding clothing and equipment.

Flanked by Afghan Chief of Army Staff BismillahMohammadi, Erten told reporters at the function thatthe new military institution will have modern facilitiesincluding kitchen, dining hall, dormitory and languagelaboratory. Around 760 Turkish troops are serving inAfghanistan within the framework of the NATO-ledInternational Security Assistance Force (ISAF) andTurkey has also contributed more some 100 millionUS dollars over the past six years for the reconstructionin the post- Taleban nation. — MNA/Xinhua

WASHINGTON, 14 June— US economic activityremained generally weakin late April and May asconsumers were squeezedby soaring costs for energyand food, the FederalReserve said Wednesday.

"Three districts des-cribed economic activityas softer, weaker, or lower,with an additional fourdistricts reporting slower,sluggish, or modesteconomic growth," said theFed in a nationwide survey,which is based oneconomic informationsupplied by the Fed 's 12

regional banks andcollected on or before 2June, 2008.

The remaining fivedistricts described activityas stable or little changedin recent weeks, it said. Itsaid that consumerspending, which accountsfor two-thirds of overalleconomic activity, slowedas incomes were pinched

by rising energy and foodprices.

Higher energy pricesalso appeared to dampdomestic tourism. Manu-facturing activity wasgenerally soft in recentweeks, with weak demandfor housing-related andsome other products butwith increasing demand forexports. – MNA/Xinhua

PHNOM PENH, 14 June— South Koreaninvestors will holdg r o u n d - b r e a k i n gceremony here next weekfor its 52-storeyskyscraper, the tallestbuilding currentlydesigned for Cambodia,said English-Khmerlanguage newspaper theMekong Times Friday.

GS Engineering andConstruction, the largestreal estate developer inSouth Korea, will takefour years to complete

the project near the TonleBassac River, the paperquoted Mu Hion Woo,its chief of businessdivision in Cambodia, assaying.

The project willinclude a 52-storey officeblock, a 32-storeyresidential block, aninternational school and ashopping mall, he said.

“Which country hasthe most experience indeveloping satellite cities?The answer is SouthKorea. There are probably

four or five such citiesnear Seoul,” he told thepaper.

“But for us, it isbusiness on one handand a contribution tothe development ofCambodia on the other.If you want to see thepotential of Cambodia,you can see it in thisproject,” he added.

Currently, a secondSouth Korean real estatedeveloper is con-structing a 42-storeyskyscraper of com-prehensive functions indowntown Phnom Penhand a third one de-veloping a satellite cityin the suburb.


A dancer from China’s Lanzhou Song and DanceTheater, northwest China’s Gansu Province, performs“Dunhuang My Dreamland” at the first China XinjiangInternational Folk Dance Festival in Urumqi, capitalof northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur AutonomousRegion, on 12 June, 2008. A special performance ofthe dance drama “Dunhuang My Dreamland” was

held on Thursday evening.—INTERNET

Visitors look at REEM-

B, the new humanoid

robot unveiled by Pal

Technology Robotics,

at its launch in Reem

Island in Abu Dhabi,

on 11 June, 2008.


A farmer displays some of his tomato crop at his farm in Hanover County, Va,on 13 June, 2008. The Food and Drug Administration has already deemed

Virginia tomatoes safe to eat, but growers say some consumers have been waryof buying Virginia-grown tomatoes due to a salmonella outbreak.—INTERNET

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6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 15 June, 2008

Palestinian nat’l talks isstarting point toward unityAMMAN, 14 June — King Abdullah of Jordan

reiterated that the call by Palestinian PresidentMahmoud Abbas for national dialogue must mark astarting point towards bolstering Palestinian nationalunity, enabling Palestinians restore their legitimaterights and establishing their viable independent stateon the national soil, the Royal Hashemite Court said onWednesday.

He made the remarks during Wednesday's talkswith visiting Palestinian President on the PalestinianNational Authority's (PNA) initiative to enhancePalestinian national unity as well as peace makingefforts.

The King underlined Jordan's support for theseefforts as well as the importance of continuinginternational involvement to achieve tangible progressin the peace negotiations to establish an independentPalestinian state on the Palestinian national soil inWest Bank and Gaza Strip. —Xinhua

Latam states, India sign agreementfor visa-free access

Medvedev ratifies SCOtreaty on friendship

Jordan, Iraq agree to establishbusiness council

MOSCOW, 14 June —Russian President DmitryMedvedev has ratified along-term treaty onfriendship with the othermembers of the ShanghaiCooperation Organization(SCO), RIA Novosti newsagency reported onWednesday, citing aKremlin source.

The friendship, good-neighbourliness andcooperation treaty amongthe member states of theregional bloc, namelyChina, Russia, Kazakhstan,Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan andUzbekistan, was ratified byboth houses of Russia'sparliament in May.

The pact, inked in

Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, inAugust 2007, is aimed atdeveloping a strategicpartnership among the SCOmembers in a bid to enhancepeace, security and stability,expand economiccooperation and promotecontacts in culture,education, healthcare andscience.—Xinhua

All items from Xinhua News Agency

AMMAN, 14 June —Jordan signed a co-operation protocol withIraq on Wednesday toestablish a Jordanian-IraqiBusiness Council, said

Jordan Chamber ofCommerce.

The protocol is aimedat developing relationsbetween the twocountries' institutions andprivate sector as well asboosting joint coope-ration and tradeexchange, said thechamber of commerce.

Jordanian officialshighlighted the impor-tance of enhancing tradeexchange between Jordanand Iraq, expressing theJordanian chamber'sreadiness to boostcooperation and solve anyproblem that might hinderthe development ofbilateral relations.

The agreement wassigned by Jordan ofCommerce, JordanChamber of Industry andFederation of IraqiChambers of Commerceand Industry.


Muhammad Hawasof Saudi Arabiaposes with his

Damascene goat, orMaaz Al Shami,

named Qahr, whichwon the first prize

for the “MostBeautiful Goat”

title at the Mazayenal-Maaz

competition inRiyadh on 13 June,


A woman picks up vegetables from partly empty shelves at a supermarket inMadrid, capital of Spain, on 12 June, 2008. Spaniards are facing fuel and

food shortages on Tuesday as a result of a nationwide strike by the country'struck drivers. —XINHUA

MANAGUA, 14 June —Nicaragua, Honduras andEl Salvador signed anagreement with India onWednesday, waiving visarequirements for holdersof official and diplomaticpassports, the Nicara-guan Foreign Ministrysaid.

The agreement wassigned by Indian ForeignMinister Pranab Muk-herjee and his counter-parts from the threeCentral Americancountries, in the Indiancapital New Delhi.

The Central Americandelegation was in the cityto attend a SICA (Central

American IntegrationSystem) foreign mini-sters' meeting, aimed atstrengthening andenlarging bilateralcooperation.

The two sidesdiscussed issues likeclimate change, energysecurity, nonproliferationand the Doha round oftrade talks, a spokes-person of the IndianExternal Affairs Ministrysaid. SICA representa-tives also met with IndianPrime Minister Manm-ohan Singh and PresidentPratibha Patil.

In a meeting with theIndian Minister of State

for External Affairs,Anand Sharma, Nicara-guan Foreign MinisterSamuel Santos recalledthe former's visit toNicaragua in the 1980'sfor the 10th anniversaryof the SandinistaRevolution, as bothleaders spoke of thefriendship between theircountries.— Xinhua

Head of Obama’s vicepresidential vetting team resignsWASHINGTON, 14 June

— US presumptiveDemocratic presidentialcandidate Barack Obamasaid on Wednesday thatthe head of his vicepresidential vetting teamhas resigned.

According to Obama'sstatement, Jim Johnson,

the former CEO of themortgage giant Fannie

Mae, "did not want todistract in any way from

the very important task ofgathering information"

about the vice presi-dential nominee. "So hehas made a decision tostep aside that I accept,"the Illinois senatorsaid.— Xinhua

This NASA/JPL/Caltech handout imageshows soil in the shovelof the robotic arm on

the Mars PhoenixLander on 9 June as it

prepares to test a“sprinkle” method of

placing the soil toinstruments on thelander deck. The

Phoenix probe is readyto analyze arctic soil

from Mars afterscientists were finallyable to shake samples

into one of thespacecraft’s oven-likeinstruments, NASAsaid on Wednesday.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 15 June, 2008 7

May you gain more meritsIt is natural that every person, human society or

nation, has to face vicissitudes. Cyclone ‘Nargis’ that

devastated the southern part of Ayeyawady delta and

Yangon was an absolute nightmare for Myanmar

people. The severe natural disaster left hundreds of

thousands of local people dead or missing. Local

people lost so many relatives and massive property.

According to one of the Teachings of the Buddha,

they had to suffer the evil consequences of

unwholesome deeds they committed in the past


However, many people survived the

catastrophe due to the results of wholesome deeds

they performed in the past existences. So, it is fair

to say that they were very fortunate. As the sayings

that go, “We still have chances as long as we are

alive” and “It is extremely hard to be born as a

human being”, the survivors will have to work

hard and choose the most appropriate ways to

continue to survive. That is the most important

point for the fortunate people.

If they want to be more fortunate, they will have

to perform meritorious deeds so as to pave the way

towards their goals. In that regard, performing

meritorious deeds is to be based on genuine goodwill.

Here, what is the most important is that one has to bear

in mind that one should consider the phenomena

properly and reasonably. If they are endlessly out of

control due to their miserable conditions, and loss of

their relatives, houses, cattle and property, they will

not be in a position to harvest the fruitful results of the

good deeds they did in the past existences. I would like

to remind them that it is because grief and mourning

are demerits. If they are dissatisfied with the amount

or kinds of relief supplies, they will have to deal with

similar evil consequences. Here, what they should do

is to console themselves considering that everything,

animate or inanimate, is impermanent, to show loving-

Hlaing Aungkindness towards the well-wishers who have donated

relief supplies, and to say prayers for the wellbeing of

their benefactors. If they try hard with self-reliant basis

to be able to return to normal while having four

cardinal virtues, good luck will be brought to them.

Well-wishers have an opportunity to donate

cash and kind to the storm victims when the latter

are in need. That is an occasional charity, and such

relief is indeed a great gift.

If a well-wisher makes donations with a feeling

of joy at the time of giving and also before and after,

he can enjoy the results of his generous donation to

the highest level.

If a well-wisher, before giving, shows great

compassion for the victims, saying prayers for the

victims to be free from the hardships they are facing,

his goodwill before giving will be noble.

If a well-wisher donates cash and kind right in the

hands of the victims with a feeling of joy before giving,

his donation will be a noble donation called Sahassita


If a well-wisher after giving has a feeling of joy at

his donation, witnessing that the victims are leading a

comfortable life with the donations, and then he is

inspired to make donations repeatedly, his goodwill is

very genuine and noble. If a well-wisher is equipped

with the three kinds of noble goodwill, his charity is of

the first class. Such a charity will bring great results to

the donors. I would like the donors to share merits with

those who lost their lives in the strong wind. The

sharing of merits gained for the donation is a kind of

charity called Patti Dana. The donors will gain more

merits, then.

I felt very sorry to watch on TV that when

donations were dropped from moving vehicles onto

the road, the victims were jostling each other for

collecting the dropped ones in a scramble. Such

donation is called Dana Dasa in which a landlord

gives away things to his slaves. So, such a donation

is an ignoble or improper donation called Hina

Dana. As delivered by Dhamma Zedi Monk, if a

donation is made just for pleasure (overwhelmed

by Somanassa sentiment based on greed), the

donation is called Ñana Vippayutta with demerit

ahead without wisdom. Such a donation lacks

feeling of giving at present, after and before, to a

certain degree.

Such unsystematic donations can have adverse

effects to the storm victims. So, when they are

dissatisfied with being prevented from making

such undisciplined donations by officials

concerned, they are overwhelmed by anger. If

they sow a discord between officials concerned

and the victims with an expression “We want to

make donations, but we cannot do so because

authorities have prevented us from making

donations”, such expression is called Pisunavaca

or committing unwholesome actions verbally.

Therefore, such donations lack Apara goodwill

(after giving).

If a donation is not initiated or followed by the

three kinds of goodwill, it will not yield much benefit

to the donors as the saying that goes, “One liquidates

his own benevolence by a mere committance of

undeserving act”. And it will be an ordinary donation.

Therefore, I would like to urge well-wishers, if

they plan to make donations, stop the vehicle they

are on first, and present the donations right in the

hands of the victims along the road. It will be more

effective if well-wishers go right down to the shelters

or huts in the villages and donate much-needed

things in addition to snacks to the victims.

Another notable point is that there are many

victims in other relief camps who are still homeless

with no belongings except the clothes on their bodies.

Thus, well-wishers should donate cash and kind to

the victims in order of need.

If they can, well-wishers may donate cash and

kind to victim families who are living in the deserted

places and who even cannot go to the nearest relief

camps. The further well-wishers go down to the

storm-hit areas, the more miserable victims they will

find and the greater donations they can make.

Therefore, I would like to exhort well-wishers

with the chances of Bhoga Sampatti (to make

occasional donations) in their hands by good fortune

to make donations with three kinds of goodwill so

that they can gain more and more merits.

I wish well-wishers good luck.

Translation: MS

Well-wishers may donate cash and kind tovictim families who are living in the desertedplaces and who even cannot go to the nearestrelief camps. The further well-wishers godown to the storm-hit areas, the moremiserable victims they will find and thegreater donations they can make.

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8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 15 June, 2008

(from page 1)Lt-Gen Kyaw Win

presented uniforms toUnion Solidarity andDevelopment Association

Lt-Gen Kyaw Win inspectsMongphyat-Mongyaung roadsection in Shan State (East)

and Fire Brigade, schooluniforms, books andstationery and localproducts to officials.

Next, they looked

YANGON, 14 June —Commander of South-West Command Brig-GenKyaw Swe, member ofNational DisasterPreparedness CentralCommittee Minister forMines Brig-Gen OhnMyint and the commanderof Pammawady NavalRegion Command made aninspection tour of Ottwinvillage in NgapudawTownship on 11 June.

Commander Brig-Gen Kyaw Swe presentedschool uniforms andnecessary items to stormvictims.

Next, they greetedvolunteers from Shan State(North) in the village togive helping hands inrehabilitation tasks. Theyalso looked into teachingof school children atvillage Post-PrimarySchool.

They inspectedassembling of power-

YANGON, 14 June — Minister for Health DrKyaw Myint this morning inspected health care servicesat the Farmers’ Hospital in Hsamalauk Village,Nyaungdon Township and Maubin General Hospital(200-bed), Maubin Township, Ayeyawady Divisionand gave necessary instructions.

During his tour, the minister also inspectedtasks for making the environs of the Farmers’ Hospitalgreen and pleasant and medical wards.

On arrival at Maubin General Hospital (200-bed), the minister and party looked into health careservices being provided to storm victims at the deliveryroom and orthopedic, physical and traumatic unitwhere they were conducted round by MedicalSuperintendent Dr Khin Maung Htay and officials.

After inspecting health care services of thehospital, the minister attended to the needs.

Next, the minister inspected the hospital andfulfilled the requirements.

Later, he met the medical superintendent, specialists,doctors, matrons and nurses at the meeting hall of thehospital and gave necessary instructions.— MNA

YANGON, 14 June-Minister for Agricultureand Irrigation Maj-GenHtay Oo received MrAlbert Lieberg, Leaderof Emergency andRehabilitation Program-me Mission ofFAO, Senior Officer

Minister discusses rehabilitationwork with FAO representatives

into development ofMongyaung, thriving cropplantations and rubberplantations in amotorcade.—MNA

Ms Mona Chaya andAdviser to InternationalForest Sector MrRavishankar Thupalli ofFAO and Acting ResidentRepresentative Mr LeonGouws of FAO inMyanmar at IrrigationDepartment, in Yankin

Township, here, yesterday.At the meeting, the

minister said he thankedFAO for renderingtechnical assistance inagriculture, forest, fisheryand meat sectors as well asproviding of emergencyaid for storm victims. Heexplained facts aboutrestoration work for arablelands and food sufficiency.

Later, the discus-sion focused on renderingassistance to stormaffected areas.


Myanmar delegation leaves for ROKYANGON, 14 June —Minister for Finance and

Revenue Maj-Gen Hla Tun accompanied by Vice-Governor U Maung Maung Win of Central Bank ofMyanmar and Director Daw Ohnmar Sein left for theRepublic of Korea to attend the Asia-Europe FinanceMinisters’ Meeting to be held in Jeju, the Republic ofKorea yesterday.—MNA

Commander, minister inspect reconstructiontasks of villages in Ngapudaw Township

tillers provided byAgricultural Mechani-zation Department in thevillage.

Afterwards, theylooked into damage ofPhonetawpyae village,progress on constructionof low-cost housing builtby Shwe Thanlwin Co,water tanks, opening ofshops in make-shiftshelters and giving medicaltreatment to the patients.They also looked intoconstruction of make-shiftshelters and Basic

Education Middle Schooland progress onreconstruction tasks ofKyaukalat village.

Next, they visitedthe already-repairedKyaukalat village BasicEducation High School(Branch).

Afterwards, theyinspected sanitation tasksbeing carried out by USDAmembers and volunteers andgiving medical treatmentand viewed construction ofhouses in Ottwin village.


Health Minister inspects hospitals in Ayeyawady Division

Presiding Nayaka of Mogok Vipassasna Dhamma Yeiktha Branch-77 ofAung San Tawya TatU Monastery Bhaddanta Kittisara seen with lay personsat Yangon International Airport on 13 June evening before departure for Sydney of Australia to provide Patiççasamuppada course. —H

Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Htay Oo receives FAOActing Resident Representative Mr Leon Gouws, Leader of Emergencyand Rehabilitation Programme Mission Mr Albert Lieberg and officials

of FAO.—A&I

Minister for Cooperatives Maj-Gen Tin Htutviews providing of relief supplies to storm

victims in Zinyegyi Village of LabuttaTownship on 11 June. —MNA

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 15 June, 2008 9

NAY PYI TAW, 14June — A ceremony tomark the 36th foundinganniversary of Printingand Publishing Enterpriseand to provide stipend tothe offspring of the PPEstaff was held at themeeting hall of theMinistry of Information,here this morning with anaddress by Minister forInformation Brig-GenKyaw Hsan.

Present weredirectors-general andmanaging directors of

All staff urged to strive for successful realizationof tasks of ministry and departments

36th anniversary of PPE marked

departments andenterprises, general mana-gers, officials and staff.

Minister Brig-GenKyaw Hsan spoke on theoccasion. He said it was

an auspicious day toprovide stipend to theoffspring of the PPE staffon the occasion of the 36th

anniversary of PPE.He said the ministry

holds anniversary daysof departments andenterprises with twoobjectives—to reviewstrong and weak points ofthe tasks implemented andto honour the performanceof the service personnel.

He said it is foundthat the PPE accomplishedthe seven tasks laid down

in previous year. The ninetasks have been laid downfor 2008-2009. They are –for the media to participatein the tasks for successfulimplementation of the

seven-step Road Map, toreduce expenditure andstrive for earning moreincome and boostingproduction, to makeefforts for promoting

Myanmar literature and forimprovement of the life ofthe literary workers inaccord with the policy ofthe State, to strive forcooperation with theliterary workers in thenational interest, tomaintain the printingpresses of PPE foroperation in the long run,to modernize the functionsof PPE, to carry out thetasks assigned by the Stateorganizations in time, toeconomize on every aspectand to undertakeagriculture and livestock

breeding and care thewelfare of the servicepersonnel.

He urged the servicepersonnel to try their bestto achieve prizes in theyears to come.

The government, thepeople and the Tatmadaware working in concert as anational task for relief andrehabilitation of the stormvictims. In doing so, themedia also needs toactively participate in thework. In conclusion, theminister said all the staffare to strive for thesuccessful realization ofthe tasks of the ministry aswell as the departmentsconcerned. In addition,there should be faircompetition between thestaff members inperforming their duties.

Next, Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsanpresented exercise booksand K 13,704,440 for

3586 students atdifferent levels, who arethe children of the staffmembers for 2008-2009academic year. Thedonations were acceptedby Head of Office of theMinistry U Myint Htwe,MRTV Director-General U Khin MaungHtay, Information andPublic RelationsDepartment Director-General U Chit Naing,Printing and PublishingEnterprise ManagingDirector U Aung Nyein,News and Periodicals

Enterprise ManagingDirector U Soe Win andMyanma Motion PictureEnterprise ManagingDirector U Aung MyoMyint. Then, theminister presented theModel Factory Award toUpper Myanmar

Government Pressthrough the factorymanager. He alsopresented awards to 12staff members who wonmedals of good servicesand two staff memberswho won medals foroutstanding performancein social field.

Managing Director UAung Nyein presented cashassistance for the factoriesand cash assistance for theuniforms of staff members.Afterwards, Director-General U Khin MaungHtay, Director-General

U Chit Naing, ManagingDirector U Soe Win andManaging Director U AungMyo Myint awarded prizesto outstanding staff of thePPE. After the ceremony,Minister Brig-Gen KyawHsan cordially greetedthose present. —MNA


Kyaw Hsanaddressesceremonyto markthe 36th

anniversaryof Printing


and toprovide

stipend tothe

offspringof the PPE


Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan presents stipend and exercise books tooffspring of the staff of the ministry through Head of Office

U Myint Htwe.—MNA

IPRD Director-General U Chit Naing presentsprize to an outstanding staff of PPE.—MNA

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10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 15 June, 2008

YANGON, 14 June— Chairman of YangonDivis ion Peace andDevelopment CouncilCommander of YangonCommand Maj-Gen HlaHtay Win this morninginspected preventativemeasures againstdiarrhoea and DengueHemorrhagic Fever anddredging of drains at No2 Basic Educat ionPrimary School inAhlon Township andgave necessaryinstructions.

Accompanied byofficials, the commanderlooked into educative talkson health and personalhygiene and sanitation

Commander inspects preventive measures againstdiarrhoea and DHF in Ahlon, Kyimyindine Townships

tasks, treating mosquitonets with insecticide,spraying of insecticidewith the use of block sprayand work for proper flowof drains carried out bydepartments, socialorganizations and localpeople along HsinminStreet in Thittaw andLutlatyay Wards, AhlonTownship.

On arrival at theAsia World Jetty inAhlon Township, thecommander andDirector U Than Myintof Asia World Copresented 420 dozens ofexercise books andstationery worth K 4million, 840 bags and

USDA members leave for Labutta TownshipYANGON, 14 June –

Two teams comprising 49members of Chin State,Sagaing, Yangon andAyeyawady DivisionUSDAs led by JointSecretary Dr Win MyintAung of Sagaing DivisionUSDA left for Pyinsalu,four teams comprising 43members of Mon and ShanState (North) and Bagoand Ayeyawady DivisionUSDAs led by districtexecutive U Sai Nyi NyiLwin of Mon State USDA,Saluseik village and threeteams comprising 49members of Kachin Stateand Magway, Yangon and

Ayeyawady DivisionUSDAs led by executiveU Ye Wint Hlaing ofMagway Division USDA,Hsinchaya (Thingangyi)village in LabuttaTownship by ship to takepart in rehabilitation tasks

in the township on 11 and12 June.

The teams eachincluding a doctor and willcarry out reconstructionand rehabilitation taskscoupled with health care.


YANGON, 14 June – A talk on crisismanagement organized by Myanmar ComputerProfessionals Association will be held at theconference hall of Myanmar Info-Tech on 21 June(Saturday).

Dr Aung Tun Thet will give lecture on theoccasion.

Those wishing to attend the talk may register atthe office of MCPA and Myanmar Info-Tech (HlineCampus), Hline Township by dialing 652238.


Health Minister receives French AmbassadorYANGON, 14 June-

French Ambassador to theUnion of Myanmar MrJean-Pierre Lafosse calledon Minister for Health DrKyaw Myint at Yangon

Minister donates provisions to storm-hitmonasteries in Labutta Tsp

YANGON, 14 June –Minister for ReligiousAffairs Brig-Gen ThuraMyint Maung andMinister for CooperativesMaj-Gen Tin Htut offeredmeal to nine members ofthe Sangha in LabuttaTownship at ThayatawPariyatti monastery in the

township today.Next, Minister

Brig-Gen Thura MyintMaung attended theceremony to donate 3000CI sheets, 3500 robes,nails and other provisions

donated by the Ministryof Religious Affairs tostorm-hit monasteries inthe township held at themonastery and presentedthe donations.


New road constructionsupervised in delta region

NAY PYI TAW, 14 June—Minister for ConstructionMaj-Gen Saw Tun on 12 June inspected Pammawadybridge on Pathein-Myaungmya road and gaveinstructions on continuous maintenance of the bridge.

Next the minister and party looked into roadworks being carried out for rainy season in PatheinDistrict.

The minister and party proceeded to constructionsite of Nyaungchaung bridge on Pathein-Myaungmyaroad and gave instructions on upgrading of the road.

Next, the minister looked into Maubin-Yelegale-Shwe Taung Maw-Kyaikpi-Mawlamyinegyun roadwhich is the part of road network project in Deltaregion in a motorcade and called on more effort forprogress of the work in the monsoon, priority to begiven to expension of the original road section.

He inspected machinery and road works and thenmet local residents of Thongwasaing village.—MNA

General Hospital here thisafternoon.

They hold a discussionon providing health care onfloating ships in BogaleTownship Ayeyawady

Division. Also present wereDeputy minister for HealthDr Mya Oo, DeputyDirector-Generals of HealthDepartment and officialsconcerned.—MNA

840 water proof jacketsfor students of thetownship through therespective school heads.

Next, thecommander heard a reportpresented by the directoron construction ofcontainer yard and jetties,upgrading of HsinminStreet and fulfilled therequirements.

Afterwards, thecommander and partyviewed tasks for properflow of drains in Ahlonand KyimyindineTownships and sanitationtasks being carried out infront of ThirimingalaMarket in KyimyindineTownship.—MNA

Talk on crisis management

YANGON, 14 June-—About 1,000craft were rerunning daily after thestorm in Mawlamyinegyun, said U Ni,Chairman of Craft Owners’ Associationof the township.

There are about 120 craft linesrunning to rural areas in the townshipand all have been plying and shuttling

Craft rerunning in Mawlamyinegyun Tsppassengers and goods of the villages.

Moreover, transport of reliefsupplies to the storm-hit villages isbeing carried out by the craft lines incooperation with the relief andrehabilitation committee ofMawlamyinegyun Township.


Commander Maj-Gen Hla Htay Win inspects tasks for proper flowof water at drains along Hsinmin Road in Ahlon Township. — MNA

Minister for Health Dr Kyaw Myint receives French Ambassador to theUnion of Myanmar Mr Jean-Pierre Lafosse. —�HEALTH

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 15 June, 2008 11

The Space Shuttle Discovery lands at the Kennedy Space Center in Floridaafter delivering the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency’s Kibo laboratory to

the International Space Station in this image from NASA TV on 14 June,2008.—INTERNET

Protestors hold an anti-Bush demonstration inParis recently. US President George W Bushand his French counterpart Nicolas Sarkozy

jointly urged Syria to break with Iran andbluntly warned that they would not let Tehran

obtain nuclear weapons.—INTERNET

Sweden fans pose

before their Group D

Euro 2008 soccer

match against Spain at

the Tivoli Neu Stadium

in Innsbruck, on 14

June, 2008.


Turkey’s satellite

“Turksat 3A” launched

Scientists observe firstflash from dying star

Gardeners warned afterfungus kills Briton

Private DNA bank launched in IndiaNEW DELHI,14 June—

A human DNA Bank wasestablished by an Indianbiotechnology firmdirector in northern cityLucknow, the HindustanTimes reported Friday.

This is Asia’s only andthe world’s second humanDNA Bank. The US’sFederal Bureau ofInvestigation was so farthe only agency that couldboast of a DNA bank, thereport said.

The bank will requireexhaustive details about aperson, includingfingerprints and four dropsof blood. This information

will be stored for 50 years,Dr Saeed Ahmad,Lucknow-based IQRABiotech Services’director, the creator of thebank said.

Dr Ahmed said themembers of bank will geta microchip-based DNAcard containinganthropological andmedical information,biometrics details about aperson. With the help ofthis card, all vitalinformation about aperson will be accessibleat the click of a mouse.

He said, “Our team

will contact people tomake them members ofthe DNA Bank. Anindividual will have toshell out 650 rupees, or15 US dollars. We areready to provide freetechnical services topolice departments. Theidentification machinescan be installed atimportant places such asairports, hospitals andrailway stations at a costborne by them andsoftware and servicesprovided by us.”

Dr Ahmed said thissystem will be helpful inhospitals and for policeverification. It will alsobenefit the police inrestoring a lost child tohis parents and in cases ofroad and train accidents,plane crashes, naturaldisasters and terrorattacks. — MNA/Xinhua

ANKARA, 14 June—Turkey’s new generationcommunication satelliteTurksat 3A was launchedfrom the Kourou base ofFrench Guiana onThursday, the semi-official Anatolisa newsagency reported.

The report said thatthe satellite will be locatedin the orbit of 42 degreeeast longitude and thecontrol of the satellite willbe pursued in the GolbasiSatellite Ground Stationnear the Turkish capitalof Ankara.

Based on ThalesAlenia Space’s Spacebus

4000B2, Turksat 3A willbe fitted with 24 Ku-bandtransponders and will offerbeginning of life power ofabout 8 kw.

Positioned at 42degree east longitude,Turksat 3A weighs 3060kilogrammes at launch andwill replace Turksat 1Csatellite, said the report,adding that the Turksat 3Ahas 3 uplink and 2downlink beams.

It said that Turksat 3Asatellite will enableTurksat to offer tele-communication servicesas well as direct TVbroadcasting services in a

broader area than itsexisting coverage, i.e.Turkey, Europe, MiddleEast, North Africa andCentral Asia.

With the help of itsswitchable transponders,Turksat 3A will act as abridge between Europeand Asia. Turksat 3A’sTurkey coverage has beenspecially designed toprovide very efficientgain for broadbandapplications like VerySmall Aperture Terminal(VSAT) services givingcustomers low-costuplink systems.


Huge fire hits Baghdad wholesale market BAGHDAD, 14 June— A huge fire destroyed dozens

of shops in the Shourja wholesale market in downtownBaghdad on Friday, an Interior Ministry source said.

The flames flared at about 1:00 am on Friday(2200 GMT on Thursday) in a three-storey building, inBaghdad’s oldest wholesale market of Shourja, the sourcetold Xinhua on condition of anonymity.


LONDON, 14 June—There could be a killerhiding in your compostheap.

British doctorswarned gardeners onFriday of the danger posedby a common fungus aftera previously healthy mandied from breathing infungal spores found indead plant material.

The unusual caseinvolved a 47-year-oldwho came into contactwith the fungusAspergillus fumigatus,and was admitted tohospital after a week ofcoughing and chest pain.

“The patient’s partner

revealed that hissymptoms had started lessthan 24 hours after he haddispersed rotting tree andplant mulch in the garden,where clouds of dust hadengulfed him,” doctorsreported in the Lancetmedical journal.

Aspergillus sporesare often found indecaying plant matter andare known to be capableof triggering an allergicresponse.

The victim, whoworked as a welder,smoked around 10cigarettes a day but hadno other medicalhistory.— MNA/Reuters.

LONDON,14 June —Scientists have for thefirst time witnessed theflash of light producedinside a dying star justbefore it explodes,according to a study onThursday that provides aunique glimpse into howa supernova forms.

The red supergiant,more than 500 times moremassive than the Earth’sown sun, was destroyedafter its core collapsedand a deadly shock waveof energy completelyblew it up, theastronomers said.

Until now, scientistshave only been able toobserve the afterglow of

such bursts that light upgalaxies withoutknowing which staractually exploded, theresearchers reported inthe journal Science.

“We have witnessedthe violent death of amassive star in a galaxyalmost one billion lightyears away inunprecedented detail,”Kevin Schawinski, anastronomer at theUniversity of Oxfordwho led the study, said ina telephone interview.

“We caught the starwhile the supernovashock wave approachedthe surface of the star andthen blew it apart.”


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12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 15 June, 2008



VOY NO (007)Consignees of cargo carried on MV MCP ROT-

TERDAM VOY NO (007) are hereby notified that thevessel has arrived on 15.6.2008 and cargo will bedischarged into the premises of A.W.P.T where it willlie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject tothe byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm up to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.


AGENT FOR: M/S INTERASIALINESPhone No: 256908/378316/376797

Texas resumes executionsafter moratorium

Nine dead in escalatingDjibouti-Eritrea clash

Six dead, one injured as fireengulfs S Hainan store

Six killed, one injured inN-W China truck collision

Public-private allianceneeded for growth

in Latam

HUNTSVILLE (Texas), 14June — Convicted killerKarl Eugene Chamber-lain was put to death bylethal injection in Texason Wednesday, becomingthe first prisoner executedin the state since the USSupreme Court lifted anunofficial moratorium onthe death penalty in April.

Texas — the country'sbusiest death penalty state— is the fifth state toresume executions sincethe high court rejected alegal challenge to thethree-drug cocktail usedin most executions for thepast 30 years.

Chamberlain, 37, wasconvicted of the 1991murder of a 30-year-oldDallas woman who livedin the same apartmentcomplex.

He went to thewoman's apartment on thepretext of borrowingsugar, according to theTexas Department ofCriminal Justice. Hereturned minutes later withduct tape and a rifle.

After sexuallyassaulting the youngmother, he shot the victimonce in the head.


DJIBOUTI/ASMARA, 14June — Border clashesbetween Eritrea andDjibouti have killed nineDjiboutian soldiers andwounded 60 others in threedays of fighting betweenthe Horn of Africa nations,a defence official said onThursday.

In the first fightingsince the mid-1990sbetween two of Africa'ssmallest states, Eritreanand Djiboutian troops haveexchanged fire along a partof their shared borderoverlooking strategicshipping lanes in the RedSea. Djibouti hosts Frenchand US military bases andis the main route to the sea

for Eritrea's arch-foeEthiopia.

Africa's youngestnation, Eritrea has fractiousties with the West, whichaccuses it of backingSomali insurgents andimpeding UN peace-keepers on the Ethiopiaborder.

"The fighting is stillongoing. The dead andinjured are more today, upto nine dead and 60wounded," said aDjiboutian militaryofficial, on condition ofanonymity. Djiboutianstate media said the RedSea state had captured 100Eritrean prisoners.


SANTIAGO, 14 June —An alliance between thepublic and private sectorscould serve as a pillar totransform productivestructure in LatinAmerica, a report by theUN’s Economic Com-mission for Latin Americaand the Caribbean(ECLAC) has suggested,according to news re-aching here.

The report, titled“Structural Change andProductivity Growth,20 Years Later. OldProblems, new op-portunities,” was pre-sented to delegatesWednesday at theECLAC’s 32nd session,being held in the

Dominican capital ofSanto Domingo.

Despite economicreforms and improvinggrowth, Latin Americaand the Caribbean coun-tries still lag behind otherregions, especially Asia,in developmental terms,the report said.

The ECLAC analyzedthe experience of coun-tries like Australia,Spain, Finland, Ireland,Malaysia, New Zealand,South Korea, the CzechRepublic, Singapore andSweden, which possessresources similar to thatof Latin America but areamong the world’s richestnations.


Qila, a beluga whale at the Vancouver Aquariumswims with her new calf in Vancouver, British

Columbia, on 12 June, 2008. Qila's calf was bornon Tuesday.—INTERNET

HAIKOU, 14 June —Six people were killed andanother was seriouslyinjured when a shoe storein south China's islandprovince of Hainan caughtfire early on Wednesday,the local fire controlauthorities said onThursday.

The dead included thefive members of thestorekeeper's family, anda shop assistant, theprovincial fire controlbureau in Haikou saidwithout giving details.

The Hainan Newsnewspaper reported thevictims included 50-year-

old Lin Hongxiu, his wifePan Cuixia, 46, their twosons, aged 19 and 9, their14-year-old daughter, anda 23-year-old employeesurnamed Meng.

The Lin couplereportedly had sevenchildren. Their youngestdaughter, 12, wasseriously injured and wasin critical condition, thenewspaper reported.

The shoe store, locatedin a commercial buildingin Hongqi Street ofdowntown Sanya, wasengulfed in flames ataround 3 am onWednesday. More than

120 firemen and 12 fireengines were mobilized toput out the fire. Twenty-five people wereevacuated from thebuilding.

A witness surnamedZhang, who lived close tothe site, said he was wokenup by cries for help. "I ranout and saw thick smokeeverywhere.

Most residents in thestreet were out there to seewhat was going on." Hesaid the fire was not putout until 4:24 a.m. Thecause of the blaze is beinginvestigated.


URUMQI, 14 June —Six people were killed andanother was criticallyinjured early Wednesdayin a road accident in thenorthwest Xinjiang UygurAutonomous Region,local authorities said.

A truck carryingpotatoes pulled into theemergency lane of No 314national highway at 8 pmTuesday after its brakesfailed at the Gangousection in Toksun County,according to the countytraffic police.

Six workers werecalled to the scene to help

remove the potatoes, butthey were struck at 3:10am Wednesday by anothertruck that also had a brakefailure. The driver and fourworkers died on the spot,police said.

Two others wererushed to the hospital, butone died.

The No 314 nationalhighway links Urumqi, theregional capital, withKunjirap, which is nearChina's boarder withPakistan.

Traffic on the highwaywas not affected, localofficials said.


Indonesia’s PT Telkom toupgrade Internet services

JAKARTA, 14 June—PT Telkom, Indonesia’slargest telecom-muni-cations company, hasallocated two trillionrupiah (214.9 million USdollars) to upgrade itsInternet services.

“The funds will beused to upgrade our mainfiber-optic network,which is connected to ourSpeedy Internet service,to improve connectionspeeds,” the Jakarta Postdaily on Thursday quotedEdi Kurnia, vice presidentof marketing andcorporate communication,as saying.

Telkom Speedy, thecompany’s broadbandInternet service, nowreaches more than 200cities, 61 of which have aconnection speed of atleast one megabyte, Edisaid.“But the connectionspeeds in these 61 citiesare not evenly spread.Some are still exper-iencing lower connectionspeeds. The upgradesshould allow more peopleto connect faster,” he said.

He said the upgradeswould increase TelkomSpeedy’s minimumdownload connection speedto 1024 kilobytes per second

(Kbps) from 384 Kbps, andits minimum upload speedto 128 Kbps from 64 Kbps.“In line with our 2008 targetto increase the number ofTelkom Speedy customersto 1.3 million, we plan tofinish the upgrades beforethe end of the year,” Edisaid.

As of the end of lastmonth, Telkom Speedy had337,600 customers.

According to data fromthe Indonesia Associationof Internet Users, by theend of last year, 25 millionpeople in the country willuse an Internet service.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 15 June, 2008 13

India’s IGIA to haveterminal for private jets

Scientists find new way to detectcancer-causing defects

Hong Kong begins birdcull as H5N1 spreads

LONDON, 13 June —British scientists havefound a new way toidentify defects that couldeventually lead to cancer,BBC report onWednesday.

Researchers at theBritish Institute of FoodResearch looked at thechemical makeup of“normal” cells lining thelarge intestine of bowelcancer patients, and foundslight differences in cellchemicals which could intheory render that personmore vulnerable to cancer.

According to theresearchers, poor diet andlifestyle may prime thesechemicals to activatecancer-causing genes,although there could beother reasons for thechemical changes.

Every cell in our bodycarries, in its DNA, all thegenetic code for thecreation and day-to-dayrunning of our entirebodies. However, in eachcell type, various genes areswitched on or off toallow it to perform itsfunctions.

The researchers saidone of the ways thishappens is by an“epigenetic code”, a set ofchemical tags attached tothe DNA which labelwhich genes should be on,or “expressed,” and whichshould be turned off, or“silenced.” The dev-elopment of cancer cellsalso relies on mistakes inthis epigenetic code,switching on genes thatcause abnormal growth,while silencing genes thatwould normally stop it.


A male weedy sea dragon carries eggs on his tail atthe Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta, on 11 June, 2008.For only the third time ever in a US aquarium, oneof the endangered creatures is pregnant. —INTERNET

Guozijian Street, theonly street left in thecity with authenticpailou (decorative

ancient Chinese-stylegateway) where nestlesthe Confucius Templeand Imperial College

for more than 700years, is the main

Cultural Heritage Dayvenue.— INTERNET�

NEW DELHI, 13 June— In a little over twoyears, the capital’s IndiraGandhi InternationalAirport (IGIA) wouldhave India’s firstdedicated terminal forprivate jets and charteredflights,the HindustanTimes reported Thursday.

The general aviationfacility would fulfill thelong pending demand ofcorporate houses to have“private airports” or atleast separate terminals forbusiness travellers atairports, especially in busyones like Delhi andMumbai, the report said.

The special terminal inDelhi could come up nearthe existing domesticairport or it might alsobegin from theinternational Terminal 2of IGIA, which wasoriginally planned to bede- commissioned afterthe integrated Terminal 3comes up by March 2010.

“This would help inproviding exclusiveservices to users of privateand charter aircrafts atIGIA,” Airport operatorDelhi InternationalAirport Ltd’s spokesmansaid. Services provided inthe terminal would includespecial lounges,conferencing facilitiesapart from other amenitieslike rental cars, charters,catering, hotel reser-vations etc, he said.

At present there arenearly 100 generalaviation flights in Indiaand considering thenumber of pendingapplications, this numberis likely to be ramped upto 300 in a few years,according to resources.

During the financialyear 2007-08, the generalaviation traffic has grownat over 22 per cent at IGIA,recording nearly 10,000aircraft movements.


HONG KONG, 13 June— Hong Kong ordered acull of poultry across allthe city’s markets onWednesday in a bid to stopthe spread of the H5N1virus between birdsscattered across the

territory. Officials lastweek found the bird fluvirus at a poultry stall inone of the city’s many so-called wet markets andordered the culling of 2,700birds over the week.Government officials saidon Wednesday the virushad since spread amongthe island’s poultrypopulation.

“We have not found anydead chickens with thevirus — not yet. We havenot had any human cases,”said Cheng Siu-hing,director of agriculture,fisheries and conservation. MNA/Reuters

US launches “GLAST”telescope into space

WASHINGTON, 13 June— NASA’s latest spacetelescope, the Gamma-rayLarge Area SpaceTelescope (GLAST) liftoff from Kennedy SpaceCenter in Florida at 12:05pm EDT (1605 GMT) onWednesday, according toNASA TV.

After a series of delays,GLAST finally got off theground atop a Delta 2-Heavey rocket. Thetelescope is about 2.8metres high by 2.5 metersin diameter when stowedin the fairing section ofthe rocket.

By about 75 minutesafter launch, GLASTwill be put into orbitapproximately 350 miles(about 565 kilometres)high over the Earth’ssurface. It will become alittle bit taller and muchwider when the Ku-bandantenna deploys and thesolar arrays are extendedin space. It will circle theEarth every 90 minutes.Its orbit will be at aninclination of approxi-mately 25.6 degrees to theequator.

Unlike manytelescopes that have a verynarrow field of view,GLAST has a very widefield of view.


Ecuadorean police seize165 kilos of cocaine

QUITO, 14 June —Ecuadorean AntinarcoticsPolice have seized 165kilos of cocaine and65,000 US dollars in fakenotes at the Jose Joaquin

de Olmeda Airport in thewestern coast city ofGuayaquil, Antinarcoticschief Freddy Martinezsaid Thursday.

The 165-kilo ofalkaloid was kept in 150packs and hidden in 28crates containing sackswith chunks of ivory nutpalm wood. Martinez saidthat he inspected themerchandise and foundthe crates had a falsebottom. “The drugs’destination wasAmsterdam, the Ne-therlands,” he said.


Stem cell experts offer guide tofight“snake oil”

WADHIBGTON, 14June— Some unethicalwebsites and clinics areoffering “snake oil”treatments that claim toprovide cures using stemcells but are at best raisingfalse hopes, stem cellexperts said on Thursday.

The InternationalSociety for Stem CellResearch said it wants tocounter these misleadingclaims with a set ofguidelines for researchersand the public alike, inpart to preserve thereputation of the field.

“These guidelines arecritically important to thefuture success of thefield,” said Dr. GeorgeDaley, president of thegroup and a stem cellresearcher at Children’sHospital and HarvardMedical School in Boston.

“Not only does the useof untested therapies putpatients at risk, itjeopardizes the legitimatepractice of all translationalstem cell research.”

The group declinedto name any website orclinic but said they are

widely advertised. The websites say they

“can cure any disease youcan find in a pathologytextbook,” said Dr GiulioCossu, a stem cell expertat the San Raffaeleinstitute in Milan, Italy.

The researchers told anews conference theyhope the standards, whichare still being written, willshape research and alsolet the average patientknow what is and what isnot available.


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14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 15 June, 2008


(14 June 2008)Sweden 1 - 2 Spain

Greece 0 - 1 Russia

India’s Saina Nehwal hits a return to Indonesia’sFirdasari Drianti during their women’s singlesbadminton match at the Aviva Open SingaporeSuper Series 2008 badminton championships

on 13 June, 2008.—INTERNET

Netherlands’ Dirk Kuyt (2ndR) heads to score agoal during their Group C Euro 2008 match

against France at the Stade de Suisse stadiumin Bern on 13 June, 2008.—INTERNET

Swiss coach blames exit onlack of firepower

FEUSISBERG (Switzerland), 14 June — Coach KoebiKuhn blamed co-hosts Switzerland's Euro 2008 elimi-nation on a lack of firepower up front on Thursday.

Kuhn lost reserve forward Blaise Nkufo with agroin problem before the start of the finals and then topscorer and captain Alex Frei was ruled out of thetournament after injuring his knee in the opening 1-0defeat by Czech Republic.

Frei's regular strike partner Marco Streller also hadto pull out before Wednesday's 2-1 Group A defeat byTurkey because of a groin strain. A team doctor latersaid he would also miss Sunday's game with Portugalin Basle. "It was really very, very difficult with theinjuries we had and in the end it was simple," Kuhn toldreporters. "We did not get the goals we needed, theefficiency in front of goal was what was missing.


Football star Rooney wedsin Italian Riviera town

SANTA MARGHERITA LIGURE, 14 June — Englandfootball striker Wayne Rooney married his childhoodsweetheart Coleen McLoughlin before family andclose friends on Thursday at a 17th century villa on theItalian Riviera.

The deputy mayor of the Ligurian coast town ofSanta Margherita Ligure presided over the ceremonyon a rainy morning within the frescoed walls of VillaDurazzo, officials said.

The couple, both aged 22, then headed to a medi-eval abbey perched on a hill for their reception.


Thailand out to upset Japanin World Cup qualifier

BANGKOK, 14 June — Thailand are confident theycan cause an upset and scupper Japan's hopes ofbooking an early place in the final round of World Cupqualifiers when the two sides meet in Bangkok onSaturday.

The Thais outplayed Bahrain when they drew inManama last week, preventing the Group 2 frontrun-ners from progressing two games early, and hope to dothe same against the Japanese.

Coach Charnwit Polcheewin, whose future coulddepend on Saturday's game, said his team has nothingto lose and could sneak a victory against the three-times Asian champions.

"Japan need to win, so we know it will be a toughgame, but we've played big teams here in the past andwon, so it can happen again," Charnwit told Reuters onThursday. —MNA/Reuters


ACROSS 1 Bike 4 Correctly reasoned 8 Reparation 9 Grotesque10 Great heart artery11 Lam a toe (anag.)13 Colour slightly15 Required17 Transgress20 Halt22 Resisted24 Long narrow crest26 Uncertainty27 Levelling28 A British soldier29 Instructor

DOWN 1 Window drapery 2 Apple drink 3 Raise 4 Injury or wound 5 Conceded 6 Road reflector (4-3) 7 Pub12 Tiny particle14 Tick over16 Interpret18 Zealous19 e.g. Sugar sprinkler21 A coming22 System23 Apply oneself (3,2)25 Wander aimlessly

US tennisplayer Andy

Roddick, seenhere on June

12, 2008,advanced tothe Queen'ssemi-finals

withouthaving to

complete hismatch for the

secondsuccessiveround as

Andy Murraypulled out

with a thumbinjury.


Camilo Villegasof Colombia

celebrates afterchipping in

from the bun-ker for a birdieon the first hole

during thesecond round

of the 108th USOpen golf

tournament atTorrey Pines inSan Diego on

13 June,2008.INTERNET

Spain’s David Villa (L) scores past Sweden’s goal-keeper Andreas Isaksson (C) as Sweden’s PetterHansson reacts during their Group D Euro 2008soccer match at the Tivoli Neu Stadium in Inns-bruck, on 14 June, 2008.—INTERNET

Spain scores late for 2-1win over Sweden

Innsbruck (Austria), 14 June — David Villascored in injury time Saturday to give Spain a 2-1 winover Sweden that moved it to the verge of the quar-terfinals of the European Championship.

Villa showed a stunning burst for so late in amatch, surging between two defenders for a longpass, then poking the ball to the left of charginggoalkeeper Andreas Isaksson for the victory. It washis fourth goal of the tournament.

Sweden’s Zlatan Ibrahimovic had tied it in the34th minute following Fernando Torres’ 15th-minutegoal.

Spain has six points in Group D, three more thanSweden.—Internet

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 15 June, 2008 15

R 489 Published by the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information, Union of Myanmar. Edited and printed at The New Light of Myanmar Press,No 22/30 Strand Road at 43rd Street, Yangon. Cable Newlight, PO Box No. 43, Telephones: Editors 392308, Manager 392226, Circulation 392304, Advertisement 392223,Accounts 392224, Administration 392225, Production/Press 392369

Saturday, 14 June, 2008

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Summary of observations recorded at 09:30 hrMST: During the past 24 hours, weather has been partlycloudy in Magway Division, rain or thundershowers havebeen scattered in Shan, Rakhine and Kayah States, Man-dalay Division, fairly widespread in lower Sagaing Divi-sion and widespread in the remaining areas with locallyheavyfalls in Mon State and Taninthayi Division, isolatedheavyfalls in Kayin State, lower Sagaing and AyeyawadyDivisions. The noteworthy amounts of rainfall recordedwere Yay (7.36) inches, Hpa-an (4.96) inches,Mawlamyine (4.88) inches, Dawei (4.25) inches,Thaton(4.05) inches, Kawthoung (3.19) inches, Pathein (3.15)inches,Kawkayeik (2.68) inches, Kanbalu (2.49) inches,Homalin (2.08) inches and Co Co Island (2.01) inches.

Maximum temperature on13-6-2008 was 91ºF. Mini-mum temperature on 14-6-2008 was 73ºF. Relative hu-midity at (09:30) hours MST on14-6-2008 was 100%.Total sunshine hours on 13-6-2008 was ( 2.8) hours approx.

Rainfall on 14-6-2008 was (0.20) inch at Mingaladon,( 0.27) inch at Kaba-Aye and (0.15) inch at Central Yangon.Total rainfall since 1-1-2008 was (35.00) inches atMingaladon, (41.57) inches at Kaba-Aye and (53.46)inches at Central Yangon. Maximum wind speed at Yangon(Kaba-Aye) was (8) mph from Southwest at (18:30) hoursMST on 13-6-2008.

Bay inference: Monsoon is strong to vigorous in theAndaman Sea and Bay of Bengal.

Forecast valid until evening of 15-6-2008: Rain orthundershowers will be widespread in Kachin, Shan,Rakhine, Mon and Kayin States,Yangon, Ayeyawadyand Taninthayi Divisions, fairly widespread in Chin State,Sagaing and Bago Divisions and scattered in the remain-ing areas with isolated heavyfall in Kayin, Mon States,Yangon, Ayeyawady and Taninthayi Divisions. Degreeof certainty is (80%).

State of the sea: Squalls with rough seas will beexperience off and along Myanmar Coast. Surface windspeed is squall may reach (40) mph.

Outlook for subsequent two days: Strong monsoon.Forecast for Nay Pyi Taw and neighbouring area

for 15-6-2008: Isolated rain or thundershowers. Degreeof certainty is (80%).

Forecast for Yangon and neighbouring area for 15-6-2008: Some rain which may be heavy attime. De-gree of certainty is (100%).

Forecast forMandalay and neighbouring area for 15-6-2008: Isolated rain or thundershowers. Degree ofcertainty is (80%).

yKuraq^kalqv\ wm\;p¥k\ wm\;elYaeragå�Ps\p ∑a;tt\qv\. AK¥in\�Ps\påqv\" mqn\≥r˙c\;eqaer eqak\qMu;�Kc\;N˙c.\mqn \ ≥r ˙c \ ; eqa Asa;Aeqak\m ¥ a ; sa;q u M ; �Kc \ ;t i u ≥ e Âkac \ .wm\;el¥awm\;p¥k\eragåm¥a; �Ps\p∑a;Niuc\påqv\"

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8:00 am

6. The homeland commoly


8:45 am

7. International news

11:00 am

1. Martial song

11:10 am

2. Musical pogramme

11:25 am

3. Round up of the

week’s TV local news

11:40 am

4. Tk\�mk\ep¥a\RWc\Aim\eTac\R˙c\ Tk\�mk\ep¥a\RWc\Aim\eTac\R˙c\ Tk\�mk\ep¥a\RWc\Aim\eTac\R˙c\ Tk\�mk\ep¥a\RWc\Aim\eTac\R˙c\ Tk\�mk\ep¥a\RWc\Aim\eTac\R˙c\

12:00 noon

5. {Am˙t\trAl∑´m¥a;}{Amt\trAl∑´m¥a;}{Amt\trAl∑´m¥a;}{Amt\trAl∑´m¥a;}{Amt\trAl∑´m¥a;}

(l∑c\miu;'Kiuc\qc\;”kv\) (l∑c\miu;'Kiuc\qc\;”kv\) (l∑c\miu;'Kiuc\qc\;”kv\) (l∑c\miu;'Kiuc\qc\;”kv\) (l∑c\miu;'Kiuc\qc\;”kv\)

(dåRiuk\ta-emac\q^) (dåRiuk\ta-emac\q^) (dåRiuk\ta-emac\q^) (dåRiuk\ta-emac\q^) (dåRiuk\ta-emac\q^)


6.Musical programme

2:00 pm

7. Song of national


2:45 pm

8. International news

4:00 pm

1. Martial song

4:10 pm

2. ASiu�pioc\p∑´ASiu�pioc\p∑´ASiu�pioc\p∑´ASiu�pioc\p∑´ASiu�pioc\p∑´

4:20 pm

3. Song to uphold

National Spirit

4:30 pm

4. At^;�pioc\p∑´At^;�pioc\p∑´At^;�pioc\p∑´At^;�pioc\p∑´At^;�pioc\p∑´

4:40 pm

5. Musical pogramme

4:55 pm

6. Siu”kmy\ep¥a\”kmy\Siu”kmy\ep¥a\”kmy\Siu”kmy\ep¥a\”kmy\Siu”kmy\ep¥a\”kmy\Siu”kmy\ep¥a\”kmy\

6:00 pm

7. Evening news

6:30 pm8. Weather report6:35 pm9. {ek¥a\q∑a;m˙ala; .... . . {ek¥a\q∑a;m˙ala; .... . . {ek¥a\q∑a;m˙ala; .... . . {ek¥a\q∑a;m˙ala; .... . . {ek¥a\q∑a;m˙ala; .... . .

ePa\sa;mala;} ePa\sa;mala;} ePa\sa;mala;} ePa\sa;mala;} ePa\sa;mala;}

(Kn\>sv\q¨' pul´wc\;' (Kn\>sv\q¨' pul´wc\;' (Kn\>sv\q¨' pul´wc\;' (Kn\>sv\q¨' pul´wc\;' (Kn\>sv\q¨' pul´wc\;'



( ( ( ( (dåRiuk\tadåRiuk\tadåRiuk\tadåRiuk\tadåRiuk\ta-----Aky\dm^Aky\dmAky\dmAky\dmAky\dm


6:45 pm10. Musical programme7:00 pm11. Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t´∑Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t´∑Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t´∑Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t´∑Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t´∑

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(Apiuc\;-5) (Apiuc\;-5) (Apiuc\;-5) (Apiuc\;-5) (Apiuc\;-5)

8:00 pm12. News13. International news14. Weather report15. Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t´∑Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t´∑Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t´∑Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t´∑Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t´∑

{mayaeTac\eK¥ak\} {mayaeTac\eK¥ak\} {mayaeTac\eK¥ak\} {mayaeTac\eK¥ak\} {mayaeTac\eK¥ak\}

(Apiuc\;-30) (Apiuc\;-30) (Apiuc\;-30) (Apiuc\;-30) (Apiuc\;-30)

15-6-08 (FINAL) NL 7/31/18, 4:08 PM15

Page 16: Lt-Gen Kyaw Win inspects Mongphyat- Mongyaung road section in … · 2008-06-17 · Health Dr Mya Oo, Director-General of Fire Services Department U Myint Tun and Deputy Director-Greneral

12th Waxing of Nayon 1370 ME Sunday, 15 June, 2008

Make donations to the storm victims

� Everybody may make donations freely.

� Everybody may make donations to any person or any area.

However, wellwishers are urged to avoid unsystematic donations and acts that

may tarnish the image of the nation and its people.

� Certain internal and external anti-government elements, self-centred persons

and unscrupulous elements are now seeking their self-interests by sending to the

foreign news agencies stories about relief and rehabilitation work they have

made up and shot on video.

� Storm victims are hereby warned to remain vigilant with nationalistic spirit

against the deceptions of the self-centred persons and unscrupulous elements.1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890112345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789011234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890112345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789011234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890112345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789011234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890112345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789011234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890112345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789011234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890112345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789011234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890112345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789011234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890112345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789011234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890112345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901

�Skyful liars attempting to destroy nation�BBC lying

VOA deceivingRFA setting up hostilities�Beware! Don’t be bought by those ill-wishers

Anyone may dial the following phone numbers of the Ministry ofSocial Welfare, Relief and Resettlement if he witnesses or knows thatthe cash assistance and relief supplies donated from abroad and athome to the storm victims are kept for self-interest, traded, used forparticular persons and organizations, or misappropriated for otherpurposes.

Head of Office Ph: 067 404021 and 067 404022Deputy Head of Office Ph: 09 860 1002

Witness may inform about misappropriation ofinternal and international relief funds and supplies

15-6-08 (FINAL) NL 7/31/18, 4:08 PM16
