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$2.B0 per Doz., OR

'Yt Doz, for $1.50.

The Very Best. PHILLBY, Over P. O. ••11 — ~i 1 1 1

W h a t Our L a w - M a k ^ r a A r e Do-ing in Congrreas.



S T I L L R E M A I N ! e y W a n t E l e g a n t Decorated China Sets.

They Wailt Medium D5iiiQer ajl(i Tea SetiS-Want Cheap Crockery of All Kinds.

rpVi axr Want New and Stylish Hanging and Alicjr Table Lamps. TViftir Want 1, 2, 3, 4. 5 & 6 qt tin pails, iney and other kinds of tinware at the

lowest prices. i j i j j g y Want All Manner of 5 & 10c Goods.

They •Want 'I'oys for ttie Ctiilcirei1-nnVi QTT Want a Thousand Household J^ces-iney s i t i e s Which Can Always be Found

at Our Stora

MCPHERSON'S BAZAAR, Headquarters for Low Prices,


OegisteredPercheron Horses H FBEHCH COftCH HORSES. S - A - T T - A - C K B SZ Iraportnre and Brwlere of Percheron Hcraosaiirt French Coacb-era, 1RUKD HOME SUM'K FAB«,

rn r ^ . AdarcuiAVAQE 4 FARNdMi D e t r o i t , N l o h . ton

Vtah, Wa«hlnKtun nnU Dakoin Stilt Anz-luai io Brcomn 8lat««—* of Nu-

nierou* Penalon Bill" — Fractional Btivar Ccrtifloataa—Othar Mate*.

6 E 5 4 T E .

TTifHiSQTO*, March 14—In tha Senate yei-t rday almost the entire sesolon was de-voted to ipeeches of Senators Colquitt and Do'pli on the Preiideni's message. A r e f l a t i o n was adopted for a special com-xnl.tee to Investigute Che condition of the civ 1 service in all branches of the Gorern-menu

WASHKOTOS, Mnrch 10.—Petitions were rectived in the Senute yesterday for an in-crease ol duty on wool, for protection of the wool and woolen industries, against the fonnution of trusts and combinations, and thai the tax on tobacco and spizita be retained until the war debt is paid. Mr. Brown (Oa.) spoUe in advocacy of bis reso-lution declaring it the imperative dnty of Congress to repeal tha intern tl-revenne laws The presiding ofllocr announced the •elect rommlttec on civil service as fol-lows: Senators Hale. Manderson, Ch.ce, Spoonej:, Blackburn, Duniels and Bio getc

WASBDIOTON, Marcu 10.—lu the Senate yesterday a bill was introduced piovidmg a nnlfonu luw eovi tLe urrcst and extra. dition of criminals wlio escape to another H.ota or Territory. Bills were reported for the formation an 1 adailBsion of the Suites Of Wash ngton aud North D ikotn; to pro-tect the navigjtlon of the Illinois river by •xtending the system of beacon lighis, and to authorize the cons ruct.on of railro d, wagon and foot-passenger bridges at Clin-ton and Uuscutine. I t Mr. Teller (CoL) •poke on the President's message, which, he said, was an s tuc* , not on a defective tariff, not to remady Inoonalaten -ies, but to des joy the protecdva system. Eulogies on the life and character of the late Mr. Mof-fatt, of Mich gan, were delivered.

WaiHiKaios, March 17.—Bills were intro-duced yesterday In the Senate, for the ad-mission of Utah a saS ta t^ ; autborzing the Pres dent to appoint and retire John G Fro- i

*mont an a Major-Oaneral, and to provide a ! methoo for the settlement by arbitration of | the controversies between Inter-Stste rail- | ro ids and their employes. The bill to pre- ' vent fraudulent undervaluation by Import- ! ers was p.issei Adjourned to the I9 th

WAsmsaTos. M iroh 20. —In the Senate yesterd y fifty-live bills were pi'ssed, the | most Important being: Authoriziug the ap-pointment of a superintendent of Indian ! schools and prescribing his dut es; io | author se the sole of timber on the Menem- I onee In lian reservut on in Wisconsin; j to settle and adjust the claims of any State for txpenses incurred by It ; in defense of the United States { d u r n g the war of the rebellion; appropriating $100,000 for the ereo ion in Wtsh rgton of a monument to the netrro soldiers and Bailors who pave their lives for the preservation of th-; Government; for the relief of soldi-n und sailors WHO an listed or served under as-nmed names, and to pens on volumeer female nurses dar ng the war a t twenty-fiva dollars a month.

THE HOUSK. WABHiKaTON, M.ach 14.—In the House

yesterday the bill providing that the first session of the Fifty-rirst Consro-s shall be-

Kn on Mnrch 4. IKSfl. w sreporte'I aiiven>«-. Giber b lis were r -poneJ to discontinue

the coinage of one do lar and three dollar irold pieces, the omnibus bill for ihe tidm .s-sion into the Union of D ikoU, Montana, Wiahinjrton and New Mexico, and for the erection of public buildings at Galesbnrg, LL, and Davenport. la.

WASHDIQTOX, Mirch 15.—In the House yesterday. Speaker Ci rlis e resumed his post of dnty. The Committee on Elect ons in the Pos -Washington (Illinois) contested oi-sa unanimously repor ed In fuvor of Gen-eral Post, the sitting member. A bill was passed fixing the charges for passports at one dollar.

W A S H K O T O S , M a r c h 1 0 — I n t h e H o u s e

the time was oocuptei in cons:d«-ring the Senate amendments to . the Urgent Defid-ency bill Tua resolution of Mr. Thomas (UL) respeoting the us J of the porczaits of Mra Cleveland or others for advertising purposes without their consent was ad-versely reported.

WABUINOTON. Maroh 17.—Bills were r&. ported yes.erday in the Houss to annex a portion of Idaho to Washington and Mon-tana, the Indian Appropriation bill, and the bill reductuir the rate of postage on seeds, bulbs, plants and scions to one cent for each two ounocs were reported An advet-se report was made on the Joint reso-lution to dlscontiuue the green two-oent postage stamp and return to the terra-ooita colored »tampa At tbe ert-ning ses-sion thirty-five pension-bills were passed.

WASHD.TOOS, March 19.—In the House Saturday bills were passed increasing to $50 per month the pensions to the widows of Bear Admiral Weiles aud Bear Admiral Wymau. Mr. Neili called up the resolution a'-s guing March 20 for the consldemiou of labor bills, claiming that such bills hud boen throttled, and the rusolu.lon was adopted.

WASBINOTOK, March 20.—Bills wore In-troduced In the House yesterday to appoint a special committee to examine into the oond.tion of the 0 vil service In all the de-purtmen s und brunches of the Government; to place all articles of products tha are protected by a trust or monopul stic com-pany on tha free list; providing for a bounty on wheat, corn, flour and oat-meal exported Irom the United States; to create boards of arbitration for settling oon-troverseu between officers and em-p'oye* of r-ilroad companies. Bills were passed to dlscontlnu • the coinage of the one-dollar and three-dollar gold piece, and to authorzs the Issue of fraciioual sil-ver ocrtificateu. The measure dircots the Secretary of the Treasury to issne silver eertifioates of the denominations of tweniy-five, fifteen and ten cents In such form un i design as he msy determine, suou eertifi-oates to be received, redeemed, pild aud zelssueJ In thu same mana. r as sliver eer-tifioates of the larger denomlnatlou.

OTHBB NOTEa WASHINOXON, M a r c h 1 4 . — T h e H o u s e C o m -

mittee ou ImU :n Affairs has complete 1 the annual Indian Appropriation bitL It ap-propriates $ 5 , 1 0 2 , 2 5 3 , being $ 2 9 0 , 4 - 1 4 l e s s

than the "Btiuuitea WABHINOTON, M a r c h 1 5 . — T h e S e c r e t a r y

of the Treasury has transmit ud to the House estimatis for coilcotlug tne custoitis revenues for the flsaal your end ug Juno 30, ! 3889, ugin-egiitlng $0 890,203. Of this amount $5,219,01 H Is for salurioe

WASUINUTON, March 10 —Tne sub-co m- ' m,ltoe of .he House Lands Commlc-toe reported fivoruhly on the oiil forfn-ting uneurnad lands of ih t Nortiiern und South- I c m Pacific rauroads and unearned lundi i grunted to 1 lie Huron & Dakota railroad

lu M^nneso a. WASHINGTON, March 17.—Senator Palmer,

lu his report to accompany ih i Pleuro-pneumonia bill, says that eontiigious cutt e diseases, especially pleuro-pneumouia, ' have not only caused a direct loss to the country of $50,000,000, but the r lu orfcr-en :e with In er-State commerce and ihe re-strictions they bave lirougut upon our ex-

icrt trade in live cuttle have oucasiuned 0 of many milHous more.

T H E E N G I N E E R S ' S T R I K E .

JiiilE« Grarabaiii*- U «l«ion—Tiie Bucliot* Ion wml Santu F'- Troubles.

CmcAOO. M roh 15 —Ju !g • Graham y a-terday reii .ered !i:8 do is 011 o.i t i e points raised by the Burl uzton road ag IUJ. the Brotiierhood In its petl ion asking th it t c Wabash 10 il be < oaip 11'd to rec ivo und handle I s f r - iph- Ja Ige ht-ld that ;t wns the duty of a riilrn d s a coi. mon car-rier to rc e ve and del.ver fro ght tnut miy come 10 it In the legular coitrec of I nsiness, and that a toad could no: lawtullr suspen i reciprocal rel itiona with a connecting road throng J fear ol prcc.pitit-i n g a s t r k a He, however, did not think there wan any cause for compl ilnt against the Wabash A s o the Brotben ood strike the judge conceded l h - r ght of in livid-uuls to cen«« work ug for a railroad com-pany, but deuted t i i e r right to in the stippling of a roa-i

CHICAGO, March 10 —The strike on the Chicago. Burlinrtou i Qulucy road was yesterday prtmounoed u o^'Uplete failure by the otficl Is lu this city Passenger and fr-^igh: trains were runn ng with reguiari y and there w re uo Indications of dissdtisfa.-tion apparent. The Union PaclUc engineers WHO struc'i a t Council Bluff.s, la., r.aber than draw Burling.ou cars, have returned to their engines. Dis-patches a .y a strike ot engineers and fire-men ou the Atchison, Topeka it Santa Fs system was begun yeatorday at all points on >he lines Tue strike treated irr^at sur-prise, as tho road had uot been handling Burling: on frHgnt

CBICAQO, Maroii 19.—The sthk1? ou the Santa Fe system ended ye*t^rday and the engineers und fin-m n returnel Co their posta This move was luado iu ac orduncc wich a request of Cliiet Artuur. The Bur-1 ngton road was having very lil 'Je trouuie Judije Dundy dec d d at Omaha ihac Un.on Pacific eng neers w« re liatle to arrest and ImprconmenC for refusing Co handle Bur-lington businaaa

Q E R M A N Y ' 5 F U T U R E .

Mesaage of Eiupi-mr Frfderlck to Parlla-mcut—Hl« rolley.

BERLIN. Mnrch 20.—The royal m.tsaL'e was read iu the Prussian LandU g in united session yesterday. It is coutuerstgnei by all che Mmiscra It says:

"We, Frederick, ty ibe grace ol GoJ, Kiag ot Prussia, hereby proclaim aad make known that. It having pleased God after the demise ot the Emperor and King William, our mueb-loved father, to call us to the throne of oar auce.tois. we herewith send to the Lantag our greeting. The senttraents and purposes with which we enter uj on our poremment and the prtne pies on whloh we would eiert- sc our royal office have been jiroclaimcd by us to oar faithful people. Walk ng la the path of our glor ou« father wo shall know no other u.rn than the bai>plae.s and welfareoftho fatherland. By consclenti, u-ly observing the ronstitutlon. fully safeguarding all the prerogatives of tho orown and loyally co-operat ng witn the national representation, the King hope-U with G O J ' S help, to atta A his obj fct, which Is the happinen and welfare of Che country."

The coud t on of the Emperor's health prevents him irom tnk ug the oath person-ally. Desiring to de< lar-; without delay hia position regardmg ti e constitutional mws, although tuls could ad-nlt of no doubt, he now solemnly undertakes to adhere to the cousticutlon firmly un l nviolably and to rule In coufornnty witn the laws.


Funerat of Emperur William at Be r l i n -Service* In O li«r Cities.

B E H U N , M n r c h 1 7 . — T h e f u n e r a l o f t h e

l a teEmp ror William took pluce in this city yesterday, and was in all respects un off ir of extraordinary splendor: Almost, every civil z d nation on earth was repre-santed. Memorial services were also t-eld in ad ihe leading cap tals of the world. Dispatchesr<'ce ved here say services were held in W shingtou in the Concordia Luth-eran Church, and were attended by the PrcsidtnC and members of h s Cabine: und officials conutc i d with ihe foreign lega-Cions. In London Che Queen uctended pri-vate strrice in W.ndsor Castle private •hapei, and similar marks of honor were exhibited by tho Czar und Czarina a tSu Feteranurjr and by the Austrmu Emperor and Aio.idukes a Vienna


Terrific Snovz-Storm in New York aud Other Placsa.

A Set- Hack for CliicaK"-SRNINOFIELD, HL, March 17—Tho State

Supreme Court has decided the act ot the Legislature to be unconstuutional under wh en several suburban villages were an-nexed to Obloaga Embarrassments almost without end will ansa in cousequenoe of this decision All that has been done as re-gards the redistricting of the city and the addition of ucw wards goes for nothiug, and the registiatlou for the spitug elections Is oompletely nuliiiled.

UeaillUE Sir ko Fonnnlly Ot-c.areil OJ, P H I L A D U ^ H I A , March 1 0 . — T h e long and

stnbborn sj-ike of ths Beading employes was officially declared oft Wednesd-y night by a eonvent-on of delegates repre-seuting the local ussembUes in the Bead-lug employes' couvention and the men t/era given the rijfnt to apply for their old positions as Individuala

A Train Burned. BoionAirroN, N. Y, Mirch 17.—A pas-

Honger tram on tho Lackawanna ro id fell down a ihlrty-foot embaukiueut near this city yester Jay, and the cars caugiit fire and were consumed One man perished in the flames, a half-dozen persons were probably fatally hurt and many others were wound-ed

Male of an Ilxpreas Company. NEW YOKE. March 20.—Tue Erie lUUroad

Expiess Company has been purchased by the Wells-Fi rgo Company, widch hereto-fore lias done no busint .s east of Chicago except through other express companies The Weiis-Fargo will now control 3 3 . 0 0 0

miles of railroad, and ia the largest express 0 "pany In the world

Di-atli of a Cuban Patriot. NEW YOKE, March 20.—Miguel de Aldnmn,

the Cuban patriot, who f-pent over $ 1 , 0 0 0 , .

000 in the c tuse of the people, d.ed Suud .y atier a short ilineas at Lis residence lu Havana Tho body will be brough to New York for burial ut Greeuwood Cemetery, where the otuer membern of his iuiniiy are buried

I>onrii HU Eiubaiikuiant. FAI.TUXO. Mex., March 10.—A train ou the

Mex.OAN railway jumped the tracK yester-day near here, and oue car contain ng thirty laborers rolled down un emtmnk-ment, killing s.x and ser.ouidy injur.n/ twenty.

Bustnn. • F^llnret. NEW YORK, Maroh 17.—Tho bnaineas fall-

urea during the past sev -n days number for the United S'.uCes 202. for Canada, 20; total, 228, cou p rod wit 1 253 last week, aud 282 for tho corruspoudiug week In 1887.

l)«ath of u Vetnrisii 11I Balaklava. BUFFALO. N. Y , March 17.—John Bey-

nolds, iu.M to have been the ou y ao dierot che "LigiiC Bilgade" on tho Amercun continent who possessed n.eduls att-.-st ng his bin very at Baiakiuvn, Kobustopol, lu-kerman m d Alma. w: s burled Thursday.

1'roliibl luu lu Miciilican. DETUOET, M ch , March IT.—O.scoda Coun-

ty voted fur pronibltinn yesterday aud cioses the ciec:ions for the year. Thirty, six counties have voted and all but two went dry. Prohibition goes into effect May 1 and continues throe years.

A Gi'ne-al B'ockaile of It tllw»y. Tele, craph ami .Hiscellaueoua Bo<lai!»i—

Live. Lo.t oullie COH.< —Wont b.onu In Tlii ' ty Te*r<.


NEW YOES. Mar h 15—Now York l ' l u s t bevinnin^ 10 make 'ome pro.-rein iowjrd recovering from tho iff c of tiie severe blutard which ragod here w thout abate-ment Irom Sunday night tv Tuesday morn, ing. Coal Is scarce There is uo milk at all, ond all but a few of tbe telegraph and telephone Wires are yet in a desperate tan-gle. Moun.ains of tnow block all the prin-cipal streets aud avenuea The elevated tr.tius. though again run-ning. are in diminished nnmbeii and at a slow rate of speed As for the horse-cars, tho trscks are buried und -r two fee", of snow and can not be cleared off for several days All business is at a swuds ill The loss can not be estimated, but it s thought it will not be iess than $5,000,OUU to $7,-000.000

WmDNOTOS. Del, March 15. —A number of rosve s and ti gs have beeu sunk ut the Delaware treukwater und twenty-five lives lo«t Two bodies h'tvo already been reoovered. I is believed the loss of llle along the co et will be terrible Telegraph communlcat.on by the W. stern Union wires .s nut yet established

NEW YOEE, March 10 —The snow-blockj ado iu city was broueu yes.erday, aud tue steam an J street railwavs were once more running. One of ihe incidents of the blockade was the building of immense bou-Cres in the mlddie 01 snow- irirs. S:ore-keepeis liber.llv contr buted box s, aud

, the big heaps were thus mei te i away. Be-p o r u . r a coming lu ot exten-lve io-s of life. It Is believed that wenty persons per-ished in Essex County. N. J. At New Haven, Conn., seven persons perished and there were over twenty deaths in towns adjacent to New Haven, while hundreds of people suffered from frost-bites. A: Milltowu, N. J., John Henriajn perish d, and neighbors foun J bis wife deal in bed und his children starving. Between Sandy Hook und Capa Charles many vessels were wrecked and tbe crews perished Ou trams between New York and Ph lada!phla that were snow-bound tbe passengers sulTere J terri-bly from hunger und col l

} NEW YORE. Murch 17.—As New York, wiCh Its outlying suburban districts, alowy emerges from ioe and snow fur-her reports ot the loss ot life from ihe late b Izzard comes in Just how many people have me. their fate in the icy blast of lus. Monday will not b« known for some Clmo. Nearly thirty deaChs are, however, known to have occurred Tho telegraph and rai.wuy companies ore getting in good trim onco more. The post-offic; officials are Luslly en-gaged in distributing the va-t mans ofm- i l macier hour.y arriving. The milk famine is a thing ol che past, us tram after train loaded With milk have been coming in all the morning. All food suppl es are

: now plentiful and pricas have fallen to the 1 nsual figuia , A Mo int Holly (N. Y) disp-itch reports

great loss among sheep and swme which were ccngh: in the fields when ti e storm came o n In many instances whole herds of aw nc were found dead in a snow-bank a few feet from the b ana

NEW HAVEN, Conn, March 17.—The last drilt in the blockade between Boston und New York w s Iroken thiough yesterday afternoon, and communicat on Ly rali was restored Dreot te.egraphic communica-tion may not te res.orrd until late Satur-day, as many poles uro down.

In Masfec usetts the storm was felt with great severity in every section, the Cape Cod dis rict being the only one wuere traffic was possib e. Immense snow-drifts ifilled the coui'try roads, and even In the cities and towns put a long and immediate check

j on ail traffic. The railroads all suffered very much.

In Connecticut the storm wns sev ' re In-deed, the delay to traffic be ng more seri-ous in some parts ot that State than any-where else in New England. Beginning Monday che railroads were blocked aud Celegraph wires were blown down tor long

1 disCancea


Twenty-Two Pemons Kllleil and Forty Injured In it Railway Wreck.

SAVANNAH, U L , M jch 2 0 — A terrible ac-cl len.. C-iusimr tho death of twenty-two persons aud the serious mj iry 01 about I rty more, happoued on tbe Savannah, F oriila A Great Western railroad at Dlackshear Saturday morning. The vestibu e lust mail called the 'Cuban" tram, which runs through from New York to Tamp 1. F a , went throngh tha trestle at Hurnciine river and plunged fortr fe t to the ground beneath 'fna wreck was a fearful one, everv car "Xc pt tbe private coach ot E B. Wilbur, pr* s d ut of the Lehigh Valley load, being crushed 10 splinters. George Gould and u.s wife were on the u a n. b u were not badly hurt. A son ot Pres dent Wilbur was killed.

Ths trestio of Hurricane r.Vtr is ^OOfaet in iength, and the Lreak includes 400 fees ct the west end. the tender and lodging against the abutment. The bag-gage-car left the track ou thetr .s t 'e , which accounts for 110 accident. The ties show wuere the wheels cut deep into tbem. 1: was th s car ibat, by it* strain, dragged t i e tender down, the having safely crossed over


II I . Reuily fur A'.'Mon Ur thv hrnale—Its Prom in eiil F.-u tares.

WASHINGTOS, Mr..-ell 10 —The I'residsnt . has sent tbe new Cliinesu iresty to tha den-

ate, but it has not >\t been .a.d before tuaC tody, ca no secret sfssiou las been ba d since Us arrival. I s m du foaturos have been published It n und rsiood that ths President recommende lu ids message of UaDimittal that the injanction ol secieey be a> once removt-d trom the treaty.

ITbe treaty, by Its terras, runs twenty yosrs. A Cblueia laborer n ho has tt.uou worth of prog-eny here, or that ameuat due U:ui. or who has a lawful busbund or wife or a p irent or child hire may, if absent, returu within oae year, or, If detained by U I U C M . Uie time may be extended to two years. No other Chinese laborers may como 'n 02 any terms. Chinese merchuats, scholars and students may iome only when provided with ccrtiflrates Issued by mi Amencan Consul. Tbe treaty binds this country to pt.y to tho Chinese Minister i-.'TO,vO» within oae year, ahlch sum shall te accepted as a full settle-meat of all claim, against the United Stales or her eiVzeus for ivn or Injury suffered by Chinamen here.]


How's Your Liver? Is ihe Oriental salutation, knowing tha t good health cannot exist without a healthy Liver . When iha Liver is torpid the Bow-els are sluggi.-;h and con-ctipatol. the fc-od liea in the stomach undi-gestel, p o i s o n i n g t h o Mood; tV. jaent headache :i-:uc3; a ree l ing of lass i -

1 .idc. despondency and nerv'-'Usness indicate how the whole system i? de-ranged. Simmons Liver r egu l a to r has been the mean.: of rc toring more people to health and happiness by giving them

healthy Liver than any agency known on i r th . It acts with rv . raor -dinary po wer and •T.'.cacy. NEVER BEEN DISAPPOINTED.

As 1 -• 11er.1l family remedyfor Dyspepi . Torpid i.ivt r. Constipation, tic.. 1 hardly ever u e uuything el*-', and nuve never

! been dlmppolnted in thectrect produced: 1 It ••'•••ins to 'ic aInutMt a pen ot euro for all 1 dl8cii«-s of tbe stomneli und towels, A

W. J. MCKLKO , Maoon, Go.

B u s i n e s s C a r d s . i 1.1:1 itT JACKSON, Atton <-y and Scbcl-

• . 1 tor. OverLoweli National llank.

OC. McUA.NNKLL. M U., Physlcias and . Sorgeon. Office 40 Bridge St.

MC. <• HEKNK M. I)., Physician and Sur-• geuii. Office in Post Office Block.

Murdered His Entire Family. | BENTON, Me, March 1G —Darius M War-j ran, under arrest for the murder ot his wit a,

asked y. stsrduy to sea his two daughters, j aged eight and three years respeodvely. He | was taken into their presenca by an officer, ; wnen he drew a revolver and shot chem i

both taColly and then killed himself.

Civil Blsbts Decision. . CHICAGO. Murch 18.—Tho manager of the I People's Theater refused to permit a colored i

man and his wlte 10 occupy seata act apart , for the use ot white folks. Suit for dam-ages was brought under the Civil Bights law, and resulied in Che'defeat of the man-agera, a verdict of $100 being uHacssed

Four Perlah In the Fiuniea, STE. SOPHIE, Cum, March 10.—Tho carpen-

ter-shop and house of Uideriu Koux was des royed by fire on Tuesday night, when his three children and wife, tha latter bed- 1 ridden, perished in the ti unes. Only three i bodies were rocoverod, completely carbon- ; ized, that ot Che youngest child, 1 year old, ; not having yet boon found.

A 1'iucltrr Woman. KANSASCrrx. Ma. March 17.—The through '

Cal.fornia express train ou the Santa Fe road left this oity yesterday iu charge ot i Engineer Ben Wh rton. a non-union man,

, who ^vas expeUed trom the Brotherhood in 1877. His wife was in the cub acting as i fireman

Many Boat- WreekMl. EaxUBENViLLE. C., March 10.—Coal boats

collided yesterday In the Oaio river at Brown's Is.and, five miles from this city, 1 und nine boats and eightsen barges were wrecked Over 400.000 busaels of coal were scattered alon/ tho banks or burled In the bed ot the river. No lives were lost

Auoihur Murder in Kew \ o r k . NEW YORK, March 17.—Mary Poans was

found dead in her room yesterday morn-ing with a bullet through her head Her busliand has been arrestotl. This makes the fourth woman murdered iu this city within thirty-six houra

Killed His Wife anil Hlmsnlf. BELLEVTLLB, 0 , Maroh IS —John Doan, a

retired furm.d- 70 yours old aud worth $50,000, ktlied his wife Friday mght and committed Miicide. Teuiporsry insanity or u burst of pawiion tue ougcested as uccouuu-ing fur the crime.

Liik'glnc '•> Winconsln. MILWAUEEK, W i s . , M r o b 1 7 . — E s t ' m a t e s

ot the season's logging ou ihu black river , and its tributaries, in this State, pi c i tho 1

amount banked to date at 140,000,000 feet

Acaiilunla'lr Kiileil. POME, HL, March 17 —Thursday evening !

Mr. Widiam Esies, coming home from a ' day's hunting, walking beside his dunghter-iu-law, slipped aud fell, und his gun was discharged, killing Mrs. Estcs inscaml/.


Mayor Hewitt, ol New York, Sits Down Katber Heuvlly L'puu tbe Chief of the Knlghtt of Labor. NEW YOBS. M a r c h 2 0 . — T h e J o u r n a l v f

UmUd Lab.r publis^.es a thro-co.umn fir-t ide which otiacks Mayor Hewitt in strong terms. It alleges that the mayor Is a Inend, protector and a member of one of the "L ie Supplying Trusts." Mr. Hewitt said Saturday:

"Mr. Powderly. the writer Of that artlr'.e, almply lies. 1 kuow that this Is stroag lan-guage to apply to any man. but tt fits a man ilko Powderly. wbo could write such a scur-rilous Erticle. I am not a member of any trust, and I never have beeu. 1 am opposed"to trusts, and have so said in public. 1 v. .11 Uiauk Pcwderiy for proof of his statemeuk This valiant knight also says that I have de-nounced combinations of labor 1 ut h a v bfea silent ubout coiubmations of cup tul. Thi- is also untrue. 1 Lave said, aud new say. that tha acts of tho Iguor. nt r ch aud the ignorani pour to injure or paralyze the business interests ot the uouatry are lu v olation of the luadamcu-tal privileges of humanity."

Droiraeil by Million!. SAN FRANCISCO. M a r c A 1 9 . — T h a s t e i m e r

Oceanic a n . ve.l from Hong Kong aud i o . kohama Saturday morning. The Ch na p pers confirm the report 1 of the d ^ . s . trous eartLq'iake in the Provinces of Yunnan and Syechueu. but give tew-ad-ditional details Several c ties were de-stroyed and about 2 0 , 0 0 0 lives lost. Latent reports from the scene of the Yellow river flooas some months ago place ihe number of lives lost by tbe iuundatioa af between 1 , 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 a n d 2 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0

Cunditlun of tiie Wheat Crop. WABHINOTOS, Murch 20.—According to a

summary ot crop news recent y compiled tha outlook for win er wheat is not favor-able. Fields In Outo, Iowa uud Soucuem Michigan have been bare of snow in al-ternately freezing and thawing weather, and in those States the average condit on Is very low. Kansas, Wisconsin, Missouri and Illinois show the best prospects.

Horse* Dyint b» Scores. NEW YORK. March 19.—Horses in this city

have beeu attacked by a sudden and fatal malady, which is killing them by scorcs. The disease is called usaturm, or uiamilc hlood-poisoninif, aud la attended with suoh frarful suffering that .he most merciful treatment is to kill the poor Irtites outright

A Wedding I 'urly Browned. LONDON, March 17.—A wedding party ot

sixteen persons while returning tr.>m tha church at Neustutz, Hungary, T ursday, started to cross the Ice on the Danube In carriages Whin halt way across the ica gave way aud the entire party w as drowned.

Three Men KlUiul. BURLINGTON, l u d , Murch 15 —Ed Ever-

man and Frank and Moses Whitcseil were kfiled Tuesday by the explosion of a large steam boder In Durrer's saw -mill The mill was completely wrecked.

JC. SCOTT, Hardware. Saah floors and • Glass. Builders Hardware a specialty.

'pposlte Forest Mills.

JO. LOOK, Druggist aud Stationer, i:c. • Union Block.

T OI1N v.I I.K.S Si CO., Groceries and Provls ' I ions. Crockcrv. Hurd Ware. Ac. Unlor 31'k.

( ' McCAKTY, Wholesale and Itetall Grocer. v. . Baas Block

I.. W. rOUNO. Physician and Sur-eon. Office over Teller & Look's store.

nit. CliAS. S. McKAY, Homeopath. Office over bcott's ilmdware store. Lowell Mich.

IB. MALCOLM, Phvskiaii and Surgeon. . Office iu Lyon 1 .<1, West Side. Cash

' juactice only.

Be, WILSON, Contractor and bmldjr • Ilei>i,:i u'-'e 57 HuJ^oa St.. Lowell, Mich.

m m H, WALKER, ATTOKXEY & SOL1U1TOB. Over F o u r t h Nat ional Bank ,

' Canal Street. Telephone No. 407.


I lliro.s- HINT. GXMKY B. I AVI*

H U N T & D A V I S ,

Abstracts of Title, Real Estate, Loan and General liisurance Agents.


j O W E L L N A T I O N A L B A N K .

O K L O W E L L , M I C H I G A N .

C A P I T A L , - $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 .

S U R P L U S , - 10,000.

D I H E C T O B S :

C H A S . M C C A R T Y , F R A S C I S K I R O ,

1 U . S T O K S , M . N . H I M * ,

S . S T A N . I A B B , N . A . S T O N B ,

J A - ; . \ V . H I N E . E . A . S R S D E B U * ,

N O A H B I S H O P .

a. N . uir.E. P R E S . F R A N C I S B I N Q , V .

PRES. K. A . S U N D E 2 L I J * , C A 8 R -

I E K .

D R . A . T A F T ,

DENTIST OIKoYef Seott's Har ware Store.


NEW YOKK. March 20. LIVE STOCK—Cattle « 00 iu. C 50

Sheep 8 CO (II 00 Hoes 5 50 ut 5 tJ

FLOUU-Good to Choice a 50 l i 100 Patents 4 80 ^ 4 W

WHEAT—No. 8 Rod W S® SOU No. ^Spring.. SaJs

CORN 61';4aJ 02 OATS-No. 8 White 41 ufi 45 RYE—Western 09 @ 75 P O R K - M O S B 34 75 iu.15 25 LARD-Steum 7 li:. (3. 6 00 CHEESE 1:41® 13 WOOL—Domestic 22 (ft 37

CHICAGO. BEEVES—Shipping Steers.... f4 a 5 70

Texans 2 00 © 8 23 Cows 2 25 © H 83 Slackers 2 45 ut 8 83 Uutchers" Stools ii 10 iti 8 80 Inferior Cattle 2 00 © 3 23

HOGS—Live—Good to Choice.. 5 us 14 5 30 SHEEP S 5J . © C 00 BUTTER-Crcamcry 14 j . ^9

Good to Choice Dairy 15 ^ 2t EGGS-Fresh 14 © 14^ FLOUR-Winter 8 in © 4 20

Spring i! 40 (U. 4 '<i0 Patents 4 00 u. 4 IS

GRAIN—Wliout, No. 2 7... t 77^ Corn, No. 2 .'0^© 5>iJ| OatB, No. a SOW a 81', Rye, No. 9 !»','> 0 ' ^ Hurley. No. 77 © W

BROOM CORN-Solf-workmg 8 © 3J£ Hurl 8Vi - 44 Crookod II45 2-i

POTATOES (bu.) 70 © KB PORK—Meas 14 uo .14 2^ LARD—Steam 7 67^ it i 75 LUMBER-

Comiuon dressed siding 20 00 r i'l 01 Flooring 82 00 Common b iards 12 IU ii4 8 i0 Fencing 10 .Vi ©1:1 5J Lath 2 00 ft- 2 10 Shingles 2 10 • 2 6

EAST L1BERTV. CATTLE....- 15 00 © 5 ?5

Fair 10 good 4 2 ui 4 50 HOGS - Yorkers 5 40 ft 5 50

PhDudelphius 5 7J © 5 80 SHEEP—Best 4 75 dt 6 00

Common 8 00 © 3 50 BALTIMORE.

CATTLE—Best M 75 © 3 00 Medium 8 00 a. ."i 45

HOGS 7 i0 © 7 50 SiiEEi'-Poor 10 Choice 8 0J ^ 5 00

E. W. DODGE, A-ttorney at Law, Real

Estate Agency. Prictice in State- and U. S. Courts.

Money to loan on Good Real Es ta te Se-cur i ty . Office in Bank Block.

Bridge St . - Lowell. Michigaii

Milton M. P e r r y , Attorney & Counselor at L a w ,

Train's Hail Block, - Lowell, Mich.

Special a t te i . t ion g iven to Collections Convey unci ng. Loans and Sale

of Real Estate .

J. JOHNS, AUCTIONEER. 16 Years ExDerience

Farm or other property sold. C h a r g -es reawinable and Satisfaction G u a r a n -teed. Orders left at the JOURNAL office will receive proniot a t tent ion . 28yl

s - P H I C K S , A t t o r n e y , L o a n s , Co l l ec t i o n s a u d

l u s u r a u c e .

Money io loan on real estate securi ty in sums of |2U0and upwards a t cu r ren t


Ofltoe over J C. West & Co.'a.


A t J . H . I a g s ' S .

MEAT MARKET, On the Bridge

will a lways lie found the choicest cuts

cf Meat, and a t

Prices Always Reasonable. Fish and Poul t ry in their

Seasons .

J . E . 1,EE.

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L O W E L L , K E N T C O . , M I C H

J . D . E L L I N W O O D .

S u b s c r i p l i o n $ 1 , 0 0 a Year ' .


ItPHBonahlc ond made known on app'lcatlot II bills for advertising payable <|i!ai'erl>

A li t t le f t r a n g e isn's i t . t ha t all th* ballot box f r a u d s h a v e originatcMl m 'In

democra t ic pa r ty .

A W . C. T. U . m e m b e r f r o m Nebra -

ka sends the fo l lowing to the Toled

Blade: " W a n t e d , a w o m a n ' s t e m p e r a n c e n r .

ganiza t ion . i ndependen t of t he thii > pa r ty . AN'ho will be our leader ?"

COFFEE, t ea a n d cocoa a r e all on the

f ree list, and y e t coffee is h ighe r to-day

t h a n when the re was a tariff on it.

The re is a coffee t rus t which is respon-

sible for the high price. But demor r a t s .

you know, say tha t t he tarilf makes the

t rus t s .

WHEN th ieves fall ou t . just men gel

t he i r dues. There is a f ami ly r o w in

t h e c ra l t rus t , aud coal is likely to dro j

a jK'g or two. However , it is to b

feared tha t they will g e f l e their differ-

ences between th is a n d t he t ime whe*

t he blizzards again walk t he ea r th .

OH. no! it don ' t mnlo' m u c h d i H e m i o

which ox is gored I W h e n Mr. Bla ine

re-.ominended t he aboli t ion >iir i'h- inter-

nal revenue on tobacco, o u r democra t i r

i r i ends near ly hail fits. Now. when

t h e Mills r evenue bill > mbodies the

s a m e measure they all deem il the nicest

t h i n g in t he wor ld .

(.'AS it be tha t democra t ic Congress

m a n Scott , of Pennsy lvan ia , one of the

lead ing spirits of the coal r ing, has had

a n y t h i n g to say about t he tariff bill?

You know t h e bill doesn ' t r ecommend

the removal of t he tariff on sof t coal.

A n d thia same Scot t is t ho man w h o is

go ing to run f ree i ra ' le Grower Cleve-

l and ' s campa ign . Great Scott I

DEMOCRATIC organs h a v e all the tune ,

unt i l very recent ly , l>een howl ing about

t h e tariff on b i t uminous coal, ami

s t r iv ing to m a k e t he people believe tha t

al l t he evil resul ts a r i s ing through tin

coal t rus t s is due to ib is tariff on soft

coal—hard coal is on t h e free li.-.t It

would very na tura l ly seem thaS .f the

pa r ty believed what t h e y have been

say ing tha t in t he i r t a n l l bill now be-

fo re corgress , t hey would str ive t'» re-

m o v e th is a w f u l t.irif!. Not a word

however , is said al>out it.

IT is not o f ' e n t h a t WE helieve it ne

cessary to speak of tbe mer i t s of a town-

ship (iffic«r, ur m a k e a n y recommen<>a-

lioiiB or suggest ion- regard ing the elect-

ion of such officers. However , at this

t imi ' we do no t d - e m it ani ' ss to say :<

word in f avo r ol t he re-election of om

present t ownsh ip Cle rk . Mr. E d d y ha-

m a d e a mod"l clerk d u r i n g ' he l ime he

has been in office, and we have ye t i

hear of a n y well grounded complaint

against his |) *rf i r inance of his ollicia

dut ies . The records of the t o w n s h i j

a r e i o - d a y m bet ter shaj)** than ever Ic*

fore , and Mr. Kddy take-, auricle in hav-

ing e v e r y t h i n g in shape. He is in

every way capable, a n d a l w a y s at his

post. Wi th in t he past y e a r he has prob-

ably saved the township , by his prompt

a n d positive act ion iu connection wi th

the differences between this t<iwu and

Bowne, hail or more ot h i s y e u r s sa lary .

W e do no t k n o w tha t there is any or-

ganized opposition against h im. a n d w»-

do not believe there should be. The

voters of t he township c i u n o t be t ter

subserve their own iu teres ts t h a n iu r e -

nomina t ing and re-elect ing F . U. Eduy.

D : C < I E I N I O / ^ A .

UepuJiMted und Kebnked hy i ' rol i ibl t lun-IsU.

From tbe Iowa Stale iieKlster.

Yesterday we copied an ar t ic le f r o m the Iowa Mvihodiai r e f e r r i n g t ' . t l u pres-ence in Iowa ot one Mr. Dickie, who is C h a i r m a n of ihe Nat ional Prohibi t ion Commi t t ee , aud who has been sem here in pursuance of t h e all iance between t h a i p a r tv a u d t ue Democracy , io help set up a th i rd pa r ty in ibis S t a t e in i he hope tha t enough votes m a y be d r a w n Iruiu the Republ ican r a n k s to give Cleveland a p lura l i ty in t he .Stat,- n e x t fall . The paper quoted f rom, as its n a m e indicates, is pure ly a chu rch pa-

, per and devoted to UK affa i rs of i h r Methodist chu rch . Is said very plainly m a t Mr Dickie 's presence here threat-ened h a r m and not trood, , a u d warned a l l j e m p e r a n c e people not to fall in to t he Democra t ic a n d saloon t r ap t h u s being set in I o w a .

lo-dav we copy an art icle f r o m the I o w a Messenger, t h e newspa|>er con-duc ted by ihe I oA-a Womau ' s Chris t ian Temperance Cu o i, in which t he pres-ence of the Democra t ic a g - n t tua-ked un 1 r bis te iiperanc-- colors, i , spoken of very jdainly as being a nuisanoe to the t emperance cause. T h - very fa . t t ha t t he cna r n n n of the si a ie i I ' n -hibit ion c o m m u l e e should be Hpend'iig hia t ime in Iowa, which has a prohild t ion law and is enlorcin. ; i t . when to m a n y Sta les have really iio iemj>e am e laws a t all, where w m k and heip i r t e m p e r a n c e are P-al y need -d. e x / j s e s t he mamuer i ty a u l d i shoae ' ly ot Dickie 's e r r a n d i » th is Slate, i'h laci t h a t thesH t w o jiapers a n d ail ciiurcu a n d t emperance papers in ih State a t e exposing the hypocrisy of ins vi-a and p u r p i s e , makes it cer ta in t l m IIH will be able to accomplish no hai m here, a u d t h e money t h a t i he Kaioom ai . e x p e n d i n g to pay his expenses, ami t h e money tha t the D e m o c i a i s are g i v i n g t o he lp it . is bemg »uhiud.

H i s t r ip t h r o u g h the S la te was an in-g lor ious fa i lure . H i s a t t e m p t a t Cedar Rap ids to organiz*-a par ty was a com-e l y . A t Des Moines Sa tu rday n i g h t he d r e w t o hia speech only th i r ty or for ty people a n d no t a prohiht t iomst a m o n g t h e m — o n l y Democra t s a n d saloouists w h o k n e w h i m for the i r al ly. He fel t t h e force of th is tem|»erauce r e b u k e so s t r o n g l y whereve r he went t h a t lie in-nocen t l y g a v e up his a p p o i n t m e n t to p r e a c h in th i s c i ty on S u n d a y a n d lef t h e r e a f t e r m i d n i g h t a n d spen t t he fore p a r t of S u n d a y t r ave l ing to r each O m a h a w h e r e h e could l ind, a u d no d o u b t did find, p l e u t / of congenia l spi r i t s .

P O L I T I C A L I S S U E S .

News of General Interest from Various Localities.

IiKlluna I'rohibllionlfttt and ICIXMI" Tdaud IlnpubllcBni Nominate Sjltut-- Tlrkfiti—

Forniatliin or Stat ' ' JLeacno*—State Conventioiis—Other Nuten.


pnbllcauB of the Fif teenth distriet have nominated Myron 11 Wr gbt for Congresa.

L m x E HOCK. Ark.. March 15.—Tbe Dcin-orrat.o Siutc c nrcut iou to CLOOEO dole-gates to SL Louis will meet iu this city May 3(1.

SAN Fr.AKCttro, Horch 15.—The licpnhllc-an Slate Central Committee has decided to hold a St itc convention nt Sacramento May 1 for tlio purpose of select n? delegates io the National convention at Chicago lu J u n a

TBEKTON, N. J., March 17.—A legal com-plication has arisen In this Stute where legislative measures have become laws, not having-been vetoed within tho live days' l imit On account of the blizzard ihe Gov-ernor has been unable to reach tho capitoL

SracraFIELI). III. March 17.—The State Central Committee of the Illinois Labor p a n y met here Thursday. A State conven-tion V.'.JI called to meet a t Decatur April 2G.

TorEEv, Ken , March KJ.—The Republic-ans will meet at W.chita on May 9 to elect delegates to the National convent ioa Tho convention for the nomination of State offi-cers will lie held in this city July 24.

MADIBOX, Wis, March 1G.—The Republic-an clubs of the S.ate met here yesterday aud organized a State League, with Senator Spooner for president

OMAHA, Neb. March 10.—A Slate League o! Republican chilis was orsran z d iu thii city yesterday, und Hon. John M Thurston, of ibis place, was elected pres ident

MAUISON, Win., March 10.—The Demo-cratic St ;t'" Committee met in this city yea-terday and it was dec dud to hold the Slate c <nvention May 1 a- Madison to choose dele-gates to St. Lt lis I was decided to como out for f ree trade and to make th •. light on tha IK itiea brought up by Prcai-dent Cleveland's message.

INDIANAPOUS, Iml , March 10.—Tho Pro-hibition State convention held in this city yesterday nominated Rev. J. S. Hughes for Governor, and adopte l a platform demand-In1,' strict prohibition ana woman Buffrage. Electora- at-larg-e and delegates-at-large wore chosen, and four members of the W. C. T. U. were added to the State Central Committee.

PaovmEKcn, 11 L, March 17.—The Repub-licans met in State convention in thla city yesterday and nominated Royal C. Taft," of rrovideuce, for Governor. The platform adopted favors protection to home labor and home industry, and a r-'ductlon of the internal-revenue taxa t loa

WnwmaccA, Nev.. March 17—The State Renubllcan convention will be held in this city on the 15th of May.

MoyrpgT.iKR, YL, March IU—The State Democratic convention will be held in thia city May 10 for tho nomination of State officers and the election of four delegates to S t Lonls.

PnovmESCE, R I , March 20.—The Demo-crats nominate <1 a State t icket here yester-day, with John W. Davis for Governor. The platform indorses Mr. Cleveland's Amlnla-tration; demands the reduction of taxation on neeessarieR, and the placing of raw ma-terials on the free HP:, especially wool, lum-ber and coaL

CHICAGO. Mnrch 20.—The strike on tho Clucajro, Burlington & Qulncy road is prac-tlcailyover. Passenger und freight txaino are rnnning regularly, and neany all con-necting lines ore handling Uurlington f re ight

MARBIULLTOVH, la. . March 20. — The abops and general offices of the Iowa Cen-ti.d road in this city were closed yester-day. owing to the strike of the engmeere and fir- m ^ a I n e lat ter had beeu sum-moned to report for work or be discharged.

I'i'1iHn»p"ll« R.ectiuu Fraurt*. IXDUNAPotts, Im l , March 20—Warrsn ts

were issued In the Federal Court Saturday for the arrest of Sullivan, Rudd, Spaan, Met-calf, Beardon and Counselman, on indict-ments found by the laist grand jury, charg-ing them with conspiracy, the Indictment being the same under which Coy and Bern-hamer w re tried and convicted, Sollivan is out of t he city, but the other defendants gave bonds

KUlrd by a Runaway Horse. CmcAuo, March 20.—Theodore and Her-

mann Dahl, aged 7 and 9 years respective-ly, were knocked down by a runaway horse ou State street yesterday morning. The horse planted his foot on the head ol Theo-dore, crushing his skull, and Hermann was so badly trampled upon tha t his life is despaired of. Theodore died a short time af te r the accident

An l a r a l l d Statute. WABUDtoxos, March 20.—Tho Supreme

Court of the United States decided Monday tha t the section of the Iowa statute of 1880, prohibiting railway companies f rom brmging liquor into that State, is invalid, and the judgment of thy United Btat^a Circuit Court lor the Norihern district of Hlinois is reversed

Tampered with t he Mails. MILWAUKEE, March 18.—W. H. Lnsley,

railway mail service clerk ruiming between here and Lancaster, Wis., was arrested ut the former city Friday for robbing the mails, his peculations amounting to about $2,000. He was caught by decoy le t ters

I ' lantat lons Under Water . EHUEVEPOBT, La.. March 20. — News

reacnel this city yesterday tha t levees on C Idwell, Cauthon uud Eagle Bend planta-t ons, fifteen miles below here, had hrokea and tha i the lower country for the distance of eljfhi miles was aR under water.

A Velaran of 1813 Dead. FINDLAI, 0., March 20.—George Washing-

ton Mains, a veteran soldier of the war ot 1812, who achieved diatinclion at tbe bat-tle of Lundy's Lane, died in this city yea-terday, aged 95 years.

Fata l Flaiueit. NEW YOUK, March 20.—Fire in the El-

beron flats yesterday morning caused many of the inmates to jump for their lives. Mrs Frances Weatlake wm killed, and MIX others were badly h u r t The fiuancial loss is $30,-000. "

Four Thou«aud Killed. SHAKOHAI, Marc'i 20. — The eartbquaka

shocks in T u n a u continued three weeks, destroying several towns and causing much damage to eh pjiiuir. A» Kien-Shiu 4,000 persons were killed

A dispatch was received Mon lay a t In-dlauupoils anuonucing that J. O. D. Lilly, a prominent merchant and manufacturer of the cupitul, had been kdled at Mauch Chunk, i'a.

At Woodland Mills, T e n a . Til ursday morning Eli Dalre, a negro under arrest for burning a burn, an I being u k e u by raU tu the lllckmr-u jail, was tuken from Ihe oar by masked men and hunted to a tree.


Il Will Ue Cedud to Ihe Uulleil Ktatea Forever—Cukl of linprtin-iueiitji,

SAK Faucaaoo. March 20.—Inlomatlon has reathod here f rom Honolulu that an extensive examination ol Pearl river harbor, m the Hawaiian lalands, has been completed by a force of United States naval officers It is stated tha t m i m a t e s and plats which have been sent to Washington convey the information tha t it will cost .*700,000 to make tho ent rance available for the new cruisers now being constructed by the United Sla tes I t is Lnderstood that Con-gress is urged to appropriate that amount Hawaiian papers speak well of the pro jec t It is underBtood iu Honolulu that the ces-sion of thebar i or is virtually forever.

M I N O R N E W S I T E M S .

For Week Ended Slarch 20. Texas looks forward to the largest crop

of wheal ahe has ever grown. A lire in Philadelphia Thoraday destroyed

property v. lued ut $340,000. Freight t rams coniued Monday near Cisco,

CaL, uud six men were killed. A severe and snow-storm raged on

Monday iu Nebraska aud Colorado. A blizzard ut Iowa City, l a , on Monday

caused a suspens.on of sire.;t-car t ravel C. A R. Hay ward, managing editor of

the Denver lu publican, died Monday, aged 30.

Disastrous Hoods are reported through-oBt Hungary. T n i n y Tihuges have been ru ned.

Tnomas Kennedy, a native of Kerry Coun-ty, Ireland, died ac Inui.tnupoiis, l u d , Sun-uay, aged 101,

Charles Swelgkart killed George Kreiner a t Denver and men committed suicide. Jealousy was the cuuse.

Out of 737 petitions for liquor licenses examined in Philudeiphia under the new law only 335 were granted

Mayor Irwin has Issued a proclamation order tbe closlnsr of all the saloons in Eeokuk on and alter May 1.

Thomas L. Kimball has been appointed acting general manager of t ne Union Pacilic road, vice Potter, deceased

At Philadelphia on Friday C. M. Currier, of Chicago, was elected president of the National League of Musicians

Cornelius A Runkle, a promlnenf New York lawyer, aged 00 years, was found dead in bed Monday morning.

The R t Rev. George Kelly 1 . ilap, D. D., Eplscop J Bishop of Arizona aud Now Mex-ico, died Thursday a t Las Vegas

Cooghon Bros ' extenHive furni ture facto-ry a t New York was destroyed by Are Fri-day, entailing a loss of $100,000.

The Sontti African comet was visible a t the Warner Observatory, Rocuester, X Y., for the D m time buturday morning.

Tbe last i a 1 of the Denver, Texas A Fort •Wonb road was driven on Thursday a t a point twenty m.les south of Denver.

R D. Marsha!, an attorney, was Monday appointed and qualifled as receiver of the Dayton, Fort Wayne 4 Chicago r o a d

Mr. Shannon was suffocated in his burn-ing house at Elizabethtown. O u t , Friday. The other members of the family escaped.

Mr. Bell, United States Minister to Hol-land, now In Lonco i; has received noUflca-tion tha t his resignotioa has been accepted

The report was declared unt rue on Friday tha t Rev. Sheldon Jackson, a Presbyterian missionary, had b e n drowned a t Sitka, Alaska

The banking house of J. J. Borden & Son, a t Sparta, HL. was raid d by burglars early Thursday morning and $2,500 taken f rom the sa fe

By the capsizing of their boat a t Por t Huron, Mich., Dan Burdennd Jake BitiRa were drowned. Jack Bcnline narrowly es-caping.

The steamer Japan, from the Mediter-ranean, ran into the pilot-boat Starbuck, off Barnegate, and the lat ter stink with five m e a #

A splendid counterfeit five-doRar silver cerUiicate. dated 1880, is being exten-sively circulated among store-keepers in Chicago.

The-marrlagc of Prince Oscar, second son of King Charles, of Sweden, and Miss Ebba Munck was solemnized at Bournemouth on Thursday.

Fire at Jacksonville. Fla., early Monday morning destroyed a half-dozen stores and warehouses The total loss is figured at $125,000.

The main buildings of t he Green dyeing and finishing works at Paw.ucket , R. L, were bnraed Sundav, causing a loss of $100,000.

Jcsper Watson's saloon a t Jonesboro, I n d , was blown up by dynamite Saturday n igh t The outrage la charged to his pro-hibition ne i j fh lors

T. S. Ruby, a member of tho Illinois Leg islature f rom Piat t Couuty, was fonnd dead Satard:.y on the sidewalk at Bement, III Heart disease was the cause

Because Jeremiah Sullivan, a St Louis cabinet maker, j e f used a chew of tobacco to Robert Alexander, a colored boy of fifteen, the lat ter shot and killed him.

Two crooked election judges in Balti-more—Martin J. Clark and Hezekiah Bestr-have been tried, convicted and sentenced io two years' imprisonment

Railway t ra ins in the nor th of England have worked their way through the pro-longed snow blockade, bu t traffic in Soot-land has no t y e t been r e sumed

At Bridgeport, C o n a , a discharged bar-tender visited his former work-piaoe on Saturday, fired five shots f rom a revolver und fataRy wounded three m e a

Farmers a t Winchester, 0 . , Wednesday night tarred and feathered two Mormon elders, and then cUasod them to the Ohio river, which the fugitives safely croaaed

The fi-immer school of pedagogy and acl-ence, inaugurated at the Wisconsin State University las t year, will bo con tin ned this summer, and probably made permanent

Pev. Washington Gardner, of Albion, Mich., was elected Department Commander Thursday a t the encampment of the De-partment of Michigan, G. A I t , at Lansing

Richard Mason and wife, living near Ithaca, N. Y. were murdered on Saturday by a farm-band named Robert Barber and their house was subsequently fired Barber was under a r r e s t ^

Fireiueu Kil led. MILWAUKEE, Wis. March 16.—A falling

wall a t a fire In this ci ty yesterday which started in Atkins shoe-factory kiRed two firemen and Injured five o the r s By tha fire aboui $300,000 worth of property was de-stroyed

The MlsiUalppI Clearing of Ice. DAVESPOET, la.. March 20.—Tho ioe in the

river here, which baa been firm alnce De-cember 20. pHwed oat dur ing Sunday night without any damage The river is believed to be clear f rom this point south.

Be 8uro to Get Hood 's Sarsaiiarilla, my child. See that they do not give you anythhif else. You remember It is the medicine which did mama BO much good a year ago—my favorite

S p r i n g M e d i c i n e Nearly everybody needs a good spring medl-

clne like Hood's Sarsappjllla to expel Impurl-lies which accumulate In the blood during the winter, keep up strength as warm weather comeB on, create an appeUte and promote healthy digestion. Try Hood's Sarsapuilla and you will bo' couvlnced of its peculiar merits. It Is the ideal spring medicine—re-liable, beneficial, pleasant to take, and gives full value for the money. Be sure to get

Hood's Sarsapariila SoldbyalldruggUU. f'.; s l iforfJ . prepared only

•by C. L HOOD 4 CO., Apotbecariet, Lowell, Mait.

100 Doses One Dollar

Ueatli of an Ex-Senator . AUOLSTA, G a , March 2 0 . - J o h n P. King,

United States Senator from Georgia In 1833, died here yesterday, aged 89 yeara

Mitchell Want* to Flffht Aealn. LOKDOX, March 20.—A Dublin paper saya

Mitcbcll has chailenired Snllivan to fight in a sixteen-foot n n g for il.OOO a s ide

Want More Puy. CmcAGO, March 20.—About 1,400 paint-

ers went on n stxeke yesterday morning for a uniform rate of 37>2cents an hour

Samuel Clay, a prominent K-ntucky farmer, who owned land valued i t $1,000.-000, died Tuesday morning a t his home near Paris

The Supremo Court Of Hawaii hasdecld d tha t the veto power of Klnjr K-na^aua is personal and may be exerciseu without cor* Rultatloa

(• ( P a i n e s

- r J I { o r n j u u n d

• URE8 Nervous Prostration) Nervous ^^"""""Hesdsche, Neuralgia, Nervous ^ ^ ^ ^ J V e a k n e s s , Stomach and Liver

^^^nDiseases , Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, and all affections of the Kidneys.

W E A K N E R V E S PAINE'S CELERY COMTOTOD is a Nerve Tonic which never fails Containing Cclety and Coca, those wonderful stimulants, it speed-ily ctrei all ncrvo'is disorders.

R H E U M A T I S M PAIKE'S CBUEKT COWOCKD purifies the blood. It drives cut tho lacUc acid, which canses Rheumatism, and restores tho blood-making organs to a healthy oonditioa Tbe true remedy for Rheumatism.

K I D N E Y C O M P L A I N T S PAHWfs CELEHY CowotJKD quickly restores tho Uver and kidneys to pcrfect health. This ruratlvo power combined with its nerve tonics, makes it tho best remedy for all kidney complaints.

D Y S P E P S I A I'A IKE'S CELEBT COMPOCKD strengthens the Eton ich, nnd quiets the nerves of tho diges-tive organs This is why it cures ere a the worst cases of Dyspepsia.

C O N S T I P A T I O N I'AIKK'S CELSKT COMPOCSD is not a Cathftr-t ie It is a laxative, giving easy and natural action to the bmvels. Regularity surely fol-lows its use. Recommended by professional and business

mea Send for book. Price (LOO. Sold by Druggists.


If yoo have lost you P O C K ^ ' -

book, yon w i l l listen to any onr who can tell you how to get it hack. I f you have lost voui health, —which is more precious,

- l is ten t o us.

Medic ines can d o 1 o t l i i n

hut check disease; they act neg-ativMy, not positively. ' i h e \ cannot bui ld up your he TLL.h, 01

bring back your strength, 01 renew yoni vitality.

Why do you hesitnte to join the large army who are usiri" C O M P O U N D O X Y G E N w h e n

you kn w two things: First, By no possibility can it harm you Secon-, I n nine cases out of T< n it moat benefit you.

The quality of your curative agent IS proved by the success in our business during the last eighteen years. I n v e s t i g a t e

and you w i l l not hesitate moment. We w i l l send free some of our books on the subject of H E A L T H , if you will send your address, M R S . S I A R K E Y & P A L E N ,

1 5 2 7 a n d 1 5 2 9 A » c h S t . ,

Philadelphia, Penn 3 0 w 4 .

TUB cure for sickness 500 years ago was Neglect; 300 YE^RS ago. Sorcery; 1 0 0 years ago, Herbs and Drugs; 25 year-ago, Medicine?; to-day it is Compound Oxygen.

Medicines w e a k e r ; the whloe system to strengthen one weak point; Compound Oxygen strengthens both.

A doctors average bill IS 1550. Invent $15 in onr "Home Treat-ment," and you save the other $35, and feel be ter than you have for five years . Are you NEHVOUS? I ho** tired sick hetd-aches w i l l vanish! Have you week lungs? G ive compouin

oxygen one chance to strength-en them. Have you dyspepsia ? It w i l l cure you !

Remember A1 ways one thing! You risk absolutely nothing in trying our treatment. IT is simply breathing different, air; not "dosing," o r "dmgging," or going a thousand MILE^ away f rom home and l i iends . I t is brea king d a i l y into your lungs a t your own home, the consen-trated vitality OF «!} the health resorts i n the. w o r l d . *20O page book mailed free,. F o r p a r t i c u l a r s , m l d r e s s ,


1527 and 1529 Arch St . . Phi ladelphia , Penn. 8 0

TU N I G H T A N D T U - M O K b O W N I O H T

A n d each d a y a n d n i g h t d u r i n g i he week y o u can ge t a t Clark & Win.-gain. K e m p ' s Baisam f o r t he t h r e a t a n d L u n g s , a cknowledged to be t he m o s t succuss fu l r e m e d y ever sold f o r t he c u r e of Coughs , C roub , Bronchi t i s . Whoop ing C n u g h , Aa t luna a n d Con-Bumption. Get a bo t t l e to duy a n d keen it a l w a y s in the house , RO you can chesJc y o u r colds a t once. Pr ice '50c and $1.00. S a u p l e bott le f ree .

I NEVER s a w a n y t h i n g like It. Kvory-w h e r e I go I hear no tb i ' i c bu t praise f o r H i b b a r d ' s Throa t a n d L u n g r-idsam.

" t W v e a % o \ \

is warranted, Is because It la tho best blood Prepnration known. I t will posi-t i w l y euro a l l Blond Diseanen. purifies tho whole system, nnd thoroughly bullda up tho constitution. l ienu mbcr, wo guarantee it.

THE iwvuliar c o m b l r a t i o n of H i b -ba rd ' s Rlici iunnic S y r u p enab les i t to do w h a t no othernMiiedy has e v e r a c c o m -pl ished. and It Is dmly c u r i n g tlioM* who yenrs ago bad g iven u p all hopes of be-ing cu red .

W O N D E R F U L ("URF.s.

H u n t nnd H u n t r r . Retail Druggis t s of Lowtdl. MJC snv: " W e have been sidl ing Dr KIIIK'H New Dlsc ive ry . E lec t r ic B i t t e r s and Buckh 'n 'n Arnica Sa lve fur 4 vears . Have never handled renu*-die-. t ha t sell as well or g ive such uni-versal sa t i s fac t ion . There have been some wonde r fu l cures e f f -c ted by these medic ines in ib is c i t y . Several case : of p ronounced Cou(°umptioii have been e n -t i re ly cu red by a f e w bot t les of Dr. K i n g ' s N e w Discovery, taken in connec t ion wi th Elect r ic Bitters. W e g n a r a n -ti'e llieni a lways . Sold by Hi iu t and H u n t e r .


Mr. N. H . FrohUchsb-in, of Mobile, Ala. , wr i t e s . I t a k e grea t p leasure in re -c o m m e n d i n g Dr. King ' s New Discovery f o r Consumpt ion ,^hav ing used it for sf severe a t t a c k of Bronchi t i s a n d C a t a r r h . I l g a v e mst int n-lief and en t i r e ly cured me a n d I have not been aiHiuled since, I a lso beg t o s ta te f i a t I ha 1 tr ied o t h e r remedies wi th no good. H a v e a l - o used Ele- ' r i c Bi t te rs and Dr K i n g ' s New Life Pillr., both of which I can recom m e n d .

Dr. King ' s New Diwovi ry f..r Con Humpiion, C o u g h s a n d C.I|.,H. ii< s »lil on a positive- g u a r a n t e e . Trial bot t les f ree a t H U N T & U U N T E R ' 8 D r u g Store .

E V E R Y B O D Y 1 L I K E S

to be called handsome , egpeciaily the y o u n g ladies. B u t t ha t is s imply i m -posible as long a s t he i r f ace is covered wi th pimples, b ldtches a n d sores. B " t wai t , t h e r e is n o need of th i s : one or t w o bot t les of S u l p h u r Bi t t e r s will re m o v e all such d is f igura t ions , a n d m a k e vour f ace f a i r and rosy .—Fann ie Bell, Editoress.

|>E« »B \TE OBDE'!.—Slate ofJUelmran.County I of Kent. (n. Ala nmudoa of the Probate C'furt

c r u n t y ° r K""'. "fl-l at ;he Pi-.bate Omi'c. la the Cily of Orund Rap ds. oo ihe Mh day ot .March In the year one Uioutrand eight hundred und elghty-elKht.

Hrew ni Cyros E. IVi klas Judm of Probate. In tht* Mat ter of I In* E>f atu .f

PATRICK H I,ALLY, deceased. John S lli-iyin AdinlniKiraixr of said estate,

IniTlng r'-nil.-red io ilils Court his lliial adinln-IKI ration account.

il ls Ordncd, thui Mondnj- the '-'tid day of April next, at len I.M-IC In IH.- foivnoon. ut said I rol.ale OfJle.-, be'appointed fur examining nnd ulluu-ln^ Kuld account.

And it is KHitlier DI d .rod. That a copy of this oraur be I U'duiit'il KtirreMih'f wrfkn piv viousto said d..y f LIE-IIINN. In Ihe I.OWKI.I, JI>I B^AL. a ueumtaper P.-inUMl and c roulating li' Mid County of Ken ,

. C n t C S B PERKIVR. (A true copy.) Jud/i- of ProbaNv

1 rank . lline. Register. 86w3.

D R ' MUTE OltOElt. State of Slichliran. Conn * ty "f K- nt. n<. At i sesskm of il.e 1'rolwte Court for Hold C.iunty of Kent. In-ld at the Pro-bale pfllce In liiet'iiy of Grand ItapldH. on tiie If ' l idayof March, in tho yearonw thousand, eight hundred and eighty eight.

j resent Cyrus E I'erkitis. Judp j of Probate. In the matter of the estate of

, DEBORAH L. PATRICK. deceased.

Ransom Rolf. Executor of the last will and lestanient of said deceased having rendered to this court his final administration account.

It is ordered that FKIDAV, TEE nth DAV OF Aran,, SF.XT

at ten o'clock In the forenoon, at said Probate O'J ce. be appointed for examlnlnp and allowing said account.

And it is Kurlher Ordered, Thai a copy of this order lie published three successive weeks pre-vious to said dav of bearing, in the Lowell Jour-nal. a newspaper printed ami circulaUug in said County of Kent. CYRUS E. PEiKINS.

When Spring Comes

county i (A true copy.) Judge of P«.>bate.

FRAKK W . IIIKK, Register rw:!.

MOHTOAGE SALE—Default having bees ma/ie in the conditions of a certain Mort-

zuge made nnd executed on the 2Bth day of May, A If. It&j, by James Scott (a single man i of ibe township of Cannon. Kent County, Michigan, to Joseph W. Hicks, of Plain well, Allegan County, State ofMlehifran, saldiiortgage beiDg recorded in the office of theRegister ofoeedi ,of XentCounty, in raid BtAte, iu liber IIS of Mortgagea, on page S4U. on June Ist, A. D. IS®, at 8 o'clock t. m., on whlah Mortgagi- there is claimed to ne due at date of Ibis cot ice, the sum of Two Hundred Forty-Eight Dollars, and no suit or pro-ceeding at law having beet) instituted to .recover said sum or anv pan thereof.

Notice is hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale contained in said Morlgage and the statute in such cane made and provided, *ald Mortgage wili be foreclosed by a sale of tiie mortgaged premises therein described to saiNfy aid Mortgige. debt, inierest, cosU und th'* attur-iey fees, at public auction, to the highest bidder,

on Tuesday, tbe 20 'h day of Inne , A. V. 1888, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at the south front door of tbe Court" House, to wit. Court Block, B» called, in the city of jrand Rsplds, in tbe County of Kent ami -"late of Michigan Said urimisea being described as ui.owv, viz: The North-West frocUonal quarter (^) of tbe Noith-Eas' fractiouui quarter of sectlou number four-teen (14; Tow nsiup eight (8) North of lauge num uer ten (10) west, containing aljout 9i 95-100 uc/es of laud

Daud Mar.-h 81, 1888. JOSEPH W. HICKS,

Mortgagee. fa. P HICKS,

Attorney for Jlortgagee. t.Vwia

1)HOBATBORDER.—State of nicbigaij. Coun-ty of Ken i. ss. At a session if • he Probate

, "oun for I lie County of Kent, held at the Probate Office, in the City of Grand Kapids, on the 19tb day of March, iu Use year one tbousmd. eigiit hundred and eighty eight.

Present. Cyrus E. Perkins. Judge of Probate. In tiie Matter of Ihe B^uie of

ALMIRA HOAO. deceased.

Jacob W. Walter Adminirtntor of said estate having Hied in thii ('ourt a petition praying this Court to assign a time and place for allowing his Jlaal administration aecoum.

It Is Ordered, that MOXDAT, THK ICta, MAT OF APRII, xexr

at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at said Probate Office, be appointed for examining and allowing said account.

And it it Further Ordered, that a copy of tills order be published three auccesalve weeks pn-vious to said duy of hear ng, in the 1> well Jour-nal, a newspaper printed and circulating in said County of Kent,

(A true copy FOASK W HIS a. Itegister.

Cx'ltUS E. PEKKlNS.* JuJ fee of 1'robate,

PROBATE ORDER.—State of 31lcni;,-ai', couuty ofKent, as. At a eeeaion of IbeProbateCourt

for the county of Keijt,holden at the Probate Of flee, in Ui? City of Grand Bapida. ou the laih dsy of March in the year one thou "an d

hlini1r*>il fin I eigiit hundred snd eighty eight Present f"yrus E Perkins Judge of Probate, In the matter of the estate of

EMILY KENNEDY deceased. Jacob W. Walker, Administrator of said estate

having (lied in thiK Court a petition, praying tills Court toasvij.n a lime and place for i-x naining aud allowing his final a iminist ration aoeoum

It Is ordered, thai Monday the lOui day •>f April next at ten o'clock in the for-nooa. at -aid Probate Office, be appjiuted for examining an 1 allowing said account.

Aud it is Further Oi-dered. That a copy of this order be published three successive veess pre-vious to said day of hearing, hi the Lowell J-jnr nal. a newspaper printed i.n 1 circulating in said County of Kent. CYRUS B. PERKINS,

(A true copy.) Ju -ge of Probate FRANK W, HINK, Register. (83w3)

MORTGAGE SALE,—Default I laving T - ^ n •made In the conditions ol a 'lertaln mort-

Ksze bearing date the twenty.(Irs, day of March, 1685. made and executed by Alexander Lucas, of Ionia county State of Michigan, to Samuel " - - ' - - I d - — * - - J - . . Barger. of said county and state, uiid re. ordeO In tlm office of ihe register of de.-ds of Kent Couniy. Michigan In liber 1PI of Mortgage*, on

ifcC. on the "iSd doy of March. A. 1> ;S35t at ~ Kit > • v X •, J/ lOtW, UV eight o clock a, m.. on which .-nongfg- there Is claimed to he due at the date of this i.otice. Ibe atiin of one hundred and sixtv-««o an > a) loOiijflCi W 1W) dollars, arid n i suit or pr-.-oeedlng at luw or In equity having been iusUl n-ed t« recover the uaid sum of money or any ruM thereof.

Not! e Is hereby given tiiat by virtue of the power ol aale contained iu said oi-.rtrag.. ami In puisuauue of the statute hi suoli ease in vie and provided, said mortgage wilh be for^-lo-. d by a sale of the mortgaged premised therein de-scribed to Halixfy the amount of monev due on said mortgage. Interest, costs ai-d attorney lees allowed by law, at pnbl.c auction or vendue, to the highest bidder, on Monday, t lie l l t h d a y o f j u n e . A. 1>. IKK8, at two o'clock in the afternoon, ut the s'>uili front d'*) Of the Court Blxik (so called ', in the city of Grand KIOIIM, N aid cmntv, ofKent. that being thejilaci o 1 ol ling Hie Circuit (Jourt for the said uuty ol Kern, the lai,d an 1 pr- m H-KO.-•crlbe i in slid mortgace. to wit: Ibe w~.i half " ' of tbe west half ol the noi-fh eari .nurter (^)of Section numhrr Uilny-alx tati in toa nahip number ten (10). nort h of iiange number nine ui; west, lu the township of Kpcnc T. Kent O'liutr. Slate of Michigan, together wilh the t nements and appurtenances belonging thereto

Dated Ua-ch iCth, SAMUEL HKWiEH.

P T. WILUAKB. Mortgagee. Attorney for Mortgage*' i8rw!8)

OBOBATE ORDER. State-fMi-hl on. tour y 1 of Ktfnl. ss. At a seasii n of iht PitMiale Coun for snid County of K- nl. i.Hd at he Pro bate Office In Ihe City of Grand Raplde, on tbe 2*1 day of February, In the year • nr thousand, eight hundred and ehrlily eight.

Present, t'yrua E. Perkins, Judge.-f Pn»bate. In ihe matter of tiie estate of

Kli.ASH. FALLAK8. d w a i c d . On nBrdiogandflllnsthe petiilon. duly veriU

ed, of William A Fallaaa, oneuf th^ ei.-cutors of tiie last will aud tesUinenl of slid deceased praying thU court for licen• <• and aurliorliv to sell the real estate of said d oeas.'d thereln'de-scrilieil for tiie reasons aud purposes' the rein mentioned.

It is ordeivl .hat Friday, the 231 day of Moi-ch, cvzt. at ten o'cioc* In the fnreu'ioii. ai (Aid ' "i&jf-c f>#8ce. i>e «i»pi-lntc«l for 'jear lug mid petJUou, and that all uersous interei-t-d lu said estate appear before sold cou. i at said lime und place, to rtow cause why a license should not be granted io said Executors u. -eii me real estate a* prayed for in said petition

And it is further ordered that a copy of th'.s or-der be published thre-i successlre weeks pre vious to said day ot hearing iu the Loweix J o n ; HAL. a newspaper prjiled aud circulating hi said Comity of Kent.

CYRUS E. PERKINS. Judge of Probate.

OROBATE ORLER.-State of Mictiigan.conniv 1 of Kent. ss. At a session of the Probate wourt for said county of Kent held at the Pro-liute Office, In the city of Grand Rapids, ou the jUth day of February, in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty eight.

Present. Cvrut E. Perkins. Judge of Probate. In the matter of Ihe estate of

CHRI>T1AN REIMER. deceased,

H.-nrv W. Boo'h, Administrator of sai I es-taie having rendered to this Court his final ad-

i ministration aocount. It is ordered, thai Friday, the 2^1 day of 3larch

next, ai ten o'clock In the forenoon at said Probate Office, le appoint.-d for examin-ing and allowing said account.

And It is further ordered. That a copy of this o r d f l i e pubhshe.1 three nucces Ive weeks pre-vious Ui -NM day of hearing. In the IX»WKU. Joun-KAL. a newspaper primed and circulating In said County of Kent

CYRUS K. PERKINS. AI ru e cony J udeo of Probate.

Frank W Hlne. Register. 85*31.


T'i Cr-rj, „( l-i-f . i.\.r hA.n it«*J i-r var mr-v In 1 honri HaolreU in • 'i jl . G .orxU d»ilr. • I j-'Mi ' % S»:.o>r m i U' -.I rh,i(.,— t.s.'. f'tnt . tit r.-n J-ior - Hnlt; • An'rra. muiu.Iil I'I'EK

A' JCJ FOI MI»A M i r i x d JHACIPRE T i r - - u \ r i n M ; < o -• "V" -~1 Til

SFldiNER PAL COLLAR Camisl Ci . - a Hone. Adjucti It&eil h' a'.y Horsti rieck. Hj; t-T r.w; ef Stitching. Will hold Hamc* in piacc. Jn'ont CfKvir.f urless tlatnled

Xvitl: cur" Tra Jt-Mark.'' /V8K V O U f t HARNESS-


Register. (£*3)


• - O P , . « . B . S r i N N E t -Medical Saperinte. DI'nt of t h e Ypsilant Sanltarluin I'.R TLI (>TIR|X. of accemmoda

his niany tr'umi- .nid |IA(ieuts tha t can

n<.T VISITOR i t lii-N ai liie S;initarhiin,ha

OJJENWL .-M O/TICT I TIN P..INT named below

;IND w i l l !)•_• thetr >r. 'h it d:IY. from X A.

;uili' 1H I'.1 "I; I '•'.•tor has been twenty

FTIF.HI vim U- - - thirteen years it

geu-T.). ;. • ' - iiflei n ve:TI-iiithestndj

NND lr.-: IFI-II" < • ;.L '•.ROS« of ( l i rcnicDi»

e t •>, 1 •I; . tv V-.-NI.I LI!L-I had charge

FIRST of •.!•;.T ; • %',.i-;l-II!;i ftmilariums

i lavtn? -.- .I .• .- IA nt, he is e n

abled to pet away Irom the Saniur ium fou:

daysnta ii:n.- JfytK' iv.ive Catarrh. Throat

!.'!!)?, Lye, £ a r , Li- - r ,, Kidney or NERVOUS Disea"ts, improve ibis oppor :I I ITY for a ireful cyimlnalum. If youi

II; i- NINI'-'ic will tell von so , if you car ; I IK. UP h e i'l do • if not, IK

v - ' ! !l oi.- .. ii .• il • !! (c i jtud how lonj * • • <:.e fVnhaHuin.

- • ^ ••U«D IO ;I!! TA-ES needing them. ' ••II'K-.' RVCU to.Rectal, Uterine


G R A N D R A P I D S . NK K A T H B U N H O U S E . U R S T MO>

DAY O F E A C H MONTH. ($?ni6 — j . - .•

R A P f t ' ^

JjSXABI.lSBBD, 1870.

' '•out;IT -RI-f r f hcth sore- and all A?f-s, si u. 8VLiS READY FOR SERVICE. 4

• ih.-.'. u yoang iVain, not akin, for foundatlor trelgiil < -•.I.IAU-S :,'iven. Calves shipiw

•u: or short i n-ys i,y . sprees In good shape ' atabgues and pile-, fcunt on application l i'-.-'.-e Ftste age. sex and number desired, d iJM nd b-e my herd.

'J. L SWEET, JJrv ader and Importer, ' wn this P.--per. ] Grand Kapids , Mich.

Detroi t , G dHavco&Milnukee i t I T I . W A Y


In -'ITect (Jet. 3, IBW.


EAST-I Dnlroit r.stfeexb 7 la * •. 0 •niroug'. Mall. - 11 10 a »

Id M.'.ed y0 r •HUNG H'EKT

1 Momlny Kxprese UHUp * • l^. jagl. • VlghtH AUrnnil i f . i u ii Mtsed f g ; ;

f i r j -iokei* uiall prlnciuui jx^nts Ea-i for sule at the IV,mpany'» Offit*. I owell.

Nos.. an if ill run daily other t. .ilu' lain Sunday exc-|. |«l " A O. rEYOLAUKF. W. E.IMVI8.

UUTMIJ Aar-j. L (fee. A l f , L

• CMeHg- HI

V '-z ir. tiie way a b o r e and a poor blanket loon U the end of v. inter.

Why is it that of two horse blankets which look ?.ncl f ed equally well one won 't wear at all, and the other wears well ?

This Trade Mark_ shows why.

Horse Blankets w h i c h arc strong and have a reputation are always i m i t a t e d in poor q u a l i t i e s w h i c h

look like them, but having fewer warp threads are not as strong.

Some dealers buy these poor imitations for a few ccnts less and by saying they are " jus t as good," se l l t h e m a t t i e same p r i c e a s t h e

strong blankets to parties who do not know the difference.

You cannot toll whether horse b l a n k e t s are s t r o n g b y t h e l o o k

or feel, as the warp threads do not show on the face. H o w then are you to know?

IN order that you Can tell a strong blanket from a weak one,the manu-facturer of 5^ Horse Blankets sews the above 5^ Trade Mark inside of each blanket. This is a guarantee that it is the strongest blanket made for the money and will wear well.

M my poor imitations have been sold as SJ blankets. Remember none are genuine unless the

Trade Mark is sewed inside.


Cloth & Cold Binding: l i t SUrf Batrafif,


In nse 30 Tcar«.-Special PwserlpUoai of nintmt Pfljaicdan. Simple, foils and Sure. sn aminent

»oa. CUBCS.

Ji i] *•> •m •n •ZH 29 30 -'If


Perm, Contest ion. InflamBAUoBS. - .ii Worms, WfamFwsr. WonaCoMo... .So

; |S D^seuier^CripinK. Bilious Colic....

Coughs. Co; lorbns, yoauunf. .J, BR* frocchitis.


r j i n |i>- OJHL

H O !

Whiles, too F/ofnse ; -- —. Croup. ConKb, Difficult Brsstblns., Iralt Rheum. Erjuipclu, Eruptioaj. .: HhenmalUin. Boenmstlo Pains I I'ercr and Asue. Chills. Malaria..... Piles, Blind or Bieeding..


13, .23.

I 3

13 ! 3


O M E O P A T H I C 7?MBRRB!TCM«OR»5RONIE!TDLNSD3R Whouplns Conch. Violent Cooctas.. Asthma. Opprssaed " — Ear liltcharges. In


J J General Deblltfy,PM"lc4iWeakM^ .J"

^ % V e ^ f e RO R » U D I - . I o

ierTonsltttebnfty, * e ^ , • . nws, or InToIunUry Discharses,.. 1«2«

Srire Month. Caahsr." ...••••x :•••' *ff

: . f

. t . : I " — • - • .

S P E C I F I C T T Sold b* DraggitU. or Mut port paid on rssiipl ol

jrjw—HrsrnRsii' iKUtiiieca j s t r trBitciSi.LT.

H U M P H R E Y S '


I Dogs, Hogs, Poultry. J .TOO PAGE BOOK OB Treat. ,

of Anlmnle and Char t Hrat Pres .

r j -h r s fT Hed. Co.. 109 fulton •: v

NO CURE NO PAY I A Fair and Baaa re Offer t o Inva l id* to try

The N e w Method TreaUnant By which oursuccess lncnnngcl i ronlcdl iea-see and defonnities has been so uniform, t l ia t we will now guara utoe to treat bad or reputed Incurable cjises, for a stlpnlnted price iihttl cured, and In ease of failure to refund all t ho

*.1 , IXC V,« 'liOIII list I' /11 U I 11 ^ free. Take nochaiice—pay no money toadoc-tor. unless lie has oonndenee enough In his fiklll to guarantee a cure. K o m a l l e r w h a i t l i e name or nature of yourdiaeaae may be,call on orwrl le to us,,complexion and symptoms. Bend st-imps to prepay postage «n Ine NEW METHOD CURB hooks.

Part I. contains W pages, over 200 lllnslratlons. symptoms of diseases aud reports of over 10'M cures; Prescriptions for the cure of acete diseases bv Allopktblc, lioui'j'oimtblc and Eclectic reaut-

± : » I F I R W « ,M ' A 3 , 2 S S < S W

two-cent stamps, or^OeenU In sliver. Part II, private Information for meosndbors.

yount or o.d. mailed sealed In plain envelope on receipt o'ttwo-oent stamps, or lOoents In silver, .Par t III. InfonnaUon and Instructions for La-dles, married cr cicglc, M colond Sliest re tier!! symptomt. advice and reports of cores; maUed »o ladies only, sealed In plain en velopeon receiptofa two-cent stampi orlo oents In silver. Tbatbree books will be mailed for 2S tu-u-cent stamps, or S3 cents In silver, or will hi tlven free at

Tbe OfflcesofThe Ors. K & Iff-ggeni. el Iht 156 Grlswold HL, Detroit, Miciuof atlOSl Bt.,Clnrliiiiati,0. All leltersmoiit beadd sed to Or. J. C. Kenned,. Hall's Bieek; IhSttt *

We have cured luyallds In all parta ol the w« through

Lflwell & Histiags Railway.

T I M K T A B U S !


10:50 a. M. 4;«) p. M. 'j-.UOv.u

7:*) A. u. TRAINS LEAVE.

12:40 p. JI. 4:90 P.M.

P A I N T •r mint roir k u n o iMoi r mmm i I'aiiit I-ridjr. run It l» Church Sunday. J FuslilbiiaUle SludosS LUtk, Maroon, Vfrmuiw, C-M. QHn Lake, Ereinttr AND WJM Cfecfli. No VuvhUmg ntctmnry. MM tmrd • lUi » -.klafc- Unt Cot and Job it dene.

Y O U R B U G G Y Tip FOP for Cliilrt. LI>M«C«FC Sun. HAWRT ROTV II ih/ Cirru-EI, Curtain IWRT. I unihuic, J font fetorr-frastt, S rem I'oorv lkai%. MM l-t, Jr,ii ftturv 11 lacl e» rytJuwf. lou the tlMii (ot Um lo uac »Uut tU hmuc


COITS HONEST Arf yov tyiaz 'o pilot thii y«ar* If so, do nt uujr a paiat Wmtallttlg *»'« Of benefnr wlim lur tho wme monr* (c* utarlrko) you can procure lOlTJMOU Pt ufc FAlhT tliat UwtrruUi Ic beaa UOILST, CKIt lie l.t SEUMHJ, flL'.T and t ree from » a t o a n d bendoa. JFCH BRAUD .AD ITU otUrr. MeidauitS handllne it ara oar urcott and auiliorlicd c — *

i l i la MeichanU handUne r-D br us. In uritlnj,

I I JIM Stylet aied ET tbe IU$t now Uccutng

ta varraBlll to WEAR i UillS i vr.AIIS «ua • torn , our

una ngrvt u. TIul lo the tdte b tafficleat


Paict that

lirir: RETI cttr XLJTT XS SOTITE to


Local Business Items.

A r t i f i r h l ^ R E R T H W I T H 0 U J A

n i l l l l v l a I P|ATE. IHE lutenl anil IK'SI method . J Harriwni Rickert.

D i p l / p r t ' e R . O L D F I L L I N G S S T A Y n i l / N C i l o i h e v are placetl.

The be»t shod and best looklmr men nnd women In town a r e those who buy t he i r foo t wear at Hobertaon <£ Son's

M « B P Y O U K H E N S LAY. G R O U N D IT!DISC N N (J nyslor sliells at Ye i te i & Look's.

CAP QOLA —Soveral choice farms IO-r O l O d l C i J N Xeene , Yergen-n«FL. Bowne and Boston . AUC several houaes and Iota In the village of Lowell . Can Buit all classes of customen*. For further particulars Inquire at t h e office of S . P . H I C K S , 2tf over West & Co 's drujc HT<"'RE.

f i r R i r k p r t EXTRACTS T E E T H U I . N I L / ^ L L PAINIEWJIY, W I L H HIB

new Dental Electric Vibrator, w i t h o u t the use of chloroform , ether, gas or oth-er ana» ihe t i c s .

Side-lace Dongola Shoes at Robersoo A Son's.

A I V - Now

R N P - l a r A ^ R M S A N D E L E C T R I -UUGIAI of evf ry d r sc r i p t ion , door-bell^, PUHH-BATVNH. pulls, unnunciatory, magnets, mol ica l ba t te r -ies, motors &c. &c. J . H. RICKEBT.

CNFPPP 30 C E N T S WILL7 B U Y T H E V U . i C C i JJPGJ coffee in town—Honey Bee—at Bergin'U grocery .

U N R C A GOOD W O R K I I O R S E FOR n u i OCI ^IG C | , E A p FOR CASB, OR w i l l trade for two M'.lch cows


Hand turne.I OouKoia Shoes at Kobennou & Bon'n.

, T H A T W E H A V E W A T E R wc rkH the force obtained t he r e f rom

can be uti l ized for r u n n i n g var ious k inds of m a c h i n e s , AS jewelern ' lallies, SEWIFW macbinep, coffee mil ls &c . AIHO print lug PIE«»FM. hand rope elevatora. electric l ight dynamos &c. J . H . Rickert sells water motors f >r al l t he above purpos- S. They can bo attached to t h e w a t e r pipe anywhere .

LLCP R I C K E R L ' S E N G L I S H DEN-U A C talia for preserving and beautify-i n g the teeth and gums . Satisfaction in ia ran teed . A t Ricnert 's Den t a l Far-lots or Yeiter and Look s Drug Store.

FOR SALE, or money rent, a desirable

Farm of about 150 acres, within 2 I miles

of Lowell . Good buildings a n d land

well watered. Enquire of 8 . P . Hicks .

, Springstyles in Shoes at Robertson & Sons.

F l p r t r i n L I A H T L I ( I ? T -L I cul l IV/ PRIVATE plants of mcandeb-cent l ight placed in stores or res idences

tsonably at reasonably low cost .

v | y J . H . RICKERT.

C O R M FOR SALE.—^0 A C R E S . 65 R A R M improved , fair bui ldings, 1,000 bearing peach trees, well Price $2,000. on easy t e rms ^ north from Lowell . ADDRE^ G . T. Heath , Lowell . Mich. Box4J«.

DRRTN-RN I » A L L C O L O R S FOR Bronze p - i n t m K on w * * . Port elan.. M e u l , S d k . PAIER, Velvet e tc . , a t Ye i te r A l x H i k s , Union Block

DIUG Store .

"WA—INST (-IT OEONTE must buy and we must be


nnnt\ - H O U S E A N D 8 L O T S F O R

U 0 0 0 , s a l e cheap. House contains .1 rooms . D. E. SPKIX(L_

C N R Q A L U - A F A R M O F 3 5 A C R E S . hOrbale.ONE niile north of L/iweil Postoff ice; good House and Barn , g'H>d well and cittern , all in 1 * ^ .

(87if) J . G. P O S T ^

Keep your credit g«od at our store by VVf - i e * * Eobertaoo & Son. tf'r,


< > I F

r . F I R E A L A R M S A R E Electric efficient and desirable in mills , factories and a l l ^RGER BU^DMGS. g i v i n g notice instontly LUJHAT ' the building the fire is

Who wants t o bay a h o m e FLND

cheap? I offer mine for t n e nex t 30 d a T s at a bargain House contain SFHT rooms , IN goo-L c o n d m u n . Good cellar, weU, cistern and barn. Will exchange for a smal l farm

(38tf) H . C. I ALMER


Oh . no . I can't be your HUSLMND, Sae . H e said, as ho gent ly kissed he r ,

But I WILL be a brother to y o u . For I ' m ^OIUG to mar ry y u u r slater.

Register Saturday. Is Lowell to have a Fa i r this fall ?

T h e present t e r m of school closes to-

day . Tbemometer a lmos t to r e r o again

y e i t e r d a y m o r n i n g .

C, R. Hine and wife r e tu rned f rom their KA'"""* visit LAST f l iurMlay.

A pho tographer , the bes t ever in Lowell , is t o Be here abou t t h e hivt ol

May . ( 8 L T 0

Both Township and Village -. t ion Boards sit S a t u r d i y , at t b e town

• Cierk 's officw.

Decora t ion Day will soon be here, and - you should begin to think a b o u t but l fy-, l a g y o o r cemetery lot.

E . 8 . Griswold has sold h i - bouse and . lot near the Furniture Factory , to E L Jones . Mr . O. e ipecta to leave town.

O . W . Hatch will go to Clarks . ille in A few weeks and open A general store there. Here 's hoping h i m abundant aoeea t s .

Warren Ford and fami ly started for Groton Dak . , tne first of tue week , •rhttre they wcpect to in ke the i r h o m e In tbe future.

A m o i B o w n . of Love 'L WHO has be»n suffering f r o m droi^ical • n f f u s i o of the bea i t f u r t h e PART t « o weeks, ii- gainn g rapidly.

P^TA, of the S i r a i a : Local , has been elected Marsh d of his town. « H U billie and pape r o i m h i n e d . he ought to keep the burg under subjection .

MRS. J . O ' H e i o n is i n Chicago ib i s week tr imming j iat terns. and w i l l re-turn r e x t week w i th a large stock ol millinery aud novelties In the latest styles.

Miss L ibb i - Wiisou, whi le d r iv ing io town M <ndav, F«OU' Allv-rt JIOK^O'IS place, was run ..^. TY with and t h r o w n from the carnage, s u s t a in ing severa l severe but not dangerous bruiees.

A t their meeting last Thursd-iy nigh I h e Bus ness men voted W adojit stand ard time in their several pbices of LUBI-aees , and also to USE ibe i r Inf luence toward having it shopted by iht. schools «•*<* eliyr<-.h«B, Ajui 'n.

AL Qt. FieldV m m s l n d s who p layed i n Train 's Opera House Sa tur . lav even-ing , were all that anyone could wish M that l ine , Th» y d id every t hing they ail Tertieed, and in splendid - d u p e . F i e l d won ' t lack fo r an a u d i e n c e whenever LIE may advertise to play in Lowell.

W , D. Weekes returns to Dakota th is week.

Char les Will IS lo have a bouse bui t on t he S. & S. mld i t ' on .

The Vergennes W. C. T. U. will meet w i th Mrs. John Fox , Mnrch 211.

Now -K the t ime ro mflke improve-men t s i n and about the cemetery .

Bi jou Comedy Company M Tia in 's Opera House, Mond iy and Tuewlay evenings.

The boom is on for LoWell; nuree it ca re fu l ly and ke.'|I it w a r m : don t let it <lie i n IIS infancy .

F r a n k Robinson ami wife, of G r a n d Haven , are vis i t ing a t F . D. Stocking 's ami L. J . Robinson's.

W . H . Brazee, ATA'e edi tor of t h e Te leg iam-Hera ld , leil and dislocated his shoulder , Monday night .

The j u ry said Wednesday that Elder Paine .of L'e.lar Spr ings , mus t pay I^ENA Messik $1000 for s educ ing her.

T h e L o w e l l Milling C o . is s h i p p i n g i n heat from the West The local de-

mand is g rea ter than t h e supply.

Rev. H. W . Powell w i l l preach in the school house, in d istr ict No. 2, n e x t Sunday afternoon , a t 2:30 o 'clock.

Hooker Chapter Royal Arch Masons has purchased n e w robes, at a cost of |25U. . j i d p'.oo new swords , cos t ing | 3 0 .

Frank Fox, who has been in Dakota several \ ears, has sold o u t and will re-tu rn to I »we l l , w i t h his f ami ly , in a abort time.

The Congregat ional ladies w i l l hold a sugar social a t the Davis House. Wed nestlay evening, March 28th. Every-body come.

T h e B e l d i n g re f r ige ra to r company is m . les behind its o rder* and is ahout lo enlarge its work so as to employ 300 more men .

J . C. West , wife and d a u g h t e r Bessie, have r e turned f rom Cali fornia . Ben thinks.tnere i« no place like San Diego, and w i l l r e m a i n .

C. L. Pursonj, of So. Boiton, w h o has been hav ing a hard r u n of l u n g f eve r , WAE i u town Saturday for the Hrst t ime since Chriotinas.

As soon as (he Lua-dng-Grand Rapids b r a n c h is comple ted , the D., L. & N w i l l

r u n 10 pasnenger t r a in s daily Ijetween Detroit and Lans ing .

D r y goods and clothing merchants! why don ' t you tel l ihe people abou t those new spr ing goods you have j u s t been ge t t i ng on y o u r shelves 'F

M a r r i e d , - A t the Congregat ional par-sonage. Tuesday , March 20th, by Rev. J . T Husted , Mr. Fredrick Wingier and Miss SIA.J Ann Blaser, Both ot Ver-ge tines.

W h y w i l l Lowell people persist iu be-ing behii d her sjster towns in a d o p t i n g standard t ime? Let t h e schools and churches lead out and the t h i n g is prac-t ically done.

Lynne Adrian has begun work at t h e f o u n d r y , a n d is n o w In shape to J i i l all orders for casting, repairs, &c , proper ly be lovg tng t-I his business. Farmers g ive him a t r ial .

Congressman Ford's bill m a k i n g G r a n d Rapids a P'RT of en t ry pa-sed the House, and w i l l p rob tb ly PASS the S.*I.» HIE. Mr Ford and t h e c r a n d Raphis people are jub i lant .

Marr ied.—March 14th. 188^, by the Rev. H. W. Powel l , a t th« B-tptist par-s-mage. Mr. Geo B Fairchi l L, of Cas ca ' le t p , a n d Miss Marion K e n t , of Lowell. Our bes t wishes a t t e n d .

Has t ings people will g ive $10,000 bonus and t h u s secure the Lowell & Has t ings Rai lway . If they cannot ••arry a vote t o raise the amount by tax-a t ion , i t will be raised by subsci ipt ion.

The Ladies A'd Society of t h e M. E. church will hold a wa rm sugar social, on F r iday evening. March 23, in t he bui ld ing th ree doors east of Mrs. Hiler'S mi l l iner store. Ail a re cordial ly i n v i t -ed.

The G r a n d Rapids Chai r Co. I n v e a lot of logs banked on Grand River .

The democratic s t a t e c m v e m i o n to elect de ELATES ro TH" national conven-t ion. «ill L-e he ld in HNI'tman's Hall , G i a n d Rapids, May lOlh.

John T. Rich, ra i l road commiss ioner . Mechanical Eng inee r Conger and a sur-veyor h a v e gom- to i h e crossing .it Ack-er Junction and will see if they can li G u r . - o u t how a c r o - s m g can be ellect- d wi thou t a l igln.

Iucubatur for MULE.

A lamp h e a t w a t e r I ncuba to r of 3150 egtts capacity , in periecji ordpr, fo r sale a i A liargain Inquire at tiio s tore of D. Weaver. Lowell . ' -fJtf)

1 had a R^VER.- a l ' a c k of c a t a r r h over a year AGO a n d Ijecame so tle.if I could n o t hear common conversa t ion . I suffered IT-rribly t rom r o a r i n g in my hea l. 1 procured a bottle " f Ely 's Cream Balm and i n thre.- we< ks could hear as well as I ever could, and NOW 1

The fire department ' s new Hose Wag- chee r fu l ly say lo all who are afllict-on IS finished, and is a model of use- with t h e U T.r.l of D^ASES. catarrh and fulness a n d I x a u t v . It will cary 1.000 • ' ""^ . •S- TAKE ONE l o t t l e of Ely ^ Cream

I t is wor th *1 <'0 w o m a n o r c h i l d

from" catarrh .—A. E New-man, Gn ty l ing , Campbe l l Co., Mich .

feet of hose, and is providt d w i th apa r t - T 5 A 1 " ' ; 1 " 1 " " cured, meiits for the hose a t i a c h m e n t s and PER poi i le to any man , coats of t h e firemen. I ts we .ghl is "ULB RING only 750 pounds, a n d ye t i t i s of g r ea t strength and durainlity. E i r l Avery made t h e IMIX. ami t i ie pa in t ing und le t te r ing , which is very line, i- t he handi-work of Homer Avery . The r u n n i n g gear was purcliased ready made.

The W . C. T. U . will hold a meeting at the Bakery, Friday a l t e rnoon of next week, a t 4:15, a t w h i c h time a 15 min-ute reading on " A l a BO at ine' will BE giv-en. T h e W. C, T. U. will be paid 5 eta.

SCROFCLA, dyspepfiia, g o u t and e rys ip elas o r a n y of the diseases a r i s ing f r o m an enfeebled condi t ion of t h e system, can he e f fec tua l ly c u r e d by t h e great blood pur i f i e r , Hibbard 's Rheunnt i c S y r u p .

(JOOD EVENING. MR S JENNIE; I ara very much pleased a t see ing you here. You sang beautifully . I understood

for each adult listem-r. w h e t h e r .I mem- yes te rday tha t you could take no part b e r o r n o t . T u r n IML. everybody , anil in i he exercises on account of a severe learn something w h i c h w i l l BE to vour col l. Wel l . I did no t expec t to . bu t a d v a n t a g e , and gfve the W C, T. U a m a m a UOT m e a bo t t l e of Hibhard 's benelit The m o v e m e n t I r e commend-ed by t h e S la te Pres ident a n d Correb-pond ing Secretary of W. C. T, U.

The re has not been a mee t i ng in this t o w n in the piist t h r e e or four years b u t w h a t those a t t e n d i n g would be a r r iv ing for half an hour part going hy O..e YHVY are a positive cure for DYSP^IA, ti ne. aud par t by t h e other . Ihe meet- D , / 8 T | O N I Flatulency and Const-pal'.. • i ng in comequen e could not IWGIN u n - N M N T T * them. 25 nnd W cent-• al tl«.. I < > n sakj aa- r <a raMk.Alit Flit

Throa t and L u n g Balsam , and i t helped me a t once. T h a t is so, I hear it spoken of in great praise,

•~-F/ XVC\\V W O U ! D O JOY YWR dinnoi * } W and are prevented by DYA-

la, use Acker's Dyspepsia Tabs

til t he last ones were present. coming first would ge l t l isgusied and tired of wai t ing . Now , w h e r e in com-mon sense, is there any reason for longer continuing in this loose way? Juo t change your clo- ki . you who ^RE going by old t ime , and ihe HWFUL t h i n g is done,

Ouns for Sale. R. I). .Stocking has four f irst c lass

breach-loading g u n s , all in |)erfect order , wh ich he will sell cheap . A chance fo r g e m i i n e bargains.

Union Cuncua.

A Union Township Caucus will I-* hWJ In Train's Opera House, Friday. Mnrch JlOth. is<8. at So. m . for tiie purpose of nominating oftlrs-rs

YEITER & LOOK. Druggis t . Uiwel l .

H a v e you »TOT Connumpl ion , Asthma , Sore Throat. Broiichlai Trouble . Dysji-S-sia. Nervous Prostration or any Chronic Troubles? IF so, send a postal to Drs. S ta rkey and Palen . 1527 and 1529 Arch ST . Philadelpha . Pa . , and they will send you a 200 page book free. (80wI2)

(JOOD. MORNINO MOTHER: how do you feel th i s morning? Oh, 1 a m ever PO much bet ter . T h a t cough and s-ire-ness of my lungs has en t i re ly left me. I got a bo t t l e of Hibbard 's Throat and L u n g Balaam, and M twenty - four hours I WAS well .

at 2 U. M , for tiie purpose '.f nominating omts-rs , . THRFYIS ne for »he cotninif town>hip election, and to trans- V , any IH.oa. or act any other business which may cotnij before Lung Disease. If you rave the meeting. Bv OBUCB of CoantTTae. a Cough or Cold, or tlio children are

VergenDes Kep ibllcan Caucus.

The Republicans of Vargennes are reqestetl to meet at Keech's Store, in Alton, on Friday. Mnrch .'Xtih. I*M. al t o'clocli p. m . for the pur-pose of nominating Township OflUvre. and to transact any other bu-iness tbat may properl) come the meetloK

By order o ' Com. O H. UoDFnKY. Ghaimmn

Mrs. Eliza Bancroft o p e n i her to the Y

house oung Peo


threatened v/lth Croup or Whooping Cough, NH3 Acker's Esgl isb Remedy and prevent further trouble. It Js a positive cure, ond we guarantee it . I ricc 10 and COc

Y E I T E R <FE IXIOK. Druggts te . I/ .well .

D O N T D E S P A I R .

I f yon a re w e e k and weary from S ' -cal fed c h r o n i c tlisease, don ' t give up. S u l p h u r Bit ters ha-T riven hope to many I tepnbl l rau Caueas.

The republ ican volersof Lowell Town- it.valitls. where h i therto t he re was noth sh ip are hereby req-iested t o meet in ' ' - J — ' • — — caucus , a t Music Hall, on Thursday afternoon , March 29ih. 1888. a* 2 o 'clock , to n o m i n a t e c a s d i d a l e s f«»r townsh ip officers and t r a n s a c t any o t h ^ r business t h a t may I j e jToper lv b rough t Itefore t h e mee t iug . BY ORDER OF COMMITTEE.

(37 A 2.)

i ng bu t despai r It w i l l build tip and renew your whole s y s t e m . — t d i t o r Weekly Americtn.


Read these let ters , I have hundreds

more l ike ( h e m :

VLCKSBURO. Mich . . May 17. IH84.

H G. COLEMAN. Chemist :

I a m glad to speak a good word for

y o u r Petroleum Ba lm. I have had Catarrh for twenty years . II had be-

that I could no longer

Yours t ru ly . C. E. BAILEV.

n e x t Fr iday even ing pie's League of the Lowell Baptist Church, to the i r f r iends , and to any one w h o wants a dish of warm sugar . Does t h a t mean you.

The annual m e e t i n g of t h e W. C. T. U, will be held wi th Mrs. W , Cox, Fri-day March 30, a t 2:30 p. m . AS th i s is t he mee t ing fo r election of officers for c o m i n g year , al l members of the. union are requested to be present. SEC.

S. Annls has a hen 9 y e a r s old in April. I t is said t h a t hens g r o w too old to lay, b u t tb;B h e n don ' t t h i n k so, and l ays regular ly t w i c e a week through t h e summer . Mr Anms showed an egg which measu red 6I x 8I laid by this hen ,

M ss Nettie Wilson WAS given a sur-prise par ty Monday evening, t h e occas-ion beiug her b i n h d a y . The evening was very enjoyably spent w i th music , danc ing trnd c a r d s The company pre-sented Ne t l i t w i t h a >ery fine pa t en t rocker A< a t oken of their ps teem.

Lowell Markets Thursday morn ing . Butter 20c. T-ggs, 11C. Dress-d P o r k 0 00 D u c k s 9c. Potatoes, 70 to 73c. Oa ts to 35C Corn 00, Clover Seed choice 3.05. pr ime 3.85. Onions 9Uc a n d 1.00. Barley 1.30 to 1.35. Chickens 8 to 9c, W h e a t , red 76. whi te70 . B»ef 5,00TO5.50. Hides, green 5c. Turkeys , 9 & 10c.

The latest deve lopment i n t he CL'jy case is a wrii of o e r u o i a n issued by Jus-tice Sherwood, whereby all proceedings are brought to a standstill un t i l t he Su-preme Court has passed upon t h e mat -t e r I t begins to look as t h o u g h tne county w i l l be cursed w i lh Clay 's pre sence unt i l his term of office exp i r «.

I h e B i jou Comedy Company will hold the boards at Train 's 0 |»era House , Monday aud Tuesday even ings . The company has flattering not ices f rom many of our exchang'-S. Monday even-ing they wil l present L a d y A u d ley's Secret Each performance closes wi th some popular Irish or E t h i o p e a n S k e i c h .

Rosa Demund , of Hastings, disappear-ed one night last week, l eav ing a note at Byron Tv cklnsot. 's where she worked, t h a i she would be found dead i n t he river. She was lound Monday n igh t wande r ing alaiut i n the s u b u r b s of the town , in a demented condi t ion . Sli>' had I-een s l ightly unbalanced fc r some t ime . •

Ferdinand Pope, of Detroit , tried TO b .ard the 11 O clock train on tin* D.. G U. & M. a t the Rapids, Sa tucday morning , after i t h i d startod , and slipp ing . fell under t h e train. His head wa-T run over aud crushed an a rm broken

' • ' • .b »d,v o t h e r w i s e ' m a u g u t l . ki i l-.JG h i m instantly . He was one of THE proprietois of tho MIT higan J o u r n a l aud Herald, a German p iper published NT Milwaukee.

Active steps a re being t a k e n to organ-HE a Building and Loan Associaiiou in this place The success BO far m e t w i t h leaves but l i t t le doubt t h a t such a cor-poration will be formed and in active •jperation ins ide of a m o n t h . We be-lieve i t w i l l be a grand good th ing for t he t own , aud should receive t h e hear ty co-operation of a l l For f u l l par t icu lar^ see Chas. Quick , who is loaded to ( h e muzzle wi th etatintics regarding such associations .

i t ee l s t ra t ion Notice.

Tin- board of regis t rat ion of the vil-lage of Lowell, K e n t county , Mich . , will mee t HT the office ol the Townsh ip Clerk in said vi l lage Saturday . March 31st. 1888, for t h e purpose of r eg i s t e r ing t h e j COM® so ba I names of qualified voters of said v i l - : K M BJ I C A | L D AT T |RNW , J laue. TJ. A. HUSDERLIN, . . U . . . 1

(37w3) Recorde r . ! t h a t it would destroy my voice ent i re ly . ! I used many c a t a r r h cu res wi th no

KeulHtration Notice. ' b e n e f i t . Unc of your samples gave me

To the E lec to r s of Lowell Townsh ip . , g r , i l t 1

r * ' l ' , f ' u r ' d : l ' i , c ! - , x 1 , a 3 r " a ( ^ " i e

Not ice is he reby given, t h a t the Board ' ^ a n i ; w 1 " a n -of Regis t ra t ion for t he Townsh ip of Lowell , will be in sessi« n a t the Town j L A T E R R E P O R T . C l e r k s office, on S A T U R D A Y , MARCH 1 PLANO. HI., September 17th, 1887. 31, 1H88, f rom n i ne o;cIock iu the fore-I Y . G. COLEMAN. Kalamazoo . Mich : n<x>n u n t i l 5 o 'clock in t h e afternoon , | W h e n I l i v e d at Vicksbt i rg I used for tiie purpose of regis ter ing 'BE 1 POME of your c a t a r r h o i n t m e n t , Pet ro-names of al l s u c h persons as shall be H-UM Balm you cal led i t ' I t cured me possessed of t ! ie necessary quai ihcat :ons , AND YTGI us« l my name in y o u r circu-of electors. F D EDDY, : | A R S 1 fu rn i shed some persons here

(28W2 Town Clerk, 1 WJIH it who desire more. If y o u think best I t h ink I can make a r r a n g e m e n t s wi th a d ruggis t here U- sell it lor you I t h ink it really valuable. I am cured and do not need IT for myself

Yours t r u l y . C. E. BAILEY, U t o r n e y .

N, P. —L'nt i l Mav Ist. "88. I will send

Dissolution Not l fe .

Notice is hereby given that t h e F a i t -ne r sh ip heretofore ex i s t i ng be tween J a m e s H e n r y a n d D. M. Skidmore in | t h e general store a t Alto, Mich . , is t h i s '

z nr/ vx carried on by the ^ I D D. M. S k i d m o r e j " • 0 - COLEMAN. Kalamazuo , Mich, a lone, v. ho will receive and pay all debts of t h e la te copar tnersh ip . All part ies indebted 10 t he la e firm will set-t l e wi th I). M, Skik tnore . Da ted this 14th dav of Feb , 1888. (27 W3) D. M. SKIDMORE.


T e a c h e r s ' Examinat ion*

E x a m i n a t i o n of Teachers for t he pub-lic SOUNDS of Kent Co , fo r the Spring ol 1888. will b«' hehl in tne Supervisors room, Grand Rapids, as fol lows: March 1, March 30, Apr i l 27.

Applicants f o r First a n d SecOi d Grade Cert i l icates a r e requested to attend Ex-aminat ion March 1.

F o r a T h i r d Grade Cer t i f ica te an ave rage s t a n d i n g of 85 per cent is re-qu i t ed . a n d a fa i lure t o reach 90 per cen t . 111 a n y o n e subject is a f a i lu re to pass .

Bv order of Co. B'd of School E x a m -iners ELGENE A. CARPENTER,

Secre ta ry

• ^ T X V V X O T T that are f r e t fu l , peevish, cross, or troubled with

Windy Colic, Teethlug Pains, or Stomach Disorders, can be relieved at once by using Acker's Baby Soother. I t contains no Opium or Morphine, hence is safe. PHce 25 ccnts. Sold by

YEITER & LOOK, Druggis ts , Lowell.

The peculiar p u r i f y i n g ami bu i ld ing u p powers of Hood 's S a r s a p i n l l a make i t the verv best medicine to ia!te a t this

Dr . W. B. Squire , a p r o m i n e n t and well known physic inn of Wortbington. Ind., i n writing to Dr . White , says: " I have sold your P u l m o n a r i a and Damle-Iion in my drugstore foi s ix years, and I have never known them to fail do ing a l l that is promised of them. The Pul-monaria is a specific for Whooping C o u g h . I have practiced medicine fo r more IHAFI twenty t h e years , and bave i r ied all the usual remedies for this disease, w i thou t success. I have r e c -onnnended the P u l m o n a r i a in mere than one hundred cases of Whooping Cough, and i t has a lways cured . Last J a n u a r y my own child was attacked

vitlnffo nn TnetwIiv Anril 'h«l IfchS f o r ! w ' t h ^ h o o p i n g Cough , and became vil lage, on f u e s d a . , Apr i l . Ji«l 18 8, for ^ f w W ( , r i . , i w . ! i r e o f w h a t

t he ourpoM; of e l ec t i ng t h e fo l lowing '. — -officers, v iz :

One P r e s i d e n t . " T rus t ee in pldbe of F. K ing . " Ass^'.-sor. " Treat-uf. r .


Char ie r Elect ion.

The Cha r t e r Election for t h e village of Lowell , K e n t Co. Mich., w i l l be held at »he store of Wm . B. Ricker t in «aid

the diff icul ty w as. W e a l once began the ues of t h e P u l m o n a r i a , N.fter wh ich she rested well al n igh t . He r cough became be t t e r a t once, and i n t w o weeks ' t ime she was ent irely cured . I

j could procure a scire of -cer t i f ica tes a s

The polls of said election will be open 1 N!>' O V R N ' IN FRTVOR O F Y O U R

between t h e hours of one and two ^ " " n o n a r i a . . J , Y J . I U , R &

oclock p . in. und continue op. n until | fiv ocltM-k p. M. and no longer. I • C ... R,

E A SUNDERLIN Warners W Cabin S a r s a p i n l l a Keg-' ' Record, r 'ot the vi l lage of L..we:I. ULAIES ti.e f l - g n l a ^ r . BE^J bloo.1 puri-

^ . Her—lar est b . t i les in the market I Manufai tured by p ronne tn r s tif Warn -1 e r ' r S i f u Cure. S l i d by all d rugg i s t s .


To the e lectors of LOU ell t o w n s h i p The annua l election of t ownsh ip offic rs of the township w i l l ocour on Monday. April 2. 1888. a t Train 's OPERA House. , , . , fo r ihe election of the fo l lowing o f f i c e r : d rngg i sU told you I am A grea t f r i end

A DRES3M Vivhi tS E X P E R I E N C E .

DEvR Slit:—AS Mr . H ln tn i t i , the


" T r e a s u r e r . •- J u s t i c e of the Peace ( ful l t e r m . ) " do (vAcanoy ) " Commissioner of H ighways . •' Drain Coniniissioner, " School Inspector . Four Constables . 3S Overseers of H i g h w a y s .

Tho ques t ion of bond ing the County for • 150.000 t-» bui IJ the Coun ty Cour t House w i l l al-SJ bo submi t t ed to t h e e lecio .s at t h e meet ing. F. D. EDDY.

(38w2) Town Clerk .

IHn kleu'N Anilcm Salve.

The B«-si SALVE in the world fo r cuts. Bruises, Sores. Ulcers . Suit Rheum, Fe-



W A T E R C O . would a n n o u n c e t h a t

ALL CONSUMERS who make-connec t ions wi th t he w a t e r

works w i t h o u t de lay will ho f n n s h -ed wi th

W a t e r F r e e U N T I L

J u l y 1 , A . D . ' 8 8 . (30wtf.)


O L A - I R K ; & W H S T E O ^ R ' S .


Wall Paper , Shades and Decorations, P a i n t s of all Kinds in S tandard Brands,

Brushes, Oils and Varnishes.

We do not. intend to be Beaten in Quality or Prices on any of the above

Lines of Goods, Remember That. A F L I I I L i n o of A R T I S T S M A T B J R I A I A S .

C L A R K & W I N E G A R , L O W E L L , M I C H I G A N .


Builders Hardware a Specialty, also Jobbe r s of

T i n , S h e e t I r o n a n d C o p p e r W a r e .

A F i n e L i n e o f G a s o l i n e S t o v e s .

Agen t s for J e w o t t - Celebrated Stoves and Ranges.

Call & Eiamine Before Bnj'og.

fr -

WJ^Y\ V''

HERE W E GO! Being unable to secure a gallery FOR an-

other yea r . I SHALL-



- ; t i / r '

Button. I^ce and Cnnarps!; Shoes. A.-k your r»-1==-—- taller for the-fAn EM MEANS S I SHOE o r t l e

.TAMES MEANS «:{ SHOE, according to your ' ne-<ls. i'osltlvely ti'-ne gpnuine unless our :-.iauip appears pliiini> on the soles. The

J A M E S M E A N S $ 4 S H O E

Will not v.eai-a-t loDtt as the

J A M E S M E A N S S 3 S H O E ,

li.-rnuce ii is niaile for men whose occupation Is such as lead tlietn !•> call for a lighter aait more •Jrexy sh «• than the .JAMES M f'ANS S3 SHOE. Our j ! fh-Ms litis rRMbiLshed for itself a permanent reputation for romforr and durability such as no ••ther shoe hu« ever known In the history of ihe traile So competitors ure able t.. approach if. The J a m e s Mean* 94Shoe is li(rht on'l stylish and it w as durable an any shoe of its weight eve., manufactured. We eonfideiitly assert that i;; ev.-ry vital resp. '-t th** J a m e s »le»ii«®4 rthoo la Wjual 10 tne ban.1 sewed fliues which have hlthert.. 1.1 en retailid ut JC <.r 37. it l.a* a Donic -la top an i •u calf vamp. It has a perfec:ly smooth IS.ttom in-i<le. It Ills like a sttickirg i.ud requir-es no " b r e a k l n e In," b-ioj;perfectly easy tun lirst time it Is worn.

James Means and Co s .Sh"e<; were the lirst in this coitntry to Is* extensively ad vert is.-rt if you have bt-en disappointed In other ailvertlsetl ^hoea. your ex|H-rieB<- otiplit lo teach you that it i.- -afer to buy *li'*s made t.y tbe leaders of a sv-ttm. rather than ibo>e nituie by the followers. The shoes are sold by the le—t retailers throughout the United Slat's, and we will place them easily within your reaeh. in any Slate or Territory, if jou will send us a |H>stal card.

•'rt. T'nl II' '• 'l-r- «ni.r «r» not ;«IV .r.i a'. , '• n, i In"-. lb*y h*"# l i " . ! . ! / • ' 1

irmk to diKM-t rr-rl-. llw •»"«• l-«I-r-l rgr-cf MTI Ib« Jtmr« >1 IT l!w f'—t In tl * wofll. Th« doef"C It. tni ItT' Ih't tl.« M-«ut|4Sho»l«brtiir. ^-»Uert«jUs.u.»uj of c* li,l limy in U-.artUU

J A M E S M E A N S & C O . , 4 1 L I N C O L N S T . , B O S T O N . M A S S .

Full lines of the above Shoes for sale by

HOWK k BOSTWICK, Sole Agents for Lowell, Michigafl.

To Close Out My Stock L W I L L M A K E

C4BIMTSrortiiil!/$2.00: F R H D O Z .


ITY O F WOKK. A l l W- rk w i l l be of First Q u a l i t y !

N . G . K I N G , Old G a l l e f j , C o r n e r E a s t o f B a n k .

U R P E E ' S S E E D S ! I W . A T L E E

FARM ANNUAL F0R188S Will 1<« FREE to all who wnte fcr it. It is a lUn-lxme Boos of lit pp.. with handrad.-iof illus-tntwna. Colored Elules. ted tells ail iboat tbe BEST (iAKUEN, KAIOI, and FLOWER id ViiMtbi* .Vrv ns.k*• - i iarden Topics. Itde-Balh-, PiuBts,siuli

•cribes It a r e NoTelfles In VEGETABLES icd fcwh Jof renl value, which csnnot bo obUioed -livwhere.

on a pmtal for tho raost complete Cataloftae pablltfaed, to

B U R P E E & C O P H i L A D E L F H I A t PA.

Salisiaciory Teas and Coffees

H A R D W A R E .

are those that

S U I T T H E P U R C H A S E R .

The Verdict of the Family at the


re^rdin? th- se jro;yds and whence they come Is a most important one.

W h e r e d id you ge t t h a i

Tea or Coffee? Onr experience wita Teas nnd Coffees ••ns-

bles us to

G u a r a n t e e S t i s f a c t i o n ,

or they may be returned aud money refundfd.

We Roast Our Own

C O F F E E S .

Please f a v o m i s w-itb y o u r orders .

Y O U R S V E R Y R E S P ' Y .

A . F I S H E R & C O .

o f v o u r r e i m d y . I bave USE I i t a l i n -

t e rva l s d u r i n g t he P-HL I'.' years I .

carr ied me safely i b r o u g h t he rii ical

jteno-L of change of life wi i inmt U HIII-

g l e s i rk DAY and i t «lid grea t iliingK foi

III-T in toanv ways. I a l w a y s r ecommend IL whe re I tee J.

CIIHE tha t needs it. It a l w a y s DOI> splendidly, often a>.-c<»ni|>liHhe« more l imn you have eve r c la imed fo r it, ami u iore ' tha i i a n y one wo ' i ld readily L>e-h e v e who d id not personal ly know t b e cases.

I now cons ider mysel t well , but 1 wi.rk nard a t my busineBS—tlrewnak ing—AMI w h e n I am tired and nervou-a atnall dose of Z-<a P h o r a quieia and

ver Sores , Tel ler . Clia|«|H.TL f l amls , Chil- RESTS me. I always have il in my

Are you especially interested in TBE purchase of H a r d w a r e th is season r If to we wish to call y o u r a t t en t ion to our stock w h i c h is comple te i n

Builders Hardware, Doors, Sash and Blinds; Farmers Supplies and Repairs usually kept; Deep Well and Cistern Pumps; Iron or Wood Tubing; Tin, Copper, Sheet Iron and P lumb-ing Work done in all their varied branches .



C H E A P E R Than Ever Before.

We t r u s t you w i l l not need l o g o in nny o t h e r town to be t t e r yourselves . WE g r a t e f u l l y t h a n k our pa t rons f o r pas t j a t r o n a g e and shall t ry to mer i t a c o n t m -uance of the same.

W . R . B L A I S D E L L & C O . L O W E L L . F E B R U A R Y 17, 1888,


I N M I C H I G A N .

New P i i e e List j u s t issued for Free Dist i ibut ion. Over 300 of the finest f a r m s in the S la t e fully descr ibed.

C I T A Colored map of Michigan , showing railroads, town-), citK-.v etc . , for 10 cents in s tauigs .

l i H O . W . S N O V E K ,


(4w) •



s r



1 blanic. C o r a s , and all Skin EruplioiiH. | and pos i t ive ly cu res Piles, or no pay re-j qu i red . I t is guaran teed to g ive per lec t j sal isf ju- t ion. or money r e f u n d e d . Prk-e i 25 cen t s j>e r Itox F o r sale by H u n t & [ H u n t e r (aep 10-y-l)

house. Y o u r s t r u l v . M R S M . M I Y C C H A N D I . B B

B ti t le Creek . Mich.. Feb'y 30, li<80 T o 11 G. Co leman . Secre tary .

N, B. It is equal ly good a l all l imes of life.

Funeral Direelors-

K U U . L I N E S O F A L L . G R A D E S O F



B A S K B L O C K . - L O W E L L , SUCH.

HERE'S A FACT. Robertson & Son h a v e a desirable l ine of Boots and Shots .

H E R E ' S AN OPINION. Rober t son & Son don' t lielieve they can be undersold . J H

HERE'S A PROMISE. Robertson & Son will mee t a n y honorable compet i to r .

HERE'S AN ADMISSION. Robertson & Son w a n t YOUR t r ade .


HERE'S A S T A T E M E N T . Robertson ifc Son will P R O V E It pay s to deal w i t h t h e m .

HERE'S AN EXPLANATION. Robertson & Son save for you in price and gam in qua l i ty .

HERE'S A G R A N D IDEA. r-g - T r y Roliertson & Sou J U S T ONCE w h e n y o u need a n y t h i n g in t he i r line. _ J U

HERE'S A MEMORANDA. Buy y o u r sp r ing goods of Robertson & Son ,nn(l see fo r yourse lves

if t he above s t a t e m e n t s a r e n o t t r u e . J t l



.IAS Wn.oos. U WBITNEV. JH . Special.



Having m a d e * erv la rge con t rac t s wi th bo th Amer ican a n d Fore ign m a n u f a c t -r.rers before t he sha'rp a d v a n c e s in J a n u a r y , w e are enahletl lo o l f e r t h e M e r c h a n t s of Michigan o u r goods a t t ho V E R Y L O W E S T M A R K E T P R I C E S , a m i m a n y goods a tTess than t he cost of m a n u f a t u r u a t t h e present t ime . a Our faci l i t ies fo r supp ly ing t he t r ade a r e unsurpassed . W e inv i te a 1 ersonal in-Pl»"otion of our s tock, ind solicit mail orders.

B U R N H A M , STOEPEL & CO, Detro i t . Mich, (Tlw2.)


Page 3: LOWELL Journal/1888/03_March/03-23-1888.pdf · in THIS studentSPACE NATIONAL AFFAIRS. WATCH FOR IT. Is this Your Picture ? TOTJ CA* HAVE TOUR PHOORAPH


GREAfREMEfflf T T O R I ^ A I K T .


Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica,

Lumbago, Backache, Headache, Tooth-

ache, Sore Throat. Swellings, feost-bitet, Sprains, Bruises, Ejrns, Scalds.


AWARDS FOR BEST I 'AIX-CURE. NewZcftlnn(lExhibllion—lS42—Cold Medal. CWoutU IntExhlbltlnn-lSSW-Oold Mvdnl. Dnclnnot!Jnd.Exhibitloii-'W-Sllvcr,Mc<>iil. California 6tale Fair—lb8i—iJoFd Modal. Loulaville 60. KxpoaiUou-lbiU-Gold Medul.

fold by DniggMt and Dtnlcrs Ereryvhae. The Cliarlea A. Vofrelep Co.. Itulto., MU

To Invalid and Wounded

S O L D I E R S ! The undcreicoed at tlifl request of many

Invalid .Soldiers, has qualified and Ifeen admitted to practice

in the

I n t e r i o r D e p a r t m e n t , and all the bureaus thereot and IR now

Readv to Pfosecute Claims, for those that may be entitled to PEN-



h»w moved his Paint Shop over John Uills' Carriage Shop, and is ready to do sll work in the line of

Buggy, Carriage and Wagon

P A I N T I N G ^ at reasonable figures to suit the times. All worit guaranteed to be of tho be«t. Call and get prices before going else-where.

A . B A R R .


Bus Line F O R E M A N & TALBOT, PROP'S.

Orders for Passengers or BaKRaRe left at Train's Hotel, Davis House or Foreman •£ Al-

diich's Market will receive prompt attention.




ll'ain and Inflamma-tion, Heals the

bores, niT.OHBS TH*

Sensex of Taste and Smell.

E V E R T R Y IHE CUftc C A T A l t U H

U a disease of the mucouH membrane, -nerall v originating in the nasal passages and maintain-ing its strong hold io the head. From this point it sends forth a poisonous virus into the stom ach and throuich the digestive organs, corrupt-ing tho blood and producing other troublesome and daneerous symptoms,

t ide is applied " Apartli : applied into each nootril and is agreeabK Price 50 cents at druggists: bv mall, registered,:M cents. ELY BK0THKR8,

835 Greenwich 8t., Nevr York.


I f SO A r o t i S t r e e t , PfaUad'a* P &


* PtUm, hu. im Artk Strai, PklUdilpkU, kin km uUf fcr tka laal MIUIMS jian, U • tttoaUSt adJnUiHl tl Ilu •bawaU «/ Ounn ud Kll/ofui migDOtllsd, ud U unpound b to nndtutd ud mdt ptrUblt tktt It ii M tU »ttr Ikt vsrtd.

Bn. 8TABIIT A PALM kttt tkt UWrtj U Nhr U tk* bllowlnf-atatd w(fl.katwa pancaa wko kait Iritd tktlr TruUatai • HOI. wa. D. UUXT, ItaWr of Ctatntt, PklUdtlpkU. UT. VICTOR U COSHAU, SdlUr oT Ut Latktru «k-

Mrrtr, Pklltdtlpklt. UV.'CUAKLBS nr. CCIHIXO, D. D, KttkMUr, I. T. BOB. WM, FUJI KUOX, Editor IaUr-Onu, Chlctf*, m. RKV.A.W. MOOU, BdllurTkoCmUatri, Luctaltr,S. C, W. H- W0KTU1SUT0X, Editor low Soalk, BliaUfkia. 111. Jl'OQK H. P. VEOOIAK, Qaottno, Ku. MiU. MAttt A. UYEUUOaE, lalroia, MtMlklMlt*, JIHUB B. S. TOOB'iEES, Haw Ttrk CU7, 1 • L L C . KKIUIIT, rklltdtlpkli. ' •B. rBAXK 8IDDALL, BtraLul, Pklltdilfkto. •01. W. ». SCULILEK, Eftop, Pi, KOITiU) L, WIUOI, US Drotdatj, 9. T, 14. PkC*.

PktUfrapkrro nDXUA B. LTOH, Walairt, BtwtU, StidirUk Uudt, AUXAKDBB HITCH IF, Inftntaat, SotUud. BBS. BAICU V. OBTEUA, Froailllo, EtulMia, Btxlt* BIB. XBBA COOJiU, llUlt, BptsJ-k fwdrrm, fcaM

Aatrlta. I. COBB, 0. S. VUo-Coanl, Cutblua, BorCHfc B. T. ASUBBOOK, Rrd BIdC, OL BBIIST TCBKER, XotUafhia, bglul . IAC0B WABD,, Rc. Soalk Wlltl.

i l i UtMUdi of tlkon U ut r j part af tko CaltadSUtM,

•oof l rom oxTon-iu Bed* tr acUsb ud ktkotlllaof 1 inr kroehnra of two knadrod pt<aa, pakllako4 kr Btv SUrkor * riU», .kick (Irat to til iBfalran Ml U* tematlra li U tkb rMtrktlili contlro ud a nmH •rttranl knadrod turprltlsj rarto la a «Wr nat* cf akrtito tarn Miny af Ikoa afltr Mag ahudaaed to die bj otkar tkjaltlua. Aba "COBPOCSD OXTflBB-lb OrifU Mi DttalopBUt," u laUrtaUaf l ook of tat kaadnd ptftt, Bolk or oitkar will bo oullcd Crao to u j tddrtat oa tf|Ba Wttoa, Bead Ikt broakaral

DBS, STABKBY & PALEW, I U»7 A IBM Arch Street, thUada., Wm,

F . D . E D D Y ' S


The following lirst class companies represenved:

lUBurancG Company of North Ameri-ca "1784" (The ollest Anfencan Co.)

Firemen's Fund. San Francisco. The Old Connecticut, Hartford. Detroit Fire & Marine, ) Mich. Fire & Mjrine, Western Assurance, Canada. Ais'^ several of the best

lift aod Accident CompaDies.

N E I G H B O R H O O D N O T E S ,

Qrottan Oatheringi .

Mr, and Mrs, John Randall have moved m their new home near the Church and Qronge H til.

We shall be pleased to welcome Mrs, W. B. Johnson, of Bock ford, as a resi-dent of our town, she having purchased the Beach farm.

Services were held at the Catholic church Ht. Patrick's day, March 17, and dinner served in the school house closu by.

C. M. Slayton received from Sharon, Wis., an ostricn egK. wi tb the inside taken out or '•blown" as it is termed We ought to have the exact measure-ment. In his museum of cuiunities he lias some fifty specimens of different kinds of eggs.

The worthy Chaplaiu of our Orange, Wm. Slayton, will read a paper on "Best variety of potatoes, and growing a crop," a t the next meeting of tbe County Grange, at Sparta Center, March 21.

We learn that Will White who started for Dakota lust week was tak^n very sick at Lowell, where he remains at last accounts,

Orattan church was crowded Friday night, when the drama of "Bread on the Water" was presented, wbicn will be repealed next Friday night, March 23. The farce of the Crowded Hotel kent th a audience in a continual roar of luughtor. We were also given an un-expected treat in the singing of Miss Callie Ramsdell, and others.

We were deeply pained to hear of the death of our much esteemed friend Mrs. E. C. Bellows, of Cannon. Her life was a most exemplary one, and she wus universally beloved. She w i s the sis-ter of Mrs, Bliss, of Grattan, M A U D .

Lofan Laconics.

Mrs, John Deming died Wednesday evening, March 15. of Typhoid fever, aged 29 vears, 8 monlha, 29 days. The deceased leaves a husband and three small children besides a largo circle of relatives, friends and neighbors who are left to mourn the loss of a loving wife and mother and a kind hearted friend and neighbor. The funeral services were held Saturday, Blarch 17, at Con-gregational church at Preeport, Elder J . Mourer conducting the services,

Harvey Coons, of Lowell, was in town Sunday and Monday.

W, H. Pardee is on the sick list. Little Nina Troyer has been very sick

with the lung fever for a few days but iu better at ^resent writing.

Moses Stahl ia very sick with lung fever at thia wnting,

Jennie Dostaler, of Campbell, is stay-ing with her sister Mrs. C. H, Morgan who is qnite sick.

Mr. and Mrs. R. Walton and son, of West Campbell, vlBited at V. C. Wal ton's Sunday.

Miss Frances Geolriier, of Freeport, is working a t S. Zelners,

Mrs. A. S. Deming is very low a t this writing.

The Misses Sarah Long, Clara Can-field and Mr. J . R. Long, of Campbell, visited the school in this place Thursday,

Mr, J , M. Nash aud sons Venor and Boyd, of Bowne Center, were in town Saturday. " B R I D O E T "

Alton Atoms.

Warren Ford and family started for Dakota last Tuesday. Two of his SOUR

eo with the car in whicb he takes his ouseht'Id goods, four horses, and three

cows. We predict that he will wish himtelf back ih Michigan before twelve months have waxtd and waned.

A cap social at S. D. Godfrey's Friday e /ening the oOth.

Miss Ada White is quite ill.. Mr. and Mrs. John Flvun are the

happy parents of a son. f h e y were the owners of four girls before.

Miss Flo; ence Andrews, late teacher of the Barto school, starts for Californi t next week to visit a sister, living in National City.

John Rennels starts Thursday for Washinxton Territory.

P. W. Burns is enjoying the luxury of a felon. X

C. K Francisco has rented his farm to a Mr. Wyman ond "Charlie" and family will move to Lowell this week,

Mrs, Charles Wilson has been very sick but is gainme a little now.

Mrs. Fred Ford does not accompany Warren Ford and family on account of the Scarlet lever in her father's family.

Mrs. C. E. Francisco spent last week a t Greenville with her daughter.

Mrs. E. Miller is recovering from a long and severe sickness.

The A. A. I). C. Will present "Out in the Street" before long Time will be announced hereafter.

Charlie Rennels is quite sick. J . L, Covert Is on the sick list. Alfred Evens aud family from Bowne

have n\oved on the Custer place. * •

80. Ilostou Breerea.

The mail carrier earns his money. Mra. H. B, Church is. visiting her son,

E. Church. Hugh Young's house is growing fast. The contest in the Grange is finished

and Mrs. D. H. English furnished th« rations for tho other.

John Carr has bought land up North we hear.

Senator Ingalls speech on the depen-dent pension bill is worth reading. We disagree with the party who thinks Cleveland dare veto t.

The time for sowing clover seed is at hand.

Miss Graham, Mit>s Acker and Hiss Graham of St. LouU are visiting at Mr. Meyers and Dillenbeck's -and other re-latives.

We do not hear of any of the sick be-ing worse.

H. Young's horse is dead.

Wm. Kelley has his saw mill nenrly ready for running.

Hiel P. Clark Post, in connection with tho Saranac Dramatic Club, will give an entertainment in the near future for the benefit of the widow of the late James Converse.

A La.? and Order Leaguo has been formed in Ionia. We think that a league of that sort and meaning busi-ness with a hi;; B. would be a paying investment in this locality.

An Athletic Club" has been fo rmed in this village by the young men, who feel that athletic exercises will be beneficial. They have rented a room in th(( Rink block which they are fitting up, and propose in connection, to run the thing in an orderly nianner. The election of officers last Wednesday evening result-ed as folloiva. President, Will Ball; Vice President. Robert Taylor; Secretary and Treasurer. Elmer Power.—Looal,

H I B B A R D ' S Rheumatu' Plasters are of great merit for weak lungs and stomach, aud should be applied over the parts ^Sccicd.

F t M porta

Geo. Perkins contemplates building an addition on tbe west aide of the Free-port Hotel. Hia present accommoda-tions are inadequate.

The petition asking Uiat the mail be carried by tho R. R. company has been sent to Washington with something like one hundred and eighty names attached to it.

Last Thursday was pay day on the railroad and considerable money was put in circulation at this place. Work will soon commence on the extension of the railroad and everybody who has a will (o work can find employ rxent.

Harry E. Ward on the little end of the Alto horn will materially assist the G. A. R. band in the future.

Messrs. Fox & Son's saw and planing mill is now doing a big bubmet>s and gives steady employment to eight meu.

Dr. J . F. Ruckel had the misfortune to lose his valuable driving and innniug horse last week.

Dr. J . T. Goucher of Nashville, was bound ovei to the circuit court for trial Tuesday morning on a charge of at-tempted grave robbery.

Messrs. Cool & CortiBs have theix mill yard well filled with all kinds of logs and have ail tbe work they can attend to; they employ several bauds. •

The handlo factory is now running aud employs its usuai number of hands. Mr. Cbeesebrough is now receiving ord-ers for rakes and handles and has com-menced shipping. He finds the railroad a great benefit to him, as h^ can fill or-ders promptly without hauling so far . Our railroad is a great improvment to all kinds of business.

One man who delivered bogs at this place last Friday put three large stones in tbe bottom of h u wagon box, to keep the hogs from lifting it olf probably, but after the hogs were weighed and un-loaded be had no use for them and dump-ed them into the old mill race before weighing his wagon again. Mr. Terry Corngan thought thoae stones would weigh ubout | 25 worth aud the gentle-man was asseased that much which he paid and went home a wiser man,— Herald.

Tbe Lessons ot "Uotei Fr i t s" Case.

The greatest doctors in Europe don't seem to know what ails "Unser Fritz."

Thus are the Garfield and Grant epi-sodes repeated, and public confidence iu "expert" medical knowledge is again shaken.

Tbe effect is a revolution. Since the fatal day of 1883, many of

the doctrines of the schoolmen concern-lug extensive medication have been abandoned and all schools of practice are more and more relying upon old fashioned simple root and hero prepara-tions and careful nursing—the only re-liances known to our .-uicesters.

These methods and reliances are ill-ustrated to dav in a series of old-fash-ioned roota and herbs preprations ie ceutly given to the world by the well-known proprietors of Warner's safe cuje —preparations made from formulas

' by many of our oldest fami-1, anu rescued for popular use, and

issued under the happy designation of Warner's Log Cabin Remedies.

"My son, "exclaimed a venerable wo man to the writer when he was a boy, "my son, you'r yeller and pale and weak like lookin', you'r needin' a good shak-ing up with some sas'pariT,"

A j u g of spring sarsapariila was just as n« cemsary in the "winter supplies" of fifty years ago as was a barrel of pork, and a famous medical authority says that the yesy general prevalence of the use of ijUuh a preparation as Log Cabiu Sarsapariila explains the rugged health of our ancestors.

While Warner's Log Cabin Sarsapar-iila is an excelleut remedy for all sea-sons of the year, it is particulhriy valu-ble iu the spring, wben the system is full of sluggish blood and requires a natural constitutional tonic andinvig-orator to resist colds and pneumonia, and tho effects of a long winter. Philo M. Parsons, clerk of the City Hotel of Hartford, Conn., was prostrated with a cold which, he says, "seemed to settle through my body. I neglected it aud the result was my blood became impov-erished and poisoued, indicated by in-flamed eves. I was treated but my uyea grew worse. I was obligad to wear a shade ot er them 1 feared tbat I would be obliged to give up work,"

Under the operation of Warner's Log Cabin Uarsaparilia and Liver Pilis," he says, "Tbe sore and inflamed e> ea dis-appeared. My blood, I know, is in a healthier condition thau it has been for years. I bave a much better appetite. I shall take several more bottles for safety's sake. Warner's Log Cabiu Sarsapariila is a great blood purifier and I most heartily recommend it.*'

A few bottles of Warner's Log Cabin Sarsapariila used in the family now will save many a week of sickness and many a dollar of bills. Use no other. This is tbe oldest, most thoroughly tes-ted, and the best, put up in the largest saisaparilla bottles on the market, con-taining 120 doees. There is n» other preparation of similar name that can equal it. The name of its manufac-turers is a guarantee aof its superior worth.

While the great doctors wrangle over the techcicalities of an advanced med-ical science tbat can not cure disease, such simple preparations yearly snatch millions from untimely graves.

V M I C H I C A N J F L A T T E R S ,

Of the 475 boys a t the Lansing reform school, 6U are taking a course of meas-els,

Ionia LAW and Order League will try to suppress the "Louul Club" saloon sideshows.

Sylvester Gardner, of Greenville, g to prison for oue year, for sending a letter to a ^eod girl.

The Battle Creek adventists think of starting denominational schools all over the world as fast as they can raiae the money.

Dr. A. B. Way, for three years at the Ionia House of Correction, takes a jtlace in the ranks of Grand Rapids praciition-ers of medicine.

The Kalamazoo Telegraph celebrated St Patrick's day with a green paper edition, and the Lansing Journal was printed in green ink.

Six passenger conductoro on the Flint & Fere Marquette road were bounced Saturday, and still there are more to follow. No cause given.

The white Scotch oat sciirme s tc-ceeds the Bohemtau oats as a bait for rural suckers. Thev are taking the bait freely down in southurn Michigan,

Dunston & Sisley, liquor dealers of Otsego, who tried -the "club" dodgo, have been convicted in the Allegan Uir-cuit. Court decided tbat the "club" dodge won't work.

A man who was found drunk on the streets of Ann Arboi with $80 in hi.-.; pocKets was let off by the judge ou con-dition tbat he deposited the moiiuy in a j bank subject to his wife'o order.

Nearly every paper m tbe Stale tells bow some ambitious young man a few months ago thought the far West a boi-ler place than Michigan ami acted ac-cordingly has quietly returned home. I

Absolutely Pure. This powder never vanes. A Marvel of pur-

ity strength and whiles<>tneness. More eeon-omical than the ordinary kinds, aud cannot be sold in co upeiitli n with the multitude of low tert. short weight alum or phosphate powders. Bold only In cans. Royal eaking Powder Co, 106 Wall 8t. N. Y. (10-28)

The state military board has formally selected Mackinac island as the site of this year's encampment of state troops. The Second and Fourth regiment en-camp July 12", and the other two a week later.

Clare Falls, aged 11 years, 8o;i of a well known business man of Tecumseb, while playing with an "unloaded" re-volver Saturday in company with some other bovs, playfully pointed it at his head and fired, killing himself instantly.

Section 17 of township 29, north of range 8 east, near Grayling has been se-lected by the agricultural experiment board as tht best sand upon the whole ine barrens upon which to expend $2, " this year to determine what it is ca-

pable of.

A colored man who took out a mar-riage license at Grand Rapids Thursday insisted that he was an Irishman until Couty Clerk Cornelius O'Harvey threat-ened, "Be the powers 0' St Fathri-.-k, UI'll busht yer ned I" Then he confessed

pin 000

that he was an African, bom in Ireland.

There are 1,667 studontsi in the uni-versity this year, of whom less than half, or 811, are residents of Michigan. Every state and territory in the union is represented, ah is also Canada, Japan, England, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, the Sandwich Islands, Italy, Turkey, Costa Rica, Russia, Kcotland, and the United States of Columbia.

The taking of testlmoney of tho exam-ination of the charges against Prose-cuting Attorney Sam D, Clay, of Kent county has closed. The testimony will now be received by the judge of probate before whom it was taken, a summary of the same made by him, his opinion indorsed thereon and the whole matter then laid before tbe governor for his de-cision.

Thieves entered the barn of S. Toby, in Fair Plains, near Greenville. Thurs-•lay morning, loaded up nearly sixty bushels of oats and had proceeded but a few miles when Toby started in one direction and his son in another. The later overtook tbem east of Amsdem and the theives drew revolvers. One of them drove the young man back a mile or more a t tho muzzle of a levolver and all escaped.

A Berrien Surings correspondent of the Benton Harbor Palladium unearths the latest scheme of swindling to bam-boozle farmers: " A seed company, whose place of business is in Oceana county, send out their oily-tongued agents representing that the ci>fh|mny have a new kind of oats and potatoe, the oa.s yield from 80 to 120 I ushels per acre, and they desire to place them in the bands of a few of the leading farm ers of each township to introduce them. The comoany exacts for their share one-half of all the crop crown from their s-.-ed, and further binds ihe farmer n<>t to sell any cf nis share of the oats for less than $1.50 per bushel; thus the farm-er who bites at their scheme is virtually working his own farm on shares. I •have been told that several grangers have already been taken in."


What pure air is to nn unhealthy lo-cality, what spring cleaning is - to the neat housekeeper, so is Hood's Sananar-illa to every body, at this season. The body needs,to be thoroughly m ovated. the ' blood purified and vitalized, the ger.ns of disease destroyed. Scrofula. Salt Rheum, and all other blood disor-ders are cur.'d by Hood's Sarsanarilla. tho most popular and successful spring medicine,


Advertising a patent medicine in tho

E-cular way in which the proprltor of emp's Balsam, for Coughs and Colds,

does it is indeed wonderful. Ho author-iz"s Clark and Winegar, to Hive those who call for it a 'sample bottle Free, that they may try it betorc purchasing. The Ltrge Bottles are 50c and $1 00. We would certainly advise a trial. I t may save > ou from oonsumptiftii.


|German RemedyJ TRUTHS FOR THE SICK. T o r ^ ^ n c S n ?

IBlllousSpollsdopcn |0nSlILPilDBBlTT£B8|Pll jit y 111 cure yon.

Tn^oInlulS^Itr |thnttlrcdaudallgoiic Ifeeling; if so, use ISni.niOK BrrrEBS; lit will euro vou.

lapnlo foracase whoro Six-

UB BITTKRS .will not assist osx-urc. li never falls.

In, TJporaUvos who are

closely confined in tbe mills and work-shops; clerks,who do not procure suniclent exercise, and all who are confined in doors, should use SULPHUR .. Em-RBS. They will ' not then bo weak oiiU sickly.

raxrras to suffer h omHheum atlsm,Qso a bottle 0: SULPHUR BITTERS ; It never falls to cure.

Ttoa'njs withcut a bottle. Try It: you. , . will not regret U, pndyour I indies In delicate heulth, who arc all run down, should use S U L P H U R J U T T E R S J

ii.oooi 131


Buy of P. K E L L E Y , for he keeps everything in the line of


Grain Drills, Plows, Harrows, Plow Points, Repairs, &c.



My Prices are Lowest, and will satisfy you.

We Want to Show You Our Goods, and wili Always be Pleased to Do So, Whether You Buy or Not.

P. KELLEY, Train's Hotel Block. - LOWELL.

September, 1881,1 bought a bottle of Shakr Extract of Roots, or Seigle's Curative Syrup, of your agent. Mr. R. M. King, ami before I had

" M A Y GOD BLESS YOUI" A Boston Paper-Hanger 's Trouble and

How He Gets Out of It—Plain Words from the Snnny South.

When we are In trouble wo cry for help. When we are relieved we often forget to bn thankful. But not always. Mr. W. Vv. Qilffln, of Trout Creek. St Clair Co., Ala,* writes; "1 had a bad attack of chills and fever. My system was full of malaria. For two yeara 1 was scarcely able to work at all, Home times my heart would p«l-pitate for two hours at a time. My legs would

Ct cold In the knees, and 1 fully expeted to die. Be — "" • - * 1 • ~ m Xri

agent. Ur. K. u. Kii.g, taken the flivt bottle I felt better, ai d in a short time was able to go to work. May Qod bless you forthegoodyou nave done.

Mr. Wm. J. McCann, 09 Randall St. Boston writes: "Six months ago I btwan to throw up my food after eating. I thought I was going in-to consumption. I soen began to have pain In the chest, stomach and sides. 1 got a little sleep and woke all tired out. I once lost Ave pounds in four days. I began using shakm Ex-tract of Roots or Selgel's yrup. aud wben 1 had fluished ihe sixth buitle I could eat three square meals a day, and go to sloop the minute I struck the bed. I am a paper hunger by trade, and have woiked every day slucel tooli the second bottle, «nd gained eighteen pounds. I ought to be thankful and I am."

The remedy opens all the natural passages of the body, expels tbe poison from the blood and enablei nature to rebuild what disease has de-stroyed.

Shaker Extiact of Roqts. or Seigle's Syrup, is lold by all druggists, or send to the proprietor, A. J . White. M Aarren street. Mew York.

h - P. COX SHOE Mfg. Co R O C H E S T E R , N .



Call and Examine

1 Buy the New High Arm


IT IS THE BEST. Supplies for all Sewing Machines at re-

duced prices.

Office Opposite Forest Hills, J . N . C 0 0 L E Y . A g t .

Lowell, - M-ich.

PATENTS Caveats, and Trade Marks obtained, and all Pat tent business comlucted for MODEKATE FBES

OUR OFFICE IS OPPOSITE U 8. PATENT OFFICE. We bave no sub-ageucles, all buslm-ss direct, heuce can transact patent business In less time and at iiESS COST than those remote from Washington.

Semi model, drawlug, or photo, wilh descrip tion. We ail vise if pateutable nrnot. free of charge. Our fee Is not >iue till patent is wcured.

A book. "How to Obtain Patents, "with refer ences to actual clients in your State, county, or town, sent free. Address

C. A. S N O W & C O . , OpopsiU" Patent Office, WaslilnKton. T). C.








A 'H ' . i'v I

R , T , AM V F Y L K

• M M IS A •:VAK\NTK?. - !-,< KVII... A R . " M -CLASS SHIII; R;


The Best Factories, And sold at Low Figures.

W. C. Murray, MICH.

Headquarters for Boots and Shoes. Howk & Bostwiek carry the Largest and Best Stock in town. T h e only firm in

town that sells the

Celebrated J a m e s Means $3 .00 Shoe


"The Old Reliable." BANK BLOCK - LOWELL MICK.

Cleanse tho vitiated ilood when J-OII sot ts Impurities burst-ng through tho sklu n Pimples, T imples, Blotches,

nnd Sores. Rely on SULPHUR BITTERS, nd health will foi-


SULPHUR BITTERS ill cure Liver Com-

.ilalnt. Don't be dls-coaragod; It will cure vou.

SULPHUR BrmRsI will build yoaupandl lake you ttrong'aod| % SUIiPHUR HlTTEEajj

will make your blood £ ure, rich and strong,!

flesh hard.

•Try yCLFHUR BLT-L rRRS to-night, audi you will sleep welll md feel better foriul

JDTl. T T T X j X 1

ENGLISH SUCHU la Ono of the Best

Z i d n o y INVISTIOATOns IN 08S.

Jgm oure all dlnciucs ot tho Klcinoya. limcHcr. I'i oslatlo rortlon ..f the UrUiary Organs. Irntnt on JI tiie Nook of tho liUUdor, Dunilntc Urnic. i.leet, ,hea In all lb •UKoa.MiK'tnia DUcli .rgua, Cjr.ciMlc;! jt I lie Kldneya, Brick Durt Dapnilt, Diautfos. liibiiiiix on of the Kid. ny.a'id BUddor.b^y .f U.mi-y*, Acid Urli e.

Urine, { ln In tuo (Wlonof the Dlatlder. PAW IN THE HACK, Urinary CnlculiiH, licnalO Iculue. Renal i-ollc. IMenUon of Urine. Frequent UrlinUlun, Orevel ia all Its furmi. Inahlllly to detain Ih' Water, par-

W" MS0"?Sd-Wtwl fn llf . IT IS A KlflSEV INVCffxCIATOU thai rcitorcu the Urtnotolu mitural color, rvmnvm tha a-.-ld und I'U.'nlnit. and the ctlvct of Uieexcatdv* uic of lotoxlcatlnf drfiik.

PRIOC.t l ) Six Bott les for SB. O-Somi .'or Oreuior. Bold by all UnigglsU.

W. JOHNSTON A OU,, lOtM AatsTt. OBTUUEf. men.

W . B L J H L i & G O , , 146 and 148 Jefferson Aye.,

ID E T P I O I T .

We have recently opened n Kotail Department in connection with our vvliolesale Busi-

ness and are now pr«.-t ored to offer



and the Latest Choice Novelties in Imported

Muffs, Boas, Seal Hats, Gaps GLOVES, Etc.

IS^Our Stuck is the Finest nnd Most Exten-s'tve iu ihe Coiiniri. Our faoili.ies for manu> facturing are unsurpuhsed. We guarantee Quality and Fit.

DoyouwanTtheboBl Medical vVork publish^? Bend 8 2-cont stamps to A. P. ORDWAV A Cov Susivu, SUss., ssd receive s copy, free.

OMPOUNO WHITE POND l l t t -^ new dtaoo-3loh ladles can depend In ery. one on whlohl

tha "AU r am. WH- n tu." .lealeo particulars In plain cav'*iope, )!stanii«. Addrew Poj fDLiL« vCi*PANV,

W A L T l - R B U H L & C O . . Iiiiliorter- ami Manufactun>r8 of

F I N " E l F U R S , 1 4 0 & 1 J •tt'er-t«ni A v e . .

D E T U O I T , M I C H .

52 Journals for $1,00

Page 4: LOWELL Journal/1888/03_March/03-23-1888.pdf · in THIS studentSPACE NATIONAL AFFAIRS. WATCH FOR IT. Is this Your Picture ? TOTJ CA* HAVE TOUR PHOORAPH



Pastted A w a y .

Die4 —Mr. Julius Rouse, at his resi-dence in Lowell, March 37, 1888, in the seventy-eighth year of his age, of cancer. For a year or more the death of Mr. Rouse has been expected. Few however had heard that he was worse than usnal until on Thurs-day nvorning his decease was announced. He suffered greatly through his pro-traded affl'ction, yet passed away quiet-ly and i n comparative ease. The de-ceased was a man of great industry, strong convictions, deep earnestness and devotion to whatever principles of right commanded themselves to his judge-ment. These virtues are worthy our imitation. He found peace in chrisitan-ity wken a young man and died in the faith. He leaves a wife and five child ren. The burial was fro.a the Biptist church Thursday, 3 p. m.

B a b y B u n t i n g Again. t -

One of the greatest literary hits of the season is the story of "Baby Bunting; or, the Alphabet of love," by Laura Jean Libbey, which is at present being published in the columns pf THE NEW YORK FAMILY STORY PAPER. T h e paper containing the opening chapters of this wonderfully popular roiuanoe ap-peared on the news stands this morning. The tremendous rush for that number by the young ladies of the town shows clearly that the publishers have struck a bonanza THE FAMILY STORY PAPER is for sale by all news-dealers, or will be sent to any address four months, post-age free, for $1.00. Norman L Monro, Publisher, 24 and 26V}mdewater street, New York.

R. Rolfe will sell his farm stock and household goods at auction next Thurs-day.

$10 REWARD.—I will offer $10 for evi-dence which will convict the theif who took clothes from my line Tuesday night. A. S. FORD.

March came in with a lion, and is ev-identally preparing to go out with an-other. Two lions, but nary a lamb, this year.

Jeremiah Payne says he won't be after payin' that judgement, and as about all he has is exempt from execution, he probably won't.

W. S. Winegar, who has purchased Look's drug store, is no stranger to Lowell people. He is an experinced druggist, attentive to business to the last degree, always genial and pleasing to trade with. We predict for him a successful business career.

By special request of the Club Will-iam Alden Smith, of Grand Rapids, the well known young orator, gaye a most excellent talk to the Young Men's Re-publican Club and their invited guests,

• in Music Hall, Wednesday evening. Rev. J. T Husted also m^de a short speech. Nearly 300 voters were presents and the evenihg was one of great inter-est and profit.

Prof, Charles Carlisle, of Ionia, will give a reading in Music Hall, Friday eve., April 6th, assisted by local talent. Prof. Carlisle is a fine elocutionist and is well received in many of the larger towns of Michigan.

Will Bovee, of Fallassburgh. brought up in the cooler Saturday, drunk and disorderly. After ihe cooling process had been sufficiently applied he was taken before Justice Hunter—where he had been twice before, and was assess-ed $8. A friend paid it for him and he was permitted to again breath free air.

Dennis McCarthy, a Grattan farmer, was on a lark in Grand Rapids, Friday evening, and was picked up by a cop, gloriously drunk, and was locked up. He had $587.OMn cash in his pockets besides valuable papers, and woild have made a grand prize for some crook be-for morning in all probability if he had not been "detained" at police head-quarters.

The Michigan Central has bought. the Kalamazoo & Hastings railroad and the end of that line will remain where it is —at Hastings, The load, by connect-ing with the Grand River Valley road at Hastings gives the Central a route from Grand Rapids, to Chicago. The sale will end all talk of extending the line^to Saginaw via Portland and St. Johns, for the Central already has one line from Chicago to Saginaw by the way of Jackson and Lansing. -Ionia Standard.

If th it's only so, and the same com-panv will only get the Lowell and Free-port road—Whoop-la! !

' Card of T h a n h s . i f

We wish to extend our sincere thanks to the dear friends who so willingly ren-dered their assistance during our great offliction and bereavement.


R e g i s t r a t i o n Not ice .

The board of registration of the vil-lage of Lowell, Kent county, Mich., will meet at the office of the Township Clerk in said village Saturday, March 31st, 1888, for the purpose of registering the names of qualified voters of said vil-lage. E. A. SUNDERLIN,

(37 w3) " Recorder.

R e g i s t r a t i o n Notice.

To the Electors of Lowell Township. Notice is hereby given, that the Board of Registration for the Township of Lowell, will be in sessu n at the Town Clerks office, on SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 1888, from nine o,clock in the fore-noon until 5 o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of registering the names of all such persons as shall be possessed of the necessary qualifications of electors. D. EDDY.

(88w2 Town Clerk. —— •

P a p e r H a n g i n g .

Certain painters having circulated a rebort that I do not, or can not hang wall paper, I take this method of in-forming my friends and the public in general, that all such reports are false, and that I ean, and do, not only do pa-jSer hanging, but all kinds of painting, plain and ornamental. Also wall color-ing, and guarantee satisfaction in every case. Kalgomining a specialty. Ordei s left at dark & Winegar's will receive prompt attention. H . C. PALMER.


A n d a .Search Must be Made at Once.

Two men have been seen at the new upholstering works, three doors west of the City Bakery, and they are upholster-ing couches, parlor suits, foot rests, make over old mattresses, re-seat chairs, paint, varnish and repair furniture. Also one of the men repairs all kinds of umbrellas and parasols and puts on new covers. It is said they will remain about 30 clays. Old things made new. Don't del^y to find them.

G. W YOUNG, Upholsterer. (39W4) E. GOVER, Umbrella maker.

Disso lut ion Not i ce .

Notice is hereby given that the Part-nership heretofore existing between James Henry and D. ML S Kid more in the general store at Alto, Mich., is this day dissolved by mutual consent a d that the said business will in future be carried on by the said D. M. Skid mure alone, who will receive and pay all debts of the late copartnership. All parties indebtel to the Lv e firm will set-tle with D. M. Skikmore. Dated Ihu 14th day of Feb., 1888. (27w3) D. M. SKIDMORE,

JAMES HENRY. — j . — . —

Teachers ' E x a m i n a t i o n s

Examination of Teachers for the pub-lic so ools of Kent Co , for the Spring of 1888, will be held in the Supervisors room, Grand Rapids, as follows: March 1, March 30, April 27.

Applicants for First and Secoi d Grade Certificates are requested to attend Ex-amination March 1.

For a Third Grade Certificate an average sranding of 85 per cent is re-quiied; and a failure to reach 90 per cent, m any one subject is a failure to pass.

By order of Co. B'd of School 'Exam-iners EUGENE A. CARPENTER,


Charter E l e c t i o n .

The Charter Election for the village of Lowell, Kent Co. Mich,, will be held at the store of Wm. B. Rickert in said village, on Tuesday, April, 3id 1888, for the purpose of electing the following officers, viz:

One President. u Trustee in place of F. King. 44 Assessor.

Treasurer. " Marshal. The polls of said election will be open

between the hours of one and two o'clock p. m. and continue open until five o'clock p. m. and no ionger.

E. A . SUNDERLIN, Recorder of the village of Lowell,

1 — » • e

Union Caucus.

A 'Union Township Caucus will bt held in Train's Opera House, Friday, March 30th, 1888, at 2 & . m , for the purpose of nominating officers for the coming township election, and to trans-act any other business which may come before the meeting, B Y ORJKK of COMMITTEE.

Verj^eniies R e p u b l i c a n Caucus.

The Republicans of Vargennes are reqestad to meet at Keech's Store, in Alton, on Friday, March 30th, 1888, at 2 o'clock p. m , for the pur-pose of nominating Township Officers, and to transact any other business that may proper!}' come before the meeting

By order o^ Com. G IT. GODFREY, Chairman.

Page 5: LOWELL Journal/1888/03_March/03-23-1888.pdf · in THIS studentSPACE NATIONAL AFFAIRS. WATCH FOR IT. Is this Your Picture ? TOTJ CA* HAVE TOUR PHOORAPH


Not ice .

To the electors of Lov ell township. The annual election of township officers of the township will occur on Monday, April 2. 1888, at Train's Opera House, for the election of the following officers:

One Supervisor. 44 Town Clerk. 44 Treasurer. 44 Justice of'the Peace (f'lll term.) 44 do (vacancy.) 44 Commissioner of Highways. 44 Drain Commissioner. 44 School Inspector. Four Constables. 38 Overseers of Highways. The question o bonding the County

for $150,000 t:) build the County Court House w i l l al- o bo submitted to the electOiS at the meeting. F . D . EDDY,

(38w2) Town Clerk. » a ;

I n c u b a t o r for Sale.

A lamf heat water Incubator of 360 egtrs capacity, in perfect order, for sale at a bargain Inquire at the store of D. Weaver, Lowell. (47tf)


Afflicts nearly every one in the spring. The,system having been accustomed to the bracing air of winter, is weakened by the warm days of the changing sea-son, and readily yields to attack of dis-ease. Hood's Sarsapariila is iust the medicine needed. It tones and builds up every part of the body, and also ex -pells^ all impurities from the blood. Try ic this season.

'"SCROFULA., dyspepsia, gout and erysip elas or anv of the diseases arising from an enfeebled condition of the system, can M effectually cured by the great, blood puriffer, Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup.

Warner's Log Cabin Sarsapariila Reg-ulates the Regulator. Best blood puri-fier—largest b)ttles in the market. Manufactured by proprietors of Warn-er'r Safe Cure. Sold by all druggists.

THE EXCITEMENT NOT OVER* The rush at .Clark & Winegars still

continues and daily scores of people call for a Dottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lun^s for tho cut* of Coughs, Col ls, Asthma. Bronchitis and Consumption. Kemp's Balsam, the standard family remedy, is sold on a guarantee and never fails to give entire-satisfaction. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial size, tree.

Buck!eii*8 A r n i c a Salve .

The Best SALVE in the world for cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fe-ver Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil-blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay re-quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cento* per box. For sale by . Hunt & Hunter (sep 16-y 1)


to be called handsome, especially the young ladies. But that is simply im-posible as long as their face is covered with pimples, blotches and sores. But wait, there is no need of this; one or two bottles of Sulphur Bitters will re move all such disfigurations, and make your face fair and rosy.—Fannie Bell, Editoress.


Mr. W. H. Morgan, merchant, Lake City, Fla., was taken a severe Cold, at-tended with a distressing Cough and running into Consumption in its first stages. He tried many socalled popular cough remidies and steadily grew worse. Was reduced in flesh, had difficulty in breathinr and was unable to sleep. Finally tried Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and found immediate relief, and after using about half a dozen bottles found himself well and has had no return of the disease No oth^r remedy can show so grand a re-cord of cures, as Dr. King's New Dis-coverv for Consumption Guaranteed to do just what is claimed for it.—Trial bottle fr^e at Hunt & Hunter's Drug Store.


E. Bainbridge Munday Esq., County Atty.. Clay Co., Tex. says: ,4Have used Electric Bitters with-most happy results My brother also was very low with Malarial x^ever and Jaundice, but was cured by timely use of this medi-cine. Am Satisfied Electric Bitters saved his life."

Mr. D. L Wilcoxson, of Horse Cave, Ky., adds a like testimony, saying: He positively believes he would have died had it not,been for Electric Bitters.

This great remedy will ward off, as well as cure all Malarial Diseases, and

i for all Kidney, Liver and Stomach Dis-onle's standa un equaled. Price 50c, and $1 at Hunt & Hunter's.

Dr. W. B. Squire, a prominent and well known physician of Wortbington, Ind., in writing to Dr. White, says: i4I have sold your Pulmonaria and Dande-lion in my drugstore foi six years, and I have never known them to fail doing all that is promised of them. The Pul-monaria is a specific for Whooping Cough. I have practiced medicine for more ihan twenty five years, and have tried all the usual remedies for this disease, without success. .1 have rec-ommended the Pulmonaria in more than one hundred cases of Whooping Cough, and it has always cured. Last January my own child was attacked with Whooping Cough, and became quite bad before we were aware of what the difficulty was. We at once began the ues of the Pulmonaria, .0.fter which she rested well at night. Her cough became better at once, and in two weeks' time she was entirely cured. I


could procure a scqre of certificates as strong as my own, in favor of your Pulmonaria."

For sale by Yeiter & Look

1JROBA.TE ORDER.—State ofMichiKan^County of Kent. ss. At a session of the Probate Court

for said county of Kent, Held at the Probate Office, in the City of Grand Rapids, on th# ^th day of March in the vear one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight.

Present Cyrus E. Perkins Judge of Probate. In the Matter of the Estate of

PATRICK H LALLY, deceased. John S. Bergin. Administrator of said estate,

having rendered to this Court his final admin-istration account.

It is Ordered, that Monday the 2nd day of April next, at ten ojclock in the forenoon, at said Probate Office, be appointed for examining and allowing said account.

And it is Further Ordered, That a copy of tljis order be published three successive weeks pre-vious to said day of hearings in the LOWELL JOURNAL, a newspaper printed and circulating in aaid County of Kent.

CVRUS E. PERKINS, (A true copy.) Judge of Probate.

Frank W. Hine, • Register. M w ' l

Have you got Consumption, Asthma. . Sore Throat, Brovicbial Trouble, Dyspes-sia, Nervous Prostration or any Chronic Troubles? If so, send a postal to Drs. Starkey and Palen, 1527 and 1529 Arch St., Philadelpha, Pa., and they will send you a 200 page book free. (30wl2)

PROBATE ORDER.—State of Michigan, Coun-ty of JCent. as. At a session of tiie Probate

Court for Said County of Kent, held at the Pro-bate Office in the Cify of Grand Rapids, on the 14th day of March, In the year one thousand, eight hundred and eighty eight.

Present Cyrus E. Perkins, Judg^ of Probate. In the matter of the estate of


Ransom Rolf, Executor of the last will and testament of said deceased having rendered to this court his final administration account,

It is ordered that FRIDAY, THE 1 3 t h DAY OP APRIL, NEXT

at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at said Probate Office, be appointed for examining and allowing' said account. - -

And it is Further Ordered, That a copy of this order be published three successive weeks pre-vious to said day of hearing, in the Lowell Jour-nal, a newspaper printed and circulating in said county of Kent. CYRUS E. PERKINS,

(A true copy.) - Judge of Piobate. FRANK W . H I N E , Register. 87w3.

PROBATE ORDER.—State of Michigan, Coun-ty of Kent, ss. At a session of the Probata

Court for said County of Kent, held . a t the Pro-bate Office in the City of Grand Rapids, on the^ 28thday of Marc1!, iu the year one thousand eight hundred and eignty eight.

Present, Cyrus E. Perkins. Judge of Probate, In the matter of the estate of


On read ng •nd filing he petition, duly veri-fied, of Leander P. and Jennie McLean, executors of the last will nnd testament ot said deceased praying this Court to" license and authority to sell the real estate of said dececsed therein de-cribed for the reasons and purposes therein mentioned.

It is Ordered, that FRIDAY, THE 27th DAY OP APRIL, NBXT,

at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at said Probate Office, be appointed for hsaring said petition, and that all persons interested in said estate ap-pear before said court, at said time and place, to show cause why a license should not be granted to said executors to sell the real estate as prayed for fti baid petition.

And it is Further Ordered, That a copy of this order be published th: ee successive weeks pre-vious to s^id day of hearing, in the LOWELL JOURNAL a newspaper printed and circulating in said County of Kent.

CYRUS E. PERKINS, (A true copy.) Judge of Probate,

Frank W. Hine, Register. 39 w3.

T? XECUTOR'S SALE - I n the Matter of the 1 J Estate of Silas S, Fallass deceased*

Not ce is hereby given that we shall sell at Public Auction,to the highest bidd6r,on Wednes-day, the 16th day of May, A. D. 1888, at two o'clock in the afternoon, at the premises herein-after first described, in the Township of Vergen-nes, in the Couniy of Kent, in the State of Michi-gan, pursuant to license and authority granted to me on the 23d day of Maich, A. D. 1888,by the Probate Court of Kent County, Michigan, all of the estate, right, title and interest of tne said de-ceased of, in and to the real estate situated and being in the County of Kent in the State of Mich-igan, known and described as follows, to-wit:

The south east quarter of the north-west quar-ter of section twenty three (23) of town seven (7), north of range nine (9) west. Kent County, Mich-igan, excepUng that part bounded as follows: Commencing at the south-west corner of said quarter, thence east thirteen (13) rods, tbence north-easterly along the center of the highway to a poiiit in the east and west highway, fifty-one <5 i) rods east of the west line of said quarter and twenty-two (22) rods south of the north line of said quarter, thence east along the cen-ter of the highway, eight (8) rods, thence north twenty-two (22) rods, thence west fifty-nine (59) rods and thence Routn to the place of beginning.

Also that part of the south-east quarter of section fourteen (14), in town seven (f), north of range nine (9) west Kent county, Michigan, which lies east of the highway running through^ said quarter, dividing it into two equal parts

Subject to all lien A n d encumbrances now existing against the above described premises*.

Dated, March 28rd A. D. 1888. SILAS S. FALLASS. WILLI \ M A. FALLASS.

^OwG) Executors,

• M M i
