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It’s been a long while I’ve seen a romantic movie. I have been so into crime fiction,

thrillers lately that I have had hardly enough times for movies of romantic genre.

Or more boldly put, there have been no release of romantic movies up to my

demand or taste.

Oh yes I loved few movies of recent times. Midnight in Paris, The Proposal, The

Ugly Truth, Eat Pray Love. But in some extent they were not quite there. When I

think of watching a movie based on romance in people’s life, I want it raw. All the

drama thrills, adventures mixed with the romantic progression of lives of two

people often get carried away from what I expect from the movie—representation

of acute feelings of the lead roles, the intense dialogues, the sufferings, torments

of souls and the moments of happiness. These things I can relate to my

surroundings, my own experiences and it seems simple. Romantic movies are also

vivid presentation of imagination that gives you a good feeling. And for that I often

go through my favorite romantic films.

Often suggestions come out from friends about movies and I watch them in a hope

maybe I will watch a movie about which I will cherish later on. But tell you, these

occasions are pretty rare. One such occasion is this, when I watched “Love Me If

You Dare”.

I often find it boring to talk about the storyline or summarize it because it kills the

movie. I mean if you want to know about the movie, you got to watch the movie. So

I’d rather skip the part of spoiling the fun. But in reviews you are bound to write

few things because you just can’t skip it. Can you?

Summarization is collected from BBC review of Tom Dawson—

An unexpected box office hit in France, this eccentric romantic fantasy from debut

writer- director Yann Samuell stars Guillaume Canet (The Beach) and Marion

Cotillard (Big Fish) as friends from childhood who charge though life daring one

another to carry out unconventional acts. Reminiscent of Amelie in its blend of

whimsicality and frenetic direction, Love Me If You Dare provides an enjoyable ride,

even if style wins out over substance.

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What I think of the movie? The lead actors were amazing in depicting the roles

which are memorable. It’s a French film and they are master of portraying what I

call crazy, mad love. And the starting few moments might give you hints about

cliché progression but this surreal romantic allegory would surely surprise you.

It’s a three decade long love story between two protagonists Julien and Sophie.

The whole story was narrated from the view of Julien. Julien and Sophie met each

other in their childhood and their own personal wounds they covered up with a

lifelong bond created—Friendship.

As the movie glides along, it the story becomes darker and more intense and

somewhat surprising than other movies with which this one is compared. The

easier pranks become more tough and embarrassing as they grow older and the as

the adulthood starts, the stakes escalate exponentially and they realize that both

are meant for each other. But partly out of pride or partly out of habit they pretend

not to speak up the raw truth.

Their child-like innocence does not diminish with the increasing requirements of

an adult. They are trapped in their insanity and mutual obsession. But their love

seems more sane in some intriguing part of the movie.

I can’t easily forget the last few scenes of the movies when it was depicted how

they kissed each other in each of the life stages. It creates a sensation for any of

the people who have kissed the dear ones.

I can’t forget the scenes in the library. Marion Cotillard was a model of ultimate

sophistication. I found her more seductive then Audrey Tautou in Amelie.

For pure, raw, explosive pleasure of dare, intense love and affection and sacrifices

watch “Love Me If You Dare” it won’t be a waste of your times.

Few dialogues that I liked:

Sophie Kowalski: Don't say a word. Let me talk. You missed me? Because I missed you. You're a real tyrant. It's so hard to be mad at you. But don't kid yourself, I still am. I want to talk and forget the game, just for once. Like my dress? I hesitated. Nabbed it off my sister. She has another red one, like a thermonuclear bombshell... That's the one I should've worn. I must've spent... three hours in front of the mirror. But I got there, see? I'm pretty. You better like it, or I'll kill you!

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[stops the man she is talking to]

Sophie Kowalski: No, wait... Where was I? The problem is, that... even if you said, "I love it," I wouldn't believe you. Julien, I no longer know when you're playing or not. I'm lost. Wait, I'm not finished. Tell me you love me. Tell me, because if I tell you first, I'm afraid you'll think it's a game. Save me... I beg of you.

Sophie : What'll you be when you grow up?

Julien : A tyrant!

Sophie : A tyrant? Your people subjugated?

Julien : Totally! With a harem, slaves, and torture every Thursday!

Sophie : Cool!

Julien : And you?

Sophie : Well, I... No, it's too dumb.

Julien : Tell me!

Sophie : You won't like it.

Julien : I told you! Tell me!

Sophie : I'd like to be a cream puff. A cream puff with apricots, or even a plain one. Lukewarm at the bakery. In the window.

Julien : A cream puff? As in cake?

Sophie : Of course! What else! A cream puff is a cream puff!

Julien: A cream puff... Yeah, of course, a cream puff! That's brilliant!