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Louisiana Legislature Higher Education Report

Card 2015

Louisiana State University Student Government

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Dear Readers and Supporters, On April 30, over one thousand LSU students, faculty and staff, supporters, and other members of the higher education community rallied together on the steps of the Louisiana State Capitol as a sign of solidarity against the daunting budget cuts proposed by Governor Jindal. The point we were trying to make to legislators was clear: we will no longer stay quiet while our neighbors downtown let our school dwindle away.  During this trip, I had the opportunity to address members of the Senate committees on Education and Finance whilst two overflow rooms of my peers watched on. I promised a renewed interest and involvement from the LSU student body, and a constant watch of our elected officials. In saying this, LSU Student Government has had a State Capitol Advisor at the capitol every day of the session, constantly giving updates and briefings on important bills and advocating on behalf of the students. The Higher Education Report Card is the next step in keeping our promise. With this completely student driven report, we hope to spotlight and publicly thank each official who kept higher education at the top of their priority list. Going forward, we hope to publish legislation of interest before the session, and to have a full time student lobbying commission research and administer the Report Card on a yearly basis. To be short: we students are here to stay. In developing our Higher Education Report Card, we laid out three main goals that we wished to see accomplished. We wanted to ensure a fix for the current budget deficit, long-term revenue sources for higher education, and increased administrative autonomies that bring decision making closer to the students. From here we graded each bill on their weight and importance. The results we saw were encouraging, and we thank each legislator for their tireless work to save higher education. For many officials, the promise made to students at the beginning of the session was kept. Not only did we find allies in our fight, we found legislators who went above and beyond on behalf of students. To these legislators, I would like to once again thank you, and it is an honor to feature you on our Honor Roll. With the publication of the Higher Education Report Card, we hope to

Andrew Mahtook 

LSU Student Body President 

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open a new chapter in student-legislator relations, one where votes are not casted on behalf of the school as merely a public entity, but on behalf of the individual students who make up our colleges and universities. With each vote, we hope to remind our elected officials that their decisions affect the career paths and standard of living of thousands of young Louisianans, and ultimately, the future of our great state. At the end of the day, while we are appreciative of the restored funding that was granted by the legislature, we must also remember that this 2015 number still reflects over $600 million in cuts since 2008. My hope is that through student participation and initiatives such as the Louisiana Higher Education Report Card, we can secure stable funding for higher education and put our schools on track to compete amongst the best in the country.

Forever LSU,

Andrew J. Mahtook LSU Student Body President

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The Syllabus 

Votes in Favor of Higher Education A vote in favor of higher education resulted in the full point value of that bill.

Votes Against Higher Education A vote against higher education resulted in zero points


Total Possible Points

Every piece of legislation that mattered to LSU students was evaluated by the LSU Student Government. Each one of those pieces of legislation were assigned a point value (1-5) depending on its value to LSU. Because of the demand for higher education funding in this year's session, no revenue bill was assigned a value lower than 3. The final score was determined by adding the total points received by a legislator based on his or her voting record and dividing by the total possible points. That resulted in their percentage performance which was then transferred to a standard grading scale. Fortunately for this year's legislature, we did not implement a plus/minus system.

Floor Votes

Floor votes make up the majority of the point opportunities. Each floor vote contributed to the final grade.

Committee Votes

Committee votes were not taken into consideration for the 2015 HERC; however, they may be included beginning in 2016.


Absences are unexcused. An absence from voting on a bill resulted in zero points for that bill.


Legislators who authored a bill for higher education were eligible for bonus. They received double the point value of that bill.

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On April 30, 2015,

over 1,200 LSU students, parents,

and alumni gathered at the

steps of the Louisiana State

Capitol for the Make the Change March to

the Capitol . We would like to thank you

for that effort and the continual

higher education vocal support

throughout the Legislative Session!

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The Honor Roll - Senators 

Sen. Robert Adley Sen. Jack Donahue Sen. Sharon Broome Sen. Norby Chabert

Sen. Rick Gallot Sen. John Alario Sen. Ronnie Johns Sen. Bob Kostelka

Sen. Danny Martiny

Sen. Blade Morrish

Sen. Barrow Peacock Sen. Bodi White Sen. Gerald Long Sen. Sherri Buffington Sen. Bret Allain

Sen. Troy Brown Sen. Francis Thompson Sen. Dan Claitor Sen. Mike Walsworth Sen. Conrad Appel

LSU SG would like to highlight and extend a thank you to the following twenty senators who scored a 90 percent or higher on the 2015 LSU Higher Education Report Card. With their support, the Louisiana Legislature was able to overcome the severe budget gap and fully fund higher education for the upcoming fiscal year. 

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The Honor Roll - Representatives 

Rep. Chris Broadwater Rep. James Fannin Rep. Walt Leger Rep. Bryan Adams Rep. Thomas Carmody

Rep. Steve Carter Rep. Joel Robideaux Rep. Rob Shadoin Rep. John Berthalot Rep. Erich Ponti

Rep. Patrick Jefferson Rep. Jeff Arnold Rep. Bubba Chaney Rep. Frank Hoffman Rep. Dalton Honore

Rep. Darrell Ourso Rep. Steve Pugh Rep. Chuck Kleckley Rep. Roy Burrell Rep. Karen St. Germaine

LSU SG would like to highlight and extend a thank you to the following twenty representatives who scored a 90 percent or higher on the 2015 LSU Higher Education Report Card. With their support, the Louisiana Legislature was able to overcome the severe budget gap and fully fund higher education for the upcoming fiscal year.

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Legislation that Mattered 

Budget Legislation HB 1 Fannin—State Budget—5. This bill was only to be considered

complete when it provided funding for the $573 million budget gap. • A vote FOR final

passage was a vote with LSU SG. The bill passed the Senate 36-3-0 and passed the House 65-37-3 with full funding.

HB 2 Robideaux—

Capital Outlay—5. This bill was only to be considered complete if it included the following projects: Studio Arts, Nicholson Gateway, the Lakes, Patrick F. Taylor Hall, French House, LSUA drainage project, LSUHSC New Orleans’ dental school, and LSU HSC Shreveport’s wellness center • A vote FOR final passage was a vote with LSU SG. The bill

passed the Senate 35-2-2 and passed the House 100-0-5 with full all projects included.

Revenue Legislation HB 81 Carmody—Mineral Revenue Dedication—5. This bill would have

dedicated mineral revenue for higher education and would have provided an estimated $90 million. • A vote FOR final passage was a vote with LSU SG. The bill was

never brought to a vote.

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HB 119 Ritchie—Cigarette Tax—5. This bill raises the cigarette tax by 32 cents per pack bringing Louisiana’s cigarette tax to 68 cents per pack—the same as Mississippi and will generate an estimated 188.5 million. • A vote FOR final passage was a vote with LSU SG. The bill

passed the House 78-27-0 and passed the House 31-8-0.

HB 218 Broadwater—Close Tax Loophole—4 This bill eliminates a corporate tax loophole that allows businesses that lose money to apply those losses to reduce taxes and is expected to generate $29 million. • A vote FOR final passage was a vote with LSU SG. The bill

passed the Senate 38-1-0 and passed the House 93-11-1. HB 366 Adams—Refundable to Non-refundable—5. This bill changes

certain refundable tax credits to nonrefundable tax credits as part of Governor Jindal’s original plan to restore higher education funding. • A vote FOR final passage was a vote with LSU SG. The bill was

never brought to a vote.

HB 383 Jackson— Refundable to Non-refundable —4. This bill would have dedicated mineral revenue for higher education and would have provided an estimated $29 million. • A vote FOR final passage was a vote with LSU SG. The bill was

never brought to a vote. HB 386 Leger—Deepwater Horizon Dedication—3. This bill dedicates

interest earnings of the Deepwater Horizaon Economic Damages Collection Fund to higher education. • A vote FOR final passage was a vote with LSU SG. The bill

passed the Senate 39-0-0 and passed the House 95-0-10.

HB 402 Stokes—Income Tax Credit Requirements—4 This bill adds requirements for eligibility for the income tax credit for taxes paid in other states and is estimated to generate $34 million. • A vote FOR final passage was a vote with LSU SG. The bill

passed the Senate 37-2-0 and passed the House 96-7-2.

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HB 466 Barras—Enterprise Zone Program—3. This bill provides for the eligibility of businesses to participate in the Enterprise Zone Program and is estimated to generate $7.2 million. • A vote FOR final passage was a vote with LSU SG. The bill

passed the Senate 38-0-1 and passed the House 97-0-8.

HB 510 James—Solar Tax Credits—3. This bill accelerates the sunset of the solar energy systems tax credit and is estimated to generate $16 million. • A vote FOR final passage was a vote with LSU SG. The bill was

never brought to a vote. HB 531 Stokes—Corporate Income Tax Deductibles—4. This bill requires

that certain deductible items be added-back on certain corporate income tax returns and is estimated to generate $50 million • A vote FOR final passage was a vote with LSU SG. The bill failed

in the House 37-53-15.

HB 536 Williams—Sales Tax Definitions—3. This bill provides for the definition of a dealer for purposes of collection of sales and use taxes due on sales made in Louisiana by a remote dealer and is estimated to generate $17 million. • A vote FOR final passage was a vote with LSU SG. The bill was

never brought to a vote. HB 555 Fannin— Sales Tax Definitions —4. This bill provides for the

definition of a dealer for purposes of collection of sales and use taxes due on sales made in Louisiana by a remote dealer and is estimated to generate $34 million. • A vote FOR final passage was a vote with LSU SG. The bill passed the Senate 38-1-0 and passed the House 89-7-9.

HB 624 Jackson—Corporate Income Tax Deductions—5. This bill reduces the amount of certain corporate income tax exclusions and deductions and is estimated to generate $87 million. • A vote FOR final passage was a vote with LSU SG. The bill

passed the Senate 29-10-0 and passed the House 64-26-5.

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HB 628 Jackson— Business Tax Credits —5. This bill rolls back some business and high-income individual tax credits and is estimated to generate $350 million. • A vote FOR final passage was a vote with LSU SG. The bill was

never brought to a vote. HB 629 Jackson— Franchise Tax Credits —4. This bill reduces income and

corporation franchise tax credits and is estimated to generate $26.4 million. • A vote FOR final

passage was a vote with LSU SG. The bill passed the Senate 27-12-0 and passed the House 66-36-3.

HB 635 Jackson— Tax Rebates —3. This bill reduces all tax rebates and is estimated to generate $4.5 million. • A vote FOR final

passage was a vote with LSU SG. The bill passed the Senate 32-6-1 and passed the House 65-38-2.

HB 704 Thierry— Film Tax Credit Cap —4. This bill establishes an annual

cap on the amount of motion picture investor tax credits that can be certified annually and is estimated to generate $50 million. • A vote FOR final passage was a vote with LSU SG. The bill was

never brought to a vote. HB 719 Jackson— Go Grants Fund —3. This bill limits eligibility for

incentives available through the enterprise zone program and establishes a dedication of savings associated therewith for deposit into the Go Grants Fund. It is estimated to generate $1 million. • A vote FOR final passage was a vote with LSU SG. The bill was

never brought to a vote.

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HB 775 Stokes— Corporate Income Tax. This bill provides for methods of determining income subject to the corporation income tax. • A vote FOR final passage was a vote with LSU SG. The bill was

never brought to a vote.

HB 779 Ponti— Solar Tax Credit —3. This bill reduces the $68 million solar tax credit program by $34 million and is estimated to generate $19 million. • A vote FOR final passage was a vote with LSU SG. The bill

passed the Senate 34-5-0 and passed the House 90-13-2.

HB 805 Adams— Inventory Tax —5. This bill reduces the tax credits that companies claim on their state taxes when they pay the inventory tax to local government. It is estimated to generate $118 million. • A vote FOR final passage was a vote with LSU SG. The bill

passed the Senate 30-9-0 and passed the House 58-42-5. HB 817 Broadwater— Solar Tax Credit —3. This bill reduces the solar tax

credit program and is estimated to generate $5 million. • A vote FOR final passage was a vote with LSU SG. The bill was

never brought to a vote. HB 829 Robideaux— Film Industry Tax Subsidy —4. This bill caps the tax

subsidy for movies and TV shows filmed in the state at $200 million. Attempts to lower the credit to $150 million failed. It is still estimated to generate $118 million. • A vote FOR final passage was a vote with LSU SG. The bill

passed the Senate 32-5-2 and passed the House 102-2-1. HCR 8 Montoucet— One-cent Business Sales Tax —5. This bill reinstitutes

a 1-cent sales tax that businesses and utilities had previously been exempted and is estimated to generate $100 million. • A vote FOR final passage was a vote with LSU SG. The bill

passed the Senate 28-7-4 and passed the House 60-42-3.

SB 85 Adley— Inventory Tax. This bill repeals the inventory tax and is estimated to generate $500 million. • A vote FOR final passage was a vote with LSU SG. The bill was

never brought to a vote.

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SB 177 Adley— Tax Credit Reduction Fund. This bill creates a

constitutional amendment to add certain property tax exemptions and reduction with them; to dedicate the net state revenue increase to a Tax Credit Reduction Fund and provided for allocations from the fund; and to provide for appropriations to local tax authorities. • A vote FOR final passage was a vote with LSU SG. The bill was

never brought to a vote.

Tuition & Fee Autonomy Legislation HB 61 Carmody—

Constitutional Tuition and Fee —3. This bill creates a constitutional amendment to allow tuition and fee control for management boards. • A vote FOR final

passage was a vote with LSU SG. The bill passed the Senate 34-5-0 and passed the House 92-1-12; however, it never escaped a Conference Committee

HB 62 Foil— Constitutional Fee —2. This bill creates a constitutional

amendment to allow fee control for management boards. • A vote FOR final passage was a vote with LSU SG. The bill

passed the House 76-21-8 but was never brought to a vote in Senate.

HB 66 Carmody— Statutory Tuition and Fee —3. This bill allows for

statutory tuition and fee control for the institutions. • A vote FOR final passage was a vote with LSU SG. The bill failed

in the House 45-57-3. HB 152 Broadwater— Statutory Tuition and Fee —3. This bill allows for

tuition and fee control for management boards.

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• A vote FOR final passage was a vote with LSU SG. The bill passed the Senate 34-0-5 and passed the House 80-14-11.

HB 168 Carter— Graduate Tuition Autonomy —1. This bill allows for

statutory tuition and fee control over graduate and professional programs. • A vote FOR final passage was a vote with LSU SG. The bill

passed the House 80-17-8 but was never brought to a vote in Senate.

HB 323 Leger— Autonomy with Protection —4. This bill creates a constitutional amendment to allow for tuition and fee control contingent on state funding protection for higher education. • A vote FOR final passage was a vote with LSU SG. The bill

passed the House 100-0-5 but was never brought to a vote in Senate.

SB 155 Donahue— Constitutional Tuition and Fee —3. This bill a constitutional amendment to allow for tuition and fee control contingent on SB 48 which uncouples TOPS from the value of tuition • A vote FOR final passage was a vote with LSU SG. The bill

passed the Senate 33-4-2 and failed the House 49-50-6.

Other Autonomy Legislation HB 766 Adams— Business-like Autonomies —4. This bill amends the grad

act to allow for business-like flexibilities for universities. • A vote FOR final passage was a vote with LSU SG. The bill

passed the Senate 38-0-1 and passed the House 86-8-11.

SB 285 Adley— Fair Share Retirement —5. This bill ends the subsidy higher education is paying to others’ pension liability. According to the actuary, higher education could have saved more than $80 million annually if liability were appropriately portioned. • An amendment in Senate Finance Committee altering the mission

of the bill prevented there from ever being a vote.

Other Legislation

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HB 60 Carmody— Management Boards —3. This bill proposed the consolidation of multiple university system management boards into a single higher education board. • A vote AGAINST final

passage was a vote with LSU SG. The bill was never brought to a vote.

HB 549 Thibaut— Severance Tax Exemptions —1. This bill decreases the amount of severance tax exemptions by basing the exemption on the price of natural gas and oil • A vote FOR final passage was a vote with LSU SG. The bill

passed the Senate 39-0-0 and passed the House 75-28-2.

SB 48 Donahue— TOPS Uncoupling —3. This bill is a TOPS-related instrument designed to sustain the program for future generations by uncoupling TOPS from tuition. • A vote FOR final passage was a vote with LSU SG. The bill

passed the Senate 27-9-3 and passed the House 65-33-7.

SB 132 Nevers— Veterans Credits —3. This bill facilitates the transfer of college credits for Veterans • A vote FOR final passage was a vote with LSU SG. The bill

passed the Senate 38-0-1 and passed the House 94-0-11.

SB 247 Smith— In-state Tuition for Veterans —2. This bill approves

providing in-state tuition for non-resident veterans conforms state law to federal law. • A vote FOR final passage was a vote with LSU SG. The bill

passed the Senate 37-0-2 but was never brought to vote in the House.

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SB 284 Donahue— SAVE Credit Program —3. This bill establishes the Student Assessment for a Valuable Education (SAVE) Credit Program • A vote FOR final passage was a vote with LSU SG. The bill

passed the Senate 29-10-0 but was involuntarily deferred in the House committee.

SB 93 Adley— SAVE Credit Program —3. This bill acted as a vehicle for

establishing the Student Assessment for a Valuable Education (SAVE) Credit Program and guaranteeing the passage of the budget. • A vote FOR final passage was a vote with LSU SG. The bill

passed the Senate 33-0-6 and passed the House 59-44-2.

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Legislative Report Card 

Senator  2015 Score  2015 Grade 

Sen. Robert Adley  103.3%  A 

Sen. John Alario  100.0%  A 

Sen. Bret Allain  92.2%  A 

Sen. Jody Amedee  60.0%  D 

Sen. Conrad Appel  90.0%  A 

Sen. Sharon Broome  100.0%  A 

Sen. Troy Brown  91.1%  A 

Sen. Sherri Buffington  93.3%  A 

Sen. Norby Chabert  100.0%  A 

Sen. Dan Claitor  91.1%  A 

Sen. Page Cortez  77.8%  C 

Sen. A.G. Crowe  61.1%  D 

Sen. Jack Donahue  101.1%   ASen. Yvonne Dorsey‐

Colomb 86.7%  B 

Sen. Dale Erdey  81.1%  B 

Sen. Rick Gallot  100.0%   A

Sen. Elbert Guillory  64.4%  D 


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     Senator  2015 Score  2015 Grade 

Sen. David Heitmeier  88.9%  B 

Sen. Ronnie Johns  100.0%  A 

Sen. Bob Kostelka  100.0%  A 

Sen. Eric LaFleur  77.8%  C 

Sen. Gerald Long  95.6%  A 

Sen. Danny Martiny  100.0%  A 

Sen. T‐Fred Mills  81.1%  B 

Sen. J.P. Morrell  84.4%  B 

Sen. Blade Morrish  100.0%   A

Sen. Edwin Murray  82.2%  B 

Sen. Ben Nevers  62.2%  D 

Sen. Barrow Peacock  100.0%   A

Sen. J.P. Perry  70.0%  C 

Sen. Karen Peterson  51.1%  F 

Sen. Neil Riser  86.7%  B 

Sen. Gary Smith  68.9%  D 

Sen. John Smith  63.3%  D 

Sen. Gregory Tarver  87.8%  B 

Sen. Francis Thompson  91.1%   A

Sen. Mike Walsworth  91.1%   A

Sen. Rick Ward  83.3%  B 

Sen. Bodi White  100.0%   A

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Representative  2015 Score  2015 Grade 

Rep. Neil Abramson  51.5%  F 

Rep. Bryan Adams  97.0%   A

Rep. Andy Anders  86.9%  B 

Rep. Jim Armes  80.8%  B 

Rep. Jeff Arnold  93.9%   A

Rep. Austin Badon  76.8%  C 

Rep. Taylor Barras  60.6%  D 

Rep. Regina Barrow  63.6%  D 

Rep. Johnny Berthelot  96.0%   A

Rep. Robert Billiot  84.8%  B 

Rep. Stuart Bishop  81.8%  B 

Rep. Wesley Bishop  72.7%  C 

Rep. Joseph Bouie  60.6%  D 

Rep. Chris Broadwater  103.0%   A

Rep. Terry Brown  75.8%  C 

Rep. Richie Burford  63.6%  D 

Rep. Henry Burns  86.9%  B 

Rep. Tim Burns  70.7%  C 

Rep. Roy Burrell  90.9%  A 

Rep. Thomas Carmody  97.0%  A 

Rep. Steve Carter  97.0%  A 

Representative  2015 Score  2015 Grade 

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Representative  2015 Score  2015 Grade 

Rep. Bubba Chaney  92.9%  A 

Rep. Patrick Connick  85.9%  B 

Rep. Kenny Cox  81.8%  B 

Rep. Greg Cromer  69.7%  D 

Rep. Mike Danahay  73.7%  C 

Rep. Gordon Dove  67.7%  D 

Rep. John Edwards  88.9%  B 

Rep. Jim Fannin  103.0%   A

Rep. Franklin Foil  85.9%  B 

Rep. A.B. Franklin  83.9%  B 

Rep. Randal Gaines  85.9%  B 

Rep. Ray Garofalo  65.7%  D 

Rep. Brett Geymann  30.3%  F 

Rep. Truck Gisclair  69.7%  D 

Rep. Mickey Guillory  61.6%  D 

Rep. Johnny Guinn  50.5%  F 

Rep. Jeff Hall  85.9%  B 

Rep. Lance Harris  88.9%  B 

Rep. Joe Harrison  76.8%  C 

Rep. Kenny Havard  60.6%  D 

Rep. Chris Hazel  75.8%  C 

Rep. Cameron Henry  62.6%  D 

Rep. Bob Hensgens  36.4%  F 

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Representative  2015 Score  2015 Grade 

Rep. Dorothy Hill  45.4%  F 

Rep. Valarie Hodges  49.5%  F 

Rep. Frank Hoffmann  92.9%   A

Rep. Paul Hollis  67.7%  D 

Rep. Dalton Honore  92.9%   A

Rep. Frank Howard  59.6%  F 

Rep. Marcus Hunter  60.6%  D 

Rep. Pete Huval  62.6%  D 

Rep. Barry Ivey  67.7%  D 

Rep. Katrina Jackson  75.8%  C 

Rep. Ted James  87.9%  B 

Rep. Patrick Jefferson  94.9%  A 

Rep. Mike Johnson  62.6%  F 

Rep. Robert Johnson  35.4%  F 

Rep. Sam Jones  44.4%  F 

Rep. Chuck Kleckley  91.9%   A

Rep. Eddie Lambert  68.7%  D 

Rep. Nancy Landry  82.8%  B 

Rep. Terry Landry  65.7%  D 

Rep. Harvey LeBas  76.8%  C 

Rep. Walt Leger  100.0%  A 

Rep. Chris Leopold  77.8%  C 

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2015 Score 


2015 Grade 

Rep. Joe Lopinto  59.6%  F 

Rep. Nick Lorusso  85.9%  B 

Rep. Sherman Mack  54.5%  F 

Rep. Blake Miguez  66.7%  D 

Rep. Greg Miller  71.7%  C 

Rep. Jack Montoucet  89.9%  B 

Rep. Helena Moreno  83.8%  B 

Rep. Jim Morris  78.8%  C 

Rep. Jay Morris  30.3%  F 

Rep. Barbara Norton  63.6%  D 

Rep. Stephen Ortego  43.4%  F 

Rep. Darrell Ourso  92.9%   A

Rep. Kevin Pearson  55.6%  F 

Rep. Vince Pierre  82.8%  B 

Rep. Erich Ponti  96.0%   A

Rep. J. Rogers Pope  36.4%  F 

Rep. Ed Price  86.9%  B 

Rep. Steve Pugh  92.9%   A

Rep. Steve Pylant  75.8%  C 

Rep. Gene Reynolds  73.7%  C 

Rep. Dee Richard  35.4%  F 

Rep. Harold Ritchie  88.9%  B 

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Representative  2015 Score  2015 Grade 

Rep. Joel Robideaux  97.0%   A

Rep. Clay Schexnayder  89.9%  B 

Rep. John Schroder  82.8%  B 

Rep. Alan Seabaugh  59.6%  F 

Rep. Rob Shadoin  97.0%   A

Rep. Scott Simon  63.6%  D 

Rep. Patricia Smith  84.8%  B 

Rep. Karen St. Germain  90.9%   A

Rep. Julie Stokes  76.8%  C 

Rep. Kirk Talbot  72.7%  C 

Rep. Major Thibaut  78.8%  C 

Rep. Ledricka Thierry  89.9%  B 

Rep. Lenar Whitney  56.6%  F 

Rep. Alfred Williams  73.7%  C 

Rep. Patrick Williams  61.6%  D 

Rep. Tom Willmott  47.5%  F 

Rep. Ebony Woodruff  88.9%  B 

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By the Numbers 

2015 Chamber Grade Distribution 



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2015 LSU Higher Education Grades by Chamber 



2015 Overall Grade Distribution