
Photos by Carlos Moreno

Louis & Anne Boehm Small Group

Carolyn & John Crumley Small Group

Brady & Bridget Cantrell Small Group

Rodrigo & Angie Gonzalez Small Group

Jason & Molly Jonas Small Group

Mike & Linda Lancaster Small Group

Kelly Williams & Patti Burton Small Group Kim & Len Danaher Small Group


Congratulations to

our parish youth who received the

Sacrament of Confirmation on April 30!

Max Almaguer Carmella Bailey

Daniel Baker Emily Barosela Beverly Barrera

Mike Barrera Ethan Beitzinger

Austin Berens Jackie Bertoncin

Domenick Bisacca Brieann Bowes

Andrew Bradshaw Lauren Buchanan

Gresha Burton Colleen Byrne

Luke Byrne Vinny Campo

Madeline Cantrell Luis Cardoza

Andrea Cardoza-Uribe Nicholas Carollo

Joe Carr Maria Chavez Thomas Clapp Molly Condon Evan Danaher

Devin DeRousse Brady Doyle Jenna Drake

Diana Duarte Jade Echeverry

Natalie Eisenmenger Jonathan Ferrara Audrey Fleschute Sophia Frustaci Alex Gallagher

Michael Godfrey Braden Grindstaff

Brandon Hardy Wyatt Hartenstein Benjamin Haukap Xitlalli Hernandez Kaylee Herrman

Cara Hiatt Ainsley Hoover Bella Hughes Aidan Jonas Jon Jonas

Travis Jones Kyleigh Kennedy

Jack Kenney Augustina Kish

Aidan Kleinsasser Aidan Lake

Nathan Luke Allison Makovec

Sam Makovec Clayton Marsh Keith Marshall Yahir Mancera

Favian Mendoza Clare Murphy

Maxwell Myers Jacob Naumann Lucy O’Connor

Deyaneira Orozco Erick Orozco

Giovanni Orozco Michael Pace

Rodolfo Saucedo Clare Scheier

Victoria Scheuer Noah Schmitz Kylie Schuster

Katherine Spallo Sophia Spallo John Stribling Jackson Studer Anna Switzer

Joseph Tartaglia Joseph Thomas Andrew Vance Jacob Vance Agnesa Vilott

Brooke Walker Eric Warnecke

Jackson Washeck Rachel Weaver Riley Weaver

Megan Williams

Monday, May 14

Eucharistic Adoration, 9am to 8pm, St. Ann Chapel Chair Yoga, 9am Etue Widows Committee Meeting, 10:15am, Etue Uplift Volunteers, 4pm, Offsite Young Missionaries, 6pm, Classroom #123 Boy Scout Meeting, 6:45pm, Yellow House

Tuesday, May 15

Holy Donuts, 9am, Mulligan Bishop Sullivan Center-Troost Kitchen Volunteers, 3:30pm, Offsite Rosary, 5pm, St. Ann Chapel Hispanic Worship of Prayer & Life, 6pm, Yellow House El Salvador Meeting, 6:30pm, CFF Office K of C Ladies Auxiliary, 7pm, Mulligan North

Wednesday, May 16

School Mass, 8:15am, Church Eucharistic Adoration, 9am to 8pm, St. Ann Chapel CFF Catechist In-service, 5:30pm, Etue ECC Pre-K Graduation, 7pm, Church Separated & Divorced Support Group, 6:45pm, Log House Bible Study, 7pm, Cooper

Thursday, May 17

Widows Group Gathering, 11am, Offsite Hispanic Prayer Group, 6pm, Auditorium OLP School 8th Grade Graduation Mass, 6:30pm, Church Choir Practice, 6:30pm, Cooper

Friday, May 18

Eucharistic Adoration, 9am, St. Ann Chapel Hispanic Lectio Divina, 6pm, Etue

Saturday, May 19

Ensemble Practice, 3:30pm, Cooper Rosary, 4pm, St. Ann Chapel Divine Donuts, after Mass, Mulligan

Sunday, May 20

Divine Donuts, after Masses, Mulligan Choir Practice, 8am, Cooper RCIA Inquiry, 8:30am, Etue Third Sunday @Noon Mass, Church Adult Volleyball, 5:30pm, Gym Men’s Scripture Group, 6:30pm, Cooper Men’s Basketball, 8:00pm, Gym

This weekend we celebrate the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord. Since this event in Scr ipture connects closely with Christ’s Resurrection and the Feast of Pentecost, many dioceses now celebrate the Ascension on a Sunday so that more people can take part. The Ascension reminds us that after Jesus appeared to the disciples following his Resurrection, he then was taken up into heaven and took his seat at the right hand of God. Before Jesus ascends, he tells his disciples: Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature. He tells them that signs will accompany the good works they do in his name. These signs remind them that they have protec-tion against evil and harm, as long as they trust in Christ’s presence. While Jesus will no longer be with his disciples in a bodily way, he is still with them as they witness to his love and truth in the world and become his presence for others. We are called to do the same. HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to all the mothers in our community. Our mothers bless us with the gift of life and are called to be a reminder for us of God’s love. We are grateful for the sacrifices our mothers make and the many ways they teach us about love and faith. While we celebrate our mothers in a special way this weekend, let us give thanks for them every day through our love and prayers. Below is a Mother’s Day blessing: Good and Gentle God, we pray in gratitude for our moth-ers, for all the women who have joined with you in the wonder of bringing forth new life, and for all those women who have loved and shaped us through their motherly care and compassion. Grant to all mothers the courage they need to face the uncertain future that life with children always brings. Give them the strength to live and to be loved in return, not perfectly, but humanly. Give them the faithful support of family and friends as they care for the physical and spiritual growth of their children. Give them joy and delight in their children to sustain them through the trials of motherhood. Most of all, give them the wisdom to turn to you for help when they need it most. Amen. Congratulations to all the graduates in our commu-nity. Many schools will be holding graduations in the coming weeks. The 8th graders from Presentation graduate this Thursday, May 17 and our Pre-K children graduate this Wednesday, May 16. We are proud of all their accom-plishments. Please keep all our graduates in your prayers. Next weekend we will bring the Easter season to a close with the Feast of Pentecost. This feast reminds us of the powerful gift of the Holy Spirit shared with each of us. The liturgical color for this feast is red. We invite you to WEAR RED clothing to Mass next weekend. Many Blessings!


Fr. Tom!

May 19

Monday, May 14 8:15am, Special Intention for Greg & Mary Yates Families Tuesday, May 15 8:15am, Brian Coglan by Mary Zubeck Wednesday, May 16 8:15am, John B. Morgan by Mary A. Morgan Thursday, May 17 8:15am, Peter Long Sr. by the Long Family Friday, May 18 8:15am, Rosemarie St. Germain by Family Saturday, May 19 4:30pm, Ron McColpin by Steve & Charlene White Sunday, May 20 7:00am, Josephine Bautista by the Viola Family 8:30am, Jennie Greenwell by the Greenwell Family 10:00am, Cara Haddad by Margaret Maassen 12:00pm, Mary Ketteler by Perkins & Burns Families 5:00pm (Spanish), People of Presentation

To add or remove a name from the bulletin prayer list, contact the Pastoral Care Office, 251-1102.

To request daily prayer, call Darlene, Prayer Chain

Coordinator, 994-0256.

Louis Bosso Susan Cary

Rita Flanders Bill Foster

Chip Hennequin Jim Hennessey

Austin Hill Shirley Hirning Diana Kennedy

Jackson Kozisek

Norma Kozisek Phillip Kozisek

Carrie Landtiser Frances LePage

Todd Long Avery Meyer

Mary Ann Morie Lukas Nedelco John Palmer Chad Shaffer

John Sidoti Howard Stayton Bernie Stockman

Denise Stoll Cathy Thiel

Blake Tompkins Cindy Tompkins

Karen Ventimiglia

4:30PM 7:00AM 8:30AM 10:00AM 12:00PM

Skip Axtell Rick Brown Anna Brown Ryan Gibson Rexanne Hill Ann Hoffman Jim Hogan Regina Hogan Pam Jameson Carol Jones Tyler Morehead

Frank Bailey Missy Evard Sue Jacobi Jack Morasch Shane Stufflebean

Mike Chamberlain Colleen Daugherty Steve Graboski Jack Lintz Todd McFarland Chad Morehead Brigid Oberkrom Arlene Owens Ann Pye Jon Pye Tom Wankum

Leonard Boerger Beth Boerger Phil LePage Rose Marie McColpin Mary Lou Meyer Helen Meysenburg Jerry Mook Christy Myers Dennis O'Hagan Janet O'Hagan Randy Rotert

Len Danaher Sean Danaher Linda Lancaster Maggie Miller Michael Miller Janet Sanchez Mike Sanchez Mary Jane Stiens Beth Tilling Roger Tilling Anita Tucker

MaryJo Axtell John Tyler

Dick Murray Jo Engert

Mary Bachkora Robin Wankum

Russ Melchert Nathan Rotert

John A. Joyce Grace Wheeler

Patty Denny Pat Sharbel Sherri Staub Margaret Winkeler Paul Winkeler Rosemary Yeater

JoAnn Cook Jerry Jankowski Marge Jankowski Pat Plante Janice Shuck Tom Wankum

Judy Gibson Wes Gibson Briann McDowell Myda Simonin

Youth (6) Melanie Sydnor

Sam T. (S) Cameron C. Elena C.

Reed E. (S) Leo M.

Henry M. (S) Madeline C. Marshall H.

Alex S. (S) Nicholas E. Garrett S.

Jack W. (S) Jamie D. Robby G.

5:00PM (Spanish)

Padre Salvador M. Elena M. Alejandra John J. Juan Saucedo

Rudy Gerardo

Lorenzo V. Olga V. Sandra Rosa G.

America Margarita Isabel Ayelen

LITURGICAL MINISTERS: Pentecost Sunday - May 19-20 2018















e D



Please remember in prayer the family of

Ronald Beretta, May 2, brother of Phil (Mary) Beretta

Mary Ragsdale, May 2 Beverly Tye, May 3

Stella Rose Courtney Parents: Kyle & Laura Courtney

STEWARDSHIP Jesus’ commandment is that His disciples love one another, even to the point of laying down their lives, if necessary.What gifts of myself — my skills and talents, my time and resources — will best demonstrate my love for God’s people? - Stewardship By The Book

Stewardship Giving 4/30/18 - 5/6/18

Envelopes: $30,926 Online Giving: $11,493 Plate: $ 1,307 Future Projects: $ 5,078


Maintenance Coordinator

Presentation Parish is seeking a person to perform maintenance and upkeep of parish and school build-ings including mechanical, plumbing and electrical systems and grounds. Oversees part-time mainte-nance and seasonal grounds employees and outside contractors. Candidate will personally perform many maintenance functions including preventive mainte-nance, rectify safety issues, paint, and some snow removal. Applicants need to be self-starters, have a good understanding of general maintenance practic-es, able to walk/stand throughout the day, able to lift over 50 pounds, and understand and follow safety requirements. This is a full-time hourly, non-exempt position, Monday through Friday, with occasional evenings and weekend work. Interested applicants should contact Carolyn Christian via e-mail [email protected] or call 251-1100.

Planning Study Update

Our Lady of the Presentation offers an “Online Giving” option for parishioners. This is an easy, safe and secure

way to make contributions online and to update your contact information.

To Register: ► Go to the parish website, ► Click “Online Giving” button at the top right ► Click Online Giving Link to complete registration form

For assistance in using the updated Online Giving portal, contact Carolyn or Karen, 251-1100.

Dear Parishioners, As I have mentioned previously, there were many written comments from parishioners included in the survey and interview responses during our Planning Study. A few people mentioned the need to make sure the parish does not go into too much debt if we are to embark on the proposed projects. As debt has been an issue in the past, we would certainly want to have a prudent plan for the repayment of any debt that would be incurred. Through the generous financial stewardship of our parishioners, our parish has been debt free for about the past four years. During this time, we have been able to complete several needed projects through contributions to the Future Projects Fund. We have paid for these projects as they happened, without any debt. Over the past four years, we have also been able to build our reserves on deposit with the diocese to around $600,000. While this is not a huge amount for a parish our size, it does give us a safety net especially as we look at some larger capital improvements. All of this puts us in a good place to address needs and plan for the future. Also, the diocese does have requirements before money will be loaned to begin any construction projects. A parish must have cash savings on deposit plus Capital Campaign pledges that total at least 70% of the project cost. And the diocese will grant loans for no more than 50% of the project cost. These requirements help insure that a proper plan is in place. Please continue to pray for our parish as we decide on next steps. Many Blessings, Fr. Tom

Heart & Sole Volunteers Needed

Volunteers are needed to help with distribution of shoes to school children on

Wednesday, May 16 and Thursday, May 17. Morning and afternoon shifts available.

If you can help, please contact Chanelle Zak at Bishop Sullivan Center, 816-231-0984.




Thank you to all our wonderful Catechists in Sunday School and on Wednesday night who shared their faith, made little hearts feel full and create a hunger

for learning!

Thank you to those who hosted our Hospitality Room, and provided delicious treats

throughout the year for all to enjoy!

Thank you to our parents, who are the Primary Educators, for living faith-filled lives and for

supporting all we do! We couldn’t do it without YOU!

Vacation Bible School Registration

May 19 and 20

June 18-22, 2018 9:00am –Noon

For ages 4 years through

completed 4th grade

Mission Trip 2018 Team Meeting Dates

Wed. June 6, 4:30pm Serve at Senior Saints Picnic

Wed. June 6, 6:30pm MT Team Meeting

June 27, 7:00pm Final meeting before trip

July 6—15, 2018

“Be imitators of God and walk in love, as Christ loved us…” Ephesians 5: 1-2




Thirteen 7th Grade students recently took part in special tes ng through Duke University as part of its Talent Iden fica on Program. Of these students, 11 took the ACT and two took the SAT. Five of these test-takers qualified for State Recogni on, two quali-fied for Grand Recogni on, 11 qualified for eStudies Summer educa onal programs, and seven qualified for addi onal Summer educa onal opportuni-

es. Congrats to Jalyn, Leah, Cameron, Claire, Isabella, Charlie, Mary Ann, Joseph, Alex, Lauren, Kate, Gage and Caden!



Daily Mass Readings Sunday, May 13 THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD Acts 1:1-11/Eph 1:17-23 or Eph 4:1-13/ Mk 16:15-20 Monday, May 14 Saint Matthias, Apostle Acts 1:15-17, 20-26/Jn 15:9-17 Tuesday, May 15 Acts 20:17-27/Jn 17:1-11a

Wednesday, May 16 Acts 20:28-38/Jn 17:11b-19 Thursday, May 10 Acts 18:1-8/Jn 16:16-20 Friday, May 11 Acts 18:9-18/Jn 16:20-23 Saturday, May 12 Acts 18:23-28/Jn 16:23b-28

Did you know that you can read the full text of Daily Readings on your Apple or Android phone with myParishApp? Download and enter 64081 to find Our Lady of the Presentation’s App.


Bishop James Johnston will celebrate the Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on Sunday, June 10 at 2:00 p.m. Each couple will receive a card and gift. Immediately following the Mass, there will be a dessert reception in the Cardinal Baum Room at the Catholic Center (9th & Baltimore). The event is for couples and their immediate families. The celebration includes couples whose 50th Wedding Anniversary falls between January 1 and December 31, 2018. Please call the Parish Of ice, 251-1100, to RSVP before May 28.

There is a need for more parishioners to commit to one hour a week in prayer through

Eucharistic Adoration. Each of us have the same number of hours

in the day. Often times we run from one commitment to another without reflecting on our relationship with God. There is no right or wrong

way to spend time in front of the Eucharist. The most important thing is that you have taken

an hour of your time and offered it as a gift to God.

ADORATION HOURS Monday, Wednesday & Friday

9am to 8pm in the St. Ann Chapel

To sign up for a specific time, contact Roger or Beth Tilling, 524-8572,

[email protected] or Jane Krawczyk, [email protected]

Mass & Anointing May 15 Mass & Anointing will be offered Tuesday, May 15 at 10:00 a.m. at Wilshire-Lakewood. All are welcome.

Summer Chair Yoga Begins June 4 Beat the heat this summer by relaxing and stretching at Chair Yoga on Mondays, 9:00 a.m. in the Etue Room. The summer session runs June 4 through August 27. Cost is $36 for 13 classes. Try a class for free on May 14 or 21.



La Ascensión de Jesús al Cielo Naturaleza misionera de la Iglesia

Queridos hermanos y hermanas, hoy estamos celebrando la ascensión de Jesús al cielo, con esta solemnidad termina el período de cuarenta días, que separan el momento de la Resurrección de nuestro Señor Jesucristo de su Ascensión. Este es también el momento de la separación definitiva del Maestro de sus Apóstoles y de los discípulos. Jesucristo puede irse tranquilo. La Ascensión no es ningún momento dramático ni para Jesús ni para los discípulos. La Ascensión es la despedida de un fundador, que deja a sus hijos la tarea de continuar su obra, pero no deján-dolos abandonados a su suerte, sino siguiendo paso a paso las vicisitudes de su fundación en el mundo mediante su Espíritu. Cristo puede irse tranquilo, porque se han cumpli-do las Escrituras sobre él, y los discípulos comienzan a comprenderlo. Cristo puede irse tranquilo, no porque sus hombres sean unos héroes, sino porque su Espíritu los acompañará siempre y por doquier en su tarea evangelizadora. Puede irse tranquilo Jesucristo, porque los suyos, poseídos por el fuego del Espíritu, proclamarán el Evangelio de Dios, que es Jesucristo, a todos los pueblos, generación tras generación, hasta el confín de la tierra y hasta el fin de los tiempos La ascensión es un momento tan importante en el que Cristo les confía la misión que Él mismo ha recibido del Padre y ha comenzado en la tierra: “Como me envió mi Padre, así os envío yo” (Jn 20, 21), les dijo durante el primer encuentro después de la resurrección. En este momento se encuentra en Galilea, según lo que escribe san Marcos:” Los once discípulos se fueron a Galilea, al monte que Jesús les había indicado, y viéndole, se postraron, aunque algunos vacilaron, y, acercándose Jesús, les dijo: ‘Me ha sido dado todo poder en el cielo y en la tierra; id, pues; enseñad a todas las gentes, bautizándolas en el nombre del Padre y del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo, enseñándoles a observar cuanto yo os he mandado. Yo estaré con vosotros siempre hasta la consumación del mundo'” (Mt 28, 16-20). Las palabras citadas contienen el así llamado mandato misionero. Los deberes que Cristo transmite a los Apóstoles definen al mismo tiempo la naturale-za misionera de la Iglesia. Esta verdad ha encontrado su expresión particularmente plena en la enseñanza del Concilio Vaticano II: “La Iglesia peregrinante es,

por naturaleza, misionera, puesto que toma su origen de la misión del Hijo y de la misión del Espíritu San-to, según el propósito de Dios Padre” (Ad gentes, 2). La Iglesia nacida de esta misión salvífica, se encuen-tra siempre “in statu missionis: en estado de misión”, y está siempre en camino. Esta condición refleja las fuerzas interiores de la fe y de la esperanza que animan a los Apóstoles, a los discípulos y a los confesores de Cristo Señor durante todos los siglos. En la Iglesia, donde cada uno de los fieles es un evangelizador, Cristo continúa eligiendo a los hombres que quiere “para que le acompañen y para enviarlos a predicar a las gentes” (Ad gentes, 23): de este modo la narración del envío de los Apóstoles se hace historia de la Iglesia desde la primera a la última hora.

¡Muchas Bendiciones!

Grupos de la Parroquia:

Lunes: Infancia Misionera, 6pm

Martes: Talleras de Oración y Vida, 6-8pm

Jueves: Grupo de Oración, 6-8pm

Presentation Parish partners with the following agencies through various service projects during the year:


Meet at the Parish Office by 3:30 p.m. or meet at Bishop Sullivan Center Troost Kitchen by 4:00 p.m. Serve an already prepared meal to the homeless and working poor, help with clean up and return to Presentation by 7:00 p.m. Carpooling preferred due to limited parking. Volunteer minimum age is 12. Sign up in advance by contacting Christy Gruenbaum, 251-1107 or e-mail [email protected].

Help serve the homeless and

working poor on behalf of our parish “For I was hungry and you

gave me food…” Matthew 25:35

Tuesday, May 15 OPEN Need 6 volunteers Thursday, June 7 OPEN Need 4 volunteers Tuesday, June 19 OPEN Need 8 volunteers Thursday, July 5 OPEN Need 10 volunteers


Volunteers meet at Presentation at 4:00 p.m., carpool to the Uplift Warehouse at 16th & Prospect in KCMO, help load trucks, serve the homeless near their “camps”, unload, restock bins and clean up. Approximate time: 4:30 to 10:30 p.m. Volunteers should be 15 and older. To volunteer contact Christy Gruenbaum, 251-1107 or e-mail [email protected].

Monday, May 14 OPEN Need 2 volunteers Monday, June 11 HOLD Need 6 Young Adult Ministry Monday, July 9 OPEN Need 8 volunteers Monday, August 13 OPEN Need 8 volunteers

Share your gift of time & compassion with the homeless

Plan now with your friends or family to SERVE THIS SUMMER!

The service projects of our Scholarship and Formation Students are oriented towards toward building strong communities from childhood in an effort to prevent gang

violence. Here are pictures of our students working on the community Library Project.


Our Lady of the Presentation School would like to thank our Panther Partners for their generosity and support throughout our school year. Panther Partners provides an avenue for businesses, families and friends to donate to our school during the school year and receive recognition and marketing opportunities at our fundraising events, in the Lee’s Summit community and on our school grounds. These donations help our school provide advancements in technology, update textbooks, improve security, fund our Parent Teacher Organization, add new books in our library, purchase licensing for Advanced Reading and Math programs, and supplement teacher programs used in the classrooms. OLP also implemented the “I Am Noticed Program” and the TIPS reporting program this year.

Because of you, we are able to provide a quality education, rooted in our Catholic faith, with dedicated staff striving to meet the individual learning needs of all students. 480 students are able to learn in our National Blue Ribbon fully accredited school and consistently score well above the national and local averages on standardized tests. Annually, OLP students perform over 10,000 service hours in the school, parish and community. Our school’s commitment to service and giving of our gifts is evident in the money we donated to LS Social Services and Operation Breakthrough from Turkey Trot proceeds, reading to our ECC buddies, visiting John Knox Memory Care Unit & Little Sisters of the Poor and playing with the children at Operation Breakthrough. Through these activities we are instilling an attitude of service in our students and a commitment to give of our time and talent.

This past year our nationally recognized Blue Ribbon School was named in the KC Business Journal Top 25 Private Schools. For the fourth time, OLP was awarded the FIRE BALL Cup for supporting inclusive Catholic education in our school. We are honored to have received these recognitions for our efforts but are also very proud of the small successes and dedication of our staff that happens on a daily basis.

If you would like more information about how to become a Panther Partner visit our school website or email [email protected]

Our Lady of the Presentation Catholic School

150 NW Murray Road - Lee’s Summit, MO 64081 - 816-251-1150 -

Blackwell, Nill & Francois OrthodonticsDynamic Displays LLCKCHelpDeskSpencer & Spencer Pediatric DentistryHearing and Balance Specialists of KCMC Power CompaniesLamar AdvertisingLegacy TouchMillennium International Quick Clean Car WashRaintree Family Dental CareSummit Grill & BarThermal King WindowsTPC Interiors Inc.University Park EndodonticsCarson & Coil Attorneys At LawDick’s Sporting GoodsHy-Vee Ward Road

McElligott Ewan & Hall Attorneys At LawMechanical Breakdown Protection, Inc.The Reddig FamilyThe Bushyhead FamilyColumbia Windows and DoorsGreat Southern BankHoly Spirit Catholic ChurchKissick Construction CoKnights of Columbus Council #6819Master DataMeiners CompaniesMoonTeesOwen LumberSandy Braun PhotographyShamrock Hills Golf ClubShelter Insurance – Nick RamirezSmoke Brewing Company

St. Margaret’s ParishSt. Michael the Archangel Catholic High SchoolUnity VillageWeatherguard RoofingAndrea Latterell PhotographyArvest BankBailey ConstructionCommunity America Credit UnionDave Cross MotorsKnapp Physical TherapyMcDonald’s of Lee’s SummitMichelle’s Helping Hands LLCStrothertowne Pet HospitalSummit Modern DentistryThe Van Noy Real Estate GroupWines for HumanityNadler’s Meats

Thank you to all of our 2017-2018 Panther Partners for their generous support!

Visit our school website for a complete list of all of our Panther Partners!

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CATHOLIC CEMETERIESCall Mike RagsdaleFamily Service Counselor

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[email protected]

Our Lady of the Presentation Parish Office 130 NW Murray Road, Lee’s Summit, MO 64081

816-251-1100 • Fax: 816-251-1199 WWW.OLPLS.ORG

Office Hours: 8:15am to 4:45pm, Monday-Friday

MASS SCHEDULE: Weekday Mass: 8:15am (Monday - Friday)

Weekend - Saturday: 4:30pm Sunday: 7:00, 8:30 & 10:00am, 12pm & 5:00pm (Spanish)

RECONCILIATION: Saturdays: 3:30 - 4:15 p.m. & Sundays: 4:15 - 4:45 p.m.

or by appointment.

Rev. Thomas Holder, Pastor E-mail: [email protected]

Rev. Olvin Giron, Associate Pastor E-mail: [email protected]

Rev. Mr. Keith Hoffman, Deacon E-mail: [email protected]

Rev. Mr. Mike Peterson, Deacon

Vision Statement: Our Lady of the Presentation is a vibrant, Eucharist-centered community offering all Catholics participation in sacraments,

social action and Christian education.

Mission Statement: To share our gifts by providing opportunities for spiritual growth in

worship, service, education and community activities, is our mission.


David Armstrong, Director of Liturgy & Music, 251-1110 E-mail: [email protected] Jodi Briggs, Principal of OLP School, 251-1150 E-mail: [email protected] Carolyn Christianson, Parish Administrator, 251-1108 E-mail: [email protected] Jo Engert, Director of Children’s Faith Formation, 251-1135 E-mail: [email protected] CFF Assistant: Diana Hennessey, 251-1146 E-mail: [email protected] Sunday School Coordinator: Diana Hennessey, 251-1146 E-mail: [email protected] Christy Gruenbaum, Director of Youth Ministry, 251-1107 E-mail: [email protected] Youth Ministry Assistant: Peggy Foster, 251-1103 E-mail: [email protected] Cathy Koob, Director of Early Childhood Center, 251-1140 E-mail: [email protected] Jane Krawczyk, Director of Stewardship, 251-1119 E-mail: [email protected] Esmeralda Lopez, Hispanic Ministry E-mail: [email protected] Lisa McNamara, Receptionist, 251-1100 E-mail: [email protected] Anna Mitchell, Director of Communications, 251-1105 E-mail: [email protected] Bulletin deadline: Fridays - one week prior to issue date Marilyn Schmidt, Director of Pastoral Care, 251-1102 E-mail: [email protected] Pastoral Care Assistant: Lori Doran, 251-1134 E-mail: [email protected] Mary Schmidt, Office Assistant, 251-1115 E-mail: [email protected] Karen Storck, Finance Coordinator, 251-1109 E-mail: [email protected] Mary Pat Storms, Director of Adult Faith Formation, 251-1113 E-mail: [email protected]

Presentation Parish Pastoral Council: Julie Banderas, Mike Chamberlain, Doug Coleman, Karen Davis, Joe Herrera, Jean Hill, Regina Hogan, Dave Kimminau, Mary Rose Marquart, Russ Melchert, Karen Norton, John Tyler.

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RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION: RCIA involves the prepara-tion of adults and unbaptized children 7 and older for the sacraments of initiation which include Baptism, Communion and Confirmation. To learn more about becoming Catholic and/or RCIA, contact Mary Pat Storms, 251-1113 or [email protected].

BAPTISM: Parents seeking baptism for their child should register with Mary Pat Storms, 251-1113 or [email protected].

CONFIRMATION: Our Confirmation process begins with registration in the fall of the candidate’s freshman or sophomore year. For information, call the Youth Ministry Office, 251-1107.

MARRIAGE: Please contact the Parish Office, 251-1100, nine months prior to your desired wedding date. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: The Sacrament of the Sick is for those who are ill, hospitalized or facing surgery. Call the Pastoral Care Office, 251-1102. Hospitalization: If you or a family member is hospitalized, please notify the Parish Office, 251-1100.


The Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph is committed to combatting sexual abuse in the Church. If you are a victim of sexual abuse, or if you observe or suspect sexual abuse: 1. Call the Missouri Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-392-3738 (if the victim is currently under the age of 18), and 2. Contact your local law enforcement agency or call 911, & 3. After reporting to these civil and law enforcement authorities, report suspected sexual abuse of a minor or vulnerable adult to the Diocesan Ombudsman, Jenifer Valenti, at 816-812-2500 or [email protected], if the abuse involves a priest, deacon, employee or volunteer of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph.

The Diocese has a sincere commitment to providing care and healing resources to victims of sexual abuse and their families. Please contact Victim Advocate, Kathleen Chastain, 816-392-0011 or [email protected] for more information.