Download pdf - Los Chiquiticos de Cuba

  • Los Chiquiticos de CubaDanielle Dinally My family and I were taking a walk down the streets in the province of Matanzas, not far from

    our hotel. While walking on the sidewalk, my Mom and I came across four children; two girls

    and two boys sitting on a ledge in front of a house; chatting so freely amongst each other. I

    couldnt help but smile as I approached them. My smile was like a natural reaction.

    Innocence was immediately written all over them. They did not even hesitate to give a little wave

    to my mom after she greeted each of them with a Hola. My mom does not know much Spanish, but the image of real innocence can cause a reaction out of anyone.

    They were not wearing fashionable clothes to make them look older. They were not inside, with

    their eyes glued to the computer. They were not trying to prove they were smarter than someone

    older than they were. What they were doing was being kids. Just being kids, little ones. This is something that is beginning to fade in places like Canada, where I am from.

    I couldnt resist, I held up my camera for a photo. The four of them huddled together, looking excited. I heard one of the boys mutter something that I did not quite understand, but my guess

    that it was because of his head being turned in the picture.

    As I turned to leave and continued walking, I thought to myself: Those little ones are the

    definition of what being a child is.
